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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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suffering traps in 3 to complex, devastating disasters and abject poverty. to make use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives and transform communities. the condemnation and calls for an investigation in gauze after and is really striking, kills 7 employees of the world. central kitchen charity. the single venue is good to have you with us. this is elisha 0 life and also coming up a funeral is held for the palace, send you the aid worker killed in that attack. the group has now suspended his operations and guys that were thousands are facing starvation. major fire and
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central assemble kills at least $29.00 people at a nightclub under renovation. the n ukrainian drones hit targets deep inside russian territory, more than a 1000 kilometers from the board. the israel is facing international condemnation after killing 6 foreign aid workers and their palestinian driver in central gaza. the victims were all employed by the world, central kitchen. that's a non profit organization that's been delivering desperately needed food to palestinians. the charity says the team was killed in a target is really strike australian, british polish, and us canadian citizens are among the dead. a funeral has been held in process of the palestinian employee of world central kitchen. if somebody would tell me i was a driver for the a convoy displaced, palestinians say that they fear the attack on the n g o will lead to further
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starvation. officers here as hand who don't worry is in darrow bella and she reports from the scene of the attack. i'm crazy. standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by that is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the receipts street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and then merican and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central coaching as we see best. and at the logos of w c. k organization. we know that these cars
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were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship, and the convoy that's had at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of strip on the day they were targeted. this is in the who they all to 0. that
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is, but causes trip at honey not mood has more on the consequences of the attack from rough. and this is likely to have a very negative impact on an already desperate situations and assignment that is going very 5 very close for spreading very fast in the northern part with the plate of resources and the southern partner over crowded drop off city. and already we, we've been experiencing this, a broken aid mechanism is starting from the obstruction off of 8 into the gas spread. the prevention of mazda of a truck from the other side of the border is due to move in as smoothly and deliver much needed it. and then the constant attacks on, on a convoys then a, the law enforcement securing the delivery of, of 8 do much needed a pop much it, it is supplies for desperate population. and all of this was kept blocked by with
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a direct attack. the deliberate direct attacks on a w c k. employees in the gods frame for the past month and a half. they've been working cooking meals and bonding well with people here there . that's why there is a sense of a frustration mix with with anger and sadness over the tragedy of last night. these people worked very closely with displaced families in the central area and, and here in overcrowded refined evacuation centers, cooking them, meals that help them survive these difficult conditions and nothing shorter of a deliberate attack. just giving the patterns of how it happened and the likelihood of, of implications in the negative unplug is it will have on, on the a, the wave aid being delivered to, uh, northern parts, gauze, and city. and here in over a private southern part of the stress that's not bringing home to sell who didn't occupied east jerusalem and of the world central kitchen has been exceedingly clear
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that their convoy should never have been struck. because all the necessary information had been conveyed to these really military that you know, what, where when the convoy would be, etc. these really prime minister has now addressed this. what does he say? first we heard from these rarely army spokesperson, daniel a guy who delivered a statement in english not as knowledge in israel's responsibility for the airstrikes rather saying quote that an incident had taken place and expressing is role sorrow and offering condolences on the mat or later in the day these really prime minister had acknowledged it was in fact in his really airstrikes that killed these 7 aid work or 6 of them foreign nationals. and he said quote, sometimes and more things like this happened. looks like it was like, oh my, when i'm you could argue unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the
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god and strip this happens in go. we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. these are at least have said they're opening a thorough investigation into the matter on how exactly had happened since all of the coordination and communication was done through these really are me of use really army chief of staff for 3. however, he had said that he himself will be involved in the pro. yeah, having to the is really, is, are also saying now that they're going to open a situation room, that's what they're calling it to purportedly avoid things like this going forward . what do you know about this? a israel's defense minister actually sat down with the army, chief of staff to discuss how they were going to deal with all of this and a note from the defense ministry. so that in that meeting, they talked about 4 different mechanisms for how they weren't going to move forward . the 1st was to establish some sort of situation or in some sort of coordination
