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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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to and so it's why we work with bill cuz he'll make a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the of the, the, put on and this is the news our lives from don't hawk coming off in the next 60 minutes and as rarely as try catch the iranian console. as in damascus, at least 7 people have been killed, including a senior revolution with god come on, the scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of gauze is on ship a hospital report. so imagine if it's rarely someone just collecting atrocities that would constitute the amount of ink you know away from his text. him tell me is
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nothing on this? no, no, it's just the sending. then i shouldn't have minutes left them the names we have from voters into key off the opposition candidates one big and sundays local elections plus i'm hot and we tossed into a lot of districts and bob we on the 24th of february 1983, 27 people went back to this in their home. i'll tell you why many families are still waiting for death. is for formula one's own is are set to buy mode to a g p and a full $1000000000.00 deal. the american liberty media groups say it wants us to take the most of like, serious to why the, the, we begin this news our with the developing story out of sylvia. and it's really as
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talk, has hit the comes to the section of the iranian embassy and the capital damascus. at least 7 people have been killed among the dead as a senior commander of the as long as the revolution regard. cool. and civil diplomats have a sort of being repulsively killed in the attack. yvonne's foreign minister has issued a statement on the strike. it says that to yvonne's foreign minister in a conversation with sylvia's foreign minister, i said that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has completely lost his mental balance due to the success of failures of the as riley regime and garza and the failure to achieve as well as ambitious goals, the foreign minister saying i need a blah hilton says the attack in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. blame the consequences of this action on israel and emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to such criminal actions
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that sprague, and i'll call upon them, saying ahold of, she is joining us live from be root. so we've had reaction from yvonne, we've had reaction from syria, we've isolated zayna. we've even had reaction from the united arab emirates about this attack. iran saying that accounts to that annex was attacked by 5 digits. the hello. this is a major escalation, both syria and iran are accusing as well as targeting the around noon console, a building in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus, a building that was flattened, a strike that killed one of the revolutionary guards is top commanders the rodney and foreign ministry spokesman, like to say, calling this an aggression saying it violates has all diplomatic norms. there are so many ryan who really consider this as some sort of a declaration of war. he rammed a israel strategy in syria, has gradually shifted the rules of engagement in syria have shifted for years.
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they've carried out hundreds of strikes against the ronnie and targets he ran in league targets. but since the war on garza began, israel has become more aggressive. an uptick in strikes and they have been going after leaders of the iranian revolutionary guards. mohammed resides that debbie was not the 1st at top official top commander to be killed in recent months. but there are also others who will say that this is also a message from his route to iran, and they are pointing to the a drone attack on a is ray, the naval facility in a last last night. this way, the army commented on that strikes saying that it's a very serious incident. they also said that that thrown, was made in iran and directed by e. right. and so could this be a message from israel to iran that from now on when there is a retaliation? if any of your, if any of the groups of the so called access of resistance target israel,
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their response will target, they run directly, undoubtedly a major escalation and it will have what's happened in damascus today will have serious implications. zayna, thank you very much for that. that's not correspondent zayna part of joining us with the nicest knife from they wrote a lot to bring it home to solomon's. now she's live unoccupied, east jerusalem, and any comment as a whole from the is raise about this attack? come the how is this being reports of death? no comment from these really is on this attack in damascus, but it is with these really policy, especially within the military to not comment on any sort of military activity within syrian territory. additionally, remember, but back when solid, rudy from us, the official was assassinated in 11 on these really did not comment on that either . additionally, we had israel's defense minister, jo, i'm go on speaking just
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a couple of days ago saying that his role is going to reach his beloved any group that is supported by his ball lower that is linked to his bella, meaning via the audience. they're going to reach them wherever they are, whether it's 11 on whether it's in damascus or in areas that are far beyond that say the entirety of the middle east. so we had these really army chief of staff earlier today, approving plans, authorizing the continuation of fighting in the north. but also perhaps an expansion of that. these really have been saying now for a week that they're no longer just on the defensive when it comes to attacks from other states, but they are now quote on the offensive, meaning they are going to pursue other targets wherever they are. so while we have no comment from these really, it's not exactly surprising, given that they don't really comment on their military activities, but it's really media is attributing these strikes to israel, even though there was no acknowledgement from is really authorities tonight. i'm to
