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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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with every press who will bring it to light? a little love in palestine. we share the news really as try kills $64.00 and $8.00 where it goes. and the palace simeon driver in central guys or the n g o wells central kitchen says it's funding or operation dc psych human tragedy that should never have of that is completely unacceptable. australia demands and says and, and the u. s. calls to i switch investigation and to be a talk to you watching out g 0 live from don't have with me for the back. people also coming up the ron ones, it will respond decisively after a suspect to these really striker and it's conflict in damascus. scales as senior
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military commander. we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us us as is concerned after israel pass is a law that could bind. i'll just here is operation. same sheesh. and another university system sends me in myanmar help folks make weapons in secret workshops decides the military just the thank you for joining us. we begin in central guys where and is really striking debt. all the law has scaled at least 7 a to work as most of the foreign nationals, the convoy was hit shortly after leaving a warehouse. the victims intrude upon his simeon a us canadian duel national and citizens of australia, the u. k. and poland. their way employees of wealth, central kitchen, a charity, coordinating a deliveries. so the guys are straight by shape. these are the ami says it's
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reviewing the incident at the highest levels. well, central kitchen has described the killing of its staff members as a targeted attack in his statement. it says the team was moving in a d convicted zone in 2 ahmed cars and another vehicle barry the organization's logo. and despite coordinating his movements with these very ami, the convoy was bombed, why leading away house? it says this is an attack not only on our organization, but on humanitarian organizations. and the chatty says, it is unforgivable. wells central kitchen is pausing, is operations immediately in the region and will be making decisions about the future of its work. so i'll, i'll just there is a handout of who jerry is in darrow by lot with that attack on world central kitchen employees of okay. and she reports from the scene of the attack. i'm crazy . standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by that is really forces last night.
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this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british canadian, and american, and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every cart is, is separated by a piece 500 meters,
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which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only or on that you're going to tear you in sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. it's obvious, but is there any forces are targeting every person and every organization that is working to have the north of the causal strip from the farm. and that is going currently happening in the another in gaza. strip, these aged workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's had at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf strip. on the day they were targeted the situation and because of the continues to
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escalate, where no one in the causes drip is safe. this isn't the very odd 0. that is but causal strip. let's get an update from another raw correspondence in guys and now tower capitalism and ra fatalities. more details emerging about the killing of these aid workers in central guys that talk to us about the reactions this morning and what effect this is likely to have on 8 operations in the gaza strip. yes, fully impact. uh the uh, the is gonna be on just the final attack against the humanitarian organization. we're the world central kitchen that is responsible for providing that humanitarian aids for people in much needed areas in the gaza strip, has been completely sparking a wide, a scale of contamination. and also disappointing this to make a kind of frustration among palestinians, specifically that this organization to,
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to set it to be one of the main entities that can work tirelessly in order to help disparate families in other parts of the gaza strip. i'm sure responsible for receiving the majority of the married time shipments that have been arriving to the cause of stress in the course of the past few weeks. this attack has been carried out to specifically, despite the previous coordination, be made between the central kitchen on this very minute treat domestically. this sound to be clear, collections from these when you sign against the international organization. firstly, they have been denying the deliveries of a humanitarian voice affiliated to the owner, walk to the people and then other parts of the gaza strip on yesterday. overnight they had been attacking other worlds into the kitchen and all that just to create a state of insecurity. despite the disability repeated the claims that they are facilitating the process of deliveries to another part of the gaza strip. but the
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reality on the ground is completely controversial as palestinians are totally afraid of the collapse of the humanitarian. a flow of 8 supplies to old gaza strip, which completely want to bring to make a temper protections on the humanitarian situation of the ground. sorry, thank you. very much for that. that's terry capitalism live the in rafa less crossover to occupied east jerusalem now and a more on con, so in ron was central kitchen saying that they gave all the coordinates to these release. what are these really saying and response of the what he's ready. i mean this is a fairly standard response to when ever, any incident occurs. they said they are investigating. so it's worth reading you the statement it says, following the reports regarding the wealth central kitchen, pest out. and the goal is that, uh, today the idea is ready all meet, conducting a thorough review of the highest levels to understand the circumstances of this tragic events may actually come. then to talk about the fact that they are working
