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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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the soon the the come on, so of any a it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from bill coming up in the program to day condemnation and calls for an investigation and gaza, often is really striking, kills 7 employees of the world, central kitchen, cherokee. a funeral is held for the palestinian aid worker killed in that attack. the group has now suspended and celebrations in gaza for thousands are facing starvation. major fire and centrally stumble kills at least 20000000 people of the night club under renovation. the pan ukrainian
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drones hit targets deep inside russian territory. more than a 1000 kilometers from the border is full mattress. the cities manager says he has his emotions under control as a premier league, todd to race and to its final stretch. guardiola has been defending the own page argument that he has it with his own team. often it drew against arsenal. the to we're going to take you live now to these pictures, why it's a life press conference in washington dc, the national security communications advisor, john kirby. nobody wants to see this kind of violence happened to his manager and aid workers who as was noted earlier, were doing all the right things to follow up to where it was earlier about the peer considering moving off the coast of gods. and i mean,
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just trying to figure out how by definition, it's going to be operating off the coast shop. but like further away, how do you ensure that any private partners that the us and so uh, partnering with to deliver aid is actually given. the reason is that, right, that's what i said we're working on right now. i mean, forced protection for the troops and the people that are gonna be operating appears obviously going to be a paramount concern, but it's only as good as the aid the gets to the peer and then gets in the gaza. so there's going to have to be plans made plans with partners to do everything that we can to ensure that that a is safely assembled and collected at the peer and then safely distributed into gaza. it's going to be a multi step process, will be responsible for some parts of that, but not all of it. that's going to take some teamwork and we're working on. we do that right now. quick clarification on some of the secretaries that it is here. he appeared to suggest that you ran, deliver results to russia and that those are be used by moscow to target the you can hear from you can, you can find that. that was the case. i'm not as strong as elizabeth ballistic
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missile. yes. since when has this transfers in underway, i am not aware of a specific verification that we can give to a ronnie and missiles being delivered to russia for use and you pray and they certainly continue to deliver drones. and actually helping the russians manufacture around in design drones. and we do know that the russians are and have been using now for quite some time ballistic missiles that they have gotten from north korea. but i'm not, i'm not personally aware of any, any verification that ronnie and missiles have been, have been transferred and used. the you said that there's going to be an investigation into the world central locations, right? so what's a reasonable time frame for that investigation? we did, and how i think in terms of the time frame was i said in my opening statement we, we believe in investigation can be thoroughly conducted in
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a swift manner. now what a swift, i think obviously we're not gonna dictated a date on the calendar to the israelis, but it's it's no, we're the that just before coming out here i was informed that they have completed a preliminary investigation and reporting that up the chain. the command that's, that's good. that means that they've gotten some basic findings and some initial conclusions that they're, that they're willing to make at it. they have noted publicly the, the, the, they were responsible here. so that's another, that's another reason to suspect that it shouldn't need to be a long drawn out weeks long investigation. i think something like this will probably resolve, be resolved in a, in a matter of days on the street in damascus. does the us expect um, well, or i can't predict what the supreme leader and what the r g c will decide to do or not. i don't know in terms of retaliation, as i assume you mean against the united states. let me make it clear. we had
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nothing to do with what the striking, damascus we were involved in any way whatsoever. so the comments by the iranian foreign minister that somehow were to be held to account or that were to blame just nonsense with nothing to do with it. we will, as we always have, take our forced protection very seriously to protect our troops, our facilities interact in syria. and as we have demonstrated in the past, as president biden has made very, very clear through the actions he is ordered, we will, we will do what we need to do to protect those troops. to later i'm curious when is the next one? is why was needed now? why not next week, next month? was there a particular catalyst? no, i mean they met again in november and the teams have been working a lot since november on fentenol precursors on climate change on economic practices . so there's been on this artificial intelligence, there's been
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a lot of staff level work in both president start the now few months later this was a good time to kind of check in with one other, see how that's going, discuss the future. so just wanted to follow up with the requesting update from the conditions and you said the to the question or want to do to find some conditions over there in that that is under trouble suggested you wouldn't do that while i've already answered this question a whole bunch of times a, and we believe that the approach that we're taking is working in terms of making it clear to these really is what our expectations are. i'm not going to get ahead of decisions one way or another that we might take in the future. what i'm saying is right now, we're continuing to support israel because they continue to need military assistance because they continue to face them. i will try a bunch of conditions that present on february 8th issued
