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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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for bone and honesty is that 800000 lives to perish with mess grace still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile just the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra the the, you're watching the news, our life for the headquarters and delta i'm day you navigate, i'll coming up in the next 60 minutes and i was a 0 investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted international aids on voice and also several aid agencies are forced to suspend food distribution in gaza, offer monday's attack. worsening salmon conditions on the ground is the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens are
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trapped in the level of collapse. buildings thompson bob way declares a national disaster because of droughts for rightful across the southern africa means millions are going hungry. german ash with sports, the former head of spanish football, louis, to be honest, is the change as question by police that mature, that force as part of a corruption investigation. it denies any wrong doing the it's 13 gmc, that's 3 pm and gaza, just 2 days after israel killed $78.00 workers industry. and alda 0 investigation has phones. they were intentionally targeted, is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world's central kitchen workers. despite being told of their movements, now reports also suggest so that is really military officers and soldiers and gaza
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routinely act on their own violating army regulations and proper chain of command. one is really newspaper has quoted is really army sources a saying in gaza. everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims were for nationals and one was palestinian. their bodies have now been moved to egypt. so here's what the al jazeera investigation has revealed. the world's central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in dayton bye now. sometime around 10 30 pm local time. on april the 1st the comm void just travel just over 4 kilometers, making it to the sheets street. that's along the coast. witness to say the 1st the vehicle was hit by and we saw here just before 10, 45 pm, the insured or seen being transferred from the 1st cart to the 2nd armored vehicle . the 2nd car made it 800 meters selves from the 1st attack. when it too was bombed
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and photos clearly, so it was hit straight through the roof by a project out from above. the 3rd vehicle and the convoy made it a further 6 tongue, 1600 meters down the road before it was hit by a 3rd and final strike also through its roof. let's make the hunt assumption. what time does joining us now from occupied east jerusalem to talk to us about the is really newspaper reports which mentions a lot of discipline on the part of commanders in the field in gaza. and how is that reverberating within his real of the whole centrally, this report is saying that commander is on the ground for these really army act. however, they see fit following their own interpretation of israel's rules of engagement. additionally, that there is a lack of discipline and completely poor coordination when it comes to higher ups trying to get authorization for the strikes in that these commanders are doing
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whatever they see fit or however they want to act on the ground. we heard from these really army chief of staff personally however you and a video statement in the early morning hours, who said that this was quote, a mistake. but remember that these investigations have found that these workers were targeted. it wasn't just a mistake. there is a lot of coordination that happens between these types of age groups. and these really are me, their movements are given approval for by the army where they can and can't go to and they, all of their coordinates are also known by the army. so that they do not attack in those places. these really armies saying it was simply a mistake. right. and we have heard international condemnation, particularly because this attack, honda involves 4 and workers who are in gaza and it's off the 1st time that israel has attacked humanitarian workers. how much pressure is this condemnation putting on there is really is, if any, at all
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a laser always have said they are going to conduct an investigation. they conducted a preliminary probing, which they said it was a mistake. but in terms of this longer investigation that they say an independent body will conduct, it's not really known when those findings will come out and if they will be presented to us. additionally, we're looking at pressure from across the world because these workers were foreigners, a $173.00. other workers have been killed, humanitarian workers, specifically inside of the gaza strip and there was no really attention like this that was given to this be is really army has also and never admitted to the unlawful killing of palestinians before this convoy of that was targeted because there was one palestinian there saying that it was a mistake, but prior to this we haven't had any sort of admissions from these really are me about any sort of unlawful killings or violation of the rules of engagement when it
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comes to palestinians. all right, thank you. hon this one who thanks for that update from occupied east jerusalem to foster mondays attack the world central kitchen, suspended its operations in garza displaced palestinian se they fear attacks like these will lead to further suffering. so here's a look at other agencies who faced similar challenges. there's the american near east refugee agency and it's decided to suspend this operations and gaza. the a group had provided an average of a 150000 meals a day in partnership with the world central kitchen. in february, you an agency for a palestinian refugees owner was suspended its 8 operations to northern gauze on this came after what is called a collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks and other organizations like the international medical corps, which was one of the largest field hospitals ended up is also rethinking its humanitarian work in gaza. sandra received his palestine country director for the n