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thank you for that home, the son who live and occupied east jerusalem. it's a noun joined by correspondent, audi hashem, who has reported extensively on the region in ali before we talk about the importance of the iranian revolution regard. come on to who was killed, a number of different met. so i just want to ask about the nature in which this attack was carried out. divani and saying that it was hit, the complex was hit by missiles fired from 5 digits with these jets have been and 3 in space when in general, and such a tax because they've been several attacks over the past years with that on saving or targets in see if you, it's either overland or limited to the mediterranean, all over the golden heights or the occupied the golden city. and so the, the things will launch their buckets from death. and that's because of the s 300 system. and we were chatting about this before the,
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the defense of the fi system. other than that, that's, that's, that's the usual way of, of targeting this really targeting of targets into the usual way of targeting. but this target is searching the incredibly unusual, unprecedented even isn't it? but the fact that this target is a counselor section for a embassy. they ran it and this is one. so it's a, it's an a ring in solving for. and this is the magic it's, it's not wanting to treat this diplomatic. now, regardless of the fact that there were, i'll just see uh, members inside that building and for, for the uranium that's negative because i urgency is part of that on, on forces. but also this building is in the middle between so maybe we're seeing the pictures now. it's in the middle between the ringing embassy and the canadian and best. and of course, given the fact that the fog,
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it is so big and so important, these readies took the risk. and actually, yeah, of this would, would that is there are a lot of questions that are going to be raised on already being grace of the audacity or function. yeah, absolutely. why would they take this 1st? tell us about the come on to who was killed and has and portions and around when a general zion, he has been around for 40 years. he's a he used to be the commander of the area of forces in the wrong or the i r g c. i got the forces then the ground forces. so he, i've seen several, several, a responsibilities over the past. yes. and he's with respect to the higher leadership, especially a resource pictures during the prayer for on the body are for as long as you the most that we the other thing and i are just so you combined that who are skilled also by israel and syria over the past few months, he's very important to you. he's the person who took charge of the i r g c and c,
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a u i in 2021 after the dismissal of a job that on friday he was already the man in charge in 111. and that means he's on very close called donation, very close to hezbollah, very close to having us all of that, either off of his beloved. so he plays a lot of, of roles. yeah. and, and the fact is that at killing at this man, this is that he isn't isolated from all that i as, as a nation, starts as a nation off. i think we'll start with the guy who mentioned who is responsible for the logistics and the movement on price professional happens. also the beginning of the head of the intelligence unit, the ard, you see intelligence unit. yeah. what kind of targets as well going off to the since october 7th, because it sounds like they're really trying to get at the revolution regard from every angle. but it's clear that killing the heads of the, of the i r g c in syria, and then 11 on today before getting demand responsible for transportation,
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logistics. and for on the after that getting the, the, the, the officer in charge of the intelligence unit that to me is, is really, isn't anymore about sending messages. it's already executing your plan to this month to the i r g c. combined by fire. by kidding it's, it's, it's combined design today, even with a getting golf, a zion, the general is i the, they were all the to come on to this is what kids. one, he's deputy, uh huh. and the other one is the office who took responsibility of the logistics and transportation. i succeeded by the most. oh yeah, i don't mind the nation of almost yep. around a saying that a number of diplomats have been killed as well. and this was, of course, a consulate building within the embassy complex. i've been hearing from dana from all the analysts and they've been talking about the drone attack on the way the naval base of a not to yesterday. but this is not a tit for tat response. is this, i mean, a naval base is a military installation. this is
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a diplomatic compound. but this is, this is the very big question here on history as a decision to access in a to within the different logic complex. this is one, the range of retaliation. and given the fact over the past 6 months, there was minimal uranium retaliation for assistant nations. uncle ha attacks. and it's clear that the uranium detection is distort. and this is giving, these really is more advantage. i may be said that they don't have any field off consequences and that's why they're taking these steps one after another. so today there is a, a question about whether you want it is going to retaliate for that talk, especially that this is an attack on your ring. and so i've given the fact this is when you bring an embassy, the top uranian commander, and sir, yeah, 11 on as being killed along with all the office assistance or deputies and all the
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officers that may be different much as you've been saying. of course you're on is in front of very big question. so huge question. given the fact we've been hearing about a retaliation and about the possible tension and at each and any kind of retaliation after this action is going to take us to and you maybe level of escalation to each other. thank you. as always for your analysis, that's how correspondent ali hashem the us state department has refused to say whether it has received it had received rather at once wanting us to as really a strike on damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do. and that includes drawing any conclusions from it as a general principles. and of course we are worried about escalation. we are due and worried about anything that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in any way that spring in our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how could she's joining us live from washington, dc and state departments. folks, person saying, of course we're always worried about anything that might be escal a tree. and then when he was late to us, you know, this is escalate tree. he said, no, i didn't say that this is escal the truth of the united states in a, in a difficult position here. whether it's the greatest ally in the middle east, seemingly doing whatever it wants. and that's been the case since the beginning of october 7th, and that has been a problem for the united states since october 7th. of course, when israel began waging its war on gaza. what has been the biggest concern for the united states is not only the mounting civilian casualties that have been occurring, but that this is a war that could bill out into a broader regional conflicts. we've seen this concern with, from the united states standpoint, when israel has, uh,
