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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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that is why we work with bill cuz so they could be a business to know your business. yep. we all, we you all the the kind of down or kyle, this is the news. our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, they will outcry off to his right. he strikes killed one palestinian and 6 for an aid workers and gaza. fronting several charities to spend operations at a time when funding is taking hold. as our appointment is to assess, the attack was unintentional, but announced through investigation reveals the convoy was deliberately targeted and was head 3 times as well as attack calling the iranian concert in syria take
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center stage has the un security council meeting going condemnation from most members. the and families of its way to kept his cool prime minister benjamin netanyahu. x rays to accusing him of being an obstacle to a captive steel costs. at least 29 people have been killed off for a fire rips through a night pump. that was under renovation. and is dental the as well is facing international condemnation and calls for urgent investigations off the $78.00 work has a killed in the attack. the groups come boy was hit. and darrow bhalla and central garza shortly often leaving a warehouse 6 with foreign nationals and one was a palestinian victims. what's for the world's central kitchen?
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that's a non profit organization that's been delivering desperately needed food to palestinians with several 8 groups including wall central kitchen have suspended the operations following the attack. this comes as half a 1000000 people in gauze are face to elevation and o 2300000 people are experiencing acute food shows, just according to the un, at least a 196, a as black as have been killed since, as well as will began in october, most of those works for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees unreal. which one's the biggest age operation in gaza? as low as hand cordaris begins our coverage from the scene of the attack in darrow bala. i'm crazy. standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by that is ready for says 3 of the cars are for the world central kitchen. and they had
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a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and then merican and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only or on the humanitarian
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sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age workers and international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship and a convoy that's has at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of troops on the day they were targeted. this is in the city of to 0. that is, but cause a strip of funeral was held in rafa for the palo city. an employee of well central kitchen is some other type of work as a driver and translate to the killing of 78 workers has had a huge impact on the already desperate situation for many displaced palestinians in gauze though. well, they now say that their lives will get even worse in the coming days for them that
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hey, was biased, really strikes. they mostly rely on incoming food age. but with minimal supplies entering goes up because of as well as blockade people and now grappling with a man made famine, 60 of the world central kitchen was feeding many people providing them with people without a people to know where to turn. so they will definitely be a lot of hungry muscle on the thing. and also i am set um want to get people to rely heavily on what the booth central kitchen provides as the situation is die. and they cannot afford to buy food due to its high cost. the suspension of the go central kitchen, will greatly impact the lives of people and their access to food, especially for children and pregnant women. the situation will become even more catastrophic. i'm of must be ohio, honey mackwood has more on the consequences of the attacks from rough. this is likely to have a very negative impact on an already desperate situations. an assignment that is going very fives. very. spreading very fast in the northern part with the plate of
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resources and the southern partner over crowded drop off city. and already we, we've been experiencing this. a broken aid mechanism is starting from the obstruction of, of 8 into the gas thread. the prevention of mazda of a truck from the other side of the border is due to move in as smoothly and deliver much needed it. and then the constant attacks on, on a convoys an aid, the law enforcement securing the delivery of, of 8 to much needed pop much it, it is supplies for a desperate population. and all of this was kept blocked by with a direct attack. the deliberate direct attacks on a w c, k. employees in the gulf stream for the past month and a half. they've been working cooking meals and bonding well with people here there . that's why there is a sense of a frustration mix with, with the younger add on sadness over the tragedy of last night. these people work
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very closely with display families in the central area and, and here in overcrowded refined evacuation centers, cooking them, meals that help them survive these difficult conditions and nothing shorter of a deliberate attack. just giving the patterns of how it happened and the likelihood of and of implications in the negative unplugging it, it will have on, on the a, the wave aid being delivered to uh, northern parts, gauze and city. and here in over a proud of southern part of this trip, the white house has joined wildly. doesn't that condemnation of the is really ministry strike on the aid calvin and gone. so the killed 7 watches, the wells central kitchen that employed the work is, is headquarters in the united states also is how you to castro has more, a more global condemnation of these rarely strikes that killed 78 workers from the world central kitchen. this time from the white house,
