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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation, with every packed of 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share. the analogies here investigation reveals is really forces deliberately targeted and international aid convoys. gosh, i with 3 consecutive as strikes, killing 78, working the plane, you're watching now to 0 line from bill. how with me for the back to or also coming out. the families of these really kept is called prime minister benjamin netanyahu a traitor and accused him of being an obstacle to
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a deal for the avenues. the strong is r as quite as a hate ty, wanting 25 years, at least 7 people that killed in dozens of chopped in the level of collapse building and bird flew in the us has right to cows goals and now people we hear from where it's the it's a g m t. thank you for joining us on alger 0 news. really media report is quoting ami sources for blaming for disappearing among fields commanders for the killing of $78.00 workers in gaza. they told the high rates newspaper that soldiers and offices violated is really army regulations. a convoy vehicles from the wealth central kitchen agency was huge by is really strikes in there are belie, i'm central guys, that on monday, 6 of the victims were for a nationals and one west palestinian or while i'm ologist era investigation,
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has found the is really ami intentionally targeted, the wealth central kitchen convoy in 3 consecutive as strikes. here's what the evidence shows. the organization says is 3 vehicles that the warehouse here in dallas sometime around 10 30 pm local time. on april 1st. the convoy travel just over 4 kilometers, making it to rashid street along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by miss file here. just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st call to the 2nd diamond vehicle. the 2nd call made it 800 meters saw from the 1st attack. when it to was bombed photos clearly show it was head straight to the roof by project time from above. the 3rd vehicle in the convoy made it a for the 1600 meters down the road before it was hedge, by a 3rd and final strike also to itself. let's bring in allergies. here is
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a ron connie and occupied eastern, close them. so in mind, quite a lot of contradiction in what we've heard from these rallies and what our investigation has revealed. let's start with this. how read article which talks about a lack of discipline on the part of commanders in the field in gaza. tell us more about this of the well, what you're supposed to have in any situation, any kind of war is a play. come on in control structure, any drawing strikes, any military strikes, any operations need to be signed off on by a senior. come on to that, depending on the situation, could go either way up to the defense minister, him or herself that seemingly hasn't happened in this case. all of the military analysts i've been speaking to suggest that this is a clear violation kind of destruction. all of that come on and controls structure, and then we have this, all right, sounds that go i can use paper here within is wrote very good sources who are now
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saying at that come on does on the ground a simply doing what they want is worth reading you a couple of quite some right. a soul send me intelligence, bronze said the come on, knows exactly what the cause of the attack was in goal is that everyone does as he pleases. now the only regulation site is the final proof for any action against sensitive targets and organizations must be given by senior officers. they going to say that that simply isn't happening. it's a case of every come on to set the rules for him. so that is a breakdown of a command and control structure. it's something that the military analysts are actually open the talking about. and like i said, you have this or a task, but will it have an impact on these, right? these, these right, these, right? you say, you know what, we are going to set up a new central combined system. we all going to do everything that we need to just stop this from happening again. but the structures fully should have already been in place. in fact, they were in place. that is a will run,
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said the big question is now, was this a deliberate attack? and at what level was it actually approved? was it just to come on, does on the ground who are behaving in a way the allows them to simply do what they want? what was it signed off on at the highest levels anymore on this is not the 1st attack on aid workers in gaza. many policy and aid workers have been killed in this conflict. and in previous conflicts, are we likely to see a proper investigation and proper accountability in this case as for and workers where the victims i think you've hit the nail on the head because this was foreign workers. we will save you as riley's mount a very significant and very key investigation. but will we see that? will the public see that it's likely that the investigation will simply be given to the various governments involves the police, the brits, the americans, uh,