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g o, the american near east refugee agency. if she says israel needs to guarantee the safety of aid workers for saving lives. of the long term impacts are going to be dire. we already know that the situation on the ground is extremely difficult. even when an era was providing both to a $150000.00 meals a day. the v c k was providing as much anymore. and now we are suspending, we have not completely stopped. we're digging applause right now to c and d. evaluate the safety of our staff. our staff have guided our work and they themselves feel like there's a target on their backs and have requested that we take a cause so that we can insure their safety. this all depends on the daily side. is the indiscriminate killing that's been taking on taking place in the last 6 months? uh, your colleagues letting you know that there was a 173 in our humanitarian aid workers killed in the last 6 months without numbers over 200 for all the medicare and a workers were we also see
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a high rise of feelings in for medical professionals journalists, civilians, children, we are waiting to have some assurance from israel and from the international community that doing this live saving work will not constitute putting a target on our stuff that we have thought of as the one who's joining is not from enough in southern gaza. so thought it, we understand that the bodies of the foreign aid workers have now left us all and are in egypt, can you confirm? yes, so that's right there in the buddies have been transferred from an adar hospital here in rough or so it's agents in order to be later buried in their homelands. as this, i talk what's completely devastating as they have been working tirelessly in order to provide humanitarian supplies for desperate johnson's here in the territory. i'm the attack inside tad wrote
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a catastrophe. consequences on the humanitarian situation because the world central kitchen is one of the prominent humanitarian organizations that were providing food for hundreds of thousands of palestinians since the beginning of the conflicts, as within their service the inside of the gaza strip. they have been providing more than 40000000 meals for desperate people here and the territory of their ongoing efforts to alleviate the humanitarian crisis. this attack influx has been widely condemned by the international community and also by this brit palestinians who were mainly depending on the humanitarian supplies being delivered by the world. central's kitchen that right now is you are no longer will be able to do specifically with the latest resolution. and this isn't being taken by the w. c. k . regarding suspending the operation in golf due to the collapse of security and without with the clear absence of safety for their stuff on the grounds. and try to bring us up to speed with what's been happening in the gaza strip over the past few
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hours in terms of is really or strikes and thereafter. ma oh yes. in fact, there, even within the past few hours, we have been a pleasure to observing actually such a minute. 3 attacks across different areas into surgery where they used to bring the latest talking to a residential house. and they are the by getting at least full palestinians, and it's ongoing the destruction of residential homes in the southern part of the city of con eunice. we have been hearing since the hours of the day is morning, loud explosions from the city that as a smoke, as a rising hold the horizon showing the severity of, of confrontations and battles that's still going on. so now on the southern part of the city of finding us where you guys helped minutes, 3 had stated that at least $59.00 palestinians have to report that killed while. $83.00 others being wounded to now within the past 24 hours and the ongoing destruction of a civil infrastructure in full areas of the gods district without any lit up and
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fighting their reading to me now. okay, got it. thank you so much thought i was when reporting for us from what i found in the gaza strip, the health care workers and the u. k. have blocked the entrance of the national health service headquarters in central london. they're demanding the cancellation of an n. h. s. contrast with pal and tier of the american company that specializes in software platforms and data analysis. supplies advance technology to israel's military to protest or say, policies here is complicit and israel's more on hospitals. and 2 more head on the houses here and is, are included with the as you cream, tries to increase its true numbers. nato consider as a proposal to provide us with long term military aids and etc, about che, will not withdraw from the surface for league despite their players being of time during your game last month. up stories coming up with you on this for the
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but 1st, rescuers and taiwan are pulling earthquake victims from the rubble of their homes. the strongest tremor to hit the islands in 25 years. toppled buildings killing at least 9 people in injuring hundreds. the underwater magnitude 7.2 quick struck at around 8 am. and it was also felt in southern japan, eastern china and the philippines. same as for avi, has the latest people in taiwan woke up to the strongest earthquake. there is 45 years. the magnitude 7.2 quick struck off the east coast after shots rattles communities across the cell from old island, causing power cuts and some buildings to collect text messages, ward, coastal areas of this, you know, be through the human positive dumps. it was very strong. it's felt as if the house was getting to topple to you. we all tend behind. it was shaken very violently.
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older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and electrical switches. the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes that i dropped the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strong distress, quick to hit taiwan and offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history killed in estimated 2400 people. more strong aftershocks are expected in coming to something else. somebody to cut the audio the, to me have already seen the ports of houses, spitting roads damaged and many where he goes head by falling rocks in one the, an area in the type, the, the metro and the high speed trans was suspended. i would like to request that under one department across the golden time for the rescue activity patio search and rescue work for the people take the best get injured people and think emergency the settlement measures japan and the philippines were also on sit on the alert.
