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tv   I Am Not Alone Armenias Velvet Revolution  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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in march 1st to may 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the hello, i'm daren jordan, dell. all of the top stories here on address era. at least 58 workers, including foreign nationals, have been killed. and then as rainy as striking central garza, the victims are members of the well central kitchen. it's a group that's coordinating and delivered and delivered transported by ship from cypress. the vehicle was targeted in darrow bella is really ami, says is conducting a thorough review of the highest levels into the incidents for the wealth. central kitchen has responded to that attack, saying we are aware reports that members of the will. central kitchen team have been killed in an idea of the attack while working to support the humanitarian food
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delivery efforts in gaza. this is a tragedy. humanitarian aid workers and civilian should never be a target. ever. since recently alexa, hospitalized with the victims have been taken, or we know that there are 58 workers working with the world tension and kitchen. a palace to me in a polish british and is trial the and, and the forest. a body is unrecognizable because it was severe the uh, injured but uh, according to the world central kitchen employee that we met in the hospital. they told us that he is an international uh worker also. and they were on their way back from the 8th uh con boy at the a chip that, um uh, beach the cause of strip pipers at earlier today. and they were on their way back
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to the, to their guest house in jefferson. they were targeted with their armor code. i need a bid, but on i received the street, the main street that we mobilize drew from the north to the southern area of the concert. i remember when i talked to one of the 8 workers today, i was asking them what, where are they waiting for? because they were need. why? because the in the southern side and they said they were waiting for the green light to enter. it was another, an area and to cross why this was done, and it to go to the port that they built. so there is something on understand, but we don't know how they were targeted. we know that they have been all of the international organizations have been a closely, i'm coordinating with the is ready forces. but this incident is horrifying.
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and there are hundreds of other aid workers international age where the current key word king is providing aid for palestinians and providing on health thing, palestinians a like providing them with aid, with protection and their displacement. and now the question is, what is going to happen with the other 4 in are an international aid workers in the call districts and is there any strikers hit? the rainy and consulate in the syrian capital, damascus, 77 people have been killed. a senior come on to the rainy and revolutionary god, coal and his deputy are among the dead. their arms, foreign minister says these rarely attack is a breach of o international conventions. israel, which rarely acknowledges, strikes against the reigning and talk. it said it had no comment on the latest attack. which as i've gathered in the rain in capital, turn around in response to the strike demonstrated in palestine square, chunk of antique israel, an empty western slogans that also seems burning is really flat. is ready,
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forces have 10 guns as large as hospital in the mountains of rubble. witnesses say police to me and civilians were shot dead and also buried alive at the, on the ship. a hospital complex. at least 400 palestinians were killed during a 2 week long is really siege. it proven their trumpeters would constitute all crimes. on these roads, parliament just passed a little which could allow a potential to shut down the fire in bold costs as in the country, including entre 0. the connect that voted overwhelmingly in favor of the lo, which israel has been pushing since the beginning of it's more on concepts. i'll just say era has condemned the move and says prime minister benjamin netanyahu statements are lies inside the, against the safety of our journalists around the world. well, those with headlines, the news continues here now to 0. after i am not alone, i mean is velvet revolution staging pencil which the
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a me a cost on. i stuff on top of the
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and we now turn our attention to our media and a small post soviet republic, which is having trouble adjusting to democracy, coaching, homeless about safe working, working across you chicago on their search, easy, and was the president of armenia for 10 years since 2008. during that time he promoted changes in the nation's constitution to meet the office of president minister, more powerful than the presidency. ok, why do you think he wants you to make that move in the 1st place? i mean, was he looking at the region and he said, what is the word for food? it went for the one so it could work for me. i need to sponsor fortunately off of the hold on moment on one and so hope it's on. no, no thought at this time of the
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of the the skin thrown, nobody can throw not gone, got those spots. and they,
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i sold him kindly modeled and then says products on the, you know, tom kept the same tucker you up on see the notes instead of just to just get this started sending it once i'm getting them into about com on the advice thoughts? yes, ma'am. kyler shops, too many bucks on, on set up on our team. they have on tape as well. yes, but i see it's not a that's and that's, that's something that they bought for us to. let's see. how do you, how about i will talk. i've seen it, they've got bought it and he didn't tie less. but the time that i bought, i get with them and cannot yes. all these golf i'll need the measurements on. it is make a much thought. all right, if it's on our truck it would make the kind of troubling our snow strategies. i'm not seeing dante this weekend. yes. for a confirmation on a gift for optic. i'm an outboard sections, assessments. you know,
