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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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is is and so doing it's why we work with bill cuz to make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the the hello, i'm real matheson, this is the news on life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. international condemnation and calls for an urgent investigation officer. israel kills $78.00 workers in gauze that on says the us must be held accountable for them. this may be strikes that hits comes to the building in damascus, killing a senior, a running and come on to you for any and jones, and strikes deep into russian territory more than
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a 1000 kilometers and nevada. also, i have the university students and engineers and me and my help on groups made weapons and secret workshops to fight the ministry. sometimes i'm in sport, england, cricket or ben stokes, rules and self out of it. t 20 world con. they all rounder wants to focus on his fitness, so we can be a better player in all form of the game. the israel's facing international condemnation. after getting $64.00, and $8.00 workers on the palestinian drive, or in central garza united states. israel's main allies says it's heart broken and deeply troubled by the strikes in debt all bought up. the 8 walkers were all from world central kitchen for size. they were killed in a target that is really striking. their convoy was had shortly after leaving
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a warehouse, despite making the is really military aware of the movement. astronomy and british polish and the us. canadian citizens are among the dead. friends and monica begins, are coverage. they came to help bring relief to palestinians suffering and gaza, but they ended up as yet more victims of these rails war and is really air strike kill these 8 were occurs from the humanitarian group world central kitchen. one of them was palestinian, and all the others were foreign nationals and their governments are demanding answers. astray, expects full accountability for the deaths of i'd with is a which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and size doing humanitarian work. you need a whole innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. world central kitchen says it's team would coordinate their movements with the israeli army ahead of time. they were traveling armored cars and their logo was highly visible. this
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is, israel has promised to review the attack and what it called the highest levels. we will be opening a probe to examine the serious incident further. this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. but this isn't the 1st time relief workers have been killed and gaza. israel has also been previously trying to shut down on row. one of the largest humanitarians actors in gaza. numerous on real employees have been killed as not just foreigners of costs because most of the humanitarian relief is provided by palestinians themselves who live in gaza. so this is an acute problem which has been ongoing for the past 5 or 6 months. and a full investigation and accountability is warranted. aid workers, space enormous risk spring, desperately needed food and supplies. and the god the, the strip is on the break of famine and the un is cooling for safe access for
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a deliveries. israel now faced more calls for accountability and steps to ensure humanitarian workers do not become targets. benton monahan out to sierra i just need his headquarters in dental bhalla and reports from the same. i'm crazy. standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and american, and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see
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best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by at least 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship,
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and the convoy that's had at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of strip on the day they were targeted. this is in the, the all to 0 that it but i gaza strip to give you a separate report is covering the story for us, not in a moment. we're going to hear from a white house correspondent kimberly hawk in washington dc. and honda saw who's standing by and occupied east jerusalem 1st, we're going to go live. so it's out a couple is who, who's involved in the southern guys to talk to us about the reaction there until the beginning of the stuff from world central kitchen. yes, absolutely. palestinians here and the gaza strip can barely see this set to consider to be extremely unjustifiable by these, by the military. as there is as the great sentiments of sadness and grief among palestinians regarding the loss of the victims who have been killed in one of the latest strikes that targeted to via kills for the works in short kitchen. as the
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this i talked to said it to be a serious escalation against humanitarian organizations that's operating inside the territory and systematically, palestinians see that this is where the forces have been attacking the humanitarian cool boys. h seek is and right now the humanitarian organizations that are responsible for distributing aids for majority of concepts, a lot of the very desperate need for an area. we have seen that the is ready minutes. we have the night that the uh, the. busy owner was uh with the flow of humanitarian aid to the another and part of the gaza strip. and today they had been attacking the world central kitchen as a part of the ongoing genocide, the military campaign. we in fact had been seeing that the as many a that the world central kitchen had been the main uh for the provide the for the uh, for the gaza strip as they have been distributing more than 42000000 meals. so now i since october and that their ongoing efforts to get the humanitarian situation. and that's completely contradictory to the as many ongoing claims that they are
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facilitating a deliveries to the areas of the 2 or 3 as they have been up skating their attacks against ac. cuz and everyone also who is responsible for delivering aid right now, which had been widely conducted not only products, then you have but also by the international community tighe. thank you very much and do tell a couple of them in the drop and selling jobs that we're going to bring in. honda sahu, susan occupied easters, and how is israel been responding to all of this? well, initially these really armies spokesperson, daniel, how god, he had given a press conference, same quote, that an incident took place talking about the death of these aid workers. following his statement by saying there will be on his really military investigation and prob, into all of this. so the military did not at 1st acknowledge responsibility, but later in the day these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, deed of the knowledge that this was in fact and is really airstrikes on these vehicles for the world central kitchen. and he also said, quote,
