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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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donates with confidence to nights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the well one hawks that's time the it is ready as to why it kills 6 for an aid workers and they're putting you in colleague and central guns, prompting calls for accountability and investigation. we want full accountability for things because this is a tragedy that should never have the voluntary johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from so how so coming unprecedented attack, israel targets the rain in conflict and serious shedding
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a senior general of the lead codes force deputy and diplomats, the around such as a decisive response demonstrates this entire, on some of the range lines, i think this mary and the american flag announces here a condemns, and you could find its operations in each row as a prime minister, 9 about the network, the beginning in essential garza where it is very striking. the elbow has killed at least several 8 workers, most of them for nationals, and they weren't members of wealth, central kitchen, a group that's coordinating agent. it is transported by ship from cyprus, citizens of australia. you can put it into among the dead astray as prime minister says he expects full accountability of us as cold for swift investigation is rarely
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ami associates reviewing the incident at the highest levels. a stria expects full accountability for the deaths of i'd with is a which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work. you need a whole innocent civilians need to be football. it with protection the sky. it has had a very clear position of supporting i sustainable safe spot of holding for, for some period of time. we certainly have already contacted this riley government directly. we are contacting the is riley invested at uh to ask uh for accountability here. uh, the truth is that, that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance,
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its someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. and well, central kitchen has responded to the tech saying we are aware of reports that members of the team have been killed in an idea of attack or working to support you on a tiring food delivery efforts in gaza. this is a tragedy to monitoring aid workers and submit it and should never be a talk it f a n a. we spoke to alta zeros and foundry, who was at the alex. the hospital in the victims were taken. she met the well essential kitchen stuff, just hours before the attack on monday. we know that there are 58 workers working with the world tension of kitchen. apologize to me in a polish british and this child in and the forest a body is unrecognizable because it was severe the uh,
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injured but uh, according to the world central kitchen employees that we met, you know, of the hospital. they told us that he is an international uh worker also, and they were on their way back from the 8th. uh con boy at the. ringback a chip that um uh, beach, the cause of stripped from cypress uh, earlier today. and they were on the way back to the, to their guest house in brooklyn. and they were targeted with their armor vehicle. i need a bid by law on receipt street. the main street that we mobilized drew from the north to the southern area of the cobb district. i remember when i talked to one of the 8 records today, i was asking them what, where are they waiting for? because they were need. why? because the in the southern side and they said they were waiting for the green light to enter. it was another,
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an area and to cross whether it was done and it to go to the port that they built. so there is something on understand, but we don't know how they were targeted. we know that they have been all of the international organizations have been a closely, i'm coordinating with the is ready forces. but this incident is horrifying. and there are hundreds of other age workers international age. we're currently working with providing aid for palestinians and providing on health thing, palestinians like it, providing them with aid, with protection and their displacement. and now the question is, what is going to happen with the other 4 in, or an international aid workers in the called the strip as a spring and bend sole. now he's a you, in special rapids on human rights in town to terrorism, he's always a sly from sidney. welcome to the program. what do you make of this incident that
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has killed at least $78.00 workers, including? i've had a student in an international aid workers to it's a human tragedy, but of course it could will also be a violation of international humanitarian law under which israel has a duty not to deliberately target humanitarian relief workers, or the convoys or the all the relief consignments, it also has a want to do z to ensure the safety of humanitarian work is in a conflict zone and to ensure that, that freedom of movement and to coordinate with them so that these kinds of tragedies never happen. you mentioned international lawyers that i mean, where would this pertain in terms of what could be considered to be a war crime as well on the international humanitarian law? or if that is a deliberate targeting of any civilian including humanitarian relief work,
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is that to will crime. if there's a, a targeting of, uh, a military objective which causes excessive civilian casualties in the area. that would be a war crime. or if it's an indiscriminate attack. so an attack was launched with a kind of recklessness or carelessness as to where the military and surrounding civilians would they would be holland. obviously, given the cemetery and crisis in gaza, the free passage of humanitarian relief is absolutely essential. and just last week, the international court of justice ordered israel to open mold land crossings precisely because over a 1000000 palestinians in gaza, currently facing catastrophic levels of hunger, according to the united nations, the u. e, as well, has also been previously trying to shop done real well. one of the largest humanitarians actors in gaza,
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numerous when real employees have been killed. it's not just foreigners of costs because most of the humanitarian relief is provided by palestinians themselves who live in gaza. so this is an acute problem which has been ongoing for the past 5 or 6 months. and a full investigation and accountability is warranted, as you say, not just foreigners and not withstanding the city more than $32000.00 palestinians kilted. all of this many for nationals were killed. and this particular attack does not put more pressure on countries too. for example, perhaps we consider almost deals to israel. well, this almost any civilian in this conflict when it is little full ease of our life than of international lower and potentially a little crime and we should care equally about all of those lives. now unfortunately, it is a fact of loss that some countries in some mediator organizations will only be interested. all will be more interested in the story if it involves nationals from
