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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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that your credibility and basically, and your sincerity and saying that are too many so, so i do not agree with that at all. we have been very clear that we want to see is real, do everything it can to minimize civilian casualties. make clear that they need to do everything that they need to operate at all times in full compliance with the international humanitarian law. at the same time, we are committed israel's right to self defense and this is a long term commitment to united states has made that it made before october 7th. and that continues to continue since october 7th. so obviously the fight in gaza is connected to israel's long term security and very substantial ways. i've gotten to some of that with, with the response to match question. but israel still faces were on in addition to the security challenge opposed with or in gaza. it's still faces. iran that is hostile to israel. it's still faces, has blood on its northern border that is hostile to israel and says it is committed
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to the destruction of israel. and so we're going to continue to support israel's ability to defend itself against those sworn enemies that want to see it is in as a modern state or a state it off said just to follow the 2000 pound bomb is, is self defensive. it is a, uh uh, so they need to have the ability to defend himself against a very well armed adversary. like i said, a wrong test block, which has thousands and thousands of fighters and quite sophisticated material and quite sophisticated wet. and we re, as we've seen them deployed, excuse me, against israel and the last few days. so yes, they do need the, the, the modern military going through the, using our reserves. and we have made clear to them that when that whatever, whatever weapon they use in god, they'd be a ball beat of tank round anything that we expect them to use those weapons in full compliance with the international humanitarian law. and we've said we have that very frank conversations with them about the fact that there are too many civilians
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have died through their operations and that they need to do better in taking into account the need to minimize civilian harm. it will continue to do that. is just the point um, okay, something requests were done years ago. what happened this time around? suspiciously, very careful not to publicize it. um, usually i do the notifications to congress statements. this time i understand you didn't need to do it because we used to have, but i just think we did notify icons on the policy. so it is no, you do have an arm sales and all that certain publicized. so that's not true with respect to most arms sales around the world. i know people have gotten used to are the tempo of arm sales with respect to ukraine, but that is very, a very different situation than our arms sales to israel or any other country with which we have a security relationship because we stood up from nowhere. right? before and active for, for most of our security relationships,
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we don't publicize our ongoing sales. what we do is we noticed by congress without those sales. and we have done that with respect to the sales for to, to israel. and as we do with respect to sales anywhere in the world do, that's just a last question on the back on the mass. busy busy okay, i understand it's, it's a bit early, but obviously you're not active, was discharged by israel on the consulate, i ran into a mask. so we seem to strike. but again, i wanna, i wanna let these consultations that we have ongoing with partners in the region. take place if we before we can for our accounts come into a for each. definitely. absolutely. that's not what i said either i said, oh, i'm sorry, i thought i was gonna ask you for your yeah. so the mirror kind of kind of that. so that's good. who america did speak to this? i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do,
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and that includes drawing conclusions from it. as a general principle, of course, we are worried about escalation, we are do worried about using that would cost a conflict to, to expand or wind in any way. and one in havana. couple of the best we come back to you. so the room doesn't go into an uproar site and definitely good. thank you my now you said that i'm asked return the she for hospitalization and the 800 fighters and so on. and all these things now is that you are, you're citing the, you read the narrative or you have your own independent, or we don't have our own independent assessment. but you've seen israel produced the names of the names and photographs of knowing how much fighters by who it has killed, how many, i mean individual names and how much private and there's your boss. but i have, i have seen the information they have publicly really signed the site just, but i know you get, let me just the interrupt thing. i'm trying to understand what good thing. so we have seen that release the i don't think there's anyone who has cause to dispute
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that. yes, they have. uh there were there were, i'm off fighters hiding in el cheapo hospital again. now for the 1st. okay. so you are certain that the reason that you had went into the, into a shipment hospital one more time is because from as fighters were there and not hundreds of civilians that have taken refuge. so i think it is a certainly a fair conclusions even what has been their goal since the outset of the can pain to take the fight to i'm off. uh that is exactly what they're doing. do you agree with that? as well as a team that go on and buy it, let me know, and that's why we like the season go back to ship a hospital. okay, so if that is i, i answer that question so much in response map. i think there is a concern that you saw from us back inside hospitals. right. i don't know why. i don't hear more people calling out from us to stop going into hospitals. you shouldn't have to clear from us from a hospital once, but a long twice. but yes, we do have the, the, the concern that hamas has been able to reestablish itself in
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a hospital that is real, had already cleared up points to an ongoing challenge for is really the way it conducts its operations. right? yeah, just bear with me a couple more questions. you know, so what do you think in your opinion, what value is there strategically for a way to buy and all the building destroyed, all the equipment so it will be less x ray machine. and every think in the hospital, i'm not keep it. you know, their height is with the fighters. why must you destroy as they left they were and you know, was no fighting, was it of just to, to burn the buildings and burn the phase and destroy everything. so let me just say why is that? so why is that? ok, let me just say this gets into where i'm off and asked to comment on, on to questions where there are conflicting accounts. and israel is that is not what they did. and we don't have ground truth on, on that question. israel, who said what they tried to do is protect patients and not operate in places when their patients to evacuate people from the hospital and only operate in
