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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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4 hours tonight to celebrate perhaps this, so make a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the on his right strike hits the iranian conflict in damascus. a senior revolution regard, come on to is amongst those killed the head of them are kyle, this is out of their life from doe who also coming up scenes of death and destruction amongst the ruins of golf is el cheapo hospice or reports or emerging of israeli soldiers committing atrocities which could constitute will crime them on
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the ink. you know, we just text him, tell me, was not letting us know that i'm sending in a minute and i have the names and we have from voters and took care of the offices in kansas. when big in sundays, local election, the we begin in syria where it is rarely a strike has hit the ronnie and consulate in the capital, damascus. at least 7 people have been killed amongst the dead is a senior combined to be as nomic. revelation regard quotes several diplomats have insight with possibly being killed in the attack. a little wrong for him is that in conversation with syria said that a is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has quite completely lost his mental balance. choose the success of failure is a v as where the way jasmine garza, i'm a failure to achieve as well as i'm vicious goals from mr. jose and i'm at the lan
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says the attack in damascus is a violation level of international obligations and conventions. been the consequences of this action on is relevant, emphasize the need for a service response by the international community to such criminal actions. of course one is i how soon is covered this region extensively joins us hand now in the studio. so this is a leading figure in a ron's revolution regard. cool. the way of hearing has been assassinated is mohammed reza is a haiti. what do we know about him? but mamma does, heidi is the commander of the act puts force in devon cuts force. of course is that of the force within the i r g c responsible for the next step mental patients. and given the fact he is the man in charge of 11 and celia, so he's one of the most senior commanders within the i r g c. over the past. yes, he was the commander of the area forces into higher to see who wants to go under of
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the ground forces. we can see how much senior he is within the rocks and not with him being in charge of syria and lebanon. that means he's part of the decision making, or maybe the main decision maker with respect to the confrontation when it comes to allies of it on for example, says the law or other factions who are on the board does with this drive from syria to level. now with this as, as a nation and destination off is deputy called london. and also the us as a nation of with. busy uranian a officer who is also very senior, is read, is taking a step for the investigation with the lot. however, do we see here on retaliation? this is the very big question, especially especially that the detect and see if it comes to how we're on is dealing with is really a tax on your own destinations. it seems to be disturbed and disturb the ring, and that, that is, is this, the, this raises
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a lot of questions quite as caught and see. and you're on many off are asking what off what after hitting the lawns, embassy or consulate, which is a silver and the iranian for it because they're all divisions, but then a wrong on that as to how it should respond or not to this. but there is a republic and you have on add dots. the stomach republic is trying as much as possible to distance itself from the escalation. the region, as far as its own allies, are engaging with is red. and this tension on this war because it's already a war yesterday, there was an, a thought and he lot to this, the software present on an, a naval base. so the whole region actually is on, on fire. so iran is trying to distance itself from this far wind being involved to its own allies. but this doesn't seem to be working, especially with as well. try it as much as possible as far as what you're seeing to
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engage, you'd wanna bring it inside the questions, whether it can keep that distance for these publications for them. it's alex many thanks. and dave, joining us on this page, one for the us actually general has this reaction to the bombing of a wrong consumer section in damascus. we're obviously very concerned about these reports, but we'll wait to get a bit more information to apply and i will speak once we have the facts and we know what's happening. i mean we, we have seen a tax in syria before that have costs the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. and the state department has refused to say whether it's had received advance warning of the as riley as strike on damascus. and i'm not gonna comment with respect to this particular strike
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because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do. and that includes drawing any conclusions from it as a general principles. and of course we are worried about escalation. we are doing worried about using that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in any way. well, white house correspondent, company how kit joins us live out from washington, dc. and can please give us a bit more on what we're hearing out of the us on this strike. so yeah, what we know is that the us presidential by the end has been briefed about the ms sellers hack on the iranian compound in the consulate within it. uh, what we know is that he is aware that it has happened and, but the us says that it is concerned, as you heard there from the state department. so 1st and matthew miller, the big concern is that there is a deep fear about a broadening of this conflict. something that the united states has been worried about since israel launched its war on gaza following the how mazda attacks on
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october 7th into israel's. now, what we know is that the us president has a team looking into these latest strikes that have occurred in damascus. what we know is that the us is also concerned about what could follow as a result of these strikes, namely that often what happens when we see any sort of as really strike is that there are retaliatory strikes by iranian proxies towards it. not only is rarely interest, but also us interest whether that be in a rock, whether that be in syria and the spokes person for the state department. matthew miller has addressed that specifically saying that it would not be in a ron's interest to take strikes against either the united states or israel. so the message from the united states is very much one of trying to de escalate any sort
