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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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i can also of my lot of if, if somebody probably equal resorted in gonna the, [000:00:00;00] the, the ones that are already a good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the program today, condemnation and calls for an investigation in casa, often is really strikes, kills 7 employees of the world, central kitchen charity. a funeral is health and a palestinian aid work are killed in that attack. the group has now suspended its operations in gaza, where thousands are facing starvation. major fire in central stumble kills at least 20000000 people at
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a nightclub under renovation. the n ukrainian drones hit targets deep inside russian territory, more than a 1000 kilometers from the board. as for england, crickets have been so to move himself out of the t 20 woke up. so to miss his teens . title differs as he continues to come from the surgery. the we begin this use our with the growing international condemnation of israel after it's military, killed 6 foreign aid workers and their palestinian driver under pressure a prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that israel will launch an investigation. the victims work for the world central kitchen, that is a non profit organization that has been delivering desperately needed food, palestinians. several government leaders are calling for answers including just now us secretary of state and me blinking as we shouldn't have
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a situation where people who are simply trying to help their fellow human beings are themselves at great risk. we've spoken directly to the israeli government about this particular incident, reversed a swift, a thorough and impartial investigation to understand exactly what happens. so this aide conway was hit in darrow's by law in central gaza, shortly after leaving a warehouse. this, despite making these really military aware of the team's movements and on a hand has, are coverage they came to help bring relief to palestinians suffering and gaza. but they ended up as yet were victims of these rails war. and it's really air strike, kill these aid workers from the humanitarian group world central kitchen. one of them was palestinian,
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and all the others were foreign nationals and their governments are demanding answers astray. it expects full accountability for the deaths of i'd with his, which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and those doing humanitarian work in the data. all innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. the world central kitchen says it's team would coordinate their movements with the israeli army ahead of time. they were traveling armored cars and their logo was highly visible. israel was promised to review the attack and what it called the highest levels. we will be opening a probe to examine the serious incident further. this will help us reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. but this isn't the 1st time relief workers have been killed in gaza as well, has also been previously trying to shut down on row. one of the largest humanitarians actors in gaza, numerous on real employees,
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have been killed as not just foreigners, of costs because most of the humanitarian relief is provided by palestinians themselves who live in gaza. so this is an acute problem which has been ongoing for the past 5 or 6 months. and a full investigation and accountability is warranted. aid workers space enormous risk spring, desperately needed food and supplies into god. the. the strip is on the break of famine, and the u. n. is cooling for safe access for a deliveries. israel now faced more calls for accountability and steps to ensure humanitarian workers do not become targets. benton monahan out to sierra the funeral has been held in the process of the palestinian employee of world central kitchen who was killed in that is really strike a some of the time i was a driver for the a convoy the world central kitchen has been a major source of a to people industry of many of whom depend on it for food. displaced, palestinian,
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save it. the fear of the attack on the n g o will lead to further starvation. the subtle, i live in the midst of it being new, the world central kitchen, in all honesty is something we benefit from. when this help is gone, it's like they want to stop us. they're going to kill us with salvation. i have to work with the crunch because i have no energy due to a lack of food. and the amount of went ahead of what they are doing to us is a sin. what full do we have? what full to the children have for them to go hungry? we benefit from the world central kitchen, they bring us food to the tense. we came here because they said it was safe, but they keep playing games one day. they strike the kitchen one day, they say they want to send us back. then they tell us to sleep. houses here as in who dory was epicene and darrow about us, and she sent us this report. i'm crazy. standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is really forces. last night. this car and
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2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british canadian, and american, and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every cart is, is separated by a piece 500 meters,
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which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship, and the convoy that's had at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gaza strip on the day they were targeted. this is the, the, all to 0. that is, but i gaza strip. i saw a correspondence continue to attract a reaction to this attack. heidi's old castro is outside world central kitchens. headquarters that's in washington dc. honda so who isn't occupied east jerusalem 1st?