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on how exactly aid is going to be delivered. another one was to brief, foreign partners and other agencies transparently. additionally, that there will be a pro and investigation done into the matter that will be 1st and foremost. and finally, to discuss how the aide is going to be distributed in general. what kind of mechanisms are going to be used to distribute the a? this is a topic of conversation that has been up coming up over the last several months and attacks and something the united states has put a lot of pressure on israel for saying that there needs to be some sort of coordinated mechanism for the distribution of aid and in fact is really officials speaking to media tonight have said that if the world's boot kitchen does not resume its operations, they do not have a plan b. all right, honda so who thank you very much for your reporting this evening from occupied east jerusalem. now your secretary of state density blinking is cooling on the is really government to carry out an investigation into the killing of the aid workers. we
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shouldn't have a situation where people who are simply trying to help their fellow human beings are themselves a brave risk. we've spoken directly to the israeli government about this particular incident, reversed a swift, a thorough and impartial investigation. to understand exactly what happens, spouse's heroes, heidi's ro, castro joins us now from outside world central kitchen headquarters that are in washington dc. so heidi, obviously a very dark day for this, a group. they've had 7 of their 8 workers killed. what are they saying today? serial the she o. aaron gore use a word to describe this. she said it was unforgivable like a targeted attack if she calls it, of her 7, a workers for the world central kitchen. she released the statement earlier in the
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day saying that this is not only and it's half of this group, but also in a tax on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire circumstances where food is being used as a weapon. and of course, that is the bigger context of the serial. there are millions of people who are on the brink of famine in gaza and well, world central kitchen may not have been a long and storied acres operating in the region. they are newly arrived and they had made some bold moves there and gaza because when they were studied from bringing more food trucks and through the land crossings into guys, the student is really inspections. that's when they got creative. and we're the 1st to build a, make shift a jetty on the gods in coast, which was able to receive about a 100 metric tons of meat in the last month for distribution in gaza. and it was as this food was being distributed at the southern workers who had just left
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a warehouse in gaza and in more the nation with is fairly military for leaving. and a convoy were attached and were killed in this attack. how, how big heidi gives us a sense of how big their operation was broadly speaking in gauze, and therefore how much of a shortfall of a there's going to be for palestinians in the strip. right. the world central's kitchen was clear from the beginning. they understood that what as they could do was just a drop in the bucket of the hunger, the need that exists in gaza. but they were undaunted. they tried, so they have another ship actually that's carrying about $400.00 metric tons of food just off the coast of cause or they had already to part of the site for us and was going to deliver to gods. and now that shift, that ship is loading off of the coast and the operations of the world,
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central kitchen and gaza, have an immediate suspend it as a result of this attack on it's workers. and it's not just this one group that now is no longer operating due to this a task, but project hope, which is a medical organization also from the us operating cause that has just announced it to is suspending operations for at least the next 3 days. it also lost an aid worker earlier on and this complex student is fairly straight. and this is just a situation where it's so circumstances for 8 workers and cars are becoming more and more dangerous. and they have to make this very difficult choice of how to continue while putting themselves in danger or in this case suspending their operation. and this is all happening while famine is reported to be evidence in northern gaza at a very real risk for all of gaza. hi, digital camera. thank you very much for your reporting there from washington dc is
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moving on to another major event in the region. iran says that the us must be held accountable for the attack on its concert building in damascus. it blames israel for the strike, which killed 2 senior commanders of these logic revolution regard and 11 other people. the supreme leader of iran has released the statement, expressing his condolences. he also says, quote, the vicious zionist regime will be punished at the hands of the runs brave men, and it will be made to regret having committed these crimes officers. dorset, you've already has more on this from different a strong response. that is what iran is promising after its console. it section in damascus was hit by allegedly as rarely as strikes, killing 7 military commanders in the revolutionary guard. 2 of them at brigadier generals, one of the highest ranking officials in the revolutionary guards. now, what we've been hearing inside the country is that there needs to be a swift and forceful response. this is very important and it's something that's uh
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many are waiting to see happen. as critics have been saying that iran hasn't been forceful enough in responding to these attacks in the past. and that is why they find themselves in this situation at the moment. but it's good to be very difficult because whatever reading officials decide to do, whether it is to respond more lightly without any direct confrontation with israel, and they're going to be seen as weak and also a news possibly credibility, with the proxies of the region. but if they do act forcefully, i took, in terms of carrying out any kind of attack against a direct is really interested in us interest in the region. it could push the sides involved into a full on war, which no one wants to see at the moment. so iran is in a very difficult position. what is clear is that the problem is this has been made that iran will respond and that response will make as well regrets what it did in