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a memo. and it said that you already know this project for complex. it said that the principals. ready as administrator to prevent arms transfers, the risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law is following the massage of the peoples of info. not a violation of international humanitarian law. as we always have already admitted that this was a mistake they made their doing investigation, they'll get to the bottom of this, let's not get ahead of that. your, your question presumes at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there is no evidence of that. i would also remind you, sir, that we continue to look at incidence as they occur. the state department has a process in place and to date, as you and i are speaking. they have not found any incidents where these rallies have violated international humanitarian law. unless do you think we don't take it seriously,
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i can assure you that we do. you look at this in real time or violated international law, or in the past 5 to 6 months. a state department has looked at incidents in the past and has yet to determine that any of those incidents violate international and terrible with precision the senior officials in the heart of you must civilians that as well. how does it make sense to you? does a visa and was with was also coordinated with is reading so they didn't see this defined theory of defense of is right. that is difficult for them because of the civilian population where they can go off the how much leaders in the honda passivity and population invited to 2nd question. no,
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it's not my theory. i have talked about when i just hang on just a 2nd. now, we have talked about this for months, fighting in the nerve in the hot, highly populated condensed environment like that's tough. but they have taken strikes against some us leaders in successfully digging stripes. again, some us leaders in gaza. i can't speak to what happened in damascus that i can only tell you that the united states wasn't involved. so i'm not going to talk about the details of that whatsoever. i'm telling you that they have taken precise strikes against the mos in gaza. they have also taken strikes that have been not precise. it looks is it very clearly what happened yesterday is one of those examples. they'll investigate that. and our expectation is, and we've made this clear to them that they'll come clean about what they want. they'll be fully transparent and the people need to be held accountable that they'll be held accountable. thank you. john. somebody who's in the country. leslie, michigan, her name is ruby garcia. donald trump is out there. now,
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all i miss biden's board or what that, what are you called? well, 1st of all, uh, well, i'm not aware of this the specifics with this case. i mean, that's just terrible news. and our thoughts pers obviously go to the family of uh, ms garcia. i mean that's, that's kind of news. no family ever wants to get ever and we would certainly defer to local law enforcement and investigative bodies to do to do this paperwork that needs to be done to figure out exactly what happened. okay. we've just been listening together to a john car, be a senior advisor and spokesperson there of the white house he's speaking. therefore, in washington dc, we're going to break down what we've been hearing, as well as what's happening now on the ground in god's it will tie all those things together. let's go 1st to heidi show castro. she's in washington dc. heidi several topics here for kirby. what i'd like to focus on with you is what we just learned about what he's been saying about the incidents on the world, central kitchen. that's the a group that was struck by israel yesterday,
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killing 78 workers. and that is triggered global condemnation is put extra pressure on benjamin netanyahu. what it comp kirby have to say about? that's right, sir. i'm listening to those statements while standing here. now. i'm outside the headquarters of the world central kitchen in washington, and we just heard kirby say that the us was full outraged when it heard of the strike. he went on to say that the white house wants to pay the deepest condolences condolences to the families of the 7 worlds central kitchen, a killed in gaza. and he said that just minutes ago, he received information that israel's preliminary investigation into the strikes, which the military has already said. it wasn't responsible for that this preliminary investigation has been completed. apparently though the results have
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not yet been shared with the united states. but with whitehouse is expectations are for the said, is that this will be a swift, comprehensive, transparent investigation which will have results that will be made public. he went on to say that this is just the latest attack on a workers or rather dangerous faced by 8 workers and gaza. that now more than 200, a workers have been killed in this conflict. and he said that the is really military must do more. that confliction is very obviously a problem here. and that accountability must be had. but when pressed by reporters about why the united states continues to be israel's greatest military a supporter. and why that condition? that a continues to be delivered to israel without condition. he said that there was, quote, no evidence yet. quote of a deliberate strike on these worlds central uh,
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kitchen a workers. so, you know, he's sort of talking about it on both sides here. saying that he's waiting for israel to complete this investigation before waiting and further. okay. um heidi speaking just outside there, the headquarters for the world central kitchen. thank you very much for that. i'm going to go to guys and then i'll bring this conversation back here to the studio into how with our senior political analyst. let's go 1st to on the ground with the options here as honey mahoney, you're in rossa honey. that's in the southern part of the gaza strip. a we're, we've been examining all day the full out of israel strike against the world's central kitchen. they killed 78 workers. uh huh. what's going to be the impact of this on a delivery for palestinians?