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so let's go to honey. my hood was in rafa in southern gaza. so honey that the world's central kitchen has paused its 8 working gaza following this attack. this is happening just when there's a risk of famine across the entire gaza strip. what impact is this going to have of the this will, this is likely to have a very negative impact on an already desperate situations and a 5 and that is going very fives. very close to spreading very fast in the northern part with the plate of resources and the southern partner over crowded drop off city. and already we, we've been experiencing this, a broken aid mechanism is finding it from the obstruction off of 8 into the gas for the prevention of mazda, of a truck from the other side of the border is due to move in as smoothly and deliver much needed it and then the constant attacks on, on a convoys an aid that on law enforcement, securing the delivery of,
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of 8 to much needed a pop monthly to supplies for desperate population. and all of this was kept blocked by with a direct attack. the deliberate direct attacks on a uh, w c. k. employees in the gods frame for the past month and a half. they've been working cooking meals and bonding well with people here there . that's why there is a sense of the frustration mix with, with the anger and sadness over the the tragedy of last night. these people worked very closely with display families in the central area and, and here in over the crowd refined evacuation centers, cooking them, meals that help them survive these difficult conditions and nothing shorter of a deliberate attack. just giving the patterns of how it happened and the likelihood of, of implications into the negative. it's like, is it, it will have on, on the a, the wave a being delivered to the northern part garza city. and here in over
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a protest, southern part of this trip. honey, thank you very much for that reporting. let's go now to honda. so who didn't occupied east jerusalem? honda the world, the age group has been very clear that their con void was the conflicted. that means that the israelis were told what it was, where it was, and not to attack it. so how do these really authorities explain what happened as well initially we heard from these really army spokesperson daniel hug. 6 he who gave a statement in english not acknowledging responsibility just yet the same rather for an incident happened and further saying the army expresses deep sorrow from what had happened. but the reality shows that these were 3 different vehicles. but finally, these really prime minister later this afternoon and didn't acknowledge that israel did accept responsibility for the attack, saying that it was quote,
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unfortunate and that things like this happened in a war. let's take a listen to some of those remarks. that's the whole. now i'm, you could argue, unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the governance trip. this happens and we are checking this thoroughly. we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. cuz there's other ways rarely is that have said, these realize have said that they are going to investigate this, that they're looking into it on all fronts. and that these really army chief of staff is part of these investigations as well. a preliminary finding from the initial pro will be released to the public in just a few days. okay, hon. the so the problem is this thing is, was unintended and quote, this happens, this is really is our offering a little more just in the last few minutes. and i want to know what you're hearing
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about that they are saying this is the defense minister. you of kalonde that there's now going to be some kind of set up. i'm not sure what to call it uh to share information on movements of aid convoys to avoid this from happening. again, that's as i understand it. what do you know about this? as full of me is really army has been saying for some long so that they wanted to some sort of international coalition for the distribution of aid inside of gone. so after a lot of international pressure, not enough aid was going into gaza, which we know is still the case. however, when it comes to these 8 convoys, their movements and everything is in order and coordinates with b is really military. so that's why there are a lot of unanswered questions and why countries like the united states, the chaos really are really pressing hard for answers because all of these movements should have been for the needed width is really government. they know
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their whereabouts. they know their vehicle, so there are a lot of unanswered questions, but these really army is going to have to face in this investigation. of course, after they have acknowledge that it was an it is really strange that hit all 3 of these vehicles. mm hm. the so who reporting from occupied east jerusalem there. thank you very much on that. let's go to heidi joe castro, joining us now from the outside world central kitchen headquarters in washington dc . hi, i wonder what have they been telling you of the sarah, the ceo of world central kitchen is erin gore and she said that her organization is heartbroken over this targeted attack. i want to read to you the statement that she put out. this is not only an attack against world central kitchen, she said, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. she concludes, this is on forgivable. now the world central kitchen, this is a newer
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a to group to arrive in gaza, but it has really taken over the headlines because of the bold moves it made note of leap building that, that levied out of rubble. really. and in just this down and we short amount of time and being the 1st group to successfully doc on that levy and move food a into gaza. there was one shipment last month with about $200.00 metric tons of food that were delivered. and we're finding out also more details about these workers with world central kitchen. there were 7 of them killed and they were, as you, as our reporters had been say, in what the ceo said was a d conflicted. so that they, in fact, had been unloading some of that previously shipped food in a food warehouse and upon leaving that warehouse. and despite coordinating with is really military,
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this attack on folded and now those 7 workers are dead. okay. officials at the highest levels of being asked about this incident. the latest of whom was the us secretary of state anthony blinking. what did he say of the? that's right. he also offered his condolences and it's unclear whether the continued distribution of 8 by world central kitchen will continue, which is what lincoln said was an extraordinary and critical work that this and g o has been taken thus far. here's more of what the secretary of state has that these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what humanity has to offer when they're going really good stuff. they have to be protected. and meanwhile, this means an immediate suspension of further work in the region coming from the