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we were outraged to learn of an idea of striking the killed the number of civilians, humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen. which has been relentless and working to get food to those who are hungry and gaza. quite frankly, around the world. president biden offered condolences via a spokeswoman to the families of the workers which include one american dual citizen, the white house, as the president plans to make it clear to is real. that workers must be protected world central kitchens, seo called the tac, unforgivable the n g o says it's workers were targeted as they drove away from a food warehouse in a d conflicted zone. and despite coordinating movements with the is rarely military world, central kitchen is headquartered in washington square. it was founded in 2010 by the spanish american ship. jose andres, its mission is to deployed to world disasters front lines in haiti, and ukraine, and now in gaza. and it says never before,
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has its workers been exposed to this level of danger? with many of its a trucks blocked by is really checkpoints, world central kitchen, built a jedi and gaza in march using it to receive nearly 200 metric tons of food. the ship, a 2nd ship carrying double that amount of food is now floating off the coast, as the group immediately paused operations after the aid workers, dest, these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what a humanity has to offer us. officials say they expect is really military to conduct a swift, comprehensive, and transparent investigation into the world. central kitchen workers, death more than 200 humanitarian workers have died in gaza since the war began. heidi jo, castro alger 0, washington of your inspector general antoneyer terrace, has condemned the attack. come,
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they're all calls for an urgent investigation. the devastating is rarely have strikes. that's cute. well, simple kitchen personnel yesterday being the number of days what good skill will be in this conflict, 196, including more than 175 members of all new n stuff. these is uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the warranty is being conducted. it demonstrates you have to gain the edge of needs for the media to many tendencies via conditional release of all searches and the expansion of your military and needing to gaza. as soon as he goes to the man, the needs resolution last week, the resolution must be implemented without the like, the i got the is a tragedy. we still don't understand how this could have happened. i'd like to express my sincere condolences to the family far be volunteer, and i spoke in person to the investor of israel,
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who assured me that this case will be urgent to explain. and that poland must receive a full range of information or the most of a stria expects. full accountability for the deaths of i'd with his, which is completely unacceptable. i'd workers and size doing humanitarian work. you need a whole innocent civilians need to be provided with protection. the sky has had a very clear position of supporting sustainable safe spot of cooling for, for some period of time. we certainly have already contacted this riley government directly. we are contacting the as rally investor that uh to uh, ask uh for accountability here. uh, the truth is that, that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance that someone going about
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providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has admitted his forces, launch the strike that killed the aid workers, but says it was unintentional. that's the whole. now i'm, you could argue, unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended striking about forces on innocent people in the gods and strip. this happens and go. we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. however, now it is there a investigation has found that the as riley all me intentionally targeted the wealth, central kitchen convoys in a consecutive strikes. here's what the evidence shows the organization and it says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in darrow bhalla. so sometime around 10 30 pm on the 1st of april, the colored travel just have a full columbus, his self on rashid straits. now witnesses day,
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the 1st vehicle was hit by miss all here just before 10 45 pm. the engine was seen being transferred from the 1st call to a 2nd on that vehicle. and the 2nd call made it 800 basis south from the 1st attack . when it to was bombed, face has clearly started that it was hit straight for the roof by project held from above the vehicle. and the convoy made it before the 1600 meters down the road before it too was hit. by a 3rd and final strike through its roof. it myself obviously is extra general that the policy and national initiative and joins us head on the set in the i'll get to speak to. um, would you agree, 1st of all that this was indeed unintentional target to attack against aid was at wells central kitchen, and garza. absolutely because the facts are clear. you are talking about the cutting voice of edward cards who have or they need to do. it is very nice and the
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is that i always knew that they would best include that area. it was 2 separate cards. and each of them was hit by different eh, stakes. so clearly this was intentional and even it was planned. and the outcomes in which nathaniel, how commented on this this month was very clear. he was talking about the depth of these innocent people smiling. and at the same time saying things like that happen in the war. and the same time denying that it was intention and without even investigating them. so in reality, i think this was an intentional attack which has very clear to him, which is to dismiss the national edward could to force them to, to frighten them so that they would not come together. and this main goal is to prevent aid from reaching the people in does that because is older than others. and
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continuous goal is still the same to try to. it's click clicked, lens, all the people of guys, but maybe the depth of 6 and 5 nationals will bring some attention. know by many countries to the fact that $1796.00, it would cause a listing and it was would come monday or full board for international organizations. 340 with the conductors, nurses and health professionals of our colleagues were also killed. and $40000.00 understands killed if we come those on the me. this is absolutely, absolutely unacceptable. but it does like an act of genocide. what do you make of the world reaction to it so far? do you feel that the this is a point, this is a turning point? no, no, no, i'm gonna, i'm so shocked me. that's current that is like australia with or do this fixed australia, britain, poland. does not even condemn the tech. for god's sake these out of they have
