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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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rested delicately told tale assumed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on the jersey to a 0 target too expensive and nothing you know says a network we no longer broadcast from these lab because it was his national security, but someone says that seems to not to respond to what's behind the band and what does it mean for the world? because this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program on the how sion, how about the prime minister, benjamin that tell you how has promised to take a 0 off. it is well calling you to tell a channel. he accused the network of harmony as well. as national security and
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actively participating in the october the 7th attack, as us as the accusations oslander us and jeopardize the rights and safety of its employees. wells wide, media, freedom groups, alarmed, and boone is where it is trying to sense a coverage of the warrant garza but this isn't the 1st time his ride has targeted a 0 or is joining us. so how will this bad impact is coverage and what are the why the implications for the both cost of plenty to discuss. but 1st, let's set the scene with this report so bad so that i often is of the rent the is really parliament passed and little paving the way for out of 0 to be bad. is the whole numbers you know, lot talking about the i declare that the bill to prevent a foreign broadcasting organization for the farming the state security will enter the book of laws for uploading either the 0 has covered as well as occupation of
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the palestinian territory since it starts with world competing in 1996. during the 6 months of war, garza prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been pushing this legislation in a social media post. he called l. g 0, a tara channel, accusing it of participating in a mazda attacks on october. the 7th and promising to take it off in response to the media network condemned the statements as a quote dangerous ludicrous lie. it also said inflammatory slander would not to tow it still unless from continuing that bold, unprofessional coverage. journalist writes, organizations were quick to denounce for legislation. you were extremely alone by this is yet another attempt by israel to sense of the media to limit the information coming out about the role in gaza and beyond. and we do not want to say this low and knocks it us emphasized its support for press
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freedom. much of what we know about what has happened in gaza is because of reporters where they're doing their jobs, including reporters from al jazeera in 2021 is really troops destroyed the networks bureau in the gaza strip, giving stuff just one hours notice to leave a year later is ready, snipers killed permanent john list to read a block list while she was reporting in jeanine in the occupied westbank. as since october, the 7th. the list of out a 0 correspondence killed by israel's military is growing long ago. veronica pedroza out a 0 the inside story. obviously this is a story about all fundamental interest here on this. as you go about with our distinguished panel, we're aiming to put it in the context of global human bites, the humanitarian imperative. and you politics in the time of your in kaiser irene
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han view and special russell tool on the right to freedom of opinion, an expression here. indo hi is my social now the policy is actually based on citizen joiners, social 55 months of will and gaza. and london, daniel levy is the president of the us middle east project and the 4 piece to go shake. who's following the war close to what comes as a program? i mean, let me start by asking you about your reaction to these really low aiming to ben a 0, a network. but i'm alone. i'm alarmed because banning and international reputable media optic in the middle of the war as you say, without any obvious explanation is, is in my was censorship. maybe censorship. i'm definitely body freedom of expression. but also i think broadly of access to information. okay, most so you have been in goes on to the sense that how important is that a 0 coverage of the people that it's a 0 it has uh, you know,
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has been with us for many decades now. my generation and the generation before me and off to me, you know, part of our culture as a 0 is ingrained and it's, it, it, it, it basically helps more than our culture, our way of thinking how we looked to the outside world. it's also a mold in the vision of the outside world towards what's happening in the our, up in the muslim world and especially in the palestine. and but right now while i was in gaza as a 0, it was the main outlet for the people in the sizes of to listen to the news, especially through the different entry and you frequencies that to have given to the civilians that didn't have access to either television or the internet. mm hm. so right now, heating about this news definitely i think um will, will hurt the people on the ground in the,
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especially those one thing to get the voices out. however, i am sure that you know the ingenuity of the people of goes out together with the zeros team on the ground with orders find a solution to tell the story how it is from because and other places around the world. daniel's legit political context is very important. the lawyer is not in nothing he has nothing. yeah. has had to use. why is a hit targeting a 0 now? do you think or what? well, i would suggest the full things are going on, and of course you do sometimes see a certain western media band in some countries, the west itself banding media for instance, from the russian media rapids. but what's going on right here is the us to be, this is paul. all the attempt to control message ought to be ready this information campaign part of the fight. you don't have many media rabbits in all of a sudden, not real costing 247 most west and outlets have been buried themselves in these
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rarely, it's not the 1st time these rail as tried to control the message in this way. bullying the l july media towering dollars a 3 years ago to make sure we not blocked law 2 years ago, more than $100.00 journalist, the family of wild doctor killed. this is another step in that direction. secondly, i think it is a regional and you live at cle attempt by prime minister, nothing yahoo to go off the top top not just l g 0 and the the attempt to reach to. i mean, if you remember, when cuts out was blue, painted, those countries talked about. i'll just see here is one of the reasons for that. i think it's nothing you always have to to say, hey, i'll just do is i'll come in and be, i don't think that resonates really today. i'll just 0. i'm the cuts. opposition is part of more of an hour consensus. it's not an outlier in that context. i also don't think we can know, but this is happening just as taught taras, praying a crucial mediation pro negotiations for a ceasefire and a hostage release. nothing. y'all has done everything to undermine those tools.