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the australians and the canadians. and they may well say, okay, well you got the results of the investigation with that's what, that's the results of something we can live with. and we'll go back to what we were doing before, which is supposed to as well as will on garza. however, international pressure is still bouncing from the global south to wondering why this investigation is taking place into these. that's when you have at least a 110 palestinians working for the united nations relief works agency who were distributing aid, who was killed. why hasn't israel investigated those to? you also is obvious as clearing on the other side. okay. came round in mind con my 1st day in occupied eastern was then let's cross over 2 guys and now and speak to terry capitalism. in rafa for us, tell us about the situation this morning in gaza, topic in the aftermath of the killing of these 8 workers. what has been the immediate consequences of the yes,
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fully in facts as a result of these very deadly attack on the humanitarian comb, voice. and also because what the central kitchens costs are, the will central kitchen has a taking its own decision to suspend its operations on the grounds. which means that a big slice and a big glass of the palestinian community didn't receive much live saving supplies that have been completely distributed in the course of the past few months inside the gaza strip by the central kitchen. and it's absolutely private architecture of that consequences as well. central kitchen is considered to be the one of the biggest food providers for the if what's inside the gaza strip. they have been that they have distributed around more than 40000000 meals as since last october. and they have been playing a very contributing row in terms of alleviating the aggravating humanitarian prices in the territory. and this attack has been in fact widely condemned, not only palestinian in fact fully, but also by the international community as the is very military, as well as military chest. the chief says that it was
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a clear result of miss identification and very complex conditions describing the attacks to be completely a great mistake that should not have happened and that's effects and justifiable statements. it could be set to by the, as wait a minute to check, but the question among palestinians is how the, how the humanitarian organizations, because i'm a copy of forwarded protection in order to complete the, the room inside the territory. and also to help to leave the h aggravating humanitarian crisis that had been completely and extremely rise. and since day one of the fighting. thank you for that territory. capitalism alive for us in rosco 7 guys on to die. is there any police or font with hundreds of protesting israelis for a 3rd consecutive night in western rules and they were protesting against the prime ministers handling of the war on gaza. demonstrates has gone to entrances to government headquarters and 5 minutes and 80 hours home. families of the captive
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housing guide were among the child demanding early elections and a prisoner exchange deal. probably town in 3 for some occupied easters. for flashes lights on tuesday between is ready, protest is and the police video is shad on social media are and showing on his ready tv shows. protests is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up, others scuffling with police as the police are trying to to make attentions. now these protests began on sunday nights and plans the last 4 days and then perhaps know what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they want the election so that i can pull some out of a full size one that can asset the cooling off. it's pos i have a recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130, is ready, captives inside cause a being held by. how much that this is no time for parliamentary needs to be going
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on. holiday passions are running very, very high indeed. bots is difficult to see at the moment. what's the mechanism mechanism is by which they can force him to leave office? benjamin netanyahu knows that he's deeply unpopular. he knows that many is right. he's most is ready to hold him responsible for the security finance that led to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were how c c and his coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he is not courting early elections unless he changes minds. what does it protest is due? well, they can build them a mentioned they can keep protesting, hope that they can force them out because that's why the only other way that perhaps he will leave office, see how the monument is. if that coalition collapses his right wing coalition, they're all crap submit their offices. but for the time being it seems that the competition is holding together for each helen's houses here in occupied east jerusalem. and a car arriving,
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attacking israel has injured for people with is really forces killing the suspected driver. the injured pedestrians include a $23.00 oh $9.00. who's in a critical condition. 3 of those were treated by paramedics in the city of tier on the account here in the occupied westbank. the better and dry the world news now and a powerful earthquake has hit taiwan killing at least 7 people and injuring hundreds more. dozens of chopped in tunnels and collapse buildings the magnitude $7.00 quakes trunk off the east coast. it was as strong as hit the island in 25 years. seemed as robbie has the d test, people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquakes there and 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quick struck off the east coast. after shots rattled communities across the cell from rhode island,