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a way that would impact the most fighters that were there, obviously is incredibly difficult situation shouldn't be the tears in a hospital that all, there's always incredibly difficult to operate there and, and us, uh, tv legitimate counterterrorism goal in a way that minimizes harms of, into patients which goes back to the my 1st point which is i'm, i shouldn't be in the hospital at all. well, i shouldn't be, it's 50 is relatively nice. it is concerned, should not be the page, but i went ahead and signed it. every one could conclude, i think including you, isaac, everyone could conclude that i'm, i should not be inside home. i don't think no, i don't think i hope any way that that's not a controversial can. okay. but that's a different issue altogether. yeah. not really. not really. no. it's kind of the core of what we're talking about a. okay, let me ask you something you, you talked about the 2000 and bonds and so on. do you think that it is really wise
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to send that at this time? you know, and this far is this battle, you know, or this war is his only been using guys. i mean, i know you say that is a way to surrounded by the, you know, people that we should put in some of them. but in fact, it's rounded by egypt was very good relations as with trying to buy jordan with good relations is we're trying to buy syria. that is obviously brothers on civil war and kind of even defend itself against that tax as we have seen today. so why the countries is where the surroundings and choosing these women to do that. and in fact, i mean, you know, they have 35 to the best of my knowledge. you have to do wrong. has only been used in combat that case with people because so how could you justify sending all these women and you have the most hapless people probably on earth, you know, destroyed, moving from one place to another. and so what did you send these women to sort of just finish the job of continue the job. i don't know what the logic is,
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so i'm sending the swift. so the logic is exactly what i outlined a moment ago despite the fact that israel has a release, it has diplomatic relations with egypt and jordan. it does not change the fact that has boys parked on its northern border. it is sworn to the destruction of it, so it does not change the fact that a ron ah, no, not exactly not right on his border, but well within striking distance is committed to destruction of israel and continues to fund the proxies committed to the destruction of israel, so yeah, israel faces incredibly see it. serious threats, not just from them off, although a mazda is clearly one, as we saw in october, so, but from other adversaries, that it needs our assistance to continue to defend itself against nationally. lastly, just one last one. if he, i make you aware of the report made or a conversation that is way the officers made with just a and it to be, it was honestly why they say that is where the stablish some sort of an illusion we, you know, kills on line. and so, and are you aware of that,
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how does they actually to whoever blocks and moves about in that area? i read that article and i noticed that the end of the idea says that that, that of course is not what they establish there. of course, areas of significant combat where any civilian could wander in the the, the, unfortunately be killed either by fire from israel or by fire from us if you walk into an active conflict. so that's a possibility. but i have noticed that the ideas that they have not, of course, establish kill zones. it would be incredibly appropriate for anything like that to be established. and we've not seen evidence at this point that they have go ahead. the next are very disappointing. that is. ready submitted a plan to the you and that would essentially just mantle on raw transferring staff and funds to the world food and some other organizations. have you seen that plan? he supported. i have not seen that plant. i can't speak to whether somebody inside the united states government has. we continue to support the work that under does both in gaza and in the broader region. we think that they play a critical role and delivering humanitarian assistance to people who,
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who need it. now the united states cannot fund on wrote by statute. now, given the recent action by congress, so we're exploring ways that we can direct the humanitarian assistance. we're committed to providing the pals, team, people through other organizations. and we look forward to identifying ways to do that. and continuing to support you mandatory assistance to palestinian civilians. but that does not mean that we do not also support under his work. we want to see it continue a mattress today, the can i so it's best to low $7.00 to $10.00 voting to pay for the way for the closure of all i'm just your offices inside is only like just wondering if you have to come in. so we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters who are there doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera,
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i'll say, which is with, with respect to how does your obviously we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews vouchers here. other people from the department have done interviews with l g 0. so what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free press test. i would assistance with that the best to slow and previous incidents went to our crew and guys are that's so this look enhanced. our suspicion from the beginning that's our crews were actually taught not to by easy staple size. do just disrupt blue that a media organizations becomes the target of, of the, of the regular become part of the targets in this war. so with respect to targeting, i mean tardiness, and it's not, not through a law passed by canutson,
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but i think with respect to potential military targeting, israel has said very clearly that that's not what they have done. obviously, that would be incredibly inappropriate. and you've heard the secretary speak to this, that it is tragic how many journalists have lost their lives in this war. because as i just spoke 2 minute ago, they go, they put their own lives at risk and bring us information about what's happening inside gods. and it's important that we continue to get that information. so we support the work that journalists do and gaza. we support the work that they do around the world. a tom good. just to go back to the main thing between us and is already efficiency. why is this happening? but surely i will leave it to the white house, which is the primary. but why else took legion organize? this means always leave it to them. but i mean, they tend to pull it to match. got them in because we know, i mean, benjamin, that's and you know, he said in pressed companies yesterday they pulled the delegation traveling to send