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well so several, this is part of the ongoing guy explained and slowly increasing deliberate attacks on, on a mechanism and generally starting from recreating a broken aid mechanism of from the miles of the trucks on the other side of the board as it prevented to be delivered through the northern part garza city, an over crowded southern part of this tribune to attack in local aid workers on the ground, 8 convoys on 8 seekers. and what we're seeing right now, this is a combination of a chain of events laid into the, the rec, deliberate attacks. and there is no way more accurate than describing it as a deliberate attack on paid workers who are employed by an international organization. working on delivering food supplies were much needed and desperate population. and the fact that there was a sense of, of frustration and anger mixed with sadness because these and workers on the ground bonded with people for the past month and a half the book meals and the run these activities with the local residents. with
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this wave families, people are used to them use of their phrases used to do good work of feeding them. now one of the direct negative impact right now we're seeing is the suspension of, of operations by what, by the w. c. k, across the defense really are yeah, no, no, the par that here in overcrowded part of the strip. that's one thing for a lot of people. that is, that's a winning point for those really military which has always been after a delivery and aid workers on the ground. the fact that we're seeing ship are turning back to where they came from and not delivering some 200 tons of worth of aid. and food supplies and survival items for palestinian. here is part of a strategy of if people are not going to die because of the unpredictable fall involved, they're going to die because of our vision. and this is the suspension of operations is increasing. the likelihood of the, of the, of famine is spreading. and not only in the northern part of gussy,
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but also it started to be visible in over a crowded southern part of, of the strength already. this is one of the impacts it will discourage more 8 organizations and more aid workers are from taking the initiative and beyond the ground on deliver much needed food supplies in a to a large, the traumatized and as a population that is being a star and not that the different talk people here are not starving. they are being a star through their enforce, to start vision into hide ration. this is one example of how it's done. honeywell, who thank you very much for your latest reporting there outside of the of from i should say, from the gaza strip as specifically from ross. i thank you very much, honey. i'm told that we have honda. so who know, honda? you're a 1st from occupied east jerusalem look before we continue to have this conversation with, with my one shar, who's in the studio with us. we need to know what israel is saying happened or rather how israel is explaining what they did because they do have knowledge that
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they struck this convoy. what are they saying of the initially these really are we did not acknowledge that it was then who struck this convoy. these really armies spokesperson daniel, regarding, well speaking in english, said that quote, an incident had happened, sending his consult condolences and saying that it was expressing sorrow. additionally, we then had these really prime minister in the afternoon acknowledge that it was indeed and is really airstrikes saying that it was on intentional. let's take a listen. that's the whole. now i'm, you could argue, unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the gods and strip this happens in go, we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. all this comes as me is really, army says they aren't going to conduct a defense thorough investigation into the matter. these are only army chief of
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staff, hurts the however you will be part of all of those. 2 rooms but anonymous is really officials speaking to is really media have said that is the world central kitchen no longer operates in gaza. they don't have a plan b. and then the last hour we're hearing from another 8 organization in gaza, called a narrow who says that after 6 months of flagrant violations of international law and constant bombings. and they've decided for their own safety. it would be best to stop operating and gaza at this time. and honda so who thank you very much as you're reporting here from occupied east jerusalem of this evening. so joining me here in the studio as often as you're a senior political analyst, mar wanda, sharp, or one. i'm just really curious to hear what you thought of that. um that john kirby press conference cuz kirby is now clearly i think we can say fairly is playing defense with all these questions that were being asked of him on what the us thinks of what is real has done and, and how can they keep supporting this you know, and he's, he's, he's dodging bullets out there. absolutely. i think
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a listening to that to re add the blinking today and from status defending the is ready war crimes and gaza gives you a good sense of how far american officials need to go out of their way in order to justify or defend is really actions that are in defensible cause so much so that you can see that the journalists who are asking the questions are so frustrated. because in the end of the day, right, 6 months later, 53000 have been killed, mostly women and children. and mr. kirby still, you know, outraged by questions about violations of laws of war and say, well, we still have to wait and see what with and see what exactly right. he was al, specifically his israel violated any laws of will have they committed any or crimes
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in the last 56 months. and he was pretty defensive about that. absolutely. and i think here in this question, right, and i'll be curious what our viewers are on the world are thinking on the way they are thinking about this. because i can see that much of the debate already of the past few hours was about whether it's deliberate or not delivered. so what do you think? so do you think it's worse if it was delivered or not deliberate? because i think it's worse if it's not deliberate, because if it's deliberate, it could be a general, it could be calling on an engineer who's managing these drones or a pilot was minding an airplane. or what have you decided to pick an action deliberately against the or the 8th complex? it could be a high ranking official thing, the minutes or but the way things had been happening and got so
