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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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or the, or the headlines or of any good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program today. the united nation suspends movement of 8 at night in gaza after is really forces targeted in international 8 convoy killing 7 workers . several 8 agencies are forced to suspend food distribution in gaza after mondays attacks worsening famine conditions on the ground. at the strongest doors quake the hip, taiwan, and 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens are trapped in the rubble of collapse. buildings the national disaster declared in zimbabwe because of the
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droughts for rainfall across southern africa means millions were going hungry. about in peace assembled within your school. it's news before the president of the spanish football federation has been detained. find police and the co counsel nitride is post the 2nd biggest the school when i see all history in the victoria games, but the captain, the . so we'd be getting this news our and gaza, where the united nation says it's a spending 8 movements at night because of security concerns. that decision coming 2 days after israel killed $78.00 workers analysis your investigation has found that they were intentionally targeted is really military launched, 3 consecutive airstrikes against the world. central kitchen workers, despite being told of their movement. reports also suggest is really military officers and soldiers and gaza routinely act on their own violating army
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regulations and the profit chain of command. what is really newspaper has quoted is really army sources as sing quotes in gaza. everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims were foreign nationals. their bodies have now been moved to egypt. the 7 slick them was palestinians. officers, honey, my mood is in the southern gaza. honey, in the last 48 hours we've seen multiple 8 groups. pause their operation, slow down their operations and now the largest agency of them all, the un is slowing down to in the yes sir, all. and this has directly been increasing the fear of the, the risk of fabbing that has already been the cause of the, the death of more than 30 children of the day and fours the hydration. and is far based on the fact that we're seeing organizations large organizations like one
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after the other. just an earlier hours of the day we have on your a large organizes you a bit of providing food supplies that a human if you're a to displace families suspended operations given the, the danger and the status sense of safety on the non guaranteed safety for workers on the ground and before that and right after the tax on the w. c. k. employees at the uh it has suspended its the operations across the gaza for just making the situation very difficult right now. increasing the rest of the crab and on as far vision and hearing over it. crowded rough uh, at the same time, we're seeing the practice this then, and conditions on the ground created by the intense bombing campaign, deliberately and by the ongoing attacks the on either a twin boys or, or distribution. a point here and drop or, or other parts of the gaza strip, just making the whole situation is very difficult. now for the vast majority of how the city into our, i've been largely sad and not frustrated over the attacks on the w. c. k employees
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. you think that's as part of a long term plan and the by these right, the military which is to disparage and to deter any organization or any person, any donor and for that matter, interested in providing any support or health on the ground on the fact that we're seeing an ongoing rate of failures to protect and secure and smooth and efficient humanitarian aid through the northern part of gauze and city. and dawn, going to close on a fraction of 8 at the crossing. just the other side of the board or there are miles of the trucks. the are deliberately preventative from entering and delivering a much needed a to a much desperate population old files. and it concludes into one narrative, which is the enforce is tar vision. and the hydration on people, they're not interested for any wants to provide any health, no honey mt. mood reporting from roughly and southern garza. thank you very much,
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honey. oh alton, monday's a tac world central kitchen suspended it's operations and gaza displaced now listing and say that they fear attacks late fees will lead to further food shortages as honey was explaining to us. let's take a look at the other agencies which they faced similar challenges the american near east refugee agency. a mirror has decided to stop it's operation and gaza altogether. the 8 group has provided an average of 150000 meals a day in partnership with the world central kitchen. in february, the un agency for palestinian refugees and was suspended. it's 8 operations to northern gauze. and now remember, and why is the largest a provider in gaza? this came off to what it called a collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks. other organizations like international medical corps, which has one of the largest field hospitals in rafa. i've also had to rethink their humanitarian work in gaza. joyce, as loony is general secretary of the american friends service committee,
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a group which has been active in gaza since 1949. she says be, is really military or deliberately targeting a workers inside district. so we've been in garza since 1949. we were there to set up the 1st record you camps after the napa and our staff are actually telling us that they feel that they are still alive by chance. and that is what they're telling us so. so we are, you know, i think about the decision of the world center kitchen and other agencies under the system to suspend their operations. and i can just imagine how difficult piece decisions were made because you know, our mandate as humanitarian organizations as the saved lives. but how can we continue to do that, while our own staff or the 80 workers are we're putting them in jeopardy, and we certainly don't want to do that. there is nothing we can do to keep our
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staff safe. and, and so we, we know that and so, and is your, you know, has been violating international law every year, every day, every hour in the, by the minute and, and we know that, you know, this has been intentional when our staff tell us they are still alive by chance, they know that they are a target as well, and it is there, it has been not only, you know, they've been delaying the trucks. they're closing land crossings. they're attacking slower food, just distributions, making the case for the front of the wondering why, you know, not allowing for a workers in and now for those who manage to enter the bottom them. so the number of humanitarian workers that have been killed and got up to date a un it especially from, from wonder why exceeds other conflicts. we've never seen anything like that. the officer is on the cell who isn't occupied east jerusalem. i'm the israel is being