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a message because the un security council, the like. so we were worried people that on such an important issue and it's not a long flight for me telling me that this meeting is not happening. we have been this thing that the us state department spoke to us and matthew miller, who was holding a news conference addressing many issues. but what to do with as well, school on gaza including it, sees the aust i'm off of it. siege on all ship a hospital, and importantly, the latest attack on the iranian embassy building on the iranian embassy compound, rather in the syrian capital damascus listing into all of this is our white house correspondent, kimberly how could she's live for us in washington dc. good to see you company and matthew miller saying that they don't have their own information. they don't have confirmation. he said of the target or the responsibility, but they're working with partners in the region to find out more as as that's right
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. not only was this a focus of questions at the state department briefing that has, as we see still is ongoing, but also the white house briefing that has just wrapped up with the press. secretary cringe on pierre. this is something that was developing as that white house briefing was ongoing, and as a result, the press secretary was unable to comment. but did say that the us presidential, by them was aware. he had been briefed about the missile attack on the iranian consulate. compound and that he was looking into it and this is something that has been confirmed by matthew miller, the spokes person for the us state department. so from the standpoint of the bible administration, they are keenly aware of what has taken place and are keenly aware of the ramifications of this attack. what you will have her there from matthew miller
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is, of course, when they talk, what ramifications they are concerned about a broader escalation? this is something that the, by the ministration has been concerned about, israel's war and gaza for some time. we've seen this with regard to a village in 211 on when there has been concerns about is real looking for a how much fighters in to lebanon. and there are certainly going to be concerns about any sort of a ronnie or proxies and sort of israel's waging gets more on the as a ronnie and proxies beyond and in the broader middle east. and so this is something that the, by the administration is certainly looking into and it's concerned with regard to the fact that we know with this missile attack, there has been 3 senior i r g c generals that have been killed the concern. now of course, when we've seen these kind of attacks, that there is always retaliation and what that might look like. could it be
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retaliation i us forces? could it be retaliation on? forces us forces in syria, in a rock. that is the big question for the united states right now, and also will this look like an intensification of miss? i'll fire towards israel by a ron at is proxies. those are the big concerns for the united states. so the united states, again, as the story is developing, looking at how this will play out in terms of how this could broaden something that has been a major concern for the by the administration since the israel's war on gossip began in mid october. kimberly, thank you very much for that. that's all white house correspondent, kimberly how could live in washington dc and will join now by all correspondence ali hush him who has covered the region extensively for many years already. i know that you are also listening to that very important news conference because of the
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events that have unfolded today. not necessarily because of what we're hearing from the state department splits person because i don't know about you, but i didn't hear anything you. but what he did say about the attack in damascus is that we was concerned about anything that might be escal latree. and then when he was later ross, you know, said this is escalate the tree. he said, no, i didn't say that. i mean, how is the us going to deal, going to look on it's ally in the region doing whatever it wants now? well, over the past 6 months is where that's been doing everything gets once without being stopped, extra except for the rhetoric sometimes. and this, this rhetoric is part of the size, then there are many reasons even bought. the fits is related to the elections and united states. and it, when it comes to serious steps by the united states to at least at least put a kind of boarders off with a kind of
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a framework for whatever it is really is doing. this is what's happening and we've seen the reports that do i consent of the united states, sending more munition and weapons to do as well. so, i mean it's, it's, it's just part of what has been going on for the past decade. it's it so it's not something you accept for some republic that's aimed at a former for media consumption that's, that's the, the, the ceiling or the other. thank you very much for that. we will be talking to you again very soon in the next news, our in around 10 minutes or more analysis, but for now, thank you the, the, the, the going to why the news now and as in bob way is set to hold public hearings into the cuttings of tens of thousands of people in 19 eighties known as the gu kuda who indeed happened in the early years of the nation's independence. soldiers are
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accused of torture, rape and execution. huddled latasha reports from the district of charlo charl. julia samantha was a young woman in 1983. her father shuddered. see by the was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia here in the nearby field and feels guilty. she survived, you know who the one to 5. i carry that, paid me to me every day. i have sleepless nights. my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of cimbawe. always independence pauses of admitted to the operation authorities named who could all windy meaning, the reins washing away the test or work less garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge if that's the only thing was done. then we allow these victims to ship out to the experiences in the they will guide as on what they need done. maybe
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they'll turn 20 and the portal has to be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded a combined of some bobbies for melita roberts and we got a, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. this security benefit was given, assuming that god, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now have seen the government post. president manenda. what has asked additional leaders to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders, us get to go, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the, from the width cool, it was said it was going to be able to mop up ports. but do from the look of things this book downs, it is not known how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the mat to be
