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tv   Africa Direct Bat Couple Rewriting Libraries  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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creasing investment and government spending drove the indian economy to grow by more than 8 percent in the find. the month of 2023. the world bank says this helps out asia is growth that goes, which would announced in the report launched in columbus on tuesday, outside in the however, growth in much of the region has low to pre pen demik levels itself. asia raised its change to g d p. ratio and a tool to the emerging marketing, developing and call me iris. the boss would be the same and if it's raise the capital flow, it's cop to the called openness to be measured marks and developing on the average, the probability of sparking a private sustain private investment acceleration could be about one off high a report shows an average of 60000000 people in south asia has been affected by climate change every year. for the past decade, the governments cannot afford to adapt the number of shows south asia perform best among emerging markets and developing economies. but the world bank says regional
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growth is driven launch the buy in this country is like sure lanka are still struggling with limited private investment and rising unemployment and policy upon the discussion after the release of the report highlighted some of the obstacles, blocking groove for the nation in government is extremely difficult. now i it'd be just money investing renewable energy. you need over 16 products. you have scruffy about 4 to 3 levels that you have to call quick of 15 of which i know probation on a daily basis, most of which were drafted either before or around independent the time of independence. countries at knology failed to create jobs for the working age population. this is contributed to a rise in policy levels in recent years. shalanda has more than one 4th of its population living in polity. aust, about the government's economic reform program, the world bank admitted it did put a lot of button on the street on can the books that stressed it was needed from
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outside? yeah we, we are concerned about reform for t reform reversal. we think it's important, as i said, is this bridge to recovery is that the reforms are critical in those areas to sustain and maintaining governments across south asia said they are trying to improve fiscal discipline and build resilient economies. but most people into was most populous region unconvinced. this will improve their lives. and that's a mendez, which is 0, colombo. okay, well that's it from me down in jordan. look for an hour before i go that a quick reminder. you can find much more information on our website. i'll just come there it is on your screen and use continues. and i'll just say or after i forget direct extension. thanks so much and bye. for now, the in a world full of drunkenness, hope was so scarce. you donated we deliver it in ramadan,
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said bryce. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month. the power of kindness, great. in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the of the the
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i don't think that i ever had any income. so any reasons i don't think i'm all bucks for. i know the
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nature has always been this some way in my childhood. one of my members go, you know, is of me just thinking about for the, if you, me been in the field is kind of the best one of the best people that have been filled with the thoughts of having the best you know, pauline on police studies were sent to prove that interest. now, i mean, because of all of the successes we've had been on i, it seems like we're seeing now to see for, hey, buddy, who preachers so, you know, i really believe that if we was conducting a lot more studies, the fields were really good, possible. and this fund, how on bus 2 in into while the,
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my research focuses on why, but of course, the landscape shows and some of the montana different thought spaces why i was always fascinated by it. just, you know, been able to find more context. should you feel like he's all kind of vacation and even though research kind of never requested advocation the a few months in itself is i seem to have sort of this the 1st month is kind of in the area and that makes it really difficult flying this is not the walk we talk.
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all right. the parts are really striking about is there is a landscape is always spectacular. lights look over just to receive views of you know, sometimes it's the cloud to sample wasn't home and also so on the side of it. and it's like really just visually stimulated issues like the mountain wants to reward you. the
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caves a valuable a cell size for body weight. you will also find needs. and also with a young boss, i say yes, i could says a good number i was the see was not want to be around to on save all those pieces. the trying to various case and know the title in this case is on hold
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on. it's more efficient to navigate a song if location. so that's what this is able to pick up on this slide, the image song and some of the song and the light. and i want to know what i'm just sitting in front of them. the kind of of this and this is how the for this, how does he have insight talking with flight. um its a very, very, very efficient just of the small box listed in case all sense for us in,
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by lots of things. when my food team and i 1st discovered it really risk, this is the shots around the 5 the has not been seen the while. the full $45.00 is you know, it was suddenly, oh, what's called the huge responsibility to now that we have to take on board. you in contact arrest basis, you've got quite serious responsibility to protect it. the, the biggest 20 points my career was being told that there was a few of course assess the big shift. i knew the material because that's the way i feeling that with that myself, i'm a friend the fast and move into the field. it was quite disastrous. we really did not get along at the end of the field trip. he's simply just told me that i'm doing
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this and i'm like, well, a bundle of a project so that somebody calls me up and say, so this guy is a friend. and then he basically just introduced us was very, very sure and will work perfectly together. we were best of friends actually before we started dating back back couple it's kind of in a it's it's, it's causing it for me. it's just out of the way of advertising the bags and making box lou mall. cool. people could find love with bats and that gives me some kind of fulfillment. and of course we are very cool popular, so it's like a free advi or device.