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it things like this happened in a war. let's take a listen to some of those remarks. that's the whole now i'm you could argue unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended striking about forces on innocent people in the gods and strip. this happens in go. we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. these really army has said that the military chief of staff hurts the hell levy is personally involved in this investigation. and that's an initial pro will we release to the public within a couple of days. but there are a lot of questions. these really armies will need to answer to and remember this is the 1st time they really acknowledged any sort of unlawful, chilling, but it has never happened in the case of palestinians throughout the nearly 6 months of this war. and i thank you very much indeed. i want to go to a white house correspondent, kimberly hall could. she's live for us not from washington d. c. as we were mentioning before, one of the victims, i understand,
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holds joining us canadian nationalities or anything from the us so far. the national security council spokesperson, adrian watson, reacting on acts formerly known as twitter, saying we are heart broken and deeply trouble that the strike that killed the world . central kitchen aid workers and got a humanitarian aid workers must be protected as they deliver aid that is desperately needed. and we urge israel to swiftly investigate what happened and we should point out, but this is now that they have suspended their operations. a they're going to be ramifications that will have devastating impacts for the palestinians that need their help. because not only is the world central kitchen to suspending their operations, but also another us based charity known as the american near east refugee aid. they are also increasing their operations. so combined they were delivering the approximately 2000000 meals a week. so the concern is about the impact of this. and not only that,
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what this means moving forward, you have to remember that it's not just relief workers that are being targeted, but also journalists. so we're watching very carefully to see what more the administration might have to say. there is a press briefing that will be happening at $1730.00 g m t and we of course, will be there to follow up. kimberly, thank you very much. indeed we're going to be checking in with you when that happens. of course, can we? how could thank you. we're going to bring in alex for teams of the districts coordinator, a doctors without borders, and he's joining us from occupied east jerusalem. thank you very much indeed for being with us or what is your reaction to what has happened as well. and this is clearly and also the example on hold of international do you mind me tell you a little on not respecting, despite several of the conflicts and make anything in place to evaluate such a tragedy. and clearly did smoke possible to work on a safe way and the whole together strip you any tell you that walk goes helps walk,
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goes all directly to get heat. and this is completely unacceptable. if, if i understand correctly, the vehicles that um the world central kitchen stuff were running in were training march to they told is really military that they were moving from a warehouse to another location that i'm the vehicles themselves were spread apart . and yet they were all hit to a given the fact that you have doctors without borders and assess stuff working in gaza. it's hard to imagine what else can be done to protect humanitarian workers. yes, exactly. um, as i step does different uh make any sense of uh, the construction and uh we provide every day uh, all the movements that we plan. uh well, we plan to go over the location where we are working on uh, as wouldn't know what you tried to do use really. and she, because she does the conflicted, unfortunately. uh, i mean for us as the list,
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if we face the search kind of uh, in students several times as well, that needs to go to the depth of the 5 of our colleagues. uh, this particular case yes is uh is super tragic uh of you see, but i mean this is not the 1st time during the past 6 months and uh for us we don't make any difference between the you mind me tell you on the lift key these are if he's better still in our international and this is completely unacceptable, this need to stop and each incidental need. so use investigation for us. uh, for example, uh all the incidents we had, we request failures investigation and we never get any feedback from these radio to reaches. so this is, this is really, really complicated. and on a, c, h was reaching the life every day to, to provide the provide assistance to the population. and they'll clearly buffed of
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the whole clinic to finish and then the disobedient people. uh, i guess, uh, facing every day you mentioned a moment ago about the kind of a risks and problems that your team's on the ground face. can you just describe to those, those kind of risks and issues that they have to overcome but and uh well each time they are moving, you know, what else fest trades every day everywhere. there is no safe place a tool. so each time we're moving from dlc, the studio sp told, for instance, is, is clearly a risk. it happens to us that the up for the nothings up in, but the best scary i wouldn't let you know colleagues going to lift just passing front of a building that that's being thought of gives you the end of the account was e to when the window was broken and so this happens every day is so each time you leave you of to,
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to be aware that you might be the potential targets in our report. earlier on we had the is really ministry spokesman daniel hog, are you saying that the is really military was going to canada has its own investigation to make sure that this kind of thing does not happen again? does that give you any confidence? no, unfortunately, i think we've lost our signal there to alex for that was alex for to the logistics coordinator, a doctors without borders. there's very forces of turns guys as large as hospital into ruins. on monday, the military withdrew from all she from medical complex. after a 2 weeks c's talked to a john, the law itself is the head of the nursing department there, and he describes the extent of the devastation that he's witnessed in the deep are correct. we have come to see this show can seen it off, she from medical complex,
