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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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150 meters down the track. we can have them still thing in the darkness as the volunteers showing lights that attend and they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and the medicine never forgets the analogy. a 0 investigation reveals these really forces deliberately targeted an international aid convoy in gaza with 3 consecutive at strikes, killing 781 the play you're watching l g a 0 life from to have with me for the back. people also coming up the from these are these really, capt is called prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a traitor accusing him of being
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an obstacle to a deal to release the captives. the strong is earthquakes to hit ty, wanting 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens of chopped in the rubble of collapse, fielding and targeting scam centers in the philippines, police are attacking the legal industry that's making millions of dollars a year. the is just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid where it goes in, gaza and algae 0 investigation has found they were intentionally targeted. these really military launched 3 consecutive ass likes against the wealth, central kitchen workers despite being told of that movement we for so, so suggest is really military officers and soldiers and gaza routinely act on their own violating army regulations and probably chain of command one is really newspaper has called to these really ami source is
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a saying and gaza. everyone does as he pleases. and wells central kitchen agency convoy was struck as it left the food way. housing down by on monday, 6 of the victims were for nationals and one was palestinian. while he was one, i'll just here as investigation has revealed wealth. central kitchen says is 3 vehicles left to the warehouse here in darrow by law sometime around 10 30 pm local time on april. first. the convoy travel just over 4 kilometers, making it to rashid street. along the coast, witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by a miss ha, here just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st car to the 2nd homage vehicle. the 2nd call made it 800 meters sauce from the 1st attack. when it was bombed to photos clearly show it was head straight to the roof by project tie from above. the 3rd vehicle in the convoy made you to for the 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by
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a 3rd. and final strike also threw itself that spring in. i'll just here is a moron. con, an occupied east jerusalem for the same ron. tell us more 1st, i guess about this high res article, which mentions a lack of discipline on the part of commanders in the field in gosh, the, well now the initial shock of this attack is over. people all be getting to us the one simple question was this deliberate. that's something i've been speaking to military analysts about how could something like this happen when that is supposed to be a very clear come. busy and control structure. now the harass how it's a cold is closing. i've seen it intelligence analysts as he was just talking you through some of what he said. he actually said the reason for the attack and goals that everyone knows is because everyone in goals and does as they please. he goes on to say all the regulations are clear. any uh,
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final approval on any sensitive target uh needs to go through sidney offices. the division come on to even up to the minister of defense putting goals that, that isn't happening. so what we're talking about now by using these ready media and wave analysts. well, the well is the idea that they may well be a disconnect between what these really, all me size is going on and what is actually happening on the ground, which is lower level come on is just taking control of the situation. remember this . busy as a d conflicted so heavily, miller tries, but there was no actual fighting going on. the well central kitchen had been talking to these ready. all mean these ready? all mean you exactly where they what is ready? all mean i see said that they knew exactly where they was. so the question now is whether this was deliberate and whether there is a breakdown. he's ready on the say. they all setting up a new room. i want them that will stop incidents like this from happening. but all of the comments, the way hold people on speaking to suggest that actually that were i'm already
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existed and it was in place during the attack. and this is not the 1st attack him run on aid workers in guys i, we've seen several of tasks against palestinian aide work is, are we you think going to see a proper investigation and proper accountability in this case because when workers were the victims i think investigation and accountability are 2 very different things investigation. i think we definitely, we will see there's a lot of pressure from the us, the u. k, the canadians, the polish, and the australians to present them. that was the citizens that were involved with a star examination accountability. that's a very, very different uh, based accountability wouldn't mean that something would have to be focused on these ladies to do the us, the u. k. and particular, still giving the israelis the money on the weapons, they need to fight the will on garza so that may will be some public retribution
