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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like just is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle. one of your just makes modern pleads the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i money inside. this is a news out life from the hall coming up in the next 16 minutes. israel's ministry recalls at defense reserve as 2 days, often to tack on a wrong consulate in damascus. you know, it's a nation suspends a movements ap nice in golf and now does their investigation reveals how is rarely
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forces deliberately targeted in a convoy killing 7 work as well? is it coming off the strongest, afraid to hit taiwan and 25 years. at least 9 people are killed in thousands of traps in the rumble. and national dis, austin declared as in bob way because of drought pull, rain full across southern africa means millions. all going hungry and on peace of statements with what your thoughts means. because when i tried to zip the 2nd highest, ideal school in history, in a big when a daily and awesome all have moved back to the top of the english premium, the expense to, to new window, open newton, new to the to hello. welcome to the program is rouse, ministry is recording ad defense was of as to that basis. is there any media or reporting that this is an anticipation of
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a possible response from iran and solve to israel attacked? it's consulate in damascus. on monday, kidding. senior rain and military officials as goes out 0 is home, the centers who isn't occupied east jerusalem honda. what are you hearing about this and give us some context because when was the last time we saw israel records that us and this way as well after a fresh assessment by these rarely army, they said that they are now going to bolster their air defense array as well as mobilize reserve as to those air bases by bolstering these air defenses, they mean replenishing air defense systems like the iron dome, which is the most commonly used in israel. in addition to that, the david sling and the arrow. now the last time we saw a big call up of reservists was when the war began on october 7th. it's not exactly known just how many reservists are being mobilized this time. but these really army has raised their alert level to its maximum possible state. additionally, just
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a week ago we heard from his roles, defense minister jo after lunch was that quote, israel is no longer on the defensive, but rather actively pursuing since by law and any other it on the inductive groups in the region, whether it's in damascus, they do or all across the middle east and it comes as these really army chief of staff said that he has approved a new battle and attack plans for the continuation of exchanges of fire on his roles. northern border, now the is really media is reading into this as an escalation in the region as israel prepares for whatever this retaliation or response can be from the audience . after is really air strikes, killed several people among them and i r g c commander in damascus in the attack on the it on the emission. okay, thank you for that. hon best seller that for us in occupied east jerusalem. joining us here in the city there is time to come, boots he is assistant professor of public policy at the low institute for graduate studies. so i'm,
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i good to see you. what do you make of this development israel bringing up? it's sort of a result of a slight this, this sounds like these rarities are getting ready to scale up. that will mean exactly. i mean, because they have certain across that i'd like, well, i wanted to attack them to see, i mean i'm to see is a, it's similar to attacking like, you know, what i mean. so i mean that seem to promote, to comes and it's a vulgar effect into the plymouth technologies norms international relations. so it seems to me, yes, it has crossed the line that onions a they do feel human data and they are squeeze in a corner. and the credibility now is in the, on the, on the stake. and also they have to prove to the proxy part goods that the out. and i've been talking to them, they can hit the back and also the events from this stick events from this effect. so of course these are it is, i'm nervous because one of the possible scenarios is that it onto the phoenician could go to his bullets, its proxy possibility and also his blackwood, for example,
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the strike model. what more about this deep insight is, are in, and this is why we see this southern is by this latest to, to come to this is an interesting use the web nervous. because to me it sounds like this is what they were asking for. the x rays, because by talking the radian embassy, they would have known that they are crossing sharon's red line, of course and again, timing methods. why? because an instinct does a motor less because the intensity of the minute to finish. and so it goes on whitening down. i mean, these are those not like what are the same number of troops to continue the war and gaza after a conflict at all this, the lot of destruction on the, on the step. so now they're able to shift the resources to the north, and they want to find a permanent solution to the north. and what does what these are, which has butler with liberal. so for them know, it's the time to push the field at the field to have the leverage. they have the resources enough that the resources to come to it has bella. and also it seems to me also that some us agree like from the us or some backend from the us because it,
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it has received the major shipment. the flip, inspect, it could weapons from the us couple of days ago. so it seems to me nowadays, right, it is autumn, shift things that, that focus on living on to push or the past has been low into either a political settlement or head. todd with his below open a new front. and it's like one of those books, literally the unsolved up the we don't know how would this come on the bonus now in iran, this quote, isn't it? and, and that's question we, we don't know to what extent they are going to react to me. you said they were, they were embarrassed or human liaison, how human liaison, whether it's, yeah, i mean, i'll get, i'll talk in embassy. so button like, you know, into, to you that the present that isn't a problem like it. um, it's of, it's a measure of intelligence, street level, data onions as well. so they'll, they'll have to, to, to, but they're not any of these sort of key. they have to test the patient. but this time, i mean, given the scale of the event,
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they could the force more or less to do something quickly to save the reputation. and logically, i mean has, well, as the you have what are the an open the front of the load? so i mean, so this would be one part of the solution, or do you have to type it any way of in the world? i mean, seem like, is what i did with them to see that. and it's probably because hit them. these are the emphasis on what else you have to hope isn't that i'd see it on has its arms, has it submitted to the partners invasion? so i think that's an open. we're doing this in a, in the institution of office and that has everything as possible. and just briefly tell mary you mentioned some of the wrong proxies all across the region. could any of them act independently from iran and, and, and just retaliation, of course, in some of the to put it on as well because the partner. so if they see the, embeds at this stage of human dated, maybe the tickets on that also mission also to get back as well. so possibly why not me? i can't get to talk to you. tell me that, come out. we all going to come back to you a bit later in the program. see united nation says it's a spending
