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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern fleets the on the door. kyle: this is the news, our life from joe hall coming up in the next 60 minutes and is ready as strike hits field. ronnie and consulate in damascus. a senior revolution regard come on to and his deputy are amongst those killed scenes of death and destruction amongst the ruins of gauze. as all she felt hospital reports of israeli soldiers committing atrocities could constitute full crimes. the model in no
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way mistake him. tell me was nothing on this? no, no, it's just the sending. no, you shouldn't have minutes left them. the names the houses era condemns a new. is there any know that could shut down is operations in israel says appointments, and that's me all who is lying about the network also ahead the i'm hard and we tested to know to district to zimbabwe on the 24th of february 198327 people were burned to death in their home. i'll tell you why many families are still waiting for justice and support for me. the ones owners are set to buy, moto gp, and a full $1000000000.00 deal. the american libertine media group says it wants to take the most of bikes here as to why does logo or the
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to be give in syria awareness, right? yes. right. because the a ronnie and consulate in the capital, damascus. and these 7 people have been killed. i seen a come under the atlantic revolution, the god quotes, and his deputy amongst the dead saying bus rossi has more. a 2nd major was really air strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of your on you in consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed the residence of heavy of military adviser, who previously levia. ronnie, at the lead crowds force in 11 on sir there wants for an minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. was serious for administer had this to say, what do you, what we strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy,
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which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me, a rainy and embassy and b as lama clark public of around. and we assure that syria and b as lemon for public, don't forget their enemies on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial levels in entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bola since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus
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came 3 days after was really strict killed dozens of people in a level, mostly syrian soldiers, as well as members of his full, including a senior commander, the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some syria and lebanon, seemingly extend the battle grounds for his really operations, which continue to expand beyond its borders. and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0. i was one that i how soon has covered this region extensively joins us head now in the studio. so is leading figure and a wrong reputation with god. cool, was killed mohammed was a heidi, what more do we know about him? but the idea is we know he's the head or the commander of dollar gc called sports and 11 on and city in the past. he wants to combine that off the, our dc 11 on
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a whole bunch of 2021. after his official, while the friday was dismissed, he was appointed. does the mind responsible for syria and lebanon? this is a very big responsibility and actually reflects the amount of a trust and confidence he has in to hold on. i'm on the leadership. so today's us as a nation is a big deal, especially that it's not only him was skilled, but also is deputy. so the command is going golf course. the radians are going to find someone else in his face. but the, these really talk, he's kind of pushing the iranians to watch escalation, which is something they don't want me. oh, certainly seen responses in a wrong stay with us for a moment. and because we've seen prototypes gathering in the iranian capital, tyrone in response to this as strike
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sizes in palestine square, 200 on see as well. and on to west and slogans are also seeing funding is really flags. i leave this kind of anger in iran. how much pressure does it put on the government to actually respond in a direct way which it hasn't, don't hesitate. but the fact that i'm seeing these pictures enough color to run a living room separately. yes. gives me an indication that is something different. this fun, especially a then demonstrating that palestine square which is just 200 meters from the house of leader, the supreme leader. and you know, this is not the decision to be taken the government. this is a decision actually for the retaliation. that's a decision to be taken by the leader and by the supreme national security council. so what we are seeing right now is a message from your on actually because the people on the street are mainly a sympathizes with that iranian ideology with the rainy and,
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and i then teaches the fact that the comes to the different of you, ron has been hit and this is a suffering, a story for the radians gives the rain or the readings in front of very big decisions to take care of. and given the fact over the past few months, several amiens', condos and offices have been killed. and we go back to 2021 costs and so they money walk in the evening and the tenants in the region has been shaken and this has its own impact on the inside. and you're on the fact that the government or the system and engender of the establishment once, always to show that it's the strong establishment, the strong system that struck back at the uh, the kind of power that amiens' want. now with this, with these attacks and these assistant ations and even some of the access that took place in your on such stuff as the sedation of the nuclear scientists to find these
