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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the, the a global outcry off to is really strikes q one, palestinian and 6 foreign aid workers in gaza, prompting several charities to suspend the operations at a time when funding is taken home. israel's prime minister says we have talk was unintentional, but announces to your investigation reveals the come volume was deliberately targeted and those hit 3 times. the other one down. jordan, this is out just a or a line from the whole set coming up, as well as attack on the radio consulate in syria. take center stage of the un security council drawing condemnation from most members the,
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the families of is really captives cool. prime minister benjamin netanyahu tried to accusing him of being an obstacle to attempt to steal the is really slicing international condemnation uncles, urgent investigations of the 78 workers were killed in an attack. the groups con void was hitting data ballot that's in the central gaza, shortly after leaving a warehouse. 6 or foreign nationals on one was a palestinian, the victims worked for the wealth, central kitchen. that's a non profit organization that's been delivering to delivering desperately needed food to palestinians. but several, a groups including wells, central kitchens of suspended their operations. following that attack, it comes as half a 1000000 people in gaza face starvation an o 2300000, experiencing acute food shortages when, according to the you in at least a 196,
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a work has been killed since, as well as will began in october, most of those work for the you an agency for palestinian refugees unrra which runs the biggest 8 operation in gaza. i'll just say it was handled good already begins coverage on the scene of your check in to get out of balance. i'm crazy. standing in front, one of the vehicles that has been targeted by that is really forces last night. this car and 2 other cars across the receipt street have been targeted by that is where the forces, 3 of the cars are for the world central kitchen. and they had a aid workers in the side, the cars. but so far we know that it is trillion a polish, a british, a canadian, and american, and a palestinian aid workers were targeted in those 3 cars. it's very obvious that these workers were working with the world central coaching as we see
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best and at the logos of w. c. k organization. we know that these i'm out of cars were on their way back from the port. nothing of the gaza strip to their guest house and drove ahead. every car is, is separated by a piece 500 meters, which shows that this convoy was directly targeted by the is really forces. this will have a lot of negative consequences not only or on the human a terry and sector in the gaza strip. it will also have a huge major consequences and negative impact on a lot of age. workers on international agencies currently operating in the causal strip. these 8 workers were having an 8 ship,
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and the convoy that's had at least $400.00 metric tons of food to the north of the gulf of troop on the day they were targeted. this is in the pull that he all to 0. that it but causes strip. meanwhile, a funeral was held in a rifle. the palace sent me an employee of wells central kitchen. it's um about uh we're up to the drive and translate to the killing of $78.00 workers is had a huge impact on the already desperate situation for many displays palestinians in gaza. they now fear that their lives will get even worse in the coming days. forced on their homes, buys ran the strikes. they must be rely on incoming food aid, but with minimal supplies entering garza because of as well as the blockade people and grappling with a mind made from in the world. central kitchen was feeding many people, providing them with people without a people to know where to turn. so there will definitely be a lot of hung up on a muscle on that that the most of them have
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a set of. people rely heavily on what the booth central kitchen provides as the situation is kyle and they cannot afford to buy foot due to its high cost. the suspension of the both central, the kitchen will greatly impact the lives of people and their access to food, especially for children and pregnant women. the situation will become even more catastrophic. i'm of must be, i will. the white house has joined will leaders in that condemnation that these randy minute, you strike on that a convoy and guns would have killed 7 work as well as central kitchen that employed the workers is headquartered in the united states. how does it was? how does up castro has more, a more global condemnation of these rarely strikes that killed 78 workers from the world central kitchen. this time from the white house, we were outraged to learn of an idea of striking the killed a number of civilians, humanitarian workers yesterday from the world central kitchen, which has been relentless and working to get food to those who are hungry and gaza . quite frankly, around the world. president biden offer condolences via
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a spokeswoman to the families of the workers which include one american dual citizen, the white house, as the president plans to make it clear to is real. that workers must be protected world central kitchens, seo called the tac, unforgivable the n g o says it's workers were targeted as they drove away from a food warehouse in a d conflicted zone. and despite coordinating movements with these rarely military world, central kitchen is headquartered in washington square. it was founded in 2010 by the spanish american ship. jose andres, its mission is to deployed to world disasters front lines in haiti, and ukraine, and now in gaza. and it says never before, has its workers been exposed to this level of danger? with many of its a trucks blocked by is really checkpoints, world central kitchen, built a jedi and gaza in march using it to receive nearly 200 metric tons of food. the
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ship, a 2nd ship carrying double that amount of food is now floating off the coast, as the group immediately paused operations after the aid workers, dest, these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what a humanity has to offer us. officials say they expect is really military to conduct a swift, comprehensive, and transparent investigation into the world. central kitchen workers, death more than 200 humanitarian workers have died in gaza since the war began. heidi jo, castro alger 0, washington with us president joe biden has released the statement on the death of the aid workers. ellen fisher joins us live now from washington, dc. and so what more did president biden statement say? well, the statement being released in the last 13 minutes and there is some veiled criticism of israel, but nothing directly. he said he spoke to who is this today and expressed his