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that you have uh, on the, on the 5th calling mean the on the golf audit that shows on up with you may not call them at the year off to create the comments picking me on the vending issue. and i'm going talk the highest, i mean you move on. so here they're fine. and that really got it. we're not going can. so we're not done of tomato thing. none of that that's main competing. he does, they can do yes. how, what am i doing? if in the middle of all of a chunk of us that up all the do you want me use that and then you know, it's kind of pin,
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it's on her back on kind of the same fornia the to tommy's i'm on, my gosh, i've done this all sorted stuck on the silver, she manascale saki to midas. but think you saw jumps with tough almost a main hotel. boat company and zabel were busy. yes, it was tough gone. all set on the note in huh. inside of our kids will just took the cushion bed 3 bucks, etc. good about the up off. so i will check on the inside school in co husk upsets more using you happen to me or get you the most have by tennessee. so fascinated by you have talk with you how you go home in their own
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boss, have to pick it up and you have a tentative st guarantee here. have i seen i had heard about him as a journalist. he was publishing articles he was revealing corruption hitting nothing seems to have done the studies are stop us on homeless to, to night on the muscle, fish thoughts and a bunch of a of the cups. of course, it seems a little bit of extra plasma tvs and at an angle versus india. and that's the news this night the spent most of his adult public political
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life as an opposition figure in the squares of what i mean very outspoken to president of armenia. but as always, the elections has been declared because pushing the service sucks. john 1st took the presidency in 2008. it was because inspired the crowds for protests. the, the government finally tracked down on march 1st meeting 10 people that because the 1st 1st there, but after a year and a half in hiding rushing on has turned himself into authorities and hits to prison for inciting public disorder. the ones that you can't see p it's,
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it doesn't tell you how much the you know, just how do i go so i assume the critics job body. most likely. yeah. top. com book you should jump. i don't have couple headlights are searching for ms yet. yeah. i'll put you on home on how to cover them yet for them is biscuit. multi box name is boston trustworthy, and todd from kaiser's team customers have a 6 month it's kicking them come up with 10. he bought it i saw you sign them kind of just kind of i saw. so we see all kinds of john about it. so good of a bunch of mature. the notion comics has
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come 6 of us come come home with a cottage invoking to give give you it for at the cut off of the database to be without it cut off building sunsets. it bonded to get a new gods and thoughts a is institutes available. think of the time that there's done, i'm looking to change this kind of to them the
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way i did not make the change on the cost a bit. if there's something estimating from boston to fast john, none of that, any. hi, norma. this, i touch it, is it, is that a, the numbers reading college causes somebody come without going to the shop to change it to make processing? oh, the mazda, it was kind of a zillow that goes on today. how one of them made sense auto to already how's that sound? good to go to. the assembly is titled
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medical may go, i'm is on 1000, been met me to whom it was on cub scouts mode. excuse me, the moving the thoughts on whether or not i would really nice of plug in those things over. which done more in depth for that laptop at the end of the term fairly soon. and if so, don't forget, we have some adoption able to pick up what's to me, that'd be trucks. that said it was the high end. that's it. see how it got? so do i call cutscene sets each on that some the modeling just model. oh,
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let's see what else to shop to just want to be a study. i'm in the off top colors seem to show some of the sort of list of total stairs i've taught that i'm on the 2nd 30 minutes i'm. i've used to go to it before, so that's is lower. we need to go live cause i need missed on i don't to cut on age. yes. embody cheat the contact on the here on what those? yes. actually the
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was the hard line enforcement of the receipt. and it didn't matter. and whether the orders were just rightful or not, he was the carrier of the best thing to pay on that. yes, we talk, he's drawn up arguing john, our party boy, that bought it at bonham, watching on 5 on final thoughts about to was the communistic that it makes you know, got sick with her. i paused on a sunday to call to check on the elements, and that is what was to link. so the gentleman was thinking it might have a set of thought made mach customer to get out of it. so i mean customers to come
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to, i guess the wash. i think that's the aust luca because fuzzy auto. what's on your team? yes it's, he's on yes. go ahead and not the last comment. roaches thoughts which thoughts fits it back to as we as hold cardinal, make this level so most closely on both. i'm not it's hard for me to keep new software to fuck we cannot just it will say coming out of lucky fortunes. open house that i've got done. so ask but the bottom age on this issue then enjoy a good time for us. it's a year after i business betsy. might hear the hop. if it gets caught
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up in the much of the same time. like you said fine with us, that seems to be gone. maybe use of the visual if some bucks off he covered, but that's a full what some of the see the stuff really cheap on the the you really get to pick this middle 15. you didn't,
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can go to the products saying i need somebody to give them the most and some of them and tell them your income needs. they are going to run list of
