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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  April 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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commitment to propose didn't get the choice. his stock. hey, the opposed the principal. how do you? in short hunter, i'm on an emotional move for risk plunging into cables. and the security on that is going to spill over the bod for this order auction is upon us. all right, thank you. hi, sandra presenter, volunteer. yeah, i'm positive, so this is a representative of lavinia. thank you very much. my them president. i also want to thank you. congratulate you on the assuming the presidency to you and to mazda. and i want to thank japan for leading us through the month of march. so i think assistant secretary jennifer academy for a she's briefing. i would like to express our deepest,
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deepest concern over the new development team to meet the least, including the reason that that comes you promising premises of the stomach republic of you don't need the muscles on april 1st through salting. several casualties. become damned yet tech attacks from different logic premises unacceptable and justifiable. i'd like to make the points in that regard 1st. so the most profoundly concerned over the escalation that's below what effects across the region current, devastating situation and garza has already had a strong impact on the situation along the blue line on in the red sea. we continue to see other extremely concerned against events in the region, including the one the, the mosque was yesterday. we strongly believe the tensions need to be reduced on the situation needs to be escalated. we appealed on all parties to show restraint to recall for the compliance with the security that comes to the solution. $2728.00,
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a ceasefire, and garza with the east pensions across the region. secondly, all you and member states have an obligation to respect and act in accordance with the principles of the un charter, and especially taught to go to unsettling into national disputes by peaceful means and on the refraining from use of force. there is no room for arbitrary interpretations, the same standards apply to all member states of the united nations. so we call in order to show these trained in the use of proxies which good for the fuel or provoke regional tensions. we are concerned over the escalation, escalade 3, the tory by different countries and actors on the caution that any miscalculation could lead to a new mention about consequences. thirdly, we call in all parties to respect international. really mind that all military activities should be carried out in accordance with international, including internationally for me to tell you a little. we underlined that or the parties concerned need to fully comply with the
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international governing diplomatic and considerate relations. or mr. president, it should be in no one's interest to have further dangerous escalation. need to be the least any of this or graphically separated but to make the intertwined crises could take on the life of their own people of their age and have suffered enough. and this includes people in palestine, israel m in syria, lebanon era, and on the elsewhere we should all place their interest 1st. this is why it is crucial for this console to send a clear call for the strain by or starting with compliance with the solution 2728, demanding a ceasefire. serena spencer id to engage in a comprehensive response to the crisis. we underlined the need for unity of the console to maintain international peace and security. thank you. a hi. signed representative of savannah. i'm positive so, so the representative of specimens,
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you'll see more than that because you don't always ask you to have plenty of sales to be as if it was the 1st public month. you know, meeting of this month. i assure you of switzerland for support throughout your presidency. and i think japan ford's excellent management of our affairs during the month of march and presidents, we think assistant secretary general for the middle east colored kerry for his briefing, deal with detailing yesterday's events in damascus. switzerland condemns the era strike against the uranium consulate and damascus, which killed and injured several people. this strike considerably increases the risk of a major escalation in the regions. the spiral of escalation was stopped immediately . this includes just putting an end to militia tax in the region and the implementation of resolution $2728.00, demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. let's use copy. switzerland also recalls that resolution $2254.00 calls for
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a national cease fire in syria. do more than what we call and all parties and those with influence over them to exercise the utmost restraint to the kind of people we all channels of communication must be used to avoid any misunderstandings within a single miscalculation can have disastrous consequences. further deterioration in the situation must be avoided. 20 people and we collectively have the means to prevent it on so any use of force must strictly compact apply with international law and international humanitarian law. must be respected by all party is given the current climates, the proper conduct of diplomatic activity is of the utmost importance the most pretty much diplomatic buildings must not be targeted with these to assume such situations, dialogue is essential and this will be particularly to find solutions this council and all states must play their full part in facilitating de escalation,
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switzerland is ready to make its contribution. i thank you. thank the representative of switch to then i'm processor is a representative of the republic of korea. thank you. more than presidents, claudia, or so change in all the delegations, expressing full support to the assumptions of presence by malta, and also come in step in these excellent leadership presence last month. i also think a s g, a colleague, kerry for the very uh, useful briefings. yesterday, we replaced another escalade to risk incidents that resulted in casualty using thomas, cuz last week to respond to the situation in casa, better over to 30 to 1000 people having killed 70 percent of home from our report to be children, beaman discounts of finally succeeded. in adopting resolution 2728. realize
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an immediate cease fire release all really is all hostages and ensure humanitarian access level. douglas, and in the absence of implementation of resolution 2728. seen on other incident in a neighboring country yesterday. just very confident in mits high patients. as during the course of our discussions regarding division since october 7th, the secret council members have a share that understanding that the cause of situation should not split over the neighboring areas. therefore, the instance in thomas cross yesterday is older, more concerning, in the context of the larger development in the region related to casa, yet, we also know through the consent, incidents such as this, have the potential to spill over into 11 and 2. it is also deeply appalling