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if they're not deliberate, they are certain the systematic. and that's much worse than one individual or set of individuals billable his actions. you're saying essentially, if this was not deliberate striking the said con boy, it kind of means that the killing has gone on auto pilot. absolutely, because i'll give you a few examples. like, for example, the most talk example of what examples when the israeli soldiers shot at is really captives hold the white flags. what's that deliberate? well, certainly that was not deliberate. and i'm sure these really soldiers would not want to shoot at these radius because ins. health captives and gaza holding white flags. but they are clearly to go happy for. let me be a bit more objective 3 to getting ready to look at the look at what's happening. so i shift not just the last few days, a couple of weeks, look up what has happened to ship
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a passport because it happens to all the hospitals. what's that deliver or not deliver? look at the beginning of twenty's plus 1000 children and women. what's not deliberate? i'm not sure of that, but yeah, exactly, building on your point. if it says here we have these really prime minister saying essentially this was not intentional. it was a mistake. mistakes happened. what does that then mean about the $32000.00 palestinians were killed and whether or not that was intentional? and i'm, there is a there's a bit of a snob, dennis, and chutzpah in his stone, his dismissal. oh, you know, it was tragic. we will look into it and of course, 6th of state blinking size. we demand that is right, does a swift and then also the partial. how would this i would want to do an impartial of its own crimes in garza, how do you expect it is a, the army that is north in the death and destruction of tens of thousands
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displacements of a 1000000 or 2 to be impartial about something like that, but there, there's a factor in here and we spoke about the past 6 months. the beginning of, on the well how, how many people wonder why because already some 100 plus. right? yep. i know. so there's a lot of, i think we're closer to 200, but i don't have the exact so there's a lot of aid workers have been killed and got some right. so we, we agree about that. how many join us have been killed in guys? how many of our colleagues have been killed? how many members of their family have been killed? okay, so it's not deliberate, right? so we can add to that health workers, aid workers. obviously children, hospitals, engineers, academic nurses, but also all the civilian infrastructures. what about the 5 or 6 or 7? you? i don't know the number of universities that they were all destroyed done to the you know, trouble. so yes, i understand the debates, and this is all the questions about what's his date of birth or the we would
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investigate my water is, but it's not deliberate. not my what a homeless my you know my, my analysis is that even if it's not deliberate, that's just as bad. if not worse, because the fact is that that's the sensor kit should have called the need. the vehicle or the thing it's with is very limited to, these are the minutes, i don't know where they are. so if we're going to do it deliberately, that means they are. so 3 go ready to shoot. that's anything that moves in gaza. that's why when we were talking about them shooting at these radius or videos with white flags, we said what about own the kind of sitting here is that we were white flags and they killed them. right? so they, there's, there's a systematic, as, uh, um, you know, uh, violence that is, that it's been guided by these really, there is a systematic, use a force trigger, happy trigger, ready to use. there's anger, there's frustration,
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and there is revenge on the part of these really are me. there are still angry, 6 months later that about what happened october 7th, not acting like a professional automated things like a vengeful tribe. is very hateful of the people and guys, and they are echoing what the person said, almost 6 months ago when he said there are no in this sense. and guys, that definitely includes the aid workers. because look the attack or on the why. right? the, the, the, you, an organization that has been for decades has been kind of studies and the largest 8 organization industry. and if i need to remind or what if it was one of those, probably no one has mentioned that the past just so you need to study the history of this conflict. and i know find out why as well started its operations. after 1948 surfing palestinians, and israelis until 1952 is right and is what helped by on the 19th it's been to is that it was, was on its feet to be able to have its own synthesis. so the fact that is what it
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has effect something like on the, for all these deals. and then one ice on the what just because 6 of its members, 6 out of 50 and 1000, had been accused of joining in this with the silver 77 of 50. a 1000. as a good number of observer said, they're surprised that they are 6, not 600 or 6000 i because living living and guys are being involved in all that. i think a lot of people work here to stay just the box to the borders and see what's happening . that's happening on the other side. but be that as it may, is that it has been trigger happy using force using violence, using bombs and the united states has been trigger happy to go ready to provide that with the weapons. and that's why going to be blinking by didn't. others had been defending is red because they are complicit. just the last few days, the united states has uh, once again, uh uh, declared that it would be selling more weapons. it would be transferring more arms to is right, including of 2000 pounds bonds. again,
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2000 pounds bonds for what exactly it for what using cause. so i, i am disheartened by what happened to the aid workers and guys all but i'm just as this talked in an even more for the 40000 perhaps now that had been killed in guys, most people, women and children. and for all the medical workers, palestinian medical workers, today we, when we heard somebody ports from ship a hospital, the birth or not deliver it all up all the hospitals and guys and perhaps the piece that half of one and drop off the old destroyed. i think there is a systematic use of items. there is a readiness to use wireless, enforce an excessive force. hyper use a force. think of houses. you're a senior, political analyst, mironda shower. thank you very much for that. we're going to take a very short break. we'll be back with you in just a moment. finding out which region of the world has been described as the fastest
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growing emerging markets and in sport, the swimmer who achieved the rear feats of beating michael phelps and that elliptic final, as announced his retirement to back them of the hello. there has been more flooding in saudi arabia this time in re i probably and so let me show you what's going on. the solid bands of rain once again over the same areas at western size, pushing into re, i'd so there is a threat that we could see some more flooding on wednesday. while your view shows us, most of the action is in saudi arabia, but it is now also dropping down into that western side of jamming. let's go to focused on what weather in the mix here in the north, including for the capital territory is all about same for the g g a stand and was becca, stand just a few shout as a catch a few drops on wednesday. now the case in turkey,