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condolences, but he adds that i am outraged and he. 7 broken by the death of 7, you meditating what caused some worlds central kitchen, including one americans. they were providing food to hungry civilians in the middle of a war. they were brave and self with the deaths of tragedy. he also talks about how does it, how israel has pledge to conduct an investigation into the incident that he said that investigation must be swift. it must bring a current ability and its findings must be made public. now just as a site bought to that, we know that the israelis have conducted investigations into this sort of thing. before we have seen that, that i'll just, you know, with the death of shipping the other aqua, where there was an investigation where he is released admitted the what at fault. but there was no one held accountable for that job. i can just, i want to add even more tragically. this is not a stand alone incident. that is being one of the worst and recent memories in terms
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of how many 8 workers have been killed. this is a major reason why distributing commodity and 8 in guys has been so difficult because israel has not done enough to protect aid workers, trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. what is interesting to mock at this point is that the us government has decided to start funding under what, of course these values have made allegations have not presented any public evidence that 7. and while what goes out of the more than $3000.00 thing guys are, were involved in october the 7th. but there was allegations what enough for the us to stop support to an important agency. also, there's been very little said from the white house or elsewhere in the us administration about the number of under what this as it have been caused by these families during the war and gaza for lea. a joe biden says the united states will continue to do all the time to deliver humanitarian assistance to palestinian civilians and gaza through all the available means i will continue to press is able
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to do more. to facilitate that aids, we are pushing for an immediate cease far as part of the hostage deal. i have a team and keitel working on this right now. so it's clear that joe biden is expressing a degree of anger, of what has happened. but as i say, no direct condemnation of israel, and that is interesting because there are more presidential primaries being held today in the united states. and a number of states activists have been arguing that people spoil their ballot form as a mock of protest to joe biden. for not doing more to arch for an immediate cease fire in guys. all right, tell them for july, for us the in washington, dc island. thank you. a well, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has admitted his forces, launched the strike that killed as a way of because, but says it was unintentional. that's the amount when i'm you could argue,
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unfortunately in the last day there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the gulf and strip. this happens in go, we're checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again, boss. and i'll just say our investigation has found that these really intentionally targeted to wells central kitchen can void in 3 consecutive strikes. here's what the evidence shows. the organization says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse. yeah . and data by sometime around 10, 30 pm on april. first, the convoy travel just of a 4 kilometers, making it to rashid street along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by ms. ha here. just before 10 45 pm, the injured machine being transferred from the 1st call to the 2nd on the vehicle. well the 2nd call made it 800 meters south from the 1st attack. when it too was bombed photo securely. sure it was hit straight through the roof by project out from above the field, vacating the convoy and made it a further 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by
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a 3rd and final strike also through its roof. but most off about duty is the 2nd to general of the palestinian national initiative. he says there is no room for israel to deny what it's done. as the facts are clear, you are talking about the cutting voice of edward cards who have or they need to do . it is very nice and there is, there is new doing, passing through that area. it was 3 separate cars. and each of them was hit by different air strikes. so clearly this was intentional and even it was planned and the out of guns in which nathaniel, how commented on this this month is very clear. he was talking about the depth of these innocent people smiling. and at the same time saying things like that happened and the war and the same time denying that that was intention and without even investigating them. so in reality,
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i think this was an intentional attack which has very clear to him, which is to dismiss the international edward goods to force them to, to frighten them so that they would not come together. and this main goal is to prevent aid from reaching the people in does that because is origin of a continuous goal is the same to try to escalate, click lens, all the people of guys, but maybe the death of 6 in the nation. those will bring some attention know by many countries to the fact that $1796.00, it would cause a listing and it was would come money or for more to for the international organizations. 340 with the conductors notices and health professionals of our colleagues were also killed and 40000 understands killed if we come those on the me . this is absolutely, absolutely unacceptable, but it does like an act of genocide. the members of the united nations security
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council, according to the escalation and accountability following on his randy strikes on the uranium consulate and syria, monday striking damascus killed 2 seem to come on those of these nomic revolutionary god. along with 12 other people. ron's been coatings of both israel and the us to be held accountable for the attack. russia requested the emergency meeting of the security council and described the nature of the strikes as reckless split was in the field of a considerable this is not the 1st attack carried out by israel and a densely populated area of the capital, damascus, which is generated high risks of mass casualties among civilians since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian is rarely confrontation on october 7th, the number of civilian attacks on syrian civilian infrastructure and 3 is neighbors has multiplied as the white house of state the united states had no involvement in the reported strike yesterday and syria. neither do we know about it ahead of time . we have communicated this directly to iran. we cannot confirm any information