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citizens, they didn't, they have to condemn the type of israel and united states that are presented to this mister blinking as he had the guts to say when he was discussing this. but that we must make sure that israel has the ability to defend itself is violence, not defending itself, is it as affecting other students? and that, that can go into nations and the, this books. but it's one of the national security council also had the, the american had the guts to say that we don't have those that, that was intentional. so then order the taking sides on the order the things to cover up for the 0. and what we see here is a 100, but in the sense that compared to that with their behavior, what is the claim without proving that some on or what? cuz i'm going to put it into the how much and immediately on these going to this shop of funding before no come on. this is the most clear proof of a very bad deb was done. that is followed by monday with some governments. and by
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doing so, the encouraging visitor and to commit these crimes and the encouraging because it has to be above the low and the above international. this is the same day or around the same 24 hour period, but we also so israel talks and diplomatic mission in syria a wrong diplomatic mission, also taking moves to bind. i'll just there within the israel stifling free speech, the cornerstone of democracy. it seems that it has ramping up these efforts to push the international community, and yet we're still not hearing and the thing to stop it. what is the dangers of an accent with such impunity? the very big things and immediate danger is that they will conduct this, that have been massacre enough and they can do it and they wouldn't do it unless something happens immediately to impose sanctions on this or. and that would mean the life just must have good and lived in history. the other thing is that they
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will continue to try to push for this thing is out of goes into the site and i and the this would be the worst act of ethnic cleansing. that has to be immediate action. and the only thing that will stop as early as is sections sanctions have to be imposed on is that including but have been think supplies of military equipment and military like kind of the did and, and, and also taking other sanctions. i'm is of, look is there is no, not on the killing people, but also it is violating to the united nations security council resolution. if there's violating the rules of rulings of the international court of justice. they don't care. i think somebody so it should check the sanity of people like nothing, you know, and this crowd, i mean they're going it totally out of control and the i the best of people i so so i appreciate the people who are the most of it and give it a shot into their governments, and that's what we need more pressure on governments to immediately take actions to
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sanction is it is to force it to stop this little city on this, you know, side as we have you have this, what gives you i wanted to ask you will take this opportunity to ask you about the palestinians request for full un membership. they are now asking for an 8 full vote on that. do you think festival they'll get to it? if so, wouldn't make any difference. at this time it's good to get that because it's good to have uh, the coordination of palestine as a state by the united nations security council. of course, because we had that then there's under let, simply already the question is whether the security council will approve it. and when they and i have to states allow that or not. but it would then make a big difference actually. and i am one of the this could be used as substitute to stop this. i thought city and guys that should not be acceptable. this is not enough. and the that's why i say the most important thing now is to impose these fire forces as well as these for the start of the genocide that is happening in
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gaza. and then and for us uh, the to process. when they speak about the state, they should say which states living on which board this you contact the state to the one i have the southern months in the west bank. so that's, that's why i think when people speak about it, a combination of the 2 state solution i, i don't take it serious on this. it is associated with demanding is early in the 4 commission since 1967 of older threes. second demanding is early seasonal. supplement activities and the removal of supplements from okay, if i said without these 2 conditions, there wasn't able to be up and a students do that stuff. i go see, but i get to speak to you. thank you. take the time to come into the studio here in the now hundreds of israelis have stormed, barriers in west jerusalem was protesting against prime minister benjamin s. know his handling of the will ongoing. so, fighting broke out between demonstrates as in police officers who have blown
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tension since the government headquarters and, and that's neil, whose home families have comp, tips being held and gone. so were amongst large crowds of people demanding early elections under president exchange deal. it mocks, the 4th consecutive nights of protest. 6 months. we're fighting for losing it. and i think the only way we can win the war is to have elections. and to get to choose again and to bring the hostages home to bring the soldiers home. and that's why i'm here. let's bring in more time is now he's an occupied to east jerusalem. so worry we still have lead time to some of the ugly amongst demonstrates as the on joining this night of protests. yeah, we've just seen some of the factors that haven't we, that show, you know, and these ready tv and shed on site. so media of protest is scuffling with a least try to break down barricades of the pictures,