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a plenty of sun here looking good on cyprus is walnut, go see about 10 degrees above where you should be for this some year and we lose the sea breeze. so temperature shooting up in new ok, shut and bonds. well, we've got that hot air pumping in from this a hara solid bands of rain sliding down the coast of galvan and congo, and then looking at all this rain alerts in play for kenya and tanzania. for just how intense this will be likely to see some or flooding in places like nairobi over the course of wednesday. there's been some big ways off the coast of south africa. but look at this slug of rain along the border with south africa botswana and the member of this certainly could produce some flooding over the next 24 hours in 2018. a john listed 40 days of civic action against the on the union government . i'm president soccer group on power. i'm going to labor to square. and
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documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a car off cream, tarnishing out with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on the news velvet revolution on our families and gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dorothy stella. you'll see showing this probably test gave massey now donate today of the
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day watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this hour. iran says the u. s. must be held accountable for the attack on it's called to the building in damascus, around lanes israel for the strike, which killed 2 senior commanders of v as nomic revolution regard. as well as 11 other at least 29 people have been killed and several others injured in a fire at a nightclub under renovation. and it's tumble. had happened in the basement of the 16 story building, where the venue is located. the us secretary of state and to me blinking has urged israel to carry out the swift thorough and impartial investigation into and is really here striking, gaza that killed 8 workers is early spacing widespread condemnation for the attack that killed 6 foreign and one palestinian world central kitchen stuff that we will strike against the world's central kitchen team isn't the 1st time by any stretch
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of the imagination. the israel has targeted 8 workers more than 200 had been killed in gaza since october. the 7th on march 19th is really army target to humanitarian workers near the kuwait round about in gaza city as they were distributing aid at least 23 people were killed in that incident on march 13th and only one distribution center in the south was attacked one you and stuff or was killed. another 22 people were injured. on february 29th, no more than a 100 civilians were killed. when is really forces opened fire on crowds who had gathered to receive food. this is the answer that alex 4th is a logistics coordinator, a doctors without borders, and he says, attacks on aid workers must stop. and all such incidents must be thoroughly investigated as we provide every day uh all the movements that we plan. uh well, we plan to go over the location where we are working on uh as well and what you say to the strategy and should be, can see, does that conflicted unfortunately?
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uh, i mean for us as an investor, if we face such kind of uh, in stephen several time as well, that needs to add to the depth of the 5 of our colleagues. uh, this particular case yes is uh is super tragic uh of you see, but i mean, this is not the 1st time during the past 6 months. and for us, we don't make any difference between the you many tell you on the left, keep these are, if you spell this to you in our international, and this is completely unacceptable. this need to stop and each incidental need. so use investigation. uh for us. uh, for example, uh all the incidents we had, we request failures investigation and we never get any feedback from this video to which is. so this is, this is a really, really complicated and on a c, h work, just risking the life every day to, to provide the provide assistance to the population. and they'll clearly puffed of
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the whole clinic to finish. and then the cdn people. uh, i guess uh, facing every day iran says the us must be held accountable for the attack on its console building in damascus, blames israel for the strike which killed 2 senior commanders of the atlantic revolution regard as well as 11 other people. the supreme leader has released the statement, expressing his condolences. he also says, quote, the vicious and zionist regime will be punished at the hands of the runs brave man, and it will be made to regret having committed these crimes. doors to jabari has won this from the front a strong response. that is what iran is promising after its console. it section in damascus was hit by allegedly as rarely as strikes, killing 7 military commanders in the revolutionary guard, 2 of them at brigadier generals, one of the highest ranking officials in the revolutionary guards. now,
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what we've been hearing inside the country is that there needs to be a swift and forceful response. this is very important and it's something that's uh many are waiting to see happen. as critics have been saying that iran hasn't been forceful enough in responding to these attacks in the past. and that is why they find themselves in this situation at the moment. but it's good to be very difficult because whatever reading officials decide to do, whether it is to respond more lightly without any direct confrontation with israel, and they're going to be seen as weak and also a news possibly credibility, with the proxies of the region. but if they do act forcefully, i took, in terms of carrying out any kind of attack against a direct is really interested in us interest in the region. it could push the sides involved into a full on war, which no one wants to see at the moment. so iran is in
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a very difficult position. what is clear is that the problem is this has been made that iran will respond and that response will make israel regrets what it did in damascus. for now, we will have to wait and see how officials are going to carry out the threats that they've been making care door safari alpha 0 to air on of the united nations. secretary general has condemned the attack on the ring and consulate in damascus. a spokesman for antonio gutierrez said, in a statement, the diplomatic and console of premises and personnel must always be protected according to international law. and the un has called for utmost restraint to prevent escalation in an already volatile region, as any miscalculation could lead to broader conflict. while the united nations security council will be meeting next hour to discuss the attack on me, a ring and consulate. so let's head to the un this talk to l just here is gabriel is on the what are you expecting from that security council meeting?
