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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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too, and so do we, it's why we work with bill cuz he'll make a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the a condemnation and calls for an investigation in gauze or off to an as rainy strike killed 7 employees of the wealth, central kitchen chairs a the other them or a kyle, this is out there alive from doha. also coming up, a funeral is held for the palestinian aide, walk a killed in that attack. the group is now suspended as operations a garza with thousands of facing stall mation. major fire in central is tumble,
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kills at least $29.00 people of the night club under renovation. plus the ukrainian drones hit target deep inside russian territory moving a 1000 kilometers from the pulls up. the israel is facing international condemnation of the killing 7 age workers in central garza. 6 were for nationals and one palace to them. the strike against the walls central kitchen team isn't the 1st time as well has targeted 8. why? cuz moving to hundreds have been killed in gauze since october. the 7th on march. 19th is really all me talk said humanitarian work has made the q 8 round about same goals, a city as they were distributing aid. at least 23 people were killed on march,
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13th and underwood, distribution center in the south with attacks. one you install for was killed and another $22.00 were injured. and on february 29th, more than $100.00 civilians were killed. when is there any forces? open 5 on crowd to gather to receive food. the latest attack which killed $78.00 workers took place in federal bala i was there is him to conduct a report from the scene of the attack. i'm crazy. standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world, central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and then merican and
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a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and ruffle and every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on
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a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's has at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of troops on the day they were targeted. this is in the city all to 0. that is, but i cause a strip a funeral has been held and rough for the palestinian employee of wells central kitchen and some boot how. how was a drive for the age con void that was hit, this place kind of sent in say they fed the a tackle the n g o will lead to further salvation? honey mackwood has more on the consequences of the attack from rough. this is likely to have a very negative impact on an already desperate situations and assignment that is going very 5 very close for spreading very fast in the northern part with the plate of resources and the southern partner over crowded drop off city. and already we,
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we've been experiencing this broken aid mechanism is starting from the obstruction off of 8 into the gas spread. the prevention of mazda of a truck from the other side of the border is due to move in as smoothly and deliver much needed it. and then the constant attacks on, on aid convoys, an aid, the law enforcement securing the delivery of, of 8 do much needed a pop much it, it is supplies for desperate population. and all of this was kept blocked by with a direct attack. the deliberate direct attacks on a w c k. employees in the gods frame for the past month and a half. they've been working cooking meals and bonding well with people here there . that's why there is a sense of a frustration mix with with anger and sadness over the tragedy of last night. these people worked very closely with displaced families in the central area and,
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and here in overcrowded refined evacuation centers, cooking them, meals that help them survive these difficult conditions and nothing short or of a deliberate attack. just giving the pattern of how it happened and the likelihood of, of implications in the negative unplug it. it will have on, on the a, the wave aid being delivered to, uh, northern parts, gauze, and city. and here in over a private southern part of the stress spring and now correspondent and occupied to east jerusalem having to sell heat and home to the world. central kitchen has said that its convoy should never have been hit because he has really minutes. we had all the necessary information on it, how we hearing the is really prime minister responding to this a pull initially this morning we heard from the is really army spokesperson, daniel, how god, you who released the video statement in english, calling it quote, an incident, but not acknowledging responsibility,
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he then went on to offer condolences and say that israel expresses deep sorrow for what happened. but then later on in the afternoon did hear from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. who said that this was full unintentional. let's take a listen. that's the amount when i'm you could argue unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the gods and strip this happens in go. we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again to the shuttle. so under the hearing as well, saying it will open a situation room to avoid a repeats of this sort of mistake or what do you know about boss? is role defense minister yolanda yolanda to met with these really army chief of staff who is going to be part of all of these investigations and probes into the
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incident. and in a read out from his roles, defense ministry. so that, you know, of the launch had essentially instructed defense officials with 4 main tasks. the 1st was to investigate the incident. the 2nd was to look for on the apologies which is going to take care of us straight to the united nations security council meeting in new york, where we're hearing i'm discussing, as well as a tackle new running concept building into basket others that have been subsequent to me, the other force today that the desk door has the reason to 137 in person and, and 6 syrian citizens i raise the rates. the secretary general combination of the at tech lets me be very clear, is the invite liability of the people that you can't cost through the premises and the person and it must be respected in all cases. in accordance with international law, the silver anti entered a total integrity of member states must be respected in accordance with
