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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is clear as you to the now does the or investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted and international aid. convoy in guys the i'm for the back to boy, you're watching out you 0 life from don't also coming up several agencies and now forced to suspend for distribution in guys. i often monday's a time worsening finding conditions on the ground. the strong is earthquake to hit tie wanting 25 years at least 9 people that killed and dozens that dropped in the rubble of collapse. buildings plus the as ukraine tries to increase its 2 numbers, nato considered as
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a proposal to provide key with long term military age. the thank you for joining us just 2 days after israel killed 78 workers in gaza. analogies, their investigation has found they were intentionally targeted. these are in the military launch 3 consecutive as strikes against the wealth central kitchen workers . despite being told of a movement. reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers in gaza, routinely act on their own violating army regulations and proper chain of command. 9 on is reading newspaper has quoted these ready armies sole says, i say, in gaza, everyone does as he pleases. the wealth central kitchenaid agency convoy was struck as it left the food warehouse in darrow belie. on monday, 6 of the victims were for nationals and one was palestinian. here's what i'll just
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hear as investigation has revealed as well. central kitchen says is 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in down by law sometime around 10 30 pm local time on april 1st . the convoy we travel just over 4 kilometers, making it to rashid street along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by a mis hi here. just before 10 45 pm. the injured were seen being transferred from the 1st car to the 2nd diamond vehicle. the 2nd call made it 800 meters south from the 1st attack when if to was bombed photos clearly show it was head straight to the roof by projectile from above. the 3rd vehicle in the convoy made it a further 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by a 3rd and final strike also threw itself. let's bring in, i'll just there is a non con, you know, keep by these through them. so tell us more a line for us about the high rates article, which mentions, lack of disappearing on the part of commanders in the field in gosh,
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that's i think you're right, and that is now becoming a focal point of the conversation. i've been speaking to ministry analyst both within his role and outside of his role. they've been telling me that this is actually a shocking development the to the is based lack of discipline and the collapse of the come on and control structure which allowed this attack to happen the would now the people are using and they're asking to is deliberate, was based a deliberate attack then because of this breakdown in the come on and control structure, it's worth reading you some, all the hurts off the coat is quite strongly in a source saying, the intelligence problems is supposed to be tennis. broad knows exactly what the cause, the tech wasn't goes, everyone does as they please, as the i'll be regulation site at final prove any action again sensitive targets and organizations must be given by senior officers. the division come on to that of commodity, even the chief of stuff, but it goes up,
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the soul said every come on this as the rules for himself. this is a very serious breakdown of discipline within these really ami. but we have heard of things like this before. now the israeli military establishment said we're not gonna allow this app again. we're going to set up a come on control center. we're going to be transparent about this. but the article goes on and these right has been very proud of this as well. somebody said we have a strong come on a control center already. so it's a bit of deflection going on with these readings is click that they're on the back foot with these new revelations that are coming out right. and diming read of revelations. no doubtful. these really military is a likely to be then a proper investigation and proper accountability because in this case they were for an aide, workers among the victims. that's of the right. i think you're going to say a serious and profit investigation into the death of those foreign nationals.