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damascus. for now, we will have to wait and see how officials are going to carry out the threats that they've been making care door such a bar, alta 0 to her on still a head on alpha 0 center goal has sworn in the youngest democratically elected president in africa will have more on that. the, if we cannot figures on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates, the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on
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a jersey to why have american evangelicals become, is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the latest news as a people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives . vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with detailed coverage. so many people are out tonight to celebrate perhaps a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the
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the, your once emails is 0 reminder of our headlines us secretary of state anthony blinking has urged is realtor carry as a swift, thorough and impartial investigation incident is really as striking, gaza that killed 8 workers is really spacing widespread condemnation for the attack that killed 6 foreign and one palestinian world central kitchen stuff. iran says the us and must be held accountable for the attack on its concert with building in damascus. he rumblings israel for the strikes which kills to senior commanders of these nomic revolution regard and 11 another piece. the us president joe biden spoke with china as president, seizing, paying over the phone on tuesday. the white house, as the leaders talked about economic ties. tensions over taiwan and china support for russia, following the invasion of ukraine. well, else's here as white house correspondent,
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kimberly how kit is following this. kimberly, it's good to talk to you. what are the headlights coming out of that goal? yeah, we know that there were a wide range of topics that were discussed as you outlined. it was godaddy. it was you frame, it was the taiwan. but when you dig down into it, the us president joe by then had a few things on his mind that he wanted to speak specifically about. namely, he wanted to send the message that when it comes to ukraine, that he's not happy with the fact that china continues to support the russian defense industry. and that is having an impact. and he is concerned about that with respect to taiwan. the message that you as present joe biden said, was that there needs to be peace and stability in the taiwan strait. and when it comes to the chinese trade tactics of the us, president believes that there is still a concern and the united states will do what it takes to protect the american
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worker. so overall, it was a long conversation. we know an hour and 45 minutes and the us president we are told, did not shy away when it comes to defending american interests and also sending some difficult messages. an hour or 45 minutes. that is a long conversation they, they haven't spoken in months, i believe it was november last time they spoke. so why is this happening now? the. 2 this comes down to a commitment that the 2 made back in november when they were meeting back in california. and essentially the reason is, is that both believe that well, there are differences. there are also room for there is room for comp, cooperation for example. well, they may have disagreements on some major issues. they also believe they can collaborate and things like artificial intelligence, narcotics, climate change. but they also made the promise, but as the leaders of to the world super powers that they need to stay in touch, they need to pick up the phone periodically. because if they don't,
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there is the danger of misunderstandings that could really have a dangerous impact on the world. and so as a result, not only are they picking up the phone and having phone conversations like the ones just health, but also they are going to have direct engagement. for example, we know that in the coming week the treasury secretary job at yelling will be visiting. and in the coming weeks we're told the secretary state and to me blinking will be going as well. all right, kimberly helped get reporting from uh, just outside the white house there. thank you very much. can move to our breaking news now from turkey at least 29 people have been killed in a fire at a night club undergoing renovation. this was an assemble. it happened in the basement of the 16 story building where the venue is located. 5 people have interested in connection with the fire, sending considerably reports from the c in this area is a residential area at the heart of the area of the main business center. and
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then the owner and i want to do repairs because while it was closed and apparently you know, this is the 16th floor building and the ground floor and the basement to the clock. and that was the reason why the buyer starts. it was because of the scores and the sells oscillation, material and other materials used during the reconstruction does have a synthetic and they called fire liquid fire. but since i'm not club has only one and friends and only one out. there is no back door. and there was the expos just because of the pressure and apparently it all those people who died during this accident were in the nice club,
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either during the repair or some of them as far as i have people around here are over. there is a workers of all i run into a woman, she was flying and i asked or whether she lives in the building. there are so many seniors living in this in this building. by that she told me that she over there works in the my club, but because of from adonis was closed. and nearly all of the people who died in this accident were either construction workers or call is the russia has reported drone attacks on to industrial sites. in the region of tyler stan, which is located more than 1100 kilometers from the korean border, one of the targets was a major oil refinery. no serious damage was reported there. the other target was a factory which reportedly produces drones. at least 13 people were injured in that