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although it denies that it has was responsible for strikes in uh, on the hezbollah targets in levon on. uh, even though has the law has pointed the finger at israel and uh, we are certainly uh, seeing those concerns once again as we are seeing these strikes in damascus now from the part of the united states and the binding administration. not only is the white house say its is not commenting on this particular strike, but the state department really saying about the same thing. what we know from this point right now is that the by the administration is aware that this has occurred and is concerned about escalation, even though they then walks that comment back. the u. s. president joe biden has been briefed about this and a team is looking into it. but the reality is,
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is for the white house, they have always been concerned about a broader regional conflict. and what that might look like, because there are us troops stationed in the region, not just in their rock, but also in syria. and the concern often is when there are these types of strikes, the us attack will us troops could be retaliated again. and we have of course, seen the desk of some us troops in jordan since the war on gaza began company as you were saying, the us is concerned about the wida escalation in the region. so what's uh, what's its message to israel about escalating to well, that's really interesting because the message that the official message that the white house has been delivering as recently as through comma, la harris, the vice president has been one bit there. nothing is off the table in terms of
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potentially limiting support to israel and even making it conditional. you have to remember that the united states supplies in terms of military aid, some 3800000000 dollars each year. having said that, even as the united states expresses concern, the us president said late last week that he is concerned up and devastated about the suffering and gaza. but in the same breath or almost in the same a few hours of saying that the us also supplied israel with some $1800.00, mark, $84.00 bombs, $500.00, mark, $82.00 bombs, and $25.00 f 35 fighter jets. presumably, if one is concerned about this devastation, the would not then also supply the tools in order to do it. and that is something that was pointed out by a member of the president's own democratic party senior senator bernie sanders. so
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the question becomes, if you are concerned why you continue to supply to your allied israel. and so what we have here is a kind of speaking out of both sides of the mouth. yeah. and so what we're doing is following this very carefully, the us president saying he is concerned, but at the same time, not completely raining in israel. and the question by bernie sanders was certainly put to the state department spokesperson matthew miller, by many journalists at that news conference. kimberly thank you very much for now. that is our white house correspondent, kimberly how could live in washington dc. now the ports of emerging of atrocities committed by the way, the soldiers june, the siege of gauze was all ship a hospital that had been unconcerned, eye witness accounts of palestinian civilians being shot dead. others are set to have been buried alive. katia lopez, hold on has more of one name that the pictures the descriptions and have
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a port distressing there's not much left of console associates, a hospital with waistcoat destruction everywhere. and now accusations of pain is war. crimes are emerging among the hundreds of reported dead. decomposing bodies have been found in the compound after israel's too weak siege. witnesses say civilians were targeted indiscriminately. cool, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, somewhere shot dead. others were buried to live in ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded thrown in the ditch and breeds was said, we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes in and around the medical facility. the stench of death is heavy. groaned bodies covered in sands and
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a parent attempt witnesses say to bury any evidence along with the dead on a creek most or a little to just so this off of the from i have personally with the victims hancock blindfolded and buried in the hospital yard and the emergency unit, we found thousands of dead bodies. all of them were hank up with the hands behind the backs. these are also will crying. they are unprecedented. we have never seen anything like this in any other way to make shift graves have become a common st. here is really forces reportedly open fire on patients and medical staff during the siege rollback and lawyers off the cold war have yeah, this is the situation was indescribable. we found people again stable, covered in black. they bodies had been less 2 days. all the bodies had signs of the composition just to thank god we were able to bury them. despite the state hold on . human rights groups are calling on the international criminal court to take
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action. it's quite disgraceful that until this very moment, the persecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing a response. it's important to mention the reason that we have a such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoyed and this ministry has enjoyed for, for decades. israel said it's operations that'll schieffer compound were carried out, well preventing harm to severely as witnesses have described. the opposite effect on the i'm in the editor and disliked losing his ready tanks. we evacuated, we came back, hoping to find my belongings. i have nothing left my house with them and everything is gone. now too long ago, the chief a hospital compound was a refuge for displaced palestinians. now it's part of a wider investigation. it was really war. crimes in gaza, katia a little bit, so the young alger 0. so that's bringing on correspondence. honey mcnulty is
