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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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to close the was when you close the pots at the store. the analysis the right investigation reveals how is really forces deliberately targeted an international aid convoy in garza. several agencies have been forced to suspend food distribution, worsening famine conditions on the ground. the material venue is good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, lived from the also coming of the strongest earthquake, the hit taiwan and 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens are trapped into rubble. ends and bob way declares a national disaster because of drought, for rainfall across southern africa means millions are going hungry. the
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just 2 days after israel killed a sudden aid workers analysis your investigation has found that they were intentionally targeted is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world's central kitchen workers. despite being told of their movement, reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers and gaza routinely act on their own violating army regulations and proper chain of command. one is really newspaper has quotes, it is really army sources, a sing quotes in gaza. everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims were foreign nationals. one was palestinian. their bodies have now been moved to egypt or defense editor alex, good temple. it says more on what the image is your investigation. i'm covered. and how does your investigation has found that these really military, intentionally targeted the wealth, central kitchen comb boy in 3 consecutive airstrikes despite being cold or tragic
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accidents by israel? here's what the evidence shows to wealth. central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in the or above sometime around 10 30 pm local time. on monday, april 1st. come boy travel. just for columbus says, make it to rashid street along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by missile the just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st call to the 2nd on the vehicle. second call made it 800 meters self from the 1st attack. when it too was boned killing everyone inside photos from the scene clearly show it was hit straight through the roof by a project all from above. the 3rd vehicle into comb, ford made for the 1600 meters, turning off the main road in an attempt to avoid destruction before it was hit by 3rd and final strikes. also through its roof. the colors were clearly marked on the international. a group had told these really military of its teams whereabouts,
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giving them the coordinates, questions remain as to why these really military talking to this aid called boy, it's definitely a brutal but whether it's brutal as a matter of high level policy to discourage other a n g o's from a risking a repetition of this kind of disaster, or whether it was something that went somewhat wrong in its execution, as authorization in an area deprived of fuel and petrol. they would have been a little traffic, mostly a trucks. and these really military vehicles in the area, the aide cause we're moving into 3 vehicle comb boy, clearly bought from above. the missiles use were of a type to maximize destruction in a very small space,
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primarily used for targeted operations in urban areas. chris comp smith is an experience weapons expert who has worked in colors and the seen similar weapons used when talked with some n g, a humanitarian and just looking at potential war crimes, looking at potentially human rights violations and backs. and this is what setting, so years ago, it began to transpire. there was a weapon system being used for our inside talk talk to assess the nations, but to target very specific individuals, groups of buildings and then particular cause. and this weapon system produces just the sort of effect by saying on these boy said on these vehicles among the dead bus 3 security consultants, hood bibles, central kitchen, whose job would have been to liaise with these really military on the whereabouts.
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the fact that the company was hit several times, each strike some distance in time. a part suggest that this act was intentional and that the company was deliberately destroyed. alex could topless ultra 0 after monday's attack. well, central kitchen suspended its operations and gaza displays, palestinians say that they fear attacks light. these will lead to further foot shortages. let's take a look at other agencies who have faced similar challenges. the american near east refugee agency on era has decided to stop its operations and guys altogether. the 8 group had provided an average of 150000 meals a day in partnership, and it was world central kitchen. back in february, the largest agency in the gaza strip you an agency for palestinian refugees and was suspended. it's 8 operations to northern garza, this coming after what it called, a collapse of civil order and the prevention of safe passage for its trucks. other organizations such as international medical corps,
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which has one of the largest field hospitals in rafa. we're also rethinking their humanitarian work in gaza. earlier i spoke to joyce as loony, she is the general secretary of the american friends service committee. she says be, is really military or deliberately targeting aid workers inside gaza. and we've been in garza since 1949. we were there to set up the 1st record you camps after the napa and our staff are actually telling us that they feel that they are still alive by chance. and that is what they're telling us so. so we are, you know, i think about the decision of the world center kitchen and other agencies under the system to suspend their operations. and i can just imagine how difficult piece decisions were made because you know, our mandate as humanitarian organizations as the saved lives. but how can we continue to do that, while our own staff for the 80 workers are,
