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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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so what is, is that it's part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from africa direct on, i'll just be around the it is rarely as to art chose $78.00 workers in central garza, the victims included the palestinian, and 6 foreign nationals u n g o says it's pausing, it's operations buried in response. the seaside human tragedy that should never have of that is completely unacceptable. the study and government demands on. so some of the us calls and investigations circumstance, so the
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carries on. so this is all just there a lot from the also on the probably around the consulate in damascus is reduced to rubble and, and is rarely striking. kidding. a senior general is 6 on this. we will continue to make clear, is that we support the work that the free pressed us. us says it's consent also connects it costs as a no not cook ban. i'll just say it was a formation to israel plus the best, the students and engineers and me and my help on groups make weapons and secret workshops to find some of the children to the beginning in central garza where it is rarely striking the size killed at least $78.00 workers, if it seems included the palestinian citizens of australia kind of every us, you can, conan, they were members of wealth, central kitchen, and group that's coordinating 8 deliveries,
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transported by ship from cyprus is ready. all me says is reviewing the incidence. had the highest levels, as well as essential kitchen, has released a statement on the killing of its 7 members. once it describes as a targeted attack, it says the team was moving and a d conflicted. zoning to ahmed, cause and another vehicle. then organizations. no good. and despite the coordinates and get some movements with things ready on me, the convoy was bombed while leaving a warehouse in to out the not, this is an attack on only on our organization, but on humanitarian organizations, this is unforgivable. wealth. central kitchen is posing operations immediately in the region. we will be making decisions about the future that works. but anyways, but the hidden how dre she met the wealth central kitchen stopped us hours before the attack on monday. so we know that there are 58 workers working with the world tension and kitchen, a palace to me in a polish british and is trial the and,
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and the forest. a body is unrecognizable because it was severe the, uh, injured. but according to the world central kitchen employees that we met in the hospital, they told us that he is an international uh worker also. and they were on their way back from the 8th. uh con boy at the a chip that, um uh, beach the cause, a strip from cypress earlier today and they were on their way back to the, to their guest house in jefferson. they were targeted with their armored vehicle. uh, need a bid bella and on. i received the street, the main street that we mobilize, drew from the north to the southern area of the cobb strip. i remember when i talked to one of the 8 workers today, i was asking them what,
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where are they waiting for? because they were need why? because the in the southern site and they said they were waiting for the green light to enter it to the another in area and to cross whether it was done and it to go to the port that they built. so there is something on understand, but we don't know how they were targeted. we know that they have been all of the international organizations have been a closely, i'm coordinating with the is ready forces. but this incident is horrifying. and there are hundreds of other aid workers international age where it, cuz current key word king is providing aid for palestinians and providing on health thing, palestinians a like providing them with aid, with protection and their displacement. and now the question is,
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what is going to happen with the other 4 in, or an international aid workers in the call district. but one australian citizen was among the dead apartments to us. the alba noisy says he's government once ounces astray, expects full accountability for the death of i'd with his which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work in the data. all innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. the sky has had a very clear position of supporting i sustainable safe spot of cooling for, for some period of time. we certainly have already contacted this riley government directly. we are contacting the is riley invested at uh to ask uh for accountability here. uh, the truth is that,
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that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance that someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. then so there's a you and a special wrapper to on human rights and counter terrorism. he says the killing of aid workers could constitute a war crime or it's a human tragedy. but of course, it could well also day, a violation of international humanitarian law under which israel has a duty not to deliberately target humanitarian relief workers, or the convoys all the, all the relief consignments. it also has a want to do see, to ensure the safety of humanitarian work is in a conflict zone and to ensure that, that freedom of movement and to coordinate with them so that these kinds of tragedies nearby happened with this of any civilian in this conflict. when it is
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unlawful, ease of our life and of international lauren potentially a little crime, and we should tell you quickly about all of those lives. now, unfortunately, it is a fact of loss that some countries and so mediator organizations will only be interested. all will be more interested in the story if it involves nationals from the on countries. we should nonetheless use that as an opportunity to bring greater pressure to bear on those foreign governments who are still cooperate with israel units, violations of international law in gaza. we know that the united states in germany, for example, the 2 largest export is to use royal continuing to export weapons even though under international humanitarian law. doing so is a legal where there is a key risk that those weapons would be used in violations of international humanitarian. little by israel itself is ready as to why cuz hits be arranging
