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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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the 91, doing life saving, let your generosity come provide value to support to those worst affected because the mad dog is stella, your mercy, showing this probably test, gave mercy, now donate. today us president joe by then says he's outraged by is well killing of international aid workers in gaza. the 7 victims joining the nail is 200 on a sitting relief workers killed by his riley forces is attacking 8 supplies, one of the tactics it as well as june, a slides of war. this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i am how sure how to buy these why i made sure no one what survive an attack targeting clearly marked
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a convoy in gauze on monday. i know just the, the investigation has revealed. we massage deliberately hit the 3 vehicles in 3 separate strikes by a drone, getting a policy and 6 point and citizens, an outrage besides us present in july then using was much stronger than his use before about as well as actions in gaza. much longer than even after the killing of nearly $200.00 policy and 8, where it goes by is, well, not to mention people queuing for food. so why are such attacks happening so often? is it a deliberate strategy by its way, up to block aid and the for kill more policy is. and why is such an attack now with the need for supplies is most critical. and when people are dying of starvation, we'll get to august in a moment. first, this report from microsoft. chevy in mounting global and often is,
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was killed 7 aid workers in ga, so on monday. and also the, the investigation has found 3 consecutive strikes deliberately targeted security, identify convoys of international aid workers in days on the bottom of the work for the us base. so can i say sion was central kitchen, it's pumped to this from this condemnation, get from is was closest allies the united states in the statement issues that whitehouse pressing joe biden blamed as well for not doing enough to protect a book of that's why i think by out, by saying we're outraged, i think you can barely characterize that is condemning the stroke itself. of course, i mean nobody wants to see this kind of violence happened to humanitarian aid workers, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu admitted his forces launched the attack. that says it was an intentional that's uh, handled by them. there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike about forces on innocent people in the
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gaza strip. this happens, and while we are checking this thoroughly, we are in touch with the governments and we will do everything for this not to happen again. these riley ministry says it's investigating destroyed that came to us canadian jewels, citizen and australian, a published national, pre purchase citizens and a palestinian. but it's full of the screening ties between as well and its allies. this is completely unacceptable. the is riley government has accepted responsibility for this. the united nation says nearly $208.00 workers have been killed in the nearly 6 months since it's well launched. it's full on cost, so most of them are you in stuff killed. one operating in areas considered safe. these rarely mimicry has been accused of blocking aid, attacking 8 convoys and even stop and civilians trying to get food supplies, use, use and comfortable. but it is an inevitable result of the way the warranty is
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being conducted. it demonstrates, yep, the game needs for the media to many tendencies fire. monday's attack on the workers has full set for each. have these to suspend their operations and gaza in a major set back for the recently opened civil for food 8. you and agencies have been voting of funding in northern garza. that is why it has blocked aid from entering the rest of the palestinian touch. the is facing catastrophic levels of hunger diagnostic tests. the old central kitchen was feeding many people providing that we support without the people to know where to turn it, so they will definitely be a lot of hunger. the killing of international chassis workers has put humanitarian supplies to the strip in doubt. what preston biden has condemned as well for killing of the book as his administration continues to um and fund as well as for
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length as full of gaza. and the consumption launch is evil for inside story. the, let's, let's go to a panel now in a rama low, we have most of the highly d policy lead in the, occupying the policy entire tree and as well for the a child of the ox fun. in london, chris gunners, human rights activist and former spokesman for under was the united nations relief on west agency, which supports policy and refugees also in the occupied, westbound, sorry about the program director of human rights was welcome to the program west side. this was the moment when people were hoping that finally we'll see more aid work as delivering aid into gaza. and suddenly the attack took place in clearly marked vehicles, one by the weld central kitchen. what was your reaction when you have the news?