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of tensions in the region, fearing there could be a broader conflict. okay, complete many things indeed brings to view that from washington d. c. let us go over now to far as max out. he's seen a doctor of the teacher outreach and senior fellow at the least institution joins is also from the washington d. c. a. so far as the as strike in the middle of damascus on a diplomatic building. how escalate 3 is this in a regional context, the company that has mostly until now being low level that you have a lot of there are those who aren't with you that the those strikes have been taking place now. ready for quite a few months since the attacks of october 7th, israel has assassinated senior around you and commanders in damascus, including the most senior ones this past december. this is different, however, i would argue. first, this is the most senior iranian commander killed today in syria. a 2nd of these really is that pretty much. ready leveled the iranian consulate in damascus,
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which under international law is iranian territory. so i have no doubt in my mind that this is a very clear aspect or a signal from being, you know, not only directed towards wrong, but also towards the binary administration. the bind administration as we bird is very keen on regional de escalation, avoiding original. ready israel and iran and inside has been quite successful in re establishment re establishing an understanding with iran when officials between the 2 countries met indirectly, you know, mountains january. so what i think we've been on yards is doing here is not only retaliating against iran, but very potentially, very much potentially undermining the us policy in the region. and us objectives of the region, it was have fall corresponding to the whole kept the main concern that is about a widening conflict. i mean we see on see been can shuffling backwards and forwards from the us to the region multiple times since the october attack of hamas on
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israel and the subsequent war on garza so far, it has kept the regional conflicts quite low level but kind of keep on doing so, when we see the us is when they see the us new feelings of israel really not strong as many would like. yeah, there's the, there are sort of in the us that would like to buy the nutrition to take tougher action or restrict, perhaps some of the weapons apply towards israel trying to restrain being on yahoo, the action. i don't think that's a very likely in the foreseeable future, and i do have to worry about iran is response. iran here has a preference for indirect warfare taking punch in the israel, so to speak. the, it's various entities in proxies and militias in the region is paulette and love. and then i might have seen insight and she had a who's in yeah, man and the list goes off of the is really is, are much more willing to risk direct confrontation here. and i think that's kind of
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what this signals, i think part of the risk for the iranians is that in this understanding they have with the washington about trying to avoid regional escalation. they are opening themselves to store. there is really actions with limited ability to retaliate. so whether today's, actually today's killing in damascus throws all out of the window. and in fact, iran does written aside to response forcefully. that is something that we're going to have to wait and see oil wrongly because of course there are many different voices in a ron. and we do see many saying that it has not responded in a tough enough way. so fall to is really attacks. and this is the reason that are wrong keeps being targeted, and so they'll be a lot of pressure now on the government to react directly to this latest attack. i would imagine that that would be so, but i do see, i also think that the iranians are, they are running military leadership is very cognizant of the balance of power. there's a reason why or on a prefer as a symmetric warfare,
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what some referred to as praise on warfare, solvable deniability using because by law using the what was the, is using a mouse and the, and best of us, they knew slattich. she had not that these entity is also some of them have some agency of their own, but that's their ron's preference in terms of taking the fight to israel. rather a direct competition which then is what a military advantage over or on it. but this is different, this feels different, this is an entire conflict. this is the most senior commander to be killed and syria today. so i think all bets are off in terms of the type of a running a retaliation. and when we might see that retaliation. okay, as far as like that for the moment, thanks very much. and they've taken times to in us here on out as era because of the report. so imagine of atrocities committed by is really soldiers during the siege
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of gauze as i'll shape a hospital. i've been unconfirmed, eye witness accounts of palestinian civilians being shot stand. all those are said to have been buried alive. gotcha. is lopez audio has more and a warning to the pictures and descriptions in her report on distressing. there's not much left of console associates, a hospital with waistcoat destruction everywhere. and now accusations of painless for crimes are emerging. among the hundreds of reported dead decomposing bodies have been found in the compound after israel's too weak siege. witnesses say civilians were targeted indiscriminately. the cool, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, some were shot dead, others were buried to live in ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded,
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thrown in the ditch and breeds was sent. we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes in and around the medical facility. the stench of death is heavy. ruined bodies covered in sands, an apparent attempt witnesses say to bury any evidence along with the dead. on a creep mosley, a little to just so different from the from. i have personally with this victims handcuffed, blind folded and buried in the hospital. we got an emergency units. we found thousands of dead bodies. all of them were hank covered with their hands behind their backs. these are also a war crime. they are unprecedented. we have never seen anything like this in any other. we'll make shift graves have become a common st. here is really forces reportedly open fire on patients and medical staff during the siege rollback and allow you as well. yeah. and who do i have? yeah. the situation was indescribable, we found people again stable,
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covered in blood. they bodies had been less 2 days and all the bodies had signs of the composition. just the thank god we were able to bury them. despite the state of human rights groups are calling on the international criminal court to take action . it's quite disgraceful that until this very moment, the persecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing a response. it's important to mention the reason that we have a such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoy dentist ministry has enjoyed for, for decades. israel said it's operations that'll chief a compound were carried out, well preventing harm to severely as witnesses have described. the opposite effect on the i'm in the and this nice is and is ready tanks. we evacuated, we came back, hoping to find my belongings. i have nothing left my house with them and everything is gone. not too long ago, the chief
