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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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teen 91. doing life saving love. your generosity can provide value to support to those worst effected because the med dog is stella, your mercy showing this brightest, gave mercy. now tonight, today, the a global outcry off is really strikes to one, palestinian and 6 foreign aid workers in gauze, prompting several charities just to spend operations of time. and simon is taking over the hello. i'm darren jordan, this is i'll just share a lie from co also coming up. israel's prime minister says the attack was unintentional for the knowledge of their investigation reveals the convoy was deliberately targeted and was hit 3 times. israel's attack on the radium concert in
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syria. take center stage of the un security council drawing condemnation from most members the and the families of his randy captives cool. prime minister benjamin netanyahu tried to accusing him of being enough to go to a captain, steve, the israelis facing international condemnation, them coals, urgent investigations, office 78 workers were killed in an attack. the groups con void was hit in debt out by a that's in the central gaza. shortly after leaving a warehouse 6 with foreign nationals on one was a palestinian, the victims worked for the wealth, central kitchen, and that's a non profit organization that's been delivering desperately needed food to palestinians for several, a groups including wealth central kitchen, suspended their operations. following about attack to this comes as half
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a 1000000 people in gaza face starvation. i know 2300000 experiencing acute food shortages, but according to the un, at least a 196, a work has been killed since as well as will began in october. most of those worked for the human agency for palestinian refugees or unrest which runs the biggest operation in gaza. but i'll just say it was handout gallery begins coverage from a scene of the attack india out by law. i'm currently standing in front one of the vehicles that has been targeted by the is riley forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the received street have been targeted by the is ready for says 3 of the cars are for the world central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and then merican and
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a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central kitchen as we see best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only on the humanitarian sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on
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a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship, and the convoy that's has at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gaza strip on the day they were targeted. this is in the i to 0. that is, but i got the strip. meanwhile i for no, it was how we're going to rough uh for the palace thing. an employee of wells central kitchen is um about uh, worked as a driver and translate to the king of 78 workers. is that a huge impact on the already desperate situation for many displaced palestinians in gaza? they now fear that their lives were getting worse in the coming days, forced them, their homes buys rarely strikes. it mostly rely on incoming food aid, but with minimal supplies entering guns and because of israel's blockade. people are now grappling with a mind made to thomas you mean the old central kitchen was feeding
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many people providing them with people without a people to know where to turn. so they will definitely be a lot of hung up on a muscle on the left. the most of them have a set of people who rely heavily on what the booth central kitchen provides as the situation is dia and they cannot go to buy food due to its high cost. the suspension of the both central, the kitchen will greatly impact the lives of people and their access to food, especially for children and pregnant women. the situation will become even more catastrophic. i'm of must be ohio, out 0 is hunting, my food has more on the consequences of the attack from rough. this is likely to have a very negative impact on an already desperate situations. an assignment that is going very 5, very close spreading very fast in the northern part with the plate of resources and the southern partner over crowded drop off city. and already we, we've been experiencing this. a broken aid mechanism is starting from the obstruction off of 8 into the gas spread. the prevention of mazda of
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a truck from the other side of the border is due to move in as smoothly and deliver much needed it. and then the constant attacks on, on a convoys then a, the law enforcement securing the delivery of, of 8 do much needed a pop much it, it, it supplies for desperate population. and all of this was kept blocked by with a direct attack. the deliberate direct attacks on a w c k. employees in the gods frame for the past month and a half. they've been working cooking meals and bonding well with people here there . that's why there is a sense of a frustration mix with with anger and sadness over the tragedy of last night. these people worked very closely with displaced families in the central area and, and here in overcrowded refined evacuation centers, cooking them, meals that help them survive these difficult conditions and nothing short of