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world, central kitchen from a c o. and that means there is another ship. now that is actually just floating off the coast of gaza, caring, $400.00 metric tons of food a the had already to part is cyprus days prior. now unclear exactly how or if that food will make it to the people who need it in gaza. yeah. and a, and a reminder idea of the immediate impact that this is having with the group that was supposed to unload this aid in a territory that is facing fam. and that it has now had to suspend its operations because it was attacked. and that's where we are in this for now. how do you show caster reporting from washington dc? thank you very much. it runs says the us must be held accountable for the attack on its consulate building in damascus. iran blaine's israel for the strike which killed a senior commander of the islamic revolution regard and 12 others. famous robbie has more for a 2nd major was rarely ever strike on targets in syria and less than a week. on monday, missiles had
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a section of the iranian consulate in damascus. among the dead pulled from the rubble of high ranking, iranian military leader brigadier general, mohammed's residence, a heavy of military adviser, who previously levia. ronnie of the lead codes force and 11 on sir. there wants foreign minister called the attack, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he went on to emphasize the need for a serious response by the international community to what he said were criminal actions. while serious for administer had this to say, what do you uh, what we strongly condemned this criminal act carried out by designing this enemy, which led to the death of some innocent citizens who were passing by in the street . so again, we emphasized our position beside our brothers and me a ringing and embassy and b as long as we're public of around. and we assure that syria and b as lemon for public don't forget their enemies. the 5th striking 8 days to hit serial leveled an entire building the latest of hundreds of israeli attacks
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on targets inside government control parts of syria in recent years. and the latest of several is really assess the nations in the region targeting iranian leaders, as well as members of how much in his bullet since the war and goes up again. we have seen a tax in syria before that have costs the lives of civilians. there was one over the weekend i believe, with the a car bomb which in which civilians were, were killed. we condemn all these, all these attacks, but we're waiting to get facts on what happened today. the incidents of damascus came 3 days after was really strict killed dozens of people in a level, mostly syrian soldiers, as well as members of his bullet, including a senior commander, the air strikes, targeting iranian leaders in the region, as well as leadership of resistance groups, hamas and hezbollah have escalated against the backdrop of israel's war and got
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some in syria and lebanon. assuming we extended battle grounds for his really operations, which continued to expand beyond its borders and risk triggering a wider regional conflict. the same bus robbie ultra 0 iran supreme leader has released the statement, expressing his condolences. he also says, quote, the vicious a zionist regime will be punished at the hands of your ron's brave men, and it will be made to regret committing these crimes. meanwhile, israel's defense minister, you of the lot is warning against any retaliatory attacks. for the same every day we gain food, the evidence that we find ourselves in a multi front office that is both offensive and defensive. we see evidence of this every day including of the last few days on the we operate every week, every day in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strings. and in order to make it clear to anyone who ex, against us all over the middle east,
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that the price for action against israel will be a heavy one. it will be slight. alpha 0 is door such a battery has more from the ring and capital tetra, a strong response. that is what iran is promising after its console. it section in damascus was hit by allegedly is really strikes killing 7 military commanders in the revolutionary guard. 2 of them at brigadier general's one of the highest ranking officials in the revolutionary guards. now, what we've been hearing inside the country is that there needs to be a swift and forceful response. this is very important and it's something that's uh many are waiting to see happen. as critics have been saying that iran hasn't been forceful enough in responding to these attacks in the past. and that is why they find themselves in this situation at the moment. but it's good to be very difficult because whatever reading officials decide to do,
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whether it is to respond more lightly without any direct confrontation with israel, and they're going to be seen as weak and also a news possibly credibility, with the proxies of the region. but if they do act forcefully, i took, in terms of carrying out any kind of attack against a direct is really interested in us interest in the region. it could push the sides involved into a full on war, which no one wants to see at the moment. so iran is in a very difficult position. what is clear is that the problem is this has been made that iran will respond and that response will make israel regrets what it did in damascus. for now, we will have to wait and see how officials are going to carry out the threats that they've been making care door safari alpha 0 to air on
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the breaking news from turkey. at least 29 people have been killed in a fire at a night club undergoing renovation and stumble. it happened in the basement of the 6 seen story building where the venue is located. 5 people have been arrested in connection with this fight. send them castillo, joins us on the line from miss trumbull. what more do you know about how the fire started sent him? uh, as you mentioned, uh, the night club to was the under reconstruction on the his parents. what's cool for a month during the whole month of from adults, and they were preparing for the holiday. that is going to be next week. apparently, according to assemble, my him and then a spell it t a, the nightclubs receive the necessary permits to do the required amendment and repairs. but uh there was a spire. it was as extinguished about $29.00 people and that one is heavily