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the on countries. we should nonetheless use that as an opportunity to bring greater pressure to bear on those foreign governments who are still cooperating with israel in its violations of international law in gaza. we know that the united states in germany, for example, the 2 largest alms explored as to israel, continuing to exploit weapons even though under international humanitarian law. doing so it is a legal where there is a clear risk that those weapons would be used in violations of international humanitarian little by israel itself. that risk is, is very clear. a doctor appeals court not so long ago found that there was a clear at risk of dot jones expo in spain used in his riley violations in garza. for the same reason, under the geneva conventions, under the genocide convention, there's a d. c, 2 whole days of the exports immediately, also
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a duty to hold the sharing of military intelligence which almost guides like the us and the you type, all still providing to each row without sufficient guarantees, all safeguards that that information will not be used in the commission of violations of international law in gaza. so kyle, does a country like australia for example react to this and it starts on israel's action seems to have evolved over the past few months. ok. so these trending prime minister, of course, has cold, already a ponies row for our feet investigation of be to be sensitive and to hold any but the trade is accountable. that of course, is the is, is absolutely the right message to send. the problem, of course, is that he's royal, is notorious for not independently and impartially investigating violations by its own forces and even more than a torres for almost nimble,
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holding accountable any of its personnel who have been incredibly alleged to have committed war crimes or other serious violations of international law. this is a kind of in community which has been going on for many, many decades. it's not just the current conflict. it extends to previous conflict whether i'm garza or 11 on or, or in the west bank, it extends to strikes and neighboring territories like syria or of the kind we've seen again this week without any clear justification on the international law. so i think it is something of a vain hope to expect israel to seriously incredibly investigate its own people and hold them accountable. this is exactly why the international criminal court has been forced to investigate israel because the international criminal court will only get involved and will only investigate a situation in a country if that country's own all socrates have filed to genuinely investigate
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and hold accountable their own people and so when they get there be very much appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. a major escalation is really s tri cuz hit the uranium concepts in the syrian capital, damascus. a senior come onto off his stomach revolutionary god, corps, and sees deputy with kills along with 5 other people around us vowed a harsh and decisive response save as radi reports. a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles had a section of the wrong and consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed the residence of heavy of military adviser who previously levia. ronnie, of the lead codes force in loving on sir there wants for an minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. while serious for administer had this to say, what do you uh,
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before we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and the uranium embassy and this law mac republic of around. and we assure that syria and b is lubbock republic. don't forget their enemies. on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial leveled an entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assess the nations in the region targeting iranian leaders, as well as members of home, us and his bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have costs the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these,
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all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today of the incidents of damascus came 3 days after his really strikes, killed dozens of people in a level, mostly syrian soldiers, as well as members of his bullet, including a senior commander there strikes targeting around you, leaders in the region as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah, have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some, syria and lebanon, seemingly extend the battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond its borders and risk triggering a wider regional conflict in bus robbie ultra 0 or protest as gather than the uranium capital. tyrone in response to the strike the demonstrators and palestine squared talented on to israel and nancy,
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west and slogans. they also have been, it's been around foreign minister has signed on the hill and has issued a statement on the social media site x. he says, following this drawing on damascus, which tyrone describes as a terrorist attack. the swiss embassy official was summoned. a switzerland represents the us in iran during the meeting, iran said america must be held accountable for supporting the as honest regime as well as not officially confirmed or denied the attack. i'm the self report so occupied these 2 incident. there's been no special comment from is really officials on these airstrikes in damascus. the kill of we 7 people. these really are me typically does not comment on its military activities in syria and back a couple of months ago when israel assassinated solid booty in 11 on a senior. how much the official they did not comment on that either. however, all of this comes as israel's defense minister yell of the law and has said that
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israel will pursue targets and enemies wherever they are, whether that is damascus, anywhere in lebanon. and beyond that, additionally, these really army chief of staff hurts the hell levy when speaking on monday. had said that israel has authorized plans for the continuation of the fighting on his roles. northern border, meaning they are going to continuously be striking targets in live and on and perhaps beyond. now, while these relatives have not officially commented on these strikes, a senior is really official speaking to the new york times has acknowledged that it was indeed israel, who targeted this iranian consulate and building in damascus. but these realize again, have not had any sort of official comment from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. us state department has refused to say whether it received advance warning, or if it is ready to strike on damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again,
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we just need to know more information about it before we do and that includes drawing conclusions from it. as a general principle, of course, we are worried about escalation. we are do worried about anything that would cost the conflict to, to expand or wind in anyway, a saudi arabia has also condemned the attack and the statements on x. it sets the ministry of 4 and the 1st expresses the kingdoms condemnation of the targeting of the remaining consulate in damascus. the ministry expresses the kingdoms a categorical rejection of targeting diplomatic facilities for any justification saying it's a violation of international diplomatic nose and the rules of diplomatic immunity. but it's very forces have turned gauze as not just hospital into feelings. witnesses say civilians were shot dead and some buried alive and now she for hospital complex. at least 400 palestinians were killed during the 2 week. is really siege proof in the atrocities which constitute war crimes. got to that.
