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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, these business uptake these me roy thought no bundle a dash football to use the the, you're watching the news, our light from the headquarters and they'll find daddy navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. an algebra investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted and international aids, convoy in gauze, off a several age groups, pause their operations because of safety fears and is really media report suggests that military officers and soldiers in gauze off routinely act on their own
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violating army regulations operations are underway in taiwan to rest, to dozens traffic in the rubble following the strongest earthquake to hit the island in 25 years. zimbabwe declares the summer crossing season and national disaster, extreme droughts is leaving millions hungry across southern africa, plus targeting scam centers in the philippines. how police are tackling the legal industry that's making billions of dollars a year in sport fund, a batch a will not withdrawal from the tucker safely club members invited to stay for now, despite the appliance being attacked during the game last month. and what i feel is use of unfair treatment, the welcome to the news hour, just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid workers in gaza and al jazeera investigation
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has found they were intentionally targeted. b is really military launched. 3 consecutive air strikes against the roll. central kitchen workers, despite being told of their movements. reports also suggests that is really military officers and soldiers in gaza, routinely act on their own violating army regulations and proper chain of command. well, one is the newspaper has quoted, is really army sources of saying in gaza. everyone does as he pleases the world. central kitchen agency con boy was struck as it left the food warehouse and dated by law. on monday, 6 of the victims were for nationals and one was palestinian. well, here's what the zeros investigation has revealed. so the world central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here and dated by law, sometime around 10 30 pm local time on april. the 1st, the convoy then travel just over 4 kilometers,
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making it to the sheet streets along the coast. witness to say the 1st the vehicle was hit by a missile here just before 10, 45 pm. and the injured or seen being transferred from the 1st cart to the 2nd armored vehicle. the 2nd car made it 800 meters selves from the 1st attack. when it too was bombed and photos clearly. so it was hit straight through the roof by project out from above. the 3rd vehicle in the convoy. it made it a further 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by a 3rd and final strikes also through the roof. so we have him run cano joining us from occupied east jerusalem to tell us what's being said and is really in mind because it's really media reports suggest a lot of discipline on the part of commanders in the gaza strip. tell us more about on the well the move this goes on the mold, the shock of the actual attack, wayne's,
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people are beginning to ask questions. how did this happen? these really say they have a clear come on and control structure in place. but the military analysts, i've been speaking to suggest that that might not be the case, and that's backed up by an article in the is really newspaper her advice. he was reading you uh, a quote from it. uh, everybody in the come on knows exactly what the cause of the attack was in gaza. everyone does as he pleases. it goes on site army regulations, say the final approval for any action to get sensitive targets. like how you doing, can i say sions must be given by senior offices, the division come on at the head of the commodity, even the chief of self. but in goal is that this whole set every come on to set the rules for himself and gives his own interpretation of the rules of engagement. they say is now becoming a real problem and an actual problem for these riley. and these ready armies being publicly criticized for a very long time over his lack of discipline. let's take exhibit a for example. all of those take talk videos that we say is,
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randy soldiers post themselves, which have been quoted by the you in special rapids on human rights as being perhaps evidence of a little card. now you have this a breakdown in the combined and control structure where is rarely sold is also be acting as i want and goes a m, ron. so look, i mean there has been international condemnation, especially as for and workers were the victims here. and as we know, as you're saying this is not the 1st attack on humanitarian workers and gaza. so how much real pressure is this putting on the is release? well i think because the for national work is that will be a tremendous amount of pressure and there's a lot of public pressure we noticed already oppose us by can have trainings as like the brits and spike and the us has little sized spoken about this. but the is randy's can actually just skip the results of the investigation to those governments and the governments can actually draw a line 100. we've seen that before. does it have an e,
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a result or not counts ability? well, the us in the u. k, we know it will continue to supply arms, weapons, and money to as well. so it's unlikely that have any effect bad thoughts, a $173.00 underwater united nation relief. what agency work is being killed in gauze and the vast majority of those palestinians every time you also use ready, uh they are they going to investigate this out? we're looking into it and that's it, because these will far and as the also is incredibly simple, they will have to mount an investigation. it's valid to the governments to say, well, actually we're going to release that as being public school. to say to is right, like a west size fight with this. now go back to far to get. ready on cost. okay, we gotta thank you so much and more on time runs reporting for us from occupied east jerusalem. we'll get the view from guys. and now i'm bringing thought about zoom tart as our correspondent joining us from it. i faxed that to myself of the gaza strip thought to update us on this situation into that fast where you are and right across the gaza strip. what's been happening in the past few hours