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injured right now. being treated at the hospital and as some of those victims side in the hospital uh under treatment. uh there is no other information about uh who dies and how died. but we know that along with a detailed people by the a prosecutor's office. are they not club, the owner, the manager, the construction, the person in charge of the construction and repair work. and those are the people who have been detained. they have a question. there's a huge investigation on their way. uh to see the main cause of this fire, but of course it was in the city centers and on the other top floors, they were people living in the abs currently field my the office there is the water electricity and natural gas has been cut by the i also choose, you know, just to avoid any kind of,
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of further issues. but of course people have been scared off this explosion. this fire, i'm sorry. and, and the number of the people who must say, eliza missed incident is a relatively high, which is also disappointing. for the neighbors living around or send them costello reporting from assemble there. thank you very much. and bessie, would you mind fi has been sworn in the synagogue as president t from us to tackle corruption and govern with transparency after 3 years of political turmoil age to just 445 is the youngest. democratically elected president in africa. you want a landslide victory? and presidential elections just 10 days after being released from prison. then a sentence, an economist who supported the senegalese opposition coalition. she says the new president is ready to fight corruption in order to attract international investors to set a goal. what she has to face is something very difficult because
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you cannot change an entire administration in one day. so she understands, but she has to put the systems in place in order to fight corruption. and she's ready for that. and he and sancho are more than ready to put all the, all those systems in place using technology of course. and in order to allow that investors to be comfortable and confident to come and invest in senegal . the most important thing is that from at least what the new president said, she is not closing doors to any partnerships that already exist. so the partnership with friends is a strong partnership. she will not close that at all. but i think what
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she says again is what is best for the population. that's what they elected him for. she needs to bring partners with solutions today, not in, in the future. now. the united nation says 53000 people have fled to hades. capital in just the past 3 weeks because of gang violence. most of those displaced from for the prints have moved south. it warns areas outside the capital do not have the resources to handle this influx of people and the lack of security in the capital as cause food shortages in the near collapse of hades, health care system. or at least one child has been killed in a shooting at a school in finland, a 12 year old student opened fire wounding. at least 2 other children. police have arrested the suspect. it happened in a suburb of the capsule, helsinki. police say the victims were the same age. as the attacker,
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the prime minister has called the attack and deeply shock. still a head on elsie's 0 will be looking at the role 3rd party candidates have played in us presidential elections. and in sports, inter midland closing on the italian league title center, how much will be here with the latest before action that's coming up a little later the so the low, there's been some pretty nice the storms in the southern us let me show you what's going on this one's humid feed off the golf and mexico colliding with coal there off the rockies. so in the state of oklahoma, nasty thunderstorms rolled through there. but i think today on tuesday, this rep will be for ohio. look at this deluge here. flood alerts in play from the midwest to the mid atlantic. and we've got some, some snow for minnesota if you can believe it. all of this, whoops,
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into the great lakes. so toronto looking at a month's worth of rain in 24 hours. there was winds. you'll feel it sting with the wind guessing to about 70 kilometers prior different story in the west. we've got this warm breeze across the canadian prairies, northern plains billions at 20 degrees in somewhat weather sides of the pacific for the seeds, vancouver island, and b. c. south coast meantime, now that we've shaped the rain from california, beautiful day and los angeles at 23 degrees. while these winds will squeeze out a few showers over some of the eastern caribbean islands, including barbados, and flood alerts and play right across ecuador. for the solid bands of rain falling dark in the blue and yellow of the more intense that rain is. and we've got this storm system on winding, so it's going to be a whites at when the day for patagonia, including come up the road. we've adelphia 13 degrees for you on tuesday. the reporting from the action. how do you mean
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a great winning? hearing the fact palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store. in the bigger global that net can you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new ballpark cd, focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming dropped, of the freedoms in india, and the future of india, and back to an independent media being the other for foxley, on those as the, the,
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the, they're watching else. as a reminder of our headlines, us secretary of state anthony blinking has urged israel to carry out a swift thorough and impartial investigation. and so it is really here striking gaza that killed 8 workers. israel is facing widespread condemnation for the attack that killed 6 foreign and one palestinian world central kitchen stuff. iran says the us must be held accountable for the attack on its console building in damascus, around lanes israel's and the strikes which killed a senior commander of the islamic revolution regards his deputy, along with 5 diplomats at least 29 people have been killed and several others injured in a fire, the night club under renovation, and
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a stumble. this happened in the basement of this 16 story building where the venue is low. prussia has reported drone attacks on 2 industrial sites in the region of pets. are stan which is located more than 1100 kilometers from the ukrainian border. one of the targets was a major oil refinery. no serious damage was reported there. the other target was a factory which reportedly produces drones. at least 13 people were injured. if these attacks were launched from ukrainian territory, then this would be one of the most far reaching drone attacks carried out by ukraine since the beginning of the war. in a moment, we'll be speaking with you, your shop of oliver in moscow 1st. so let's go to charles stratford and keith charles, we just saw the math there of where the attack to place it is nowhere near ukraine . how do you read that?