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well 1st and foremost were expecting the council will be briefed by a you and representative from the department of political and peace building. affairs that you had official will be briefing the council on the latest information that the u. n. has about the attack and the immediate and long term potential ramifications for instability because of it in the region. now, we watching closely to that person's remarks, which also note that we do expect the council members to be also making statements, including representative from the un uh from the rainy admission to the un was also been invited, expecting them to speak as well. of this meeting was called by russia with the coordination of iran in response to this attack. and clearly it's something that is raised eyebrows here within the united nations, particularly because this was an attack on
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a diplomatic mission on iran's a embassy complex. and that falls under, of course, the, the need, if any of the new vienna conventions i should say, excuse me, and a direct violation of the un charter. so that is why you've seen so many i routers raised about this. and i can also tell you that we did hear that your eyes for administer did call you and secretary general antonio gutierrez this morning and they had a phone call about this incident as well. okay, well that security council meeting is expected to take place in the coming hour or so. so will be talking to you again. gabriel elizondo there from un headquarters in new york. the 2 were still following this breaking news at a store key, or at least 20000000 people have been killed in a fire at a night. club undergoing renovation is stumble. it happened in the basement of the
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16 story building where the venue is located. 5 people have been arrested in connection with the fire itself. is there a system castillo? is it live at the scene and this stumble? send them? what are we finding about? what are we finding out about how this fire started? you have also mentioned that there was a renovation where it's going on on their way because it was the month of ramadan. they decided to close it for the repair work and it says, this is a might swap. they have to do some stone. i installation and the material for the song and this some sassik, a fair in space, is a sparse disclose of fires and ignited fire in this material. so as you can see, because of the fire to the ground floor, the page moves up as 5 miles away from the drum stools. and here is
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2 floors downstairs. uh essentially there was no one on the ground floor apartments. and in the 1st story of the apartment, according to the eye witnesses, i spoke to the store manager large. she told me that they weren't at home. so i. * told her that there was a fire that broke out in the building and she came here. she couldn't enter inside the building to push such most of the residents in the, in the shelving are seniors, most retired people and most or most of them who were as homeless stop labor back for a disaster while they were brought to the nearby hotels. but the stories because twins and 9 people died in the same place. and the reason of that, that's most of those people who are killed side because of the smoke because there's one and friends and one exit. there is no back door. and some argue that there is a place, it doesn't have the license the permits to operate,
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but things work in a different way. this place has been operating as a my telephone business building for more than 3 decades since 19 eighties. and there has been fights there has been murdered in front of the club. my thoughts are a little bit in the summer and we are here until may rescue workers that may be that you might have been taught in order to arrange a place for that. then so there are some construction problems as well, but i ran into a girl, a young woman flying nearby. and i asked her whether she lived in the building and she told me that she was working in the nice lot. but she was all because of from my dentist, she told me that her friends size, along with the reconstruction workers renovation workers. there are some nightclub personnel as well inside the building who dies in because there was no, we know there was no exit spaces in prison. and they died,
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or i ran into some technical teams on the ground by the way. they came here to inspect the area of the records. they told me that it's a visual inspection was problematic. this place to actually be here, this place have been give them any firm. if this is what they told us. but neighbors are scared because there was an explosion. people just the pressure and 29 people who were just trying to uh, bring to the table decide because of this stuff incident back to you. yeah, absolutely. in a very high depth told there at the scene 29 people who died in that fire, which appears to have spread very rapidly, soon because of the reporting from the scene of the fire and his stumbles. thank you. of the russia has reported drone attacks on to industrial sites in the region of pets or
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stand, which is located more than 1100 kilometers from the ukraine and border one of the targets was a major oil refinery. but no serious damage was reported. the other target was a factory which reportedly produces drones. at least 13 people were injured if these attacks were launched from ukrainian territory, then this would be one of the most far reaching drone attacks carried out by ukraine. since the beginning of the war. you're shop of oliver has the details from moscow early on tuesday morning, ukrainian drugs of tox cities of the lab. and usually it comes to the central russian region of the top just on the you are, these were line click tom, guessing an oil refinery in mission accounts. and the dormitories of the level good technical college students are told how to navigate and program trends using the ukranian complex that talk in just says here people including teenagers and for and is something about college according to sources,
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the investigative camecia of tons of stuff, qualified the drone raid, as a terrorist at times, among other things the investigation will have to find out how the ukrainians you are. these were able to slice so saw as they are about 1700. jimmy's is from the u . craig and buddha was it. they were launched from the ukrainians. how would treat and why they was pulled at only at the moment of hating the infrastructure? you leadership of all of the ultra z right? most square control, stratford isn't key with more on ukraine's comments on. this strike is certainly you kind of claiming responsibility for these attacks. and of course, as you can imagine, that keen to showcase what they say is their ability to launch attacks anywhere in russia using certainly what the official associates will say. all their own weapons . we've seen an increasing amount of, if you like, home growth weapons being research and developed in ukraine in recent months.