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bombing the tests out does a reconstruction building, pull the rhetorical attacks and phone cut off. he doesn't want the steel. and finally, i would say it's out of his domestic political management. it's part of feeding. the extreme is of the these route. he has looked for distractions from the world that he's not going well. beach right in public tend to not be show the images coming out of gauze. a witness came to a vote. imagery nested. only 10 members voted to get no sign. this member of connected voted against only the 10 members from the parties representing the palestinian arab citizens of israel. but the human rights community, the association for civil rights to the ground and said, this is dangerous. this is an attack on freedom of speech and expression. the way this little photos of path to what alta 0 has been targeted with bites is to change
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families killed. now it's the next step, which is basically trying to find as, as is what does the international law say about this? well, what is very good job and are you under international humanitarian? no, i'm seeing. gotcha. the number i'm trying to set up in the previous red car conflicts in the last 30 years. it indicates the use of disproportionate this minute attacks. which of course ben kathy. uh well, i think we've also seen some evidence, some suspicion that some journalist, particularly i just missed coughing. and that of course target civilians in the middle school. and then now comes an escalation. i'm just the is the floss shutting down by just the euro. independent media
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loops the only one operating international. i'll click operating on the web browser . so under international law, be seen by nations, attention, body monitoring crimes. violations often can actually have a lot of freedom of expression, which does not. yeah, people still have the right to access information that is gone. so i see it from not just on did you have it from the human rights perspective, perspective, a sliding back sliding of democratic body principles and you know, it just read this one is the best thing to do when they want to travel far shut down the media shut down independence each month. so you and your neighbors and the people you know and gaza. you what the watching the media coverage. we have to
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remind all of you the just that if you media out is operating in gaza, how closure was that coverage in shaping you perception to what is happening on the ground and how significant it is beyond. it's extremely important. i mean, does it gave a voice to adults that didn't have a voice. you will have to also remember that insight is what are those a very big go out of the palestinian population who did not leave their homes in 19481967 who rely on a 0 and who we have many relatives data that need a da 0 to ensure that their stories are being told. the people in the was, like i said, all the time they are on the radio was listening to a 0 and the coverage from inside that occupied lands. and what is happening in the west bank and then there was a 0. this is extremely, extremely important. again,
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when it's kept, when it comes to shifting the mentality of not only the inside world in the most, the world but internationally. i think and frank stated in the top 12 or 3 tv broadcast stations. so right now the most heated place, the place that is changing history now is the occupied land in palestine and attempting another time to try and bind a da 0. there is just another to another facade. it's another another way to show that is the democratic nation of design estate. and it's, it's gets case for them supporting human rights. and freedom of speech again is another lie. and it's going to continue to work against them as they try to propagate their lives towards the world. i need to use spoken about the key for reasons why nothing. yeah. how is the taking that path now?
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when you say that you are the only democracy in that part of the world, and then you decide to shut down and use out as when you know that it is absolutely going to be still be difficult for you to build bridges with allies globally about this move is a, hey, confident or emboldened in a way or another that the international reaction is going to be new to business as usual. move forward. nobody gas. that's the key thing, isn't it? because we've out that west and american guaranteed impunity. not only this measure against, against out just 0, but, you know, let's go broad. could israel be doing what it's doing to also studies 1000 plus deaths, perhaps many, many more. a 1213000 children, the devastation, the use of salvation as a weapon. the for the pay off on committing of the crime of genocide, ignoring because of the international court of justice on top of the cost of
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decades of belligerent, illegal occupation, and a regime now documented and discussed. so that'd be human rights, but by states themselves in the course, as the origin of apartheid, could any of that, let alone this late just measure be possible if it were not for the absolute absence of accountability, guaranteed by the us. and i think when nothing y'all took this measure, he did so confident that the state department spokesman may appear in front of the podium and say, well, we worry about democracy in the role of the media, but they will not do anything we've just heard yet more of transfers from the us to redraw and, and this is the crucial point. how should we so months of demonstrations in israel prior to october, sense of people saying save is re democracy. the judicial reforms was nothing. yahoo smoked, which bang to be a color issue. we're doing, but they never talked about the occupation. they never talked about this apart type
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regime. and here we have no one zionist member of congested raise that hand against this bill, which is an assault of freedom of expression, freedom of the media and democracy. so it how unfortunate the democracy does not extend to the protection of palestinian rights. are we 9 to jo, noticed, killed in the war and gaza. the international jo. notice bob's from entering does have they have to be embedded with these ready on the if they want to to come of a story that a wave of a tax to prize well scrutinize ation, sanctions, flats, intimidation discrimination against the jo. notice yet you will see over the international community of the u. n. m, the americans, in particular, we're botanic, nothing you know enough is enough. it's not happening. but i cannot say what trust goes to the united states or any other member states. we've had to listen to them.