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a deliberate attack. just giving the pattern of how it happened and the likelihood of, of implications in the negative unplug is it will have on, on the a, the wave aid being delivered to, uh, northern parts, gauze, and city. and here in over a private southern part of this trip. well, the white house has joined will lead us in that condemnation of these right in the ministry stride on that a kind of, i'm in god's web killed 7 workers. the will the central kitchen that employed the work because he's had quoted in the united states. i'll just here as how does your castro asthma? a more global condemnation of these rarely strikes that killed 78 workers from the world central kitchen. this time from the white house, we were outraged to learn of an idea of striking the killed the number of civilians, humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen. which has been relentless and working to get food to those who are hungry and gaza. quite frankly, around the world. president biden offered condolences via
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a spokeswoman to the families of the workers which include one american dual citizen, the white house, as the president plans to make it clear to is real. that workers must be protected world central kitchens, seo called the tac, unforgivable the n g o says it's workers were targeted as they drove away from a food warehouse in a d conflicted zone. and despite coordinating movements with the is rarely military world, central kitchen is headquartered in washington, where it was found in 2010 by the spanish american ship. jose andres, its mission is to deployed to world disasters front lines in haiti, and ukraine, and now and gaza. and it says, never before, has its workers been exposed to this level of danger? with many of its a trucks blocked by is really check points. world central kitchen built a jedi and gaza in march using it to receive nearly 200 metric tons of food. the
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ship, a 2nd ship carrying double that amount of food is now floating off the coast, as the group immediately paused operations after the aid workers, dest, these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what a humanity has to offer us. officials say they expect is really military to conduct a swift, comprehensive, and transparent investigation into the world. central kitchen workers, death more than 200 humanitarian workers have died in gaza since the war began. heidi jo. castro alger 0 washington. meanwhile, you and the 2nd to general antonio. good ted edge has condemned the attack and there are cools for an urgent investigation. the devastating is rarely have strikes . that's cute. well simple kitchen personnel yesterday. being the number of days. what good skill will be in this conflict? 196, including more than 175 members of all new
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n stuff. these, these, i'm comfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the water is being conducted. it demonstrates you have to gain the edge of needs. what are the media to many tendencies, fire, young, conditional release of all lost wages and the expansion of your mean to tell you that into gaza as a secret, because some of the man, the, the needs the resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without the like that i get the is a tragedy. we still don't understand how this could have happened. i'd like to express my sincere condolences to the family far be volunteer, and i spoke in person to the investor of israel, who showed me that this case will be urgently explained. and that poland was receiving the full range of information as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was admitted, his forces noticed the strike that killed the aid workers, but says it was unintentional. that's the one item you could argue. unfortunately,
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in the last day, there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on the innocent people in the gulf and strip. this happens and we are checking this thoroughly. we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again, but to announce their investigation has found to be as randy ami intentionally targeted, the wells central kitchen con, voice in 3 consecutive as strikes is what the evidence shows. the organization says if 3 vehicles left the warehouse here and get out by sometime around 10 30 pm on april. first the cons i travel just over 4 kilometers, making it to rashid street along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by miss ha, here just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st call to the 2nd homage vehicle. the 2nd call made it 800 meters south from the 1st attack. then it too was bombed photos, k to show it was hit straight. so the roof by project out from above. while the fed
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vehicle in the convoy medicine for the 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by a 3rd and final strike. also through its roof, it's hot and long as vice president for programs and policy of residues international. the joins us live from washington, dc hot and good job you with a so there's been a wide spread condemnation around the world against israel for killing these 78 where it comes from the wells, central kitchen. what's your response? hot into the attack? it seemed intentional despite this was saying, it wasn't the structure moved to the kitchen is unacceptable. is this tragic, you know, the southern a workers under any circumstances would be acceptable and not permitted under international humanitarian law. they be talking to concession. the situation is particularly egregious, not only from the nature and scope of the incident in question, but as even secretary general earlier said, because it comes up as such a book into a milestone as a tempo operations. a single $196.00,