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there's where the young has more on the morning, the pictures and descriptions in her report of distressing. there's not much left of console associates, a hospital with waistcoat destruction everywhere. and now accusations of pain as for crimes are emerging among the hundreds of reported dead. decomposing bodies have been found in the compound after israel's too weak siege. witnesses say civilians were targeted indiscriminately. cool. the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, somewhere shot dead. others were buried to live in ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded thrown in the ditch and breeds was said, we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes in and around the medical facility. the stench of death is heavy, burned bodies covered in sands and
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a parent attempt. witnesses say to bury any evidence along with the dead on a creep most or a little to just so that for, for about from i have personally with the victims hancock blindfolded and buried in the hospital yard and the emergency unit, we found thousands of dead bodies all of them were hank covered with the hands behind the backs. these are also will crying. they are unprecedented. we have never seen anything like this in any other. we'll make shift graves have become a common st. here is really forces reportedly open fire on patients and medical staff during the siege rollback and allow you as well. yeah. and who do i have? yeah. the situation was indescribable. we found people again stable, covered in black. their bodies had been less 2 days. all the bodies had signs of the composition just to thank god we were able to bury them. despite the state hold on. human rights groups are calling on the international criminal court to take
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action. it's quite disgraceful until this very moment. the prosecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing a response. it's important to mention the reason that we have a such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoyed and this ministry has enjoyed for, for decades. israel said it's operations that'll shaffer compound were carried out . well preventing harm to civility as witnesses have described, the opposite effect on the i'm in the editor and disliked losing his ready tanks. we evacuated, we came back, hoping to find my belongings. i have nothing left my house with them and everything is gone. not too long ago, the chief of a hospital compound was of refuge for displays, palestinians, now it's part of a wider investigation into is really war crimes in gaza. katia a little bit so again,
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algebra. bob 0 corresponding to my wife out colors who went to al schafer, incentives district, as i'm talking to you from the inside of our ship complex, where there's where the forces with a drove dr. spending more than 2 weeks inside the account list, killing, arresting, and detaining patients inside the complex. and after more than 2 weeks, those are the forces withdrawal from the complex. and it killed more than a full 100 people and are listed more than $800.00 people. as the governments of media offers the cloud defect, round facilities, all the tools that he just floyd. also the committee can machines have been destroyed to the people trying to reach their relatives who have been very in an appropriate way. during the besieging, defend the dead bodies with just human remains and skeletons, because wild animals had been feeding on the up. and then we took the lifeless bodies to the nearest hospital. it was
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a hospital we could actually reach which allowed us to go back and forth quickly. we managed to rescue a few people and some of them will be taken to all of the arab hospital. those people who are buried, where patients and injured people, the big drunk facilities are totally destroyed. also, the cars and a, the, the ambulances have been destroyed, totally inside the companies and the surrounding area. and also in the neighborhood of a, actually if i come to this is what i was called of minutes has passed legislation that could see the closure of foreign bull costs in the country including i was there and i sit and voted overwhelmingly in favor of them the only which the government has been pushing since the beginning of the world, cause that it allows israel to ban any book costs or if it decides the contents instruction is national security as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has posted on x, saying elders are actively participated in the october the 7th mexico and signed to
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the against is very soldiers. they are so close to bro. acosta tara channel. i think yahoo says he intends to take immediate action to stop its activities in israel. house is there. a media network has responded calling it to you all his comments now is that insight against the safety of june? this statement says an escalating move is very prime minister. benjamin netanyahu launched the frantic campaign against. i'll just hear, accusing it to a humming israel security actively participating in your type of sense attack and inciting against is very sold as was, is there a medium that's what condemns these statements as a dangerous ludicrous life. it's also a choose is nothing yahoo, of inflammatory sloan's is against the network on the rights of its employees. obviously you have reiterate such slanders. authorizations were not the terrorist one continued. bolden, professional coverage was as the rights to proceed. every legal step in the us
