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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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for starting march 1st to may, 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the . ready ready ready is randy, ask dr. targets a car in guns that getting at least 58 work as part of a group working for the wells central kitchen. the other ones are enjoying this. so i'll just say are a lie from don't also coming up on unprecedented upside counties really asked. right. destroys the rating and consummate and syria getting a top general of any could support is definitely the
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iran validate decisive and the highest response demonstrate doesn't turn around, show their rage. but branding is right on the american flag. on down to 0, condemns, and new is right. you know, that could shut down a separation in israel says finding us that benjamin netanyahu has lied about the network. the we begin in central gaza, or at least $58.00 workers, including foreign nationals, have been killed in on his writing the strike. the victims are employees of wells central kitchen. the group that is coordinating a delivery is transported by ship from cypress. that vehicle was targeted in data bella. these really armies says it's conducting a thorough review at the highest levels to understand the circumstances surrounding the incident. for the well central kitchen has responded to the attack, saying we are aware of reports that members of the wells central kitchen team have
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been killed in an idea of attack while working to support humanitarian food delivery efforts in gauze. this is a tragedy. humanitarian aid workers and civilians should never be a target ever for him could. or is that the alex the hospital with the victims of been taken? we know that there are 58 where courage working with the world 10 to the kitchen. a policy me in a polish british and his child the and, and the forest a body is unrecognizable because it was severe the, uh, injured but uh, according to the world central kitchen employees that we met, you know, of the hospital. they told us that he is an international uh worker also. and they were on their way back from of a con boy at the a chip that, um, uh, beach the cause a strip from cypress uh earlier today. and they were on their way back to the,
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to their guest house in brooklyn, and they were targeted with their armor codes. i need a bid on receipt street. the main street that we mobilized drew from the north to the southern area of the car. i remember when i talked to one of the 8 records today, i was asking them what, where are they waiting for? because they were need. why? because the in the southern side and they said they were waiting for the green light to enter. it was another, an area and to cross whether it was done and it to go to the port that they built. so there is something on understand, but we don't know how they were targeted. we know that they have been all of the, it to national organizations, have been a closely, i'm coordinating with the is ready forces. but this incident is horrifying.
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and there are hundreds of other aid workers international age where it, cuz currently working with providing aid for palestinians and providing on health thing, palestinians like it, providing them with a, with protection and their displacement. and now the question is, what is going to happen with the other 4 in, or an international aid workers in the called the ship that meanwhile, in a major escalation, that is really as practice hit the radio consulate in the syrian capital, damascus, a senior come on the stomach revolutionary god, coal and his deputy were killed, along with 5 of the people. i'll just say was the same as ronnie reports. a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed, the residents of heavy of military adviser,
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who previously levia ronnie at the lead crowds force and 11 on sir. there wants for an minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. was serious for administer had this to say, what do you, what we strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me, a rainy and embassy and b as lama republic of around. and we assure that syria and b is womic republic. don't forget their enemies. the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial levels in entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bola since the war and goes up again. we have seen
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a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend, i believe, with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus came 3 days through his really stretch, killed dozens of people in a level, mostly siri and soldiers, as well as members of his bullet, including a senior commander. the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah, have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some syria and lebanon, and seemingly extended battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond its borders. and risk triggering
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a wider regional conflict, the same bus robbie ultra 0. what protest has gathered in the rainy and capital tat ron and response to that, a strike. the demonstrators in palestine square tons of empty is really onto west and slogans. have also seen been in this rate in flag when it runs 5 minutes to her saying, i mean the ability, honda has issued a statement on these really strikes on the social media site x. he says, pulling the strike on damascus, which turn around describes as a terrorist attack. a swiss embassy official with someone and switzerland represents the us in iran. during the meeting, iran said america must be held accountable for supporting design is the machine. i'll just say what santa hold it has more on the attack from 11 on capital pay route. this is a major escalation and regional tension, syria and iran accusing israel of targeting the around in consulate in the heart of the syrian capital, damascus, killing among others. a top ranking commander in
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a ranch revolutionary guards who runs foreign ministry is calling this an aggression and saying that that violates a diplomatic norms and international treaties. because targeting a diplomatic facility is against the international law. so i'm in a run are seeing this as a declaration of war by israel on iran. no doubt the rules of engagement in syria. israel strategy and syria has changed. and you know, in recent months, israel has repeatedly target to the iranian side. c. ronnie and link sites over the years, but since the war on gaza it's heather more, it's had the more aggressive cluster going after revolutionary guard commanders killing more than 10 in, in, in recent months. but they're also others who believe that this could be a message, a message from israel to iran, following that drones strike on