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international law. the rules visit that the restaurant or the is essential for international peace and security, which this council is monday through to month teen. but the president special award get paid, their son has kept the discounts, that uprising of the airline think violence on the ground in syria, which features 6 for an arm is operating on each territory. in fact, think of the lives of c regions and the moving a peaceful resolution of the conflict farther out the fruits among them. increasingly leaping attacks on ever on the link it targets in syria have been attributed to ease read, especially since the code and the conflict with how much in guys have begun. on the 7th of october, open sources have reported the at least those and such at back since the beginning of the see if what is the right has rarely claimed that the responsibility for
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any of these incidents is officials have repeatedly knowledge it's military operations and still you tend to have suggest that's, that's most that's operations would occur in the future. we are based on the concept today as we do every month to continue to actively engage or concerned about this to prevent further escalation. and the worst thing of tensions that undermine region on peace and security by the presidents allow me to raise the rates the secret that in general, this call on all costs sort of that to exercise at most risk strain and the voice for the escalation. and i also underlined his consistence cause on all parties to respect all the obligations ends of international law. including international manufacturing, low as applicable, as to avoid effects, that's good times to be in
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a demo to be the 1st 2nd to any miscalculation could lead to abroad. the conflict in and the tide region with divest they think consequences for cvd is what already the seeing. i'm president, that suffering in syria, lebanon, the police didn't. okay. bike police tina territory and the brother made the list. thank you my, that president. i think this for harry, for his we think i now give the floor to those council members who wished to make statements. i give the flow to the representative of the russian federation. i suppose the dispose of it says that to me, putting it experience in the way of taking no face, actual size, the sub secretary general hello carry on the latest most series of israeli attacks targeting the territory of the syrian, our republican. you can go to split up. we believe it
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a strange because we know that a representative of the secretary is using terms sorted out because there's no such as a new rules based international order. this contributes a clue with which we put our western partners so love to you so much instead of referring to the un charter and international law. because that even with these group, which we think the multi is presidency for promptly convening today's emergency meeting of the security council under the agenda item threats to international peace and security in as we requested as to discuss the incessant miss island bomb attacks by the israeli defense forces targeting various sites in syria against the backdrop of the unprecedented scale of casualties brought about by the military operation of west jerusalem in the gaza strip. which continues, despite the demand of un security council resolution $2728.00 for an immediate cease fire. great, and we are extremely concerned by such blatant press regard by these really
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authorities, but the connivance of the united states for a legally binding decision of the council. a prime example is israel's attack on a humanitarian convoy, leading a warehouse and central garza coordinated by the end. you rolled central kitchen usually take you to several aid workers, were killed in that era strand. could use to use it as before. you the fact that the actions of these really military caused the deaths of innocent civilians was recognized even by the prime minister of israel. we trust that we will discuss this matter separately at another time. today we are here to consider another aspect of israel's reckless actions is not a precedent yesterday on april 1st, these really air force has struck the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in damascus. as a result of the attack, the building was leveled to the ground. the office of the ambassador of these limits of republic over onto syria was also damaged report indicate that there,
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that there was a significant number of dead and wounded him all his stuff. some of the she can use and we condemn this attack in the strongest terms, is we consider any attacks on diplomatic and consular premises being viability of which is guaranteed by the relevant data conventions of 196119632 be categorically unacceptable. so with the money we would like to try particular attention to the fact that this is not the 1st attack and carried out by israel in a densely populated area of the capital, damascus, which has generated high risks of mass casualties among civilians. since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian is rarely confrontation on october 7, the number of is really a tax on some of syrian civilian infrastructure and series neighbors has multiplied the which one of the tasks of motor on the night of march 29th is really,
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the aircraft launch strikes on various facilities in the vicinity of a level that attack causing thousands of casualties with many more injured rodney earlier on march 28th. but most people are going to civilians were injured in and is really extract in damascus province on march. 17 and 19 is really showing was directed at the northeastern and southern suburbs of damascus from the occupied syria and go on the system because the pressure in the past few months alone is really aircraft, have attacked the international airports in damascus and the level several times these airports service the main gateway for the entry of united nations humanitarian aid and to syria. they also struck the areas of dera store and to book him all where the syrian military continues it's persistent, struggle against the remaining militants, of terrace groups, to whom our american colleagues, despite their loud statements, are in fact providing patronage and protection. seizures. but we will leave this