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are the, for example, inside, inside the run. these are all undermining the power of the government wants to show on the system wants to show. and this is pushing. once again, the system to us may be taken from aggressive steps and wants to say no to into the region, but also domestic need to i think it was april. i have some many thanks and data as well. has my, the denies, know, confirmed the attack on iranian consulate in damascus. homes associates reports from occupied east joyce to them. there's been no special comment from is really officials on these airstrikes in damascus. the kill of we 7 people. these really are me typically does not comment on its military activities in syria and back a couple of months ago when israel assassinated solid booty in 11 on a senior chemist official. they did not comment on that either. however, all this comes as israel's defense minister and go up the law and has said that israel will pursue targets and enemies wherever they are, whether that is damascus,
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anywhere in lebanon. and beyond that, additionally, these really army chief of staff hurts the hell levy. when speaking on monday, had said that israel has authorized plans for the continuation of the fighting on his roles. northern border, meaning they are going to continuously be striking targets in live and on and perhaps beyond. now, while these relatives have not officially commented on these strikes, a senior is really official speaking to the new york times has acknowledged that it was indeed israel, who targeted this iranian consulate building in damascus. but these realize again, have not had any sort of official comment from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem was facing for the un. secretary general has this reaction to the bombing of yvonne's come to us in damascus. we are obviously very concerned of bodies reports, but we'll wait to get a bit more information to apply. i will speak once we have the facts and we know
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what's happened. i mean we, we have seen a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which, which civilians were, were killed. we condemned all these all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. it will, the state department has refused to say whether it had received advance warning of the as riley as strike on damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do and that includes drawing conclusions from it. as a general principle, of course, we are worried about escalation. we are doing worried about anything that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in any way speak to alan fish. and now here's our correspondent joining us live from washington dc. and i didn't get a little bit more on what we're hearing out of the us on this strike to well
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present. joe biden has been briefed by his national security team. the us intelligence agencies are cutting out their own assessment of what has happened. so the us at this point is not willing to point any fingers, but we know that the iranians have said they believe these relays are behind this attack. the big consent from the united states is that this could lead to an escalation in the region that remember from the very start of the water and gas. so that's something that the u. s. has talked about. they've been worried about an escalation they've been wanting to, but the war one, israel's northern border and exchange it with his bola there. what a, that the with ease and the attacks on shipping and the right see could escalate this so they can send this could lead to some sort of attack against either us or is really impressed in the region. and of course we've seen that over the last few months that are being attacked on us positions in jordan and in city a i,
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i also in other places around the middle east, so including iraq. so this would be a consent for the united states. so much so that in the last couple of hours, the us a said to run it would not be in it. strategic interest to start targeting is really and us interests in the region of the middle east after this assault. okay. out of many thanks. and dave to bring us those lines from washington dc. that's bringing out james, jeffrey. he's a former us ambassador to a rock kentucky here. and so just section states, special representative for syria engagement. he's coming each of the middle east program at the wilson center and joins us from washington. d. c. great to have you with us. what do you make so far of the u. s. response. so overall, the lack of it. so the strike on the diplomatic mission, us and thanks for having me. one. first of all, washington will already be concerned. is it sure?
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on attacks on diplomatic missions that is a stuff we don't like to see. that said, washington also realizes that israel and to a significant degree the united states and unable to units in the red sea, our troops interact and share. and we're not involved in a region wide confrontation with a ran that reached a critical one. after october 7th, the administration doesn't want to see escalation, but on the other hand, doesn't warranty you uh, to a ran into a rims broadcast the jump in the past, if you don't mind, because they might not want to see escalation with a rom, but many would point to as well as ongoing attacks on a, ronnie and target as direct provocation, which iran so far has not risen to at least in a direct manner. i think that's ridiculous. a really is the force
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of the weapons provider in the linkage between the who do use a mouse who saw and the various uh, actually shopping grooves, interact, interior and ran denies responsibility while as we know, providing intelligent checks and the red sea to help the who the ship international shipping is real correctly, sees that it is in a conversation with a random in it's friends is real, doesn't want. it is realize no claims on or ran. it is a ran and that is the official position. and the mission of destroying is uh, not wanting to direct confrontation with the wrong. why would it hits it's diplomatic mission, which has considered the ronnie in soil? that may be a mistake, but let me point no mistake after the us put a definite no told, i'm not the i disagree. uh, that's why you have me on. i'm when we did a task some, some money and uh took out is
