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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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as one is not missing 12, or even the members of his property 5. in the occupied west bank, at least 9000. i left it in families are missing. at least one loves one at the start table. the as well as military because ad defense was of is 2 days, often a time calling around counselors in damascus. the my mother inside this island, is there a life or so coming up? you know it's a nation suspends aid movements at nights in garza officer is riley forces talking to the international, a convoy kenning, 7 workers. the latest from tech a. as the court's reverse, a decision to overturn an election was off that course,
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protesting demonstrations. a national disaster declared in zimbabwe because of drought cool. rain full across southern africa means millions of going hungry. the israel's ministries re cooling defense reserve is to that basis and is rarely media are pushing that this is an anticipation of a possible response from iran myself to israel attacked. it's called split into baskets. on monday, king senior reigning ministry officials as go straight down to 0 is home to salute who is in oki parties. truth, and for us how the, what exactly are you hearing about this? and when was the last time we saw israel recall was that was in this way, give us some context, a well, based on what they're calling a fresh assessment. these really army has decided to both bolster its air defenses
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and call up is really reserve is by having them now really protect they say israel's northern border in anticipation for some sort of retaliatory attack by the it on. and these really air defense is 3 fold. we have the iron dome, which is the most familiar type of air defense system used, and israel followed by the david sling and the arrow. these are all mechanisms which will be replenished according to this fresh assessment the last time we really saw the mobilization of reserve. this was when the war began on october 7th, but all of this comes as the is really defense minister jo of the launch has said that israel will pursue enemy targets wherever they are, whether it's damascus, whether it's baby booth or anywhere else across the middle east. and just a couple of days ago we have these rarely army chief of staff said that he had just approves new battle plans for israel's north. so it was really media is reading into this as some sort of escalation within the entirety of the middle east when
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it's not exactly known how many reservists were mobilized. but these really army has raised its alert level to the maximum possible level. okay, thank you for that out. is there a time to salute that for us and occupied east jerusalem? joining us here in the street here is time i come moved to use assessment professor public policy at the institute for graduate studies. good to see you tell me what do you make of this development, this mobilization of reserve is it sounds like the is right. is it getting ready for money? i mean, of course, i mean when you strike an embassy for a country, at least not a problem. like it on the, i mean is it has across sort of like, i mean, we know the, that has been a quiet silent tool between these that i need on. and these on was the thing. many of the targets inside see the independent even inside did on it's of, but now is this is like, it's becoming like a of the quotes going public, more intense and more humiliating as well. so if for data audience,
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they have to tell you it's, it's the dignity of state gets the legitimacy of state the benefits at that stage because it has so many proxy. the parking isn't that asian. but the thing is how would the, what would be the exact reaction? i mean, there's so many scenarios. i mean, most of probably i think it on would again hit back. so its proxy allies, you have, has been law, you'll have the whole season. but let's see, got another minute, 2 parties in iraq and syria. so it's an open front now. so we don't know how when this, i mean, taking a step back to the embassy attack. as you say the is right is would have been well aware that they were crossing wrongs red line here. why do that though? it's, it's many, that's a good question. i think it's a timing so and it's length of close to does a so has been laws involvement and disorder. it's, it's, it's a top and because and support of, of, of kind of thing isn't guys all time us and god forbid existence movement. and so
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now because the density of the, the, the, the, the world and gaza is going down, i mean, is that it has medicine. so it, most of the guys us that if now now it has to focus on the small inc. label stuff off the shifting military resources from guys an hour to the notes. the lots has been as built living front. i mean, it's, uh, nothing, you know, i'm under huge public pressure because there's hundreds of thousands of his ladies who have moved south to the houses in the north. so he has to deliver on this front . so by provoking get on. and this moment with all sorts implicit supports into us because we know that these are having to see the major shipment of weapons is what from the us as well. so as if it's what it is, pushing it on now to the, to the next move, meaning either pushing it on to the scale. if modem hit the back and drag the bed tardies and indies on what, or pushing it on his beloved to put it to come past 2 and this one in the front
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because he wants to see an input as he wants to deliver it as a promise for his own people and, and then each to a new arrangements and then open borders and stuff and done with has the so. so i guess the question is now, how pissed off is iran a and how exactly will they retaliate? you mentioned iran proxy, so will they use that proxies to 5 back with this proxies act on their own initiative because up to allows you say it wrong, it's been quite clear not to bring anything onto it. so it's its own folder. yes. is i mean to, but this, them, the sort of the different thing about this, another, it's about an attack against it on and so, which is in the embassy and then different methics norms. i mean, this is a bug attack. i mean, this good creates more than other conflicts and only remembered when you asked them to send these. i'm embassy in belgrade. i mean that relation to mit tense, 40 years. so, i mean, i mean, also not as are open. of course, i'm need up computers or the some of that that may be affecting, and i'm sorry to embassy someone else. i mean, we don't know. i mean, of course,