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or well generally within the past 24 hours, we have been seeing a police search of is there any mail it to your tax, of course much of areas in the gaza strip. in fact, the reason why these many minutes we have targeted or has been so house in there is by getting at least full pallets putting it on government expands and i'm fighting with the eastern areas, the one with cetera. and also in an area where it's within the hours of today's morning, in fact, we have been hearing loud explosions and the far south of the city of con units, we put plenty here. it's river for ration from our location right now. in a rough, uh, as part of city is ours to also show quite the result of the is there any attacks that had been carried out in the past 2 days? i work is that tied to the where the majority were complete before in the past, the attack has been driving completely negative consequences on the humanitarian situation. in terms of specifically that to do
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a central kitchen is considered to be one of the main food providers into 2 or 3 hours to happen to providing more than $40000000.00 meals since october. but me growing cools from the international community to increase the capacity and the for the city of a deliveries to the gaza strip. that had been one of the stick to the, from the ongoing offensive being north by the is very military till now. the read. all right, thank you so much. i thought of also i'm reporting from alpha in the south of the gaza strip. well, after mondays attack, the world central kitchen suspended its operations and gaza and displays. palestinians say that they fear attacks like these will lead to further suffering. let's take a look at other 88 agencies whom face similar challenges. there is the american near east refugee aid agency and it's decided to stop it's operations and gaza altogether. the a group had provided an average of 150000 meals a day in partnership with the world central kitchen in february. so you an agency
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for palestinian refugees. winner was suspended its 8 operations to northern gauze on. and this came after what it called a collapse of civil order and prevention, a safe passage for its trucks and other organizations like the international medical corps, which has one of the largest field hospitals. and just off is also thinking it's humanitarian work and gaza. well known, speak to sandra rashid, who is a palestine country director for the n g o. the american, near east refugee aide. she joins us from brown. my love that to me occupied westbank send her a sheet. thanks for your time with us. so at a time when we hear over and over that to monetary and aid has to be scaled off in gaza because the needs are so immense. 8 organizations like yours have decided to stop the humanitarian work. but what impact do you think this is going to have on palestinians, and garza and thank you and thank you for having me. i think the long term impacts are going to be dire. we already know that the situation on the ground is
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extremely difficult. even when an era was providing the 150000 meals a day, the v c k was providing as much anymore. and now we are suspended. we have not completely stopped. we're taking a clause right now to see a d, a value with the safety of our staff. our staff have guided our work and they themselves feel like there's a target on their backs and have requested that we take a cause. so that we can insure their safety. so when you're saying your take a pause, can you give us some sort of idea how long that suspension is going to last? you know, this all depends on the israeli side. is the indiscriminate killing that's been taking on taking place in the last 6 months of your colleagues let you know that there was a 173 and her human entirety, workers killed in the last 6 months. but that numbers over 200 for all, even if you're in a workers where we also see a high rise of killings in for medical professionals, journalists, civilians,
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children, we are waiting to have some assurance from israel and from the international community that doing the spite of saving work will not constitute putting a target on our staff that so as of today have you, us is released in the international community for those assurances. and if you have, have you gotten a response and what hasn't been we've been in discussion with both the is really the end of the international community. we're talking on various levels. and i think that, um, the what was said earlier is that the world was in shock. i think the more that we have time to process is the world surprising and shocking that it is. these are 3 convoys that were hit by 3 different bond as we mentioned that through the roof of their car, which indicates a targeted killings. we are all really, i think this is going to take some, some time from the international community. i would hope they wouldn't take too
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much time, but they're not going to be in israel to ensure that they would secure the safety of our stuff. and you touched upon this and the beginning of the impact that it would have on people in gaza. i wonder if you can just expand on this a little bit and tell us what impact suspensions like these have on a distribution efforts in the gaza strip. and particularly in the north of the country where we understand for awhile now very, very little aid has been able to reach the north. yes, this is shoes. we are narrower, providing 20000 pop meals in the north every day. we were working with w. b and other convoys to provide tracks and commodities to the north. this is all stop the situation, as i mentioned, is extremely dire. we see that there is started ration. there are over 4545 cases recorded down by starvation so far. and this is what we see due to strictly
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starvation. we don't know how many deaths are related to mount nutrition. this situation in terms of not having to just apply through our kitchen or 2 food process samples is extremely critical. this is a very hard decision for us to take. we know that the situation on the side, it keeps getting worse. the situation gets worse by the day. but as i mentioned, we weren't forced to do this. this is something that we were forced to do to share our safety. um, as an, as a, you're a capella sign country direct or an as an aide work or what do you think israel is trying to achieve by targeting aid workers and then thousands through i think what we see is a matter of targeting humanitarian medical journalist. uh, i don't have, i am not in the heads of israel intelligence or strategies to understand what, what the purpose is, but we, you see a pattern of this happening. okay,