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concepts and the suit and capital damascus senior. come on, draw this on a revolutionary god, coal and his deputy. what killed along with 5 other people? same bus robbie reports a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets and syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking. iranian military leader, brigitte, your general, i'm a how much the residence i'll have the a military advisor who previously levia ronnie at the lead codes force in loving on sir there once for an minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. was serious for administer had this to say, what do you uh, before we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me a, ringing,
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an embassy, and b as lumnick republic of around. and we assure that syria and b as lumnick were public. don't forget their enemies. on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial level, the entire building, the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which is which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get fact on what happened today. the incidents of damascus came 3 days after was really strict killed dozens of people in a level, mostly siri and soldiers, as well as members of his full, including
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a senior commander. the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah, have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some in syria and lebanon, seemingly extended battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond its borders. and risk triggering a wider regional conflict in bus robbie ultra 0 or ons. foreign minister saying i'm a, i'm the owners issued a statement on the social media side x. he says for on the star icon, damascus. switched around, describes as a terrorist attack. the switch embassy official was summoned. a switzerland represents the us in iran during the meeting. iran said america must be held accountable for supporting his honest regime. but israel has not officially confirmed the attack on the solid report so occupied these truest and now there's
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been no special comment from his really officials on these airstrikes in damascus. the killed of we 7 people, these really army typically does not comment on its military activities. in syria and back a couple of months ago when is role assassinated, solid booty in 11 on a senior. how must official they did not comment on that either. however, all of this comes as israel's defense minister and go up the law and has said that israel will pursue targets and enemies wherever they are, whether that is damascus, anywhere in 11 on and beyond that. additionally, these really army chief of staff hurts the hell levy when speaking on monday, had said that israel has authorized plans for the continuation of the fighting on his roles. northern border, meaning they are going to continuously be striking targets in loving on and perhaps beyond. now, while these relatives have not officially commented on the strikes, a senior is really official speaking to the new york times has acknowledged that it was indeed israel, who targeted this iranian consulate and building in damascus. but these relatives,
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again, have not had any sort of official comment from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. the us state department has refused to say whether it received advance warning of these read the s drive home damascus. i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do. and that includes drawing conclusions from it as a general principle. and of course, we are worried about escalation. we are due and worried about anything that would cost the conflict to, to expand or winded anyway. on an fisher was in washington dc with more now on the us. we x the fact that the iranians are pointing the finger very squarely at these relays and believing that the us also has a degree of culpability in this will consent, the bi whitehouse. you remember from the very start of the water and gaza. they didn't want to see the conflict brought, and they were worried about to expanding beyond the borders of israel and guys.
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they were concerned when there was fighting on the northern border between israel and has bella based and lebanon. and also we've seen over the last few months, a number of attacks by a really and proxies on us positions in various places across the middle east, including jordan in city a and the rock. and so now there will be deep consent that this situation is going to escalate with perhaps some sort of response from the radians in the next 72 hours. joe biden has been fully informed. his intelligence teams are gathering what they can about. the state department has also said in the last few hours that it would not be in a runs strategic interest to target either the us or is really positions across them. at least at this time. i would say, sure, i'll just go to washington. as well as the bottom it says, pos legislation that could see the close of foreign bro causes in the country,
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including houses there. the connect that voted overwhelmingly in favor of indoor, which the government has been pushing since the beginning of the war on concept. that allows is relative band, any international bull cost. if it decides the contents threatens national security gunners, but as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has posted on x, saying elders are actively participated in october, the 7th masika and insights it against israeli soldiers. no, so it goes full cost to a terror channel. was, is there a media network has responded, quoting it to you all his comments. nice. that insight against the safety of a generous statement read sent an escalating move is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu launched a frantic campaign against out just they're accusing it's of humming israel. security after they participate in the type of 7th attack on inciting against israeli soldiers. officer media network condemns these statements and sees and
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there's nothing but a dangerous ludicrous life. i'll just here also accuse is nothing yahoo, of inflammatory slammed is against the network and the rights of its employees. i'll just say reiterates that such slanders, accusations are not the terrace from continue, not both unprofessional coverage and reserves the right to pursue every legal step for the us state department has also weighed in saying, washington supports media freedom, or we support the independent free press anywhere in the world, and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters who are there doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to l g 0. obviously we, you know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera,