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the scale of deliberate destruction and willful annihilation of the facilities. and the infrastructure by the is riley's. i'll be on description of what we have witnessed as nothing compared to what we have seen. it is a deliberate act against cause as simple as chief, a medical complex, the largest in the gaza strip, catering to more than 2000 patients and performing more than 100 surgical operations and a single day. it is now to read these riley's purposely ruin and causes entire health sector has had no means involved. it's all the mean patients and medical stuff with the seas for more than 15 days without the basic necessities for life. let alone medical supplies of the dead bodies decompose, wreaking and bloated that will, when scrolling out of, in addition to the forcible expulsion of patients and display civilian sheltering within the compound. it is a full fledge will crime by this rate, and it's about 13 medical stuff another counted. and we do not know what has become of them, where they executed or detained. we called them the international red cross,
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an old international organizations to help us locate that where there on says the us must be held accountable for the attack. and it's constant of building in damascus around the plains. israel for the strife which killed a senior come on to of the as long as the revolution and the dog and 12 others exhibits probably has more. a 2nd major was really air strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles had a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking iranian military leader brigadier general mohammed the residence of heavy of military adviser, who previously loved the iranians. the lead codes force in loving on sir their wants for an minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. while serious for administer had this to say, what do you uh, before we strongly condemn this criminal act carried out by the zionist enemy,
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which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and the uranium embassy and this law mac republic of around. and we assure that syria and b as lubbock republic, don't forget their enemies. on the 5th strike in 8 days to hit serial leveled an entire building. the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assessing nations in the region, targeting iranian leaders, as well as members of how much and his bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have costs the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend believe with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus
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came 3 days after was really strict killed. does sins of people in a level, mostly sirian soldiers, as well as members of his full line, including a senior commander there strikes, targeting around your leaders in the region as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah, have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got some syria and lebanon, and seemingly extended battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond its borders and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0 iran supreme leaders released the statement, expressing his condolences. he also says, quote, to the vicious design is to regime will be punished at the hands of it runs brave man, and it will be made to regret for committing these crimes. meanwhile, israel's defense versus your own guidelines is warning against any retaliatory attacks the full name same every day. we gain food,
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the evidence that we find ourselves in a multi front office that is both offensive and defensive. we see evidence of this every day including of the last few days. i mean we operate every week every day in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strings. and in order to make it clear to anyone who ex, against us all over the middle east, that the price for action against israel will be a heavy one. it will be slightly of those as a body joins as live. not from that any and calvin to a wrong that a lot of speculation about how iran is likely to respond to the store. so to yes, we've been hearing from a number of high ranking officials as well as the supreme leader. we who issued that statement, and i think it's noteworthy to point out that he said that the revenge will be sought by the hands of a rainy and man, a brave virginian man. so we are expecting some kind of a response by iran itself and most likely not by its proxies in the region. what is
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important to highlight is that as the general consensus here is that iran has to respond quite quickly and quite forcefully. otherwise, it will look extremely weak, not only internally, but also to the proxies that it supports in the region. but many analysts here believe that whatever it shows us to do at this stage, it's going to be very difficult to maneuver because if they don't respond, if they're going to look weak, if they don't respond, they risk the escalation of full war in this region with the u. s. and as well, we've been hearing from a number of political commentators who have been criticizing their evolution regard so far, seeing that they haven't responded forcefully enough. and that is why israel has been able to carry out this attack in damascus and had the responses in the past. when such incidents happen, this would not have taken place. and many here see the attack on the consulate of
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iran in damascus as a declaration of war at one of the main newspapers here. that is the editor in chief is appointed by the supreme leader himself, has suggested that iran and retaliate by attacking is rarely consulates. and embassies in the region, there is a sense that time is of the essence and that iran, in order to show that it's still very much a dominating power in the middle east, needs to act and respond with force door. so thank you very much. indeed. the breaking news ask them to to at least 16 people are sad to being killed. 7 others have been injured at a 5 night club and are under renovation. in a stumble and having in the basement of the 16 story building with the values located these a live pictures from the scene manager they've been taking the nearby hospital so far is not a set to be under control. on an investigation is underway. let's go to setting costs here, although our current correspondent is joining us on the line from is don boss,