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a hospital compound was of refuge for displays, palestinians. now it's part of a wider investigation and it was really war crimes in gaza, katia a little bit, so the young challenges here. so i had hair on alex's era. a 2nd day approach has some ideas where the parliament quoting for 5 minutes, and that's from yahoo to resign the phone counting the cost the world's population is shrinking rapidly. how will that affect the global economy? regulations on both sides of the atlantic cracking down? take monopolies, plus the june the gas and take jones's narrowing. but when will it be? what doubts counting the cost? on alex's hair, unique perspective, everything is political. you can not stay out of college as an ever think is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to
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have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his web connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot, it's right here. and right now the stream announces era or devastating strikes, followed by here real weak, risky, because that's 1st responders know the mission could be the last but until then, the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission. because on a jersey the,
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[000:00:00;00] the header again, you're watching out there. i have to remind you about top stories this hour and is ready as strike has hit me as iranian comes to us in the syrian capital, damascus, and the stuff and people have been killed. a senior come on to be around in revelation with god. cool is among the dead runs. foreign minister says he has ran . the attack is a breach of all international convention reports for measuring that is ready. troops executed civilians and crushed the bodies with times during the siege of all ship a hospital encounter. some of them were bound and buried lies of clinton witnesses and a statement released by how much of the officials in gauze, i say, is rainy. troops killed around 300 people in and around the medical complex buildings with bands and chris qu, medical equipment destroyed,
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leaving so completely out of service with joining his hands to do is mohammed elementary professor immediate studies at the institute for graduate studies. good to have you back him home and so he is really all me is completely destroyed. garza's main hospital has killed hundreds of people and it's done so in full view of the well, seemingly with m. p. let's see how is that possible to? well, i think that israel has made it clear that it doesn't really care about what's happening at the i c. j. the world court doesn't really care about global public opinion, so long as it has united states back in because as long as it has us backing is real, feels as though it can do whatever, whatever it wants, without without consequence. i think as i'm watching the images and i'm hearing these testimonies in many ways it's, it's shocking, but i don't think we should be terribly surprised because this is what is real has been doing for the better part of 6 months. and it's also what they told us that they were going to do. they said on october 7th and 8th that they were going to quote,
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eliminate everything. they told us that they weren't going to differentiate between civilian targets and military targets. and there were so many genocidal statements that i don't think we shouldn't be particularly surprised when we see another hospital being attacked. and, and let's not forget that this was not the 1st or the 2nd or 3rd most hospitals and cause i have been destroyed. i either partially or fully it should we be surprised that the us responds me. we just had the state department spokesman defending is really only actions in chief. i repeating again and again in a press conference that how much should not hide in the hospital as if that justifies everything by well, i think it's fascinating, fascinating. on a, on the number of levels. he was asked at one point matching miller, if they had, if the u. s. had no evidence of its own. and if they've done an independent investigation on a flat said no. so they're just relying on is rarely intelligence. and that's what they've been doing throughout, right? when there were reports have been headed, babies,
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or when there were reports of mass rape when they were reports on a ship for the attacks on ownership from a few months ago. so all they're doing is just relying on is really propaganda is really talking points. so i think that's fascinating, but i don't think we can expect or should expect us to change course the u. s. has been very consistent. that extension to un security council of not withstanding, and i think there was much ado about nothing. and then the us watered down that resolution. they said it was non binding. they've done proceeded to send the weapons up, you know, per usual. i think they obtained because they felt like they, they had to abstain given a global pressure. but the us as firmly and israel's corner was that the markham public does it continue to buy into is ready propaganda. there's certainly some difference of opinion, but the, the, the answer increasingly is no. there was a pole done last week and it showed that 75 percent of democrats and democrats are
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important because that's president biden's party. 75 percent of democrats do not agree with the way that is real, is waging a war and cause that comes on the heels of another poll. from about a month ago, what happened, democrats said that israel is committing genocide in casa so these are numbers. these are pulling numbers that joe biden is not going to be very happy to see and date. okay, hold on for the moments. thanks very much for joining us here in the studio. now in west jerusalem, thousands of protest as the mountain and resignation of benjamin this deal whose government is the 2nd day of demonstrations in front of the parliament with similar action held in 10 of these over the past 3 days. some stuff up 10 saying they're ready to make this a long time, protest them. as i said, the saying nothing, you know has continued war on garza, is hosting as well as the now is government