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a power move in this that shut down much of variety and aggression against america for months. likewise, after we struck back, todd, when we lost 3 soldiers in jordan, several months ago, we have seen a dramatic increase in attacks. it is not. i've given prove that if you had a re and have a reason escalating back, i would argue it's you officer. but this time we may be why it was not a are clear 5 obvious thing. ok bye. so i just want to pick up on that that, that's the description you use of it of as being a mistake. i mean, this was a direct hit using several messages from and is really fine to jet on an, a, an amex of a diplomatic mission that happened off to the ronnie. and i'm foster that had left the building. this was a precision strike using all of his really intelligence. it cannot be dismissed as a mistake. so i'm not missing, it is a mistake when, if i said that,
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i'm sorry. i was really obviously it. we have to determine, 1st of all, under the geneva convention different wireless bits of america establishment. but let's assume it was, that's a mistake from the standpoint of american, uh, protection of diplomatic, you know, facilities. and that's something that will be of concern to us. and in terms of is really so this deliberately, as they are structured, rather targets, they see the revolutionary gods as a target throughout the region as to the revolutionary gods, just written targets for the region. how well the us manifest best concern about israel as actions or the us and do anything. we have big, big issues with the next phase of the fighting in gaza. and ross are we are big, big issues. but the day after the big, big issues with the hoody campaign took up shipping and the red c o 9 sizes and
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take any specific action against as we are over this is, are really the police within the us, um, within as well. but these kinds of strikes against ron and yvonne's proxies. a deterrence vol. the them the opposite of pushing and provoking suddenly elements within the wrong to take great to action and therefore escalate the situation. again, nothing is or nothing has given me most of the really in navy and 1988 that shut down their efforts to try to cut off oil trade out of the gulf when we hit the task. so spend the money lenders in 2020 uh that shut down or tax against us attacks against us. 2 months ago. busy after we hit our targets in rack and syria dropped off precipitously. and um is really sort of uh, also uh taken of various ships that are gc targets and level. no,
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no swear. there is no given proof that that does happen and back. but you can argue against that either it has in the past deter, rent, okay. i just lost the how long do you think the us will keep protecting israel when it keeps breaking international? no, with a tax on diplomatic missions with a tax on hospitals and multiple violations within garza is we just again, the diplomatic strike is a different thing. the united states will look into this. you will not be happy over that, but that is why it's the 1st time isn't it was done there in terms of properties and other things. we just had 2 decisions from the international court of justice, the highest human board. i'm like, explanation of the chinese to the south china sea and rush river ukraine did not condemn is real rather than recognize. israel has the right to self defense, the war crime achieve a hospital 1st in november. and then again, this ma'am,
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is just a mass moving industry. so hard to walk from attracting true was in the hospital is not far from the states to do it with as much care as possible for civilian. but you remembered so, so far as was how much, what is your okay miss? this is video going into a whole other interview. i'm afraid to amass the james geoffrey because of course a i. c. j has demanded that as well, prevents genocidal acts and allow humanitarian aid into garza. neither of which it does seem to be doing, but i'm afraid we will have to leave that for another day, and we do have to come back on to speak to balances there again for the moment. thanks very much. take care the the repose of a mazda of atrocities committed by as rainy soldiers during the siege of golf as, as she felt hospital. it'd be an unconfirmed. eye witness. accounts of palestinian
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civilians been shot dead. all those are said to have been buried alive. katia lopez, hold a young has more and a warning of the pictures and descriptions in her report on distressing there's not much left of console associates, a hospital with waistcoat destruction everywhere. and now accusations of pain is war. crimes are emerging among the hundreds of reported dead. decomposing bodies have been found in the compound after israel's too weak siege. witnesses say civilians were targeted indiscriminately. cool, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, somewhere shot dead. others were buried to live in ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by this radius. i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded, thrown in the ditch and breeds was sent up. we witnessed at all. it happened before
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our own eyes in and around the medical facility. the stench of death is heavy. groaned bodies covered in sands and a parent attempt. witnesses say to bury any evidence along with the dead on a creep most or a little to just so this off of the problem, i have personally with the victims hancock blindfolded and buried in the hospital yard and the emergency unit. we found thousands of dead bodies, all of them were hank up with their hands behind their backs. these are also will crying. they are unprecedented. we have never seen anything like this in any other way to make shift graves have become a common st. here is really forces reportedly open fire on patients and medical staff during the siege. go back and allow yourself. yeah. and who do i have? yeah. the situation was indescribable. we found people against a wall covered in black. they bodies had been less 2 days. all the bodies had signs