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the, the, the, the, the in, put it in park. let's put in. that was what is a good day with trimming us in the which make for make that coconut bottom. you shut the model. it can color though both the hook. you talked to them to make both of those, you know, the next stage or so on. the bottom left side, so nothing to interest the light of the amount of the last month. i comp truck leah knit on the system, but the rest watts will stick on on some jersey. lots left this new car,
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the safety model and pulled some type of is going to be seen one go, i've got mind getting that low above the porch in hawk 2 bubbles depending what the base so kind of in uncomfortably that's got the estimate on the center for me most because i shift on once car left just a lot on the books, but just choose the vehicle to move it. so the, this book, you know, some truly each of these
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weird stuff mostly just put the photos inputs to fix a toilet comes from, from, with us. so what do you need a lot about some bites of the how to see if you have to most like display good shows, events. it's big enough the
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photo he bought it just a new thing. so it can be bought at the park. you know, it could be thought it was the, the, the small not to use, i guess, to use them. you must get on to that the, the full vin. but what's happening on my
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cheek? all right, this the, the is chance of cumulative constant pitching. concepts all out in the shop must have 5 this afternoon when jim carter gets his chance up so that under control complete economy's car, the
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job i asked on a mid so i've got some updates. mark, you don't pay much, but you have a show of sounds. i guess one of the torch kind of goes center talker. comments. almost all successful, frank. just select tonight. what am i sorry, i've got to in what's remodeled, what's next? so jeff park in the hospital got done. so that's what the evan type is that i'm supposed to ask about. thank god, put you on it. but it says that the sucks on the highest, on the, on the jump. bunch of 50 bucks the noon on through most you have to create a record to on the
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equipment you can. and based on the gotomeeting, any of them that they have about the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day, whether it's a war, natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the city is already 50 percent evacuated, most those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produced is the best fixes and those other
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people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the weld. a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know, double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era devastating strikes followed by here? really, chris, because this 1st responders know the new mission could be their last but until then the humanity drives one day with because of the civil defense witness rescue mission. because on a,
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just the a hello i am dire in jordan doe have with the top stories here on the alger 0, at least 58 workers, including foreign nationals, have been killed. and these really striking central garza, the victims, are members of the world central kitchen. it's a group that is coordinating a dinner for it's transported by ship from cypress. the vehicle was targeted in data, bella is really ami, says is conducting a federal review at the highest levels into the incident where the wealth central kitchen has responded to the attack, saying we are aware of reports that members of the will, central kitchen team have been killed in an idea of attack while working to support
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a humanitarian food the efforts in gaza. this is a tragedy. humanitarian aid workers and civilians should never be of target ever. and as many as try can fit the radium consulate in the syrian capital, damascus. 77 people have been killed, a senior come on to the uranium a revolutionary god, cool, and his deputy are among the dead roms. foreign minister says these really attack is a breach of all international conventions. israel, which rarely acknowledges, strikes against the ring and talk, it said it had no comment on the latest attack. meanwhile, protest is gathered in the radium capital around in response to the strike demonstrators in palestine square at johnston and to israel and on to west and slogans. that also seemed funny. there's really flag, it is where the forces of 10 guards as large as hospital into mounds of rubble, witnesses, se policy and civilians was shot dead and also buried alive at the old ship. a
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hospital complex of these 400 palestinians were killed during a 2 week long is rarely siege. if proven, the atrocities would constitute full price. israel's parliament as possible, which could allow a potential shut down a foreign broad cost as in the country, including i'll just say around the connect it voted overwhelmingly in favor of the little which israel has been pushing since the beginning of its war and gaza. i'll just say era has come them to move and says, prime minister, benjamin netanyahu statements allies that insight against the safety of our journalists around the world, and peruse and tear administer step down from his ro lemme to corruption investigation involved in the countries president. pick the thought is told reporters each step down due to family and health issues. the most, those are the headlines. the news continue is here now, just the era of to i am not alone. i mean is velvet revolution and state you. thanks for watching bye for now. of the service next,
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john 1st took the presidency in 2008. it was because inspired the crowds for protests. the big, the small woman's is the 2 parties. kind of what is it to get ahold of 5100 pilots because it's on up are going to make the exam a toss netflix original name?