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forced to answer for this attack, the attack on the world central kitchen convoy. but before that, there's a broader pattern of a tax on a deliveries aid seekers and gaza. has israel addressed that wants to begin by saying that israel has never admitted to an unlawful killing of a palestinian in this war that has dragged on for nearly 6 months. and that has the nearly $33000.00 people killed in prior situations that we've seen a tax on aid convoys. the flour massacre, these really army has oftentimes said they wouldn't investigate. but whenever they would release the findings in a statement, they would deflect the way and rather say it was the fault of the palestinians that there were gunman nearby, that absolving themselves. and many blame was really the reoccurring theme there. but in this particular case, these really army issuing a rare apology, saying that it was, quote, a mistake be, is really army chief of sal. personally. however,
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he has said that he is involved in all of the investigations and approves and that there will be an outside independent entity that will be conducting another investigation that will present the findings to foreign partners and other types of age groups. that is role works with, but the army is going to have to answer a lot of questions, especially from allies like the united states since they have been saying from the beginning. but not enough aid is going into gauze up from the beginning and creating a dire and catastrophic humanitarian situation that has been folded inside of gaza . right under. so who's reporting from occupied east jerusalem? thank you very much. on joining us here in the studio to continue this conversation is time a car moot assistant professor of public policy at the don't institute. the graduate studies, a timer every now and then is real. seems to just feel the heat to the international pressure a little bit more intensely and seems to bend to that pressure a little bit more. um, this seems to be happening in this case of the attack on the world. central kitchen
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convoys sort of depends. i mean ben's, i mean it's, it's like, towards, i mean, provide an explanation. yes. because most of the time they just say this is war. they don't have to provide an explanation here. it seems they feel compelled to provide one, of course, but it's not a, it's a lot of this. it should be uncomfortable. i mean, these are life's been sacrifice the mess of goods in an ugly way. i would say deliberately, the way it has been the don. yep. i mean that's what our investigation shows. exactly. so the parameters of these heroes of these 8 will cause, i mean the, the, the, they need that as of and also the, the compliment. it is what i'm not the only the said was also hundreds of other for us and it, it work as an civilians. it'd be nice. i could do it this way. so we, we come up to this with the stands is not because we saw she had always for an age workers now same standards for the flight to own. but that's what's happening. and this was the, one of the elephants in the room here isn't exactly the things foreigner is the best time. because again, i mean, see here the prime ministers, quoting and condemning the u. k prime minister, the slate in
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a prime minister. but what we're dismissed from nister's when on databases, we see hundreds of civilians and 8 workers, but as soon as being cut domestic a the silence. well in, in fairness there was also a sort of global spike in uh, indignation and condemnation with the flower massacre. we saw a few weeks ago, the death toll was huge, about a 100 people killed their in northern gods, but i am condemnation to actions, actions. meaning let's look at the big picture for you. going to the, the big ones to back. so timing about this. when this deliberate mess, it happens to these 8 workers, we have an ongoing negotiations in the us to have been a bit of an offensive, as we can see. or we can link this to a police split patients because is, and of course it doesn't want to see any folding presence when it comes to the board. because organizations, when this kicks off. and i think this some sort of interest when it comes to this because the meet at the outcome of this mess of good was the suspension of all the petitions. and that goes to the so basically, you know,
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it's not only that this hit or it what, because what can now hundreds of thousands. but as soon as i have to suffer because of these consequences, why do you have thousands of trucks? i'm asked when they gets involved as waiting for these us permission to be entered . so that is complicity. i mean this, i'm the session come up. it has to answer for this the why. why is it's been silence about this. when this is happening, know that i should have think to do is for the us in need of need to ask, is it a professionally, is an open border crossings. so i'll just a to answer because these organizations have suspended that operations empower owner to what to do it's mandates. one of them has that has been marginalized. it has been shut down by visiting and the us to us discussing a to it. so it's complicity. it's, it's, it's opposite the why do you connect? don't spill between this attack on this convoy and it talks on a potential rough uh ground defensive. because as we hear from washington and phillip vacations of our meetings and we think not to coordinate and to discuss the
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different aspects of the different vision. so there is a green light for and vision. but the, the, the defenses are on the tactics and, and the size of the patient and the number of expect to schedule because i'm like civilians. and why do you say this serves israel's interest in that context? because if you look at the meat of the outcome of this, the target, the little bit at that back when a bold cuz its own international organizations, i've suspended the positions regardless of the. so it means don't have no more important stuff on the ground. as if they're prepared and they've gone for something bigger to happen and better, it'd be better off, much better off not to have any international aid the what, cuz or they the does this, is that something does that when this starts? i'm not talking about weeks because the deadline is a phenomenon because we have a you on security, it has an ocean that us has up staying from your doing it. but that's what ends in a couple of days. then what's next? is that it doesn't have that line so far from the us. we have not had any clear. it's not coming from the old website. what do we have here?