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state department has also weight in saying, washington supports media freedom. we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to houses here. obviously we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera, other people from the department have done interviews with l. g 0. so we will continue to make clear that we support the work that the free pressed us, but i really am, i caught a lot of calls, but to jody ginsburg, the head of the committee to protect jan this. she says, israel has a history of branding media where because of the terrorists with extremely loans by
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this is yet another attempt by israel to sent. so the media to limit the information coming out about the role in garza and beyond. and we do not want to say this low and knocks it the same is kind of language before from nothing yahoo and is ready, the officials in which they tried to paint john to this as terrorist as criminals. this is nothing new. they've done it well before the start of this, we're not the type of the 7th in front. and we produced a report back in may of last year to identify the pots and of, of killings of mainly posting and done this by the is ready on the and no accountability we've also seen as well before, tried to shut down now to sierra back in 2017 media facilities attacks and so on. so just passing and particularly one in which john and i saw smid as terrorist is something we have seen frequently from israel to another example of the tightening of the free press and the, the increasing strangle hold. it is ready,
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government would like to exercise over the press. it leads often to self censorship . we see people restricted themselves in what they report and it's an incredibly worrying move by the government. so that head here on out the chaos on the streets of hate t um games and police exchange fine musical action, not a tearing spirals out of control. the the hello, there's been more active weather in southwest saudi arabia. so let me show you the severe flooding once again and ask for profits. there's also been severe hailstorm, some saying his story. but i mean look at these flooding here, people waiting through the flood waters and it's not over yet. so let me show you
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the forecast. it's really that western side of saudi arabia. once again, we see this energy flare up now pushing into react providence as we look toward tuesday. and some of this is also kicking back over the other side of the red sea. so for the red sea coast of sedan eritrea and you booty, showers and storms likely and the potential to see some flooding. a few showers, touching a few drops and call that 15 degrees on tuesday and we sent them record breaking heat in parts of the turkey a full on sunshine and forecasts for you on tuesday. pretty picture perfect. their belts of heat extending from chad new share. that's also pushing into per keen a fast so we've been sitting records there for just how hot it's been. and i gotta show you all this rain coming into uganda. rewan to emperor windy. could see some flooding. there's been more flooding in nairobi and to the south, we go there. showers and storms begins to peter out across south africa, so not a bad day, including in cape town and the western cape province. let's go 22 degrees for you
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on tuesday. enjoy. see you later. the unique perspective that plays students up does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable, hard to really alone about what's happening because of the task and media attention . the stream on algebra as the the,
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this is up to say i remind all the headlines is ready as try cuz kills at least as an age work is essential concept victims into that protest in, in the citizens australia. kind of us ok and straighten it was quoting for accountability us as, as well as a conductor. swift investigation is really a tax. let me write and concepts and the syrian capital. this kills at least 7 people senior come onto the radio. if it needs to be gone, for $250.00 a month, as well as apartments as prost registration, i could see the closer far in board costs in the country, including outs. here. the government has been pushing the lowest beginning on this one, the guns and southern costs, or at least $6.00 bodies, including those of 3 children with texas on the jo hospice on monday. they were killed in an is ready. s trying to once again targeted residential areas and the
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city of ruffled is only governments has repeatedly said it tends to launch a ground defensive in the city. and more than 1500000 palestinians are seeking shelter. the table going towards the street, him and his family. suddenly there was a strike and they said they were wounded. my heart had a feeling, my son had been killed. praise be to god. i complain to guard about what israel did and everyone who supports it. because they are, you kill children. my son is 7 years old and did not carry a weapon or miss. so may god have news here in japan says it will resume funding to you and agency for palestinian refugees is suspended, supporting january, which is rather choose 12 staff members of being involved in the attack on this route on october. the 2nd japan is a 6th largest donor to the agency. 16 nations had cut funding to the agency in the wake of israel's accusations, but at least 5 of them have resumed. investors and
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thousands of protests as having demand thing. the resignation of benjamin, that's in your.


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