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yeah. but i can tell you from the human rights and she's, i'm an independent x. i'm to, it becomes a by the un. we would be make very loud noise that we believe what is happening is not only the deprivation and violation of the right to freedom of expression. all things happen, things of god. but also these ready people, these ready people have a right to access diverse sources of information that is part of freedom of expression and mr. yep, at yahoo, i'm domestic are based starting. and that is how or talk or see enters a democratic and that is extremely dangerous, i believe, is read as well as for the off, any impact. very important thing to national community as a member states like the us. where as you know, you just freedom, it is a big issue, a countryside that must stand behind it because otherwise, we will know the bbc would be expelled from another public situation. so we have to
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be extremely careful that's an international community. what presidents i'll set here in these red most so uh yeah, that is active us citizen john, that is give us an idea about the challenges that joe noticed was go through on a daily basis just to cover a simple story for the viewers domestically and globally yes, while i was in gaza, invoiced a shift and loss of hospital. like you said i'm, i'm a, i'm a, i became a citizen during the list reporting the news on different tv networks, radio stations, doing a lot of social media content on different platforms. and 9 to act as with dozens of journalists and social media influence us in the old world kink in the most difficult and most dangerous areas. i think in the world right now. and there is no safe place in the us. and if you are holding in your hand, any piece of technology,
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even if it's a switched off, it's can be tracked then you can be taught to get to it. so you have to understand that these journalists have families have homes there, and many have lost their edits of their loved ones folder. well, they've lost their residence. they are living in tents. they're living on the pavement. step living inside about when the refugee schools and hospitals in order to try to get an internet connection to get the media out. they have to have a sense and they have to go through the danger to dangerous areas on different elevations and different remote locations in order to access the signal and try to get the message out the video, the voice message, the text out to the world in in, in, in, in a very dangerous situation. many people, you know, every day, whenever we met in the morning, we never knew if you would, we would see each other at night. similar to what happened. for example, with the son of what the door who we met in the morning and we, we, we prayed our,
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our, our farewells prayers on him. later during the evening. similar to many other journalists who lost family members on one day and the next day they came back and said look, whatever they still with us, we're going to continue. this is our strive, our struggle towards freedom, not all the fort by this time, but for the whole, the world. a danny, what, what is that to the hood trying to achieve? it's no secret. he doesn't want to have any peace deal. find a hit in though, huh. he's a big fan of having the announcements made elsewhere. number 2 has been extremely critical of the categories over the last few months. and you get to this critical phase of the negotiations to solve as it did above the hostages. and yet another warning to shut down, i'll just see that which could compromise the safety of its employees. is it a fairly phase message to the catawba is once again,
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but ultimately it has to be my way. or no way i think is know that seen the value then we have. ringback a very consistent is re assets, not just against cut off against anyone who tries to be uh, that 88 a contrarian voice to what he's rallies. doing you see is really actions against south africa. he's ready reactions against all those who take that stand. you see the pets give us. that is rather that support is including some states uh from, from the region. you are read uh trying to cancel the arrangements with american universities who benefit greatly from the campuses they have in, in topped out like texas a and then so i think i it's paul lee the to send that message. i don't think that message will be effective or successful, like the dots are, is committed to this mediation after the discontinue,
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despite the all the presentations on these ready sided, by the way, be use ready. most sachi continues to go back in for a meeting with the country, but american addiction mediators. and i imagine that we'll continue costs all by the way, is back with the families of hostages in cut our emissions in different capitals in the world. had some members of the families in dall, so i think that's all we'll continue. it's happened despite this. i think yes, the, the, these raise may help, but the message will not come out as much as a consequence of this action. i think we just heard from, from very powerful testimony of from month. so i think the truth will out whether that citizen journalism, whether that's the efforts that you would l g 0 will i'm sure maintain in terms of getting the story out. so i think when it comes to trying to hide from the world of what is going on, that is not going to happen either. so i think these have to be blunt is but as
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part of a quite sophisticated and transparent game, domestically and internationally that nothing yahoo is playing he's playing because he can get away with it already as soon as the salt of the ball and because of these rather, government has passed more time regulations and how did not been for the combined just praise. sometimes slowly joe noticed operating on the ground, some of them holding the camera for the 1st time in their lives that he's not being for that cuz we would never have been able to see that. but then the less bombardment of the massive destruction in gaza. do you have any concerns that what we're seeing is just the same path, which is basically the right to deny the world from knowing exactly what is happening to the people in gaza? to yes, you might try to deny it, but i don't think we succeed. you know, i'm working right now on, on a, on a report on journalism, united side and from doc i've seen around the world. it is the same story. journalist, we stand up, they will continue to the work, even citizen journalists,