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that is no better what they're going to do about, but i mean alternators are open now at this stage or an interesting, okay, thank you for that time i come out assistant professor public policy at the don't institute for graduate studies as well. you know, it's a nation says it's suspending a move in at nights in goal is that because of security concerns that decision comes to days off to is. busy kills $78.00 workers and now does their investigation is found they were intentionally targeted? is really ministry launched. 3 consecutive strikes against wealth central kitchen work is despite being told a fan movement report also suggests that is raining ministry offices and soldiers and goals that routinely active on their violating on the regulations and the appropriate chain of command. one is where the newspaper has quoted is really ami sources as saying in dogs that everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims with 4 nationals. the bodies have now been moved. egypt. the 7th victim was palestinian
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honey. my mood is in russia. he looks at how this is open affecting the situation on the ground. the right now we're looking at the experimentally increasing difficulties on the ground when it comes to human at 3 and a not only will looking at the w. c. k, suspending their operations are right after the deliberate attacks on its employees, while the were inspecting a the just were there were just delivered to the central part of the government and one of the warehouses but also with the in other organizations. and just the latest is the announcement by that's what's 1st of the united nation announcing the suspension of operation for the coming 48 hours until there is a further under there is a security evaluation on the ground. and that's it. of course, subject to further notice that we're expecting that to be extended for another 48 hours given the situation the ground are increasingly becoming very difficult. we
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have another organization such as a near i, one of the largest st. joseph, providing humanitarian and food supplies. i've been cooking meals for this way, standards for the past month and a half and we're partners with the w. c. k. but right now, not only were seeing these organizations suspending their operations, which is in fact the by product goes back along the chain of events, assigning the front and prevent begin 3 all of a truck for which are on the other side of the board. and look at my as of 8, it's roxanne essentials and food supplies are not are prevented from entering the guns for it. but the past month we witness deep deliberate attacks on april. the boys as well as the, the aid seekers cuts us prime minister. my haven't been the last man of donnie met the spanish prime minister if those are sanchez here in doha. both renewed calls for an immediate cease fine to us and i see it. i sort of saw the man. and the last i was we have seen modifying the issues, slay the beds of images of the optimize,
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the difficult left behind, but it is mainly to a patient forces. after image, a member of the c team can destroy the entire super hospital for 2 weeks of this throwing all the medical equipment and medical supplies. in addition to sitting the place on fire together with the surrounding areas it up. and then in addition to those skills masoud, you could nab of a photo detained or not. and those missing again with the new, with the code for an immediate cease fire. and then as the lives of civilians are great and not protected. and the grays president has signed a law that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as the aims to reinforce defies against russians invasion laws. it means that lensky has wound that an additional half
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a 1000000 recruits on needed to repel russian advances. ukraine has struggle to be stripped numbers from the conflict now and it's the year. the realization comes as nato a foreign ministers meet in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. that includes the proposal for a $107000000.00 funding plan to roll out over the next 5 years. they say 60 general. yeah. and still bug says that the military alliance will continue to support ukraine. i'm plans to step up assistance. their credit is on running out of curbs. they're running out of a nation. we need to step up now, unsure of support is built to last. so in our meeting today, we discussed how to put our support on the firm or a more enduring basis for the future will allow us to agree on the need to support ukraine. in this critical moment. there's a unity or purpose. as today,
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allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on it the support now on for a long whole. patrick barry is a full met. ne so um lets see things day 2 members are planning ahead. so the us selections, trying to tie in a certain governments and now into structured support over a lengthy period of time is certainly one of the things here because the trying to reduce the risk of, of there being a change in administration. and the course, you know, the delay in particular the us $60000000000.00 which is being held up and congress the delay and the effect about delay to the ukrainians fall using this winter and
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into the spring as being events you know, is basically 100 a window of opportunity to, to start to grind, it was a victory so, and have these take cetera. and then potentially go on the offensive russian arrow for a period last year. it actually had less are generally firing per day. and then the finance, when they were going into their offensive and their russia is and farming. uh, ukraine, probably about $3.00 to $1.00 more. okay. at least um, potentially hire just in our tennessee shelves for example. and of course, these radians are and i showed them on power unbearable, so short on air defense, etc. so it's, it's created, the opportunity delays created the opportunity and found that the initiative to russia, the elephant in the room. there is a change in administration in the us of which, through media you meet, you know, immediate years. we've heard that donald trump attends that called support of the 1st day using. so that's a 6 significant risk to give you an idea. nato allies not including us or i've
