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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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actively carry out a search and rescue work for the people to take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures. japan and the philippines roles so on. so now me a lot. depends national broadcaster wanting us to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended all flights but does not mean warnings of students being lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind point to magnitude. undersea jones triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also cause to focus human nuclear power plant as, as to the most, a serious accident since june of at a 7.5, magnitude us great comedians davis, yes, hit japan's notes or peninsula coming, move in to 130 people. patrick talk houses 0 type your i was
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president j button has been highlighting his administration's efforts to lower health care costs out of inflation reduction. i placed a $2000.00 cap for medicare prescription drugs on a separate $55.00 cap on insulin. it will say attempts to crack down on what it costs falsely claimed. payton. so trying to increase competition, i'm lower health care costs for years. people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pressure, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you're able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we've tried and tried and tried. and finally with bernie's health. i finally got my inflation reduction act, which i've passed. bernie helped get a pass one republican in the entire congress. this is the surprise may i have to admit not one single republican voted for not one single one to give us
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a sorry to take on and be pig farmer. we are sick and tired of paying by for the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. on average, we pay over 3 times as much as the people above the major countries for brand name, prescription drugs. and in some cases, we are paying 10 or 20 times more than people around the world for the exact same product. okay, on today's the news continue 0 analysis era off the listing the every year, thousands of one piece they use to scientific percent activate and conservation is
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say the testings into main one. 0 one east investigate. assuming illegal trade and meet scientists who need to keep them on to some lives beyond the tree. caught to you as a month to dismiss on out to 0. finally, a ceasefire resolution passes at the united nations. but what difference does it pay when israel will not honor? and the u. s. calls that you don't find in jobs of the horrors of ethnic cleansing are compound. why is really surveillance technology and no render modi's re election campaign in, in the power point? an army of foot soldiers on the ground and the messaging bullets on one side. this past week's united nations security council resolution demanding a cease fire in gaza. the 1st to do so is significant, although not for the reasons its authors may have intended the passage of the
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resolution at the highest body of the un. with the u. s. declining to use its vito could mark a pivotal moment in israel's increasing international isolation. for its western backers, the fact that israel through its continued bombardment and starvation of palestinians is defying that resolution makes their role that much harder to defend. in the as ready media, the opposition to the when vote is almost unanimous. more striking is the lack of interest from american news outlets. the implications this story raises are a little uncomfortable for them as well. they hit close to home, because of fallacy has been exposed. the one about the us led international rules based order in which the rules are selectively apply those in favor of the drugs to these origins, please raise their hand. it was the ultimate mixed message sent from washington to
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tell of the that upon examination amounts to some cynical public public station for at least 32000 palestinian scheme. dogs, including those who have been starved to death in front of our off the cease fire resolution the cars at the united nations security council. this past week comes to live for those still getting killed by israels bombing over of the patients and medical staff had out ship a hospital still getting shocked by israeli soldiers because had no discernible effect after v trolling 3 previous ceasefire resolutions. the american government finally allowed this one, which would last just 2 weeks to care. but the us as ambassador to the un been argued incorrectly according to legal experts, that on like every other resolution, the security council has ever passed. this one was in the category of its own that
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it was somehow known by we fully support some of the critical objectives in this non, by numerous solution. and we hope she was being merely rhetorical because she certainly can't be speaking from a legal perspective. all un security council resolutions are binding. the un charter mix that perfectly clear that then takes another resolution to determine what actions will be taken if the parties defy it. as israel has said, it's going to do whether or not it's enforced. it's certainly binding as a matter of law. if americans are arguing that this is in the finding, it was an ocean, the or wincing as nathaniel, all by saying, you really don't have to implement it. the message to the is what it is, is that you can carry on with the war until you achieve whatever objectives you have in mind. i don't think then, you mean that's in yahoo tears much about the international community,