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with the w. c. k. they said each is ready only makes expensive efforts to enable the safe delivery of humanitarian aid that has been well and has been working closely with the w. c. k. and the efforts to provide food and humanitarian aid to the people of gauze and so that i should mention that they were working with the at w c. k. that now normally in this type of incident, we would expect an investigation site place hardly ever do these readings make the investigation public because of the fact that we're a foreign nationals involved fail under a tremendous amounts of pressure to actually come up with something. another statement and come up with that fairly quickly. we are expecting perhaps for the next few hours. that would be another statement from me is a really all me now you've already reported the w. c. k is response. they upset, never ever should. he might, his hearing aid work as we talk to the minister of foreign affairs in cyprus. it has also responded. now remember, cypress is the base of operations for
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w. c k. it's where the maritime cardo begins and they say they want a thorough investigation in martin. thank you very much. him on con, lives there in occupied east jerusalem, or one australian citizen was among those killed prime minister onto the albany. see says he's government wants census as a stray expects full accountability for the desk of i'd which is which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and size doing humanitarian work and the date on innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. the sky has had a very clear position of supporting sustainable safe spot of cooling for, for some period of time. we certainly have already contacted this riley government directly. we are contacting the is riley and best who that uh to uh,
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ask uh for uh i can ability here. uh, the truth is that, that this is beyond a pre owned any reasonable circumstance that someone going about per body aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. oh yeah, we spoke to maureen for ok, who's deputy leader of the australian greens in a spanish. if a new south wales, she says the australian government hasn't done enough to criticizes or as or on gas, it is right. is the meeting wall crime of to walk on in broad daylight and is getting away with it. we know that aid workers and civilians are protected and the low, yet nearly 200 humanitarian workers have been killed over the past few months. more than 30000 palestinians have been massacred by israel. and now assume me who is an australian aid worker like other aid workers were putting their lives on the line
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to feed the children that are being stopped by is right. of being kidding, this is completely heartbreaking and devastating. no one, literally no one and nowhere is safe in the cause. and that gets why it was genocide attacks. and yet, and yet we have seen western governments cool is right and a friend. and we have seen wisdom governments continue on business as usual with is right wiley's wall kinds and water to us. of these are going ahead. so it's enough for the prime minister said that we are demanding accountability of costs. that's the bare minimum. but the australian government spitting use is dams like human tragedy and humanitarian catastrophe. as if this is happening in a vacuum as this is right, is an attacking and murdering these people. i think these weasel words have to in australia has to take strong and concrete action. stephen says america must be held
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accountable for the attack on its consummate building in damascus, iran plains, israel for the strike, which k of the senior commander of the slimy revolutionary god, his deputy, and 5 different match st. this robbie has more a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets and syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed the residence of heavy of military adviser who previously levia. ronnie and the lead codes force 11 on sir there wants for an minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. was serious for administer had this to say, what do you, what we strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street
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. so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me a, ringing an embassy, and b as lumnick republic of around. and we assure that syria and b is womach were public. don't forget their enemies. on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial leveled in entire building, the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have cost the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus came 3 days through his really stretch, killed dozens of people in a level,
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mostly siri and soldiers, as well as members of his below, including a senior commander. the air strikes targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah, have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some syria and lebanon, and seemingly extended battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond the supporters and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0, head on algae, sierra, the chaos on the streets of haiti on guns and police exchange fire as a political and humanitarian crisis file science of control. and we are in the us city of baltimore way, close up the gun work to remove the 1st strong kind of collapse bridge the
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although we had some pretty strong winds, carry up sending us from this hard desert into parts of europe. so this was in mont pelley, a, some hazy and smog conditions there. in fact, some european countries were on the top 10 list of the world's worst air quality. but things refreshing now then sure is why we've had that batch of rain move out of italy, east for it. so places like the czech republic and bosnia also had hazy and small you conditions, but this is helping to clear the air, the turkey or we go plenty of sun in the forecastle gets cypress sticker. see a $33.00 degrees that's about 10 above pre it should be for this time of year and what weather sites in, off the atlantic northwest, spain, northern and central portugal. then i gotta show you this is precipitation bumps into colder air. there will be snow for a time in sweden that will hop over the baltic sea impact the baltic states as we head towards wednesday. it's going to be windy as well,
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quite hot this early in the season in africa. so in bali, along the border with mauritania, temperature shot up to almost $48.00 powerful winds are blasting in that heat, but for the coastal city of new ox out with a seabreeze, the temperature is below average for this time of the year. some pretty big ways off the eastern cape profits that could cause some damage. and with this breeze off the indian ocean, still brain from barouche's and that southeast corner of not a gas car. the devastating strikes followed by here will request you because that's 1st responders know the mission could be the last but until then the humanity drives one day with because of the civil defense which rescue mission because it gives you the of