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almost $200.00 military to a workers killed in the last 6 months. i've been doing this work for a number with decades. i don't think i've ever seen this face of death. i'm actually not targeted workers, any conflict? yeah, i'm not, i'm not going to say hard and that's an interesting point you make because what is clear following this attack is just how dangerous garza is full 8. well, because that's remember as he was saying that it's not just international a word because it died yesterday. more than 200 workers, mostly from the un. i've been killed in golf a since october the 7th. as indeed amenities never call sunday and they are, they deserve the exact same sort protections and condemnation under international law as their national counterparts. the thing also really stands out about this is the fact that world central kitchen chad, been quote, coordinating so closely with ears really military enjoy defense forces and its operations in north and central gaza. tends to the time with very few organizations are actually providing humanitarian relief or a, or food a, in the north,
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in the midst of a family. i think it's really important to emphasize this point because your number of folks, number of reports talking about finding the image in gaza, like the data actually suggests pretty strongly this timing is underway in court pocket, especially in the north. and this is what the maritime option was developed to respond to within the peer and as you mandatory it, a coming through all that funeral, too watson to buy waltz introduction. and so, in the midst of a famine, this is going to have a huge showing effect as well, or sitting on operations that cannot be considered at this point rate. right now what we need more than anything else has a massive scaling, a few minutes or an operations across a number of sectors across the entirety of gaza. and this is what it says back, significant hot in, well central kitchen and all the groups have now pulls that operations and gaza because of this attack. to go through briefly the challenges facing a groups and getting food into gaza with all 2300000 people that now facing either starvation or acute food shortages. a. are there
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a series of challenges that are in that age groups are face? i think the 1st is on the largest jobs are actually getting the food a into a into cause itself. so definitely a huge backlog at some trucks in egypt and jordan and elsewhere, trying to make their way into college to deliver all forms of humanitarian assistance. and a series of restrictions which are being put on and large by it is really authorities or keeping those trucks from actually crossing. and what's your inside is of course you've distribution. and there are a series of different challenges, one, the limited number of infrastructure trucks and other sort of vehicles, even things around that are there and, and operate show to. there is some concern over the like increasing like dynamics, the security environment in terms of the so popular discontent, the breakdown law and order robberies, etc. but the real challenge that we're hearing from every 80 worker on the ground now is it's more strikes by israel. the military piece of motor activity in the target you a workers is
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a number one thing that's preventing people from moving around. so you have a whole chunks of getting. yeah. and you can see actually the crime frustration with the inability to get trucks and, or leaving the states and others to support this maritime option and then dropping from the air, both of which are massively unofficial. all right, hold on line. we have to leave that. thank you very much indeed for your time and your analysis out and thank you. thank you. now the policy, you know, sorry to you has re launched. it's been for full membership of the united nations. it once the security council to vote this month on it's application, which is 1st filed back in 2011. at the moment the palestinians are considered a non member observed the state by the un. full membership cannot be approved by the security council. in the past, the us a said it would veto any such and measure as members of the united nations security council according to the escalation and accountability of following that is really a strike on the arabian consulate in syria. monday strike in damascus, killed 2 senior, come on those of these nomic revolutionary god. along with 12 other people that
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runs been 20 for both is rel, i'm the us to be held accountable for the attack. russia requested the emergency meeting all the security council and describe the nature of the strikes as reckless splinters in the field of a considerable as this is not the 1st attack carried out by israel in a densely populated area of the capital, damascus, which is generated high risk of mass casualties among civilians since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian is rarely confrontation on october 7th, the number of civilian attacks on the syrian civilian infrastructure. and serious neighbors has multiplied as the white house of state the united states had no involvement in the reported strike yesterday in syria. neither do we know about it ahead of time. we have communicated this directly to iran. we cannot confirm any information about this event. as we gather details, one thing is clear, ron and its proxy and partner groups need to avoid escalating tensions in the
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region. the choice is thought, hey, does oppose the principal? how do you in short, hunter, i'm on an emotional move, or least plunging into cables. and the security on that is don't spill over. it's now crystal clear that is read on the going to stabilize and irresponsible actions is to us. it is against the nations in our region are a real threat to regional and international peace and security. split around has wonderful retaliated for the strike on this concept building in damascus. iran, so thing the, the absolutely, harmon, a says israel will be punished and that it will be made to regret that sanctions president evelyn bracy condemned the attack as a create a violation of international regulations which would not go alonza. gabriel is also has more on that security council meeting up to you and there was a lot to unpack there,