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we're putting them in jeopardy, and we certainly don't want to do that. there is nothing we can do to keep our staff safe. and, and so we, we know that and so, and is your, you know, has been violating international law every year, every day, every hour in the, by the minute and, and we know that, you know, this has been intentional when our staff tell us they are still alive by chance, they know that they are a target as well, and it is there, it has been not only, you know, they've been delaying the trucks. they're closing land crossings. they're attacking slower food, just distributions, making the case for the front of the wondering why, you know, not allowing for a workers in and now for those who manage to enter the bottom them. so the number of humanitarian workers that have been killed and got up to date a un uh 8 especially from from wonder why exceeds other conflicts. we've never
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seen anything like that. a guitar as prime minister mohammed bin abdul rahman, autonomy has been meeting the spanish prime minister pedro sanchez here in doha. both renewed calls for an immediate cease fire. did i see it? i saw it. i saw the man and the last i was would have seen them on hold a flying j. should this lady by the images of the optimize, the, the bottom left behind by the is mainly probation forces off the image, the middle of the seats inc. and destroying the entire super hospital for 2 weeks. this throwing all the medical equipment and medical supplies, in addition to sitting the place on fire together with the surrounding areas it up . and then in addition to those skills masoud, you could nab of the, for the day and, and not. and those missing again with the new the code for an immediate cease fire as the lives of civilians on the 10th and not appreciated. and the
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ukraine's president has signed a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion, followed him. he was a lensky, has warned that an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel russian advances. ukraine has struggled to boost truth numbers with the conflict now and its 3rd year. this organization coming as nato foreign ministers meet in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. that includes a proposal for $107000000000.00 funding plan to roll out over 5 years. it's a secretary general in stoughton berg says that the military alliance will continue to support ukraine and plans to step up assistance, their craziness on running out of courage. they're running out of munitions. we need to step up now. unsure of support is built to last. so in our meeting today, we discussed how to put our support on the firm or
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a more enduring basis for the future to all of us agree on the need to support ukraine. and this critical moment there's a unity of purpose today. allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to role in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake, you crank and rely on the to support now on for the long hold. troll stratford joins us now from ukraine's capital keith together. ukrainian perspective on this. charles, you heard the nato chief, he's been saying, nato wants to send a very clear message to russia that ukraine's backers are here to stay. in concrete terms. how does nato achieve that? it will certainly what you're trying says that it wants is a lot more weapon rate suffering, a huge difference deficit of i mean,
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nation and weapon really on the front lines right now. there's also a mobilization crisis. so it needs to be described as across us by some people, even in the, the ukrainian def, defense establishment. so ukraine is very much in need of help. so this kind of language is not something that we haven't heard before, but it's the kind of language that ukraine needs and wants to here from nate. so just to give you a little bit more of a perspective in some details on what exactly this plan is, involves that's being discussed, as you mentioned, potentially a 5 year fund of around a 107000000000 dollars. although that amount cannot yet be confirmed, but it's also concentrating on better coordinating the distribution of weaponry. and i munition that is coming from a group that was established almost immediately off. the rushes full scale invasion in 2022, a group called ukraine defense contacts group. now it's made up of $56.00 countries,
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including school. so if you to members of nato, and as i say, it has been pivotal in getting the, the weaponry, the ukraine says it needs to ukraine. the reason why the nato is interested in taking little control of this is because there are concerns among certain dates, members that the kind of domestic political pressure is on lead is inside this coalition could force them to make decisions that could make that supply particularly difficult and this particular focus on. busy could happen in washington during the us selections in the event, but what happens if president trump or donald trump returns to the presidency? indeed, this plan in some circles is being described as a potential trump proof plan. now they've already been reaction from foreign ministers who come out of that meeting in brussels today, and it's very such a mixed bag. and it shows the kind of sort of differences that exist within the
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nato alliance. hunger is foreign minister saying that the hungry would never back proposals that made jewelry alliance. the nato alliance closer to was shipped from a defensive to on all friendship coalition. meanwhile, germany's foreign minister said that the plan was both rights and importance and not be as far as minister has said that there should be potential discussion of where these money should come from. whether indeed, individual nato members should be contributing a percentage of the g d p. but there was one person who was combo, who was quoted by the reuters news agency, a diplomat who basically said that native does not have this kind of budget. and there's no way that this kind of funding can really be so what's about at this stage, it's ongoing discussions, as i say, no structure and no amount of money yet confirmed. we're expecting to get more details of this. as we approach a big nato, somebody held in dc, washington dc schedule for july. okay,
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so we have to continue watching this space because important questions could be answered here. so at the moment we don't have a conclusive answers, but we see where it's headed. the troll stratford reporting live from keith. thank you very much. a protests against the overturning of local election results have spread into keys, eastern and south eastern provinces. dozens of arrest have been made and the predominantly kurdish city of fun. election officials have ruled the d. e m party candidates cannot hold public office because of a previous conviction. the ruling a k parties candidate is set to become may or instead. rescuers in taiwan or pulling the earthquake victims from the rubble of their home is the strongest tremor to hit the island and 25 years tumbled buildings killing at least 9 people in injuring hundreds. the underwater magnitude. $7.00, quake struck at around 8. am it was also felt in southern japan and eastern china and in the philippines. patrick falk report, a good one. so one was tough to the strongest. great there in