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what does that tell us of the will suddenly the ukrainians and now claiming responsibility for these attacks. and i think it clearly illustrates now that they have the capacity to be able to strike russia in boston right. there is a long way away from the ukraine in boulder. just to put these attack in context in the last couple of weeks, we've seen tit for tat the tax. why both of ukrainians, a striking world facilities, for example, in side of russia and the russians have replied, we've seen the largest escalation in russian to tax targeting ukrainian energy infrastructure in the last couple of weeks. basically the largest escalation for at least a year and a haul for and the russians are saying that these all revenge attacks now the ukrainians. i've been putting a lot of money into home made homemade weaponry development. according to the organization. jane's defense their analysis, they're saying that the ukrainians issue,
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but the 2024 got about $1300000000.00 to put towards research and development. we've seen the developing shows. and so in other, other weapons, including, for example, even re vamping a, a mobile auction or a unit from the soviet era. so the current is a key to show that despite these kind of delays that the suffering, then the delivery of weapons and aid, of course, that $60000000000.00 package that is being held up in the us congress. and also the europeans have been delayed in giving them weapons that came to show that they can basically go it alone. and we know that that has been a lot of money, for example, invested into drone technology in the ukraine in saying that they in fact have a drug that they've developed that can fly up to 30 hours at a very high altitude as well. not as unclear as to whether that kind of driving was used in this attack. but these kind of attacks it's important to recognize lies by
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the great ends up being criticized by the americans. obviously, the americans, the, the trainings biggest becca, the washington administration concern that these kind of attacks deep inside rush, you could have a huge impacts on increasing energy prices, which is not a good look obviously for the americans as they go into an election of the pardon administration, and they're also concerned about these closing on even further escalation by russia attacking ukraine. now, zalinski ukrainian president of the last week or so it was on since some of those criticisms. and he says that ukraine has every right to respond to these attacks. it has no choice to use its weapon rate and in many instances because of the delay in the kind of case that is expected from the us and the europeans. but they would not the tool be in any way inconceivable to see again the saving into tonight's an overnight,
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an increased response from the russians on the back of this time. but as i say, what it really highlight, seemingly is ukraine's ability to strike when and wherever, potentially once deep inside russia. and charles, thank you very much. i want to get the russian perspective on this. now with julia who's in most go, you'll be a, what are russian authorities saying about this? so suddenly as far as minutes me trip is called immediately blamed key for that talk. say, quote, the key of regime continues its terrorist activity on the hills. appraised the russian ministry saying that they were working to eliminate that threats. meanwhile, the number of victims in the lab who got i taught in such a son has increased to set, seen people and age. people have been hospitalized c. u level guys. so there's the main production side for shy head roads known in russia as the geranium drugs.