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and i'm just tell us what we know about what's been happening. well, um, well this is actually a residential area and the tall building is used by an normal assembled citizen and about the ground floor included in the a minus one and minus 2 floors where the parents are being used as a might come up and uh, there was a repair construction going on uh, in that a place called a used as a live club. and as far as your rep, susan, so far, 16 people as you know the, are killed during the fire and there are 71 to 6 of them. our have a one that's a ambulance is dispatched to the area and according to in to some of the post 5 people who have been detained a new to the investigation. but the, the main reason of the fire is still unknown that are trying to investigate this. but this is, uh, this is the residential area. and in residential areas,
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the ground floor is the minus floor, sometimes are used as the car galleries or interest payment places like this and doing repairs. sometimes the constructors play with the infrastructure of the wires . sometimes they caught the, a statues the on the building, then it into care. these are coming problems at, but we don't have any more details for now. the number of the best can increase at 6. all the people that have been injured are heavily injured and their treatment is still ongoing. so uh the, the number of the best online places i, obviously this is coming just off to the local elections that are being held in touch here. this must be a problem. the one of the 1st problem is that the incumbent may have x. i'm all the must be facing as you were describing these fires can happen when buildings are undergoing a renovations. just it took us through the kind of conditions under which that
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these fires do occasionally occur. we're looking at pictures here of showing the strength with the 5 vehicles that are stretched up to the already you've said it was in a residential area. tell us how often this, how this happens. a default the volume is actually a common problem in industrial areas. in some factories. we hear some, a fire news and a report and the turkish reporters go there. but in this, in this terms of having so many people killed at once in such a small place. and this is a rare incident then, according to, according to some sources that are saying that the number of the beds have been increased to 25 and have live one. the number is 3. so as i said, the number of the death toll is increasing and usually in assemble in others to
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seize the problem about the construction and repair works as best. as i said, the construct is a cup, the statue of the buildings, the knowledge of a is the place is used as a game center or as a car, a car gallery. and that's why at doing earthquakes, these buildings get much riskier. but the spire incidence is having a so many people killed at once during a fire. this is a regular incident. you sent them. thank you very much. indeed i send them causing all of the barriers that updates. um, just to remind you of what's been happening, breaking news from check here we're saying at least 16 people have been kind of killed. there are reports that number may well increase as investigations go on 7 others at least 7 others injured at a fight at the nightclub, which has been under renovation in assembled. a powerful, strong is continued to roll across southern china is jeff with
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a check of the weather and it's been stalling me for the last few days in southern china. hi everyone. so this was in glen joe, looking more like a hurricane rolled through here. when surpassing a 100 kilometers per hour, and really these storms have been wobbling in this area. but i think by wednesday, wednesday profits, this is going to be particularly bad for you greatly and looking at copious amounts of rain. all this. what, whether shooting over these, trying to see, coming in to korea and southern japan, almost all of japan, under weather alerts for heavy rainfall, q island could scoop up to about a 100 millimeters of rain. here's that humidity that's fueling those storms in southern china, off the south china sea. so it's pumping in the humidity for china's highland island and northern vietnam. to indonesia, we go. what up and down some about your island also for what's job? a profit and so big downpours in jakarta and around the city on wednesdays speaking a big downforce, we saw it in melbourne, victoria states capital. what is stay and 4 years after more than 50 millimeters of
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rain fell the past 2 months have been incredibly dry areas, parts still a few showers there and that's southeast corner. but let's go to new zealand. now we've got rain and wind alerts in play. is this batch of what weather comes in to the southern alps on wednesday, and a bad day and has been though with a height of 23 degrees. the still ahead and all the 0 find out which legion of the walls with the scribe is the fastest growing emerging market ad and support engine that i've chosen to tell you move type of the latest on football coming up. and later in the unique perspective, everything is political, you must be out of college as an ever think is a feminist issue. to on heard voices, we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his with connects with our community and tap into conversations
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you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's it's right here and right now the stream announces era in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces a time stuff on an awesome arrested. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to the the the
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portion i'll just say to remind you of our top. so is this, our iran says the us must be held accountable for the attack and it's constantly building in damascus around lanes. israel. the strides which killed a senior come onto the slanted revolutionary god, is deputies and 5 different kinds really are striking central guys as killed $6.00 workers on the palestinians drive home and employees of the world. central fixture, which are the size of the team. and coordinators with these very honest audits vehicles were clearly marked with its local funeral was being held in the drop off for the palestinian staff member of a some bu tahoe. it was the driver for the age one boy, the strain in british polish and us canadian citizens are also among the dead. as well as central kitchen has been a major source of age to people in garza, many of whom depend on it for food, the space palestinians say they fear the attack on the n g o will lead to further