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25 years. the magnitude $7.00 quake struck off the east coast off the shots of rotten communities across the south, full diamonds, causing power, causing some buildings to collapse. text messages moved on to coastal areas of this anomaly threats. so human cause, it was very strong. it's felt as if the house was getting to topple, to reopen behind. you will shake okay, violently. older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches more on the when i realized it was an earthquake. i quickly put on my clothes and she was going to drag the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task way to hit taiwan, an offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history goes an estimate of 2400 people. more than
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a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning inside juan and authorities war and that that's a further time is, could still come from. i don't. how do we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by folding rocks in the why? the in area in the taipei area, the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry out a search and rescue work for the people to take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures japan and to sort of painful so on. so now me a lot, depends national broadcaster wanting us to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended on slides. but this nami warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind points of
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magnitude on this, the jones triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused to focus even nuclear power plant as, as to the most, a serious accident since june of at a $7.00 magnitude us great comedians davis here hit japan's notes of peninsula coming more than 230 people patrick talk how's 0 type the still ahead on alice's 0 correct. down in the philippines on illegal online casinos, we took off the workers and say that they were tortured into scamming customers. and many in mexico are preventing attempts from running dry by collecting rainwater will have won the phone, counting the costs, the world's population is shrinking rapidly. how will that affect the global economy regulations on both sides of the atlantic cracking sound?
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take monopolies, plus the june the gas and take jones's narrowing. but when will it be? what doubts counting the cost on the elders here as the well plunged into a climate disaster, we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth. a growth because rising for as nothing inmate to gross reference dying coming soon, sears from, i'll just say around on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on
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a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching out for 0, a reminder of our headlines. the bodies of 6.8 workers killed by and it's really strike have been transferred out of that into egypt. the world's central kitchen con boy was targeted on monday. several 8 agencies have now been forced to limit operations. and fear of us further is really a tax. a palestinian aid worker was also killed. analysis your investigation has found that the a convoy was intentionally targeted is really military launched,
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3 consecutive airstrikes against the world central kitchen workers. despite being told that there move the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan and 25 years as killed at least 9 people in injured hundreds operations are under way to rescue dozens of people from the rubble. politicians and the philippines are calling for the complete shut down of hundreds of illegal online casinos owned by the chinese businessman. as barnaby lo reports workers in this multi $1000000000.00 industry, i've told police of how they were kidnapped and tortured to scam customers. a a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and the evidence they're running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remained large. the operation was triggered bets. it from a venue means employee who managed to escape and contact authorities, the retail me for the cooking,
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the gym. and that is not the chip. we just call the come to the and den available. look it up. and dylan who has from the leisure, says his friend sold him to the company. i just want to be safe. but when i visit, has not allowed to do. both of them say they were beat up when they couldn't make the monthly target of $40000.00, much like a workers of an online gambling site and many, let's say they were tortured in this room. it was also found to have been a prostitution 10. the site now serves as a detention center. human trafficking victims and employees are waiting deputation are housed here, a former online gaming compound, law enforcement officials rated it last year. it turned out to be the headquarters of a scamming and surprise. also run by chinese business meant the chinese online casino industry,
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locally known as the philippines. offshore gaming operators or pulse grew exponentially during the term of former president would be good to try to authorize. chinese embassy says it's job is to protect us citizens, but it's also cooperating with filipino authorities. it's highly probable that the people where to steal from 14 board they just transferred to another photo. so we're creating a localize in deep g nice scamming invested in the philippines. but it's a crisis of regional portions. the united nation says more than $200000.00 and may be trapped in scam operations in myanmar and come body of the philippine government says hundreds are still illegally operating in the country in an industry. this generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. barnaby lo, alger 0 manila, the government is and bob way has declared a state of emergency because of extreme drought. the failure of annual reigns has left millions of people threatened with hunger and force many to rely on food aid.