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the united nations security council, the un, they've made clear within minutes of the resolution. passing to these ravens have no intention of abiding by it. and indeed, less than 24 hours after the passage of that resolution about 17 palestinians were killed in and is there any bombardment with scores of others injured? so the message is clear, israel has no intention of abiding by resolution to 7 to 8. call on the parties to cease fire for nothing yet. who governments put on a display of oakridge over the bite and administration's refusal to veto the resolution by initially cancelling a visit? fine is really delegation to washington before quietly rescheduling it. it could have recalled it's defense minister, jo, i've got a lot who was already in d. c, showing up more american arms shipments to israel did not other political figures
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like security minister, if him are ben give here dismissed the un as after you submit this in a country that, oh, it's a very existence to the united nation on the is really the airwaves the calls for palestinian flooded, keep coming down the road with us. you buy a fee of purchase and domestic politics are also a big part of the mix. the cost up mind back pre upto the center where you have a deeply polarized society. the anti beeping cab, the demonstrations every week, and the probate reaction bits along those lines. what you will see from john list in the entity the tap is ha ha. and here we have be destroying the reputation of israel. i left the stuff the same, came about the be the hope, the inside me come up saw that even though it's the week we thought of the roof. so we thought of who shows there. the pursuits between just about allows them for the
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other side. this is dangerous un america, losing its way, amadine asked and will be the one i will see why on like one or 2 of them. i do not like being simple with the name. that's funny. so but with the name negative, nadine, obviously i have them on who's the guy who can stand up to this guest? benjamin not what stands out in the american media coverage of this story is the noticeable lack of it for the us to fail to side with israel at the u. n. is almost unheard of. it is certainly newsworthy. couple that with the legal side of the story, the us arguing that a security council resolution is somehow not binding. one would expect journalists to test back position, pick it apart. we're not seeing that neither are american newest consumers and like israel domestic politics in the u. s. are having an impact. there has been
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a great deal of lack of interest in american media, especially the social gabriel media in the united states. regarding that is it lucian. the mind of administration is trying to avoid the full out of the extension and therefore media that are supportive of the democratic party made sure that the really did not dedicate so much time on the coverage so that they would minimize any possible repercussions that would be exploited by the opponents in the republican party, especially a few months before the presidential election, the lack of coverage. it's consistent with the manner in which the question of palestine has been represented in west, in mainstream media and not has basically been through the prism of and is really when you're not homeless. israel is a democracy and a as a jewish state, as supports and, and believes in every life matter. and so,
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and this is matched in canadian and united kingdom and other western states. foreign policies. it's harder for the western mainstream media to continue with their biased coverage in large part because you have the proliferation social media from the gas in st to the rest of the world. and because of the extent to which mainstream media in particular is very sensitive about being criticized from israel and it's right wing supporters in particular, it's been shy to highlight actions that are deemed to be critical of israel is don't want actually supporting genocide. okay. maybe just avoid that language if that's okay for now because the well in an obviously a u. s. vote of apps tension on the security council resolution demanding of ceasefire would certainly be something that they would wish to ignore. minimize or
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sweep under the rug. among the other stories, getting swept under his really forces reading hospitals in garza, such as i'll shift, producing horrific testimonies of the cold blooded execution of palestinians, including 13, showed the amount of love with the heart. it's not photo but in photo there was that aerial assassination of 4 young on armed guards is really drawn footage, obtained biologist era and widespread allegations of the systemic sexual assault and humiliation of palestinian women by israeli soldiers, some of whom have also been accused of rape american and western news outlets were all over such stories, many of which were later debunk. when the accused were members of from us. the alleged victims were as railey and the date was october. second,
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a plausible genocide, taking place and gather is unique in human history. events on the ground are being transmitted in real time to the world as people are being killed and starved and so on. and not coverage that is coming from below is challenging the western media coverage on these things. the west and media even subconsciously, is aware that it is feeding into the narrative of the demise of its own standing outside of the western space. i dont know one takes seriously west and claims to be standing up for international and no one wants to hear of the does the world will not let you to. there's no moral soapbox to stand in. is this the only way in the delta standards