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starvation. the thought about how you, i'm there and then the stuff with the new, the world, central kitchen, and all honesty is something we benefit from. when does help is gone. it's like they want to stop us. they're going to kill us with salvation. i have to work with the crunch because i have no energy due to a like a food that the what they are doing to us as a sen. what full do we have? what full to the children have for them to go hungry? we benefit from the world central kitchen, they bring this food to the tents. we came here because they said it was safe, but they keep playing games with one day. they strike the kitchen. one day, they say they want to send us back. then they tell us to sleep, to set a goal now for boston, who do my fate is being sworn in as president is priced to tackle corruption at all levels and govern with transparency promising a clean break from the past. the age of 44 is the youngest, democratically elected president in africa. he went to lunch, slide victory,
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and presidential elections. just 10. busy days after being released from prison and a sentence and economist who supported the center cuz he was off position coalition . and she's joining us from doc. com. thank you very much. indeed, fox, being with us, we solve the streets being filled with enthusiasts to people celebrating when he was originally left out of prison and has subsequently won the election. but saying that you're going to deal with corruption and actually doing it a 2 entirely different things. how much of a hurdle is he facing now? thank you very much. i think what she has to face is something very difficult because you cannot change an entire administration. and in one day, so she understands, but she has to put the systems in place in order to find corruption. and she's ready for that. and he and sancho are more than ready to put
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all that all those systems in place using technology of course. and in order to allow investors to be comfortable and confident to come and invest in senegal, his supporters, a large proportion of his supporters, where young people, who upon people are fed up with white widespread unemployment, the level of corruption. but of course, also the relationship, the historical relationship with friends as well visit. i would imagine a tremendous amount of pressure on him to deliver soon to be able to show those young people that their face was well placed. yeah, absolutely. and she, i think she is very well aware of that and she understands that she is. he has been selected by the population by the young people she is expected
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to deliver and she needs, she doesn't need to rely on one or 2 partners. it's not just friends or another country. she is open. uh, center go is open to have partnerships with other countries to bring solutions to the population, to the young people who need jobs. and one of the difficulties, as i alluded to a moment ago, was of course, the historical relationship with friends. again, it's one thing to say that one that set a goal would separate yourself from funds. in practical times i would imagine that's very difficult because friends from an industrial point of view from an investment point of view has been integrated with incentive golf for so long. of course. absolutely. i think what is the, the most important thing is that from at least when the new president said
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she is not closing doors to any partnerships that already exist. so the partnership with uh, friends is a strong partnership. she will not close that at all. but i think what she says again is what is best for the population. that's what they elected him for. she needs to bring partners with solutions today know in, in the future now to that assign. yeah, i appreciate you joining us and giving us the benefit of your analysis. i thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you so much. thank you. the last has reported join attacks them to industrial size in tulsa style,
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located more than a 1000 kilometers from the training and border. they reportedly targeted facilities assembling drums and an oil refinery. if the charge where allowance from the training and try to treat it would be one of the most far reaching drone operations carried out by ukraine's forces since the beginning of the war. and the moment we're going to speak to juli, our shop of all about in moscow. we're going to go 1st. it's a child stratford, a key. so there has been speculation about why they're not visa drones. why are launched from your training integrity? what is your training saying about this, and what does it say if it was about your trains capabilities? certainly ukraine claiming responsibility for these attacks. and of course, as you can imagine, that keen to showcase what they say is their ability to launch attacks anywhere in russia using certainly what the official facilities will say. all their own weapons . we've seen an increasing amount of if you like, home,
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drug weapons being research and developed in ukraine in recent months. indeed, according to the fitness put together by the organization. change defense weekly. they estimating that around $1300000000.00 has been allocated to research and development of ukranian weapons inside ukraine for 2020 full. that's an 8 fold increase on last year. the crating leadership say that these attacks are completely legitimate. i'm not so despite them closing waves in washington for example, the cranium is number one. i like the us concerned the strike, so deep inside rock shots could if the heating for example, oil facilities and one of those attacks as opposed to the on an old passivity in the last 24 hours. then we could see a global increase in oil prices. and as you can imagine, that's not something that the americans want. we'll certainly the pardon, in ministration wants going into an election. they're also concerned that these attacks could cause an even greater escalation by russia just to put these attacks
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in context as a happy to protect attacks by both sides in recent weeks and even even incredible escalation of attacks targeting ukrainian energy infrastructure in that period. now the russians are saying that these are revenge attacks because of ukraine is attacking its oil facilities. well, zalinski has come out and defended this position. he says that because of this deficit in weaponry that the ukrainians are suffering from that they, they delay in that $60000000000.00 a package being delayed in the us. congress. also delays with respect to play. g is for weaponry by the europeans. zalinski saying we're going to use our own kit. we have every right to defend ourselves. but i think, uh, you know, it really is an indication, seemingly that i'm not already ukraine, but russia is increasingly, you know, not involved ruble to being attacked by the ukrainians. anywhere across russia.