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japan's national broadcast or warning viewers to evacuate their homes. hope you know it was main airport temporarily suspending all flights, but the sooner i mean warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011, japan suffered its biggest earthquake on record a massive 9.0 magnitude under see jo triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused the frequency of a nuclear power plant disaster. the most serious accident since turnover. and a 7.5 magnitude, right click on new years day this year. it depends no dependence. you're doing more than 230 people. same bus robbie ultra 0. the tensions over taiwan has been discussed in a phone call between the us and chinese presidents, the white house as joe biden, and she's in pain. also talked about trade issues on chinese support for russia in
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the war and ukraine. the biden administration has placed limits on the transfer of us technology to china as both compete for dominance and artificial intelligence. katrina, you has more from beijing this was the 1st phone call between joe biden and she didn't thing since the meeting in san francisco last november. and both sides describes the cool as constructed. she didn't read out was quite positive. you said that both sides had taken strides to stabilize the relationship and that this had been welcomed by the international community. however, shipping also raised that they were negative factors that needed urgent attention. the 1st issue he mentioned was about i want he said that this was a red line topic, photo lineup that the us should know for us now are blind and has said that the us supports the one china principal, but it does not support time. one is independence. that aging, however, would like this message translated into more concrete outcomes. she didn't take
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loose or raised what he said was the suppression of chinese preyed and technological development by the us. he said that this was not the re scheme, but indeed this was creating risk and you want the ton of would not sit back and watch. now the us for each plot raised concerns about trying to close supplies with moscow. what item referred to as china, support for russia's defense, industrial base, given its invasion of ukraine blood in their rates, concerns about what you described as on staff practices in trade by the pos. are you saying that this was funding american family now, this whole was really not about phrasing, more outcomes, but rather about keeping communication channels open. and what are biden has said is the most consequential bilateral relationship in the world. but the 2 sides did agreed to continue with just together on the areas of counseling, politics, climate change, and a, and certainly discussions on the bilateral relations of will continue when you a secretary of states as me blinking visits in
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a few weeks. and us treasury secretary, john hill and visits china lake said katrina alda 0 agent, ukraine's president's assigned a law that brings down the age of conscription from $27.00 to $25.00, as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion. a letter is lensky has a warrant that an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel russian advances. ukraine has struggled to boost truth numbers with the conflict now and it's 3rd year. so this mobilization comes as nato foreign ministers, meeting brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. and that includes a proposal for a $167000000000.00 funding funds to roll out over 5 years. most school needs to understand that they cannot achieve the goals on the battlefield of the colonel. wait those out. we mean is the collab. well, we will address the current situation and ukraine's needs both now and for the
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future. we are transforming naples, comprehensive assistance package into a multi year program of assistance. we are helping ukraine move closer tonight to naples standards on everything from procurement or logistics. and we are supporting ukraine's reform efforts to bring ukraine ever closer to the alliance. love to speak to charles throughout for charles is joining us from the ukraine and capital key. um, so a new security agreement between finland and ukraine signed today. charles, what more do we know about those? so that's why the new security agreement signed here in cave between the current and present load them, is that lensky at the finished president alexander, stop. now this agreement is validated for 10 years, according to a statement on present. zalinski is website. i'll read you out some details for it is a long term agreement describes giving me the tre financial assistance as well as corporation
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and political financial, cute, cute, and the humanitarian sectors, and help with reforms as well. we understand that finland is very much keen and eventually ukraine becoming a you and they tell you members, oh, so it goes on to say so the agreement will include helping to rebuild ukraine's energy infrastructure of coincide, energy infrastructure that has been so slammed in recent weeks. by these escalation, in attacks from russia, the agreement also would include. busy funding around another $200000000.00 worth of funding by the fins. i think it's another example, all these bilateral security agreements between various countries and ukraine that have been signed since that g 7 meeting last year, bilateral agreements, also with countries including germany, canada,
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and the u. k. and i think it's particularly interesting because of course opinions essentially tonight. so is so recent, one of the 2 most recent members along with sweden in recent months of coast, finland shares these gigantic boulder with russia more than 1300 kilometers long. so yeah, security, full ukraine water, the full front of finland's high days on security because of what's at stake for it as a country bordering washer to. so what else can we expect from that nato meeting, or what are we likely to see in terms of the western military support as well, we've got to get lots more play. choose the real focus though of this meeting we understand is discussing this plan to try and bring together the funding and supplies of weapons, not only by nato countries, but by other countries on the one on brand. most notably, this is a group called refers to the group called the ukranian defense contact group.