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and the, the transparency of the hypocrisy as a task that leaves us with a real problem do not have space that we can go to the last year, amnesty international revealed that israel was using facial recognition systems in the west bank to entrench its occupation of palestinians. their new details have now emerged about the technology that is where the soldiers are using. and garza and target nelfa is here with more. well, for months now, we've heard reports and seen videos of palestinians forced from that homes crossing checkpoints where they scanned, buys riley cameras. some of these videos are truly distorted. in addition to being watched how the students also harassed by is ready for the absence this week, a new times piece revealed more information about the mass of valence. israel has
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deployed on palestinians in gaza, according to his reading intelligence officials who spoke to the times anonymously, as part of an expensive and experimental effort to collect and catalogue the faces of palestinians without the knowledge or consent. developed by a private is ready, company called coal fights, is where the officials say the system was initially used to search for his ready captive in gaza. but has since been used on a much wider scale to hunt down from us. suspects is one of the problems with this kind of technology. as one is ready, officer can funds. is that a routine the, gets it wrong with this rating soldiers accused of abusing, torturing and executing palestinians and got the consequences of being incorrectly identified as a homeless fighter can cost you your life. these ready ministry has always use gov
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of a lab in which you can test and develop new ways of kenning or spying on palestinians . artificial intelligence is reportedly being used to generate targets in gaza, facilitating what's wonderful. my intelligence officer has cooled a mass assassination factory. we've also seen several videos of it's ready drones shooting up. i'm kidding on on the palestinians. or this technology has timed gaza into a health scape in which at least 32 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by is ready for 5th. thank your tour in just under 3 weeks time on april 19th, india will begin a 6 week long election process for its next national government. it will all culminate on june, 1st, and prime minister and arrange remotely is expected to win and his story. 3rd term in office motors, popularity ratings are high. many of his opponents are mired in production cases,
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filed by modi's government. and then there's the news media, mainstream outlets in india have been almost entirely captured by modi's party, the b j. p training of coverage that ranges from the sick, authentic to the open lead pro government and that serve. while media landscape may not be the most powerful weapon in the b, j p's arsenal, it also has a formidable get out the vote. machine combines and extensive volunteer network with the power of whatsapp to influence voters, spread propaganda and a times. so this information. but let's me post, i mean actually robbie now on the all encompassing information eco system that is likely to help putting a wrench remotely back in the prime minister's office. in new dealt with, the indians have grown and used to be on the presence of the prime minister. he's on the phone, he's in the papers, both in ads and in the news. tv channels seem to have little chance to cover. i
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don't much 60 the very the, the dates for india's elections would announce that in the movie was what's happening. the country letter from the prime minister was delivered straight into the phones of hundreds of millions of indians. made it be at a buddy by the gen the drug formation that has taken place in the lives of people is the biggest achievement of our government over the last 10 years. it is your support that gives the immense spring. i am confident that we will continue to take our condition create i will get to it was on bondage dictionary by the who imparting using the resources and access to the phone number databases of the government. and it was on surprising. it was all happening on one side. technology is very much part of the austin, this to you to be over on this. and the reason would use is it'll be just be
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understood before the other party in the may not have electricity and but because and so on, so forth. but they have the cellphone, india has the cheapest data in the world. so the be to be in areas where did wishes to conduct seriously. it develops messaging for each constancy. that was something the prime minister movie and the parts engines. i thought you understood very well, mr. i'm a child who was actually virtually the number to to me some would need the pgp 2 years ago. like speaking to a fuck you will. cuz he had actually boasted these items very easy for us to take the message. because we have the largest of what's happening in the country a no, that was not a boost. that is actually true. you actually have a centralized,
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settled within the beach if you reach actually in the morning besides ok, these are 2 days messages which are can be publicized. and this kind of brought costs to various parts of the country. these messaging is cassidy delude and highly produce the parties. the stock on the new front and center in virtually on multi drives, thrones of children in the reduced from that make it to whatsapp groups. youtube shots and instagram deals. the prime minister finds out with kids in schools and presents 20 something social media influences with awards from the government. the key please at most of the temples with cameras in to, even as to who the site is underwater. those clips don't just stay on social media . the make the evening news, but you can see on the screen even decide what has to be at the most last time.