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causing power cuts and some buildings to collapse, text messages, word coastal areas of this, you know, be through the human positive dumps. it was very strong. it's felt as this, the house was getting to topple, to reopen behind. it was shaking very violently, older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches. the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes that i dropped the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strong distress, quick to hit taiwan and off shore islands. since 1999, when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history killed in estimated 2400 people. more strong aftershocks are expected in coming days. when they do cut the audio, you may have already seen reports of houses spitting roads damaged and many where he goes head by falling rocks in one the, an area in the type, adf, mitchell, and the high speed trans was suspended. i would like to request that under one
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department to crash the golden time for the rescue activity patio search and rescue work for the people pick the best get injured people and big emergency. the settlement measures japan and the philippines were also on sit on the alert to pads, national broadcast, or warning viewers to evacuate their homes. i hope you know, it was main airport temporarily suspending all flights, but the sooner i mean warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive, seismic events in 2011 japan suffered its biggest earthquake on record a massive $9.00 magnitude. under see jo triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused the frequency of a nuclear power plant disaster the most serious accident since turnover. and a 7.5 magnitude, right click on new years day this year. it depends no dependence. you're doing more than 230 people. same bus robbie,
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i'll just ask at the latest now with the big upon who is a senior editor at the news outlet, taiwan fast live from type a give you thank you for joining us on algebra. so very popular is quick and we've seen many often aftershocks what has been the extent of the damage and the restaurant disruption. what was the latest that's right. slowly there been more than 50 after shocks and at least 2 of them more than 6 magnitude. so that is of concern. now the focus is on quality and county. that's where the epicenter there is this morning's earthquake was the main concern. there is the fact that it has been largely cut off from the rest of the tie one. so on one side of the county of mountains on the other side, there's the sea and the main artery into it has been destroyed or damaged, being tunnels or roads or bridges. so that means health cannot get to the county of around 300000 people. and so the government has tried to enlist the military
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to assist rescue workers to try and get them to the areas that they most need about. you know, there is much concern due to the fact that buildings are still a future ring. and there's still people trapped mostly in tunnels. now also while the end is known for its, you know, beautiful vista centuries size. and that is also an issue for while the and as is coming up to a long weekend here, there were there were expecting a large number of tourists to come over the next few days. those torres dollars are critical for quality and the economy as is the major military base that is there. in fact, we're hearing that the ministry of national defense is taking stock and inventory of all its defense to apparatus to see what kind of damage has been brought on on the weapon. so the f, 16 fighters that are base there. so there's a little, a lot of concern about the hobby and county area and all the tension is now on that
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county. a lot of concern and already it seems some controversy about the warning system did you? that's right, so usually gets a text message. if not a few minutes before a major is quick, but the agency that was supposed to send that off had, had predicted that the, this, or quake would be less than 4 points of magnitude, which is the benchmark. and so the many people in many areas did not receive the text message. now it may not seem like a big thing for us that lead time is critical for many of the industries, including the semi conductor industry which supplies mostly the world, a semi conductor supply chain here, along with the medical industry, schools and other sensitive areas, you're inside one, so the precedence is at the central command center here, which is pulled together during emergencies such as this to find out what happened and what protocol needs to be taken, especially good as the aftershocks are expected in the coming days and some of them
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as high as possibly the earthquake, we saw this morning, but let's sort take away from the fact that taiwan has varies from protocols and building codes. now, especially many compared to the 92929 or the quick, which is the las vegas earthquake here, which kills thousands. and so since then how much we need be stop, it's protocols and security measurements. thank you very much for that data. go piling in taipei that still had on the program targeting time centers in the philippines shop. lisa toddling the legal industry that's making billions of dollars in the the risk continued flooding river funding in central frogs because the atlantic is