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the welcome back. you're watching l g 0 live from. don't have reminder about the top stories and he's really as striking, central garza has killed 6 for an 8 where it goes from well central kitchen and the palestinian driver. the child, he says it's team and had coordinated with these really ami and it's vehicles were clearly marked with the groups. no go. yvonne says america must be held accountable for the attack on his consummate building in damascus. the run explained israel for the strike, which killed a senior commander of these nomic revolutionary gone corps. he's deputy and 5 different types of indians avon sworn minister of the hosting. i'm here,
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i'm do not here. and i was issued a statement saying, following the strike on damascus, which day round describes as a terrorist attack, a swiss embassy official was summoned. so it depends represents the us to move on. during the meeting, yvonne yvonne's official state america must be held accountable for supporting design. this regime i'll just here is in a holder, has more for us from 711 on the iran is making clear that it is going to respond to what it calls the aggression against its consulate in the syrian capital damascus. iran's national security council met just hours after that strike a promising a response. the iranian. a incident saying that there will be severe punishment, but they're not saying what the response will be. will they target is relevant risk, the possibility of a wider concert. the reason will they target this really is in other countries. will they target this really embassies in other countries? or will they target u. s. military assets in the region to the iranian foreign minister in his
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statement as blaming the us government saying that the, you know, that the support of the us government for as well, gives it the free hand to, to, to, to operate in the region. that's what they've been saying really for months now. blaming the united states, saying that they conveyed a message to the us and the us should be held to account already. there was a drone attack on a us base on the syria, iraq border hours after that striking in damascus. so it is really uncertain times the attack into mass, cuz really has serious implications. this is targeting a diplomatic mission, which is supposed to have immunity. now the is really, is what they're trying to say is, right. they're trying to say that's what they targeted was a military target accusing a round the revolutionary guards of using the consulate for a center to plan and, and, and meet. so if, as well, trying to de escalate the of the escalate tensions there, there's really a lot of uncertainty. but no doubt the war on garza has triggered
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a regional regional tensions it. but as of early february attacks on us targets stopped. that was after massive us strikes on a round back to groups in iraq and syria. are we going to see those attacks resume? are we going to see, you know, more drones or even long range missiles target this raw? these are questions many are asking inspection a, the responsibility, but the run is making clear there will be a response. and in many ways, it has to respond in order not to look weak santa, for their else as either southern lebanon or usa department has refused to say whether it received advance warning on these really s, right, con, damascus. and i'm not going to comment with respect to this particular strike because again, we just need to know more information about it before we do. and that includes drawing conclusions from it. as a general principle, of course, we are worried about escalation. we are due and worried about using that would cost
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the conflict to, to expand or wind in any way these really bottom into his boss legislation that could see the closure of foreign broadcasts as in the country, including alger 0. the can, i said voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law, which the government has been pushing since the beginning of the war and gaza. it allows israel to bind any international broadcasts, or if it decides the content threatening this national security. israel's foreign minister benjamin to tell us, posted on x, saying, i'll just say are actively participated in the october 7th massacre and incited against these really soldiers. he also calls to broadcast or a tower channel, but allowed to 0 and media network has responded. calling this the i was comments lies that in size against the safety of i to unless the statement raised in an escalating move, israel's foreign minister and at yahoo launch a frantic campaign against challenges, they're accusing it of harming israel. secuity actively participating in the october 7th attack and inciting against is ready soldiers. audra 0 media network
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condemns these statements and sees them as nothing but a dangerous ludicrous light. i'll just say are also accused. isn't it? no of inflammatory slanders against the network and the rights of its employees, which is 0 rates res. such such sondra, this accusation is, will not the terrorist and continuing are bold in professional coverage and reserves the right to pursue every legal step. jody ginsburg is the head of the committee to protect your internet. she says israel has a history of labeling during this fest terrace. this with extremely loans by this is yet another attempt by israel to sense of the media to limit the information coming out about the role in garza and beyond. and we do not want to say this low and knocks it the same is kind of language befall for me, nothing y'all who is ready, the officials and which they try to paint journalist as terrorist as criminals. this is nothing new. they've done it well before the start of this one of the type
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of the 7th. in fact, we produced a report back in may of last year to identify the pots and of of kennings, of mainly palestinian. done this by the is where the army and no accountability we've also seen as well before tried to shut down outages, era back in 2017 media facilities attacked. and so once it gets passed in, and particularly one in which john and i saw smid as terrorist is something we have seen frequently from israel. it's another example of the tightening of the free press and the, the increasing strangle hold that is ready. government would like to exercise over the press. it leads often to self censorship. we see people restricted themselves in what they report. and it's an incredibly worrying move by the government. the center of the world news now and university students and engineers opposing the on