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that's because that home countries are putting a lot of pressure on the as well, but publicly. and i'm still privately to make sure that that actually happens. now, it's the accountability that we talk about, that is going to be an interesting question, whether israel will face any repercussions once has delivered its reports to those countries, and whether those countries are going to make that public us and the u. k. are still very much behind israel and they still supplying money and weapons to as well . that's unlikely to change the australians also supplying with me to these, rightly so they've been very vocal about this. what's likely to happen. and we have seen this in previous complex is these ratings will deliver their report to their respective governments. and the respective governments will simply say, okay, we expect, or we accept your explanation, but we're going to move on with our ongoing non thank you for the update that sounds as here as a non con, re force in their life from occupied east jerusalem. while after monday's attack,
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while central kitchen has suspend this operations in gaza, this race, palestinians say they fear tax slide, these will lead to further suffering, as they can look at other agencies or face similar challenges. the american nia, east refugee agency, has decided to stop its operations in gaza altogether. the group has provided an average of a 150000 meals a day in partnership with the wealth central kitchen. in february, the un agency for palestinian refugees on rock suspended, said operations to northern garza. this came off to what it called a collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks and other organizations like international medical corps, which has one of the largest field hospitals in vasa is also rethinking it. c, monetary and working gossum. that's bringing not correspondents in southern gaza tie capitalism was involved 5. so 8 operations affected by this is really a tank on, on the international aid convoy what, uh the the fixed right now on the ground and got
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yes. in fact, totally the decision that has been taken by the world into a kitchen to suspend its operations inside it because of the trip can set it to be really serious as a result of these very attacks that have given 7, i was as they were trying to help facilitate that process of deliveries to the majority of areas inside the, in the territory of inside of a city is have been completely receiving much, much a is a from the much aid from the central kitchen as the what central kitchen has been responsible for distributing more than 40 meals, a 14000000 meals for much areas, insight into 2 or 3 as well as that it had been play against an out standing role in innovating the humanitarian crisis. now with the ongoing restrictions as well as being them are as being imposing on the worth of humanitarian organizations in, in gaza. the situation on the ground is getting much more di as a, as
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a humanitarian organization. his thoughts, it's a few become completely unsafe in terms of operating in many areas that's considered to be in the conflicted zones box. the is what it forces us to bouncing 8, which is 8 take is and now the organizations that are responsible for helping palestinian people as they what central kitchen has been. having access to people into another part of the gaza strip, who have been suffering from high rates of mount nutrition and have been cut off from live c supplies for new months because of it's very ongoing resolution for preventing a to get the right. a di humanitarian situation as you say, a topic and also no let up in these really strikes on gaza. tell us about the latest of the yes uh, that's correct. uh, the, there was a many looks up and fighting on the grounds here, where the buses and confrontations continue to raise in a to find neighborhoods in gaza, city along side with the vicinity of the remote neighborhood. and we have been
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hearing more reports about loud explosions could be clearly overheads from the southern parts of the city of crime even is. but one of the latest is where the tax had cubes, full palestinians endeavors about off to a residential building was completely destroyed on these strikes continues continue on daily basis where according to god's of health ministry, more than a $59.00 palestinians have for reports of killed while $83.00 others at least being wanted within the past 24 hours fully. thank you very much for the update on your 0 . sorry, capitalism. live that from a rafa in southern gaza. earlier we spoke to sandra rashid, whose file assign country director for the n g o american near east refugee h. she says israel needs to guarantee the safety of aid work as well as saving nice . the long term impacts are going to be dire. we already know that the situation on the ground is extremely difficult, even when an era was providing both
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a $150000.00 meals a day. the v c k was providing as much anymore. and now we are suspending. we have not completely stopped. we're taking applause right now to see a d, a value, a, the safety of our staff. our staff have guided our work and they themselves feel like there's a target on their backs and have requested that we take a cause so that we can insure their safety. this all depends on the israeli side. it's the indiscriminate killing that's been taking on taking place in the last 6 months. uh, your colleagues, letting you know that there was a 173 under humanitarian aid workers killed in the last 6 months. but that numbers over 200 for all the medicare and a workers were we also see a high rise of killings in for medical professionals, journalists, civilians, children. we are waiting to have some assurance from israel and from the international community that doing this live saving work will not constitute putting a target on our staff that all the strong international condemnation of these