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of the composition just to thank god we were able to bury them despite the estate. hold on. human rights groups are calling on the international criminal court to take action. it's quite disgraceful that until this very moment the persecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing of his warrens. it's important to mention the reason that we have such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoyed and this ministry has enjoyed for, for decades. israel said its operations that'll schafer compound were carried out, well preventing harm to severely as witnesses have described. the opposite effect on the i'm in the and this knife isn't is ready. tanks. we have actuated, we came back hoping to find my belongings. i have nothing left. my house was thumb and everything is gone. not too long ago, the chief a hospital compound was a refuge for displaced palestinians. now it's part of
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a wider investigation. it was really war crimes in gaza, katia a little bit, so the young al jazeera and west or a slim thousands of protest as a demanding the resignation of benjamin. yes. neil whose government is the 2nd day of demonstrations in front of the parliament with similar action held in tel aviv in the past 3 days. some hopes that top 10 saying the ready to make this a long time protest demonstrates as a saying destiny. all his continued will on garza is harassing israel or the year of the now is government. as long as they're as far as the just the damage in the most reasonable. sure. whatever we can take them down. this is what is paula minutes has passed a little that could allow a potential shut down or for and broke off. as in the country, including out is there, like an asset voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law,
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which israel has been pushing since the beginning of its will on concepts and or allows as well to shut down any pro costa if it seems that content threatens national security as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted on accent. i'll just say we're actively participated in the october 7th masika and didn't slices against is riley. sonya is, is it goes down to 0 terror channel. that's me all he says he intends to take immediate action to stop balances. there is activities in israel was there a media network is responsive with the statement cooling. that's new. all his comments lies. but insight against the safety of launch on list is the full statements. escalating move is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, north of frantic campaign against ologist era, accusing us of harming israel's curacy, activate participation in the october 7th attack, and then slicing against israeli soldiers. how's the media network condemns these statements and the season has nothing but
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a dangerous ludicrous life. that's neil who could not find any of justifications to offer the world for his own. going a tax on al jazeera and press freedom, except to present new lives and inflammatory slanders against the network and the rights of its employees. as 0 holds is rarely prime minister responsible for the safety of its stuff, network premises around the world, following his incitement on this false accusation in a disgraceful none of the network stresses that this latest measure comes as part of a series of systematic is really attacks the silence i'll just there and dreamy assassination of its correspondence should be novel, actually the killing of its jealous. some other duyka. and how does the i'll do to the bombing of it's office and garza and deliberate talk. thing of a number of, i'll just say with journalists and the family members, i'm interested intimidation of. it's correspondence in the field of their rates rates. that sort, slanderous accusations will not deter us from continuing bold and professional
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coverage and reserves the rights to prove whose every legal step the state department has responded to as well as decisions saying that washington supports the work of the free press that we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to houses here. obviously, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with algae or other people from the department have done interviews with l. g 0. so we will continue to make clear that we support the work that the free pressed us still has had on al jazeera or far as a, as in japan, notes and investigation. after supplements to help metal collect,
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scroll as being linked to the death of 5 peaceful crisis. and one of the biggest cities will tell me what the people of mexico's capital of doings of code and support will have from the football coach, who's the new favorite to replace the admin club at livable next season. the although there's some big changes coming right across here. so 1st we begin with the big picture. we're seeing much cooler weather and is we'll get there and one second. but 1st we got to talk about that funding that we had through france. it pushed into germany, and now that's what weather is bumping into colder air. so watch what happens in sweden stock home. you could see up to 5 centimeters of snow on to say your temperatures go sub 0,