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other people from the department have done interviews with l g 0. so what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us, which are the ginsburg is the head of the committee to protect jen this. she says, israel has a history of labeling media because as the terrorist with extremely loans by this is yet another attempt by israel to sent. so the media to limit the information coming out about the role in garza and beyond. and we do not want to say this low and knocks it the same is kind of language before from nothing yahoo and is ready the officials and which they try to paint john to this as terrorist as criminals. this is nothing new. they've done it well before the start of this one up type of the 7th and 5. and we produced a report back in may of last year to identify the pots and of, of killings of mainly posting and done this by the is ready. all man,
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no accountability, we've also seen as well before tried to shut down now to sierra back in 2017 media facilities attacks. and so once it gets passed in and particularly one in which john and i saw smid as terrorist is something we have seen frequently from israel to another example of the tightening of the free press and the, the increasing stranglehold that is ready. government would like to exercise over the press. it leads often to self censorship. we see people restricted themselves in what they report. and it's an incredibly worrying move by the government. so it's a come off to the right. we travel support symbols, but crews have begun. what to remove the 1st chunk of the collapse bridge, the the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment,
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saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city. they have very good data on the grounds. the graves pulled over gauze and now from the house of the story, one in 3. its children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition, and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering of the hydration. devastating strikes followed by here real weak, risky. because that's 1st responders know the new mission could be the last. but until then, the humanity drives one day with because of the civil defense witness rescue mission. because on a jersey why have american evangelicals become his real strong? his background is us president. you'll find the right to stand with israel with no
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red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're looking for watching, i'll just remind you of the headlines now. there's really, as striking, central garza has killed the $78.00 workers, victims included a palestinian and citizens australia kind of us u. k. and tony. there were members of the cherokee to wells central kitchen and is ready. it's hi calling uranium transmission. the syrian capital is killed, at least the southern people senior come on the,
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on the rain unit revolution. he got his deputy and tips and not so long. the tags as well as part of minutes has passed legislation that could see the closure of foreign fuel costs in the country, including ultra 0. the government has been pushing to pause to know since the beginning of its war on guns university students, and engine is opposing the in laws, ministry to helping all groups make weapons levels of struggle to on themselves to fight magenta. i'll just say, well, gains exclusive access to a weapons factory. with 3 d princes, a manufacturing assault rifles, furniture and reports hidden under large green top holding a secret workshop. deep in the jungles of them. workers using rudimentary tools, falling down blocks of steel, gun barrels,
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and both actions. the end product of $22.00 caliber rifle. effective that slow to manufacture. it's the best of the workshop. how the a bank of 3 d printing. the secret weapon. it's possible because of the young people who understand technology for middle age man like me, we combined no experience with that technology to produce these products and components for him. 16 assault rifles printed in strength and plastics to them and precision play the still needed to pull the methyl components, but the design has evolved through trial and error facing the me and my military with um, with vehicles heavy artillery non challenged power in the military government just brought in men to treat conscription in response to the increasing the effective opposition to its rule. this, the civil war transforms and to get rid of the tactics on multiple fronts. many soldiers didn't seem to have the will to fight right now. obviously a lot of, uh,
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me and my sonya, the you know, decided to surrender. right? the resist central and the thing to be 5 on the reason why the surrender because tomorrow, you know, so who was captured weapons and ammunition enabled us and they call them is to over run the hundreds of military bases in the last 6 months. and the 3 d printed vitals passed the ultimate test, evaluating our products, and now in the bottles, we met some soldiers. we gave our weapons to the said it has in action. now i'm motivated. now they're producing a $170.00 automatics a month, but they're aiming for a 1000. they can get several materials. books up and ready to ship out to the front line. tony chang out as a this. bruce preston has replaced 6 ministers who resigned dr. scandals present. dana buller, i today is been investigating the corruption allegations centering on luxury
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watches, police rated home and office over the weekend. outgoing interior minister says he continues to support a temporary channel of a ships has been opened up in the us city in the boats. and more often last week's collapse of a major bridge blocked marine traffic. and the 1st ship sailed through the temporary route on monday us presence biden is expected to visit the site on friday . she has retents, she has more on the recovery efforts from both to of salvaging of collapsed portions of the from cisco key bridge has begun the pilots. the section was waiting hundreds of thousands of teen the grams to be lifted like crane from the water and placed on bulges in the recovery process with move timeline, it is very complicated down below. these are still garters unlocked, is still good or is that you can see that above the water line still,