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we'll leave it there. sandra, frustrated, we thank you so much for speaking to us from, but on the line they occupied with you. now the us president joe biden has called for a swift investigation and for the findings to be made public. our fisher has more on docs from washington dc. as well, president bygone says he spoke to jose on today's the founder of the world. central kitchen called him his friend and said he expressed his condolences at the death of the workers and gaza. he then goes on in a statement to m some criticism, not directly israel, not explicitly. it is real because of the attack, but we'll ship it back so you could understand the context here. he says, on average, the heart broken by the death of 7 humanitarian workers, including one america and guys a they were providing foods to hungry civilians in the middle of the war. they were brave and self with their desks out of tragedy. he then says,
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israel has pledge to conduct a southern investigation into why the 8 workers vehicle were hit by you strikes that investigation must be in his words. swift, it must bring a current ability and its findings must be made public. now of course have seen israel, katya investigations, in similar sorts of incidents. we'd all just need to had a similar situation when the fairly, as promised, a fill in transplant investigation into the killing of a colleague sharing aqua and jeanine 2 years ago. and at that point, these relays admitted that they were responsible, but then said that no one would be held accountable for that. this is something that joe biden is clearly trying to avoid, even more tragically, i'd still buy a new statement. this is not a standalone incident. this conflict has been one of the worst and recent memories in terms of how many ead workers have been killed. of course, under what has suffered numerous tests in guys a during the war. and there has been no statement of this trends from the white
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house. okay, we can now bring in a home that i showed he's a professor of security and military studies at the door hot and systems for graduate studies. joining us here on site, welcome back to all to 0, all my gosh or so if we just 1st look at the, what is really media is reporting harassing particular saying that there's a lack of discipline among forces on the grounds. and, but the commanders and forces involved active country to orders. what do you read into that statement? it's, it's an attempt to shift the blink to junior at offices. right. so there are 2 things there. one issue is this, the, the junior officers is right. the army usually have more or more freedom in terms of making decisions on the spot in the battlefield. it's a, it's an is really well for fed. it resulted in technical aggression historically, but also resulted in a happy trigger. shoulders through that for a lot of this is, and the, it's part of the culture likely to nato countries. the need to on a recorded mission command. so do the delegating to junior officers and decision
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making. it can result in an, in some unnecessary. this is, and in the case of the is what it is we saw and goes into this is among the hostages. the 10s of thousands of civilian deaths is, but also even a lot of this is from, from the fire. so you have 20 percent this from, from the fire. so this is ready to soldiers killed by the colleagues. don't buy all this because of all the full part of that because of the that the delegation to junior officers. but the other thing is, well, this means that it is intentional, it is intentional because there are 3 strikes on 3 cars off the 1st like fmc that was communications with the is radio army. and 2nd strike happened in the 3rd strike up. and of course this was done according to the agency of 8 and just to had given is really is there coordinates as a this is often doing causal. yep. good. it's the, the confliction was there. so the idea that this was an accident is not true
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because of the, the whole become fiction processes. but it's very clear you give the, the exact location of the convoy describe it in detail. so what type of car is the, the, the plate numbers and so on? sometimes it's, it's mocked even by, by infrared to it. it's known what, what type of, of mux are all the scores and also the timing and so on. so the confection structured was very much the there. so it's one of 2 things. it's either a mistake or worse, but it was, it was not a, it was not the unintentional or it was the next. but when you, when you're saying this, beth, israel has killed the highest number of you when aid workers in the organizations history according to, according to them. so, is this part of a, some sort of pattern or strategy on behalf of the is released. i wouldn't quote this strategy, i'm not sure this, it just needs to have more investigation. um, it clearly has the international,
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the navigation. so the reputation will be even more solid than it than, than before, which was already in a very bad shape. but it's, i think, what is it, it's more a more, a culture of impunity intends on making these mistakes, getting that on people and then nothing happens in terms of the, the, the put thing, the ones who committed did this do a, uh, some sort of a tribunal, or even of some sort of accountability for, for, for these actions. look what sort of fall, nothing, and nothing has happened. the 4th, it continues as if it's a, it's not the major mistake or is it just bosses that's the end you were mentioning, international ramifications a moment ago. i wonder what you think those could be when you take into account? look, we heard from the us president joe biden, he said that he's quote, unquote, outraged by this talk. but then, as national security advisor spokesperson said, there was no evidence that israel was deliberately targeting the aid workers flying
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in the face of the video as well as an al jazeera investigation. so will there be any international or honest occasions when israel, the closest all over us, is taking this position so that our international notifications, but it's it that it's on a level now or even like political level, if, if there are a realtor in the future, shantrel it has to do with the, the, the m, o is the, the munition that has provided the weapons that are provided the, the air to ground missiles that are provided that on bombs that are provided. and just a few days ago, with the washington post had a whole report on the new batch of the weapons of the munitions that were provided, even after the uh, the, the, the holding of the v doing the secuity console by the us. su a real actions in terms of the, the, the policies that would affect that if the, the minute, the effort and the security behavior of is really in gaza is not there. it's not implemented, but the condemnations and rhetoric is cheap. you might as well thank you so much.