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indeed, according to the fingers put together by the organization change defense weekly. they estimating that around $1300000000.00 has been allocated to research and development of ukranian weapons inside you frame the 2020 full. that's an 8 fold increase on last year. ukraine leadership say that these attacks are completely legitimate and that's despite them closing waves. in washington for example, the cranium is number one, i like the us concerned the strike, so deep inside russia could if the heating for example, oil facilities and one of those attacks of report to the on and all passivity in the last 24 hours. then we could see a global increase in oil prices. and as you can imagine, that's not something that the americans, one will certainly the pardon administration one is going into an election. they're also concerned that these attacks could cause and even greater escalation by russia . let's take
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a closer look at the overall situation and the ukraine. russia war at the moment, rush, i controls around a 5th of ukraine's territory. it has gained ground near done yet in the past months, taking control of these co in february and areas around the flute. these are the main areas of fighting on the front line. it's focused near russian hill done yet, and close to severest killed by ukraine. moscow has intensified it strikes against you grained and its power grids. since last month's attacks on a most ago concept called russia has accused ukraine of being involved in the earlier we spoke to ukraine's former president federal power sankoh. and he said now is not the time to negotiate. peace with russia, you cannot find out the nation who won the peace more than to be your printer because we pay the biggest price for that. but believe me, please don't trust for you. and please do not believe in jim,
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because what you don't need neither don't boss. no, i mean no. kennesaw knows a police fortune one. i raise you clean a tool from the world map which in the water the t a little ukrainians. and to have you plane is a program suppress? this is the thoughts of mine. yeah. and that's why they're basis for the goals t shimmies epson. we will be more than happy to put you into the door. the step pulls from the printer to rich and immediately stop. they will not totally re afraid in on force and the thing. and people surprised people also the fact which quote, you do not expect it to the level of solely debit of default. well, when you create the level of the effectiveness of the old west, the mac bus from space not only with the weapons supply, but also with the sanction effective mechanism. and believe me why i'm so confident
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because west term support for to your credit is not that yet or is not the 8. this is the west of investment in the fees security instability on the glow. it's still a head on alpha 0 in sports will be hearing from the football or who was sent off south to being racially abused during a spanish league game. so how much will have that story just about the business like this? this brought to you while the peg. this is a live supply on one of your this makes modern pleads. the
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business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the edit site for support with sun a how much? who's doing this on it?
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thank you very much. sherry lama just the city manager of pep. squad deal and says he has no problems with his plays guardiola high the he to the exchange with his team on the pay to off to the new and they'll drill with arsenal on sunday. it was the result that left the city and so say as in the english feminine behind arsenal and leaders, livable always they are small face newton while sitting at home to ask them villa budget. i gave this okay, take response that when questions about his behavior and then need the cameras to my eagle go to sleep with the incredible satisfaction. so that is the reason why. so always i try to criticize the play is there and let them feel that how but they are and, and especially when everything this course because accomplishments has to be with me know with them to do, i use the cameras to, to do that. so my advice next time don't feel much, it will not be a problem and do what we want to be and to. and i want to take this opportunity and,
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and make it happen done today. we work every single day with with that. and so she has them on, on bison to, to make it happen and, and, and i'm enjoying the moment as well. i see the team ready for rolling and they are really excited about playing these game. there are 9 games left in the season for the top 3 or separated by only 3 points. it is livable at home to sheffield united on thursday. and today, inter milan have moved a step closer to winning the serious title. they beat visitors and put it to now on monday. said it equal demarco going to be open in the 1st house with all my money and i get an arsenal, saw alexis sanchez going the 2nd lights on. the result means into have a 14 point lead at the top of the table and so we're not south of european chance history got by accident typical method either. 2 or in span, i'd like to go are aiming to make sure they qualify for your top club competition.