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a lad and midlands provinces in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this black on memorial is a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby. some ends and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll. hard on my task out is a lot of district, zimbabwe to tia's main officer should republican peoples policy has had some big ones and sundays local elections. president was a 5 or the one describe it as a set fact, but he said it's not the end of the road for his party. send them cool, sealed, and spoke to verses on the streets of his stumble. one day after 2 case,
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highly competitive local election raised, the majority of the male, you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the male position, republican party, the c h p. this is the victory for the main, a position who has been far from this this majority of covering for more than the case, but also it does it the fees for the home and golf course events has coverage is like, is some move for more than 20 years that appreciation that i'm 60 years old that i bought it for the c h b for the 1st time, but i do with a gain, look at the prices and the change. so it's important to vote for the one who works on north an ecp party supported by voted for its candidates in the city. i live in . i understand why people voted for him. a molar in they stumbled. this man election gave a clear message to the golf far to enter the 10 digit pipe drawn, wasn't very keen to retake, assemble,
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and on cut off from the opposition. now he's disappointed. then he said that he received the message given by the citizens. but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028. economy is a major problem, and this is why people mostly vote us for the opposition seen up to solar. els is there a simple the u. s. coast guard is preparing an alternate channel for vessel stock in the form of baltimore. often last week's bridge collapse. crews of the gun worked to remove the 1st chunk of the collapse bridge from the one to 6. people killed them. the incident when a congress ship lost power head thing, one of it support send is as the foreign ministers of china and fonts have met in badging to mock 60 years of diplomatic relations during a joint news conference long. you said china intends to increase impulse of high quality products from fonts and inver to take outs. fonts will provide a fed business environment for chinese funds. one of the what was largest cities, maybe just months away from running out boucher and mexico. se se,
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the lack of steady water supply has reached crisis levels. a combination of climate change, urban planning and aging facilities that contribute things to taps, running dry, julia. golly, on a report from mexico city, as it's 8 am, and angelica is waiting for the 1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an entire day. as of yet the import once the years ago, we had water all the time even at night. not now though. last month we receive no water for 15 days. get angelica, it's actually among the lucky ones and the stuff by law, mexico, cities, largest and poor is district. hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government water tankers to reach them. paying for
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a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical waters shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full, mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city gross, has citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here and stuff like that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown to regularly over the years. water shortages are nothing new. but the recent crisis and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better, is driving some residents to the brakes where they want that neighbors is left for long. as you know, the neighbors get together and take the tanks by force, essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. this double flood is his job, has become increasingly dangerous,
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as the water has become more scarce. demand far away supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive with times taking before the task goes dry. again and jellies of russia to watch dirty laundry, and with the run of names, the floor. having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica fuel situation would be coming on sustainable medicine. i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all. the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not a politically popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year. this year is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it to to go. yeah, i know, i'll just sierra mexico city stay with us via back in just
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a couple of minutes with the latest developments and on top stories. the over 30 years also at the signs of the 0 world, tells the to follow the story of no ways in the oldest little coast. let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable in nurturing the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the price of also on notice even being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what
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pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to pick up as a safety position. reading the trying to find the words the truth. it's a challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep one of the issues of decision makers in check. so the devastating human tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's actually edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's their view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as well too. so that this mode that unites us, that divides us the us to say we have inside the world, people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just do this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. a mechanic knows a motor home from a macaroni. and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz to make
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a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the of the, the, put on and this is the news our lives from don't hawk coming off in the next 60 minutes and as rarely as try catch the iranian console. as in damascus, at least 7 people have been killed, including a senior revolution with god come on, the scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of gauze is on ship a hospital report. so imagine if it's rarely someone just collecting atrocities that would constitute the amount of ink you know away from his text. him tell me is
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nothing on this. no, my name is his last name and i'm sending. then i shouldn't have been in.


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