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for this. that may be a public rebuke from those governments. but will that be any realistic consequences to the, or the very least, that's unlikely to happen. remember, they've been a 173 under while the united states and relief works. agency work has been killed and goes to the vast majority of those 8 workers who a palestinian is right. these have never said that they will mount a full investigation. in fact, every time you all so let's say we're aware of incidents. we'll investigate that and nothing is ever made public iran, thank you very much for that. that's the non con, my for us that you know, keep bias through slim. well, let's get an update on the situation and guys and i speak to, i'll just hear his tie cup was on, was in a rock in the south. talk to us about the situation this morning. and guys, a tag in the aftermath of the killing of these aid where it is what has been the immediate consequences on the ground. yes, fully set to lea, uh, off the, the, uh, the as well,
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the military attack on the works until the kitchen cause. i'm at the ongoing collapse of security. the w. c. k. u has taken its own decision to suspend its operations from the grounds which cause it to be from the policy and perspective. very vital as the quote central kitchen is considered to be one of the biggest with providers for the humanitarian services inside the territory as they have been providing since last october. we've done a $40000000.00 meals for desperate palestinians and much areas in the gaza strip, including people in the north and here in the south. and that's definitely a part of the ongoing, systematic military campaign to impose restrictions on the will of the humanitarian organizations. as this attack has been through the remote consent among other organizations to keep operational on the ground. here specifically, is that the latest shipment that have been delivered by the new really re establish married time, corey, they'll have not yet been distributed because of the, of the suspension of the, of the w. c. k. here in garza,
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which means that hundreds of thousands of palestinians will be directly affected and impacted negatively because of that to resolution. and also that had been a clear results from b. s. very attacks on the 8th workers who have been killed within the past 2 days. and that's certainly something could be really insane, specifically, that palestinians are right now depending on who a about donated, provided by humanitarian organizations and with such deliberate attacks, the humanitarian situation will getting much more dia, specifically with the ongoing denial of ownership to deliver humanitarian supplies for people in the north will have been suffering from high rates of mount nutrition, and more children have been diag in the course of the past few weeks from the city of shore to supply of buffalo supplies to as people there have been depending on minor and alternative methods of treating we're presenting an on feeding on animal
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feedback even no longer can be affordable within the past few weeks time. thank you very much for bringing us a way to save from guys. i totally capitalism in rafa. or let's discuss all these developments with my sure professor of security and military studies at the device to for graduate studies guitar again with us on set omar. let's talk about this report in high risk, which it talks about a disconnect between what these really ami says and what actually happens on the ground in guise at all. we in a situation where soldiers in guys are setting the rules so themselves it's, it's complicated. so there's really no, i mean, has a history of the what we called mission command. so the giving the a or allowing union officers to make the decisions in the battle field without going back to the senior commanders. it's a very is what you do well for fed and they learned it from, from the germans, from the very most the was fighting good because they,
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they used to go to elf drugs technique, which is a mission type tactics. so the whole, usually the junior officers to have more technical aggression and more rapid decision making in terms of the comma tuition. so that can you with the technical aggression and will yield some technical, an operational victories. but also we need a ticket. happy soldiers who may shoot the wrong people. and in the case of these ladies the inc as a you had the wrong people such as civilians, tens of thousands of them. you had wrong people such as they had workers. you had drunk people such as the hostages, and also you had a lot of friendly fire the dates all from the fire. this is in, in the, in the guy as a war is about one in fife. so 20 percent of the is what he just told us, killed were killed by the own colleagues, not by the adversary's. so this is the one issue and it's not just because it has a very long history. it has a long history. that's quite interesting. so it's not necessarily
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a lack of discipline from the soldiers on the ground, but rather something that's ingrained in the system itself that makes it possible to have so much collateral damage. yeah, it isn't. is right, a way of warfare, but also what makes it more, a more obvious in this case is the one uh, there is no what i missed occasions for uh, so it keeps happening because there's no accountability and no consequences. yeah. and also it has is 3, it ill shut own who violated many, many rules was to the create a general as opposed to a court martial the officer, which he would have been in any need to army or any other army. and also the other thing is that in this particular case, we don't see much into enough procedures when, when these validations happen and dependency. that is a, a, a hinted, unspoken show. we say structural thought of the color and sort of getting the wrong . but what, what is the motivation?