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mars military regime are helping on groups make weapons. rebels have struggled on themselves to fight the agenda, which is here again, exclusive access to a weapons factory with 3 d. print is a manufacturing, a sold wife. toni chang, reports hidden under large green top pulling a secret workshop. deep in the jungles of them. work is using rudimentary tools, falling down blocks of steel, gun barrels, and both actions. the end product with $22.00 caliber rifle. effective that slow to manufacture the bank for the workshop. how the a bank of 3 d printing the secret weapon. it's possible because of the young people who understand technology. for middle age man like me, we combined no experience with that technology to produce these products and components for them. 16,
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a so ruffles printed in strength and plastics to them. and the precision lay the still needed to pull the methyl components. but the design has evolved through trial and error facing the me and my military with um, with vehicles heavy artillery non challenged power in the military government just brought in men to treat conscription in response to the increasing the effective opposition to its rule. this, the civil war transforms and to get rid of the tactics on multiple fronts. many soldiers didn't seem to have the will to fight right now. obviously a lot of, i mean, my sonia the, you know, decided to surrender. right? you resist central. and the thing to be 5 on the reason why the surrender because tomorrow, well, you know, so who was captured, weapons and ammunition have enabled us and they call them is to over run the hundreds of military bases. in the last 6 months, the 3 d printed vitals, pos,
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the ultimate test, evaluating our products, and now in the bottles, we met some soldiers. we gave our weapons to the set it has in action. now i'm motivated. now they're producing a $170.00 automatics a month, but they're aiming for a 1000. they can get several materials. books up and ready to ship out to the front line. tony chang out as a north korea as long so ballistic may side off it's eastern coast. it landed in the sea of japan of the korean peninsula. south korea's military says young young as testing technology related to a new, hypotonic messiah. this comes as washington, so n tokyo or staging, joined aerial drills in the region to find condemn, the latest launch as a threat to regional secuity. a photo put the low can you know me know that we strongly disapprove of this act because it has implications to not just the security of our nation for the region and the international community. small people
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in haiti's capital have fled heavy gun 5 between on gangs and the police near the national palace. gangs control more than 80 percent of for to friends. the latest violence comes is ongoing prime. it is. so it on a signal and a transitional counsel is nearly finalize. is seen as vitals the ending the months on crisis and paving the way for new elections. so full people know that a my father is one of them. my father was not involved with anyone. his name is dearly node p a. i told him all the time. i found him that this building now and pets you on the bill. if you don't comply, if you don't look for a place to take shelter, they'll shoot to you. when you're driving around at nights with the, with outside the and do you come across a police call? they're going to shoot you as a young man living in the country, it breaks my heart. what i think about these kinds of things. i feel like crying
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because i can also lose my life. when i see these things like this child, look, i think i'm older than him. right. look, he's a child. i don't even think he's got seen yet. more than 300 migraines from guatemala, deported by the us, have arrived in the capital. most of them were caught at the border between the us and mexico. the glass mountain migration institute expects more deportations in april or more than 19000 people have been deported to guatemala by the us. in the past 3 months, throws, president dana boardwalk has replaced 6 ministers who resigned after a scandal. a lot a is being investigated for corruption, navigations involving luxury what watches worth? half a $1000000.00 police have rated her home and office for ongoing interior minister says he continues to support her. the in the us,
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former president donald trump has posted at $175000000.00 bond in his new york civil frog case. he was found liable in february for in placing his network by as much as $2000000000.00 to get better times for loans and insurance. trump has denied any wrong doing and calls the case a political witch hunt fraud. a supreme court has upheld the states bind on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. this is now expected to take effect in a month. so this top court will also allow people to decide whether abortion access should be expanded in a vote later this year. that could lead to a 6 week abortion bad. and staying in the us, the city of baltimore has opened a temporary channel for ships after a major bridge collapse last week, blocking maritime traffic. the 1st vessel use the alternative route on monday. the board is one of the country's busiest commercial shipping helps us present. joe
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biden is expected to visit the site on friday. she advertise, he has more on the recovery efforts from baltimore. so the salvaging of collapsed portions of the francis colt key bridge has begun the pilots. the section was waiting hundreds of thousands of t the grams to be lifted like crane from the water and placed on bulges in the recovery process. with move timeline, it is very complicated down below. these are still garters unlocked is still good or is that you can see that above the water line still, which has significant damage. below the water line along the bottom is very challenging because these garters are essentially tangled together, intertwined, making it very difficult to figure out where you need to eventually cut so that we can.


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