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this coordination of concerns, but noted line, and so i fear the worst calmer come with. thank you very much for that. my pleasure . the united nation says the world is seeing a shocking increase in cases of humanity are in a being denied to children, specifically virginia damn. but a you and special representative for children in armed conflict. says the situation is especially bad in the occupied palestinian territories. and in haiti globally, this situation is expected to worsen over time owing to the adoption of restrictive loss. administrative decrease in regulations and increasing control over estimate didn't work and workers. some situations involve heidi level, so i've been trying to even pay the month and or out, right denied of shumate didn't access to children, including the situation such as india, occupied by this thing and $3030.00. i mean, how do you the to name but to or part they should be held responsible and
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accountable when preventing children from receiving life saving systems, which today says that existence negatively affects the growth and development to like a tourist prime minister mohammed bin of the rough mano tiny, met the spanish prime minister petro sanchez here in doe hall, and both renewed calls for an immediate cease fire and gaza. till i see it. i saw i saw the man and the last i was we have seen them on hold a flying j. should this lady by the images of the optimize, the difficult left behind by the is mainly to patient forces after image a middle of the seats inc. and destroying the entire super hospital for 2 weeks of this throwing all the medical equipment and medical supplies, in addition to setting the place on fire together with the surrounding areas it up . and then in addition to those skills, mislead, you could nab of for the day in the north and those missing again with the new, with the cold for an immediate cease fire. and then as the lives of civilians,
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dates in, not executive, our diplomatic attitude, things based, spoke to the spanish prime minister bedra sanchez here in the hall. he condemned the attack on the aid workers and gaza. humanitarians have repeatedly come under attack and cause the latest tragic incident. 7 workers from the world, central kitchen, that's the n g o set up of the spanish shift. jose andries were killed. they don't send in working together with the spanish n g o which apple, that food supplies eaten by ship, that come by ship because the israel is not allowing enough that stuff in by land. how is any of this acceptable? it is not acceptable. i think that it's important to condemn this terrible situation. then the uh, a very dangerous extreme is dangerous at circumstances and that the aid workers are having on the ground in augusta. and that is why i think it's important. first of all, as i did to condemn this,
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a horrible bumping that causes the battle for 7 workers. and these n t o i live by this is spanish, of course. and this, what they do is just to provide at food for the people and the, and of course what we ask a base where the government is at to clarify and the, the, the situation on the, on why this happened in augusta course. this isn't the one off, more humanitarian up to the world cuz of dining garza than anywhere else in the world. a 150 your more. you and staff members more medical stuff here than anywhere else in the world specs. the question is these randy homie just very, very bad at targeting, or is it about the rules of engagement? is that some sort of indiscriminate shoot killed policy going on here? i don't know. this is something that these way the government has to answer. what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground, the slot acceptable. and, and this brings me again to the same answer that i gave you since the beginning of
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the interview. we need a permanent cease fire. we need to uh, to convene a peace conference, which by the way, something a proposal that not only european union, but also the roughly on the slimy conference we agreed on. so i think it's important that from europe and also from the countries we work together in this peace conference in order to, to, to move forward. and to leave behind these 3 world war and to establish the conditions for a peaceful, a quick systems in, in, in the short term. you, st. israel needs to answer these questions. is this real potentially need to answer these questions to the international criminal court? does that need to be accountability for the sort of action? so there has to be always accountability. i think that the histories full of examples where it's urgent and needed this kind of accountability. but this is something that the, the international uh, courts of justice has to respond. and uh,
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what do we need to do is to ask at these, where the government to fulfill, which is now based binding, which is of course, that un resolutions calling for a permanency supplier. the ukraine's president has signed a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion farther mirrors, the lensky has warned that an additional half a 1000000 recruits are needed to repel russian advances. ukraine has struggle to boost the true numbers with the conflict. now when it's 3rd year. this mobilization comes as nato foreign ministers meeting brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. that includes a proposal for $107000000000.00 funding plan to roll out. over 5 years, nato secretary general in stoughton berg says the military alliance will continue
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to support ukraine. n plans to step up assistance, their craziness on running out of courage. they're running out of munitions. we need to step up now, unsure of support is built to last. so in our meeting today, we discussed how to put our support on the firm or a more enduring basis for the future. will allow us to agree on the need to support ukraine in this critical moment. there's a unity or purpose. today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on it to support now on for a long hold. else is there. a strong stratford has more from ukraine's capital
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keith. the nights i plan being discussed, involves potentially taking a great to a coordination role away from a group known as the ukraine defense concept group. now this was established in the immediate off to most of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. in february 2022 . it's made up of 56 different countries, including little searching to members and as being pivotal in supplying ukraine with the weapons that it says it needs. there is a growing failure among certain dates or members, but because of potential domestic political pressures on various leaders in the coalition. but that kind of role needs now to be ruled on the move of a nato umbrella and every specific fit among certain dates. the members of, for example, the return of donald trump, the, to the white house in us selections next year. this is being described by psalm as