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about this event. as we gather details, one thing is clear. ron and its proxy and partner groups need to avoid escalating tensions in the region. the choice is thought, hey, to oppose the principal. how do you, in short, hunter, i'm on an emotional move, or least splunk jeans and 2 cables and the security on that is on spill over. it's now crystal clear that is read on the going to stabilize and irresponsible actions is to us. it is against a nation's in our region, are a real threat to regional and international peace and security. when it wrong has will owned it will retaliate full that and strike on its constant building in damascus around supreme the the communist says, israel will be punished that will be made to regret its actions. president abraham
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lacy condemned the attack as a clear violation of international regulations, which will not go an onset. i'll just say it was gabriel is on though, has more on that security council meeting from the united nations. so there was a lot to unpack there, but i think there are some main themes that we saw woven through if you will. and that's much pretty much account ability. a lot of people wanted accountability, again for israel, for this attack. and i think it was because so many diplomats that work in this building really raised her eyebrows if you will, because of this attack because it was against a diplomatic facility. and there a whole host of international conventions including the un charter itself that speak about how it's supposed to protect diplomatic facilities, shows a gross violation of, of these international conventions if you will. and i think that's why so many speakers, nations around the security council spoke out against this. and you also heard,
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definitely a call for de escalation, really worries. it actually is good use their proxies in retaliation. and there was cause to really restrain any sort of retaliation on that front. but clearly uh, it was russia that echoed the view. i think of a lot of council members saying that it was, is real, being the aggressor and they are the ones that are responsible for any retaliatory action a lot also to come here and i'll just say are including the ukraine comes out. it's most daring attack on russia since the start of the war more than 2 years ago. more than that statement, the critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people are starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed
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opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me come out to him today. then course the arrival inside story on al jazeera injustice. for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland best produces the best fixes,
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and those of the people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the the the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just the, or a quick reminder about top stories here. this, i like us present you advice and says he's outraged off the, on his rarely and struck and concept killed aid workers as well as pricing widespread condemnation to the attack that killed 6 foreign and one palestinian. well central kitchen stuff. members of the un security council are coating for the escalation in the middle east. falling on his ran the s drive on the uranium consulate in the syrian capital comes the ron pulse of both israel and the us to be
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held accountable for their time. hundreds of his right ease of storm barriers in west jerusalem, while protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu was handling of the war on gauze. up fighting, broke out between demonstrators and police with blocked entrances to government headquarters. nothing. yeah. whose whole family is of captives being held in guns that were among large crowds of people demanding elections and a prisoner exchange deal at mounts. the 3rd consecutive night a protest, i'll just say it was really kind of a report from occupied east jerusalem. for classes lights on tuesday between is ready, protest is and the police video is shad on social media and showing on his ready tv shows. protests is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up. others scuffling with police as the police are trying to to make attentions. now these protests began on sunday nights and planned to last the 4 days and then perhaps more. what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they
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want him to call on the election so that i can force him out a full size one that connects it to cool off its policy for recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130, is ready to capt saves, inside cause of being held by how much that this is no time for parliamentarians to be going on. holiday passions are running very, very high, and a box is difficult to see at the moment. what's the mechanism mechanism is by which they can force him to leave office? benjamin netanyahu noticed that he's deeply unpopular. he noticed that many is right. he's most is ready to hold him responsible for the security finance that led to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were how soon and he and his coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he is not courting any elections unless he changes. minds want to, the protest is due, well they can build them
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a mentor and they can keep protesting and hope that they can force him out event. why the only other way that perhaps he will leave office at the moment is if that coalition collapses his right wing coalition, they're all crossing it, their offices. but for the time being, it seems that the competition is holding together for which happens. how does here, you know, keep bodies to reason for people have been injured off call rammed into them in central israel. automatic, say the attack happened at an intersection not far from the child care in the outside westbank. and then the injured include a 23 year old man who was in a critical condition. 3 of those are also being treated. one attacker was killed by his ready forces while the other fled to the scene not wasting. i'm a warning has been issued for japan's southern islands off to a magnitude 7.5. earthquake struck of its south west coast near taiwan. local media is reporting a synonymy of up to 3 meters,