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climate change and the nino weather phenomenon have worsened our conditions in zimbabwe and neighboring countries in southern africa. somebody's president has asked the international international community for health the the s as in bob or his neighbors are also expecting shortages due to the drought. our in with us a has this report from zimbabwe. it's capital horizon. when you move around her, either you see that many people have gotten mays in the odds on the side of the road and made the staple food in is involved with a truck is struggling. when you leave the city, go to the fives. the rule is you'll also find the cops, they're also not doing well. they either dying or they are the most. and bobby's know, he's going to be a bad season. it's going to be a bad harvest, present name as a man,
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and god wants to pay the state of disaster that he says he's asking for help in terms of money and age for me, it's international community. he says that the government have to import grain from other countries and that is govern. we're trying to everything and can to make sure no and baldwin, stop. most farmers use his drugs was coming, but what happened to late january, early february that the country received some rain for some promise to gamble and try to solve a, something within this dry storage of hits. and if assistance we can probably try to die and brain dead pause and miller as a saying that pharmacy on bringing as much amazed as they should be being in. and it says it could be shortages and price increases. now the doctors will stick to the region of southern africa, malawi, and samuel declared, the states austin's office of advocate the could use of waiting and serial in the regents gross it'd be entitled because of the drought in doubt, reports that south africa may also need to import grain. if this does continue,
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how do we talk and i'll just cut out for a shortage of drinking water in mexico is forcing many to start collecting rain water to get them through the dry season. truly are going on. no has more on this from mexico city. it hasn't rained in nearly 6 months, but that up you may need, this is water reserves are going strong. he's confident what he has stored will get him through the rest of the dry season until he can start this year's rain harvest in 2 months. when i say that i can harvest more than 25000 leaders in one season. for kaylee the home, i've done the numbers in between all that i give away to my neighbors and what i can, i mean receivables i catch between 25 and 30000 leaders on my 90 square meter roof . estimating that meeting is when they may need enough clean water for his small family to cover all their needs. then he does is among
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a growing number of mexico city residents resorting to rain harvesting as a way to mitigate the cities water crisis. the system installed by an n g o called east load by now works by collecting rainfall from roof, sending it through filters and into storage for all kinds of personal use. organizations that promote rain water collection se can transform communities such as this one by bringing otherwise wasted water to some of the people that need it most. but for it and really have a wide impact, it needs political will. and large scale investment. despite a sharp decrease in rain for the climate change, mexico city still gets more precipitation than cities like london, but with no organic way for the water to filter into the underground aquifers that supply much of the city's water. most of it is lost and this along with aging infrastructure and exponential population growth has led to a serious water shortage in the mexican capital enter architect loaded that gas
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bill. we're looking at how water answers from the street carrying all the run off. she designed this part in the area of the city most prone to flooding were rainwater, is redirected from the street to natural filtering systems that replenish the aquifers. and that i know that, that is a big believer in public spaces becoming natural water rest of wars. so we live in this paradox of star city of drinking water and excess of rain water. and what we're trying to do with this type of projects is to have a way of keeping that rain water into the city and manage it through smaller landscape infrastructure old projects. well, rain harvesting may not be the fix. all solution to mexico is water problems. experts agree, it is a promising start worth investing in value. i know i'll just the euro mexico city
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and that does it for me. 0 then you for now the news continues here, analysis here after counting. that will be with on the craig. we're back at the top of the, out, the on the go what looks like a circulation forming just exactly stations in indonesia. and it just the eastern side of bodies circulation, hey, which would suggest flooding is quite likely which to tailor into the rainy season natural. and we've got the hint of big range on his way, maybe to nose and sort of way. so you know, some philippines, hopefully mostly of open water here. it's much dryer in thailand for this part of southeast asian mainland southeast texas shumate. quite hot. no, but not generating many scientists tools, and this is a little unusual. the plumb rains should be something like they may or june,
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but you could argue this laurie, which is fairly continuous, is to start off with, particularly as hong calls, temperatures 30 or so if you want is about 6 cruise above average. that is also one usually to fluctuate very much throughout the year. but the writing is a little bit in line from that hong car marquetto, he found the store in the next day or so the right instructions up to what was the southern part of the line to the banks, the yankee, and actually the west of that. beyond that, but it's pretty normal and you and this is japan. nice though here. not much right now other not just yet. like twice for india. the story is one of health and she read whether the problem, anything else that pause at 41, the cold comforter though is humid. examining the headlines. is it or is properly today for the forms of life in god's unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview,
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just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe on the $38.00 it welts, women come and feel naturally released the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the hello until mccrae. this is counseling. the costa announces that are your weekly looked at the world of business and economics. this week the world's population is shrinking rapidly, but the baby boom is predicted so many developing nations will become a graphic shift, affects the global economy. cracking down on the take monopolies us an e u rate devices take i'm. it's fixed. john's


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