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topic for a nother security council meeting dedicated to the situation in syria, which is not a president. the russian federation decisively condemns the ongoing rates on these sovereign territory of syria and use them as a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of that states is what he was supposed to be aware of. the view that such aggressive actions by israel, our design to further fuel the conflict and they are of their absolutely unacceptable and most stop. let's tell you, we urge west jerusalem to abandon the practice of provocative acts of force and the territory of syria and other neighboring countries. which was fraught with extremely dangerous risk and consequences for the entire region. a region that is already destabilized as the results of the 6 month escalation of violence around god. the reason why we call on the international community to unequivocally condemn israel's breakfast actions, which violates the sovereignty of the syrian or
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a republic and the inviolate ability of diplomatic property. and we consider it necessary for all responsible members of the international community to provide an objective, legal assessment of israel's aggression in the middle east. which ignores not only the provisions of the un charter and relevant resolutions of the security council and the general assembly. but also the fundamental principles of the vienna conventions on diplomatic and consular relations meet human colleagues. i'm counting on the salad, dirty. the members of the council regarding the fact that a tax on diplomatic institutions are unacceptable due to after all, if we do not reaffirm disposition of solidarity next time, the diplomatic commission of any state could be targeted by an error and we trust that each of you today will give a fair assessment of israel's actions against the iranians from reading and diplomatic mission. i think you i assigned to representative of the russian
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federation plus the philistines representative of china. to hear. madam president, jose manuel to who are the house as clear and i would like to congratulate mocked her for assuming the presidency of the costs of this month. the chinese station were fully incorporated with you and your colleagues, also command japan, for all your efforts serving as the presidency of the council. last month. madam president, yesterday the uranium diplomatic purposes and domestics, syria, were hedge fund, as strikes, causing the death of 7 uranium personnel, as if you're damaged to the premises. this is a great violation of the you in charge of international law and a breach of the sovereignty of both syria and iran. this attack is of an extremely vicious nature. china strongly condemned. this attack are 25 years ago. my name
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was china's embassy in yugoslavia. was bombed by us lad, nato, asked drake, resulting personnel casualties and damage to the embassy. we feel the grief and pain of the rain and government on people. so you don't mind doesn't seem to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the uranium government. people in quotas with the vienna convention of different logical relations and the universally recognized basic norms governing international relations. the safe discourage you have to provide to commissions is being via level to allow infinity for such reckless acts. that like any baseline, was done to seriously wrong sick. nobody's going to would encourage, given more risky acts, which we thought we took note of the solemn protests and contamination. so a guest, israel risk by iran, syria, and other arab countries, is showing the hope that the israel will respond to them. says madame
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precedence, who knows who is just the cause of conflict, broke out the hawk till the last year. we have witnessed a tax and homes. she'll be a tax on schools, a tax on hospitals, no fuel attacks, humanitarian facilities, a tax on human agencies. today you'll be a tax on diplomatic pharmacist. you're going to keep going to the red line of international law and the basic norm, subbing international relations as being preached time under game. and the moral bottom line of human conscience has been crushed, time again time. and again, such a situation of such a tragedy must have stopped immediately. from last week, the council adopted a resolution 2728, calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. strongly call all the international community to work together. to ensure that this resolution is implemented will go so that the muslim community will not have to celebrate the month of ramadan. in
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the midst of gunfire at present, going to the ground situation and gaza is deteriorating. with the rising spill over, risks of the situation in the middle east has become ever more precarious. israel's frequent crosspost strikes against targeting, syria and lebanon, are a serious violation of the sovereignty independence and territorial integrity of the countries concerned and half aggravated tensions throughout the region. such a provocative action might trigger a great turmoil, jeopardize the security of the entire region. search mattress must stop immediately from both china, our cause on all parties, especially countries with important influence on these rail to play a constructive role. and to make concrete efforts to bring about immediate, assessed by and gaza, to use tensions restore peace and stability in the history middle east at an early
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date. thank you, president of china and policy. phil, this is a representative of funds is not because you don't is it so to the city see that i'm president. i would like to congratulate you. so he goes on and you may have suited this evening to the presidency of the security council. and i'd like to think was about the delegation of japan for their actions throughout the month of march. i'd also like to take this or shot in his bring up the key strikes yesterday in damascus, because you have taken place of the context of drawing hyphens tension in syria origin since the hamas terrace attack on the 7th of october. and so they ran edits, regional partners, there have this war and a heavy responsibility of this escalation, the civilian population remain on the front line. the front line victim sense security of states with reach is directly threatening 5 this escalation. our collective responsibility is therefore to do everything possible to ease tensions.