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as long as they're as far as the, just the damage in the most reasonable. sure. whatever. we can take them down as bringing our correspondent home to sell her cheese unoccupied, east jerusalem for us and hundreds of the 2nd night. busy major antique government protests was the mood like that. and is there any sign that the government is responding to this pressure? this is the 2nd of 4 days in which is really is, are demonstrating outside of these rarely parliament. last night we saw upwards of a 100000 demonstrators saying the fees rallies will continue in both size and scale in order to send a message to his roles. government for the population is fed up with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government, and their policies that have now dragged on this war into 6 months without releasing the remaining is really captive to our help and gaza in terms of how the
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government is receiving it, well, there hasn't really been an answer just yet whenever there are these anti government demonstrations, whenever there is pressure on these really prime ministers specifically, he seems to brush it off. but demonstrators are saying that he has simply run out of time and they're calling for elections to be held immediately. and that's also the sentiment from some members of these really opposition who say, well, it's not ideal to have elections in war time. it's necessary in order to get the country back on track. okay, how does cell hoops? thanks very much for joining us with that update from occupied to east jerusalem. this is paula montez postal, which could allow of potential shutdown of foreign bro costs as in the country, including outages, era, the class that voted as whelming in favor below, which israel has been pushing since the beginning of its war on gauls up lower allows as well to shut down any pro costa, if it deems as content threatens national security, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted on ex thing,
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out of their quote, actively participation in the october 7th masika and incited again, this is where the soldiers, you said it's time to remove the mouthpiece of her mouth from a country and cools down to 0 atara channel. as the yahoo says he intends to take immediate action to stop out to do his activities. in israel. the kids may know position. republican peoples policy has had some big winds and sundays local elections present much up to have other ones described it as a set back font says it's not the end of the right for his policy. so i'm confused, spoke to votes as almost rates of his stumble. the one they asked is highly competitive, local election race. the majority of the male you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the male position, republican party, the c h p. this is a victory for the main,
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a position who has been far from this this majority of governing for more than the case. but also it is that the 5th or the home in golf course have up have coverage . is like, is some move for more than 20 years, then a projection that i'm 60 years old and i voted for the c h b for the 1st time. but i do with a gain, look at the prices and the teams. so it's important to vote for the one who works. i'm not an act party supported, but i voted for its candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for him a molar in a stumble. this may or election gave a clear message to the golf far to enter the 10 digit, safe drawn, wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the opposition. now he's disappointed. then he said that he received the message given by the citizens. but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028. economy is a major problem, and this is why people are mostly voted as for the opposition, cnn,
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because solar elders are assembled. the west coast guard is preparing an ultimate route for vessel stock and the pulls of baltimore off the last week. the bridge collapse crews have become locked, remove the 1st chunk of the collapse spreads from the wall. so 6 people were killed in the incident when a call goes, ship lost power hitting one of it support colors. so i'll go and present you and so you'll have defendant has government plans to increase medical school admissions administration says more adults has all needed to address the countries of the aging population unload, built for the population base. you thousands of training adults has worked off the job in february, same the changes would drive down wages and compromise the standards of cap. a russian also slipping in argentina is capital of tried to paint a mural depicting the late russian opposition lead election. the valley was stopped by police before it was finished, thousands of supports and still faced flowers at the sites in front of cyrus. and
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all these died suddenly in the prison. and the funeral pony in february kremlin says he died of natural causes. but suppose us have blamed president vladimir putin for his death assets from me. laura kyle from now i'll be back with more news officer counting the cost to stay with us. if the the hello there's some big changes coming right across here. so 1st we begin with the big picture. we're seeing much cooler weather and is we'll get there and one second . but 1st we got to talking about that funding that we had through france. it pushed into germany. and now this, what weather is bumping into colder air? so watch what happens in sweden stock home. you could see up to 5 centimeters of snow on tuesday. your temperature is go sub 0,
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which is well below where you should be now temper in the month of april. so here's that rain moving across eastern europe, cutting down those temperatures. but this will also help freshen up the atmosphere . we have been dealing with hazy and small good conditions with so hard that's being brought up from africa. so much pressure to be expected on tuesday. best weather around the eastern mediterranean here. look at this full on sunshine is stumble, looking good at $22.00 degrees and more wet weather comes pouring into northern portugal with this disturbance off the atlantic. we picked up about a months worth of rain in times, year in morocco, in 24 hours. things have dried off a little bit cooler here. and to the south. we go, we've got some verse of rain around vin, talk a bit on usual time of the year. that weather should begin to wind down. and with this breeze off the indian ocean more. what weather for marissa is and the east coast. it's not a gas scar. this
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is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains that strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural historical and cultural beauties. the hello until mccrae. this is counting. the cost announces or your weekly looked at the world of business and economics. this week the world's population is shrinking rapidly, but the baby boom is predicted so many developing nations will become a graphic shift,
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affects the global economy. cracking down on the take monopolies us an e u rate devices take i'm, it's fixed. john's


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