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really attack on the well central kitchen convoy the un secretary general and tony with terry says, it highlights the need for an immediate truce and gas. the devastating is rarely have strikes. that's cute. well simple kitchen personnel yesterday. being the number of days workers key will be in this conflict, 196, including more than 175 members of all new n stuff, the disease i'm comfortable, but it is an inevitable results of the way the warranty is being conducted. it demonstrates, yep, the game needs. what are the media to many tendencies, fire, conditional release of all lost wages. and the expansion of you mean to tell you that into gaza as a security calls from the man the, the needs the resolution. last week, the resolution must be implemented without the like. and you as president joe biden has called for a swift investigation and for the findings to be made public 5 and says,
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israel has not done enough to protect aid work. as in gaza. island fisher has more on the white house reaction from washington. a person by the size he spoke to who is the and the race, the founder of the world. central kitchen called him his friend and said he expressed his condolences at the death of the what goes and gaza. he then goes on in a statement to em, some criticism not directly. israel, not explicitly. it is real because of the attack, but we'll ship it back so you could understand the context here. he says, on average, the heart broken by the death of 7 humanitarian workers, including one america and guys a they were providing foods to hungry civilians in the middle of the war. they were brave and self with their desks out of tragedy. he then says, israel has pledge to conduct a southern investigation into why the aid workers vehicle were hit by you strikes that investigation must be in his words. swift, it must bring
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a current ability and its findings must be made public. now of course i've seen israel katya investigations in similar sorts of incidents. we'd all just need to had a similar situation when the a fairly, as promised, a fill in transplant investigation into the killing of a colleague sharing aqua and jeanine 2 years ago. and at that point, these relays admitted that they were responsible, but then said that no one would be held accountable for that. this is something that you'll find is clearly trying to avoid, even more tragically, i'd still buy a new statement. this is not a standalone incident. this conflict has been one of the worst and recent memories in terms of how many ead workers have been killed. of course, under what has suffered numerous tests in guys a during the war. and that has to be no statement of this trends from the white house. meanwhile, is there any police or font with hundreds of people protesting for the 3rd consecutive night in west jerusalem against the foreign ministers handling of the
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war on gaza? demonstrates as long sentences to government headquarters and next now was home from ease of captive, held him guys away among the crowd, demanding early elections and a prisoner exchange deal on a car driving attacking israel has injured for people with these really forces. kidding. the suspected driver, themes and pedestrians included a 23 old mine who was in a critical condition. 3 of those were treated by paramedics in the city of tier on the account here in the occupied west box. at least 30 policy means every 40 to of interested in these really rates you know, in the occupied westbank. overnight, the arrest included a journalist and a number of people previously released from prison. since the war and gas, i began last october, more than 7990 percent of students have been arrested in the occupied west and still had no knowledge of 0 concerns. grow over a bird to operate in the us that sprayed to cattle and humans.
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the a critical debank pony farmers are angry, people are starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out before doing some of the even colors arrivals inside story. on al jazeera, the knowledge is here with the
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the the brought them back on top stories on how to 0 this hour just 2 days after israel killed 78 workers and gaza. and i'll just erie investigation has found they were intentionally targeted. these really military launched 3 consecutive the strikes
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against the wealth central kitchen workers. despite being told that their movement us president joe biden has called for a swift investigation report also suggest is really military officers and soldiers and guys that routinely act on their own violating army regulations and promptly chain of command armies also stole the high rights newspaper and gaza, everyone does as he pleases. the wealth central kitchen convoy was found as it left the food warehouse in doubt by on monday. and the suspension of operations by well central kitchen. in other 8 groups is raising fees among palestinians. that worried attacks on a providers will lead to further suffering for solving civilians and out of world news. now rescue is in taiwan at pulling earthquake victims from the rubble of their homes. the strong is trema to hit the island in 25 years. toppled buildings killing at least 9 people and injuring hundreds. the underwater magnitude. $7.00