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russia assembles of these long range of talk. you are these that and you love to get a and use them in the you create new coal space. and also a dorm, a tree for students and employees of but that those production facilities and you loved the guy. 6 were a talks enjoying several students who are actually involved in the trade and production that while head of the republic restore many 100 of repulsive, they would no serious damage caused by that time. the 6, a logical for us has that had been, had not been disrupted by the to the all that type of was on oil refinery in the city of new sneak comes, which is also a city in terms of stone that's had cause to find that which was late to extinguish since the beginning of the yeah talk. so an oil and gas infrastructure facilities in russia have increased and as the west improves here,
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there are less clothes and that's a visibility of experts predicts that's more times of drawers. trikes are expected during this coming spring summer season. now you'll yourself develop a reporting from moscow there. thank you very much, julia of russia's defense minister. so it guy showing go says that the countries troops have gained more than 400 square kilometers of territory and eastern ukraine this year. fortunately for a while after the failure of its counter offensive, the enemy is attempting to gain foothold at certain lines of defense and positions, but has not achieve this goal at any of those. the groups of russian forces continue to push the ukrainian formations westwards. so let's take a look at the overall situation in ukraine at the moment. russia controls around one 5th of ukraine's territory. it as gain ground near done yet skinned the past months taking control of, of def, there in february,
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and areas around the move as well. these are the main areas of fighting on the front line here. it's focused near russian hill done yet, and close to severest killed by ukraine. and moscow has intensified it strikes against ukraine and its power grid since last month's attack on a moscow cost at all that russia has accused ukraine of being involved in police to say that we are joined by the former ukrainian president petro poor, single joining us live from keith at this hour. so we're more than 2 years into this ukraine, russia war, tens of thousands of people have been killed, millions have been displaced. there is no decisive victory for either side and side . where is this headed in your view? was up to about 10 years after russian comfortable progress and the 2nd, the bigger saw, i mean the world rich plan to grab you. great. and with him 3 days
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and he is staying cheating. a civilians provide him violating international law. and i just want to tell you why he's not the movie and there is no scenario. busy there read them before you can know the all calm before. busy war parents, but we may committed. we're still the 2nd biggest, all mean the world with the biggest. you'll be out us, you know, and you're going in the, in the world and use it on the spare this voice be given you play this is about, well daughter, freedom, democracy and defied for basic principle of the world. and we see i'm fighting a saving the well, i'm the i one, i appreciate all are populous united states, european union or may to japan, new z 11th to spread at the colewell and the i just want to change our popular assume the golf region,
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which is also vital for us and the do them to go to the index. yeah. in general the assembly us cure to tom. so these powerful voice is extremely important for us. okay. we sorry. if i cannot doubt a name to me i i hear your message. you were saying was not a movie and it's not a scenario for which we know the end already. i understand that. so we have to deal with the scenario as it stands today. and as it stands today, you create is not winning this war. so what should i do? the whole arm on the battlefield every single week. any agree, ma'am soldiers had proven that a good do a minute. i can't imagine that the roster has a 10 times bigger source, big yet to do it or so they have i have 5 times bigger on i cannot do it so i have
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been correct. but ukraine is when it was delivered back to back bill. i understand all of that, sir, and you're right that it is remarkable in a sense when you're thinking of the fact of what ukrainian military is facing on the other side. but the fact remains that ukraine is currently winning this war. so again, i ask you, what should it do? specifically, should ukraine start to think of negotiating an end to this war? even if it means losing a part of its territory to russia? you cannot find out the nation who won the piece more than we you put in because we pay the biggest price for that. but believe me, please don't trust for you. and please do not believe culture do not afraid for just because what you don't need neither don't boss. no, i mean no. kennesaw knows a freezer, which in one i raise ukraine,
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a toll from the world map which in the water the t o ukrainians. and to have your plane is a program, so brush, this is the source of money. and that's why the basis for the goal is to show he is absent. we will be more than happy if fortune with the daughter that pulls from the pain a better threats and immediately stop there will, will sort of the way. let me ask you this way. what do you think your crane will look like in 5 years as your brain will keep? so the total due to your payment will be there, man, bill, if you don't see any union, any grand will be the man both made. and these 3 factor can provide the sustainable security station on the continent and the 60 sustainable spirit space during the world. and i am absolutely confident that these have input that we need more
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supply from the our partners invitation, fully agreeing to be a major member states. we choose stated the only mechanism power we can provide security strategies and our great people to provide the members. so give me your opinion. so i'm going to be on this specific question of nato. you are well aware that nato cannot integrate a country that is in a state of war. so even if need to, wanted to make you create a part of the military alliance, it couldn't happen right now. not on to the present circumstances for the move on to the question. i wanted to ask you, since you mentioned western support. they've said western countries across the board, the provide military equipment and weapons and ammunition to ukraine. they've said will stand by ukraine for as long as it takes. and my question is, do you believe that? because we have seen western countries after a period of time, cut their losses of knowledge, defeat and, and realities on the ground and leaves sometimes some of their partners in a lurch. so do you believe that when they say they're going to stand behind,