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well, this is part of media strategy creating a nation wide perception that not in the more the, as the leader of this ruling party wants to take in the forward wants to create, developed india, and make it the 3rd largest economy in the was already years or because really yes, i believe though a r v i gaze on one senior leader of the b j. b. had said about mr. moody, you said for not in the mode. the elections is a back to love image here. and that is what the indian brand new service showing them. she has to be very good that. and you can have you ever decide to ology is policy or disagree. but it is his political marketing that have
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been noticed. you must remember that in india, democracy walks in different language zones. so the question is, how do you recognize the part connect to the symbols i was in the case, the prime minister movie. it is the recognition value of the more the name, the more defects he has different force on us at the present it to the public. one is that all of them for the visual go to which means what did he do? his performance on the international stage, it's going to do projected back home the other aspect of the messaging is that of being a strong enough for the taking goals. indeed, ceremonies in denver or performs that go ahead please. some of his party people have likened to god like the messaging is extremely comprehensive,
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which is according to data, almost expensive. it does. it's the beach of these finances off for me to the body is the wealthiest in india. it's funds boosted by a financial to we it's launched in 2017, called an electric on this policy instrument shooting a we were politically donations to noon, but as parties across india, the bulk of the money, however, nearly 60 percent went to the bgp amounting to about $16000000000.00 rupees, more than $725000000.00 funded between 2017 and just 2 months ago, february 2024. when the supreme court declared electric bones equally due to the lack of transparency. the money is in the budget, these costs are as though and this powers not just an incessant stream of piano, but also an impressive organizational behemoth. the on the pins, the party selection strategy on people today, the pgp is the largest political party in the word it is larger than the communist
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party of china are not dr. so there is a huge nickel. marty wanting to use was spread across the country. besides that, it's very important to understand that the pgp is not a standalone organization, but it is part of a fairly large ideological. i'm 3 law group, the song of buddy watt. it's an organization just found in 1925, almost a 100 years ago. and every way they have a presence, so during elections, it is not just the bgp which is out campaigning, but you have the go, said kato, which kind of what you do every village and every electoral votes in the country. so i think the door to door timeframe name is a very effective method. so you know, each page of the letter was, is assigned to one person. so that person was, you know, to the visits the families to try and come to find out have the benefit to some of
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the policies and the programs of the party. if not, why not? it is a party that's driven the really too far and the fed. everybody's story becomes very important for them. now that the problem with the opposition is they don't have that guy in dover. this the opposition's problems extend far beyond a supposedly shortage of women. over the past decade, india's numerous non bgp or non bgp allied bodies have come under serious pressure . corruption has been a ball for line of attack from the multi government. it is enabled it relentless hounding of opposition. lee does one of range of cases, some credible, other less so good. i'll put it all up, some of the, all of the big stuff here i would do. the result has been used as politicians into
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a deep reputation of kit for opposition parties and a strong incentive for those not keen to see the inside of a prison cell, just in case switch sides to the b, b and b, the sigh of relief. what's the job the the other really the most off is the main thing. don't live at least for the b b and the position i'm the most i've done. this is a job to flag that yet. but all the many problems adult position faces, they all pulled up candidates inside. but the leader, me working on a very, very some birds doc, that big part of the messaging right now is to say that is the only one that is all part of the height movie versus you know, that movie is the only on so to we know the a, back to israel garza, the us, and the us. this past week, the united nation,
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special rockport, or on palestine, francesca out benet's a published an extensive report, the title, anatomy of a genocide, which the nephron, yahoo government says it actually rejects. so apparently does the us state department, it's chief spokesman. matthew miller said, of albany is a i can't help but knows the history of anti semitic comments that she has made. miller needs to do some research, the as really government has been accusing our benet's a of anti semitism for years now. conflicting her legitimate criticism of an illegal occupation for a form of hatred. and in the late 202265 scholars. oh, experts on anti semitism endorsed albany phase work saying that israel supporters are simply out assignments or some online voices have described matthew miller's comments as a new, lo for the bite and administration. but it's not like we haven't heard that before
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. what's the next time that the listening post? the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people have just come out and log on. but your guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what little they have a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets? and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no,
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just the as the sunsets individuals within the occupied westbank, the bit of multi family is getting the dinner table ready to break their daily fast . but the buzz around the table is missing, the woman who used to put it all together in that. but lucy was the rest of the week before the start. this is really officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during, at 8 of the home. if you could on that, there's a way in the look at the house. one is not missing 12,
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or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing. at least one loves one at the start table. the as well as military recalls and defense was of as 2 days, often a time calling around counselors in damascus. the my mother inside this island is there a life. and so we're so coming up, you know, it's a nation suspends 8 movements. at nights in garza off the is riley forces talking to the international, a convoy kenning, 7 workers. the latest from tech a, as the quotes reverse,
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a decision to overturn an election was off the course for testing demonstrations and national disaster declared in zimbabwe because of drought.


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