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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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to landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day since it is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on out just the are the kind is really s y k o 64, an 8 workers and their policy in driver in central guys i d, n g o. wells central kitchen says it's fall g o operation the si, size, human tragedy section. never, ever, that is completely unacceptable. australia demands answers and the us calls for a swift investigation into the, the
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play you're watching l g 0 live from to have with me for the back. people also coming up avon ones that will respond decisively after a suspect to these really strike on his consummate building in damascus kills as senior military commander. what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed s. usa is a concern daft to israel passes a law that could find out a 0 is operations. there. certainly use university students and engineers in yet more help on groups make weapons in secret workshops to fight the military gym. and is really as striking. there are by law in central guys has killed at least 64 and workers and they are a palestinian driver. there were members of wealth, central kitchen, a group that's coordinating a deliveries transported by ship from cypress. the convoy was had shortly after
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leaving a warehouse despite making these really military aware of that movement. citizens from australia, the u. k, and poland are among the dead faint and 100 reports. they came to help bring relief to palestinian suffering and gaza. but they ended up as yet more victims of these rails war and is really air strike, kill these aid workers from the humanitarian group, world central kitchen. one of them was palestinian, and all the others were foreign nationals and their governments are demanding answers astray, expects full accountability for the desk of i'd with is a which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work. you need a whole innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. world central kitchen says it's team would coordinate their movements with the israeli army ahead of time. they were traveling armored cars and their logo was highly visible. this
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is israel has promised to review the attack and what is it called the highest levels. but this isn't the 1st time relief workers have been killed and gaza. israel has also been previously trying to shut down on row one of the largest humanitarians actors in gaza. numerous on real employees have been killed as not just foreigners of costs because most of the humanitarian relief is provided by palestinians themselves who live in gaza. so this is an acute problem which has been ongoing for the past 5 or 6 months. and a full investigation and accountability is warranted. aid workers, space enormous risk spring, desperately needed food and supplies. and the god the, the strip is on the break of famine and the un is cooling for safe access for a deliveries of israel. now faced more calls for accountability and steps to ensure humanitarian workers do not become targets. been involved in how to sierra. i'll
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just hear his hand out who jerry isn't down by law and reports on the scene of the attack. i'm crazy. standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by that is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british canadian and then merican and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars
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were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every cart is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by these really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences, not only on the humanitarian sector. in the gaza strip, it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age workers and international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. it's obvious, but is there any forces are targeting every person and every organization that is working to have the north of the causal strip from the farm and that is going
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currently happening in the another in gaza strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy. that's how that's used 400 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of troop on the day they were targeted the situation and because of the continues to escalate, where no one in the causes drip is safe. this isn't the odd to 0. that is but causes trip and let's get an update from audra 0 is tara, god bless him. who's also in gaza? he's in rafa tarik. so more details emerging about the killing of these aid workers . tell us about the reactions and gas are and what effects this is likely to have on 8 operations on the ground. on the yes fully in fact to the is very deadly attack that has been carried out to a games. 8 work is where facilitating the process of a deliveries too much of areas in the gaza strip has complete use fox wave of tens
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of a nation and frustration among palestinians who are extremely fuel, sorry for the loss of those people who were whacking day of nights in order to help palestinians to recover from the deadly consequences of the is very ongoing military offensive. now, the attack has been carried just by the elliot put in a should be made for boots until kitchen. we'd be as many military unfortunately, 7. busy at the work is have been killed including 6 for nationals and $1005.00 is now the victims impacts now have been transferred from darren fell off to annette. our hospital here in rough, i would that to piece for that to be transferred onto the back to wait it out to the gaza strip to be lights at berries. approves that. absolutely. i top is facing that text that has been widely done by the international community and the ongoing is made to repeat it and deliver it to attacks on a walk is alongside with 8. see, just to tell you how do you, night under what the delivery of humanitarian supplies to then other parts of casa,
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and yesterday, overnight they attacked the humanitarian. the humanitarian organization wants into a kitchen stuff in there. and by absolutely, this is a new serious escalation that with trust shadow over the ability of how the humanitarian organization to operate and construct the guards as to the real question among promising and why they have been deliberately deliberately targeted . and why exactly this organization has been hit? the new growing concerns among palestinians about the expands and of the fighting to reach you to the south. which means that there's going to be much more negative impacts on the ability of humanitarian organization to keep up the rating on the ground topic. thank you very much for that. that sounds you. there is hardly cap, was eliza in rice, rough on. and in the last few minutes, israel has issued a statement on the strike last spring in him. ron connie knocked friday through san from on this, or what are these really saying, iraq?