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a, a trump proof plan, because we know how uh, president trump has often criticized nato. and is a lot more isolationist, arguably than the current leadership in washington. the have been comments made by various foreign ministers on the back of today's meeting in brussels. hungry is 4 minutes. the 2nd hungry will not back any proposal. that major will be aligned closer to will or shift from a defensive to on offensive co relation, but all the ministers a lot more candid and a lot more blunt, indeed one diplomat unnamed, but quoted by the voices. news agency saying basically that nato just doesn't have a budget for this. there isn't the money for this kind of plan to succeed. so that an example of the kind of fractions that kind of different opinions in size, nato and the kind of challenges that the, the lines faces in giving you crane long term support in the years ahead child strap it onto 0 keys to the rescuers in taiwan. or pulling earthquake victims from
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the rubble of their homes, the strongest tremor to hit the island in 25 years, toppled buildings and killed at least 9 people and injured hundreds, the underwater magnitude. $7.00, quake struck at around 8 am. it was also felt in southern japan and eastern china and in the philippines. patrick falk reports one worked up to the strongest out. great bear in 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast, off the shots of rotten communities across the south, full diamonds, causing power, causing some buildings to collapse. text messages moved onto the coastal areas of this anomaly threats. so human because it was very strong, it's felt as if the house was getting to topple to y'all's heavy hun. you was shaking very violently, older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the
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gas and the electrical switches more on the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and she was going to drag the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task breaks, a hit taiwan and offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands history gives an estimate of 2400 people. more than a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning inside one and authorities. one that says the tram is, could still come from a if you had the audio. we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by falling rocks in the why the in area in the taipei area, the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry out a search and rescue work for the people will take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures the japan into philippines, bowls,
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so on. so now me a lot depends national broadcast. a warning view is to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended on slides, but this nami warnings have since being lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mine point to magnitude. undersea jones triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also cause to focus human nuclear power plant as, as to the most a serious accident since june of at a 7.5, magnitude us great comedians davis, yes. hit japan's notes or peninsula coming more than 230 people. patrick talk. how's 0 type a? still a head on else or 0 many and mexico or preventing the attempts from running dry. by collecting rain, we'll have one that in just
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a moment. and he's done it again. chris gentle. rinaldo score is his 2nd half trick in 3 days. we'll have the latest sports news coming up later this hour with peter stuff. the the still punch is there. the tops, the 9th is, is a good part of central and eastern turkey. it doesn't get to be top top much, not because the weather resolved. this sunday is almost especially warm, but it is getting warmer. and you can see if examples of something like 8 to 10 degrees above average. so this part of the world is heating up, and sun shines in the sky. there was an improvement for many. there are a few shafts due to the east in iran. shares of rain and the big winter weather moving into west and took by this time. but generally speaking, we not seeing the 10 in the weather type that are happening. some she shells
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recently in the middle of saudi arabia was funding on the streets, hazel cheryl's for the north of the stairs, heading to that now with the full costs for tennessee, or indeed front of us that could be some big thunder storms in the mountains. in the south west society or in the west side of human, but everywhere else looks reason to be fine. and you'll note new predominant the strong winds, the season rains and trump, alaska are fairly obvious in but on the rolanda through knolls and come to me out through kenya and somebody, uganda as well as the stars this development. and i've shared your mazda of potential right in the may be, are then stretching, 3 bucks, one that's in the central part of south africa. that will be some flooding on the if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered,
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investigates, the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a dizzy to ramadan is a time of mercy transformation. worship. reward for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nicely to the millions of people around the world to us suffering traps, injury to conflict, devastating disasters and abject poverty. donate use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives on trumps phone communities. the the
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the you're watching else is your reminder of our headlines this hour. the united nations have suspended movement of 8 and gaza at night for at least 2 days. the decision comes after $78.00 workers were killed by and is really strikes the world . central kitchen convoy was targeted on monday. several 8 agencies have limited operations in fear of further is really attacks. and al 0 investigation has found that the aid convoy was intentionally targeted. us really military launched 3 consecutive the strikes against the world central kitchen workers. despite being told that their movements the strongest earthquake, the hip, taiwan, and 25 years has killed at least 9 people and entered hundreds more. operations are under way to rescue more than a 100 people trapped in the row in the rubble of collapse tunnels and building