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that the attack took place on diplomatic and considered a premises. i would like to reiterate the such a tex, a contrary to international law and global norms. and that it is imperative for all members to respect diplomatic and cultural emissions in times of both war and peace by them present history tells us that an unexpected event could expand into recoverable tragedies. we are increasingly concerned. edison would fall into flesh points could escalate into new tragedies in the region. and it is a civil units who suffered the most and such tragedies as we bear weakness in the cause. us trip. reflect on history. my delegation shares the position of other
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customer members calling for restraint from full concerns parties and expressing our hi things concerned about any possible escalations your, your rep, erupt, revocable, couple calamities in the future can be prevented if the concerned part to show restraint in the present i think you as i signed the representative of the republic of korea, i'm so so this is representatives, tara you but i'm kristin. thank you for inviting the meeting. and let me during colleagues and congratulate malta. when i assume in the presidency of the security council for this month of gabriel, we also were thinking, come in japan under successful requested n c in the month of much welcome to precedence and participation of the representative of iran and c. a. in this meeting we also think is a colleague of k,
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a for the information provided. so you know, the outset on this call is the import tested for size, the sample size nature of the united nations charter and its principles, including the principle in trying an article to play golf for which provides that to my quote on members show you when in the international regulation from the to get or use of force against the tell you to have the integrity of what it's got, independence of any state or in any or the ink consistent with the purposes of united nations. and of course, accordingly setting takes note of the identical letters from in on the media reports of, most of the aspects of the tech i don't in implementing appointments is the most cost which has to be ported is altered in fatalities. this means that i talked when a diplomatic claim is implicates which is of you and try to respect for the southern t until you tell the integrity of member states as well as the 9 to 61. have been
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a conventional diploma technicians in the ninety's success, even a conventional control relations. so to condemns the use of force in violation of you and try to get events international law included in the development and conduct affinity relations, diplomatic and consumer protections. we also decry conduct individual and that may lead to an escalation of updates to insure into all of the volatility situation to the right to life, the particular civilian sensitivity and object under protection of diplomatic missions, i stuck with some principles in trying international law and any violation of this principles must be condemned to talk it to the people about the mission once on the minds of about peace and security. for the mental protections, including the info ability of diplomatic and close to appointments, this must be all parallel to ensure the safety of all the pretty much and because of the agent implement, peaceful, unfriendly emissions among the states. but i'm president antonie, into the ongoing,
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most of it is in the conflict in garza, in spite of the adoption of resolution to and $728.00 where the security council, which demands an immediate cease fire for the month of what am i done in guys? are leading to a less just assume a ceasefire. feel expressed is deeply good study resolution is not many a suspected by the parties for the conflict. it is what repeating the parties of the conflict on the occasion to expect declared the mind to disagree, to cancel. and then also fully implemented solutions. 2712 for the 720-2720. it adopted by this console. since the stats of the guys a conflict set with influenza. once again, always to apply the necessary pressure on the parties to implement the discuss solutions. we also, we show you called the international court of justice indication of vocational measures and the 26th january 2024 order in the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. and it goes to sleep,
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said africa was easily ill. and the order of $28.00 much 2024 on the request with the modification of the order of $26.00. january 2024 indicates info. visual measures as the orders are being transferred. the courts of justice were you to get speak to the impiety for an immediate cease fire, respected by all parties. the immediate, an on going to show you this up all stages. the audience need to expand the flows of light. you might need to and assistance to and again force the protection of stimulants. and the impact does a stream with a lot of do compliance with the parties and fully implementation of the security that goes with a solution. but you cannot, the 2728. we've got to a lot of the parts of an i quote on easily yes, like that q 7. it was from the was into the kitchen, leading to the child to suspend delivery on to see or fights out for it because of and of called the good simply because you didn't go there seems to have no, no,
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no limits sealants. you want it to you and was doing, at least of all being tragic victims of the conflict without the implementation of the is which was of the security council. we're now depressed the piece of putting at least the credibility and legitimacy of this consul in the closing. but i'm president said, oh, just where we stand and the escalation to avoid further detail. the issue of a situation in does a and the me to is to you, john. we emphasize the importance of implementing all gonna be one security comes with solutions as well as the importance of completion to pos you implemented means to address also guys to piece in scale you to individual i think i think the representative of charity out i'm pos itself is representative just i'm thinking that i'm present as today's the 1st open briefing this month. let me take this opportunity to express austin. see
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a gratitude to all council members for their kind support during japan's presidency . we wish invested up a new stuff for the and so able team of most of the best of luck for the month of april a bit that shows or seems to have support as we have received from you. i also like to thank is tracy abbey for his briefing. although we have yet to consume the facts on the ground to find his money during with deep costs in the situation. following the report, it strikes against you, run your diploma, take pregnancy. seen damascus that need to be killed at least 13 people, including you and young professionals. what i'm present, we are seriously worried about the coming to full time situation in the middle east, in which any additional conflicts could lead to a wider escalation and confrontation. they are full japan codes of an old friedman