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one if these attacks were launched from ukrainian territory, then this would be one of the most far reaching drone attacks carried out by ukraine since the beginning of the war. earlier we spoke to ukraine's former president federal power shinkel. he said that now is not the time to negotiate peace with russia and called western a quote, an investment into global stability. you cannot find out the nation who want the piece more than we you put in because we pay the biggest price for that. but believe me, please don't trust pulled you and please do not believe culture because what you don't meet neither don't boss, no crime. you know, sort of soul knows of what reason would you and one a raise your queen, a tool from the world, matt, which in the water the keel ukrainians. and to have you plane is
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a program suppress. this is the thoughts of mind. yeah. and that's why they're basis for the goal is to show me is that so we will be more than happy to put you into the door. the step when the payment that are threats and immediately stop, they will not totally re afraid in um, force and be bringing people surprised people also the fact which quote, you do not expect it to the level of sony debit of the fall love with the pre the level of the effectiveness of the over to my boss from space not only with the what brought them supply, but also with the sanction effective mechanism. and believe me why i'm so confident because best them support for to your credit is not that yet, or is not the 8. this is the west of investment in the fees security instability on the glo, a bustle to do. my fi has been sworn in
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a set of goals, president t promise to tackle corruption and govern with transparency after 3 years of political turmoil. aged 445 is the youngest. democratically elected president in africa want a landslide victory and presidential elections just 10 days after being released from prison. that a sentence, an economist who supported the senegalese opposition coalition. and she says, the new president is ready to fight corruption in order to attract international investors to set a goal. what she has to face is something very difficult because you cannot change an entire administration in one day. so she understands, but she has to put the systems in place in order to find corruption and she's ready for that. and he and some folks are more than ready to put all the all those systems in place using technology of course. and
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in order to allow investors to be comfortable and confident to come and invest in senegal, the most important thing is that from at least what the new president said she is not closing doors to any partnerships that already exist. so the partnership with friends is a strong partnership. she will not close that at all. but i think what she says again is what is best for the population? that's what they elected him for. she needs to bring partners with solutions today, not in, in the future. now, in the united nations says 53000 people have fled haiti's capital in just the past
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3 weeks because of gang violence. most of those displaced from puerto prints have moved south and the u. n. warrens the areas outside the capital do not have the resources to handle the influx of people. the lack of security in the capital has caused food shortages in the near collapse of haiti's health care system. so full people know that a my father is one of them. my father was not involved with anyone. his name is d, every node p a. i told him all the time, i found him that this folding now and pets you on the bill. if you don't comply, if you don't look for a place to take shelter, they'll shoot to you. when you're driving around at night with the, with outside the and do you come across a police car, they're going to shoot to you as a young man living in the country, it breaks my hearts. what i think about these kinds of things. i feel like crying because i can also lose my life. when i see these things like this child, look,
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i think i'm older than him, right. look, he's a child. i don't even think he's got seen yet. yeah. and that doesn't from me sort of any a, whether is next then inside story will examine why is real is targeting algebra 0. stay with us. the, the hello there has been more flooding in saudi arabia of this time in re i province. so let me show you what's going on. the solid bands of rain once again over the same areas at western size, pushing into re i'd so there is a threat that we could see some more flooding on wednesday. why your view shows as most of the action is in saudi arabia, but it is now also dropping down into that western side of jamming. let's go to pockets on what weather in the mix here in the north, including for the capital territory is all about. same for to g,
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gets done and was breakfast on just a few showers to catch a few drops on wednesday. now the case in turkey, a plenty of sun here looking good on cyprus is walnut, go see about 10 degrees above where you should be for this some year, and we lose the sea breeze. so temperature shooting up in new, ok shut and bondo. we've got that hot air pumping in from this a hara solid bands of rain sliding down the coast of galvan and congo, and then looking at all this rain alerts in play for kenya and tanzania. for just how intense this will be likely to see some or flooding in places like nairobi over the course of wednesday. there's been some big ways off the coast of south africa. but look at this slug of rain along the border with south africa botswana and the member of this certainly could produce some flooding over the next 24 hours the with every donation given with every hearts that cancel we are changing lives in
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palestine showing that's loved the days you donated, we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donates with confidence. knights with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts that's time a 0 target to it's benjamin nothing. yeah. how says, and that's where i play no longer broadcast from his way because it was his national security. but someone says that seems to not to respond to what's behind the ban. and what does it mean for the world? because uh, this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program on the how sion, how about a prime minister,
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benjamin that tell you how has promised to take a 0 off. it is well calling you to tell a channel he accused the now.


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