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the other news, rescuers in taiwan are pulling earthquake victims from the rubble of their homes. the strongest tremor to hit the islands and 25 years, toppled buildings killing at least 9 people and injuring hundreds. the underwater magnitude $7.00 quakes struck at around 8 am. it was also felt in southern japan, eastern china and the philippines. the same as robbie has the latest people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquakes there and 25 years. the magnitude $7.00 quick struck off the east coast after shops rattles communities across the cell from old island, causing power cuts and some buildings to collect text messages, ward coastal areas of this would not be through the human because it was very strong. it's felt as if the house was getting to topple. to yelled him behind. it
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was shaken very violently. all the motorcycles outside our house toppled over so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches. the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes. i got a drag the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials and the capital typeface that it was the strong districts quite to hit taiwan and offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history killed in estimated 2400 people. more strong aftershocks are expected in coming, did something out for me to cut the audio. the to me have already seen the ports of houses, building roads damaged and many, but he goes head by falling rocks in one the, an area in the type, adf, mitchell, and the high speed trans was suspended. i would like to request that under under parkland blue cross the golden time for the rescue activity patio search and rescue work for the people. pick the best get injured people and big emergency the system and measures. japan in the philippines were also up send. i'll be alert japan's
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national broadcast or warning viewers to evacuate their homes open now was main airport temporarily suspending all flights, but the sooner i mean, warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive, seismic events in 2011 japan suffered its biggest earthquake on record a massive $9.00 magnitude. under see jo triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused the fuqua's stream, a nuclear power plant, disaster the most serious accident since turnover. and a 7.5 magnitude, right click on new years day this year. it depends no dependents who are doing more than 230 people. same bus robbie old is here. patrick focus live for us in typeface or patrick. you just landed in the airport in taipei. what are you seeing and what's the situation like there? of the like it is
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a busy wednesday evening here. it's how you on international lab pulled. so tomorrow marks the thoughts of ching men. festivals of the quakes struck just a day ahead of a full day long weekend. i've been speaking to some people that have just been arriving here. and so i pay for the long weekends all a day and they say they are concerned about the situation, but still decided to come, but they'll be keeping a close eye on developments and changing that travel it's in raise as they need through. there are also reports about people that have scrapped plans to come to type a this weekends given situation and it isn't the uncertain few days ahead of us. we heard just above it to go the raw report. so say that multiple off the shocks are expected in the coming days. have been the board say that since the initial quake, which struck this morning, they end up being more than the 100 off the shocks,
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including at least a couple that measured mold in magnitude 6 on the richter scale, a lot of people that are coming to, to i want this weekend's might've been traveling to quality and can, can see the where the epicenter of the quake is it's known for its scenery and views and it's trails as well. um, so we can confirm now that 3 of those that have died. well, hike is on the road, co national park trail who, where hits by folding rocks as also being a substantial damage to bridges and roads traveling to holland. can't see. so that know that we'll also have some of the rescue efforts that are taking place as well . so what is the latest you're hearing on the rescue efforts and how they're going a well present sign when convenes and emotions a meeting today,
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and she's made it clear that the priority is now is to save lives. we've been hearing reports coming in just a short while ago saying that there are more than a 120 people that are trapped inside the tunnels in quality and county in particular around a t people engine when tunnel, which is a tunnel which is 400 meters long and it goes through parts of northern while in county. so the raw fits being made to try and say those people rescue those people also around 50 people trapped inside many buses. we're hearing also in quality and we're not sure for the time being whether that includes the numbers that we're hearing about, but a trapped on the collapse to buildings as well. but there is also a lot of concern among authorities about the spread of misinformation and this information. and they all cooling full reports to be verified so they can get the
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necessary help to people wherever it is most needed as quickly as they can. right now. all right, thank you, patrick folks, thank you for that updates. the tensions over taiwan has been discussed in a phone call between the us and chinese presidents. the white house says joe biden, and she's been paying also talked about trade issues and chinese support for russia in the war in ukraine. the bite and ministration has placed limits on the transfer of us technology to china, as both compete for dominance and artificial intelligence. here's what's coming up on the office. it renews our as ukraine tries to boost numbers and it's 4 with wash. so nato considers a proposal to provide the team for the long term military aides. the so the pro lead leaders extend their record breaking winning street to 31 matches. that story is coming off with jenna a little later. and sports,
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the, the risk continued flooding river funding in central problems because the atlantic is pushing weather and still is coming up against infinity will bit down here in the southeast. so it contrasts intemperate was, enhances what these federal system bring in this case, that is yet more right. this is the picture for when. so there's more rain for fonts, but as though maybe for the tiny, now it's not much, i don't think wind stuff. a big feature on there is, but there's a wind coming out of the know of the cold wind just catching north a scuffle. but for the most part, the story in europe isn't the cold. well, the exception here still come to into the baltic. states will building issues about 6 degrees and that will be sleepy snare, you weather and come 1st i this still snow around plenty of it in the,
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in the southern past. all kinds of navy and rain compass gemini, but the some of these art from portugal through spain, through it's and again the to the balkans attempt just want to get her on the way out. for example, you up to 23 by saturday and saturday for the average here is 14 and the bolton says keep moving up through eastern you are reaching russell 25 degrees fee. the average is 12. that by the end of sunday, north africa is also a big story of hot weather. look up on june at 41. the in hebron boys breed and slight picture. but then this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times, toss out an awesome restaurant. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age in a place where even