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pop these to exercise maximum restraint not to engage in any further discovery. lising actions. what this now desperately need. it is subsidy to find remains committed to making every effort in close cooperation with for the low cost of members and other key stakeholders to prevent a said that the $2.00 a ration of the situation to restore security and stability and to find sustainable solution to in the crisis in the region i think is assigned to representative japan and plus to, to the representative of the nice king. thank you president. let me congratulate mussa on assuming the presidency for the month of april and thank japan for this successful presidency during the month of march. i also think a history chary for his briefing on monday strike in damascus. we underline the
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importance of respects, if the availability of diplomatic premises and protection of diplomatic and consider stuff for the proper conduct of diplomatic relations. the safety and security of diplomatic premises and stuff is a fundamental principle guiding diplomatic relations its presence. we are clear that it runs well in the stabilizing the region, so it submit it tree. financial and political support groups which have been conducting and threatening attacks is unacceptable amongst the groups as your role and has continued to support how most palestinian islamic jihad is. but i mean issues in syria and iraq, and he sees as well as the talking you through these groups have been responsible for the attacks against international shipping and creating the tests of innocent mariners and attacks against international forces in iraq and syria.
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for the factory has raised repeatedly with his writing accounts about the need for the support to cease and for on to use his influence over the groups to prevent federal tax president, the united kingdom is deeply concerned about the potential for escalation in the region and cools on all parties to reduce tensions, we are committed to the escalation in the middle east. we've been calling for an immediate, tremendous every impulse and garza leading to a sustainable safe for without to return to destruction. fighting and loss of life . that's the fastest way to get hostages out. and 8 and this council sent a clear signal on this just last week when it passed resolution 2728, a stand ready to work with all members of this council on the international community to promote and protect international peace and security in the region.
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and throughout the world, i think i find the represent of the nicest kingdom i'm positive. so to the representative kiana talked to madame president and allow me to firstly congratulate malta on the assumption of the presidency of the council. and also to con coupon for the excellent stewardship of the accounts the last month kind of times the presidency for competing, today's meeting following reports. so for an incident involving an air strike against an iranian diplomatic facility in the mask of syria. yesterday we talk assistant secretary general and mr. cotton kerry for the help they provided an acknowledge the participation of the permanent representative. so if you ran in syria into meeting, ghana strongly condemns this attack. we maintain that any attack again. so diplomatic facility is unacceptable. contravenes the fundamental safeguards established in international law,
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including the convention under prevention and punishment of crimes against internationally protected persons, including the pro magic agent. diana joins or the council members and also reaffirming the principles of respect for sovereignty and territory. the integrity, including to prohibit sion on the use of force against the territory of integrity or political independence of any state. as in, trained in the united nations charter calls upon all states to fully comply with these obligations. we for the call for a total and swift investigation to determine the circumstances of this incident. we also urge to caution unrestrained by all parties and press upon those involved to avoid any further escalation of pensions in the region that could result in even more tragic consequences. i thank you so trying to represent a piano and plastic services representatives united states. oh,
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thank you man and present. and before i begin, let me congratulate you on assuming uh the presidency and assure you of my government is full support as you carry out your duties. i'd also like to congratulate japan for its very successful presidency in march and assist inspector general carrie. thank you for your briefing. colleagues. as the white house of state, the united states had no involvement in the reported strike yesterday in syria. neither do we know about it ahead of time. we have communicated this directly to iran. we cannot confirm any information about this event. as we gather details, one thing is clear. ron and its proxy and partner groups need to avoid escalating tensions in the region. indeed, since the october 7th terrace attack on israel, united states has repeatedly warned her on not to take advantage of the situation to escalate its long standing proxy war against israel and other actors. ron has
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ignored this morning, terrace, and other armed groups, some back by the syrian regime, enter on the syrian territory to plot and launch attacks on israel and us facilities and personnel. along the blue line, the ringing backed and armed his bullet attacks israel regularly in the red sea or any of the activities evaluated international law and repeatedly attack commercial emerging vessels. or any back rooms also have attacked us diplomatic facilities in iraq and attacked us military personnel engaged in the fight against iso dash runs and is evident in the actions of all of these tears and proxy and partner groups. we have repeatedly warned the serial machine to curb. it runs the stabilizing actions, it's territory us. we also have long standing concerns regarding the use the syrian
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territory to launch attacks on neighboring countries. for example, on march 31 is really fighter jet, reportedly intercepted a suspicious aerial target, making its way toward israel from the direction of syria. and on numerous occasions since october 7th, we have seen rockets, arm drones, and other weaponry being large from syrian territory toward these really positions in and around the go on heights. we have taken steps in self defense to respond to attacks and us military personnel conducting operations against irish and syria and iraq. we will not hesitate to defend our personnel and repeat our prior warnings to iran, and it's proxies not to take advantage of the situation. again, an attack in which we had no involvement for advanced knowledge to resume their attacks on us personnel. even as we continue to learn more about this incident,
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it seems clear that every member of this council should reiterate that all states, including iran and syria, have a responsibility to avoid the path of escalation, to stop arming and advising terrace groups. and to rein in the actions of proxies we threaten regional peace and security. man, i'm present to final point. i want to be clear. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property that was, in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states diplomatic commissions and their property as well as the official diplomatic residences must be protected even, and especially in times of arm conflict. as i noted earlier, we are also are concerned by reports. the terrace leaders and elements were allegedly present the sicilian and condemn ron's continued coordination. training.