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charles, thanks very much, charles, transferred in keith. let's go to the shop of all of us joining us now from moscow we are mentioning before, apparently they were targeting facilities assembling drums and an oil refinery. what's the response from the collect with the kremlin out across russia to this the well commenting on the furnace? hi kate, this is don clements spokesman. dimitri pess cole, blaine's kids saying, quotes the key, if it was a shame, it continues it's terry succeed. he said quote, and he added that the russian military, i was working to eliminate that sweats. meanwhile, of the number of victims in the u. a. v. i talked in july, the guy in tons of stone has increased the search seen a people were hospitalized according to the republican ministry of health. so we can see the ukranian friends, a deeds capable at 6 live the inland into russia. this time the prince
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had tons of san b. u loved because uh, needs been made production site for the sha headwinds. known heating voucher. as the geraniums rose, russia assembles these low range of talk. you are these that and then allegedly uses them to target to crate and also adore retrieve for students and employees of those production facilities. and he loved to get what types of entering several students deal that talk was on an oil refinery in the city olds. and usually comes which is also tells us something that's hot, close to 5 that which was late to put towels. and since the beginning of the gas tank, so the oil and gas infrastructure facilities in russia have intensified. and so now we can see the relatively low russian areas of korea, tons of sun, west coast of stine and others are being targeted. and uh, as soon as the start of the comes makes sense as to whether improves as the or less
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cloud, specificity, tennessee. we can projects that's more tens of try not sucks are expected in this coming spring, summer season yearly. i thank you very much. you yourself, obama, in most of at least one child's been killed in the shooting at a school in finland, a 12 year old student opened fire one thing at least 2 other children. police have a rest of the suspect has happened in a suburb of the capitol, helsinki police. the victims with the same age is the attack of the prime minister, is called the attack. deeply, sharp to university students and engineers opposing me and most military. cool, helping all groups make weapons to find the jump to all just data is gained exclusive access to a weapons factory. where a 3 d printer's, a manufacturing assault rifles, tony chamber points hidden under large green top pulling a secret workshop. deep in the jungle of me. and my work is using rudimentary tools,
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funding down blocks of steel, gun barrels, and both actions the end product with 22 caliber rifle. effective that slow to manufacture the bank for the workshop. how the a bank of 3 d printing the secret weapon. it's possible because of the young people who understand technology. for me to age man like me, we combine no experience with that technology to produce these products as components for him. 16 assault rifles printed in strength and plastics. tenement precision play. the still needed to pull the mental components. but the design has evolved through trial and error facing the me and my military with um, with vehicles. heavy artillery non challenged power in the military government has brought in men to treat conscription in response to the increasing the effective opposition to its rule. this,
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the civil war transforms into get rid of tactics on multiple fronts. many soldiers don't seem to have the will to fight right now. obviously a lot of, uh, me and my sonya, the, you know, decided to surrender. right? be resistant. cool. and the thing that b 5 and the reason why they surrender because tomorrow, you know, so who was captured, weapons and ammunition have enabled us and they call them is due over run the hundreds of military bases in the last 6 months. and the 3 d printed vitals passed the ultimate test. why it was all products, i'm out in the bottles. we met some soldiers. we gave all weapons to the said it has to be an action. now i'm motivated. and now they're producing a $170.00 automatics a month. they're aiming for a 1000. they can get several materials books up and ready to ship out to the front line. tony chang out as
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a report about the world bank shows satisfies as we expect it to remain the fastest growing emerging market in the next 2 years. it predicts growth of 6 to 6 point one percent in 2024 in 2025. largely because of india's strong economic performance, but private sector investment. this load seems to find dynamic dropping from 7.2 percent before 2019 to 3.5 percent in the past 3 years. but important knows that only 59 percent of south asia is working age population is employed. and that's compared with 70 percent in other emerging markets. the board also says sort of age as vulnerable to the impact of climate change. on average, it says 60000000 people a year been affected by natural disasters. since 2010 middle fernandez has moved from the sure lincoln capital colombo, the world bank says that the south asian region has reported some of the best performances among emerging market and developing economies. but this is somewhat
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deceptive growth because india is the driver of these numbers and is far ahead of its region of neighbors who are still grappling with economic crises. the often effects and scholars of major economic issues. some of the problems has been some of the most closed economies for trade. and now the issue is not being able to create jobs in keeping with the numbers of those coming on the market. and the world bank report has put forward some solutions or recommendations. if sells age are raised, it's changed to g d p ratio and a tool to the emerging markets. developing economy iris deposit would be the same. and if it's raise the capital flow, it's kept to the call and openness to be measured, markets, and developing on the average, the probability of sparking of a private sustain private investment acceleration could be about one off higher. well, commending so long because perseverance and commitment to rebuilding often the countries