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quakes struck out of on 8 am. it was also found in southern japan, eastern china. and the philippines seemed as robbie has the details. people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquakes. there is 45 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast after shops rattles communities across the cell from old island, causing power cuts and some buildings to collect text messages, ward, coastal areas. obviously not be through the human because it was very strong. it's felt as this. the house was getting to topple, to yelled him behind. it was shaken very violently. all the motorcycles outside our house still pulled over, so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes. i got a drag the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials and the capital typeface that it was the strong districts quite to hit taiwan and offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands,
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history killed in estimated 2400 people. more strong aftershocks are expected and come and did something for me. if you had the audio, you may have already seen the ports of houses spitting roads damaged and many, but he goes head by falling rocks in one the in area in the type the, the metro and the high speed trans was suspended. i would like to request that under one department across the golden time for the rescue activity, cateel, search and rescue work for the people pick the best, get injured people and pick emergency the settlement measures. japan and the philippines were also on sit on the alert to pads, national broadcast, or warning viewers to evacuate their homes. hope you know it was main airport temporarily suspending all flights, but the sooner i mean warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to haile destructive seismic events. in 2011, japan suffered its biggest earthquake on record,
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a massive 9.0 magnitude under see jo triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused the frequent stream of nuclear power plant disaster, the most serious accidents since turnover. and a 7.5 magnitude, right click on new years day this year. it depends, no dependency was killing more than $230.00 people. same bus robbie ultra 0 or some of the worst have areas were in rule taiwan. patrick fall cause the latest from typeface. we can confirm now that 3 of those that have died. well, hike is on the to road co national park trail who, where hits by folding rocks, there's also being a substantial damage to bridges and roads traveling to holland can't see, so that no doubt below so hump of some of the rescue efforts for the taking place. as well, president sighing when convened an emergency meeting earlier today,
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and she's made it clear that the priority is now is to save lives. we've been hearing reports coming in just a short while ago saying that there are more than a 120 people that are trapped inside the tunnels in quality. and can see in particular around a t people in gin wind tunnel, which is a tunnel which is 400 meters long. and it goes through parts of northern while in county. so they're all efforts being made to try and save those people. rescue those people also around 50 people trapped inside many buses. we're hearing also in quality and we're not sure for the time being whether that includes the numbers that we're hearing about. but a trapped on the collapse to buildings as well. but there is also a lot of concern among authorities about the spread of misinformation and this information. and they all cooling, full reports to be verified,
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so they can get the necessary help to people wherever it is most needed as quickly as they can. right now, ukraine's president has signed a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as the aims to reinforce, to fight against russia's invasion. so to me is lensky is one that an additional half a 1000000 records are needed to repel russian advances. and mobilization comes as nato foreign ministers, meeting brussels to discuss long term support for you create. most school needs to understand that they cannot achieve the goals on the battlefield of the colonel. wait those out. so we minutes to collab i, we will address the current situation on ukraine's needs both now and for the future. we are transforming naples, comprehensive assistance package into a multi year program of assistance. we are helping ukraine move closer tonight to naples standards on everything from procurement or logistics. and we are supporting
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ukraine's reform efforts to bring your crane ever closer to the lines. let's take a look at the situation in ukraine at the moment is russia, controls of, on the 5th of ukraine's territory is gain ground me a doing the asking the past months taking control of the city of bad faith in february and areas around blackboard. these are the main areas of fighting on the front line. it's focused near russian have done yet, can close to see if there's held by ukraine. moscow has intensified as strikes against a crane and its power grades since last month's attack on a law school concert. whole which russia claim tides, ukrainian involvement jobs tried for these following developments from ukraine's capital key is taking the ukrainian and present almost a year to sign this into laura mobilization load. it was passed by the ukrainian parliament in my last year. we know that presidents and is getting the same but