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now we're just learning that israel's air force has been put on high alert. the countries military is recalling your defense reservists to their bases is really media are reporting that this is an anticipation of a possible response from iran that's after israel attacked the ringing consulate in damascus, syria on monday, killing senior and rang and military officials. officer as honda saw who isn't occupied east jerusalem honda what are you learning and we're learning that after and assessment with these really are which chief of staff and the defense ministry. these really army has decided to bolster its air defense array, meaning that they're going to be calling up a reservist anticipation for retaliation. but where it will be is not yet known. all of this comes after these really attack on the it on the admissions in damascus . and remember, just last week, israel's defense minister, you'll have the launch painting out,
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these is really strikes and damascus. they've never claiming responsibility saying that israel is an active pursuit of his bella, any it on the in proxies wherever enemies may lie. whether that's available anywhere else in lebanon, in damascus, or anywhere else in the world. and it also comes after just a few days ago, these really army chief of staff, authorizing new plans. he says, for bolstering these attacks on his bullet targets. he says, in southern lebanon, so clearly an escalation in the region of these rarely say they are on maximum alert. honda for, for context. when's the last time you've seen something like this is real recording? it's reserve is, i mean, how much can we read into this? and it's certainly an interesting question because the northern front of this war, which has been really escalated into a full scale war. these really, as have said, they were 1st on the defensive. but now they're turning to an active pursuit of his
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bola and any sort of it on the, in proxies. previously, we have heard from these really army that all of their focus was mainly going to be on defeating him as in dogs. so really mobilizing most of their troops to the southern part of the country. however, they say that there are still around 80000 people who have been evacuated from townsend settlements in the northern part of israel. and you'll have go on, has been saying this for months now, but the situation cannot remain as such that there will be some sort of action by these really is to try and solve what they're calling a problem on his roles. northern border. but now these really are saying that they're going to attack wherever they see fit and they are expecting retaliation for that, which is why they are indeed calling up reservices really media reading into this as an escalation in the region several. all right, how does so who thank you very much. that snap reporting there on what we're just learning out of israel. that time to so who the unoccupied east jerusalem. i turned
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out the timer car. mood was back in the studio with us, the system professor of public policy at the doha institute, the graduate studies which are read on this. i had a so timing again soon because the, the, what i'm does is instead of gets lost phase when it comes to the severity of the minute to potations. you only have a small in the label for alpha is the most of its reserves from the gaza. strip, you only have a small force in the gaza strip. they are preparing to engage in with drop off somehow. i mean wants to agree with americans now is that it was shifting its focus . so then it was because of this. i mean, this front has been on file of course it's a measure escalations. i mean, it has been all the image of the specifications into the concept of the setting for october 11th. but now it has the appetite to go and test it on spacious and has been lost. what are the news for what's next? because they want the end just for all they want to bring it to an end. i mean this, this connection to the north. so by attacking them is cindy it on which is of and
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on the plastic, the initial condition. some vall, good attack, i mean, this has, this has a bad if that tech against anybody. and so, i mean, i mean, the diplomatic norms and all. yeah. first of all, in the 1st time they hit that the, the iranian embassy compound because they hit the cons to it, but it's in the embassy compound in damascus. now israel is believed that had plenty of targets. yes, it rang and target various iranian targets within syria. they never fully claim responsibility, but there's no real doubt that it's them. and even with that on a subs, but this fund by attacking them to say that a key. so the luck across single life and the testing get onto the patients that reaction. so they want to see what's it as next movement this i don't know, i mean, oldest and that is that open on the table now. i mean, we are in, on, on shop to fill out today because they're on is that even better? and they've been pushed into a veteran article now and they have to defend the aides. how would they thoughts most of the 2 books if i was to his below or maybe hope these or not, but they, so both of these marketing targeting a target within his real itself,
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wouldn't it be more likely that they would target something outside israel is really interest, but outside is real, possibly possibly. i mean, there is, of course, i mean they will not disclose his plans but, but, but most logically, i mean the order they have upfront on fire with the bundle as well as good and has below. uh, engagement with is what it has been under a very constrained word scenarios. now the cool disconnect, i mean it's going to take the 7 days that i any side, more rockets inside these are then we never know. so this would be in preparation for, for this, for the scenario, i mean as well a hit then the 3rd inside is what i mean. what do you think or the interests of both sides? israel and the ones on the one hand, what are their interests? they've been messaging, we are ready for war on the north, what they call the northern front, which is against has belie 11 on the they've, clearly they struck a range and targets across the region. so what are israel's interest? what are the interest and what's your one's interest? that's a very good question. certain. so let's start with the principal enter. so hezbollah