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well the, the issue to a long the statement is coming from the is ready on the spikes. when done, you will. hi, gary. it's a front and then do statement and read you the key parts last night. an incident took place and goes that the result and the tragic death of wealth, central kitchen, employees as a fill that vital mission, bringing food. it's a people in need as a professional minutes, are you committed to international. busy we're committed to examining operations so thoroughly and transpired you guys on site. i just spoke to the w. c. k. i found the chef jose and as an express, deepest condolences, all these ready defense poles instead of families and the entire weld central kitchen. they going to say that they going to be opening upright to examine this series incident. further, this will help us reduce the risk of such an event occurring again. and they say that they'll be an independent fact finding an assessment mechanism that they are holding an independent professional expert body that would be looking into all of this. so and it made sense, but no direct admittance. but these right is what behind the attack on the world,
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central kitchen come, boy, that was in a demilitarized thing that was clearly marked w. c. k, bus every would in this is and admittance that they were actually behind this without actually admitting it. this is a very swift statement. we wouldn't expect a statement of the states to come out so quickly, but it goes to show you how this right is all taking this every simply because they all international nationals for nationals involved in the surfaces palestinians. we simply would not have a statement of this nature, they would say we're investigating it and pretty much that would be that it goes to show you how much international pressure is on these ladies right now to get to the bottom of how this incident occurred. that investigation is going to be taking place right now, whether we'll get the results of that today or in the coming days. let's see, but certainly these right, these will want to show that they are investigating this fully. thank you and run
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for the update that sondra 00 and con, live there and occupied east jerusalem. early i spoke to test ingram, who's spokesperson for unicef. she says, aid workers in guys i seem to be trying to do the job despite the difficult situation on the ground. and it really just speaks to the unacceptable conditions that people living in here in the gaza strip and next to monetary and aid workers are operating. and it's an immense tragedy. and it adds to the whole of, you know, 30000 people who've been killed since the escalation and a 174 un colleagues. they've also been killed. so it's, it's a job day for us here comes with all around the world. humanitarian agencies have a coordination and notification system where we say this is where we want to go and what we want to do. and we get the security assurances, but we need to do our job. and that is not functioning properly here in the gaza strip. and we've been warning or while that it's not working, we're not getting the security assurances that we've made. this is not the 1st time
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that we've seen a vehicle being hit on recall. legs have been targeted before. and so it's incredibly concerned. i think all of the colleagues here, i really just trying to help people and it's even worse, but these colleagues were trying to deliver food, whether the on the press, the press of a sudden it couldn't happen at any moment now. and this was, you know, a 100 tons of food i was being unloaded. so it's, it's a, it's an unspeakable loss. not just for the people, but the, the, the community of god. i think that we up here just trying to do our job. and what we need to do now is, is have a look at the situation, assess what has happened during the night and decide how we move forward because it's, it's incredibly tough here on the ground. no, just for us, but for the people, the gaza. the bombardments on ending hill sides for morning and, and with some of the most protected people in the gaza strip. we have the vehicles and, and jackets like this. so for everybody getting guys i,
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it's incredibly on sites a t, ron says america must be held accountable for the attack on his consummate building in damascus, iran blames israel for the strife which k of the senior commander of the islamic revolutionary god. his deputy and 5 different match zane bas robbie has more a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles hit a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed the residence of heavy of military adviser who previously levia. ronnie, at the lead crowds force and 11 on sir there wants foreign minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. while serious for administer had this to say, what do you uh, what we strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy,
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which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me a ringing and embassy and b as lama republic of around. and we assure that syria and b as lubbock republican, don't forget their enemies on the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial levels in entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assassinations in the region targeting iranian leaders as well as members of how much and has bola since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have costs the lives of civilians. there was one of over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which, which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus
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came 3 days afterwards, rarely strikes killed dozens of people in a level, mostly syrian soldiers, as well as members of his bullet, including a senior commander, the air strikes, targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance, groups, hamas, and hezbollah have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some syria and lebanon, seemingly extend the battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond the supporters and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0 and xena called or has more on yvonne's reaction to the strike from $711.00 on iran is making clear that it is going to respond to what it calls the aggression against its consulate in the syrian capital, damascus. iran's national security council, and that's just the hours after that strike a promising a response, the around the and president saying that there will be severe punishment,
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but they're not saying what the response will be. will they target as well and risk the possibility of a wider concert? the reason will they target this really is in other countries. will they target this really embassies in other countries? or will they target u. s. military assets in the region? the iranian foreign minister in his statement is blaming the us government, saying that the, you know, that the support of the us government for as well, gives it the free hand to, to, to, to operate in the region. that's what they've been saying really for months now. blaming the united states, saying that they conveyed a message to the us and the us should be held to account already. there was a drone attack on a us base on the syria, iraq border hours after that striking in damascus. so it is really uncertain times the attack in damascus really has serious implications. this is targeting a diplomatic mission, which is supposed to have immunity. now the is really is what they're trying to say is, right. they're trying to say that's what they targeted was a military target,
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accusing a round the revolutionary guards of using the consulate for a center to plan and, and, and meet so as well, trying to de escalate the of the escalate tensions there. there's really a lot of uncertainty, but no doubt the war on girls that has triggered a regional region no 10 since it but as of early february, attacks on us targets stopped. that was after mass of us strikes on a run back to groups in iraq and syria. are we going to see those attacks resume? are we going to see, you know, more drones or even long range missiles target this raw? these are questions many are asking and speculating what's the response will be, but the run is making clear. there will be a response. and in many ways it has to respond in order not to look weak santa, for their else as ita, southern lebanon. still ahead on al jazeera, angry about skyrocketing prices, pool communities in docusign, accused development of not doing enough to help them during ramadan.