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was speaking on the crisis in memory. the world bank says the pos ahead is still long. i'm not uh sure, lanka obviously also needs to indicate and the government needs to show its commitment to continue with the reform process. according to the world bank, which is the way that the country can come out of economic issues. fernandez o g, a 0, colombo, the still ahead on all the 0 setting sail and mexico city is the lake size up. so we're going to take a closer look at the impact on worsening water crisis. having on the region. island sports and the vice makes the whole season. keep some details coming up like the
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start for, for his father. rob, thank you so much. in line cricket or ben stokes is real themselves out of playing in the upcoming t. 20 woke up the all rounder wants to take a break to build up his fitness so that he says he could in the better at playing in all formats of the game. the 32 year old is england's test captain and has had a nice surgery over the winter, a bowl just 5 overs during the recent series against india. the t 20 world cup starts in june. it's being played in the usa and west indies, england or the defending champions. stokes had already opt out, outed out of the indian prime relief where the raja san royal's one, making it 3 wins from 3 to go top of the standings. they were up against them by
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indians who that only managed a 125 for 9 in their 20 overs. who were trent bolt? took 3 wickets some 10 balls and there were also 3 for spinner. hughes ventured to haul. and a great catch by shim ron hunt meyer, definitely work worse and other luck there. and reply rogers on reach their target was 27 balls to spare. ran prod top, sprang with an and beaten $54.00 to secure the 6 wicked victory. he had 5 fords and 36 is for his 2nd half century. and as many games by remain windless with re street defeats. now we saw use venture to haul in action there he's, india is leading to 20. we could take her, but it's never been picked for a t 20. well come. and that could change this year with the next woke up coming up in june. one of the real challenges for any bullet coming into this tournament is to forgive that this will come in, you start bowling to get into a woke up tank. and you know, i think if, if you change successfully and you're in
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a winning team, then selections and rewards come from that. so that's more of a focus is forget about all that other noise from the outside and just wait really hot for each other. and if we do that, then i got an idea. people are going to start taking lots and they're about to holland. we the real picture, a little customer, and i think the following beautifully and the fee keeps doing that. and, you know, we've got a mix of chance and this to, to angela and have taken a step closer to winning the serial title. they beat visitors and polo to know on monday for the week of demarco got the opener and the 1st half with former man united and our small star alexi sanchez, getting the 2nd later on. the result means enter, have a 14 point lead at the top of the table, the last one, the tally and league, a title in 2021. is that the party, the 1st and pop you can pick out those, but it may be the match was a bit more complicated than expected, especially in the 1st tough when they put tests and difficulties. so not exactly in
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difficulty, but we certainly felt that it's more challenge than usual. anyway, we have conducted a good match. and the most important thing was to take 3 points that home which happened. the fact that it was a clean sheet is obviously even more satisfying. i'd let it go. madrid had boosted their chances of champ, usually qualification, a legal from sol, giving them a to one when over villareal. i'd love to go now sit for 2 points clear of bill bell top for qualify for the champions league. it's a good day for talk them in the premier league. they faced the 7th place, the west town awaiting a wind for and pasta called blue side. we'll see them go level on points with 4th place aston villa who faced man city on wednesday, and i am res team. have also play it again more than spurs it. what's important for me is that sort of quite a few tall ones, is that, you know, we wanna, we wanna finish it so you can strong and keep building on the foundation of buying
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your time. that high fleet in 12 months time. and people are looking at us differently and totally embarrassed differently. and to do that, the conscious pay about where you see me show how many points you get. it's going to be more than that. but obviously, felicia, so he's just wrong. we'll finish in a decent position and say that where that takes us and there was a big game and the saudi pro league 4th place i'll it's he had lost one now to 3rd place. i'll ali terrace alber can getting the goal, trained, balancing my credit, rescued a point for all it's he had by failed to do so i x, i'm suspended their seo, alex cruz over allegations of insider trading. the dutch teams board claims that one week prior to the announcements of his appointment last august, cruise bought over 17000 shares in the club. the scandal adds to the on field turmoil ad i x. it's like winning their most recent lead match again, while a 31, they're struggling down in 5th,