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although ramstein group, it's around about 50 countries, including oh no, you to have countries. there was a fear amongst nato. lead is becoming clear that because of potential developments and respects if nato remembers countries with respect to the political leadership, most especially stomach is i'd say about the possibility of president trump getting back into the white house that night took me, but i want him to take the kind of work that the contact group does and put it under some sort of nato umbrella to guarantee that those weapons and that money gets through. there's also going to be discussion of move funding at least a $100000000000.00 worth of move funding. now we're not going to get any signed agreements with respect to these 2 main aspects of this meeting that i've just described in the next couple of days. but this is part of ongoing discussions we understand. so was a large nato summit happening in washington dc scheduled for july. okay,
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thank you. charles stratford for 40 from keeps. thank you. protests against the overturning of local election results. have spread into or to use eastern and south eastern provinces. dozens of arrests have been made in the pre dominantly curtis city. yvonne election officials have ruled the d. e. m party candidates chance for public office because of a previous conviction. so the ruling act parties, candidates beset to become mer. instead, a police officer to your questioning night club managers after a fire killed 29 people. in istanbul, i sent them close to a local reports. questions are being asked about how the club was allowed to stay open when renovations were being carried out. this far random night club in a stumble to 29 lives on tuesday, the most great night club was too close under ground. beneath the 16 story residential building, there was one entrance and one exit. no back door. no windows to re chair the
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there was no obligation to below cause municipality for the reno of issue with all the construction of these place you trust to flows down the ground level, the repair work wasn't feasible out of that report to take your lives to geneva that's the w h o i had director general speaking, holding a news conference. let's listen. it has quite understandably posed. it's all oppressions. i own it out, colleagues for their service and for putting themselves in harm's way to said there's w joel has been working with wells and trying to teach ending garza to deliver food to health workers and patients in hospitals. this horrific incident highlights the extreme danger under weak visual colleagues that are partners. i'm working and we'd
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continue to work. but we can only do so. we say foxes this means on effective and trying to spot in. mcdonough isn't for the conflict should must be put in place to ensure he monitored and chromeboys can move safely. we need more than 3 points, including enrolled or ben garza cleared drugs and predictable and expedited passage to checkpoints, or delays and denials of the money to it. and emissions not only prevent us from reaching those in need, but also impact other operations and deliveries by diverting scarcity sources. in addition to the tack on words and try to teach in, convoy with likewise, a pull that obviously if a hospital has been put out of action and that much of it has been bodily damaged or destroyed over the last few days. definitely just to mean guys has been
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seeking permission to access what is left of the hospital to speak with stuff and to see what can be saved. but at the moment, the situation looks disastrous. as she, if i was the largest hospital and main referral center in the gaza street was 750 beds, 26 operating rooms set. if you to intensive care rooms a dallas has department and a center laboratory ida pete hospital must be respected and protected. they must not be used as button fields. since the conflict begun, w joel has verified 906 attacks on health care in guys on the west bank israel and live on resulting in 746 days. and
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1014 injuries. only 10 or guys us 36 all speak to the sort of still able to function. even partially deputy joe. we continue to support those all speakers to deliver services as best they can. more than 53000 people have now been killed in garza and almost 80000 danger to we're seeing a very high but don't know for us, but i totally understand infections and that an illness. this sunday mark 6 months since the conflict began. w joe williams. last week's you and security council resolution demanding us these 5 and we called for its immediate implementation once again, we called for almost 8, should be released and for lasting peace. now
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to the democratic republic of the congo, which is experiencing us, he bid out the break of impulse more than $4500.00 suspected cases. and almost $300.00 does have been reported so far. of this you treat the, the numbers of cases and does this reports it in the 1st quarter of the last 2 of 19 of the odyssey is $26.00 programs is reported cases and 70 percent of cases and 87 percent of those are in children under 15 years of age. why and fox is bred among children by close contact. there is also a concerning outbreak among adults due to sexual transmission transmission, and previously affected areas. so this out to breaks out of being caused by played one of the virus that causes and bolts which has been present in
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d r c for decades and can cause higher mortality then the clay to vitus that spread globally. importantly, so uh, that's the director general of the world health organization and he was just starting to speak on the conditions in the democratic republic of congo. but before that, he did focus on the situation in gaza and she is appealing for safe access for humanitarian workers in the gaza strip is also appealing for access to checkpoints as well as well as land borders for more aide to get into the gaza strip. she said that the w h o, as an organization has been seeking access to and she felt hospital, which as you may recall was rated by the is really forces i'm completely destroyed, has been put out of action. according to the w h o chief. he also said that hospitals must be protected this all coming after it'd be is really military launched a 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world. central kitchen workers earlier this week, killing foreign nationals. we'll keep an eye out on what more he asked the same,