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was involved in this and this was to support the put a scene in existence. and guys are from us as part of the excess movement, all taxes resistance. and as long as the autumn does a continuous has. but when keep fighting is that i'm from the north and trunk i think is what i know at this stage because it's almost finished with destroying most the old then thought, i mean, most of the guys us slip with all the use, the destruction we have seen and so now they have the ability to ship the ministry from because they can give you sources away from gaza to the north m. reach to a new what age means governing pretending dental symbol does. i mean that's not for good. most of these really, i mean that hundreds of thousands as late as what fled south. they come up and attend to the north. this is a huge something, nothing else any a promise to deliver on this and it hasn't deliver so far. so there is still an open the front in the notes. what these reading is want is they want to push because beloved back from the notes on board, does they want to reach
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a new political agreement with the us and to the us any involve parties. so they create the new rules of engagement and, and new management mechanisms for the board does where they want to see has beloved the stay away from the board. does, i don't know, it's 7 o think he knows. i don't know the particular details of the negotiation, and then do a b c, 's filed. and they want police this impose this, this, this, that is, was now on, on, on the bottom. all right, commer, thank you very much. that something we're going to continue to talk about in the coming hours. i do want to get to the rest of world news as well though time are common with their thank you very much. now for keys, highest election authority has reversed a decision to block. a newly elected mayor from taking office in the city of bon local officials have said a previous conviction meant abdul. as a don from the pro, curtis d e n party was ineligible for public office that sparked large protest interest in several cities, while houses were sent him go saint lou joins us live from van,
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where demonstrations are taking place in him. what are you seeing? what are you hearing there in that of the, the even including today, the search again since the higher election boards decision. but after we actually, when we were doing an interview with the last day, the decision by the highest for higher election, more came and everyone started to celebrate. and now lives really all, most of these outside celebrating the decision, celebrating what they call their victory because of the mold and in the bottom, which is one of the largest cities in the region of freight center by the union border. and they are now the, the player will this shipment well is being recognized again with tammy's back in 2019. and during the previous local elections, again, pro
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r t. m a or candidate and wellness after he became the man after he received the men, they've been the government and they actually was just saying that he was the link to the also to the summer just party to point to the public trust space for these people they don't want to focus now, there are still the prices in place, very loud in the, near, everywhere in the city the scene is similar. send them consumer reporting there from then in 738. thank you. us president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to lower health care costs, buttons, inflation reduction act placed a $2000.00 cap on medicare prescription drugs. it also attempts to crack down on
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what it calls falsely claimed patents to try and increase competition and lower health care costs. a president biden was joined by bernie sanders. the senator has criticized pharmaceutical companies for prices that are higher than in other countries. we are sick and tired of paying by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. on average, we pay over 3 times as much as the people of other major countries for brand name, prescription drugs. and in some cases, we are paying 10 or 20 times more then people around the world for the exact same product. as is there as white house correspondent kimberly healthcare drawers. this slide she's been covering this. kimberly,
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we want to get to the policy to how biden and bernie sanders, i think they're going to lower health care costs. before i do that, before you do that, rather we need to explain to our audience and i'm really curious about this. we need to explain to her audience why the cost of medication is so much higher in the us than it is in other industrialized countries. and if you'll allow me a little personal example, i've lived in europe. i've lived in the us. i've been insured, right? covered for i had health insurance and both i have asthma, the inhaler, the all asthma suffers, need to have the same basic one. costs less than $10.00 euros. let's say $10.00 in europe and in the us the same thing was a $100.00. why as yeah what we don't have enough time to explain all the reasons, but i can give you a few of them because it is so convoluted that's part of the problem. but here are some of the big reasons why. first of all,
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there are no price controls in the united states for sprouts, for example, where i know you've left before it has a government that set limits on exactly how much the rug can cost. that's one reason that doesn't happen here in the united states. another reason is there's no central negotiator here in the united states, but sort of works with the drug companies at to negotiate the price. so here in the united states, the drug companies can pretty much charge whatever they want for that. and taylor and say this is what we're charging, so they were going to charge a $1000.00. they can. uh, and there's another reason to, and that is, is that the us drug companies have found a way, especially with new drugs to hold on to the or haven't monopoly if you will, on the patents that are created. and they kind of extend those much, much longer than in other countries, kind of preventing the generic drugs from getting into the market and allowing
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consumers to have a choice of get a good, cheaper job. but it's essentially the same, but at a much lower cost. okay, a great job explaining how that works. i wish i understood that at the time, how does president biden, and in this case, bernie sanders as well, how do they propose to bring down the cost of medication that as well in some ways has already been done, at least for some americans. because the problem is so vast that they literally tackled part of it, and they've done it through legislation. that is really groundbreaking. it happens back in 2022. but here's the reason they're talking about today. joe biden doesn't believe he's getting any credit for it. and he wants voters to know about it in the election year. and so that's why he's talking about it with bernie sanders. they're trying to make some noise and they're trying to alert the people that are benefiting from it. namely those are on medicare. take a listen for years,