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a naval base. and the is really city of a lot is really army, call this a serious incidents. and they also said that they consider that drones to be made by iran, m directed by iran. so is israel telling a run that to, from now on when there is an attack by any of its allies and iran will pay the price for that. but this conflict really is on a slippery slope. iran is promising a responsive swift and, and, and the harsh response. so this could trigger, this could lead to, you know, a cycle of violence. so this attack into a mask is, could have serious implications for regional stability center for their else as the the data that's of what israel has neither officially confirmed. it no denied the attack out 0 is honda, civic reports now from occupied east jerusalem. there's been no official comment from his really officials on these airstrikes in damascus. the killed of we 7 people,
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these really army typically does not comment on its military activities in syria and back a couple of months ago when israel assassinated fall and booty in 11 on a senior. i'm us official. they did not comment on that either. however, all of this comes as israel's defense minister and go up the lawn has said that israel will pursue targets and enemies wherever they are, whether that is damascus, anywhere in lebanon. and beyond that, additionally, these really army chief of staff hurts the hell levy when speaking on monday. had said that israel has authorized plans for the continuation of the fighting on his roles. northern border, meaning they are going to continuously be striking targets in loving on and perhaps beyond. now while these rallies have not officially commented on these strikes, a senior is really official speaking to the new york times has acknowledged that it was indeed israel, who targeted this iranian consulate building in damascus. but these relatives, again, have not had any sort of official comment from the central jersey to occupied east
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jerusalem. while the us state department has refused to say whether it received advance warning of these ran the strike on damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do and that includes drawing conclusions from it. as a general principle, of course, we are worried about escalation. we are due and worried about anything that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in any way. i'll just say it was island fish in washington, dc has more on the us reaction. the fact that the iranians are pointing the finger very squarely at these relays and believing that the us also has a degree of culpability in this will consent, the bi whitehouse. you remember from the very start of the watering guys they didn't want to see the conflict brought and they were worried about to expanding beyond the borders of israel and guys. we would consent when there was fighting on
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the northern border between israel and has bella based and lebanon. and also we've seen over the last few months, a number of attacks by a really and proxies on us positions in various places across the middle east, including jordan in city a on the right. and so now there will be the consent to this situation is going to escalate with perhaps some sort of response from the radians in the next 72 hours. joe biden has been fully informed. his intelligence teams are gathering what they can about. the state department has also said in the last few hours that it would not be in a runs strategic interest to target either the us or is really positions across the mid least at this time. i would say sure, i'll just need a washington. this is where the forces of turn gauze as launches hospital in the mountains of rubble. witnesses say palestinian civilians were shot dead and also buried alive in the whole ship. a complex, at least 400 palestinians were killed during a 2 week long is ready. siege,
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prove them the atrocities could constitute war crimes. i'll just say i was corresponding martha hello to visited the complex and sent us this report. i'm talking to you from the inside of a ship complex where there's where the forces with a drove dr. spending more than 2 weeks inside the account list, killing, arresting, and detaining patients inside the complex. and after more than 2 weeks, the forces was it rolled from the complex and it killed more than a full 100 people and are listed more than 800 people. as the governments of media offers the color defect, round facilities, all the tools to the just floyd. also the committee can machines have been destroyed to the people trying to reach their relatives who have been very in an appropriate way. during the besieging version the tennis, the dead bodies were just human remains and skeletons, because wild animals had been feeding on the up. and then we took the lifeless
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bodies to the nearest hospital. it was a hospital we could actually reach which allowed us to go back and forth quickly. we managed to rescue a few people. some of them will be taken to all of the arab hospital. those people who are buried, where patients and injured people, the big drunk facilities are totally destroyed. also, the cars and a, the, the ambulances have been destroyed, totally inside the companies and the surrounding area. and also in the neighborhood of a, actually if a company is most parliament as possible, which could allow a potential shut down of for an broad cost as in the country, including out just say around the can asset voted overwhelmingly in favor of the little which israel has been pushing since the beginning of it's more on gaza. the law allows as well to shut down any broad costs, but if it deems it's content threatening is national security. as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu posted on x, saying, i'll just say,