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i mean, of course, you know, is a little bit targeting of all aspects of life and not is already utterly unacceptable. but now with this incident in the rise, generally in attacks against a worker is, is also utterly unacceptable over, you know, the past 6 months. we've witnessed, ox, i'm, and other organizations that were, you know, working closely on the ground with unprecedented assault on humanitarian efforts. where there's really authority, easy knowing the striking locations provided by humanitarian teams offer a delivery and assistance and so as clear, know, safe and gaza. nowhere is safe and gaza, and israel must stop. it says egregious and system right. and continuous violations by jo. of course, as you know, a cold voice coordinate the movements with the co gods, but she's a civilian by the affiliated with these riley ami. now you've been in touch with the world central kitchen. do we have to take these riders at face value when they
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say this was a mist identification? we absolutely do know an investigation and pos investigation which was demette to me off. it was promised, but which is do nothing to advise you will determine whether that is the case. but let us look at the facts. as we know, these relays were fully sighted. every minute needs a whole journey of that convoy. the sea room from cyprus was established in full size. with his ready approval, every inch of the roads, the company went alone from the warehouse to the kitchen floor that was notified. and the trunk school, the actual vehicle's and we're talking to deter the vehicles will not the people in the vehicles will next fight to this race. there was an attack on the 1st vehicle and i'm told what happened is the people then left the 1st big loose look alive and we wounded the could they weigh the 2nd vehicle? there was some of the tools to be as ready for notified that the 1st april had been
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hit, the normal office, the 2nd vehicle had been hit. it was hit in spite of all the rest, the cases, the bodies, and those who are able were brought to the vehicle of these ladies again. so it's reported been notified about the strike on the 2nd vehicle unplugged the whole there was a strike on the set to come out. misdemeanors to me also indicate that you just played fool about to about an incident, a story there. well, there was 3 strikes mister netanyahu to pretend that it was a one off mistake. no, that was 3 of them. suggest is a policy. and you also question in your headlines. is there a deliberate strategy? is that the policy of talking to these people? i'm afraid this hall, this included the is the community. it is a policy to the rules of engagement, which sets out every level in this way, the army, how they engage with the enemy, how they know the rules that the time gets far, don't use it. on the policy has led to tens of thousands of women and children
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being killed and maybe $208.00 workers saturday. these ready? um he says he's going to conduct a fall row in bonnasoli investigation. should we trust the findings when there is no international oversight of this investigation? of my concern is that this is unfortunately far from the 1st time the is really military has killed humanitarian workers and also and also struck ambulances and other clearly march mediterranean vehicles on a number of occasions they've said that they would conduct investigations. and particularly in particular, some of the ambulance strikes and we have not seen any results of those investigations. i'm also worried that they are saying they will conduct investigations, maybe because the people killed were foreign citizens, particularly of western countries. when 32000 palestinians have been killed in casa, the vast majority, women and children, and we don't hear about investigations into those steps. so no, i am concerned that the investigation is not something that would be trustworthy.