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that's my guess. and how do i, how about you yvonne, the hot applicants on that. i bought apple. i do remember hearing that announcement, and i also remember the feedback of people because most of the people were saying probably is not the right decision, you know, tied up in some popular john. i'm enough mates and i'm a part of the have an eye upon muscle and then he says, perfect. yeah. first name, the captain, but john updates on have bought open heart of get the issue of i'm not sure, but by this was the biggest square in all of our news. it was just not possible to fill it up or visit the what the, you know, it was fun home, you know, come on, i was just the look busy hailstorm loom hung goods for the child is phone. go to the middle. 10 of my the good. they're both as owners and the smaller building
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what gives me your model? it's a good defense as the bombing missions, but that i'm other the tumbler and this that on the list. i think that was the true liberal phase calling for the people not to leave him alone and not to feel themselves the
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make it so if this is tim facing the lots of questions based on his business, montgomery the folks here for 900 defendants bitch, bitch book chase, the bus and the in the
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news the
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it was incredible. when it 1st happened, i was calling friends and wanted to reaction from them going, how is this different? because that was the 1st thing in my mind. how is this movement different? and irrespective of the in grain skepticism which we deserve, as a nation based on our disappointments of the past, everyone said, no matter what they said 1st they would, they also would say, but this is completely different. the, as it goes to typically so focused we do it sort of a lot, you know, so what's the what's
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the middle montague and give them a heads up and it's something i don't. it's the intro about. god, what, what's the con soonest, the fundamental eagles a to. so they thought of it over to give you for focus, thoughts in case you toss up near to osmond. bossy, mar, turn, gone, flossing, truvada tough. anyway. so there was this, you know, again, component plane playfulness. there was this component of being the big stuff i've seen thought about a little piece of that's how the, that the costs and, and bustle and the commons at the tip top. pick the data on top of the football for
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the police for getting people are getting exhausted the of some of the army and spirit the field on the bed on the bed on the bed under. but this little workers in the bottom of the chair, interest starks and comes in, it sits down and then comes a quick question. slowly putting his back onto the floor. taking off his jacket slowly. it seems that the sir saxon was
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a little bit surprised because he didn't expect so many journalists to be there. he expected to have a very private conversation with him also going to him, but he said his book is pull some of the whole cups put up. i can give us a call me by monday to get a hold of a phone call with a little bit on that and go to him on the middle to sort of the bullet
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extension. so you choose the org you would do multiple national business. $140.00, not strong each one or 2 loops should be thoughts from one plus one level would. so foss film a blue dose of to cover model. it gets you to it below 50. the forces apply is one of them is, is make, don't come. you have a full, full flow to z, got 40 not from, thus using some of these some of the laws, both x to test w and compass method. that's going to come for. so you have a checklist on a patient report in the class on tunic and each one into us into a sequence and that funding office, which one his front initial decor,
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jessica thought to go over the letter with some your. ready on your thoughtful post thoughts, some bucks to move you from new force, a little furious or lose phone for shrinks and then just show might be a little closer to for the song or the notes on the on the go to the nothing it call him 3 times as far as going out, the paint it takes to what's going on. so that's how long yes, each best this year off modification system complex. but just if it is good, maybe we can show them it's colorized marketing records. so you
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know, people have to and from march 1 that's a very painful part from the history of independent army knew the can't believe any, any diplomat let alone a president of a country can use an over threat of depths happening in the past of, of the shooting of the people that kind of kind of this association process in color is some of the other fact there's a space on easy adoption, but think i have to call it voting for intake justice. yes, i'm tom in want to be that again. i'm going up as easy, it might be maybe he should. so, but the issue is fine. is the most in this stuff. that's not a lot. i think it's sort of on before much is the symbol met on? how about for sheer to be careful me almost
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for change, chico into a little glass. the moment it is, that's what i said. the give you are lots of some beats, you have a food. some may not want that service to come in, but it's also the return go on rescue mission until task task upset. what are some
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just on the bottom portion is about you must be much can name was the john that john most of the month. i would love to stay yourselves.