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a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to the latest news. as a people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives . vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with detailed coverage. so many people are out tonight to celebrate perhaps a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin the the the,
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the, the top stories on the out is there a news hour. just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid workers and gaza and al jazeera investigation has found that they were intentionally targeted is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world central kitchen workers. despite being told of their movements, us president joe biden has called for a swift investigation. reports also suggests that is really military officers and soldiers, and also routinely asked on their own violating army regulations on the proper chain of command armies. sources told the tourette's newspaper and gaza. everyone does as he pleases the world. central kitchen tombly was formed as it left the food warehouse in dayton by now on monday. the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan and 25 years has killed at least 9 people and injured hundreds. operations are under way to rescue more than a 100 people trapped in the rubble of collapse tunnels and buildings. ukraine's
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presidents has signed a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion. but let him or zalinski has worn that an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel russian advances. the mobilization trans as nato foreign ministers meet in brussels to discuss long term supports for you crate . most school needs to understand that they cannot achieve the goals on the battlefield of the colonel. wait those out. us with minutes to collab i, we will address the current situation and ukraine's needs both now and for the future. we are transforming naples, comprehensive assistance package into a multi year program of assistance. we are helping ukraine move closer tonight to naples standards on everything from procurement or logistics. and we are supporting
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ukraine's reform efforts to bring ukraine ever closer to the lines. okay, we have charles rep for it. he's running us are from the ukraine and capital people talk about nato. a moment's roles at 1st. let me ask you about that news that uh well let him as one skis, lowering, lowering the army draft age to 25. why now and is this a welcome moving you crazy? when it's taken president zalinski almost a year, it's a sign that little sign it into little that bill was passed by the ukrainian problem in my last. yeah. people are asking why he has suddenly done it. now, um, and a lot of it comes down to what time it lists and members of ukraine's ministry establishment will tell you some what if you're in describing it as a mobilization crisis on the front lines on the ukrainian side, there is a, a growing feeling here in ukraine of increasing will fatigue, the current ends up being facing mobilization issues for
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a long period of time. of course, the counter offensive that was little more weighted and had so much nato and western allies, money put towards it last year as long as you've described as a failure. so the ukrainians have really been feeling the pressure not only with respects to delays in that munition and weapons deliveries, but also with respect to manpower men and women prepared to fight on the front lines. and the mobilization issue continues to be contentious, controversial in parliament. there is another bill that is currently in its 2nd draw of the 1st draft was actually thrown out who was considered to be too controversial by a human rights groups. for example, that bill is now when it 2nd reading. having had what is on the students to be thousands of suggested amendments having to be made to it. we're expecting that 2nd reading in the next couple of weeks. i think this is something the signing into
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little vines, the landscape. lowering the, the i each full conscription to $25.00 is yes, an indication of, of the kind of pressures that the credit administrative facing on the front lines. right. and when it comes to nato and not meeting taking place, what are we likely to see in terms of western military support as well? yes, it's the 1st day of a 2 day meeting of the foreign ministers, nato foreign ministers in brussels. we're expecting a discussion potentially about the loan of about how they talk members can main site and keep the funding, the weapons coming to you. great. and specifically, we understand there is going to be discussion essentially about a, a 5 year plan for a fund denouncing to over a 1000000000 us dollars. there's also going to be told about getting nate so great to control about the, the supply of these weapons from a group that was established at the beginning of the war through ukraine and
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defense coincide group. all the ramstein group named off to the, the advice in southern germany where we've had meetings, numbers, a number of meetings over the last 2 years long as the leg by the us. and there are concerns that because the political developments in respective nato countries, most specifically the, the very real possibility of donald trump returning to the white house. and we will know that donald trump is being very critical of night. so in a lease one instance even fractions to withdrawal the us for nature, there was a feeling that in order to save god, the kind of work, the money and the munitions that the ukrainian defense contact group supplies. they need as nato to bring this organization. this group more under a nate. so umbrella, these are just discussions. we don't expect anything to be signed off during this meeting, griping brussels. but it's going to be interesting to see how about discussion
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develops in the build up to the, the big nights. so somebody in dc in july, all right, thank you so much restaurant for thanks for that update from keith to protest against the overturning of local election results have spread in thirty's, eastern and south eastern provinces. thousands of progress have been made in the predominantly kurt or city of bond election officials have rules of the d. e m party candidates, towns hold public office because of a previous conviction. the ruling act parties, candidate the set to become mayor and spence, politicians on the philippines are calling for the complete shutdown of hundreds of illegal online casinos owned by chinese businessmen. as barnaby lo reports, workers in the multi $1000000000.00 industry have told police how they were kidnapped and tortured to scam customers. a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended