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joining us life on the alpha in southern gaza. and you've been approached by people who fled. i'll shift earlier in the siege county. what have they been telling you this? well, there are more people are still approaching us there. they're actually appealing and begging for any way possible by any means available to get ahold of someone from the complex to make sure that they're relative. their family members. those who did not leave garza and where's transit on a trapped inside that your boss with are still okay if we don't have any information whatsoever to let's just to come for them and then do make them feel better about what's going on. and then the fact that we know what happened was it a not or devastation of the entire it whole complex including its, surrounded with tens of residential homes that have been destroyed then and on on
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where's that on fire, completely damage entire residential block. but inside a super hospital itself, what we're seeing, the evidence, the art emerging from the hospital. contrary to what degree the military has stated repeatedly within the past 2 weeks that its operation was limited. was it precise that it was doing whatever is good? do not do harm's the volume, but looking at the number of people have been killed. the among the uh, the uh those who were trapped inside the super complex. those were and then hand golf. there was a word blindfolded with buried under the revels do where the cry run over by the times or we're buried alive. and as, as the earlier to do of more of the deal was broke. grasping more people removed it from uh, from the mazda grab that weird dog then from where they were buried by the times and a bulldozer among them. medical staff were evacuating injuries. patients were looking to close to $400.00 people and still the non verse is increasing by the hour and
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we're looking at it on our devastation right now. as a super complex represents one 3rd of healthcare services across the gaza strip. and with it now completely out of service, we're looking at a very crippled health care system across the gaza strip. what just happened at the hospital, including the damage to its medical beds, the they all of these machines over a 100 of them doors severely damaged or destroyed the medical supplies warehouse. the storage is everything that made a hospital a place of healing has done right now. and it's similar to what happens to come out . there is one hospital within the past 2 months when there's really military is formed it and not only destroyed the facility, but also killed people and run them over by times and buried them under, under the levels. unfortunately, we're looking at very difficult situation right now, and a tragedy is keep on holding by the hour and honey and use of all she hasn't seen
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before because today, but not for those who are being attacked by israel elsewhere and gaza, including that attack. uh, just a few hours ago in alpha where you why the a yes, more error rate than by continuing to pound across the gauze or but right now we're seeing a surgeon the tire products are that talk, these are the talk. a drones are hovering at a very low level at early hours of this evening the throughout the night continuing with the, with the annoying buzzing sound that just running down and grinding down on the physical in a mental health of everyone. a everyone in over a proud of dropping the drawn, fired. i'm at least 2 missiles and a crowd of people were 6 people were killed. and it just, the area happened to be very old, very crowded with involved with displays,
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families who set up their towns literally on the sidewalks and on the little islands of the road. when they attack happen, it was a crowded with many people passing by more than 10, the injury is transferred to the queue way. the hospital and 6 people were killed until the bodies arrived here in plastic bags because they were hit directly by the missiles. meanwhile, in the central area, there were more air raids, more artillery sitting of the eastern part of the central area and more ears, right on the was trim part of and no fire review kept about out there. if you got the raise revenues, you got more people reported with a critical injuries arriving and already exhausted health facility. that's a lot. so hospital that was a side of attacks as of yesterday where excellent, 2 people were killed and dogs were enjoyed. the vast majority work among the journalists who are working from the courtyard of the hospital. honey, thank you very much for that. that's not correspondent, honey muscles of all the latest live in alpha,
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to as well as parliament as possible, which could allow a potential shut down a foreign broad cost as in the country, including on to 0. the connected well should overwhelmingly in favor of the little which is where it has been pushing since the beginning of it's one gaza. the law allows as well to shut down any volt costa if it deems as content directions national security, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted on x, saying alj, a 0 actively participation in the october the 7th massacre and insights with against israeli soldiers. she says it's time to remove the mouth piece of her mouth from a country and cooled algebra a terra channel. if an yahoo says he intends to take immediate action to stall. algio is activities in his room. while the us state department has responded to the connected vote saying that it's support solved as 0. we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free
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press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to houses here. obviously, we know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera, other people from the department have done interviews with l. g 0. so we will continue to make clear that we support the work that the free pressed us. still ahead on the news our was a crisis, and one of the where was the biggest cities will tell you what the people of mexico's capital, the doing to coach adams for to hear from the football coaches in your favor. i to the place you open closet, never full alexys the