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which is well below where you should be mounted for in the month of april. so here's that rain moving across eastern europe, cutting down those temperatures. but this will also help freshen up the atmosphere . we have been dealing with hazy and small get conditions with so hard that's being brought up from africa. so much pressure to be expected on tuesday. best weather around the submitted training and here look at this full on sunshine is stumble, looking good at 22 degrees and more wet weather comes pouring into northern portugal with this disturbance of the atlantic. we picked up about a months worth of rain in times, year in morocco, in 24 hours. things have dried off a little bit cooler here. and to the south. we go, we've got some burst of rain around vin talk a bit unusual time of the year that what weather should begin to wind down and with this breeze off the indian ocean more. what weather for marissa is and the east coast steps, madagascar, the,
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there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western. and it needs to be questions . this is not the time to, to, to kind of wait examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening post, a c o news, they load balancing from the panel processing. and so it's why we work with bill cuz who make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all examining the headlines. is there any, is felicity towards forms of life and got unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only create wealth for women, come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around all
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the the new watching out is there is remind you about top. so is this uh, and is there any? yes, i can set you around in constance and the syrian capital damascus. at least 7 people have been killed. senior combined, giovanni and revolutionary god, full and his deputy are amongst the dead. there on the farm is says the as rainy attack is a breach of full international conventions. report, so this way, the troops executing civilians and crossing the parties with time during the siege of, i'll see for a hospital in casa, some of them were bound and buried and lives according to witnesses. and the statement for needs to buy from us. and also it has condemned and new is really
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know that could shutdown it. so patients in the israel from is the benjamin netanyahu, tucson to 0 of actively participating in the type of stuff in the top as it is facing against his writing. so just so it says the statements, nothing but a thing to us and ludicrous lie a, what do i say on set to talk more about this as mohammed elementary professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies soon as possible. look at the was missing, yahoo is using here. that's the al jazeera is actively participated, meal tube assessment. tech is like and slicing against is really sole, just what's he trying to achieve here? or if it, israel is that war, not just with, from us, not just with palestinians, and drives about the war with a journalism and with journalists including all to 0. but this is part of a much larger pattern if we think back to october, reuters and a john's front press most asked for assurance that their journalist would be kept,
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would be safe in gaza. and israel refused to provide that assurance spending november when it came time to negotiate a temporary truce with from us. one of israel's key conditions was that no international journal was to be allowed into into garza to cover the war. and then as many organizations have been documenting, israel has been targeting and killing journal is including, i'll just you were a journalist and their family members, right? so this is a pattern and c, p j, the committee to protect journalists says 95 journalists have been killed. some organizations put the number much higher, but this is any way stack it. this is the dental is conflict in world history for, for journalists, deadlier than world war 2, deadlier than vietnam, deadlier than either of the iraq invasion. instead, we are then ukraine, any or any other conflict. so this is part of a larger pattern. it's not surprising that benjamin netanyahu and is really wor cabinet. i don't like watch dogs style journalism. they don't want people to know
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what's happening inside of the browser. because anyone who could go into golf and have a very feature on list aloud. so in the early days, but they had to go in under the guidance hope that is right and that is with the is right in the army and they were 5 or you, they have to show that footage. they were very close. the books went them right. yeah. that embedded program is that a journalism program is basically just a propaganda program. you know, the americans introduce that. it's so that the military can exert very tight control over the kind of content that comes out. everything happens with the military's permission and those are, is protecting the journalist or journalists. and so that's the only kind of reporting that israel wants to see, come out, come out of causes. so this is part of a strategy as part of a game plan. if you will, and again, it's all, it's consistent with, with israel's m o and not just since october 7th, but even fire, talk to some of these ro is a democracy or what does finding stations where it doesn't like what they say do.
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so it's free speech do so it's by patients as a country. well, i mean, i might push back a little bit on this idea of democracy. i mean, the israel is, uh, you know, has a lot of par tied to it. and, and it's not a very equal and fair democracy and in that sense. and it also has a long history of stifling press freedoms, especially when it comes to the palestinian issue even is really journalism. there are very few critical h as rarely news outlets, but those that are critical often gets stifled. there's a journalist right now, you've all abraham, who cannot even go back to israel because he's facing death threats and he's being accused of being an anti semite. and this isn't as rarely journalist who works for local call and plus $97.00 to magazines. so that gives you some sense of, again, this war against journalism, real journalism watched on journalism, critical journalism that israel is taking part in. okay, i'm not sure we'll leave it there. thanks very much for joining us in the student.