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but i think there are some main themes that we saw woven through if you will. and that's much pretty much account ability. a lot of people wanted accountability, again for israel, for this attack, and i think it was because so many diplomats that work in this building really raised her eyebrows if you will, because of this attack because it was against a diplomatic facility. and there a whole host of international conventions including the un charter itself that speak about how it's supposed to protect diplomatic facilities. so it was a gross violation of, of these international conventions if you will. and i think that's why so many speakers, nations around the security council spoke out against this. and you also heard, definitely a call for de escalation, really worries that actually is could use their proxies in retaliation. and there was cause to really restrain in any sort of retaliation on that front,
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but clearly uh, it was russia that echoed the view. i think of a lot of council members saying that it was, is real being the aggressor and they are the ones that are responsible for any retaliatory action, a tougher slope right here. and i'll just say it right when we come back and these 29 people have been killed off to fire rips, run my club under renovation in istanbul, and economic growth across most of south asia have slow to prevent demik levels. we report from shanker, for a course of the population is living in from mama states the and here's how it's shaping up across the americas on wednesday. good to spend time with you. that storm system that unwind it through patagonia now marching across the river, plates to rental, down ports here,
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and we could see some hail mixed in there as well. top end of south america, weather alerts in place, some of the highest level alerts issued for northern ecuador, because a copious amounts of rain about to fall. here on wednesday, we're seeing some showers strike the eastern caribbean islands. that includes barbados and with cooler air. rushing out of the us that could give us some showers and stones for southern mexico and that you could 10 peninsula. those storms in the us now mostly confined to florida, georgia. the carolinas that energy up through the mid did find take after a pretty turbulent day in ohio state. all of this from the great lakes to the us, northeast, some snow for minnesota, but really it's a wash show wednesday from toronto to new york, new york, looking at half a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours. your temperature is bit below where they should be for this time. you're not the case. so in the west western canada, the canadian prairies and northern plains, temperatures on the high side here. and now that that weather has moved away from
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california a beautiful day in l. a coming in at 24 degrees with wall to wall sunshine on top for you. the ask for can narratives from actually in perspective, nature has always been there some way my child to short documentary spine, african filmmakers. looking at the archives that we have, sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history. back couple from nigeria and rewriting libraries from canyon africa direct on. i'll just be around the the
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welcome back. you're watching, i'll just hear a quick reminder on top stories here. this our members of the un security council, according for the escalation in the middle east, following on these rarely asked price on the radium consulate. and the serial capital comes as a ron calls of both israel and the us to be held accountable for us, subject state on to me, blink. and the search as well to carry out a swift and impartial investigation into his randy. striking gauze was killed 78 workers as well as pricing widespread condemnation for the attack of the central kitchen stuff. so how does that? his writings of storm barriers in west jerusalem walk, protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his handling of the war on gaza fighting broke out between demonstrators and police officers with blocked entrances to government headquarters and nothing yahoos have families of captives being held in garza for among large crowds of people of
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demonic connections and the present exchange deal. it marks the 3rd consecutive nights or protests will be challenged, has more from occupied east jerusalem. a clash is lights on tuesday between is ready. protest is and the police video, your shad on social media are and showing on his ready tv show protest is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up, others scuffling with police as the police were trying to to make the tensions. now, these protests began on sunday nights and planned to last the 4 days and then perhaps more. what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they want him to call on the election so that i can force him out a full size one that can asset to court. office pos, i have a recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130, is ready to capt saves, inside cause of being held by how much that this is no time for parliamentarians to