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next season. late goal from sold gave them a to one. when over villareal, athletic law fulton lee go with the changes to the quote, the final guess force he has argument on its way. us ok. basics are a, has a thing that we on the do it solve and he's just junior, for publicly backing him off the he was targeted with racist abuse. so i'll place in the spanish the, to the senegalese. keep up with sense all for when he confronted arrival. fence was abusing him, easiest junior has been over pieces, victim of racism in space taught league. and he reacted to this latest incident by calling 4 racist fans to be sent to jail. this game was abandoned to one source, teammates walked off the pitch and to show support for their fellow play. mine, i left nothing. this is not the 1st time. it's happened to me. on other occasions, it could have been seen as something funny or joe coming up, but that wasn't the case on saturday. it was something horrible. it was a sub ugly thing. i sold vinicius, attacked me on social media,
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showing his support. i'm thankful about more play of said no to racism like he does the racist. wouldn't have the power they seem to have now. and then crickets had been stokes a, has ruled himself out of the upcoming p. 20. woke up the old around the says he's still working his way back to full fitness. often he surgery, the t 20 will. compet starts in june. it's being played in the usa in west indies, england or the defending chapter. this what am i hope? pulled off the rev feet of beating michael phelps and the olympic final has announced his retirement. joseph schooling is still the only accurate from single pool to have one and the limpid gold medal. he'd beat phelps and the one who did meet the board to fly at the 2016 real games. it was the last individual race of phelps, korea, and the high point for schooling, who never reach another and then pick final any regrets. you asked
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me that 5 years ago, i'd probably say yeah. after the olympics, 2016 cats up my foot off the gas and i was about most head and shoulders above everyone, complacent. and i don't regret that right now, but i still wonder what if we just kept going along that path. also calling it today is all black. let in some white locate. this will be his last season in pro rugby, the 5 year old is the most comp that plan use in history like log that has to pay the $153.00 times for his country, winning to welcome and also support for me, a 100 bucks to say, all right, thank you so much a sauna and i'm going to, we've got a few minutes left so we want to cover the rest of the world news here. incentive goal, that's huge, of my fi has been sworn in as president's. he promised to pack a corruption and govern with transparency after 3 years of political turmoil. age
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445 is the youngest. democratically elected president in africa. you want a landslide victory and presidential elections just 10 days after being released from prison. a report by the world bank shows south asia is expected to remain the fastest growing emerging market in the next 2 years. it predicts growth of 6 to 6 point one percent in 2024, and to 2025. largely because of india, a strong economic performance. but private sector investment has slowed since the pandemic dropping from 7.2 percent for 2019 to 3 and a half percent in the past 3 years. the report notes only 59 percent of south asia is working age population is employed as compared with 70 percent in other emerging markets. the report also says south asia is vulnerable to the impact of climate change. on average, it says 60000000 people a year have been affected by natural disasters. since the 2010 middle fernandez has more from the sri lankan capital, colombo,
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the world bank says that the south asian region has reported some of the best performances among emerging market and developing economies. but this is somewhat deceptive growth because india is the driver of these numbers and is far ahead of its region of neighbors who are still grappling with economic crises. the often effects and scholars of major economic issues. some of the problems has been some of the most closed economies for trade. and now the issue is not being able to create jobs in keeping with the numbers of those coming on the market. and the world bank report has put forward some solutions or recommendations if sales as are raised, it's changed to g d p ratio and a tool to do you measure marketing, developing and call me iris, deposited the same. and if it's raise the capital flow, it's cost to the call and openness to be measured marks and developing on the
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average, the probability of sparking a private sustain private investment acceleration could be about $1.00 off higher. well, commending so long because perseverance and commitment to rebuilding often the countries was speaking on the crisis in memory. the world bank says the pasa head is still long. i'm not uh sure, lanka obviously also needs to indicate and the government needs to show its commitment to continue with the reform process. according to the world bank, which is the way that the country can come out of its economic issues. fernandez, judges, 0 colombo. and that does it for me serve any 8 for today. laura cairo will be with you in a moment with more of the days news. we are expecting a briefing at the un security council within the next hour or so following as a strike, the strike on the wrong console its in damascus. we've been covering that and stay with the
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search and use zone from the root. when's in genocide the same as remembered, school bone in honor of the, of the 800000 lives that perished. but with my screen still being from a many ruined and stuart displaced to reconcile is the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra in the bigger one that i couldn't yet in history. the was bigger of democracy, both its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jen on a new for pop cd focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of the freedoms in india and the future of india. in fact, with independent media being the other for foxley, on those is either a, we look at the world's top business stores, how much is the rebuilding go to cost of who pays from global markets and economies
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of small businesses. we have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects the dives. how big a problem is global food insecurity counting the cost? oh no, just the euro. now let me tell you about safari equal result. the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on within large tears. faced with a look in my private now, thanks. i to visit somebody probably equal, resorted in gonna a mechanic knows a motor home from a career. and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz to make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the
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condemnation and calls for an investigation and gauze are off to and is really strike killed 7 employees of the wealth, central kitchen tire. save the other, the more kyle: this is out there alive from doha. also coming up, a funeral is held for the palestinian aide where i could killed in that attack. the group is now suspended as operations a garza with thousands of facing stuff.


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