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showing the groups of police trying to detain, protest is, and the other protest is coming to defend them in skulls. breaking out the 2, not the process themselves started on sunday nights, a ends of being planned for 4 nights. perhaps going on longer than that. there was now attends contentment in the west and theresa them outside to commit sit outside of and even messing yahoos residents as well. what do these people ones? well, they hates benjamin. that's the only who they wants him out of office. they want him to call the elections and they also, i want to stop parliamentarians going on past i have a recess and about a week's time saying that this is no time for pollen parliament to be going on. holiday essentially, and the feelings are running very, very high,
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and data can reduce a quite a now from a knows on galka who's the mother of my son who was captured by how much on saturdays have been taken into gaza. she says that benjamin netanyahu is a fat, right, he inflicts a plague upon us. a biblical reference that we will continue to proceed. we will, but in the country people shake the he will not have a day and he will not have a nice as long as my son has no days and nights, he will not have it either assign or how much hatred there is for benjamin netanyahu. i'm on site protest is indeed fully, but is there any sign that the government is feeling this pressure a while and suddenly feeling the pressure because these protests are growing and they're getting bigger? remember that we're big products as last year as well. about these said traditional reforms that benjamin netanyahu is govern, pushed through and process, waiting on royals the country from month to month to month. the protests of trying
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to read nights at some of that momentum and pickup where that last off boss benjamin asked me on, who knows that if the elections were cold, currently he would most likely lose them. he's deeply unpopular. all the polls. i say that it's looking like a defeat for benjamin netanyahu. at the next election. people hold him responsible for the security fight is that led to october, the 7th. so on the stand the be from his perspective, he said no way, i'm not going to go to the elections. i'm staying where i am at the moment. he says that it would be wrong. it's a cool early elections has a time of war. so it's difficult to see was the mechanism, is that the moment by which protest is can force him out. he doesn't feel, i think, on the threats enough from the size of these protests to step down because of them . the only other way that he might leave office right now is if his coalition
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collapsed, if pulse of the governing coalition from all the policies left states and said that there were bands and i don't want him anymore. and are the measurements that coalition is holding together, okay, where we times bring installation staff from occupied east choice. and thanks, george. thanks lori. i or some members of the united nations security council, or cooling for the escalation and accountability following is really as try come you ronnie and consulate in syria. monday strike in damascus, killed 2 senior commanders of the atlantic revolution. we got along with 12 other people long as been cooling for both as well. um the us to be held accountable for the attack rush request, the emergency meeting of a security council of describe the nature of the strikes as rep plus split those in the field of a considerable as this is not the 1st attack carried out by israel in a densely populated area of the capital, damascus, which is generated high risk of mass casualties among civilians. since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian is rarely confrontation on october
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7th, the number of civilian attacks on syria and civilian infrastructure. and serious neighbors has multiplied as the white house of state the united states had no involvement in the reported strike yesterday in syria. neither do we know about it ahead of time. we have communicated this directly to iran. we cannot confirm any information about this event. as we gather details, one thing is clear, ron and its proxy and partner groups need to avoid escalating tensions in the region. the choice is stock. hey, the oppose the principal. how do you, in short, hunter, i'm on an emotional move, or least plunging into cables and the security on that is going to spill over. it's now crystal clear that is read on the going to stabilize and irresponsible actions. and it's for us, it is against the nations in our region are
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a real threat to regional and international peace and security. a ron has one that will retaliate for the strike when it comes to the building in the syrian capital around supreme need to i told ali coming a says israel will be punished and so that it will be made to aggressive actions present. abraham lacy condemned the attack is a clear violation of international regulations that will not go on onset nasty nigel nations and speech gab elizondo and gave 17 countries frank cook. this may say it was a long one, including syria and wrong. well, the main themes that are budged, yeah, it was a long meeting. there was a lot to unpack there, but i think there are some main themes and we saw woven through if you will. and that's much pretty much count ability. a lot of people wanted account ability, again for israel, for this attack, and i think it was because so many diplomats that work in this building really
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raised her eyebrows if you will, because of this attack because it was against a diplomatic facility. and there a whole host of international conventions including the un charter itself that speak about how it's supposed to protect diplomatic facilities. so it was a gross violation of, of these international conventions if you will. and i think that's why so many speakers, nations around the security council spoke out against us. and you also heard, definitely a call for de escalation, really worries that countries could use their proxies in retaliation. and there was cause to really restrain in any sort of retaliation on that front, but clearly uh, it was rusher that echoed the view. i think of a lot of council members saying that it was, is real, being the aggressor and they are the ones that are responsible for any retaliatory