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bring you any of the latest lines right here in all to 0, but for now we're going to check on the weather. and here is rob with another blast of winter in north america to the story out of the us the last couple days. it didn't matter to not dig, store and things. and oklahoma eastwood's, in ne, with and as long as cold front, which you can see now has reached the camera line, is still the potential for big stones on it. but maybe the rough around here, the top end of the driving half the storm is of more interest because it's early april and yet we're still bringing very cold air and wrapped around the circulation, giving a high temperature in april in chicago. when you 4 degrees, it should be well moves that i noticed the transitional time of year, but nevertheless, this is no restriction. dropping to on the carrier as well. so for the next 24 hours, snow falls all the way around here, through wisconsin towards south michigan. then running through chicago, illinois,
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you can see by just the picture as it stands, the street a full across the chicago allows it to walmart, sally, but still well below the average is tom's. here with the stove stops fully by thursday, toronto, the more miserable i have to say is continuous, right in the cold, and then it turns to snow and find me, things improve, come friday, the storm is quite long. live wind itself slowly east towards i think by the end of the week and the middle in the united states as much warmer. the still ahead on the all 0 news, our across town in the philippines on legal, online casinos, how work or say they were kidnapped and tortured into scamming customers. the saudi pro league leaders expand their record breaking when the streets was 31 matches. that's coming off, which i'm on the
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over 30 years of the son of the 0 world tells the to follow the story of no ways in the oldest little of course. let us salute the government of norway morris, remarkable in nurturing the secret negotiations, and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the price of also on notice here. the latest news as it breaks demonstrators law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the to coverage hosting and say that what areas did during his final words, free power stuff made them feel since then for that he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least 9000 palestinian families are missing at least one loved one. at the start table the.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, this is the news our on l g 0 here as a reminder of the top stories. the bodies of 6 for an aid workers killed by and is released right. calvin transferred out of gaza into egypt. the world's central kitchen convoy was targeted on monday. several 8 agencies had been forced to suspend or limit their operations in fear of further is really a tax and al jazeera investigation has found that the h convoy was intentionally targeted, is really military launch 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world's central kitchen workers. despite being told of their movements,
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the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan and 25 years has killed the police, 9 people and entered hundreds. operations are under way to rescue more than a 100 who are a trust in the level of collapse tunnels and buildings. the presidents of zimbabwe has declared a drought disaster in his state of the nation address, and mercer and mount and gag was said close to 3. millions and bobbins are suffering from a shortage of food. more than 80 percent of the country receives below normal rainfall. somebody has an annual serial requirement of 2200000 tons for both human and live stock consumption. but it faces a shortfall of $680000.00 tons, which will now need to be imported. the president is appealing to the international community to donate $2000000000.00 to disaster release, as we can speak to christine mendez has the deputy countries director with the world food program joining us from her. all right,
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welcome to al jazeera from what you've seen. just give a sense of how dire the situation is. thank you very much. good afternoon to you. oh, the situation is actually a dia, the declare issue of a state of exhaust uh uh, following the legal induced drought. uh, by the government. uh is, this is the recall for us to coordinate efforts with government and barriers to many interior and development cognitive side in the country. so how is the w i s p working with the government to tackle us the 3 things that we're doing that i can point out right now. the 1st thing we're doing uh, we've been consulting we supplementing the lead. i'm but we have somebody to read and development, putnam us on or be prices. and as we speak now,
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we are what can we've got minutes doing assessment? so you tell me precisely the locations which communities would be affected by, by these uh, in the you induced drought, dudley. we are also liberating one of presidency in communities, particularly where we have resilience building programs to piece of the projects. see the projects that are already on site the water sources. so that would ensure that communities, i'm not into a precarious situation. so that has been really at a very small scale because of limited resources. but when we took on a more results, we would be able to come back the government and then be a better method to make an impact much and various uh, and use that in the country. yeah. and you have put out an appeal for more aid.