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hello theres been more active weather and southwest saudi arabia. so let me show you a severe flooding once again and ask for profits. there's also been severe hailstorm, some saying historic, but i mean look at these flooding here, people waiting through the flood waters and it's not over yet. so let me show you the forecast. it's really that western side of saudi arabia. once again, we see this energy flare up now pushing into react providence as we look toward tuesday, and some of this is also kicking back over the other side of the red sea. so for the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and you booty, showers and storms likely and the potential to see some flooding. a few showers touching a few drops and cobble at 15 degrees on tuesday and we sent them record breaking heat in parts of the turkey a full on sunshine and forecast for you on tuesday. pretty picture perfect. their belts of heat extending from chad new share. that's also pushing into per keen a fast so we've been sitting records there for just how hot it's been. and i gotta
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show you all this rain coming into uganda. rwanda and burundi could see some flooding. there's been more flooding in nairobi and to the south, we go there. showers in storms begins to peter out across south africa, so not a bad day, including in cape town and the western cape province. let's go 22 degrees for you on tuesday. enjoy. see you later the, if we can not agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to a c o news,
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they load balancing from the parallel processing. and so do it's why we work with bill cuz who make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the knowledge is the the thought to be honest, the menus out with me. elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. reminder of our top story, the south end is really is try has hit the iranian consulate and the syrian capital,
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damascus. a place 7 people have been killed, the senior canada of the volume and revolution we've gone course among the dead. yvonne's foreign minister says these rarely attacked as a breach of international conventions. and the spokesman for the un secretary general has also reacted to the bottom. and the bronze comes to the section in damascus. and we're obviously very concerned about these reports, but we'll wait to get a bit more information to apply. i will speak once we have the facts and we know what's happened. i mean we, we have seen a tax in syria before that have costs the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these all these attacks, but we're waiting to get fact on what happened today. a boss is lani is
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a senior research fellow at the center for at least a change in studies. and he's joining us live from the iranian capital pet on. thank you for your time as to us. lani. how is this very serious attack being viewed and around today? well, elizabeth, iran and israel have been in confrontation most the in the rake unimed shadow for many years past. what happened today is quite a serious escalation. why number one? because the personalities targets have been in this attack are important, including a combined are considered as the runs lynch fin. the lynch been for the ross presidents and syria and lebanon. and number 2 is the location you ran and console are considered as, as a rent. and so tory, whether this talk isn't it aimed at intimidating the ron or somehow the tearing iran allied groups from, for, for the attacks against israel. the,
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i don't think so. i think is really given their isolation in the recent days they are division but the united states on the, on the allies. but on a crisis they are experiencing internally. they want to somehow expand the scope of the war in order to bring the us into this story in order to attract more support from the american side. they have not been able to achieve their objectives in the, in the field. and that's why they want to somehow divert the attention to outside. um this is from the same old playbook that's on the who has had bought the, the nature of the attack is a ton of provocative. and they want to somehow, uh, have a reaction from you of any size, and how do you expect around to respond given the seriousness of the attack that you have explained. for many reasons, yvonne has refrained from responding directly to attacks on senior members of the
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bronze revolution regard course since october 7th. but this is something else as intense yes, i think we will need some more time in order to calculate the raw's responses that it could be somehow come from the the groups allied with a running directly or a come. it can come from the wrong directly against is really on the american interest in the region, or it can be a combination, but to do nothing be wrong about give a green light is really easy in order to invite more attack same feature. this is a criticism race today, anyone that's saying that because the wrong doesn't give a strong response to the previous at sides. this is happening today on the scenario a to, if you wrong, you know, targets is really on the american interest. this can also have its own risk, but i think the wrong will have no option but to return the items because no retaliation will somehow welcome further is really and do you think that criticism
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that the ron hasn't responded strongly enough to previous attacks, especially since october 7th, is that christmas is invalid. how is around deterrence at the moment to well, i think the beginning of development is not today because what has happened since october 7 has somehow changed the, you know, rules of the game is this thing. some believes that it has lost in the field of the terrace and that's why they want to somehow reestablish that, that service. and they want to come from safe for the their losses. uh, you know, they think that they have been somehow attacked on different fronts from the northern front uh from the m. and aside from this, uh, you know, you, rocky side as well as the palestinian side. that's why, you know, as they are approaching to the end of the story as they have not been able to achieve a march, they want to somehow it cheap on the other fields. 4 doing these kind of actions