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the more we now know is that you bought this person by to family, human and use. right. one of which is swans files, of course, on the climate change for us. how become more intense and more frequent the sick on. so it's this tiny bunch pieces that hadn't been less than 5 years. this caves by the assumption of, of us in nigeria and the rest of africa is indeed complex. because in one breath, people, most people think of us are equal and we choose. and then a number of them will matter. no, that's 800000. sometimes up to 4000 individuals on one single case just come in,
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for example, a home boss because of their life. it's been me. so you didn't have to provide things like punitive lives, that kind of bring money to the community and also, or funding or kind of the box studies and conservation is very challenging because of course by sign of tunnel. so such a nice see if i see most times walk on. so it says i x sites in but settings in kind of research to do
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the the, let me try the walk in be in line. nice truck but you process them, you identify them. what space is the, take lots of measurements, you know, the length of the form then. so the lay size of the head, you know, take photos, records be equal official song call. so give me, you know, so it can be quite involving. so all of these to do at 9 because that's one box right enough to know the,
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the town he you want to give up. you tend to think i, we just hear like somebody said, documenting the end. because when we got into a mattress and box conservation, we couldn't find people to new comp. 2 in 9 julia on west africa was very difficult. it's given much away hours and gets in many thoughts. so this is what we want. the next generation of these active documents that are to a point not to go to the movement of the rent on that as the, the couple who i reason with staff and students and that's conservation. the
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assessment to know where the, what the and the use of to spell your last name. like what does the, how to define what was was use one. this is a pass from the other once, once the 5, lots and lots of assessments. i don't have a comment about box it. so this is called the main, you know, find a really small, missing, or constructive on the box or just causing, told us this is a new to know that is just the beginning. then ben's questions for me was so much to find out about the the
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vp in almost the hassle of movies. that a quite because i keep trying to keep it help so that i come back because it, it just, it has to have a tom to it and i think it keeps the shop but we are on the road which leads to the area. she's actually my library, not as he said the the
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she here. hey, you're hiding behind the show. hey, hello. hi. how are you? are you good? you remember what this does look like the 1st time we fight over the phone? i'm trying to, it was a little old, broken financial. yeah. most of it all the way to the steve, all the way stopped up on was receiving because of the whole now will use a visual inspection and it will likely continue to be the children's action when we went to visit. so picture vibrant the colors, lots of children's books come see financial and just activity and all of that good
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stuff in the future. the a lot of the i that was in the building is always, you know, to 1931 when he was here. and some of the stuff that we would like to spend a brief, but also talk suppose with more contemporary africa not so feel a little these guys are on the building and the financial as well. all the original . and in case you're wondering who the library was named after that is the man or william nonsense mcmillan, he was an american really millionaire who does the libraries built for of the it's a library that's had a 2nd kind of history for 90. as i would put the next 90 look like
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i've never seen more every day you just come out and you say in this library. so i'm a 1st and put on a piece of a full coffee fast i always least with some christian don't. yeah. so many questions. i've never seen this whole thing that the, you kind of push away that it is a colonial. you are library that it did not. now black people access for almost 30 years of faith was built those of fox. but it's also
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a fact that he's located the narrow b, and we're going to make it all in the state of the kind of room. so welcome to the kind of room. at some point in time, the early days of this library. this was one of the most precious collections of kind of material, but the condition of the kind of thing looks like it's very different how sleep very different looks like kind of books by the time right in. because if morning about, about africa itself as an geographically and about africa ends. very influenced, obviously the collection itself, by the time. so it would be very unpopular you calling nature the kind of like list of the, the off it comes in the biology and they're eating habits and all of this things. so it was due to the african as an object. some of the more disturbing materials