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action. and uh, what have you been hearing from you in century general on this or yeah, the secretary general is clearly very worried about it has been speaking about escalation for many, many weeks now and worried about exactly something like this happening. he said that uh, the spillover is not something that is there worried about. the spillover is happening now. but in a statement, he said he condemned this uh, incident in damascus and called on everyone to respect international law. of course, we do know that uh, the brand new foreign minister did call the secretary general early on tuesday and they held a call discussing this incident. but clearly the secretary general is calling for what the mothers are calling for as well. and that's the escalation. and his very pivotal moment in the region gave us on the for installations that from the, from new york. thanks very much the,
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the major fire the night clubbing central is done. bold has killed at least 29 people in the flames ripped through the venue, which was under renovation in the basement of a residential building. now, questions being asked as to how the clamp was ever given. permission to operate. 8 people have been detained for questioning. so i'm gonna say the reports from the scene of the file of this fall, you run a night club in a stumbles to 29 lives on tuesday. the most great night club was too close under ground. beneath the 16 story residential building, there was one entrance and one exit no back door, no windows to bring chairs. there was no obligation to below causes municipality for that reason of issue or construction of these place. it was to flows down the ground level to do paperwork wasn't reasonable. the cloth was closed for
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renovations, of people who died or the construction team, and some of the club employees. risk youth teams tell us people died of smoke as there was no escape. alone could especially collins beans and other little bearing pos i moved around during renovation. these sorts of projects like proper interior design work, a professional would know how to keep work a safe unhealthy while on the job. and how to avoid touching the heavier parts of the building and i witnesses a neighbor say, a spark from the welding machine ignited the sound by solution materials. neighbors, fellows have seen a nightclub for that case is supposed to be in the scene of court and murderers. of question, who was under? what in the 1st place? houses are assembled. us present area by mistake to china is a present. she's been paying on the phone on tuesday. the white house, as the lead us talks about economic ties, tensions they have
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a taiwan on china support for russia following the invasion of ukraine. kimberly alcott has this update from the white house. it was the 1st conversation for china as president. she's in pain and us president joe biden, since their historic meeting last november. and march the latest effort between the 2 leaders of the world super powers to try and diffuse tensions with an hour and 45 minute phone call. we are told, according to the white house, and we are also told that the conversation was candid and constructive. there was a lot to discuss including areas of collaboration on the issues of artificial intelligence, counter, narcotics, and even climate change. but well, there were areas of collaboration and cooperation. there were also significant areas of difference. president biden also emphasize the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait. and he reaffirmed the importance of
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the rule of law and for human navigation. in the south, tennessee, he raised concerns over the p r. c. support for russia's defense industrial base, and its impact on european and trans atlantic security. and emphasize that the united states has yeah, emphasized us as enduring commitment to the complete do need the nuclear ization of the korean peninsula. the call is a follow through on a promise made between the 2 men when they met last fall in california to periodically pick up the phone to avoid dangerous escalations and misunderstandings . as evidence of this engagement, the treasury secretary janet yellen, is expected to visit china later this week. and us secretary state antony blinking is also expected to make a trip in the coming weeks. kimberly healthcare algebra 0. the white house said i had hair on alex's era, the ukraine kaiser, and it's ms. derring
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a tech on russia since the stalls of the war move in 2 years. the guy, the, it's been strongly for the last few days in southern china. hi everyone. so this was in going show, looking more like a hurricane rolled through here, when surpassing a 100 kilometers per hour. and really these storms have been wobbling in this area . but i think by wednesday, wednesday profits, this is going to be particularly bad for you greatly and looking at copious amounts of rain, all this wet weather, shooting over these, trying to see coming in to korea and southern japan, almost all of japan, under weather alerts for heavy rainfall q islands could scoop up to about a 100 millimeters of rain. here's that humidity that's fueling those storms in southern china, off the south china sea. so it's pumping in the humidity for china is highland
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island and northern vietnam. to indonesia, we go way up and down some about your island also for what's job, a profit and so big down pores in jakarta and around the city on wednesday speaking a big downforce. we saw it in melbourne, victoria states capital. what is stay and 4 years after more than 50 millimeters of rain fell the past 2 months have been incredibly dry areas. parts spill a few showers there and that's southeast corner. but let's go to new zealand. now we've got rain and wind alerts and play as this batch of what weather comes in to the southern outs on wednesday and a bad day and has been though with a height of 23 degrees. the . this is the 1st and i saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have of a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is 0. a c o knows the load balancing from the parallel processing. and so do it's why we work with bill cuz who may, could their business to know your business? yep. we all, we, you all the,