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they want to somehow compensate for the failure in the field of a determines that is a boss assigning, joining us life on pet on. thank you very much for your analysis this evening. we appreciate it. i'll ship a hospital and gaza has been widely damaged during, as well as 2 weeks each, as we've been reporting throughout the day with all the city and the families and looking for their loved ones to give them a problem. burial out 0 is correspondent mos on colored visits at the medical complex and centers this report i'm talking to you from the inside of a ship complex where there's where the forces with a droll doctor spending more than 2 weeks inside the account list, killing, arresting, and detaining patients inside the complex and after more than 2 weeks, the forces was it rolled from the complex and it killed more than a full 100 people and are listed more than 800 people. as the governments of media
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offers the color defect, round facilities, all the tools to the just floyd. also the committee can machines have been destroyed to the people trying to reach their relatives who have been very in an appropriate way. during the besieging, defend the dead bodies with just human remains and skeletons, because wild animals had been feeding on the up. and then we took the lifeless bodies to the nearest hospital. it was a hospital we could actually reach which allowed us to go back and forth quickly. we managed to rescue a few people. some of them will be taken to all of the arab hospital. those people who are buried, where patients and injured people, the big drunk facilities are totally destroyed. also, the cars and in the, the ambulances had been destroyed, totally inside the companies and the surrounding area. and also in the neighborhood of
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a ask you if it comes to what you're wanting us here in the studio as mohammedan, mostly he's a professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you very much for your time for coming in. as we look at the optima this to week is ready see of all ship a. what do you think it tells us about what is real things of international opinion of ruins by the world's top quote. on the un security council resolution. or i think it's, it's really fascinating in many ways that israel and the aftermath of this trial, this ongoing, this trial at the, at the heading for genocide. and also in the aftermath of what the un, special for tour said last week about israel. violating 3 of the 5 genocide conventions, it's fascinating that israel would do this in public view and what it, what it tells me is that they are not afraid whatsoever of any consequences. this is not just a war. crime is a series of series of war crimes, all wrapped into one and they're,
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they're quite provocative. and so i think it's almost a message to the international community that we can do pretty much whatever we want. as long as we have the support of the united states, and why would they be if afraid of consequences? have they ever faced any? they haven't face any consequences? no, they have not. and i think one big reason is because of the united states, the united states can feels as though it can effectively control the world through through the united nations security council. and it defends israel through the through it. so if you don't power at the, at the security council, and so as long as the us is going to continue to send israel weapons, as long as the us is going to continue to repeat, absurd is rarely propaganda. and we just certainly get from the us state department . yeah, i listen to that press conference and it was breathtaking. matthew miller just repeating is really propaganda. and at one point, he was asked explicitly if the us had done their own investigation,
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if they had their sort of their own intelligence. and you said no they're, they're admitting that they're just relying on whatever is real, says whether it's be headed babies, or what happens. i'll shift or chewing on on people that are waving white flags. the us is just going to repeat is really talking points. and if that's the case, the message is real, is that it can proceed without consequence. and that has worked, you know, being on the same page with israel has worked for a very long time. but the us public opinion is not the same as it was at the creation of the state of israel that has moved a lot since then. especially by is wells. many was in gaza of the move in the past 10 years. so how our line, how increasingly out of line is the us government, where the us public opinion, if we, the majority of americans want to cease 5? that's true. and i would say not just in the establishment of the state of israel, but just in these last 6 months of public opinion has shifted
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a pretty dramatically. in fact, there was a pole done just last week by gallop, that shows that 75 percent of america democrats rather disapprove of the way that is real, is waging this war and god. so that's 75 percent of the president's own party members. right. so that comes on the heels of another poll that, that said that 50 percent of democrats believe that what his route was doing and gaza constitutes genocide. these are very concerning statistics. if you are president joe biden and you're in an election year and you want to ensure that you have a 2nd term muster mustering, thank you. as it was for your analysis, we really appreciate that as well. how much the monthly thank you. thank is the the to the news now and took, he has main opposition. republican people, spotty, has had some big wins and sundays low connections. president treasure 5 eval on
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describe it as a setback, but he says it's not the end of the road for his audience. and of course the only support devices on the streets of his tumbles. one day after 2 kids highly competitive, local election raised, the majority of the male, you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the made a position republican party, the c h p. this is the victory for the main. a position who has been far from this, this majority of governing for more than the case, but also it is of the fees for the homeland golf course of up have silver and city is like, is some move for more than 20 years. that's a projection that i'm 60 years old and i voted for the c h b for the 1st time. but i do with a game, look at the prices. and remember, the change of it's important to vote for the one who works on north an act party supported by voted for its candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for him a molar in the stumble. this may or election dave,