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the is what we want about 24 hours ago, and it happened to everyone. so quite the deluge in victoria states. capital, melbourne. why did it stay in 4 years after you skipped up more than 50 millimeters of rain? so here's what's going on on wednesdays. still could catch a straight shower here, but this full breeze out of the south major temperature is now down to 19 degrees for new zealand, rain and wind warnings in places across the southern alps. here with his batch of what weather coming in of the tasman sea and it looks particularly wet up and down sumatra, island and west stratford. providence for indonesia. around jakarta. still pumping in that humidity of the south china sea for china is high and an island in northern vietnam. but this is also fueling the storms that we're seeing in southern china.
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look at this one, joe and glenn g. providence looking more like a hurricane rolled through there. really these storms have been wobbling in this area over the last several days looking particularly bad in quality providence. on wednesday, over the next 48 hours, you could pick up to half a month's worth of rain. this is moving over the east china see it's pouring into the korean peninsula and japan and facts on parts of parts of tissue island could scoop up to a 100 millimeters of rain. so there is a potential to see some flooding there over the next little bit. that's it. see a in the bigger global that i couldn't yet in history. the world's biggest democracy, posted on epic showdown. join me seen of asking jan on a new full bought cd focusing on india. in this episode i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examined alarming drops of the freedoms in india and the future of india. in
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fact, with independent media being the other for foxley on those is either the welcome back, a recap of our top stories on alger 0 and is really striking central guys or has scaled 64, and 8 workers from wells central kitchen. and they have palace to me in driver. the chatty says it seem as coordinated with these really ami, and it's vehicles are clearly marked with a slow go. yvonne says america must be held accountable for the attack on its conflict building and damascus. yvonne lanes, israel for the strike,
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which killed the senior commander of these by me revolutionary god, his deputy, and 5 different match his there at the bottom into his boss legislation that could see the closure of 4 and broadcasters in the country, including alger 0. the can, i said, voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law, which the government has been pushing since the beginning of the war and gaza is allows east route to ban any international broadcast was if it decides the contents threatens national security. these really prime minister is, has posted on x saying algae 0 actively participated in the october 7th massacre and incited against these really so to, as he also calls the broadcast or a tire channel. obviously or media network has responded calling this. now his comments lies that insight against the safety of audrey unless the statement reads in an escalating move is really prime minister benjamin this now launched a frantic campaign against challenges. era accusing it of harming israel security actively participating in the october 7th attack and inciting against is really
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soldiers. i'll just say or media network condemns the statements and sees him as nothing but a dangerous ludicrous slide. i'll just say are also accused as missing yahoo! of inflammatory sanders against the network and the rights of his employees. i was just here a read to raise that such slander aside, his ations will not deter us from continuing our bolden professional coverage, and reserves the right to pursue every legal step. aaliyah's state department has also weighed in saying, washington supports media freedom. we support the independent free press anywhere in the world. and we think the work that the independent free press does is important everywhere in the world. and yet much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera. i'll say we're just with, with respect to houses here. obviously, we know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's
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a new organization that we engage with. i've done interviews with al jazeera, other people from the department have done interviews with l. g 0. so what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us the data center web news in russia has reported drone attacks on to industrial sites in talk to stan, located more than a 1000 kilometers from the border with ukraine they targeted facilities assembling iranian design, shy head drones, and he had a blue guy and an oil refinery in news and comes if the drones were launch from ukrainian territory. it would be one of the most far reaching drone attacks carried off by ukraine's forces. since the beginning of the war, of a 12 year old with a gun has opened fiat a school in finland, wounding 3 of the children. it happened in a suburb of the capital, helsinki. please say the injured children were the same age as the attack was now
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in custody. the prime minister has described the incidents as the police shockey. i report by the world bank show a south asia is expected to remain the fastest growing emerging market in the next 2 years. it predicts growth of 6 to 6 point one percent in 2024 in to 2025, largely because of india strong economic performance. but private sector investment has flowed since the band demik dropping from 7.252 percent before point to 19 to 3.5 percent. in the past 3 years, the report notes only 59 percent of south asia is working age population is employed. as compared with 70 percent in other emerging markets, the report also say south asia is vulnerable to the impact of climate change. on average, it says 60000000 people a year has been affected by natural disasters. since 2010 or india is a, was 5th largest economy and is leading the way in south asia unless expecting