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given about a 100000000000 administrator, and humanitarian and economic assistance. the u. s. has given 75, but it is by far the biggest contributor and military. it's the only power in town really that can, that can deliver the amount or ministry equipment and the timeframes needed to take it as high as the election authority has reversed a decision to block a newly elected may have from taking office in the city of them suppose this have been out on the streets celebrating that decision. well, initially, officials had said that a previous conviction meant that pro carry this candidate bill as they done was ineligible for public office that spelt large demonstrations interest in several cities. so them, cuz we want to explain these people were how to base band up the last say don f romero said now they're off site again for the 3rd day,
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but this time celebrating the heart of the vision to withdraw the bed. they have been holding up that up the last day that is their honor and they believe well is not being recognized by the authorities in 2009. most of these people voted for the river. this mayoral candidates passed the may from this season a point to twice. that's why they are very sensitive and they want they are well as the rest of the nice as any other citizens in the country. the non custodial se center still ahead on al jazeera, the strongest of quade to hit taiwan and 25 years. at least 9 people are killed and dozens of trumped in the rubble of collapse. building the
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critical debate, pony farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we need money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day, frank assess the distance and the base, the ultimate, the highest level. they've been using games for the political economy service to stream, and dave, and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. as the world plunges into a climate disaster, we are in the planetary class. this year, a new
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a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth. a growth cut rising for as nothing in nature growth reference dying. coming soon the the you're watching out is there a mind if i told stories based alice as well as ministry, is what cooling ad defense was of is to that basis. is really media reporting that this is an anticipation of a possible response from iran,
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not south israel attacked consulate in damascus. on monday, kennings senior rainey administrative officials. united nations has suspended the movement of aid and gauze at nights for at least 2 days. decision comes up to $78.00. what this will kill fun is where you strike wells central kitchen comes. william was talking to him on monday. the rescue is in taiwan pulling of quake. vic comes from the rubble of the homes, the strongest trema to hit the audit in 25 years, tofal buildings killing at least 9 people and injuring hundreds the underwater magnitude. 7.2, quake struck out around a say. and there was also felt in southern japan, eastern china and the philippines, patrick folk reports, one worked up to the strongest of great there and 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast, off the shots of wrapped in communities across the south, full diamonds,
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causing power cops and some buildings to collapse. text messages moved on to coastal areas of this and ami threats. so human because it was very strong, it's felt as if the house was getting to topple to you. we all tend behind. you were taking very violently older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches the, when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes that i dropped the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task, breaks the hip, taiwan, an offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands. history goes with estimated to 2400 people. more than a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning. and so i won and authorities war and that that's a further time is could still come for me. if you had the audio,
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we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by falling rocks in the why the in area in the taipei area, the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry out a search and rescue work for the people to take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures japan and the sort of peaceful so on. so now me a lot depends national, broad costs are wanting us to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended on slides, but this nami warnings have since being lifted. the reason is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind point to magnitude on this. the jones triggered a synonymy that left around $18500.00 people dead or missing. it also cause to focus human nuclear power plant as, as to the most,
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a serious accident since june of at a $7.00 magnitude us great comedians davis here hit japan's notes of peninsula coming more than 230 people. patrick talk houses 0 type a the president of zimbabwe has declared a drought dissolves to in his face of the nation address. emerson, my gun was said close to 3 millions and bob ways of suffering from a shortage of food, of 80 percent of the country received below normal rain full. somebody has an annual serial requirement of 2200000 tons for 5, human and lifestyle consumption. the faces a shortfall of $680000.00 tons, which will need to be imported. the president is appealing to the international community to donate $2000000000.00 to disaster relief. permits also reports from the zimbabwe and capital a robbery. you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they
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are struggling in many parts of the country. the maze crop is a rifle, the bobbies government says, and he's more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry, and bobby haynes and president emerson and douglas to clear the state of this off the top. our power priority g is accumulating food for o is in by millions, a nose, but we must succumb to or to die from honda. decrypt it is. this is, will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security, including fruit supplement that a grand impulse may is a stay for food in zimbabwe. a necessity for many families, farmers were told it was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain full. so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something but then a dry smell,
