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tv   Witness Skies Above Hebron  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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as camera lands best produces the best fixes, and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the, this is out to 0. i'm telling you navigate, i will check on your world headlines. just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid workers in gaza, an algebra 0 investigation has phones. they were intentionally targeted is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the roll. central kitchen workers, despite being told off their movements, us president joe biden has called for a swift investigation. and reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers in gaza, routinely act on their own violating army regulations and proper chain of command.
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army sources told her it's newspaper in gossip. everyone does as he pleases. the world central kitchen convoy was bomb, does it left a food warehouse and didn't by now on monday of the suspension of operations by the world, central kitchen and other age groups as raising fear among palestinians. they're worried attacks on a providers will lead to further suffering for starving civilians, santa rashid, as palestine country director for the n g o, the american, near east refugee agency. she says, israel needs to guarantee the safety of aid workers who are saving lives or the long term impacts are going to be dire. we already know that the situation on the ground is extremely difficult, even when an era was providing both to a $150000.00 meals a day. the v c k was providing as much anymore. and now we are suspending. we have not completely stopped. we're digging applause right now to see
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a d. evaluate the safety of our staff. our staff have guided our work and they themselves feel like there's a target on their backs and have requested that we take a cause so that we can insure their safety. this all depends on the daily side. it's the indiscriminate killing that's been taking on taking place in the last 6 months. uh, your colleagues, letting you know that there was a 173 in our humanitarian aid workers till the last 6 months. but that numbers over 200 for all the medicare and a workers were we also see a high rise of feelings in for medical professionals, journalists, civilians, children. we are waiting to have some assurance from israel and from the international community that doing this 5 say the work will not constitute putting a target on our stuff that i just workers have blocked the entrance to their headquarters in central london. they're demanding, the cancellation of the n h has contracted talents. here the american companies as
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specializes and software platforms and data analysis supplies advance technology to israel's military protest or say palance here is complicit in a war on hospital. the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan and 25 years has killed at least 9 people and injured hundreds operations or underway to rescue more than a 100 people trapped them. the rubble of collapse, tunnels and buildings. tensions over taiwan have been discussed and a phone call between the us and chinese presidents, the white house as joe biden and children paying also talked about trade issues and chinese support for russia in the war and ukraine. as your current president's assigned a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25, as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion. but let him or zalinski his warrant that an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel russian advances. mobilization comes as nato
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foreign ministers meet in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. protests against the overturning of local election results have spread in turkey is eastern and south eastern provinces. dozens of arrests have been made in the free dominantly crudest city. yvonne election officials have ruled that the d. e. m. party candidates can't hold public office because of a previous conviction. so the ruling as parties candidates assessed to become mayor . instead, the governments in zimbabwe has declared a state of emergency because of extreme drought. the failure of annual reigns has left millions of people threatens with hunger and for us many to rely on food aids, climate change on the nino weather phenomenon have worse and error as conditions as in bob, a neighboring countries in southern africa. those are the headlines on al jazeera coming up next. it's witness by the,
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on the, on the desktop within today. and then i had put on a complaint on the ends of it. her name is mckenzie. sperry must need to shut down the facility and see for the c team. medina, for the ones that are, that's when they asked us to die them or something. i saw the thing, the shuttle collision of the most expensive. she had themselves only room for the
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leading medina was definitely i see her in a sort of thing. so in math was spoken. this about alia, down on the bottom of the, in the home. i know my house on the other one a shovel. i do want us going to be sure of us, or the little solar lenses. you have an album and the positive dease, what was your original minimum? and i left optimization is the most opening it on a never hungry the
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the issue with the sale along the yellow solution. so the 1st one i showed you do would be your on your end, don't come on to do the best on either cash. read the issue, but i will be at the palm beach center.