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you create the undoubted and. busy look, not the only real great in on the for, so it'd be bringing people surprised people. also the point you do not expect it to the level of solely debit of the full well really pretty. the level of the goodness of the whole west. some thoughts from stage not only with the supply, but also with the sanction, with impact the american is and believe me why i'm so confident because west, i'm somewhat for to your credit is not that yet, or there's nothing to eat. this is the west of investment in the these security instability on the go. you know, since the fall of the soviet union, you could read the history of ukraine as a tug of war between the influence of the west western powers and the influence of the east. the former soviet of masters, ukraine, has chosen the west and under, during your presidency,
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you continued to further that policy and try and get closer to the european union. ukraine's currently negotiating accession to the you try and get closer to nato. you did get close to the nato, but when you look at what's happening on the ground, now ukraine arguably is paying a very steep price for that policy. was it all in hindsight worth it? this is the parts, not only for their membership in you. this is the price for peter. this is the price for democracy. this is the price to be in free, not being in the presence. i am about to place the level of support to day on the old beast from dish. there you, brittany, i'm future as a member of europe in unit. this is up to more than 90 percent department, the brain empty. and this is just the demonstration that the put you matter about the boss in the soviet union and a few brave. this is literally,
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and this is not working by being, you know, in europe and with a situation, we just want to say, please leave us hello fresh start on their direction. and we return back to, i'm not going to read a return back as the people to be you to be on time and nobody can stop us. so just before i let you go and you are a one term presidency last in 2019 to the current president of autumn, your zalinski, i wanted to ask you, do you still have presidential ambitions? the whole i'm not post because i am proud the time providing the most democratic presidential impala man to be select some better european style, you know, proud of it and it cost me if i plan to participate in the next selection of yes, but 1st for the select so we need to have
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a big for them 2nd, absolutely. portal for them to tabulate those. participate in the election in your portal. and that would be to prove that you create a real be the amount of people in your now and most trouble grab the haven't on it to be the member of the impala and do my best weekly. petra, par shankar, the pleasure of speaking with you today. thank you very much for appearing on a program. thank you. still ahead on that, which is 0 and sports. manchester cities manager insistence he has his emotions under control as the premier league title race enters its final stretch. the business latest sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the on
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the interest board. now with center. how much? who's doing this in the studio center? thank you very my say one man, just a city manager. pet claudio. the insist he has no problems with his plays. guardiola had a heated exchange with his team on the pit off of the new and they'll draw with arsenal on sunday. it was the result that left city instead place and the english permanent behind arsenal. and lead is livable or wednesday or small face. using wall city are at home to aston villa called you a lot gave at this sarcastic response. one question about his behavior. and then the, the cameras to my you go, go to sleep with the in crow satisfaction. so that is the reason why. so always i try to criticize a play is there and let them feel that how but they are and, and especially when everything this course because accomplishments has to be with me know with them. that's why you use the cameras to,
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to do that. so my advice next time don't feel much, it will not be a. busy do what we want to be in to, and i want to take this opportunity and, and make it happened, and we work every single day with, with that. and so she has them on, on bison to, to make it happen. and, and i'm enjoying the moment as well. i see the team really slowly and they are really excited about playing these game. oh, there are 9 games left in the season for the top 3 or separated by only 3 points. it is a before at home to sheffield, united office, they, it's, and it's, the inter milan have moved a step closer to winning the serial title. they beat visits essentially to nail on monday for the vehicle demarco a got the open not in the 1st house with for the 99 to the an arsenal star next to sanchez exploring the 2nd late on the result means in to have a 14 point lead at the top of the table and so were knocked out of the european champions league by
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a tactical method. it was saying that electrical are aiming to make sure they qualify for your top club competition. next season, late goal from sol gave them a to one, went over very young, a physical, a fulton, ladiva, the champions the for the final i guess we see a document on its way. and concluded to ben stokes has ruled himself out of the upcoming t. 20 woke up. the old rhonda says he's still working his way back to full fitness . often the surgery, the t 20 woke up starts in june. it's being played in the usa and west indies. england are the defending. tompkins of soaks, had already opted out of the indian prime league whether i just signed royal as have won the said straight again. they're up against moon by indians who could only manage a 125 for 9 and the 20 overs for the transfer we'll to took 3 wickets and 10 bowls