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on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and the evidence they're running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remained large. the operation was triggered bets. it from a venue means employee who managed to escape and contact authorities. they the retail me for the cooking, the gym and that is not the chip. we just call the colors a and den available. look it up. and dylan who has from the leisure, says his friend sold him to the company. i just want to be safe. but when i visit, has not allowed to do. both of them say they were beat up when they couldn't make the monthly target of $40000.00, much like a workers of an online gambling site and many, let's say they were tortured in this room. it was also found to have been a prostitution 10. the site now serves as a detention center. human trafficking victims and employees are waiting deputation
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are housed here, a former online gaming compound, law enforcement officials rated it last year. it turned out to be the headquarters of a scamming and surprise. also run by chinese business meant the chinese online casino industry, locally known as the philippines. offshore gaming operators or pulse grew exponentially during the term of former president would be good to try to authorize. the chinese embassy says it's job is to protect us citizens, but it's also cooperating with philippine authorities. it's highly probable that the people, whereas fuel from 14 board, they just transferred to another photo. so we're creating a localized in d g nice scamming invested in the philippines. but it's a crisis of regional portions. the united nation says more than $200000.00 and may be trapped in scam operations in myanmar and come both the philippine government says hundreds are still illegally operating in the country in an industry. this
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generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. barnaby lo, alger 0 manila most, i'll speak to joshua james, he's the regional counselor at cyber crime coordinator with the united nations office on drugs and crime for southeast asia on the pacific. joining us from bank off, welcome to houses 0. good to have you with us. so we can see from the report by correspond to barnaby low that clearly there's a human cost to the story. how wide spread. busy is a trafficking when it comes to these legal online casinos. a full trafficking for criminal purposes is definitely on the rise, especially with more scam centers coming up as they become probable. exactly as was describing the philippines, philippines basically started by supporting the creation of these, these casinos and then those casinos were then abused for the online scamming and additional crimes that are coming up that, that we see now. so it's been
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a little bit of an evolution overtime. and luckily the so the government has see what's happening is responding quite strong to the situation. look according to the un itself. this is according to our report. last year it said that hundreds of thousands of people are being traffic by criminal gangs and being forced to work in such center as. but could this number, you know, this hundreds of thousands could actually be an underestimate, considering the, the, the practices under ground and human nature. um of course it's just an estimate and it does have to come up with a graph solve the unity see specifically has not confirmed those numbers. um, so the, the reports that we're seeing a $100000.00 is kind of integrative of, of the amount of travel that we see kind of going into the region. but it doesn't necessarily correlate 100 percent to the scam centers that we're seeing. because there's other types of, of crime going on at the same time. and these are transnational organized crime
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groups, right? so it's an organized crime group network essentially. and they're running many different types of crimes and endeavors, basically at the same time. and all of those require some type of human cap. so the, the amount of traffic is going on. we can just classify as only go into, let's say, scam centers. whenever there's an entire drugs network that's just been set up and fuels and kind of things for years. right. okay. um, but i just like to go back to the, the report by our correspond to barnaby. because he was really focusing on this issue of the legal, online casinos. what is behind the growth of these can cause he knows on the scam sensors and just like every with crime, it's really about profit, right? so these have become extremely profitable with the creation and have you have allusion of these casinos. you've had the infrastructure that was in place to move
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extremely large amount of money. sometimes it literally sometimes through through money laundering and those types of channels that i think the structure had already existed because of the casinos and legacy. those were running in the area. now, what they were looking for is a way to reach more on the strength. so online casinos developing and that makes major process, of course, in, in the region and globally, also with the rise of online casinos, more worryingly. and in my perspective is the rise of online scam groups right along with the teams. so what needs to be done to stop this meantime, individual countries solve this problem or is more, you know, more international cooperation is what's required here. if we're looking at the responses like what the philippines is doing, doing an excellent job trying to address the problem locally, but that you cannot solve this alone. so as soon as of one prime group and, and all of the infrastructure is removed. so say for one country,
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these crime groups because they are transnational and they're already established and there's already many different ways, longer and channels. they will just move your sections. so we have to consider the international response to this, and we are starting to see that for me, at least within the region where people are interested, more governments are interested and they're starting to come together to really start sharing information issue. this quick response is what we need in terms of international cooperation and that tired, and i'm just going to start for him now. all right, thank you so much. also trains thanks for speaking to us from michael as timelines constitutional court has agreed to hear a case seeking the dissolution of the opposition move forward. party is being seen as a blow to the popular anti establishment movements which has pushed for institutional reforms, including changes to the kingdoms royal defamation laws. the party created a major upset and last year as may election scoring the most votes. but it was
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locked out of a coalition government following months of political and legal wrangling, state media, and our 3 us as a new hypersonic miss all has been successfully launched. it also says this is the latest step by leader kim jong own to use solid fuel to power missiles instead of liquid fuels, weapons, and switching to solid fuel cells could mean that it can be deployed foster. the latest launch is the 2nd in 2 days, as the north continues to test its missile capability. the government and zimbabwe has declared a state of emergency because of extreme droughts. so the failure of annual range has left millions of people threatened with hunger and its force many to rely on food aid. climate change on the nino weather phenomenon has worsened areas, conditions, and broadway, as well as neighboring countries. in southern africa, we have power, which also joining us now from zimbabwe capital herrera. so how bad is the drought engine by way her as well?