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we replace them. if 5 independent journalists are thrown out. so come back fence work, we continue on the ground. the big question for me on my side, what accountability to that before you switch there, i think the international community has a duty to ensure that these kinds of creatures, international, humanitarian no need to not human rights. people are indeed, and it's right, it's in because the account for those most. so is this something that is likely to do to the journalist operating and goes up from continuing the work of the see the house of progress ongoing not the tool. luckily few of them to even work further and the more strong and fed them on the mission. i actually feel bad for the, for the is really during this because i'm seeing that uh, they're there to come to your life now is, is values are being demolished and slowly you know that intentionally crumbling and,
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and honestly uh, once slowly the values that your country supposedly built on stop to advocate then, then you need to be scared about the future for you and the patients to come. so i think that the boys in the isn't, isn't the court of the, is there any of these and these fairly public opinion as well? and is there any journalism that they want to see this, the beginning of the company of so called democracy, and that's the slide daniel, if nothing. yeah. who decides to go ahead and ban alda 0? would it be a to any point? unprecedented move? no it's, it's raw, the old, the fat really you kill the messenger. that's the attempt to you. uh, quite literally a devastatingly, in the case of sherry, you know, the family of while and many offers. uh, but uh,
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the buyers legal move here. these are the al jazeera, but no, the message will come out and if it is rel doesn't want this kind of coverage, there's a match, bet of paul van. uh, passing these laws is ro could cease to violate international law, could cease to commit crimes in gaza, could cease to dehumanize entry palestinians in this way. and that's all to be going to be the way out of this month. so it makes it really important point the walk this is also possible is a phenomenon insight as well, with the media inside. each row has been sent sold, but it is also self sensitive during these past 6 months to an unprecedented degree . and if anyone who understands the language spend some time watching his writing media, it is a horror show of quite often of insight into genocide. the international court of justice is called out. i really, if you look up the last of the 2017,
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the evolves to expel i 0 june of this 2022 shooting a box was getting the strike cause the 5 minute way and do october 20. the 5th jenna realized that the sun and hums and another and the camera man. what kills is this a case for the i c c, a. suddenly i didn't think i understand. i think the national criminal is looking into getting to the journalist as puppets investigations. so i can be a good fair. there was ticket scores, but i also think i just want to pick up on the point that some others have made. and that is what is due to media inside is a government problem in the process and go without much fault of its own legal system and its own value. prime minister who decides to bad. i'll click it without much reason for political geopolitical purposes on political money relations. 2 how much will they think next about what can be done inside is read. same purchase
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assembly arise when diverse voices sound. so this is actually a very, it's a beginning for very warring stage, then it's rag. so political, nice on no need, no need to remind our view is globally that it's the media that really makes massive impacts and difference in these spots of the world. and this explains why they have to stick around and continue doing what they've been doing. real hon. one social month, 1011. i really appreciate your insights and looking forward to talking to you in the near future. thank you. i'm thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i just see the com for further discussion. go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com forward slash a j inside study. you can also join the conversation on x, i'll hand it is at a j inside slowly from the hash model on the entire team here in the bye for now the
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the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the 2 coverage posting and save that whatever we did here in his final words, free power stuff made them feel sense. and for that, he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least 9000 posted in families are missing at least one loved one. at the start table in 2018. a john, this slide 40 days of civic action against the on media and government. i'm president sockets. young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square. and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing out with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on many as velvet resolution on our
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award winning documentary is from around the one l g 0. and justice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where in just this isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produced is the best fixes, and those are the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world of
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the this is all to 0. i'm telling you navigate, i will check on your world headlines just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid workers in gaza, and alta 0 investigation has phones. they were intentionally targeted is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the roll. central kitchen workers, despite being told of their movements, us president joe biden has called for a swift investigation. and reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers in gaza, routinely act on their own violating army regulations.


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