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what's been the donor response? i think the don't have to have anything but are aware of the situation that what is needed and what please to the tell me the be the precise numbers. and i think now that we have a state of disaster be cleared by the, by, by the government to see about we, we will definitely see some pointed to best possible continue to advocate and wants to get that with the department of the roads to get a clear understanding of the situation. all right, christine mendez, we thank you for speaking to us from her. all right, thank you very much. thank you for helping me. politicians in the philippines are calling for the complete shut down of hundreds of illegal online casinos owned by chinese businessmen. as barnaby lo reports, workers in the multi $1000000000.00 industry have told police how they were kidnapped and tortured to scam customers as a cyber gaming hub. in a small town north of manila,
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operating under the radar. but when police descended on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and evidence their running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remain at large. the operation was triggered bad to from, of getting these employee who managed to escape and contact authorities. there's a retail me for the company, the gym. and that is not the chip. we just call the company though, and that wouldn't be able to deal in who's from the leisure says his friend, sold him to the company. i just want to be safe, but when i receive, has not allowed to do. both of them say they were beat up when they couldn't make the monthly target of $40000.00, much like a workers of an online gambling site and many, let's say they were tortured in this room. it was also found to have been
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a prostitution then. the site now serves as a detention center, human trafficking victims and employees. a waiting deputation are housed here, a former online gaming compound, law enforcement officials rated it last year. it turned out to be the headquarters of a scamming enterprise. also run by chinese business meant the chinese online casino industry, locally known as the philippine offshore gaming operators or pulse grew exponentially during the term of former president would be good to try to authorize. chinese embassy says it's job is to protect it citizens, but it's also cooperating with philippine authorities. it's highly probable that the people where to steal from 14 board they just transferred to another photo. so we're creating a localized in deep g nice scamming invested in the philippines. but it's a crisis of regional proportions. the united nation says more than 200000 and may be trapped in ski and operations in e and more encumbered, yet,
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the philippine government says hundreds are still illegally operating in the country in an industry this generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. barnaby lo, alger 0 manila let's make sure aaron, chad robina is a professional lecturer with the university of the philippines agent center. joining us from manila, welcome to alda 0. what do you think is behind the growth of this industry in the philippines? in particular? yeah, thank you for asking me to begin with. there's nothing really wrong with the photos because uh, you know, if there's a form of a gap claim except for it's more on that because considerations because it is the kind of a guiding bulk goes into philippines. are actually being used as from florida in michigan activities based on criminal syndicates. and so this is where things actually get messy because and therefore they said they'd store they'd probably for the phone oh,
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different than what the book price. and so there are actually deliberate as of the price that are interval with both, you know, what i mean? yeah, i mean, you say, i know that you said that the industry actually pays tax to the government and then this contributes to the real estate sector. so if that is indeed the case, and there are sectors that are benefiting from this, how challenging is it going to be to keep the calls of some politicians who are now calling for an end to all of this? a yes, because uh right now the social is, seems to be offsetting these allegedly diekama games. and at the same time, the philippines, as a country, you know, is thinking i kid you, repetition of plus because of all these social deals or criminal activities that are related to both. and so therefore, they say that once it for all their needs to be a problem before they care,
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took up the structure with respect to this industry is that's causing friction between the philippines on china. oh, actually contribute to this. uh, shoot. you is number the, the chinese government really have nothing to do with photos in these photos are not a speed lin activities by the government. they'll try because they themselves, things governing is illegal in china. they actually have thoughts, filipinos, or to be strictly that the many bass to the goals and actually uh, prohibiting this industry for all operating and existing. and it just so happens that the mean side wants to put the benefit from this economic gains, you know, but they, these continue to, uh, uh, go on. so trip views are actually shining the look at it and you cannot make benefits. all right, thank you for speaking to us from manila,
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we'll take your back to our top story and that is the killing of 7 world kitchen world central kitchen aid workers in gaza. our diplomatic editor of james bay's spoke to the spanish prime minister pedro sanchez here in del ha, who condemned via tuck a few minutes. ariens have repeatedly come under attack and cause the latest tragic incident. 7 workers from the world. central kitchen. that's the n g o. set up for the spanish shift. jose andries were killed. they don't have in working together with the spanish n g o. would you put that food supplies in by ship that come by ship because the israel is not allowing enough that stuff in by land. how is any of this acceptable? it is not acceptable. i think that it's important to condemn this terrible situation. then the uh, a very dangerous uh, extreme is dangerous circumstances and that the aid workers are having on the