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is expected to reach coastal areas of okinawa, within the next hour. the documentation advisory has been issued. the people along the coast pro outages have been reported in taiwan capital type. pay for the escalate was also so now a major fi at a nightclub in central eastern bull has killed at least 29 people. the flames ripped through the venue, which was under renovation in the basement of a residential building. well now questions being asked as to how the club was ever given permission to operate. 8 people have been detained for questioning. i'll just say the rest of them costs, the owner reports from the scene of the file. in the of this fall you were in a night club in a stumble to 29 lives on tuesday. the most great night club was 2 floors under ground. beneath the 16 story residential building, there was one entrance and one exit no back door, no windows to bring chairs. there was no obligation to below cause municipality
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for you renovation of all a construction of these place. you trust to flows down the ground level, the repair work wasn't reasonable. the club was closed for renovations, of people who died or the construction team, and some of the club employees. risk youth teams tell us people died of smoke as there was no escape. loan could especially easily collins beans and other little bearing pos i move around during renovation. these sorts of projects like prop at interior design work, a professional would know how to keep work a safe unhealthy while on the job. and how to avoid touching the heavier parts of the building and i witnesses a neighbor, say, a spark from the welding machine ignited the sound bar association, materials neighbors. fellows. ways have seen a nightclub horse that case is supposed to be in the scene. a fight in murder of question was underground was in the 1st place. elders are assembled now and it's most far reaching
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a time since the start of the ukraine will keep as targeted to one of russia's biggest old refineries and a drone factory. it took place and the russian problems have taught us time, which lies hundreds of kilometers. somebody ukrainian border, several drones. we used more than a dozen people were injured. and the russians say there was no major damage to the old refinery, which produces around $340000.00 barrels a day to the ship. i have a little bit of the details from most of on a, on tuesday morning. ukrainian drive is that the tops 6 is of the a lot bigger and usually it comes to the central russian region of the top just on the you are these were line click tom using an oil refinery and usually counts on the doomed trees of the level good technical college students are told how to navigate and program drains using the ukrainian complex that talk in just setting people, including teenagers and for and is something about college according to sources. the investigative camecia of tons of stones qualified, the drone raid as
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a terrorist at times, among other things the investigation will have to find out how the ukrainians you are. these were able to slice so saw as they're about 1700. jimmy's is from the you, craig and buddha, whether they will launch from the ukrainians. how would treat and why they were supported only at the moment of hating the infrastructure. julia should pop out of the ultra 0 most curious child spot for it has moved from ukrainian capital. certainly you kind of claiming responsibility for these attacks. and of course, as you can imagine, that keen to showcase what they say is their ability to launch attacks anywhere in russia using certainly what the official associates will say. all their own weapons . we've seen an increasing amount of if you like, homegrown weapons being research and developed in ukraine in recent months. indeed, according to the fingers put together by the organization change defense weekly.
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they estimating that around $1300000000.00 has been allocated to research and development of ukranian weapons inside you frame for 2020 full. that's an 8 fold increase on last year. ukraine leadership say that these attacks are completely legitimate and that's despite them closing waves. in washington, for example, the cranium is number one, i like the us concerned the strike, so deep inside russia could if the heating for example, oil facilities and one of those attacks if you pull to the on and all facility in the last 24 hours, then we could see a global increase in oil prices, and as you can imagine, that is not something that the americans, one will certainly the pardon administration once going into an election. they're also concerned that these attacks could cause and even greater escalation by russia . well, that st. for me down jordan, for now you can find more information on our website, i'll just say or dot com. the weather is up next followed by the inside story of
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spectrum. thanks so much and bye for now. the the wow. is it hot and humid up and down? india is east coast paper one. so let me show you got this bree is off the bay then goals. so that's bumping in the humidity to places like co cut us. so we look at the 3 day forecast. you're factoring that humidity, it's feeling about $40.00 to $43.00, your temperature close to 40, while above where you should be for the sum of the year. so guess we can classify this as a heat wave and that heat and humidity up and down in the us east coast. so whether alerts in place here. another place we're pumping in a lot of humidity is office, south china sea for china is hand an island and northern vietnam. but this committee of the south china sea is also fueling the storms in southern china. so
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this is in one g problems looking more like a hurricane rolled through here. really, these storms have been locked into this area of southern china over the last few days and it will continue. and there is that warm feet of humid air. again, feeling these storms looks bad for one jeep providence on wednesday. all of this, what weather moving over these trying to see for the korean peninsula and southern japan, kyushu island, could pick up to about a 100 millimeters of rain. and for indonesia, it's looking what up and down to monitor island and same goes for what strap of profit and some downpours in jakarta and around the city. one point stay with the high of 29. the over 30 years of to the side of the 0 world tells the to follow the story of know ways in the oldest little of course, let us salute the government of norway morris, remarkable in nurturing the secret negotiations and why it's promised
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peace has remained unfulfilled a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the price of also oh no to 0. the 0 targets is benjamin nothing. yeah. says and that's where i play no longer broadcast from his way because it was his national security . but someone says that seems to not to respond to what's behind the band and what does it mean for the world? gaza? this is inside story, the hello. welcome to the.


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