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and what we need is for the international criminal court to move more quickly in it's investigation into potential serious international crimes committed. so it can cause the west bank and israel it. what's other well seems to forget that almost a 100 brave relief. well, cuz were killed in gaza over the last few months with this or leave the work of the n g o is the have been bravely operating on the ground to the a to those who need is most. i mean, the reason as i get an isolated where all of the 208 workers job, including you and workers, we have 300 health workers from across the health ministry. they've been killed. we have all the 100 journalists killed, you know, almost 15000 children killed. god has become the most dangerous place on earth for these, you know, groups of people, and it leaves us in a complete,
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a complete crossroads where we're having to ask ourselves, are we abiding by our duty a care and our principles as humanitarian under international law? in sending our hobbies to review it, but you know, we have those conversations with our colleagues all the time. and you know, as to whether we continue operations, we scale up, we scale down, you know, this, this is always a, a conversation and ongoing one, because this has been happening since the beginning and this, you know, the risk of, of being killed in the field is something that you know is, is not new and got, and so, yeah. so it's of course, the, the impact of suspension of operation is, i mean, massive at this stage. i mean, with our vision and, and, and, and, and thought of my conditions and underway. uh essentially, um, you know, it is using starvation again as a weapon of war to collectively punish an entire population. and instead of
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allowing us to do our job properly, in accordance with international law course, when you look at what wealth central kitchen has achieved so far, is really impressive compared to what should global plaque. as do so, they have their own tugboat balls, which which garza, he made most and they were able to prepare the landing area of the northern cause of his thoughts it to deliver aid now with them. so spending the operations, what does it leave the north which has been suffering most in the, in the strip that we have to pull the salt, like where it should be. and that's just these ready. all sorts is the occupying power. because as we see for the 2nd day in a row that i've been know, kimberly is zwell is blocking un come voice. there are thousands of trucks at russell full of hundreds of thousands of tons of food and other a waiting to get in the un has notified these ladies,
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but it was these trucks the going on as well. so please, that's no surprise them. so yes, that has been considerable achievement by chef andrea and will central kitchen. and i applaud. but the new way takes the pressure of it as well as the occupying power in compliance with the provisional for the, from the international court of justice. so all of the boys and that should be on page it, unrestricted, humanitarian access to these way. this should be cooperating with the not to mention the security account. so it's, they just present. ready also set the same thing kind of started with the 2 v i, c, c. the room structure is very clear that food cannot be used as a weapon to so that's a capital violation of the security council. the i, c, j, and the read the statute is well must be held to account what is different this time is a 6 all 3, which is where,
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cuz they've been killed. and whereas before we have of the 20072008 does what we have that goes to a report. and this way, these use that scare tactics and they crush stats and the well buckled the goals. so reported was a brand report with kids into the low cross, you've all disk into that and had to ship it, went through a mother and threatened, present a box you said to the west bank. it's a gospel this report before. so it's a pretty strong arm tactics we use in the world buckled based on however, so not just been told by netanyahu, that would be an independent investigation. what i can tell you the, this media all of this and they didn't want to see that independent investigation guess? well, they're going to want to see individual criminal responsibility. and that means the people who killed these people are responsible for the killing. all these people all have to criminal accounts, they need to be punished unless there's something different with the killing of the 7 farm workers that there's a positive amount of cost that has to be
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a kind of duty for him to the kindest one other point, 171. unreal was what killed joe barton, picks up the phone and says the chef andre, i'm all right, just a space so there must be an independent investigation. does he pick up the commission of general? that's a really or sector general antenna gutierrez, insight on my mind, that a 171 on the palestinian workers have been have been killed. no, he hasn't been max out. ready just. it's a double standard of justice. sorry. so i think i'd be on that on that's 2000 pounds. students have been killed each and every one of those has of the dignity of a destiny must be investigated, must be respected. there must be full accountability for all of those giddings sabri. obviously, when you get a sense of these rather officials, they're trying to contain the ramifications from the international outcry. do you think this could be up if it's a moment in this sense, it could violate international a push to hold. these riley's accountable for has been happening and goes over the last 2 months. i certainly hope so. um, so just to be clear, um,
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countries that are supplying these fairly military with arms like the united states, like germany like being k risk being complicit in sort of grades of uses if they continue doing so. so this can end pretty quickly if the united states for 2 or 5 bias obligations under international law, as well as under us domestic law and suspend arms transfers to the is really military. that would be a very clear message that unlawful strikes each end. and that withholding and impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid at us domestic law also forbids the united states from supplying arms to military that are blocking us supply to monitoring 8. so that makes sense. if men with guns are stopping you from getting the united states is providing us should stop providing those cons if those actions are taken. this could be a turning point. and i, i really hope so. because with those ships lading with food, turning around back toward cyprus and the truck route,
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still mostly closed people in gauze. i can't really wait much longer. well, this comes against the backdrop of growing international concerns about the potential for both 8 into gaza and aid agencies are saying dates about time to deliver 8 o 5, thousands and thousands of people could die is why they defend submitted to you. i've got on said on october the 9th, the nothing, no 8, we'd be allowed into customer assistance. what have to say? what the lead i have ordered a complete siege on the gaza strip. there will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. we are fighting human animals and we act accordingly. what's our, what's next full humanitarian aid in to guys. are we likely to see more pressure on the n g o's organization that have been operating that to say, we have to? yeah, because because it's really risky. i mean, i, i, to the, you know,
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the complex is ever holding it and, and is, is possibly changing. so we're, you know, of course, adoptive and flexible. oh, you know, what is what is incredible by many of these organizations operating on the ground in the beer for decades, including all songs that we worked through the local community. so, you know, our, our operations are all mostly to our local partners that are not only humanitarian workers, but they're also members of the community. they're also trying to look to the next meal for their kids and their family. and they're trying to survive every day. and, and so of course the pressure is on that the pressure is a and so a, but those conversations are ongoing. but i, i surely hope that, you know, this conversation has brought clearly what needs to happen. so that i can come in.