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stoughton is the one who lives in the us in all of the salvation. and then for the ends in the mission to this to i know is i mean how do we need to sleep? ok. he looked and felt which is the thoughts on the dollar to do the the home phone, the the, she comes to the,
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issue a x of issue. and then obviously you have to tell that single senior choose a national. so let's move to the stage where i had to invest me to how to use the the as the was plunged into a climate disaster. we are very flat. it's here. a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth,
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a growth rising for as nothing in nature growth dying uh, coming soon gotten around. no, says have family was one of the last to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come full health services, a close that comes off from the bank, the bank to lock the destination. transit can in the town to bring new coal says he was shot in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined. he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sudanese which are nice like neil, the u. n. rush agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a,
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you know what we are receiving. we have massive number of attorney under could you would need assistance, but our capacity and funds are very limited. the, the, this is also 0. i'm getting you navigate over the trick on your world headlines just 2 days after israel killed 7 aid workers in gaza. and al jazeera investigation has found they were intentionally targeted, is really military launch 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world's central kitchen workers. despite being told of their movements, us presidential biden has called for a swift investigation. reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers and guards are routinely act on their own violating army regulations and proper chain of command. army sources told the herds newspaper in gaza. everyone
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does as he pleases the world. sinful kitchen convoy was bombs, as it left the food warehouse and didn't buff on monday. and a chests were occurs have blocked the entrance to their headquarters in central london. there is a managing the cancellation of the n, a chest as contract with holland tiers. the american company that specializes in the software platforms and data analysis supplies advanced technology to israel's military. the protest, or se problems here is complicit in a war on hospitals. the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan and 25 years has killed at least 9 people in injured. hundreds operations are underway to rescue more than a 100 people trapped in the rubble of collapse tunnels and buildings or the credit deposit until signed a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion,
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a lot of years lensky has warranted an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel russian advances. that mobilization comes as nato for administer is made in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. protest against the overturning of local election results have spreads entered to use eastern and south eastern provinces. election officials have ruled if a d e. m. party candidates canceled public office because as a previous conviction, the ruling act parties candid assessed to become may or instead, as the government's in zimbabwe has declared a state of emergency because this extreme drought, the failure of annual reigns, has left millions of people threatens with hunger and force many to rely on food aids. those are the headlines, the news hour is at the top of the hour, but it's back to witness next on alta 0 the
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to, oh, i the only oh, how do we oh oh, i don't know for sure. so no but most of the, most of the most sort of most often there's about a minute suddenly on a certain amount of meetings on the on account of that. and i am as the last one loan says who. busy is ish, but don't let me say i don't wish to leave us
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a and no matter how them though as you deem for the month of the be i do. there are bunch of the and then for leading to the bathroom, selena venezuela. and just below she, so a show room. so the, the . 2 2 2 the,
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let me know since i really causing this issue, but in of the law, i remember that the own i should not let me share and have a simpler chip of each other. they have to rush the volunteer cushion
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the shooting tunnel. they shouldn't have to leave. so with the beads, let's try that beautiful i only have to do the . busy
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the life of the 9 year old under is brady bombardment,
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trauma tentative, displacements, scarcity, and the moments where childhood still shines through the child of cuz on that, just these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle . they are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right to cycle logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man. as a dentist, again, a has registered for possible military service if needed, or look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do. this ukraine begins the 3rd year of this full scale. well, there was
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a growing awareness of the need from old military posts and now i do believe women have a high value in the army. and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my milk a month. so there is a place for each woman, but i understand now that that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. because the, when it rains on it's a decision, increasing numbers of women may be called on to make the nurse don't was the river plate. this one he had generate showers, but it does seem to be a bit of a focus of cold front as they come up with and types of carrying them against. well, so usually room or by the to know and you get this line to the central part of option team into what you require, which produces some tremendous send to some beautiful displays of lightning. that's potentially damaging stones. now south of that, from it, stuff was long as it was, we done about 16, which is very difficult on this side. the and these and then the on show wouldn't
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be where, where the electricity inside of the and these we just start right? fairly april. those with tools rather will not, but not as hot as it was asencion about 36 degrees. most of brazil can expect a few showers, but the concentration is up in the northwest. and this whole line that comes off the atlantic, seasonal range at the moment. if you move to the caribbean, i think the wind would also get the west east weather bit of a breeze here, lots of blue indicating a full cost of shares coming out of the us once again, a front system. so heavy rain in florida that will head size towards cube in the meantime. 100 quite weather, a few showers in central america. the most unusual weather probably around the great lights, a big winter storm. the searching is only from the rwandan genocide, the flame of remembrance will burn in honor of the of 800000 lives to perished with
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mass graves still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra the the, you're watching the news, our life for the headquarters and delta i'm day you navigate, i'll coming up in the next 60 minutes and i was a 0 investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted international aids on voice and also several aid agencies are forced to suspend food distribution in gaza, offer monday's attack. worsening salmon conditions on the ground is the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens are
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trapped in the level of collapse buildings and zimbabwe declares and.


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