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people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pricing, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you're able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we've tried and tried and try. and finally, with bernie's health, i finally got my inflation reduction act, which i've passed bernie health care to pass one republican in the entire congress . this is very surprised. may i have to admit you, not one single republican voted for not one single want to give us a 30 to take on and be big pharma. so the bottom line is, the reason they're talking about this is because polls show that voters care more about inflation every day. costly food on the table, and those numbers are still high, even if the drug costs are getting lower. and as a result, the numbers for joe biden and polls are lagging or tied when it comes to his
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competitor, donald trump, and that is not good for joe biden in an election year. so that is why he's talking about these drug costs today. houses here as white house correspondent on what is a very important american issue to american voters. thank you so much. kimberly. this is still a head on alpha 0. the latest chapter in the premier league title, race continues, will have peter stomachs giving us all the details of the business like this. this wrote to you believe, i guess as i live slowly on, one of your makes modern plates. the
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business latest is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the right. it's time for sport with peter stomach who's joined us in the studio. peter,
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so thank you so much for the president of the spanish football federation. louise through the arliss has been detained by police as part of the corruption investigation. will be honest with this question by police at madrid's april, shortly after arriving home from the dominican republic. it was released a few hours like to as part of the investigation was overseas or looking into the deal to meet the spanish super cap to saudi arabia. last month. one of the all, as his prophecies were rated. as with the offices of the spanish football federation, which made it to several, the race in a separate case, he's due to go on to off the sexual assault and collusion for kissing play of jenny . him also off of spain. one last is women's world can't find them for the all this has to not any wrong doing in both cases. one of the key is the biggest football team spend a bunch a have voted to stay in the country stop league for now at least they had threatened to quit softer they plans were attacked by opposition, fans last month they've it's tech support because it looked like
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a match day has thousands of fund about g. congress members gather the stadium, it is stumble. after an extraordinary meeting, the clubs, chapman said they would not go through with the rest of withdrawing from the tech and super league. and as you know, allow me to use the least preferred option was to withdrawal from the league. the reason why this opinion is not wanted is that people think we would have to deal in the lower link on that with the same things we deal with. he took of quitting the leg with spock last month. when fin about cheese plans were attacked by trumps and school funds. but the cubs grievances go back is in 2015. that same bus was attacked by gunman. the driver was hospitalized, but no prizes were injured. back in 2011, they were banned from the european champions league of a much fixing allegations which they were eventually cleared of just because pen about shape decided not to pull out of the league now. doesn't mean they want in the future. books, you know,
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we are taking this option off the table until the general assembly at the end of the season, took his football. it's been play by controversy the season, most notably in december, when the whole league was suspended after a club president attacked a referee to send about sheet. i one of the 3 biggest clubs in the country along with got a test right and the ship test. they've won the super league 19 times, but not for a decade. they be stokes l g 0 to the permanent entitled race and also have just kicked off against loose intel that's currently go list a when will send them a point above lead is livable. who play on thursday? man said he will move level and points with you things upside. if they beat aston villa at the yard that's kicking off shortly. so the 4th and have champions, week football in the sites. pick audio aside. last one. know the last on the side stating the same, but just reading dig to have to do so we don't have and know my many chances are points,
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but this is non games and has to be the play for, you know, qualify for the champions league and and every team play for something. so the last game shows are difficult to manage. court would be for all of us, whatever the outcome be, level pool will hold on to the top spot. if they beat sheffield united on thursday, betral between city and also on sunday, how loud you can top seem to move to points clear with a victory against brian from top to in season on your rain at the club at the end of the season is not interested in the title favorites tag. i don't know and i don't. okay. um no, i think i said last risk confidence one of the most important things is to, to get through this peer this test to ignore outside miss. so goes that goes up and on, and it's emotional and always kind of the things we have to be professional, have you have to be, you have to be emotional about in the right way. they have to be the best version
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of all as, as in saudi arabia, all hello, have extended, they wrinkled, winning streets, assessing one games. they be to all students through e mail in the savvy probably is evian time malcom double. they leave in the 2nd home for the great, so know, run it will sell him old. the saudi completed the with 7 minutes like hello, moving closer to securing the 19. so how do you cite christy on it right now? there's a message to sits. 12 points behind the table. disappointed securing an h. no thrashing of other on tuesday for now the school. he's sick and have freaking the space of 72 hours. but the 5 time the bell on the windows, if it's could not close the gap, let me run away the co code to night, right? and so i have posted the 2nd highest ip alto, something history, 272 in a crushing 106 run waiting over the bed. the capitals, sunny on the rhine hammond,