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again, you're watching, i'll just there as a reminder about top stories this, our members of the un security council, the cooling for the escalation in the middle east hold on is really striking on the iranian concepts and the syrian capital. it comes as a ron across a place as well. um the us to be held accountable for the attack us actually is, stays on the bank and as, as, as well as the carrier swift and impossible investigation into is really as i can, garza that's killed 8 was as well as pricing wise, but condemnation for the attacks that killed $6.00 foreign workers and one the palestinian wealth, central kitchen stock. what is the 1st time that as well as targeted a black has nearly 200 have been killed in concert since october? the 7th. on march 19th is ready to ami talked of humanitarian work as medicare
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weight roundabouts, and goals of safety as they with distribution aids, at least 23 people that were killed. that on march, the 13th as an onrush distribution center in the south, it was attacked on you and stuff. it was killed. another 22 but injured. the attacks come as hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing an eminent mind made from him. at least 27 children have died from malnutrition and dehydration. already. chris gun us is a former unrest spokesman and joins us now from london. chris and what is sadly no stranger to his wife has been targeted and killed by is really a tax in this war of the just over 170 for the workers have died. and to be clear about what happens with the will central kitchen stuff. this was a deliberate calculated pre meditated masika. innocent
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humanitarian was these very ami had been told of the exact route. in fact, they helped establish the exact route, but these workers were driving along the combo itself to be co ordinated with the lady only they knew the exact gps coordinates, image, image trucking along. and what we saw was not one, not 2, but 3 deliberate attacks also appears an i heard that these attacks are investigated and that there is a full and transparent investigation. not by the idea. obviously the only because 2 years we've seen a task on he monitoring with it because in gaza, not just under review and was the others. and we've never seen any prop the criminal individual criminal liability accountability for these attacks and fire
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the, the well central kitchen press with its contents in washington because the will is revolt by this. and as i say, a $170.00 plus unrra workers have been killed. that must be full accountability for the kid. and also for too long, he is really on his dose of salt free. with these mexico's, i use the webmaster because of the size of the 2 monetary work across there's a, the walls is repulsed by this attack, but, but where is the out outrage, where is the action being taken against israel? let's talk about the international court of justice and let's talk about the security council, who's response has been wholly inadequate. the i c j. what we've seen is israel told that it's committing opposable genocide. he is the, the people, the nation, the country again to all cost was committed accused of the genocide
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against the population, which it says put in a guessing the world's largest present campus. david cameron's, the current position for the secretary, when he was present as to what else described it, so that to be honest, j remove tools, accountability that is something which is it didn't. it wasn't the case in 2014 with i was the right person. and the civil security council will do because things are changing. there was an american visa, and of course, america is supplying $3800000000.00 per year by 3. this be useful, these masses of workers, and we would like to think that america is coming to with the services that there will be some kind of effort for them to buy them. but especially given the huge pressure that we now save you from the american, our community for a change of policy. i think that's also true american jewish community. so that's
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all right. so the accountability courts, but i don't understand why they would be huge, huge cynicism across the arab street because nothing really meaningful as happens whatsoever. let's look at that more well, central kitchen we, this is an organization that we believe coordinates as closely with the israelis. and so far as it was also bringing aid to gauze, up by sea, with ships from cyprus, it involved the building of a jesse as involve distribution of aid from the base across north in gauze. if this is an organization that is being attacked, having had that close coordination with the as railways, what does that mean for other 8 organizations in garza? us a very, very good question. because i think what we now see is a deliberate attempt to make clear to the world. so the genocide is going to happen if this organization, which was so closely coordinating with this lady or thoughts is,
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is going to be deliberately intact, no longer. not twice. but 3 times that of course, it cools off and then suspended its delivery of food. and with each of those boats coming in with c, haul a, maybe meals delivered to $300000.00 people to facing. so they, she, in the office, it seems to me that the very clear signal to the, well, it was needed as well, is committed to the genocidal project. it's a developing gaza, it's destroying the universities destroyed schools. his cultural sense is, of course, not to be on your bill that the defense and the stuff on each side. so the presence of made it clear in the public settings, they intend to commit genocide. and that's what we're saying. a touch on these aid workers today is tragic. massacre this deliberate calculated pre meditated attack
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no, not twice. 3 times on the surface. that is part of the genocide of the project that has been made clear. 5, easiest way to lead a course. we're hearing the 2nd largest 8 organization even turn organization off to unwrap inside gauze, a new era is going to be suspending its operations off to attack the threats. it says of attacks and of the attacks on the world, central kitchen and all the aid work. cuz what do you know about this and what impact is it having on the people have gone so as well. so the people going to let me be clear, there were 300000 people in an id card inside the display, single tap in the middle, and there are one point full 1500000 in rough uh they all starving to death as we speak, despite the propaganda that is being put top, but israel and its propaganda machinery. and well, we have them,