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i know, you know, creative ways of delivering a age should be delivered how it's always been delivered before the 7th of october and got to all of the routes the land ropes that are available because that would also not make our age response, so expensive. and then also we need, we need access, we need to be able to bring teams in. and there's been persistence that might then i'll also a permit and be those we have an entire team in the west bank that could be also deployed to a guy. so we're not allowed to go to guys, and they're only an hour away. so there are many solutions that could be tomorrow, activated. the will of israel, that's, you know, closest allies, chris, the well center kitchen accounts for more than half of non you and deliveries mostly of food to the people in gaza. they live at 40000000 mail since october. they provide 50000 hoc needs on
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a daily basis to the people. all of that is gone. what's the next one? the? so you have to look at why and the reason is that these rates are not allowing food . if i paid somebody to sell, i think what look sure to set it up so that that work is exploited. and if these, where does nothing they could do more. but to be clear, amara is the only organization, a single largest organization that can really deliver a scale. well, the full 1200000 people on this food distribution list. i think it would have really to mention it's probably somewhere there are $2000000.00 by now. they said we don't have the data, but the fax is the amount has no goals with something over such as you have this is really the top. you have the d funding by certain dentist barrel. now coming back on the as what through this is wally is trying to isolate our again, it is now going to pull from us agencies and it's looking to move forward to
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deliver a scale as me. i, c, j has demonte. what was happening is really is continuing to blow b 8. there are hundreds of trust ways to rock that to get in. so looking for the on the kind of deliver, we've not got a situation where the demons have come by the door, the door which these ladies could use with these false allegations against the stuff that was not so full in the way we don't know, there's no evidence of that whatsoever. i'm not cuz we come back now. i pay tribute to unwrapped, of picking itself up, and it's now in a position where it could deliver a scale. you need to all these ratings now because the, the budget ministration effect. as soon as, because of all the, all clear, the international court justices cliff licensee is clear. all those mechanisms are clear as well how to allow a to be delivered at scale. i'm right, is the main organization that can do that. and if that does happen, well will be,
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will be a choose, will be right for the choose all genocide. i'm using solve ation. mass store of issues as a weapon of who is the will simply cannot allow israel to get away with doing that by the 2300000 people today are stake. sorry, as well as you work with him. rice watch your co founded these by whom the rice group goose, which has been containing full freedom of movement of policy is also for a, for the policy people for years. the nature of the blockade, a block you access to the people in gaza. now, how does it compare with past experiences with buffy is, i mean, in some cases is unprecedented in the, in the 5 wars that have taken place since 2008. these really military has never blocked water fuel electricity in the way that it is done now, and it isn't always allowed a shipments in, even during a very significant fight. and they saw that as something they needed to do in the international community helped them accountable for that. in some ways, there is
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a process because there was a period of time when the is really military, counted the number of calories that it would allow people in cause a to consume as part of a policy to deliberately restrict people who are the cause a to know more than that, but this goes well below it. other words, these really military has calculations about how much to people and cause a need. and it knows very well that we're going well below that may be back in 2008 when the israeli military 1st began restricting food supplies. it took also all be at not at this level. maybe if the response had been stronger, they wouldn't have been encouraged to take it to this next step, which is actually using starvation as a weapon of war. most of the ox funds may finally set up in a position way, has to team up with all the and she goes to deliver aid. how does it really feel? it feels like, you know, you're sending your colleagues into battlefield day everywhere is about building. there's been, you know, it's not localized there's, it's, it's, and it's, it's,