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when you move around to data, you see people have growing mays, india yards or the side of the road you made the staple food hearings and bobbing the crop is struggling. when you leave the city, go to the farm to the roll areas, cups, they are doing so all either the i the dying or they are did most of bobby's know it's going to be a back season. it's going to be a bad. yeah. president image and then god wants to play the state of design that he's honest as a community to then help in terms of money and aid. you see the kinds of it have to import, raise, southern, we'll do it every can to make so know, and bob, we installed a farm was new. this job was coming. but what happened was in late january, early february, because you receive some rain for a fair amount of some promise to the gamble and tried to solve it. something in this dry spell, just hit and it's assisted for weeks and crap sought a dying. and that's why some grain definitely to submit it as a saying the farm is, are bringing an upgrade, amazed to the depots,
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and it says it could be flu shortages and price increases. what sort of health people been getting what the government does in working with humanitarian agencies to bring food to people who need isn't valuable communities. for example, in rural areas they get food, a gray and other necessities. in the urban areas, as many cash people are given money to buy whatever they need by the onto the resources to help. if he bought you this daughter, this has affected a lot of countries in southern africa, molly and then be ols that became the state of disaster. so that's a big produce of grand in the region is also concerned about the start and they all concerns that or reports that saw that's a big country may also need to import brain if the starts to sit. so a lot of people are worried about impending, so we started using of course, price increases. all right, thank you so much here in the town so. so the corruption investigation into
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expensive jewelry worn by peruse, presidents as being widens the novel of warranty, has already denied any crime in owning several rolex watches. and now the attorney general is looking into the estimated half a $1000000.00 worth of jewelry by the warranty was seen wearing a public events. and bank deposits of unknown origin are also being scrutinized. flash floods in ecuador, as capital, has killed at least one person. many streets and quito were blocked by debris. more than a dozen children trapped in a nursery were free by police in similar flash floods 2 years ago, killed 28 people. salvage teams have opened the 2nd temporary channel for shipping at the us, portable to more, but most vessels remain blocked. following the bridge collapse a week ago, 6 people were killed when a container ship lost power and collated with a bridge support. engineers are working on a 3rd channel to allow larger vessels to pass through the bottleneck at one of
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america's largest fords, synagogues opposition liter rosemont sancho has been named as prime minister and the new governments came to hours after his ally by siro. jo, my fi was sworn in as president at the age of 44. he's the youngest, democratically elected president in africa. he won a landslide victory in the presidential election last month. still ahead on the i was, is there a news our a lead leading home run for one of the dodgers, but it's not their big money. japanese signings that's coming up with you on them and sports. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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time for the sports insurance demo. thank you. during one of stuff he has a biggest football team spent a batch. i have voted to stay in the country's top league for now at least they have threatened to quiz off to that place where a tax buy or position funds last month. david strikes reports, he says it looked like a match day has thousands of spent about j. congress members gather the stadium in his temple. after an extraordinary meeting the cubs. chapman said they would not go through with the rest of withdrawing from the tech and super league. and as you know, allow me to use the least preferred option was to withdrawal from the league. the reason why this opinion is not wanted is that people think we would have to deal in the lower link with the same things we deal with. he took of quitting the leg with spock. last month when spent about cheese players were attacked by trumps. and
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school funds, but the cubs grievances go back is in 2015. that same bus was attacked by gunman. the driver was hospitalized, but no prizes were injured. back in 2011, they were banned from the european champions league of a much fixing allegations which they were eventually cleared of just because pen about shape decided not to pull out the league now, doesn't mean they weren't in the future. but so now we are taking this option off the table until the general assembly at the end of the season, took his football list and play by controversy. the season motion though to play in december, when the whole league was suspended after a club president attacked a referee, sent about cheat. i wanted the 3 biggest clubs in the country along with grab a test, right and the ship test. they've won the super league 19 times, but not for a decade. kimberly, they sits 2nd 2 points behind gab assessor why they probably the next game later on wednesday, still in the league and still in contention. they've been stokes l. g 0 off of the