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thanks. the i'll take is may no position that are public and people's policy had some big wins and sundays local elections. first of which have to have had them described it as a set fight for his policy bump, says it's not the end of the right. so because the only support spoke to the photos on the streets of his stumble. alley is a local business owner and assembles vale to district, which is a basset of support for turkish present friendship type. our don and his rolling up party bill like listed 8 was lost. so the main office issue part is c h b and sundays. local elections, it was a c h, b, 's. first grade success indicates is upset for the last one. very easy knowledge and typically the model for this is a victory. the president gave to the opposition on a golden plate motor. one said, the seo would be the for the retired,
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but they retired him. so you to be supporters told us they come on me, it was their most important issue. inflation remains high and the minimum wage has failed to alleviate board spread power to, particularly in urban areas such as bunker and stumble. the voted for the c h. b for the 1st time in my life. inflation continued to sort of the president may be on c took over the i don't supporters in his own neighborhoods, put the name on the president because it is the reason our president's party last is because he couldn't keep his promises. he focused on satisfying public officers, but forgot the everyday workers and the retired website and add on that opposition . party leader. amount of action or express hope that add on has finally realized that he needs to be a present for everyone in the country. net a day after the competitive election, adults finance minister measurements are 6 that all his social media that press stability is the government's top priority. and the type monetary policy will
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continue. we are almost always local elections is remarkably similar to the one in 1989 during inflation the prize and then governing party of majority off merrill sees gradually from circus politics. that's why many here say the rolling off for 2 months pay attention to voters needs a message to them. to solo elders. there is some some bob was set to hold public hearings into the kennings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the good crew of a hyundai. it happened in the early years of the nation's independence. soldiers are accused of torture rate and execution, which also report so the district of charter to julia, samantha was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric c binder was locked inside a house with other family members. and then allies, julia hits in a nearby field and feels guilty. she survived. we know who the one to 5. i carry
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that paid me to me every day. i have sleepless nights, my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of cimbawe, always independence, part of a military operation. authorities named who could all windy meaning, the reins washing away the task or work less garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge if that the only thing was done, then we allow these victims to ship out to the experiences in the they will guide us on what do they need done? maybe they'll turn 20 and the portal has to be test one day i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was find is a combined of some bobbies. formerly the robertson guy, the he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. the security vanessa was game assuming that god, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now
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have seen the government post. presidents manenda. what has us traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out, and hopefully close, adopt capt tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders, us get to go, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the from the width cool, it was said it was going to be able to map of ports, but do from the loop of things, this book downs. it is not known how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the matter be allowed and midlands provinces in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this plaque or memorial is a reminder that people were killed here including a 7 month old baby. some ends and bobby don't believe that it would be any
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reconciliation. i this have concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man, god, will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll hard on the tasks out as a lot of district zimbabwe. the west coast guard is preparing an alternative route for vessels stuck in the port of baltimore. often last week's bridge collapse. crews have become what to remove the 1st chunk of the bridge from the water. 6 people were killed in the incident when a congress ship lost power has in one of its support pillows. although as largest cities may be just months away from running out of wolves up in mexico city, the lack of study will also supply as already reach crisis levels. climate change in aging facilities are contributing to types running dry. kelly on their reports from the mexican capsule or it's 8 am. and angelica is waiting for the
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1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an entire day. as of yet the import once the years ago, we had water all the time even at night. not now though. last month we received no water for 15 days. get angelica, it's actually among the lucky ones and the stuff by law, mexico, cities, largest and poor is district. hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government water tankers to reach them. paying for a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical of water shortage, ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full,
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mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here and stuff like that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown to regularly over the years. water shortages are nothing new, but the recent crisis and the reality things are likely to get much worse before they get better. is driving some residents to the brakes where they want that neighbors is left for long. as you know, the neighbors get together and take the tanks by force, essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. this double flow does this job has become increasingly dangerous, as the water has become more scarce. demand far away supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive with times, taking before the task goes dry again and jealous of russia to watch dirty laundry