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pushing weather in still is coming up against infinity will bit down here in the southeast. so contrast intemperate wasn't houses. what these frontal systems things, and in this case that is yet more right. this is the picture for once. it is more rain for fonts a bit as though maybe for the tiny. now it's not much. i don't think we can stuff a big feature on there. just but there's a wind coming as of the know the cold wind just catching north of scuffle. but for the most part, the story in europe isn't the cold. well, the exception here still come to into the baltic states. well, vilnius, he's about 6 degrees and it will be sleepy snare, you weather and come 1st a, this still snow around plenty of it in the, in the southern part of scandinavia and rain campus, germany. but this some of these art from portugal through spain, through it's and again the to the balkans attempt just want to get her on the way up. for example, you up to 23 by saturday and saturday for the average. here is 14 and the woman says keep moving up through eastern you are reaching will so $25.00 degrees fee,
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the average is $12.00. that by the end of sunday, the fast, cuz also a big story of hot weather. look up on june at 41. the applicant narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been this some way, my child to short documentary spine, african filmmakers looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history. back couple from nigeria and rewriting libraries from canyon africa direct on, i'll just be around the
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the or you're watching out a 0, a recap of our top stories this hour. and he's really media report is quoting on e sources who are blaming for discipline among the fields, commanders for the kidding of 78 workers in guys. they told me how rights, newspaper, that soldiers and offices of buying ladies ready army regulations, a wealth, central kitchen. com boy list 18 down the line central time. on monday. meanwhile, analogies their investigation has found that these really ami intentionally targeted conroy in 3 consecutive as strikes us present. joe biden has called for a swift investigation and the strong it started quite to hit taiwan and 25 years has killed at least 7 people and injured hundreds, many a trapped in the rubble of collapse, buildings. ukraine's president assigned
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a law lowering the age of conscription from 27 to 25 as he tries to boost the number of troops fighting vices. invasion for the music. lensky has warned. is, forces will need an additional $500000.00 records to read power. russian military advances and move comes ahead of an a to meeting to discuss the line to support for you. crate pensions over taiwan has been discussed and a phone call between the us and chinese presidents. the white house is joe biden, and changing banks also talked about trade issues and chinese support for russia in the war in ukraine. the binding administration has placed limits on the transfer of us technology to china as both compete for dominance and artificial intelligence. and emergency meeting of the united nations security council has call for the escalation and accountability. following of these really as striking syria, 14 people were killed in the rain and consulate in damascus. israel didn't attend the meeting, but yvonne told council members that it was the right to take
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a decisive response. gabrielle is on the reports of you and headquarters in new york, or during an emergency security council meeting, a u. n. plea for caution. in response to israel's attack on the runs diplomatic consulate in damascus, any miscalculation could lead to abroad the conflict and the tide region. with divest, they think consequences for cvd is what already the seeing and president that's suffering. but russia echoed the views of many council members saying is real, is clearly the aggressor is quoting us, those that we are on the view that such aggressive actions by israel a designs to further feel the conflict, they absolutely unacceptable and must stop. algeria said, the timing of israel strike was deliberate. to tease evidence that this angela's done just act. he's of nature to throw that on fire vision into
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what makes israel's attack so troubling to many diplomats that work in this building. is it? it was a direct violation of many long standing international agreements, such as the vienna convention meant to protect diplomatic facilities from unprovoked aggressions. even the united states, israel strongest allied signals, they were troubled by it. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus or any confirmed attack on property. there was, in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack and did not ask to attend the meeting. you run did, and said the strike shows how is real, is a threat to the region. is religion, the eyes of us to escalate, perpetuate the conflict? one is a thing. accountability, you run to the council,
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it reserves the right to take a decisive response. something many on the council were warning against, but know could very well be likely. gabriel's on the how does it at united nations in new york? protests have sprayed in turkey is eastern and southern provinces. dozens of arrests have been made after election officials overturned results in the predominant b. curtis city of bon officials of volt that the d. m. party candidate can told probably cough is because of a previous conviction. the ruling act parties, candidate is set to become married and state in senegal, opposition, metos months. uncle has been named as prime minister in the new government. it came hours after his own life. i showed you my 5 was wanting as president at the age of 44 july fi is the youngest. democratically elected president in africa. he won a landslide victory in the presidential election last month, just 10 days off to be released from prison. in bolivia,