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ground in augusta. and that is why i think it's important. first of all, as i did to condemn this, a horrible bumping that causes the battle for 7 workers. and these n t o i live by this is spanish, of course. and this, what they do is just to provide at food for the people and the, and of course what we ask a base where the government is at to clarify and the, the, the situation on the, on why this happened in gas a cause. this isn't the one off, more humanitarian option. well because of dieting causes than anywhere else in the world. a 150 your more. you and staff members more medical stuff here than anywhere else in the world specs. the question is these randy homie just very, very bad at targeting, or is it about the rules of engagement? is that some sort of indiscriminate shoot killed policy going on here? a, i don't know. this is something that these where the government has to answer. what
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i can tell you is that the situation on the ground, the slot acceptable. and, and this brings me again to the same answer that i gave you since the beginning of the interview. we need a permanent cease fire. we need to uh, to convene a peace conference, which by the way, something a proposal that not only you can union, but also the or up leak on this. let me conference we agreed on. so i think it's important that from europe and also from the countries we work together in this peace conference in order to, to, to move forward. and to leave behind these 3 world war and to establish the conditions for a peaceful, a quick systems in, in, in the short term. you, st. israel needs to answer these questions. is israel potentially need to answer these questions to the international criminal court. does that need to be accountability for the sort of action that has to be always accountability? i think that think history's full of examples where it's urgent and needed this
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kind of accountability. but this is something that the, the international uh, courts of justice has to respond. and what do we need to do is to ask at these, what are the government to fulfill? which is now based binding, which is of course that you in at risk solutions calling for a permanency supplier. you can watch that full interview with the spanish prime minister petro sanchez on thursday, april 4th, at 1430 gmc right here on alger 0. are still a heads. how many in mexico are preventing the cops from running dry by collecting rainwater to get them through the dry season and a league leading home run for one of the dodgers. but it's not their big money japanese signing. that's coming up with drama in sports
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the some of the sports insurance demo. thank you. doing the full, the president of the spanish football federation. louis, to be honest, has been detained by police as positive corruption investigation without, as is questioned by police that madrid zap or to shortly after arriving time from the dominican republic. he was released a few hours later as part of the investigation was still ortiz, are looking into the deal to move the spanish supercop to saudi arabia. last month, one of the, of his, his prophecies was rated as well. the offices of the spanish football federation which led to several arrests in a separate case you took on trial for sexual assault on collage and for kissing play a jenny, i must say. off to spain. one last is women's world cup. final,
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for the honest house denied any wrong doing in space cases. what a so he has a biggest football team set about che, have a to, to stay in the country's top league for now at least they have threatened to quit. so off of the plans with tax bio position funds last month, david strikes reports. it looked like a match day has thousands of fund about g. congress members, gather the stadium, it is stumble. after an extraordinary meeting, the clubs, chapman said they would not go through with the rest of withdrawing from the tech and super league. and as you know, allow me to use the least preferred option was to withdrawal from the league. the reason why this opinion is not wanted is that people think we would have to deal in the lower lien on it with the same things we deal with. he took of quitting the leg with spock last month when spent about cheese players were attacked by trips and school friends, but the cubs grievances go back is in 2015. that same bus was attacked by gunman.
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the driver was hospitalized, but no players were injured. back in 2011, they were banned from the european champions league of a much fixing allegations which they were eventually cleared of. just because been about shape decided not to pull out. the belief now doesn't mean they want in the future, both 0. now, we're taking this option off the table until the general assembly at the end of the season. he took his football list and play by controversy the season, most notably in december, when the whole league was suspended after a club president attacked a referee fin about cheat. i, one of the 3 biggest clubs in the country along with got a test. right. and the sheet test if one of the super like 19 times but not for a decade. kimberly, they sits 2nd 2 points behind gab assessor why they play the next game later on wednesday, still in the league and still in contention. they be stokes and which is 0 also and when just to say to you will that to keep the pressure on in the premier league ties will raise with both sides and action. on wednesday off miller high end to
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loose and sound and the wind will see the re take top spot from livable. you don't play until fast. i make out that the side is still on the basement in the leak. this you unsecure a valuable point to weigh out minus 50 in the last much the what we want to be in to. and i want to take this opportunity and, and make it happened on to we words every single day with, with that. and so she has him on, on bison to, to make it happen, and him, and i'm enjoying the moment as well. i see the team ready for rolling and they are really excited about playing these game. and that's what that, what has to be driving them. now this vision, it didn't match, that he will move the level of points with leaders level if they base aston villa at the s we had for the full and have champions the football in the sites at claudio, the side last one. the last time besides played in december just we didn't get to have to do so we don't have and know my many chances are points.