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and they were also sweet for spin. a you've andra to house and a great catch by sim, wrong head fire. definitely worth another look. it apply it just on to reach the target with 27 goals. suspense. yeah and 5, i got top scoring with an on b 54. to secure the 6, we could 63 hits, 5 fours and 36 is for his 2nd half century. and as many games move by remain willis with 3 straight as well. we saw you find the right to holler in action. there he's in. yes, the leading t 20 we could take a lead has never been picked for a t 20 woke up. that could be about to change. one of the real challenges for any bullet coming into this tournament is to forget that there's a woke up and you start falling to get into a woke up tank. and you know, i think if, if you change successfully and you're in a winning team, then selections and rewards come from that. so that's more of a focus is forget about all that other noise from the outside and just wait really
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hot for each other. and if we do that, then i've got no idea. people are going to start taking notes and they're about to holland. and we the real picture in a little customer. and i think the following beautifully and the fee keeps doing this. and you know, we've got a mix of chance and this to all black slash, some white glove has announced his retirement from rugby. at the end of the season . he said 5 year old, the age, the most caps that an old blacks history. whitefield has paid a 153 times for new zealand winning to walk ups often use in into were beaten by south africa, and the woke up fine. and last year, when i talked to him to pull in francis top rugby division and the i, b a, the phoenix suns, devin boca schools, 52 points in his teams when it gets to new orleans, pelicans is a 5th high scoring game. all of the phoenix stars at korea sounds going on at 2 in a $120.00 full $211.00, only the top 6 in the west, some conference guaranteed
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a playoff spot eventually brings them within a game of the philippines and the chase for that 6 positions the bosses jason tatum in san jose, each had $25.00 points as a lead. the cell 621-8204 went over to charlotte on it. it's a celtic 11th when and 13 games boston have already came to the top spot in the eastern conference. us and major league baseball, the los angeles dodgers beat the visits in the san francisco giants, 83 in the 1st meeting of the season between the long time rivals soho, tiny. look you bets and freddy freeman ols called runs for the dodges. investors bought for me a 100 bucks to say. all right, thank you so much and i will see you a little later. we look forward to that now as the us presidential race begins to heat up, there is a wild card complicating the re match between president joe biden and former president donald trump. several 3rd party and independent candidates are also in
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the running in an election that's likely to be close. these marginal players could have an outside impact. and as rob rentals reports from los angeles, it's happened before. here's the deal with independent and 3rd party candidates. no 3rd party candidate, of course, has ever won the presidency. we've had 30 party candidates to reflect the outcome, and that it will be the role that these 3rd party candidates put. let's start with teddy roosevelt. in 1912, the former president decided he wanted his old job back, but his former close friend william taft was the incumbent and wanted another term, taft one, the republican nomination. so roosevelt set up his own so called the moose party. plus we have a, maybe a fairly strong independent candidacy from a socialist candidate using to us with
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a split amongst the republicans. democratic new jersey governor woodrow wilson came out the winner, the strongest 3rd party candidate of the 20th century with segregationist, alabama governor george wallace. in 1968, his anti civil rights platform won him 5 states in the deep south with 48 electoral votes. but republican richard nixon beat wallace, and democrat hubert humphrey calls on our fame song. in 1992 eccentric texas billionaire ross, perot's independent run, took enough votes from incumbent republican george h. w bush to hand the white house to democrat bill clinton. let us begin a new the most notorious 3rd party effect was on the 2000 election between texas governor george bush and vice president al gore. it comes down to florida.
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bush ends up winning florida by just a few 100 bucks. and so what explains that? well, the 3rd party candidates took enough votes away from al gore. but if he had had those votes, he would have present united states. and that brings us back to the independence running this year. they will most certainly lose, but the number of boats they may siphoned off from joe biden or donald trump in just a few states who decide the election. and that's why they are important for the us . and for the world. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles, us. and we're going to be right back in the top of the hour with continuing coverage of the is really strongly called an aide. cohen boy and gaza, which has killed 78 workers, 6 foreigners and one palestinian drawing international condemnation, his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling it a tragic, unintended incident will be right.
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the in the group of poland to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time and the targets a. how does a suppose then? you might think these are the lesson hunters. well, the elephants, hey, have adapt hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites draw in the amounts of the forest and onto the phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community for several imaging, try and take. so, 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them store things in the darkness as the
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volunteers showing lights that attend and they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and the medicine never forgets. african narratives from africans perspective. nature has always been this some way. my child to show documentary spot african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look for what is key a is that is part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from africa direct on. i'll just be around a week to look at the world's talk business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in station come down and many costs. well to understand how it affects daily lives. outline for us how big
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a 12 month is global food insecurity. counting the cost on outages of the condemnation and calls for an investigation in gaza after it is really striking. kills 7 employees of the world. central kitchen chairs the i'm sort of any h good to have you with a specific else. is there a life from the also coming up, a funeral is held for the palestinian, a worker killed in that attack. the group has now suspended its operations in gaza


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