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a clear message to the golf far to enter hundreds of safe drawn, wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the opposition. now he's disappointed. then he said that he received the message given by the citizens. but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028. economy is the major problems. and this is why people mostly voted as for the opposition cnn, because solar elders are as simple as and by the way is said to hold public hearings into the kennings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s, soldiers of accused of torture rates and execution hadn't been tossed a report from the district of charlotte charl. this julia samantha was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric c binder was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia hit in a nearby field and feels guilty. she survived, you know who the one to 5. i carry that to pay me to me every day. i have sleepless
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night, my heart is still full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of zimbabwe, independence, part of a military operation. authorities named caroll, wendy, meaning the reins washing away the chest or worthless garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge that error doing was done. then we allow these victims to ship out to the experiences in the they will guide us on what do they need done, maybe the 20 and the portal should be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded. the combined doves and bobby's full melita robertson guy they, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. this security vanessa was game as a monopoly. he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now have seen the government post. president manenda. what has asked
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additional leaders to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders are skeptical, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the, from the width cool, it was said it was going to be able to modify ports. but do from the look of things this book down is, is not knowing how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the mat to be a lad and midlands provinces in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate of to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this black or memorial is a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby, some ins and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation,
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those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll. hardaman toss out is a lot of district zimbabwe. one of the world's largest cities, maybe just months away from running out of water in mexico city climate change in aging facilities. a contribution to taps, running dry, judy, a gaudy on a reports from the mexican capital. it's 8 am, and angelica is waiting for the 1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an entire day. as of yet the import once the years ago, we had water all the time even at night. not now though. last month we received no
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water for 15 days. getting jessica, it's actually among the lucky ones and the step by lava, mexico, cities largest and poor is district. hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government water tankers to reach and paying for a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical waters shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full, mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here and stuff like that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown to regularly over the years. what are shortages are nothing new. but the recent crisis and the reality, things are likely to get much worse before they get better, is driving some residents to the brakes where they want that neighbors is left for
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long. as you know, the neighbors get together and take the tanks by force, essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. we start off load is this job has become increasingly dangerous as the water has become more scarce, demand far away supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive with times taking before the task goes dry again and jellies of russia to watch dirty laundry, in which the ramos means the floor. having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica fuel situation would be coming on sustainable medicine. i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all. the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not
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a politically popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year. this year is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it to ago, the, i know i'll just sierra mexico city. we have the sports news to the head on the news on the incident that could result in one of 2 k as most famous for full change, putting out the countries the business latest is brought to you by pegasus. i live slowly on. one of your lives makes modern pleads. the
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business latest is free to you believe, i guess is a nice my on one of your makes models leads the
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thank you very much news. well, formula one's own is set to buy moto g, p in a full $1000000000.00 deal. the american liberty media group says that it wants to take the most of like, serious to why the global audience. the deal is expected to be finalized that by the end of this year, most of the g p has been owned by spanish companies, go into sports for more than 3 decades. we've been talking to most would you be joining the assignment and pester about what this take over could mean for the what we've repeatedly heard over the years. is that what it should be? you know, a championship with, with tutoring figures with a really diverse global audience as being really undervalued it's. it's not being well promoted. and as a result it's, it's kind of the, on the, one of the orders for 10 expenditure and f, $15.00. if you went up to this new crop, the funds have been converted to f one by you know, sheets successes like uh the netflix document to drive to survive. so they've come in here they, they bought a property that they see is being quite low valued. and with the experience and