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but this is non games and has to be the play for, you know, qualify for the champions league and. and every team play for something. so the last game chose are difficult to manage. court would be for all of us, the tottenham missed the chance to move into the top full off the during the west front of jumped some type size and needs before causing the equalize the west time as it finished one of the safest. the 2 points of the champions league faces. edison left it late to secure a vital points in the fight against predication. they were waiting you call. so he took the lead 15 minutes since. so, and it sounds that you set habits and we'll give it a penalty with less than 5 minutes left top. dominic, how is that new? and it sets up fresh at the school to rescue a wonderful tool. evanson, a 6 feet from the table. 4 points about pick up events has remained on cool. so
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a record extending 15. the tiny and cup tied to lots of basing. lots here. last week it was last ca, he'd be, events has one them is tiny and they, they saw you guys, i've gotta re take you guys up and do some as well. have it secured a to know when in the 1st light of best sending the final, the victory as the elect res, seem closer to that 22nd comp final. the 2nd level will be fighting, right? and then this will end up 3 weeks time. leona freeze into the french comp final they with serena. what is against valencia in this? any final is the more than a decade since the on list. this is tracy power, sanction i face rent and the other send me on wednesday. and is our brookins incredible running the job and cut the came to an end on tuesday. the search here tub would be to know by a kinds of spouse of in the semi finals. so freaking had dumped out some big teams on the way to the final full, including reading. when does they get champions? assignment in saudi arabia, al, hello, have extended the record winning street to the t one games they beats out of $2.00
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to $3.00 now and the saudi prorate, or is it in play a malcolm double that late in the 2nd house of the rates are there on the full side of a day, 3, complete to the when 7 minutes slices out hello, moving close to then to securing the 19th sounds unique types of to kristy on. even now there's only still said 12 points behind the allowing the table despite securing an h new thrashing, as i've had on tuesday without a school. his 2nd, patrick, in the space of 72 hours. that's the 5 time fall under when his efforts couldn't close the gap. on the runaway lead. the reigning m b a. m b p. joe island beach has made a winning woodside from the surgery and beat admitted feeling depressed, often missing 9 weeks, but was back fresh against the oklahoma city son the on tuesday, he scored 24 points as the philadelphia at 76, those came from behind the beat the found one, a 9 to one and 5 did not get to the top of the western conference off the beach in the san antonio spurs. sickly,
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all fits within 42 points and has 16 rebounds nuggets winning this game. $110.00 to $1.00. i saw the golden state warriors snap a 7 game winning streak to dallas as they attempt to secure a file for a triple double. somebody's advantage to beat the maverick one or 2. 100 warriors still fit had us in the west, so they need to talk a progressive yeah, this on to the comp. i also had a triple double for the milwaukee bucks on tuesday, but it was no match for the washington wizards who avoided guessing sweats in the 3 game season series. when 117 to one session found and major league baseball, does he that hits his face one of the season as the at a to just beat the san francisco giants thoughtful for that said street when he leads police in home run that is a little sport of the piece that will have another update life. so 3, all right. during the thank you so much for that. while the shortage of drinking
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water in mexico is forcing money to start collecting rain waters to get them through the prices of puerto se rain harvesting can transform communities threatened by drought. julia, go on a reports from mexico city that it hasn't rained in nearly 6 months, but sit up, you may need this water reserves are going strong. he's confident what he has stored will get him through the rest of the dry season until he can start this year's rain harvest in 2 months. when i say that the i can harvest more than 25000 leaders in one season. for kaylee the home, i've done the numbers in between all that i give away to my neighbors and what i can, i mean receive more. i catch between 25 and 30000 leaders on my 90 square meter roof . that's to bring that mean is when they meet the enough clean water for his small
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family to cover all their needs. they need to is among a growing number of mexico city residents resorting to rain harvesting as a way to mitigate the cities water crisis. the system installed by an n g o cold is loaded by now works by collecting rainfall from roof, sending it through filters and into storage for all kinds of personal use organizations that promote rainwater collection. so it can transform communities such as this one by bringing otherwise wasted water to some of the people that need it most. but for it to really have a wide impact, it needs political will. and large scale investment. dislike a sharp decrease in rain for the climate change. mexico city still gets more precipitation than cities like london, but with no organic way for the water to filter into the underground aquifers that supply much of the city's water. most of it is lost. this, along with aging, infrastructure and explanation will population growth has led to
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a serious water shortage in the mexican capital. enter architect loaded that gastro . we're looking at how water enters from the street, carrying all the run off. she designed this part in the area of the city most prone to flooding where rain water is redirected from the street to natural filtering systems that replenish the aquifers. and i know that that is a big believer in public spaces becoming natural water rest of wars. so we live in this paradox of star city of drinking water and excess of rain water. and what we're trying to do with this type of projects is to have a way of keeping that rain water into the city and manage it through smaller landscape infrastructure. old projects, slow brain harvesting, may not be the 60 solution to mexico's water problems. experts agree, it is
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a promising start worth investing in value. i know i'll just euro mexico city. we'll take a short break and we'll be back in just a moment. was much more of today's news. and also the latest headlines. see you in a minute. the we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey to pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to you. the story on talk to how does era these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right to psychological motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man as a dentist. oh yeah. has registered for possible military service if needed, much fall and someone will be hit as a person to get the medical background. i have to know what to do is ukraine begins that the g it with this full scale war, there was a growing awareness of the need from old military posts. and now i do believe women have a high volume in the army. and for some positions they're more suitable even according
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to my milk a month. so there is a place for each woman, but i understand else that that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. but as to when it rains on, it's a decision, increasing numbers of women may be called on to make. the al jazeera investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted and international aids comm, voice, and also the, the 0 my for my headquarters. and so i'm getting navigate to also a heads. several agencies are forced to suspend food distribution and goes off


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