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it's just am i going to, has been relentless. i want to add a another point. you know, it's not just about food. it's about every aspect of life. when you're, when you've reached a star ration level, you don't need, you don't need just to, if you need the nutrients you need health care and you need a doctor. you need to be systematically seen and consistently seeing a doctor and that's not available and gaza. you, we need to clear the role, we try to deliver aid when there is no roads. um and so instead of for example, uh, building at 250000000 and you know, uh, floating port um we should be using that to get machinery and that does, it does not have to clear the amount of rubble that to take up to 2 years actually to clear out. um, i mean, effectively what we need right now is a complete permanent ceasefire so that we can do our job. we actually only operate
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2 local partners. we actually operate too under water as well. we have a, we provide trainings in on our shelters, we use our well warehouses. so i completely agree with my colleague. we cannot do this without the wondering why humanitarian on that has been also operating in 1000 for decades and knows the communities we are, the experts and we're there on the ground. and so i don't think i don't see us leaving casa in that way, because we, we form part of the community. yeah, of course, in less than i'm is if you don't mind in the absence of strong indications of us is via a deal between our mazda and these riley is with a situation is evolving on the ground to do believe it could be a breakthrough. the only praise that is a breakthrough, but there's so much internal division with a nice row about the strategy is the strategy to defeat from us? is the strategy to bring the hostages out? this is the problem,
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but these crimes are getting on that's messed up. they should in gaza, and as ever the face of gauze it is held hostage to give the expression, but in so it's really politics until that can be clarified. there will be for the confusion, but to be very clear, the buck stops with mister netanyahu has invited the i'm at the local genocide with president hetzel, who has said that you've taught distinguish between oil billions and my mouse. and she said, you know, they'll be a complete this, i will click the complete locate and these people have to be held individual criminal account. whatever happens with the hostages, we have to see if the board is open. all right and have to see the folks of accounts to criminal accounts. sorry, we're not really hearing strong voices in israel can dominate what is happening, but typically from a purely legal perspective. i mean there, there are some voices. if there is right now a petition of these really a supreme court from a number of human rights groups,
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i'm calling for these really military to allow aid to cause a and to actually supply it, which is part of its obligations as occupying power. we have seen demonstrations and posts from people calling, making similar calls. i think that, um, you know there's, there's been a lot of inconsistency. so within israel, people were appropriately horrified by the october 7th, how mass let attacks that killed so many civilians and southern israel. and the outrage comes from the fact that armed groups were targeting civilians. but that principle has to apply irrespective of whether it's a civilians or is rarely or palestinian. so in these really military is withholding food from civilians and also that has to spark the same amount of outrage both into israel as well as a mom is really allies with how to do with the really appreciate your insights. sorry about you, chris. goodness, we saw how you're looking forward to having the same conversation with you in the near future. thank you. and thank you to for watching. you can see the program
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modern plates? the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm on the inside. this is the news ally from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's ministry recalls ad defense was of as 2 days, often to tack on a wrong consulate in damascus. you know, it's a nation suspends aid movements at nice in golf and now does their investigation reveals how is riley force has deliberately targeted in a convoy killing 7 work as well? is it coming off the strongest, afraid to hit taiwan and 25 years. at least 9 people are killed in thousands,


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