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are actively participated in the october 7 mexico and incited against his ready soldiers. it was a cool, so i'll just say of a carol channel that yahoo says he intends to take immediate action to stop and just say it was activities in israel. well, i'll just hear a beat. a network has responded with a statement coating, neck. know whose comments lies that insight against the safety of our journalists? the statement reads in an escalating move is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu launched a frantic campaign against vouchers, era accusing it of humming israel. security. actively participating in the october 7 attack and inciting against his ready soldiers, i'll just ever meet in network condemns these statements and seize them as nothing but a dangerous ludicrous light. and the statement i'll just say are also accused is nothing you know of inflammatory slanders against the network on the rights of its employees. i'll just say original rates that such slanderous accusations will not deter us from continuing a bold and professional coverage and reserve the right to pursue. every legal step
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for the us state department has responded to israel's decision, saying that the washington supports the work of the free press that we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet, much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to, i'll to 0, obviously. we know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with algae or other people from the department have done interviews with l g 0. so we will continue to make clear that we support the work that the free pressed us when any of my colleagues, laura kyle's, but to jo begins. but the head of the committee to protect journalist, she says israel has a history of smearing john lists of tourists with extremely loans by this is yet
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another attempt by israel to sent. so the media to limit the information coming out about the role in garza and beyond. and we do not want to say this low, and that's it seem is kind of language befall for me, nothing y'all who is ready, the officials and which they try to paint. john, notice as terrorist as criminals, this is nothing new. they've done it well before the start of this, we're not the type of the 7th in front, and we produced a report back in may of last year to identify the pots and of, of kennings, of mainly posting and done this by the is ready. all man, no accountability, we've also seen as well before tried to shut down now to sierra back in 2017 media facilities attacks. and so once it gets passed in, and particularly one in which john and i saw smid as terrorist is something we have seen frequently from israel to another example of the tightening of the free press and the,
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the increasing strangle hold that the is ready. government would like to exercise over the press. it leads often to self censorship. we see people restricted themselves in what they report. and it's an incredibly worrying move by the government. stop, stop right here, and i'll just say are right, when we come back, we take a look inside the sequence gun workshops providing me and mas reynolds with spots in the ministry for years on from a cool more of the status. the, the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have very good data on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze and now from the house of the story, one in 3, its children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition and health officials are
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saying around 60000 of pregnant women are suffering of the hydration pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties, we have not something to say, tyler cheese. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the challenges here with the
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book i'm actually watching out as a record reminded top stories here. this out for international aid workers in the front of me and mine have been killed in i'm just really striking central guns. the victims are members of wealth, central kitchen, the citizens of australia, the u. k. opponent, australia is 5 minutes to says he expects full accountability for this and is really s probably because if you're rainy, i'm confident, unnecessary. i'm a capital domestic and $77.00 left and can't seem to come on to the rainy and revolutionary gone. cool and is definitely are among the dead. their arms, foreign minister says, is really upset because a breach of old international convention, israel's parliament as possible, which could allow and potential shut down to find both cost as in the country, including entre 0 connected info to overwhelmingly in favor which israel has been
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pushing since the beginning of which was not in southern guns, at least 6 bodies, including those of 3 children were taken to the hospital on monday. they were killed and that is really abstract. and once again, targeted residential areas and the city of ruffled is really government has repeatedly said kinds of launch a ground defensive in the city. more than 1500000 palestinians are seeking shelter . the people going towards the street, him and his family. suddenly there was a strike and they said they were wounded my heart at a feeling, my son had been killed. praise be to god. i complained to guard about what israel did and everyone who supports it because they are, you kill children. my son is 7 years old and did not carry a weapon or miss. so may god have news here in western roseland thousands that protest is demanding the resignation of benjamin netanyahu, whose government is the 2nd day of
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demonstrations in front of the parliament building with similar acts and held and tell of even the past few days. some people have setup 10 saying they're ready to make this a long term protest. demonstration, the thing that yahoo has continued 1000 is hurting israel. of the goods fighting the miniature government in manama have had trouble getting weapons . but you to this, the students and engineers who are against the code that took place 4 years ago. i've been helping them out as a, or a gained exclusive access to a weapons factory with 3 different as manufacturing assault rifles. i'll just say was tony chang ripple's hidden under large green top, holding a secret workshop. deep in the jungles of me and my work is using rudimentary tools, falling down blocks of steel, gun barrels,