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that we found includes like a legend of money that was paid to for my slaveowners. i think in west africa was it gone now was gone. and so the, the collection itself reflected the sort of ideology of the time it would be very inspired by the british empire and the thoughts around civilizing the natives. mm hm. yeah. and i think we definitely want to, to maintain this mysterious, of this room so, so in the future, mcmillan, this will definitely be where we house on us to kind of collection is probably going to be bigger. so yeah, we definitely don't want to erase anyone, even if the people who didn't try to re re fax me when she read them back. we'll try and create balance and try to present as many versions of this history as we can. looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look
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at. but what is clear is that we've got to look at this thing in the i, it's part of law history, but i think not confronting it is not the thing to do either. so we can choose how we want to confronted and how we're going to move forward from that. and i think out of the work that we're doing is always on to the good afternoon from nairobi. can you i'm my name is angela wish luka. i'm a found a magazine trustee at the bank where we're still public libraries and that will be today we are recording season 2 of our pod cast apologies for the people and the particular episodes that we're looking at is in keeping with one of our podcast as we just take items, all kinds of items, other significant items that we are finding in the library as part of our
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restoration work. and using these to tell a story about kenya's history and about the library itself. we have found insignia in the library basement from italian regiments and italian prisoners of war will catch you during world war 2. but the british colonial government and it says mechanize black checked latanya and that's it. mike, vic? yep. wow. okay. yep. yep. the 2nd episode that we are recording is looking at the renaming of places and also asking the question is, i mean a memorial library should be renamed and if so, what it will be renamed into we don't even know what a new name might be. yeah, we don't, but it's also because it's pulled up to us and we must have published participation to make sure that the name eventually we present what people actually want. yes, we have do it. good idea. let's take this one to the 3 tests. our honda is at the
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book, ben teresa and let us know what you think the library should be renamed. you know, the, this neighborhood itself was built by italian prison as a hole in the 1940. so this is kind of in the library. it was our 1st refurbishment project in 2020. we've made huge improvements. see i used to look very, very different name. but when we
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started this library, i was very mindful of the fact that the children that use it. so we dedicated it to use by children way to new. yeah, that's part of our team. then they're cutting working. someone can you connect sounds like we have so that we can add them to the collection. the will always be just things that we have to put our resources into as a country. but how we see ourselves also really matos, because it also influences how we do everything else, the reseal. so as of people with the 2nd kind of history that influences how we think
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of ourselves then and that influences if everything else that we do a nice, the public libraries agreed equalizes. and if they can be places where people sense of themselves is, is heightened and is dental and you have resources going towards that, i think would find that we become better people. so having, having seen what the end of this process looks like, there's so much we've done, but also so much it feels like like when he let me show you, i'll give you the scratch, the surface that gives us rob face. so i think this to me is all maybe that tell you, is it facing base also allow me it's a mom of cost. yeah. but you think about the potential impact
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on on people to dan in the future. and that makes it very exciting. the on counseling the cost, the world's population is shrinking rapidly. how will that affect the global economy regulators on both sides of the atlantic it cracking down, take monopolies, plus the june the gas and take your offices narrowing. but we will be want doubts counting the cost on the l just they're devastating strikes followed by here while we christine because us 1st responders know the new mission could be their loss. but until then,
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the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey to the 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from an into the how to rubik language world wide shake . come out, award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the
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the global outcry offers really as strikes k, one palestinian, and 6 foreign aid workers. in garza prompting several charities to suspend operations at a time when funding is taken home. israel's prime minister says we have talk was unintentional, but and i'll just say your investigation reveals the convoy was deliberately targeted. i don't see it 3 times. the other one down, jordan, this is i'll just say or a lie from the whole set coming.


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