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strong growth to continue this year. i spoke earlier to arrow and combine was a former professor of economics at dark, narrow university in new delhi says that the goals page a doesn't reflect the real situation in the country in the quarter t groups a phone last financial, yet that data came out and it was much better than what was expected. so the growth was the point 4 percent compared to the expected, around 7 percent and the side unless the be seeing that the rate of growth for the last financially a return out to be 8 percent, even though it might slow down for the next financial yet the one that we are in now the point is that people are making out that, you know, industrial been performing ran certain parts of the services that are being performing grand. but unfortunately, what happens in india is it is a large, organized, picked up. and the large on organizing the organized sector employees only 6 percent, but produces 55 percent of the output, the unorganized prize,
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94 percent and produces 45 percent of our lives. have been saying that this growth has the number of problems the unorganized sector. does not end it is done organize that the details included in the growth, maybe only one or 2 percent. draw the 8 percent. so that's much less than what is officially claim. and that's why the blessing of the unemployment rate remains canada heights, especially among the educated and unemployed and age group of $15.00 to $24.00. on the labor force box springs and great humans, they look in the economy with joining so strongly then the unemployment, you're not being so high. and also the government offering the 800000000 people fight glo grams of food is free. now that there's only data because, you know, actually the problem of done overnight, sick to them, they don't have enough employee understanding that they don't have enough income and they need to be given these rations feet. so all of that seems to suggest that the data is not really a kind of the docusign has released the $45000000.00 assistance package aimed at
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providing some economic relief during ramadan. people who are struggling to deal with high prices and storing information, come on, hide our reports from his lot of but another day comes to a name. i know that if star wrote the breaking of the far mom, let's say that the father of 5 children and is a daily wage labour. uh, because you did not have money to buy food, you get the benefit from try to do organizations around to local funding by private citizen and i think it both me i, i work on daily wage. sometimes i get what sometimes i don't, it's very hard to find what these days. the government says it has given concessions on some food items only for month around the time. but who is going to afford to buy other commodities and pay exorbitant electricity and gas bills? the price of fresh fruit and ridge driven to dr. reach for many and patients is
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reading can shoppers and render a scuffle over exorbitant price. i is a busy time during this busting month of ramadan, with fruit and vegetable, don't push cock. while i just set up shop on busy intersection to make some extra money. look at these roadside vendors. they are making the situation even worse. rich people come here in the because they don't even us the rate. so these wind is, are overcharging, way should pull people go. it said nearly $45000000.00 relief package offered by the government. is a med dropping the auction. i guess on it's going to go to an agreement with the i'm airport, a new drawn of $3000000000.00 and expected to receive a $1000000000.00 in april. but they did already planning to go for the new package . however, the economic aspects want any additional loan could lead to
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a further increase your fuel gas and electricity prices. they say the next few months will be critical. i think, as i see, the most important is to good on political bridges. and i don't have the answer to that so that there is a broad consensus across the entire political spectrum that some difficult decisions have to be taken the next one months to make sure that progress on is put on part of a sustainable growth. but as the sun goes down and people break their foss, there one go. how many more hardship they really have to endure? before things get better? come out of how you doing roger's eat. all. it's normal by north korea has launched a ballistic may side off. it's eastern coast. it landed in the sea of japan, off the green peninsula. south korea's military sized young young as testing technology related to
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a new hypersonic. ms. 5. it comes as washington. so lentil to i staging joined ariel trails in the region. not to myanmar way university students and engineers opposing the military who are helping arms groups make weapons to fight for june 10th. i'll just here again, exclusive access to a weapons factory. with 3 d printers, manufacturing assault rifles. tony chang, results hidden under large green top, holding a secret workshop. deep in the jungles of them work is using rudimentary tools, falling down blocks of steel, gun barrels, and both actions. the end product with $22.00 caliber rifle effective that slow to manufacture. this is the best of the workshop. how the a bank of 3 d printing, the secret weapon. it's possible because of the young people who understand technology for me to age man like me,
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we combine no experience with that technology to produce these products and components for m. 16 a. so rifle.


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