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what we send them to an f one, they very much believe that they can expand this into something much bigger and much more side of the commercially viable for them. it will be really, really good to, to hopefully see us go to some of the audiences. it's being repeatedly highlighted at this point, interest that there's a huge opportunity in north america for this part to expand there because of various things. but you know, the way that our wrist is wrong with, with short, high intensity races of 45 minutes. so i think as well, it's going to be a good fence for global finds about a g p and a good fight thing for global science of motor sports. right now the coach is favored to replace your club. i live a pool, says he's doing his best to stay focused on winning trophies in portugal this season. reuben m r. m. o has taken sporting to the brink of a nic, and a cup double alarm has become known as special too. in his home country, a reference to federal portuguese coach jose moreno, south side, a special one. he insist, he says, haven't been affected by
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a report. he could be taken over at the before next season, known for to each the very 1st spot, the what effects the place has the wrong few channels that come into play with that preparation for a game. if they're involved in talks with other clubs. but one is the manager and they don't think about any of that support and i'm the supporting manager that said the players wants to win and wants to win titles. the sporting either these is one of tell kids most famous football clubs say is to hold the vote on whether or not to pull out of the country's top league last month, and no buses, a team that was attacked from the pitch by terrible school funds. i'll send away game the cups president says sign violence is just one of the many problems affecting this to okay. stupidly for the busha members will vote on tuesday, the well number one golf and then the core, the has just one her said consecutive tournament. she's the 1st plan to achieve the
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faith and close to a decade is david stokes reports another week, another trophy phonetic told the world number one when the food championship by 2 shots. and in doing so, i became the 1st woman to rack up 3 wins, and 3 starts since thailand's a re a to, to now getting in 2016. she's the 1st american to do it since nancy lopez in 1978. what's the secret to his success? i don't really know just really enjoying myself out there. but i mean, i love golf. i've always loved golf. i mean, sometimes it's harder than other days. last year was definitely one of the harder years. i never really got any momentum going with injuries and such a 25 year old kid that comes from a very school with the family assist. jessica also plays until a brother,
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sebastian is a pro tennis player, as well, had parents. father, pensacola, when the 1998 australian open natalie, one last week in california, and on the previous appearance in florida in late january. she says, taking a 7 week break in between really helps i really enjoyed my time off spend a lot of time with my family when dr. prague and toyed kind of life outside of golf a little just disconnected. and to me that, that was just like the perfect 3 side going into this like busy schedule. australia is here in the feed finish, 2nd behind quarter, making just a 2nd to her parents who run is up. check the $270000.00 is more than she said it's in the past 4 years combined. i mean, she's an amazing player and to share the stage with her is, is a really and on on. so yeah, yeah, it was, it was a great day, but just felt sure, but again,
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it's an experience. so we move on. kuda is right. $71000000.00 in prize money with a $3.00 straight wins. she now has 11 victories on tool to go with the olympic gold . she went in tokyo in 2021. next up, she'll be looking to make it full wins in arrived this week. so much play in las vegas. david stokes, would you say we're going to in school for the points for the any lakers and the latest when to break another and be record he now has the most essential point games in league history. james also told me that marshall jordan as the only say with multiple 40 point james officer, the age of 59. the lakers are up to 9th and the western conference officer this way and they played well. and that's always, but for me, a 100 that fitness center. thank you very much for the us on that set for me, elizabeth put on you can find much more on on websites. the address for that is on to 0 dot com to stay with us or cons. here with the latest news, just
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a couple of minutes. thank you for watching the the devastating strikes followed by here, where we chris because us 1st responders know the new mission could be the last but until then, the humanity drives one day with because of the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey, families and gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing
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life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met doggy style at your mercy showing the brightest, gave mercy. now tonight today. for some reason that self driving train the vehicle. but androids today can be human. only robots, like me, will be everywhere. else is there a documentary glitch to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learn? think and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine already that was on a or the latest news as a credit. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with detailed coverage for hours tonight to celebrate perhaps
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a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the on his right strike hits the iranian conflict in damascus. a senior revolution regard, come on to is amongst those killed the head of them are kyle, this is out of their life from doe who also coming up scenes of death and destruction amongst the ruins of golf as el cheapo hospice or reports or emerging of his rainy soldiers committing atrocities which could constitute will crimes.


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