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which has significant damage below the water line along the bottom is very challenging because these garters are essentially tangled together, intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut so that we can make that in the more manageable sizes to lift them from the water away. from now the port remains open. well, call go delivered before the collision is processed, but soon it will close and resolve to what will happen to the drugs of $15000.00 ford employees. the 140000 across the state of maryland are also estimated to rely on the poor being operational for their livelihoods. newest kelly was among those who attended an event to help businesses affected by the foreclosure, is more construction. business relies on the international supply chain, just as much as a major manufacturing company with low end venture materials capital. i'm having, you don't order so you can store them into your warehouse. you order when the job
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is ready to go. so when you look at your projects schedule, where you have things planned in 2 weeks and 6 weeks and 12 weeks. busy of that is out of the window. and we also just don't know how that is going to affect our employees. simply because if there is a long delay, what do we do? do we leave them off the investigation into the crash continues. the main question is why even bobby suddenly lost power. another question, why the construction was on the bridge of the time of the collision have no means of communication so that they could be named of impending danger. as often happens, often major accident has multiple warnings and now coming to light issued by insurance companies and local officials that say that this bridge needed to be brought up to the standards of molding bridges that are constructed. so with style,
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the traffic of mega container strips she ever time see out, is there a baltimore o thoughts as in japan or trying to manage a health scare? office supplement meant to low a cause that's true levels with links to at least 5 tests. more than 150 hospital admissions. us can, has more the investigators from the national and regional health departments rate of factory and also like a city after health supplements produced here were found to contain a toxic compound last week or by us you pharmaceutical confirmed at least 5 elderly people who used as collateral lowering pills had died more than 100. others were hospitalized with kidney issues and other health problems. the company is recalling the product 2 months after 1st receiving complaints. it's president has apologized for not acting sooner. higgins i to show guy, so we deeply apologize for the distress and concerns that we've caused. many people
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this in regards to the problem of kidney disease due to the consumption of rates, east rice related products produced by a company machine. the pills contain ready, east rice, a natural substance said to lower cluster all who buy as she has supplied about a 1000000 packages to thousands of other companies within japan and abroad. in the past 3 years, health authorities in neighboring china and south korea have raised concerns and tie one is investigating possible links to some reports of unexpected reactions. the government has promised transparency in order to review of the approval system for health supplements. and of course, the pretty quick we will continue to inform countries in a timely and appropriate manner and strive to ensure trust and japanese food products. geico, so called function labeled foods, are popular in japan. analysts say there is little regulatory oversight and a heavy reliance on manufacturers reputations trust that's taken
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a major hit as people are falling ill from. supplements meant to make them health here. eunice, kim, i was just there or. or you can find more news on seats us on our website. i'll just say we don't come with all your devices. the weather is next inside story. looks ahead to the engine elections, to state the, the hello. there's been more active weather in southwest saudi arabia. so let me show you the severe flooding once again and ask for profits. there's also been severe hailstorm, some saying his story. but i mean look at these flooding here, people waiting through the flood waters and it's not over yet. so let me show you the forecast. it's really that western side of saudi arabia. once again, we see this energy flare up now pushing into react providence as we look toward
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tuesday. and some of this is also kicking back over the other side of the red sea. so for the red sea coast of sedan eritrea and you booty, showers and storms likely and the potential to see some flooding. a few showers, touching a few drops and call that 15 degrees on tuesday and we sent them record breaking heat in parts of the turkey a full on sunshine and forecasts for you on tuesday. pretty picture perfect. their belts of heat extending from chad new share. that's also pushing into per keen a fast so we've been sitting records there for just how hot it's been. and i gotta show you all this rain coming into uganda. rewan to emperor randy. could see some flooding. there's been more flooding in nairobi and to the south, we go there. showers and storms begins to peter out across south africa, so not a bad day, including in cape town and the western cape province. let's go 22 degrees for you on tuesday. enjoy. see you later
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in the bigger global net can yonah in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new full pot cd, focusing on india. in this episode, either on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of press freedoms in india and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley on those is either are willing to run from moody service to the indian prime minister is launched his party's campaign for the upcoming elections, boasting of his achievements in the past decades. what about his controversial views on can do nationalism? this is inside story, the


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