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as for frequency and tense refers his case to been at the lenses financial watchdog . one of the all time, all black great sam whitelaw has announced his retirement from professional rugby at the end of the season. the 35 year old is the most top player in all blacks. history. white lock has played a 153 times for new zealand and has won 2 world cups. after new zealand were beaten by south africa and the world cup final last year, why loc joined paul in france's top rugby division and his retirement puts an end to speculation that he might return to test rugby this year. a former tent as well . number one, caroline's as in yankee, has had a strong start to hurt charleston opened campaign. the 2018 australian open champion, knocked out american qualifier. mccarthy kessler. 61261. the danish player who won this title in 2011 took just 61 minutes to clinch victory. next stop for the 33 year old is you printing and 15 to see how the the not telling me now. over in
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portugal, dominic team picked up his 1st when the season the 2020 us open champion b maximillian martyr of germany, and 3 sites. the austrian former. well, number 3, who now sits 91st in the world rankings of a 4 seed. alejandro savage, fixing that and see the phoenix funds, devon. booker squared, 52 points in there. when against a new orleans pelicans. it's the 5th at high school in game. as the phoenix stars career sounds going on to win 824-2111, the victory brings them within a game of the pelicans and the chase for the 6th and final guarantee place in the western conference playoffs. boston is jason tatum and sam hauser. each had 25 points as a lab to sell things to a 118 to 100. and 4 went over to charlotte hornets. it's celtics 11th win, and 13 game boston have already claimed top seats and the all the la dodgers crash
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visiting san francisco giants $83.00, and the 1st meeting of the season between a long time california arrivals show. hey, what's honey? i'm lucky. that's. and freddy friedman all squared runs for the dodgers. this was the 3rd was the season. okay, that is all you support for now back to rob of another. thank you very much. indeed . not a mexico city. the, like i said, a water supply has already reached crisis levels. climate change of scene is one of the issues, but the settings aging infrastructure. there's also a major comfort. urgent and expensive upgrades and needed by the government has not be making progress. julie and all the on the reports in front of the bravo, mexico selling teams could always count and having enough water for them to drain, is now though the lake and the countryside of via the gravel has shrunk so much, that team members are dragged their vessels over the dry ground to the water's edge, coach maggio has watched the clubs most vital resource received before his eyes.
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over the past few years, garvin was with almost the whole packet shuttles last little to allow every day. and it's a little bit harder to get the sail boats into the water, and we have to prep the terrain so that we can even get to the piers, which isn't it? sad really, that we're running out of water on the i've seemed to be taking it very likely as a society. this is the largest and most important of the rest of our stuff. feed mexico cities, water system, an average of 6000 liters of water. a 2nd flow out of here and into the city. but currently this recivore is that a 3rd of its capacity, there's no better proof of that than where we're standing right now. not long ago, all of this was underwater. the rest of wars border joins the good. some of the system complex network of pipelines and dams that brings water to mexico city from 300 kilometers and 2 states away. the remaining water needed in the capital is pumped from the underground as a phrase in lakes on which the city was 1st built. but almost half of that water is
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lost once it reaches the city. much of it in broken all pipes that leak underground, fixing them as an endless task. as soon as maintenance screws are done with one repair, another half a dozen pop up with a huge challenge because he requires embarrass menu to record is in the media attention. you need to drill more wells right away. you need to do the repairs right away. and we have these a specific situation occurring right now. and these alarming, because if it doesn't rain, wouldn't you definitely gave us to figure it out. well, we're going to this coming up. the longer it goes on, the more mexican cities water crisis is affecting people well beyond the capital itself, the crisis, the city is literally sucking neighboring states, dr. leaving national champions and olympic hopefuls with the additional fear of losing the very water they trained on julia go yeah, i know how to 0 by you there, but i will next ago i'm going to be back of it just
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a couple of minutes or so. i'm going all these stories on robotics so to stay with us and obviously the in 5 months of continue responding, israel has destroyed nearly all of causes higher education system. 12 of 19 universities completely destroy 95 professors and ph. d holders, 231 teachers and administrators for palestinians describe witnessing apparel and systematic more on education designed to wipe out the cause of schools and universe . how it is an attempt to annihilate the policy and influence on the academic work, obvious attempts administrators and students say to silence piece would protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for free all the campuses and activism go head to here. and remo lights, no difference. this is exactly what kind of stay,
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you a for you right? 2020 full european leads and much more. don't forget to use the promo code from it that the funeral is held for a palestinian employee of the world's central kitchen showers, killed. and then there's many strikes, 6 for the nationals were also killed. the seaside human tragedy that should never have of that is completely unacceptable. this turn in government, the mountains ounces from israel and the us and the new k call for an investigation the about the center. this is obviously of a lie from.


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