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. and with the run of names, the floor having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica feels the situation would be coming on sustainable. the medicine, i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all. the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not a politically popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year. this year is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it to ago, the, i know i'll just euro mexico city so far and present to you and so kill has defended his government's plans to increase medical school admissions. demonstrations has more doctors are needed to address the countries wrapping the aging population and below don't have the population ratio. thousands of training
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doctors works off the job in february saying the changes with dr. down wages and compromise this tons of cap and now facing potential license suspensions with we do k as in the governments medical reform is to create an environment in which south korean people can get treatments wherever they live. so no matter what kind of diseases they have, by strengthening the central medical services and regional medical services. to do so, we need more doctors. if the country cannot increase the number of doctors without the doctors permission. they don't have to ask where the people's lives are worth only that much to the authorized sees in japan and trying to manage a health scanner after a supplement meant to low a collect stroll is being linked to at least 5 depths. now, investigations are looking into what's caused the fatal reaction units, chemicals, the investigators from the national and regional health departments, rate of factory and also like a city after health supplements produced here were found to contain
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a toxic compound last week who by us you pharmaceutical confirmed at least 5 elderly people who used as collateral, lowering pills had died more than 100. others were hospitalized with kidney issues and other health problems. the company is recalling the product 2 months after 1st receiving complaints. its president has apologized for not acting sooner. higgins, i will show that we deeply apologize for the distress and concerns that we've caused. many people this in regards to the problem of kidney disease due to the consumption of rates. east rice related products produced by a company machine. the pills contain ready, east rice, a natural substance said to lower cluster all who buy as she has supplied about a 1000000 packages to thousands of other companies within japan and abroad. in the past 3 years, health authorities and neighboring china and south korea have raised concerns and
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tie one is investigating possible links to some reports of unexpected reactions. the government has promised transparency in order to review of the approval system for health supplements. and of course, the pretty quick we will continue to inform countries in a timely and appropriate manner and strive to ensure trust and japanese food products. geico, so called function labeled foods, are popular in japan. analysts say there is little regulatory oversight and a heavy reliance on manufacturers reputations trust that's taken a major hit as people are falling ill from. supplements meant to make them health care unit skim. all just there are just getting some use in from gaza at least 58 where cuz have been killed in and is really strike in the center of the strip of all the victims of believe to be employees of wells central kitchen. that's the great, that's coordinating 8 deliveries are transported by ships from cyprus,
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one victim his palace sent in and the others for a national vehicle was headed to the coast to receive aid. when it was talked to the darrow bala, my bodies have been taken to the hospital and will keep an eye on that story and bring you developments, week assets. so that has had on our stuff, lots of reports in from germany. well, one of your most liberal cannabis last doesn't just they can affect them. everyone about 18 years old can now process and small amounts of this plan. and then scroll the incident that could result in one of the kids most famous football teams pulling out of the country see the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bundle dash football. he is the
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this business uptake these me roy thought no bundle dash football. he is the
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the quote now with santa thank you very much laura. well, for me to ones the owners are set to buy motor gp and a full $1000000000.00 deal. the american liberty media group, it says it wants to take the multiple bikes here as to why the global audience deal is expected to be finalized by the end of this year. most of it has been owned by spanish companies. for more than 3 decades. we've been talking to motivation feature and assignment patterson, about what this takeover could mean for the, for what we repeatedly heard over the years. is that what did you be, you know, a championship with, with change ring fingers with a really diverse global audience as being really undervalued it's, it's not being well promoted. and as a result it's, it's kind of the,
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on the wonder of orders for 10 expenditure and f $15.00. if you went up to this new crop of funds, who's been converted to f one by the cheap successes like, uh, netflix document to drive to somebody. so they've come in here they, they bought a property that they see is being quite low valued. and with the experience of what we send them to an f one, they very much believe that they can expand this into something much bigger and much more side of commercially viable for them. it will be really, really good to, to hopefully see us go to some of the audiences. it's being repeatedly highlighted at this point, interest that there's a huge opportunity in north america for the sport to expand there because of various things. but you know, the way that our wrist is wrong with, with short, tiny intensity races of 45 minutes. so i think as of, well, it's going to be a good fit for global funds to build a g p and a good fight thing for global funds. of orders for the code to is the favorite to replace 2 of them. cloth as livable says he's doing his best to stay focused on winning trophies in portugal this season. moving,
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i'm or him has taken sporting it to the brink of a leak and cup double. i'm or him has become known. i special to in his home country in reference to fellow portuguese coach shows a motor in you, the self styled a special one. he insisted his players a haven't been affected the by reports, he could be taken over to the report next season. known for the 1st part of the the what effects the place has their own future counting today with that preparation for a game, if they're involved in talks with other clubs, but when is the manager they don't think about any of that knowing the supporting manager that's it the players wants to win and i wants to win titles disposing either these. the gentleman football association has said that will come up with an alternative design that for the number 4 on its national should. it follows complaints that they resembles assembled used by nazi assist units during world war 2 kits. suppliers added the say,