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85 or 3039 deliveries. as co council fell 5 rome shows of the ricky old school. it was safe as recently as just a week ago. very some, 233 before and we're never going to be chatted for base even though reset punched try these based with an impressive 55. i think the area and tristan stubs at 50 full but in the, in the capital was rolled out to just $160.00 but it's over the 50. now it's of the full, the race on this use for me to one canada is max for stopping books to bounce back up. the japanese going pre off the rate of a time is at the last race in australia for stuff and was looking to make it 10 winds in a row in melvin before break issues of growth and into these race. which is one by for always call the signs the 3 time defending will champions for leads to drive the standings at the now heads to the suzuki circuits. ok, so when they for the food time in a row, i come here across the try when the race but the well, we'll see, you know, we had
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a quite a good start to the year. unfortunately, we had the retirement and straight is so yeah, we want to, to come here and show that we, we are quick again, you know, the last the 3 years. but especially last year i think and you know, for me says it go was a great place. so um yeah, hopefully we can do something similar to the n b a and the raining m v p julian beat has made a winning between from knee surgery and beat admitted feeling the press stuff the missing 9 weeks because back fresh against the oklahoma. so he's on the, on tuesday, the school 20 full points is the philadelphia 76 is full back to beat the fun, the 109100 5, and the major league baseball, mucky, big cities, foot home, run of the season at the la dodgers beat the san francisco giants 5 full for the 3rd straight when he is the beans, the leader in homer. that's all the schools needs to know. i'll be back with another updated bit license 0. all right, peter, thank you very much. look forward to that. a few more things to put on your radar
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before we end this news our, the government in symbol way has declared a state of emergency because of extreme drought. the failure of annual reigns has left millions of people threatened with hunger and force many to rely on food. a close to 3 millions and bob wins are suffering from a shortage of food. climate change and the nino weather phenomenon has worsened to arid conditions in zimbabwe. and neighboring countries in southern africa, somebody's president has asked the international community for health this is a shortage of drinking water and mexico is forcing many to start collecting rainwater to get them through the dry season. supporters say rain harvesting can transform communities threatened by drought show you're going on. it reports from
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mexico city of the it hasn't rained in nearly 6 months, but that up you may need, this is water reserves are going strong. he's confident what he has stored will get him through the rest of the dry season until he can start this year's rain harvest in 2 months. when i say that i can harvest more than 25000 leaders in one season. mortality one month i've done the numbers in between all that i give away to my neighbors and what i can, i mean receivables i catch between 25 and 30000 leaders on my 90 square meter roof . that they mean is when they may need enough clean water for his small family to cover all their needs. then he just is among a growing number of mexico city residents resorting to rain harvesting as a way to mitigate the cities water crisis of the system installed. by an and g o.
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cold is loaded by next works by collecting rain, so from roof, sending it through filters and into storage for all kinds of personal use. organizations that promote rainwater collections. they can transform communities such as this one by bringing otherwise wasted water to some of the people that need it most. but for it to really have a wide impact, it needs political will. and large scale investment. dislike a sharp decrease in rainfall due to climate change. mexico city still gets more precipitation than cities like london, but with no organic way for the water to filter into the underground aquifers that supply much of the city's water. most of it is lost. this, along with aging infrastructure and exponential population growth have led to a serious water shortage in the mexican capital. enter architect loaded that gas bill. we're looking at how water answers from the street carrying all the run off.
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she designed this part in the area of the city most prone to flooding. we're rainwater is redirected from the street to natural filtering systems that replenish the aquifers. and i noted that is a big believer in public spaces becoming natural water rest of wars. so we live in this paradox of star city of drinking water and excess of rain water. and what we're trying to do with this type of projects is to have a way of keeping that rain water into the city and manage it through smaller landscape infrastructure old projects. while rain harvesting may not be the fix, all solution to mexico is water problems. experts agree, it is a promising start worth investing in value. i know i'll just 0 mexico city and that's it for me for this our, my lead site is with you in a moment the
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as the well plunged into a climate disaster. we are in planetary class. this year, a new a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless, it come from a growth cut rising for as nothing inmate to growth griffith dying a coming soon there was a time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew. israel's a state and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important one. so if you're going to and bushy poles, unapologetic,
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i'm just upfront on out of the group of poland, to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time and the targets a. how does this balls then? you might think these are the wild elephants here. have a dept hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites, joel, in the mountains of the forest and on cell phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death. then a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community. the imaging dra intake, so 2 distinct shapes. the elephants with just a 150 meters down the track, we could have them still a thing in the darkness. as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know
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they'll find food. and then ellison never forgets the israel's ministry recalls add defense reserve is 2 days, often to tack on iran conflicts in damascus. the, i'm on the inside, this is all just there in life. and also coming up, you know, it's a nation suspends a movements at night in gaza off to is really forces targeted an international aid conroy, king 7 workers national does austin declared in zimbabwe.


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