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he's breaking news story for you today. the idea is really, i mean both and hi. are you in a calm voice from going to the north? and that's because the world to prove that this made it clear that it will not do suit distributions in a way which on the minus on or in any way. what is what is we're trying to do for safe will to up well through the program. you coming to to distributions will slow down or will today there was a court nation need say, the wealthiest program of the united states has made it clear that if there's no one row, there's no convoy. if there's no one of the meetings, then there is no meeting, not on the vault, but what it's meant is of these rights of novels that entire un complicated and it will sit within an hours of this attack. this mexico of these innocent humanitarian workers, these ratings of now law as high as you when it comes to like,
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i hope this is referred to the international court of justice as further evidence. a plausible genocide is being perpetrated by the country to whom the word genocide was created. and that is an outrage which should be a cause for international rage. and i hope things are starting to change because 2300000 people today are facing salvation. the other, it's an outrage site was done. so chris, kind of format specs on for on right. thanks very much for talking to al jazeera of the most far reaching attack since the sentence of the ukraine. well keith has, tom said one of the brushes biggest oil refineries and a driver factory and an air attack that took place in the russian province of tato stone, which lies more than 1100 kilometers from the cranium border. several drains were
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used, holding a 1000 people in june, and the russians said, there was no major damage to the oil refinery, which produces 340000 barrels a day. you don't have to have all of a has the details from mosca. a on tuesday morning, ukrainian drews, a tops cities of the level got and usually it comes to the central rushing, reaching of the top chest on the you are these were likely targeting an oil refinery and usually counts and the doomed trees of the level. good technical college students were told how to navigate and programmed trends using the ukranian complex that talk in just setting people, including teenagers, and for and as something of that college according to sources to investigate. you may see of tons of stuff qualified, the drone raid as a terrorist at times, among other things the investigation will have to find out how the ukrainians you are. these were able to slice so saw as they are about 1300. jimmy's is from the u
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. craig and buddha was it, they were launched from the ukrainians. how would treat and why they were supported only at the moment of hating the infrastructure. you leadership of all of the ultra 0 most scan. tron stratford has more now from keith. and certainly you kind of claiming responsibility for these attacks. and of course, as you can imagine, that keen to showcase what they say is their ability to launch attacks anywhere in russia using certainly what the official facilities will say. all their own weapons . we've seen an increasing amount of if you like, home, drug weapons being research and developed in ukraine in recent months. indeed, according to the fingers put together by the organization. change defense weekly. they estimating that around $1300000000.00 has been allocated to research and development of ukrainian weapons inside ukraine for 2020 full. that's an 8 fold
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increase on last year. ukraine leadership say that these attacks are completely legitimate and that's despite them closing waves in washington. for example, the cranium is number one. i like the us concerned the strike, so deep inside russia could if the hating, for example, oil facilities. i'm one of those attacks as opposed to the own and all facility in the last 24 hours. then we could see a global increase in oil prices. and as you can imagine, that's not something that the americans want. we'll certainly the pardon administration wants going into an election. they're also concerned that these attacks could cause and even greater escalation by russia versus defense versus okay. so i get, it says his country's troops of gainesville, and 400 square kilometers of tower trade in eastern ukraine. this yeah, push the pro a off to the failure of its counter offensive. the enemy is attempting to gain foothold at certain lines of defense and positions, but has not achieve that goal at any of those. the groups of russian forces
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continue to push the crating and formations westwards or so. it has hair on out just sarah angry about sky rocketing prices. the full impact of san accused, the government, i'm not doing enough to help them join ramadan, the
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the kinds that running to be met. and one of the bass case von and associates has been killed on the 1st day of her campaign. just allegation was short during a visit to meet supporters in
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a town just outside the city of columbia. 3 other people were injured in the attack . get on is one of at least 22 marrow candidates, murdered in mexico since september last. yeah. the united nation says 53000 people have fed haiti's capsule in just the past 3 weeks due to gang violence. most of those to space from for the prince of move south humans wanting that area is outside the capsule. we don't have the results has to handle the influx, the lack of security in the capsule as cause food shows just in the near collapse of the health care system. yeah, i know what the social con, there has been a shocking rise in killings and couldn't things say true why that's particularly targeting women and young girls is pervasive and very likely to of which levels not seen before. is the number of internally displaced. people rises of a 360000. now, according to the i owe him so to just the further risk of sexual violence as people find themselves away from their homes and their communities. the scale of human