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what's the 1st meaning says all of us need wise man. he is uncle the memphis. oh, goodness barker, ma'am, if which was in house on this one would get much and as you're not getting much help physic shop some additional cost more to it. how's the game with 2 knowledge and some dollars and then all these it run on 10 come by to meet on this because i want to let you not on how to control the
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cold and also make you think a lot of cable now good stuff between now, yes, and as long as it's on the facebook on the list for the most assistance, you know, the invisible, the women, the voice was heard all across. the
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asked for meeting here as a president's office and this very room about this phone. nothing goes on and lots of bits i'll get because i get this started. so then what i'll do, i'll go and get to him. since i can get us on the phone, how much the operating son chosen? it is almost too much. so i'll set it up a bit to the last of the tv show, go shop the products and use pictures. so tell me who not of us, who best associated with the
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usa. it's tim i of the team. i'll see you in the middle. so there is a mental glitch on the, the lives of the ones that are in the middle of this list. and i'm showing me what's making sure most thing check up on the them.
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it was the i make a quote from my government looking less and yeah, it says folks on the list of folks on the desktop center, that's what i call in regards to the laptop with the bus. the only to that, i need to extend that across from like almost 2 to suit any height and i keep sense . what do you think of us? do you mind 15 week? old fashioned young was rights. i was well thought for, you mean the thing, you know, you know, you play the, which i'm going to die, which is told them, and you will choose the bush.
4:52 am
that is, the bottom is uh, what's on the charlottesville, is that i'm up on the, to the shop to just identify best the been to see hulu. uh, netflix is 15. 05. this is the
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guy fixed the to me to give you the consuming smells. nice. job i sort of them are very how to nice to not highest on the, on the jump most of the day. and thank you on how to start all the question. you know, those most thoughts which you have for me kind of shop on the board. saul just trying to help, one of the most of them is it shows independence and there's a lot of
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a comment about and so basically dr. you a bunch on it? yes. terms of people pushing on remote desktop like on them on the terms of of the talk proceed is always developing drawings on the mask of democracy. reminds me from time to time many, many cases seen 9 times history runs solely in new york, salazar from cool hold. the last today where i told you, democratic st. andrews, a power is what happened desktop that i live was trying to give you trying to pull out of that would be close to getting out of my property . they are available to you visit us on wednesday morning. yeah, the middle
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between a 50 cvt pc. awesome. see the the the images are nice. is boxes the like it on, on, but it's
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a ball on the both of those. if you steve, i'll say a good deal to get you into another which was the in the biggest the claim you out in history, the biggest democracy office on epic showdown join me screen of asking jan on
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a new port bought cd focusing on india in this episode i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examined alarming drops of the freedoms in india, and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley on those is either the you're just in time for your weather update across the americas. good to see you and we've got this storm system unwinding over patagonia, rain, and winds combo here. doesn't look as stormy across paraguay. so i think those weather alerts will drop on tuesday has been quite stormy, really right across brazil, but especially for the northeast corner of the country. we've seen some flooding on the streets there and more rain to come on tuesday. seems somewhat weather through the eastern caribbean islands here, including barbados. so expect us talk the day on tuesday and for the us southern
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states. here we go. this one feet of air off the gulf of mexico colliding with cold air rushing off the rockies. so showers and storms from texas right up to the ohio valley in the zone. and we'll see those when surpass a 100 kilometers per hour. torrential downpours, hale and even tornado is possible, again from texas rate to the ohio valley. well now that the rain has shopped away in california, look at l. a. looking good. finally, suns out temperature of $23.00 degrees and temperatures of also shot up across the canadian prairies. so for alberta, province's capital at mentioned at $22.00 degrees, lot of what weather around the mid west to the mid atlantic. so we've got some flood alerts in play here for just how brand new it's going to be. the, the latest news as a people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives . vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric ap with detailed
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coverage for hours tonight to celebrate perhaps a change for the sending of these people from around the world to abide says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin counting the cost, the world's population is shrinking rapidly. how will that affect the global economy regulations on both sides of the atlantic of cracking sound? take monopolies, plus the june the gas and take your offices narrowing. but we will be, want doubts counting the cost on the elders era foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to real big language world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations
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are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the and ms. riley asked dr. talk, it's a car and guns. i kidding. at least 58 workers bought of a group working for the wealth. central kitchen. the alarms are enjoying this, so i'll just say are a lie from dell also coming up. an unprecedented upside kind is really asked, right? destroys the rating and consummate and syria getting up top in general of any could support is definitely the
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iran validate, decisive in the highest response. demonstrate doesn't turn around, show their rage. but branding is right on the mac.


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