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and both actions the end product with 22 caliber rifle effective that slow to manufacture the bank for the workshop. however, a bank of 3 d printing the secret weapon it's possible because of the young people who understand technology for middle age man like me, we combine no experience with that technology to produce these products and as components for him. 16 assault rifles printed in strength and plastics. tenement precision play the still needed to pull the mental components. but the design has evolved through trial and error. the facing demand on military with um, with vehicles. heavy artillery non challenged power in the military government has brought in men to treat conscription in response to the increasing the effective opposition to its rule. this, the civil war transforms into get rid of tactics on multiple fronts. many soldiers
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didn't seem to have the will to fight. right. and obviously a lot of, uh, me and my sonia the, you know, decided to surrender, right? we resist central and the thing that b 5 and the reason why they surrender because tomorrow, you know, so goose captured, weapons and ammunition have enabled us and they call them is due over run the hundreds of military bases. and the last 6 months and the 3 d printed vitals passed, the ultimate test supervisor was all products, i'm out in the bottles. we met some soldiers. we gave all weapons to the said it has to be in action. now i'm motivated. now they're producing a $170.00 automatics a month, but they're aiming for a 1000. they can get several materials books up and ready to ship out to the front line. tony checking out as they're checking as main opposition. the republican people's party had some big winds and sundays local elections. president rarely
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have time to go to and describe it as a step back to his policy that says, it's not the end of the road. i'm just interested in because the only with spoke to photos on the streets of his stumble is the only is the local business owner and assembles vale to district, which is a basset of support for turkish present friendship type. our don and his rolling up party mail like list at 8 was low, so the main position part is c h, b, and sundays local election. it was a c, h, these 1st great success in decade on these opposite for the last one. very easy knowledge and typically the model for this is a victory. the president gave to the opposition on a golden a plate. but one said this, you would be the for the retired, but they retired him. so you to be supporters told us the economy was their most important issue, inflation remains high and the minimum wage has failed to alleviate board spread power to, particularly in urban areas such as encore and stumble. the voted for the c h. b,
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for the 1st time in my life. so affliction continued to sort, the president may be on c took the i don't supporters in his own neighborhoods, put the blame on the president. the reason our president's party last is because he couldn't keep his promises. he focused on satisfying public officers, but for coffee everyday workers and the retired website and add on up a position party of either amount of action or express hope that add on has finally realized that he needs to be a present for everyone in the country. net a day after the competitive election does finance minister measurements are 6 that all his social media? that breast ability is the government's top priority and the type monetary policy will continue. the outset on sundays local elections is remarkably similar to the one in 1989 storage inflation. the prize and then governing party of majority off meryl sees gradually from circus politics. that's why many here say they're rolling
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off for 2 months. pay attention to voters need a message to them to solo elders. there is some of the former us president donald trump, supposedly $175000000.00 bonds. and these new york civil fraud case trumpets on long island february for inflating his net worth by as much as 2000000000 dollars in order to secure a better terms for loans and insurance. trump has denied any wrong doing. and as cool the case a political, which of florida supreme court is uphill, the states ban on most abortions of the 15 weeks of pregnancy, which claims the way for 6 week abortion band is now expected to take effect in a month florida stop court and also allow people to decide whether abortion access it should expand that in a vote like to see it throws into your administer has stepped down from his role unlimited corruption investigation involving the country as president the guitar. as told reporters, he had it in his resignation,
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due to family and health issues. comes off, the police raided president, follow out as an office over the weekend. that's it for me down. jordan, the news continues here on the 0, often talked about his errands that you and thanks so much bye the of the just in time for your weather report across asia and read off the bad check out this video of this intense hillstone in bunker dash like the size of these hills storms here just pounding the pavement. people putting their vehicles a way to avoid any damage. that energy also shifted over the other side of the border in india is a solid state to rend, shall downpours there. but it does turn much quieter on tuesday. of humidity is still being pumped in off the bay of been golf for time on that do additional states? it's feeling past 40 degrees. when you factor in the committee,
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there's also been big storms in china. northern quan, g one down providence is shifting up against the yangtze river valley. these will be quite intense on to stay powerful wins and more hail to be expected. then that energy slides out over these trying to see it's going to pour into korea and japan . so ahead of this disturbance, most of japan is under heavy rainfall alerts, lot of humidity, bumping in off the south. china sea for china is on an island, whether it's in play there in northern vietnam. so let me show you a noise feeling about 45 when you factor in that humidity. meantime, for indonesia biggest burst of rainbow, b, southwest on sumatra. island of atlanta in buckhead started to much pressure fuel after the storms rolled through. let's go $29.00 in lahore, the boss or a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how
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to rubik language world wide shaped come out a word for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the journalism at its core, is the pursuit of truth, the dissemination of information to the public, and holding power to accounts. in wars, those journalists faced immense challenges and dangers and reporting on the realities of war. they risk their lives to bring stories of conflict to the worlds and israel's months long war on gosh, all journalists have played a critical.


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