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rights abuses is unprecedented in modern haitian history. inflicting a few minutes hearing, catastrophe on an already exhausted people are back as don is released to $45000000.00 assistance package and providing some economic relief during ramadan. the list struggling to deal with high prices and storing inflation, has come all hide to reports from is lama, but another day comes to a name. i know that it's don wrote the breaking of the foster mom, let's say that the father of 5 children and is a daily wage labor up because he does not have money to buy food. is here to benefit from try to do organizations that run through local funding by private citizen and i think it both. maybe i work on daily wage. sometimes i get what sometimes i don't it's very hard to find work these days. the government says it has given concessions on some food items only for one through ramadan,
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but who is going to afford to buy other commodities and pay exorbitant electricity and gas bills. the price of fresh fruit and ridge driven to dr. reach for many, and patients is reading 10. i shoppers and render scuffle over. exorbitant price type is a busy time during this busting month of ramadan, with fruit and vegetable, don't push cock. while i just set up shop on busy intersection to make some extra money. look at these roadside vendors, they are making the situation even worse. rich people come here in the because they don't even us the rate. so these wind is, are overcharging, way should pull people go. it said the nearly $45000000.00 release package offered by the government is a meg dropping the auction. i guess on it's going to go to an agreement with the i met bought a new drawn of $3000000000.00 and expected to receive
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a $1000000000.00 in april. but they did already planning to go for the new package . however, the economic experts warn any additional loan could lead to a further increase your fuel gas and electricity prices. they say the next few months will be critic good. i think. as i see, the most important is to good on political bridges. and i don't have the answer to that, so that there is a broad consensus across the entire political spectrum that some difficult decisions have to be taken the next one months to make sure that focus on is put on part of a sustainable growth. but as the sun goes down and people break that far, there one go, how many more hardship they really have to endure before things get better? come on how you doing roger? the uh. its normal by us health officials,
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a warning that a virus has jumped from bus to cattle and now. so people is causing concern about global outbreak of bread, flu, the devastation. but i'm marine mammal populations in the us. it's effects of moving 18000000 farmed buds in the west to outbreak in history. john engine has this report. it's us health officials say a person in texas has contract in burn flu after being in contact with cows. the us centers for disease control and prevention says the person likely a farm worker is recuperating, the spread to farm animals. and now humans, as farmers worried, as soon as i heard that it was crossing into cows into dairy cows, it's like, oh boy that's, that's my industry. and i know there's going to be some fall out probably from that . it's the 2nd case of a human testing positive for the virus since the disease surprised health researchers by moving from birds took housing goats in texas,
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kansas and other us states. in a statement, the cdc says the patient reported i read miss consistent with conjuncture vitus and their only symptom, india is recovering. the patient has been told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral flu drug. so far as bird flu has not proved deadly to couch at this stage, sparing farmers, they need to use an ice sick animals just because it's the same virus that we're seeing in our, in our poultry and our bird populations is that we are, it is a different response at this point time, it will be no call for any kind of of warranties or any kind of a d population in our room and in our counter populations, livestock, or recovering in 7 to 10 days that you people with burn flu are also on demand leading health officials to say there's no need for public concern for now. john henry and alger 0. and that's it for me, laura kyle for this news. darn jordan will be here in just
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a moment with more of today's news for you. so to stay with us, if you can, the as the well plunged into a climate disaster, we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth cut rising for as nothing inmate to growth dying coming soon, african narratives from african perspective. nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have. sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is key
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a is that is part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on, i'll just be around in 2018, a journalist let 40 days of civic action against the on media and government, i'm president sockets young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square and documentary photos. he's non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing outcome with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on the news velvet revolution on our families and gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is the strongest defense against injustice. and we've been in garza since 1991 doing life saving
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luck. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. you'll see showing the brightest, gave mercy. now tonight, today, the a global outcry off is really strikes to one palestinian and 6 foreign aid workers in gauze, prompting several charities to suspend operations at a time when simon is taking over the hello. i'm down, jordan, this is i'll just share a lie from dough also coming up, as well as the prime minister says the attack was unintentional. but the knowledge of their investigation reveals the convoy was deliberately targeted, almost hit 3 times israel's attack on the radium concert in syria take center stage
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of the un security council drawing condemnation from most members.


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