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land bound just to say table to keep the pressure on in the premier league tied to a rice with both sides and action on wednesday, officer home to lead to town under. when we'll see the re take top spot from livable, you don't play until thursday, because all types of sites are still on beach and in the leak this year. as a kid, a valuable point away at mazda c in the last much to do what we want to be and, and i want to take this opportunity and, and make it happened on to we words every single day with, with that. and so she has them on, on bison to, to make it happen, and them, and i'm enjoying the moment as well. i see the team ready for rolling and they are really excited about playing these game. and that's what that, what has to be driving them. now this visual net to the end table move level and points with the latest level. if they be aston villa of the yes we have been a full, some have champions, the football and the sites. pet claudio. decide last one neil. the last time the sides played in december just we didn't get to have to do the we don't have
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and know my many chances are points. but this is non games and has to be the play for, you know, qualify for the champions league and. and every team play for something. so the last game shows are difficult to manage. court would be for all of us to to talk to mr. thomas to move into the top full off the drawing with west ham. brendan johnson gave spies and audi leads to full cut z my equalized the west time as it finished one little surprised say 52 points of the champions league faces edits invested late to secure a vital points in the fight against medication. they were waiting to call, so we took the lead 15 minutes in to alex on the 2nd. edison were given a penalty with less than 5 minutes left. dominic council slew in steps up and the school to rescue a one withdrawal edison on the 16th and the table 4 point supposedly dropped,
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saying an event instrumental goals for a record extending, assisting the tale and cut side. so off the basing lot ca, last week it was last year he'd be given to us a 1000000 me a tiny elite for this time. you guys fairly quick, you guys up and do some of it. so security, you know, when in the fast like a fast semi final victory edge that must a 1000000 onto elect res, seem closer to the 22nd comp final, the 2nd act will be played in right in the middle. and the 3 weeks time, leon is moved into the french got final, they was 3, when is against valencia, and the semi final is be moving to decade since the on listed this trophy power, sasha, my face ran and the other semi on wednesday and subroutines. incredible running the job in ca came to an end on tuesday. the such a club would be to to do a bike. hi. is this option to describe finals? i'm preaching to jump out some victims on my way to the final full, including raining with the sake of champions of buying media and saudi arabia out
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loud. i've extended their record winning street to the t one games they beats. i left 2 to 3. now in the saudi probate resilience, i am malcolm double that lead. and the 2nd toss of the crate started around the the full sound of the day 3 completed the when 7 minutes lisa, out loud and moving closer to securing the 19th sally lead time. so for see on even now there's only still $612.00 points to find out a lot in the table to slight securing it's 8 mill, rushing of i on tuesday without a score. his 2nd half trick in the space. a 7 to 2 hours the 5 times onto one is a foot couldn't loose again. on the runaway need is the raining and b, m, v, p. joanne and beach has made a winning return from the surgery and beat admitted feeling depressed, often missing 9 weeks. thoughts was back fresh against the oklahoma city sound on tuesday. the school to 24 points as the sort adelphia 76 is came from behind to
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beat the from the 19 to one and 5. the denver nuggets move faxed itself is the western conference officer basing this down on time here is 1st likely. okay. to put in 43 points and had 160. my so 40 junior, i had a cy breaking of 3 points that with 28 seconds left as and now that's when the game is 110 to one of the golden state warriors snaps a 7 game winning springs of dollars is the attempt to secure a file for the payments for to double somebody to don't change to pete the mavericks. one is for $100.00 warriors. it's still 600 in the west, but i need his help is progressing. and in major league baseball, look, events hits his best high run of the season as the adult is beat, the san francisco giants a 5 full for that that straight when he leads the lead in high runs. that is a good spot for me for now. but i will have another update, it's lisa. okay, we'll see you later done with thank you so much and that's it for the news hour.
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but we'll take a short break and for we've got to go over it with you in just a moment with much more of today's news and all the latest headlines on out to 0. thanks for watching. bye bye. for now. the in 2018. a john the sledge, 40 days of civic action, against the on the union government. i'm president soccer group on power. i'm going to labor to square and documentary photos. he's non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing out a democratic revolution. i am not alone on many as velvet revolution on our pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say know,
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double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular, i said to all racing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education we want to bring, because the women and my country doesn't match suite to come up to us. we are not, and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts,
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that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you do the analogy is there a investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted and international. a convoy in guys the i'm for the back to boy, you're watching l g 0 live from doha. also coming up several 8 agencies and now forced to suspend for distribution and guys. i often monday's a time worsening finding conditions on the ground. the strong is earthquake,
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take taiwan and $25.00. you.


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