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know, ultimately when they target aid workers, when they target hospitals, medical workers, ambulances. and so we've heard francesca avenue, c, d, u and special laboratories say that israel is doing this deliberately targeting aid workers to scare humanitarian workers from going into guys a to solve the population of guys a deliberately. is that the intention here it's, it's very difficult to determine the intention, but it is possible could be a way of, uh, what you can call the strategic bombardments, who are the doctor. and then there's really a way of or fan which a means basically punishing the civilian population by targeting the infrastructure by targeting a some of the, a civilian assets to punish the civilians. because they permitted attacks from the, from the territories. this was conducted and left behind and it seems to be conducted on steroids in, in gaza. so this is possible, but it's still too early to determine what is the intention and also it's very difficult because it, it really needs either independent investigators or a,
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a tendency of the internal investigations by these are the armies of both, both. i'm not going to happen to, they said the moment. thank you very much. them are as always good to get your thoughts. so my us, your, from the to highs shoot of graduate studies by is really police as have fonts with hundreds of people protesting for the 3rd consecutive night in west jerusalem against the 5 ministers handling of the war on gaza. demonstrate his blanca entrances to government headquarters and prime minister netanyahu his home. families of a captive held in garza where among the crowd demanding early elections and at present exchange deal fully talents. re for some occupied service for to ashes lights on tuesday. between is ready, protest is and the police video shed on social media are and showing on his ready tv shows, protest is trying to take down the power case. the police have put up, others scuffling with police as the police were trying to to make the tensions. now,
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these protests began on sunday nights and planned to last the 4 days and then perhaps more. what they want is the removal of benjamin netanyahu from office. they want him to full time the election so that they can force them out. they also want to connect, set the cooling off as positive a recess. they say that this time of war when there was still more than a 130 is right of captives inside costs are being held by. how much that this is no time for parliamentarians to be going on. sort of the passions of running very, very high, and the box is difficult to see the moment what the method is, mechanism is by which they can force him to leave office. benjamin netanyahu knows that he is deeply unpopular. he knows that many is ready, as most is ready, hold him responsible for the security fight is that led to october the 7th. and he knows that if elections were house same and he and his coalition would most likely be out of office. so he is categorically said he is not courting elections unless
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he changed his mind. walk to the protest is due, well they can build them immense and they can keep protesting and hope that they can force him out of that way. the only other way that perhaps he will leave office at the moment is if that coalition collapses his right wing co issue, they're all crap submit their offices. but for the time being it seems that the competition is holding together for which happens. how does here, you know, keep bodies, theresa a, and a call roaming, attacking israel has injured for people with these really forces killing the suspected driver. danger, pedestrians included a 23 year old man whose even critical condition the others were treated by paramedics in the city of tier. i need a kalki at in the occupied west back still ahead on alger 0 bread to in the us. so spread to cows, goats, and now people we hear from worried tom or the
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the well, the rainy seasons faltering, slightly in south east asia. but there is a full cost of a circulation, just the east of barley here, between the ons, indonesia and the old and australia. otherwise, it will already sense it's still sure the familiar story of potential funding and sort of ways the back to was something sumatra. but the impetus from the ne, long as soon as we're off a license and it was, you'll notice navigator, australia, yes, there is rain up in the north of north of the territory and west and australia. but really, the folks have been a bit further south and this continuing the line of contrasts with thunderstorms is there from some part of creating some dot seduce, as well as to what city disappointing looking to see to know something very familiar, but that's an improvement for you but so the 3 day full cost is $1.00 of disappointment
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. now it does want to get into about $27.00 bias as they've always got that on show breeze. i'm usually overcast skies. been a court couple of days been using it and that's about to change. again, the readings on his way out from the science to the know find an attempt just know 5 ok to say up into the high teen. so most progress to say by friday, you're going to see more of a southerly brace. attempts are on the way down, but it is too probable, bright. then what the, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural,
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historical and cultural beauties the, [000:00:00;00] the so again, i'm for the back people in doha with the headlines on alger 0 just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid workers in garza and allergies their investigation has found they were intentionally targeted. these really military launched 3 consecutive as strikes against the wealth central kitchen workers. despite being told of a movement, us present, joe biden has called for a swift investigation before it's also suggest is really military officers and