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said that he wanted to see potentially up to $500000.00 additional troops on the front line. we know the ukrainians are struggling to mobilize. and this comes as there are increasing rumors in phase amongst members of the training defense establishment and military analysts to a saying that russia are planning a potential event saving the late spring early summer. meanwhile, another mobilization low is, is so being debated in ukrainian parliament. the 1st draft of that was thrown out because of the concerns about human rights, and indeed whether they was going to be potentially an exemption for certain people earning a certain amount of money on a, on a monthly basis. so the 2nd draft of that bill is being heavily contested. we understand that up to a full 1000 amendments. suggestions have be made. that debate goes on with the signing of this low. now by presidents zalinski, i think highlights just how difficult ukrainians are finding it to get men and
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women working on those front lines. just drop it down to 0. keith in, senegal, opposition, leader of mine, sancho has been named as prime minister in the new government. it came hours after his online bussey, which my 5 was swinging his president at the age of $44.00 to my 5 is the youngest . democratically elected president in africa. he won a landslide victory in the presidential election last month. just 10 days after being released from prison, the police into key questioning nightclub managers, after a fire killed 29 people in the stumble. it happened in the basement of a 16 story building where the venue was undergoing renovation. 5 people have been arrested in connection with the police. mexico's government is taking preventative measures against bird fuel that's off to an outbreak across the
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border in the us state of texas. the virus has jumped from birds to cattle and has now been confirmed in 2 people, but it's always insisting the risk to the public is low. john hendern bayport's us health officials say a person in texas has contract in burn flu after being in contact with kaos. the us centers for disease control and prevention says the person likely a farm worker is recuperating, the spread to farm animals. and now humans, as farmers worried, as soon as i heard that there was crossing into cows, contemporary cows like, oh boy that's, that's my industry. and i know there's going to be some fall out probably for that is the 2nd case of a human testing positive for the virus. since the disease surprised health researchers by moving from birds to acc, housing goats in texas, kansas, and other us states. in a statement, the cdc says the patient reported i read miss consistent with conjuncture vitus and
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their only symptom. india is recovering. the patient has been told to isolate and is being treated with an antiviral flu drug. so far as bird flu has not proved deadly to couch at this stage, sparing farmers the need to use an ice sick animals just because it's the same virus that we're seeing in our, in our poultry and our bird populations is that we are, it is a different response at this point time, there will be no call for any kind of acc, warranties, or any kind of a d population in our room and in our cattle populations, livestock, or recovering in 7 to 10 days that you people with birds flew, are also on demand leading health officials to say there's no need for public concern for now. john henry and l g 0. the latest on this and all the stories we're covering here on alger 0 on our website at ouch is 0 at dot com. that's it from me for the back people during applegate, the we'll have more news for you in 13 minutes. that's softer inside story,
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which looks at why israel is trying to find them out juicy, or to stay with us. thank you for watching the the is it to what he's talking about the plumb rains? it probably is, but i have to say this is looking pretty familiar. there's a light all the way through southern china, which is producing right and miserable weather to be honest, that literally they will heavy and little wet. but you might well call them that than that line stretches up just off shore from japan. so all this is technically tutor at and all this is technically warmer, and it's that contrast because that you one home call that brings you the heavy rain, wrote about 18 in beijing, but not far away. you still got highness grand total of high for a little bit to snow if he's off for any 30 april of that. so there's bit more obvious on his way towards she and they wouldn't reach him admittedly. and the
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reading continues further south at such a human degrees in hong kong. now i'm moving further west and the picture currency and for the next couple days is a dry one. it feels pretty health. i would say you go to the full cost of $41.00 in the pool. i mean, been pumped again, most trip to east to the side of india in bangladesh. so these temperatures and high. so he's, we're of course, have a factor in, quote, humidity, which makes him feel a lot most talk a lot more unpleasant, but the picture throughout india pakistan i'm buying this is basically a fairly drive one with the few shows that there are tenants for that. and they could be quite perky of the in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times. 12 thoughts, an awesome arrested delicacy told tale fumed over 5 years of
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a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately, restricted disguise above had brought a witness documentary on a jersey to a 0 target to benjamin. nothing. yeah. how says a network, we no longer broadcast from his way because it was his national security. the channel says that seems to not to respond to what's behind the band. and what does it mean for the world, garza, this is inside story, the hello welcome to the.


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