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the corruption investigation into expensive jewelry won by the 1st sorry for with the 1st email present. the for isn't, is being widened the level of watch. it has already denied any crime in owning several rolex watches. now the attorney general is looking into the estimated half a $1000000.00 worth of jewelry or warranty was seen wearing at public events. and bank deposits of unknown origin also being scrutinized, or mexico city is facing a severe water crisis. climate change is seen as an issue, but the cities, aging infrastructure is also a major fact. agent and expensive upgrades are needed by progress has been slow. julia got ayano reports invite of rough mexico sailing teams could always count and having enough water for them to drain is now though the lake and the countryside of via the gravel has shrunk so much, that team members are dragged their vessels over the dry ground to the water's edge,
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coach maggio has watched the clubs most vital resource received before his eyes. over the past few years. garvin was clicked almost. i'll follow up with a chat, a little low. so a little to allow every day. and it's a little bit harder to get the sail boats into the water, and we have to prep the terrain so that we can even get to the piers, which isn't it sad really, that we're running out of water. i know it seemed to be taking a very likely society. this is the largest and most important of the rest of our stuff, feed mexico cities, water system, an average of 6000 liters of water, a 2nd flow out of here and into the city. but currently this reservoir is that a 3rd of its capacity, there's no better proof of that than where we're standing right now. not long ago, all of this was underwater. the rest of wars border joins the good. some of the system complex network of pipelines and dams that brings water to mexico city from 300 kilometers and 2 states away. the remaining water needed and the capital is
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pumped from the underground as a phrase in lakes on which the city was 1st built. but almost half of that water is lost once it reaches the city. much of it in broken all pipes that leak underground, fixing them as an endless task. as soon as maintenance screws are done with one repair, another half a dozen pop up with a huge challenge because he requires invest menu to requires immediate attention. you need to 3 or more wells right away. you need to do repairs right away, and we have these a specific situation occurring right now. and these alarming because it doesn't grain when you definitely gave those to figured out. well, we're going to this coming up. the longer it goes on, the more mexican cities water crisis is affecting people well beyond the capital itself, the crisis, the city is literally sucking neighboring states, dr. leaving national champions and olympic hopefuls with the additional fear of
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losing the very water they trained on julia go yano alj a 0 by you there, but i will. mexico and mexico us government is baking. preventative measures against bird flew that softer an outbreak across the border in the us state of texas. the virus has jumped from barriers to cattle and has now been confirmed in 2 people. but authorities are insisting the risk is low to the public joint pension bayport's. us health officials say a person in texas has contract in burn flu after being in contact with cows. the us centers for disease control and prevention says the person likely a farm worker is recuperating, the spread to farm animals. and now humans, as farmers worried, as soon as i heard that there was crossing into cows, dairy cows like, oh boy that's, that's my industry. and i know there's going to be some fall out probably from that . it's the 2nd case of a human testing positive for the virus. since the disease surprised health
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researchers by moving from birds took housing goats in texas, kansas and other us states. in a statement, the cdc says the patient reported i read miss consistent with can jump dividers and their only symptom indeed is recovering. the patient has been told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral flu drug. so far as bird flu has not proved deadly to couch at this stage, sparing farmers, they need to use an ice sick animals just because it's the same virus that we're seeing in our, in our poultry and our bird populations is that we are, it is a different response at this point time, it will be no call for any kind of of warranties or any kind of at the population in our room and in our kind of populations, a livestock or recovering in $7.00 to $10.00 days. the 2 people with birds flew are also on demand leading health officials to say there's no need for public concern. for now. john henry and l g 0. authorities in the philippines,
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a hundreds of chinese owned online casinos are operating illegally in the country, at least to have been shut down since october work is also a large torture and forced labor bonnet below report somebody in a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila, operating under the radar. but when police descended on the vicinity in mid march, they found hundreds of workers in evidence their running scouts. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remained. that's large. the operation was triggered. bad tip from avidity means employee who managed to escape and contact authorities, the retail me for the cooking, the gym. and that is not the chip. we just come to the end den available. dylan who's from malaysia said.


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