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soldiers and gas have routinely act on their own. violating homie regulations and trumpet chain of command. army sol says i've told the high rights newspaper that in gaza. everyone does as he say, jesus, wells, central kitchen convoy was bombed as it left a food warehouse in downtown, on monday. not profit that quake has hit taiwan, getting at least 9 people and injuring hundreds more, dozens, attracting tunnels and collapsed buildings to magnitude 7.2 quakes truck off the east coast. it was as strong as to hit the island in 25 years. seems as robbie has to be 10 people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquakes there and 25 years. the magnitude $7.00, which struck off the east coast after shots rattled communities across the cell from rhode island, causing power cuts and some buildings to collapse. text messages, gord, coastal areas of this. you not be through the human because it sounds it was very
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strong. it felt as if the house was getting to topple to yell 10 behind you was shaking very violently. oldom motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the s and the electrical switches the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and she was going to drive the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strong distress, quite the hit taiwan and off shore islands. since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history killed in estimated 2400 people. more strong aftershocks are expected in coming days for may. if you cut the 100 and each you may have already seen the ports of houses, spitting roads damaged and many, but he goes head by falling rocks in one the in area in the type the, the metro and the high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request that under one department to grasp the golden time for rescue activity caviar. search and rescue work for the people. pick the best,
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get injured people and pick emergency the settlement measures. japan and the philippines were also on the alert to pads. national broadcast or warning viewers to evacuate their homes. ok now was main airport temporarily suspending all flights but the sooner i mean, warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan suffered its biggest real quick on record a massive 9.0 magnitude under see jo triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused the fuqua's stream, a nuclear power plant, disaster the most serious accidents since turnover. and a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on new years, day this year. it depends no dependence. you're feeling more than 230 people. same bus robbie ultra 0. let's get the latest now with the vehicle pilot and who's senior editor at the news outlets. taiwan pass. she's live from. type
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a deviate good to have you with us. what's the latest in terms of the effect, the extent of the damage and destruction of the circling, the most of the type pay and most areas of taiwan are largely back to normal. the attention now is all focused on hot quality and county, which is the at the center of the earthquake. now hallie and has a mountains on one side of the c on the other side, which means that it is now largely cut off from the rest of tie, one with its main artery going in and out if it's heavily damaged and not possible anymore. a lot of the infrastructure in the county had been damaged in many of the people who are still trapped and injured are in that county. there is much concern us help cannot get into them, get to them. and in fact, the military has been enlisted to help the search and rescue workers are trying to get to the areas that are needed the most. now while the end is also known for its seeding sparks centuries destination. so that is also
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a worry for the people of quality and as a long weekend is coming up and they were expecting a large number of visitors, unnecessary economy rely on those torres dollars. you know, it has been a huge hit for them that along with the extra safety issues as buildings are teetering on the verge of collapse, there been a number of aligned slides which have affected the infrastructure across quality in and along with the fact that they're expecting more after shocks, old so far, the in house is one of the tie ones, biggest military bases. and we're hearing from the ministry of defense that a number of fighter chats had been slightly damage, but they're still taking stock off the military oper offices there. and i understand that there's already some controversy about the warning system. so that's why slowly, usually people get a text message which could be minutes or seconds before. and there is quaking, although that may not seem like a big deal. it does make
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a huge difference in the preparedness, a particularly sensitive institution, speed, hospital schools and other areas. and one of the areas that, that is most sensitive, of course, is the semi conductor industry which has highly fragile machinery and protocols. so receiving that message makes a huge difference, not only for tie one, but also for the global supply, a semi conductor supply chain, which tie one supplies most stuff. so this is why the presidents of taiwan is that the central command center trying to assess why people here did not get that warning. and one of the reasons that the agency says is because they do not predict such a strong earthquake and they didn't predicted it would be more than $4.00 magnitude, which is the bank benchmark. and that is being looked at. and it's also worth noting that this is presidents tying, when's the last you weeks in office? so this is being seen as