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be going on. holiday passions are running very, very high, and the box is difficult to see the moment. what's the mechanism mechanism is by which they can force him to leave office? benjamin netanyahu noticed that he is deeply unpopular. he knows that many is right is most is where it is. hold him responsible for the security finance that lead to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were how soon and he and his coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he is not courting any elections unless he changed his mind. want to, the protest is due. well they can build them immense and they can keep protesting and hope that they can force him out of that way. the only other way that perhaps he will leave office at the moment is if that coalition collapses his right wing coalition, they're all crap submit their offices. but for the time being it seems that the competition is holding together for which happens. how does here, you know,
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keep bodies theresa? a smell, a major fi at a nightclub in central east on bo has killed at least 29 people. the flames ripped through the venue, which is under renovation in the basement of a residential building. with now questions of being off as to how the club was ever given. permission to operate. 8 people have been detained for questioning. i'll just say the rest of them cost the only reports on the scene of the 5 this fall you were in a night club in a stumble to 29 lives on tuesday. the most great night club was too close under ground. beneath the 16 story residential building, there was one entrance and one exit no back door, no windows to bring chairs. there was no obligation to below causes municipality for the reason of issues with all the construction of these place. you trust to flows down the ground level, the repair work wasn't visible. the cloth was closed for renovations, of people who died or the construction team,
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and some of the club employees. risk youth teams tell us people died of smoke as there was no escape. cologne could especially collins beans and other little bearing pos i moved around during renovation. these sorts of projects like prop the interior design was a professional, would know how to keep work a safe and healthy while on the job and how to avoid touching the heavier parts of the building and eye witnesses and neighbors say, a spark from the welding machine. ignited the sound violation materials they were sell out. this place has been a night club for that case. it's supposed to be in the scene of cards and murders of question why and how such an underground was in the 1st place. houses are assembled thanks most far reaching a tank since the stats of the ukraine will keep us targeted. one of russia's biggest oil refineries under drone factory. it took place and the russian province of touchstone, which lies more than 1100 kilometers from the ukrainian buddha. several dreams were
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used. more than a dozen people were injured and the russians say there was no major damage to the older finery which produces around 340000 barrels a day. you initially below that has the details from oscar. a on tuesday morning, ukrainian drennen is a toxic cities of the lab and usually it comes to the central russian reaching of the top test on the you are these were likely targeting an oil refinery and usually counts and the dormitories of the level good technical college students are told how to navigate and program drains using the ukranian complex that talk in just setting people, including teenagers and for and is something about college according to sources to investigate. you may see of tons of stuff qualified, the drone raid as a terrorist at times, among other things the investigation will have to find out how the ukrainians you are. these were able to slice so saw as they're about 1300. jimmy's is from the you,
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craig and buddha, whether they were launched from the ukrainians, how would treat and why they were supported only at the moment of hating the infrastructure. julia should pop out of the ultra 0. most sca set of goals up essentially that was months sancho has been named as a prime minister and the new government it came out was office allied by seo, july 5. this morning as president of the age of 445 is the youngest, democratically elected president in africa. you want a landslide victory and presidential elections. the 54 percent of the vote, just 10 days after being released from prison. properties that will be the fastest growing emerging market region this. yeah, that's according to a new report by the world bank. most of that is attributed to india is economic performance. neighboring countries, levels are recovered from the pandemic, but poverty and unemployment. us 2 major concerns. now fernandez reports from the shoreline capital columbus, strong growth fuel by rapidly increasing investment and government spending drove
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the indian economy to grow by more than 8 percent in the find. a month of 2023. the world bank says this helps out asia is growth that goes, which would announced in the report launched in columbus on tuesday, outside in the however, growth in much of the region has low to pre pen demik levels itself. asia raised its change to g d p. ratio and a tool to the emerging marketing, developing and call me iris. the boss would be the same and if it's raise the capital flow, it's cop to the called openness to be measured marks and developing on the average, the probability of sparking a private sustain private investment acceleration could be about one off high a report shows an average of 60000000 people in south asia has been affected by climate change every year. for the past decade. the governments cannot afford to adapt the number of shows south asia perform best among emerging markets and developing economies. but the.


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