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an army of terrorist and other violent extremist colleagues were setting in gravely concerned by reports of an idea. if ever strike on the world central kitchen convoy, this incident is yet they further reminder that israel needs to do much more to protect america or in personnel and facilities and gaza. it is unacceptable and inexplicable the nearly 6 months into this conflict is really military. confliction mechanisms are not functioning appropriately. we joined other countries that last citizens in this incident and calling for a transparent and comprehensive investigation. this must not happen again. thank you man. at present i sign to representative and i to say something. so it is representative of a for the philadelphia efforts and couldn't meet them. every middle fellow out of the pi a month old and system is welcoming the presidency appalled to for this is not me to edit the same time. i wish you every success and assure you of the support of
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our delegation. i would also take this opportunity to say japan for their extraordinary leadership in the security council for the month of march, witness by the president. we are grateful for the information provided by s. 200. having in ecuador condemns any attack, carried out against diplomatic and concert emissions and representatives, as well as any infringement on the security and integrity of missions and representatives of international inter governmental organizations and the staff of caesar organizer to organizations. and we reject these acts of violence regardless of origin equipment. we echoed the statements made by the secretary general regarding the attack on the ran into promising premises. this event not only runs counter to the principles and trying to international law governing behavior among states. but once again, it is cost the lives of civilians and has destroyed civilian and restructuring the
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assembly status by dedication, readings, races, possession the nothing justifies these types of attacks. and we, we are from the obligations that it all states, according to international law, must respect the immunity and involved in the ability of different mazda, going to consider offices as well as abide by the provisions of the 1961. the under convention on diplomatic relations and the 1963 convention on consider relations. any violation in this regard, if you see and think it out of it is a serious incident which and dangerous lives cause damage causes damage and negatively impacts the promotion of shared values. of the international community, in the quote for that reason, ecuador hopes that these are some will be due to investigators and that those responsible for responsible will be tried and brought to justice. moreover, we used to raise all concerned because acts such as this in the midst of an
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extremely complex global geo political situation, exhaustive aid tensions, and could unleash actions of unpredictable consequences for international peace and security. we therefore continue to call on states to work with maximum strength. thank you. i do represent a very close on passive sources representative mozambie. thank you. my them present alone to begin by 3 threats and governments through congratulation to you and to your country for assuming the christmas eve of the security council for the month of april. we also wish to assure you our support of a flood support during your pregnancy to japan. we expressed our gratitude for the successful presidency of the school concert. during the month of march. i would
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also grateful to assist and 6 to jenna missed the college the for proof, i think insights into these grace my to my them present yesterday's. s correct. which reports that it resulted in significant loss of lice and damage to the construction of it on embassy constitutes a fragment evaluation of the un sorta international ending in 0 ability of the diplomatic and consular training assessments. right. and they see on a coefficient these fundamental principles and flows must be respected and observed and up, you know, by all states, without an exception. mozambique strongly condemned this unacceptable attack. the incident starkly reminds us of the ongoing coffee. it is
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a political complex in the middle east, particularly concerning the palestine question and the ongoing patients between israel and its neighbors. we believe that size accents could potentially escalate regional tensions. 3 g afraid the conflicts involved in other countries and cooled, have unimagined, unimaginable implication for the regional and international peace and security. madam president, in length of this situation, disagree situation. it is imperative that all parts and falls, especially israel, stricter at chia for international legal norms and the agreement upholding these fundamental principle is essential to prevent fed, the military's confrontation. and one thing is the ability of this acute, the console must close to the one who taught the situation and take necessary measures to prevent further escalation of facilities resulting from these attack.
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we replace our consistent appeals to con.


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