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a test of how she's going to handle this dive yet. thank you very much for the update. that's the vi gopal and live there in taipei. now, ukraine's president has signed a law that noah is the age of conscription from 27 to 25, as he aims to reinforce to fight against russia as invasion. wrote to me, is lensky has won that an additional half a 1000000 records are needed to refile russian advances. and mobilization comes ahead of natal meeting to discuss support for ukraine. josh transferred his following different development. some kids that is taking the ukrainian and present almost a year to sign this into law or a mobilization load. it was passed by the ukrainian parliament in my last year. we know that presidents and is getting the same but said that he wanted to see potentially up to $500000.00 additional troops on the front line. we know that the ukrainians are struggling to mobilize. and this comes as there are increasing
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rumors in phase amongst members of the training defense establishment and military analysts to a saying that russia are planning a potential offensive in the late spring early summer. meanwhile, another mobilization low is so being debated in ukrainian parliament. the 1st draft of that was thrown out because of the concerns about human rights, and indeed whether they was going to be potentially an exemption for certain people earning a certain amount of money on a, on a monthly basis. so the 2nd draft of that bill is being heavily contested. we understand that up to a full 1000 amendments. suggestions have been made. that debate goes on with the signing of this lo now by presidents zalinski, i think highlights shift how difficult ukrainians a finding it to get men and women working on those front lines. just drop it down to 0. keith, in senegal, opposition leaders,
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mine sancho has been named as prime minister in the new government if games hours after his i live by sewage, a my 5 was 20 and this president at the age of 44 july 5 is the youngest, democratically elected president in africa, he won a landslide victory in the presidential election last month just 10 days after being released from the presence and in the us. salvage teams have opened a 2nd temporary channel for shipping. at the port of baltimore, most vessels remain blocked. following the bridge collapse a week ago, 6 people were killed when a container ship lost power and collided with a bridge to fort engineer is a working on a 3rd channel to allow logic vessels to pass. so the bottleneck at one of america's largest sports or not to mexico, where the government is taking preventative measures against back to that soft or an outbreak across the border in the us state of texas. the virus has jumped from birds to cattle and has now been confirmed in 2 people,
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but authorities are insisting the risk to the public is low. john engine results. us health officials say a person in texas has contract in burn flu after being in contact with cows. the us centers for disease control and prevention says the person likely a farm worker is recuperating, the spread to farm animals. and now humans, as farmers worried, as soon as i heard that it was crossing into cows, dairy cows like, oh boy that's, that's my industry. and i know there's going to be some fall out probably from that . it's the 2nd case of a human testing positive for the virus since the disease surprised health researchers by moving from birds took housing goats in texas, kansas and other us states. in a statement, the cdc says the patient reported i read miss consistent with congestive vitus and their only symptom indeed is recovering. the patient has been told to isolate and
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is being treated with an antiviral fluid drug. so far as bird flu has not proved deadly to couch at this stage, sparing farmers, they need to use an ice sick animals just because it's the same virus that we're seeing in our, in our poultry and our bird populations is that we are, it is a different response at this point time, it will be no call for any kind of of warranties or any kind of a d population in our room and in an arc out of populations, livestock, or recovering in 7 to 10 days that you, people with birds, flu are also on demand leading health officials to say there's no need for public concern for now. john henry and l g 0. the corruption investigation into expensive jolie one by the rules president is being wide and you know, people want has already do not any crime in owning several rolex watches. now the attorney general is looking into the estimated half a $1000000.00 worth of jewelry, or the warranty was seen wearing
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a public events and bank deposits of unknown origin. not also being scrutinized. politicians in the philippines are calling for the complete shut down of hundreds of illegal online casinos owned by chinese businessmen. as allergies here as barnaby know, report workers in the multi $1000000.00 industry. i've told police how they were kidnapped and tortured dis com customers. a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and the evidence they're running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remain at large. the operation was triggered bad to from, of getting these employee who managed to escape and contact authorities. they the retail me for the cooking, the gym. and that is not the chip. we just call


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