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assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values. and i'll wondering how's it going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that a good there is hunger. we usually get most of our maids from rural areas. but they also have nothing is just tongue. this rock is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia, and milan. we have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need to import grain if this drought pacific and millions across the region had been told to accept. we sort of just and pricing placement. harden with us out of there had a decades of instability in violence in the central african republic has many little economic growth. now those feeling the lack of opportunities, the most all form a child soldiers who is struggling to integrate into society. my life able to
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separate has the support. a carol is the mother of us 3 who escaped from a non group and central african republic. she says she joined the group in 2013 of to a ripple competition called silica, killed her parents of to her escape. she was told to use a sewing machine to help him make a living. buses making codes is more difficult than handling again, you are welcome me. when i joined, dispense for years and the bushes being very so, so many bad things. i witnessed people being decapitated and all this scared me and made me want to leave. i'm asking the government to come and help us. we received so much training, but after the training, it's not easy to make money. the violence intensified of the silica rebels late a cru taking power from president fronts up was easy. since then, thousands of people have been killed and more than a 1000000 have been displaced. the government says about $10000.00 child soldiers
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still fight alongside on the groups. this fight to says it's because it's easier to make money with the groups. despite the daily dangers party to a tube with them, but i've been part of the groups for more than 10 years. somebody at the beginning i was making tea for rebel lee to ali deresa and then i got money and wanted to run away. so he shot me. after that, i joined the group that chased out president francois buzz easy of more than $5000.00 rebels, have gone through the disarming and re integration program. in the past 10 years. it's an initiative supported by the united nations officials running the project, say it's difficult, convincing combatants to give up their guns in a country with little job opportunities. most of i let it go for some decisions we talk to the most of this is chief hudson, hawkins is the gun waves, i see 5. but you asked me to do this in those have been difficult to prove. does
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that to prove that you for peace, the central african republic government estimates they are about 15000 child soldiers who have escaped from ripple forces the you and says if it's to keep them from pretending to that life is proving to be challenging by a couple months a bit older 0 you as president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to lower health care costs. audits, inflation reduction act plays a $2000.00 cap for medicare prescription drugs. it also attempts to crack down what it costs for sleep claimed payton's to try to increase competition and low health care costs. for years, people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pricing, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you're able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we've tried and tried and tried. and finally, with bernie's health. i finally got my inflation reduction act,
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which passed. bernard helped get a pass. one republican in the entire congress, this is the surprise may i have to admit you, not one single republican voted for not one single want to give us a 3rd you to take on and be big farm to president biden was joined by senator bernie sanders. he criticized pharmaceutical companies for price is that the highest and in other countries we are sick and tired of paying by for the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. on average, we pay over 3 times as much as the people above the major countries for brand name, prescription drugs. and in some cases, we are paying 10 or 20 times more than people around the
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world for the exact same product. okay, that's it. for me, my name's side. weather is next and inside story looks at weather. israel's attack on wells central kitchen work is, is a deliberate strategy to be ok. the, the looking different spaces, apartment line of rain suddenly in the cloud from the northwest to more or less stuff in queensland trustee counseling, develop strategy. but is this is, this is the active and, and again it's queens and new south wales where it seems to be quite persistent. the orange top suggests a fairly heavy, right. this isn't on the show, wins if you're in sydney, don't expect too much. in fact, the pace to get worse as we get towards friday. and the sheriff is production was
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tropical queens and now it's fine everywhere for the west. so if you 2 degrees in a sunny past, but sydney not so good. you go to on the show breeze. so pretty cold really. i know it says 27 based on for i feel like up and then things slowly improve with the sun breaking through. come sunday. now new scene in the picture is a fairly quiet one. again, by the time we get to friday, attempt just the middle teens, general appraisal, surf pretty active, whether it's still in process, se ation, i think, give eastern and an easy. it was a circulation was just a pretty big house. and body east was for some process sumatra, and bonia, and maybe this of the in the philippines. and then usually maybe significant raising sleep assisting in the southern part of china. including occasionally, hong com, of the families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is the strongest
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defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate. today. us president joe biden says he's all tre. spike is well killing of international aid workers in gaza. the southern victims joining the nearly 200 fathers, sending relief workers killed by his riley forces, is attacking 8 supplies. one of the tactics is whilst genocide, the war. this is inside story, the .


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