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any similarity is accidental. the countries hosting this is yours with the tournament set to kick off in june to one of 2 keys. most famous football clubs is to hold the both on whether or not to pull out of the country's top click last month for the boxes team. it was a tax on the page by transport support funds also in a way game cups president says send violence is just one of many problems. assessing that we need to know about members will vote on tuesday. the whole number one goal. so in any quadra has just one has said consecutive the tournament that she's the 1st play to achieve the feet in close to a decade, as david stokes reports another week,
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another trophy phonetic told the world number one when the food championship by 2 shots. and in doing so, i became the 1st woman to rack up 3 winds, and 3 starts since thailand or we get you to not getting in 2016. she's the 1st american to do it since nancy lopez in 1978. but what's the secret to his success? i don't really know. just really enjoying myself out there. but i mean, i love golf. i've always loved golf. i mean, sometimes it's harder than other days. last year was definitely one of the harder years. i never really got any momentum going with injuries and such a 25 year old code that comes from a very sporty family. my sister jessica also plays on so i brought the sebastien as a pro tennis player as well, had parents the father pensacola, when the 1998 australian open natalie, one last week in california and on the previous appearance in florida in late january. she says taking
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a 7 week break in between really helps i really enjoyed my time off spend a lot of time with my bank family. went back to prague, enjoyed kinda life outside of golf, a little just disconnected. and to me that, that was just like the perfect research going into this, like busy schedule. australia is here in a bead finish, 2nd behind quarter, making just a 2nd to her parents who run is up. check the $270000.00 is more than she does in the past 4 years combined. i mean, she's an amazing player and to share the stage with her is, is a really and on us. so. yeah, yeah, it was, it was a great day, but just felt sure, but again, it's an experience so we move on. kuda is right. $71000000.00 in prize money with a $3.00 straight wins. she now has 11 victories on tool to go with the olympic gold . she went in tokyo in 2021. next up,
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she'll be looking to make it full. when's it arrived this week? so much play in las vegas. david stokes, which is 0. and that's how useful for me a 100 bucks to laura that a thanks very much indeed. now, after a long and heated debates, germany has become the biggest e u country to legalize kind of this for personal use. and you know, as one of the most liberal in europe, allowing adults to carry and cultivate small amounts of the drug. so fast that pulls from balance. it was a happy moment for those lab loan campaign to be criminalized, kind of is active. it's got a balance kind of as museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle and parliament, the director of the museum himself, spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00, less across the oceans of germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public and it'll be a be,
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are you really you which relief for the consumers? opponents of the law call it in responsible citing dangerous health effects troubles a few to mention because even i've seen so many people become so serious the l. so by the damaged, by drug abuse that because i've never found that way back into normal life, i've spoken to so many doctors have one to against going down this path of support to say the opposite is true. if adoption can be controlled, since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow and sell kind of best for medical use. the main indication where kind of as prescribed is chronic pain. and that's also a lot of people report and studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to control the supply of recreational kind of this. so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be allowed to obtain my view. rhina rolling plans to gather every
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one in germany about 18 years old. come now possess 25 grams of cannabis and public 15 grams at home and grow 3 of these plants themselves, making the german kind of his policy even more liberal countries like the netherlands. where despite the presence of coffee shops kind of assessing that for been legalized, but produces worry that the government's main ink to crack down on the black market won't be a chief official says home going cannabis, especially in the german climates, isn't easy. and if done properly can be costly. he predicts many will continue to buy from the less. yeah, that's unfortunately, that's, that, that's the truth for either go from the street. or if you have a house issue, then go to the pharmacy and get something to control. the government plans to legalize supply in the future as well. but for now the lives in this bach and building won't lose all their business stuff fast and al jazeera berlin and
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that's it. from the north heil full, this dissolves, i will get back to him just to manage this more today's the as the well plunges into a climate disaster. we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and needs to people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth because rising for as nothing in nature growth griffith dying a coming soon a c o news, they load balancing from the parallel processing. and so doing, it's why we work with bill cuz who make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you of examining the headlines,
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unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of well tough programming. on alex's era, the devastating strikes followed by her weak rescue. because that's 1st responders. no, the new mission could be their last but until then, the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey in 2018. a john this led 40 days of civic action against the on the union government. i'm president socket can scrape on power. i'm going to labor to swear and documentary photos. he's non violent
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campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing outcome with good, a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media's velvet revolution on the the hello, this is the news i live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. an unprecedented attack is rarely strike destroys the yvonne in concert in syria, killing a top general of the lead could force his deputy and to come on the wrong vows. it's a song 7 hoff this close to the is really it's not.


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