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all actors in the region must show restraint for its parts. france will continue to work. to prevent a regional spill over in coordination with our partners, we are working towards the t escalation in the security council and elsewhere wherever necessary. that is the case in lebanon, where we have warranted against any strength of escalation. the parties must urgency work to implement resolution 17 o one to the fullest and see system. in our discussions with policies we have called for association of hostilities. you nfl has a crucial role to play in this context. and we come into sector disease, induce difficult circumstances, given the very disturbing situation in the red sea and in the gulf of age and friends for the cause, its commitment to the freedom of navigation, we firmly condemn the stabilizing actions carried out by the hotel. these actions must just would stop, but france will continue to show that the responsibility to ensure security and the
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right in red save. and finally, in syria, france calls for the implementation of respiration. 2254. you're not going to say adopted by this council. and we regret it's the refusal of the damascus for shame, supported by its russian underwriting of the allies to commit to a critical and inclusive political process. the syrians continue to pay the price by them. president, france is working to avoid an escalation and region in syria and lebanon, and ending him and as well as to provide a political entry, a monetary and response to the crisis and goals. so thank you. i think the represents the thoughts and process sources represent to a 5 chair. you think you're more than president? hi, extend my congratulation for mazda home, assuming the presidency of the security council for the month of april. and i
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want to assure you all funds it is full to support home also like to congratulate japan for the successful presidency during the month of march. i think we start harling c r e for it's presentation. first i want to hold hold true condolences to the people and government of the following. the deadly heard us like by you the are usually of you ation on this diplomatic premises in damascus. yesterday, these are park who's a clear violation, offering promotional move, a,
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particularly the availability of diploma to turn costs on the premises of outlined by end of u. m. a conjunction on diplomatic relation and vm i convention home call. so now relations such a good i have grave bridge or the motion obligation by these really occupying power cannot be justified or told you that we must prize a strong voice against the dungeon to supplication of this vocation, which could lead to escalating functions and why the reason of the consequences. the timing of these attacks in the face of an emotional
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pressure, florida sees firing guns though, through un security 202728. just kate deliberate disregard for the core, for sufficient facilities coming from the war and promotion of the community. the aim of such a bark. did he bit ok? he's obvious. responding to him to emotional impressions by escalating the conflict. which formal dictating or funny simeon, for i'm mom 40 to come calculation. to tease evidence that this i'm just done jealous. ok. he's of nature to
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throw that on fire vision into conflict. it's reflecting a belief or impunity by deals that are really occupying power, which can see that it's of a both promotion and move. i came to a collect list. i'm checking forces this dubious fund us, where these are all really fall. do 3 go. the variables expecting all the to a power and their minds. the very foundation, how far i'm the motion, i'm older. this behavior falls. charles o 43 expect from that is possible. member of our organization. we have previously emphasized the need to stop,
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to stop. they will combine authorities and violation of its promotional move well done. president. the un security council must respond firmly and decisively to this challenge. to fund the month, i'm suppose of state solvent diploma fund and the respect for 30 podium and give you to take your degree to all of our promotional order homes on the bundles. and that must be repub cushion for such, for lack of them just to the god of the new to reinforce how to collect, keep commitment to uphold egypt,
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the choice his stock to hey this, suppose the principal, how do you in charlotte and um on a promotional move, for least plunging into cables and the security on that is going to spill over the time for this order auction is upon us. all right, thank you. hi, sandra, present to a volunteer? yeah, i'm positive, so this is the represents the flow venue. thank you very much, my them president. i also want to thank you. congratulate you on assuming the presidency to you and to mazda and i want to tank japan for leading us through the month of march. um i think the assistant secretary jennifer academy for his briefing i would like to.


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