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a movement at night in goal is that because of security concerns? that decision comes 2 days off to israel, kill $78.00 workers, and l just their investigation is found. they were intentionally targeted. is randy ministry launched for 3 consecutive as stripes against the wealth central kitchen workers despite being told of the movements. reports also suggest is rarely ministry officers and soldiers and dogs are routinely acted on their own violation army regulations and the proper chain of command. according to one is rarely newspapers. that's court. it is rarely ami sources. it says involves. everyone does as he pleases 6 of the victims with foreign nationals. one was palestinians. the bodies of the foreigners have now been moved to egypt. a c. and now from all defense, it is a alex gets helpless. he has more than what the al jazeera investigation uncovered
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. now, does your investigation has found that these really military, intentionally targeted the wealth central kitchen con boy in 3 consecutive as strikes despite being cold or tragic accidents by israel? here's what the evidence shows to wells. central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in the or above sometime around 10 30 pm local time. on monday, april 1st come boy travel. just for columbus says, mickey rashid streets along the coast. the witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by missile the just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st call to the 2nd on the vehicle. second call made it 800 meters self from the 1st attack. when it too was boned killing everyone inside photos from the scene clearly show it was hit straight through the roof by a project all from above. the 3rd vehicle in the comb, ford made for the 1600 meters, turning off the main road in an attempt to avoid destruction before it was hit by
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3rd and final strikes. also through its roof. the colors were clearly marked on the international. a group had told these really military of its teams whereabouts, giving them the coordinates, questions remain as to why these really military talking to this aid called boy, it's definitely a brutal but whether it's brutal as a matter of high level policy to discourage other a n g o's from a risking a repetition of this kind of disaster, or whether it, it was something that went somewhat wrong in its execution, as authorization in an area deprived of fuel and petrol. they would it be little traffic, most the 8 trucks. and it's really military vehicles in the area. the aid cause
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we're moving into 3 vehicle comb boy, clearly bought from above. and the missiles use were of a type to maximize destruction in a very small space, primarily used for talking to the operations in urban areas. chris cope smith is an experienced weapons expert who has worked in garza and the seen similar weapons used when talked with some n g, a humanitarian and just looking at potential war crimes, looking at potentially human rights violations and backs. and this is what setting, so years ago it began to child spot. there was a weapon system being used for an inside talk talk to assess solutions, but to target very specific individuals, groups of buildings and then particular cause. and this weapon system produces just the sort of effect by saying all these um,
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boy stayed on these vehicles among the dead bus 3 security consultants hood by well central kitchen, whose job would have been to liaise with these really military on the whereabouts. the fact that the company was hit several times, each strike some distance in time, a part suggested this act was intentional and that the comb boy was deliberately destroyed. alex gets helpless. audra 0. often monday's attack, wells central kitchen suspended. it's all probations in gaza. just place palestinians say they fit attacks like these will lead to even further food shortages. let's take a look at all the agencies who face, similar challenges of the american nit east refugee agency has decided to start this operations involves altogether, the a group had provided an average of a 150000 meals a day in partnership with wells central kitchen back in february, the un agency for palestinian refugees and russ suspended. it's 8 operations to
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northern gaza that came on to what it called a collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for it's a trucks. and all the organizations like the international medical co, which has one of the largest field hospitals in rafa, is also re thinking it's humanitarian work in garza. as discuss this further with honey and mood, who is in rough and southern is also for us honey. so let's start with the international medical coal. how important is its field hospital in rough and what would it mean if it was forced to limit its work? a yes 1000000. this is the latest we've heard of from uh, organization that are intending to suspend operations across the southern part of the gaza strip and, and the central area. and the international medical props is better known among
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palestinians in the southern part of the gust without the american field hospital. and it has that may be, was setup about a 2 months ago. and it has been providing services for at least 400 patients on daily basis of various medical supports and run and services that have definitely shown a significant at ease in, in, in the intervention. americans are vision provided for people and less than the pressure on the 2 hospitals across throughout fi city and mainly the kuwaiti hospital. that's a small size video facility and then the doctor hospital. it's a mid size health facility, but already over whelmed and exhausted in terms of medical staff and sufficient medical to staff as well as the shortage of medical supplies and the fact that the hospital, both of them have turned into more of an evacuation center with hundreds of, of displays, families is shouldering inside the facilities that outside are. so the international
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medical across the board then a hell of in field hospital in the ground providing services and also providing support for other hospitals across the southern part of the search. i did the decision to suspend it. operations is going to be quite negative and people are going to feel the uh, the in negative implications within the coming days. just given the uh, the, the, the, the risk that, uh, volunteers and, and doctors and aid workers in the ground on experiencing right now just right after the direct and delivered a tax on aid workers of the w. c. k. within the past 48 hours, that equals largely a among palestinians. here with a sense of a frustration and anger and sadness get given the fact that they did these employees bonded very well and the they provided the food supplies and,
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and cooked meals for display families. that are in the central area and part of the overall cost of the evacuation centers. it just is running the risk in increasing the risk of, of extreme food shortage within the, the coming days as we see in more organizations. so there as the honor one and the euro is suspending the operation or within the past hour. the nouns are through this books, person of the united nations that they're suspending operation for the coming for the 8 hours until the run and evaluation security evaluation on the ground. and, but we're expect stages given how dangers of the situation are becoming if the quite visible right now that this suspension will increase and will be extended wait for another 48 hours. okay, thank you for that honey. my favorite that for us in rafa in southern golf and that's return to tell me they're coming. he's still with us in the studio. tomorrow's honey was saying there,
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i mean the ramifications of this attack that took place on monday on the humanitarian situation in gaza is so devastating. so many aid organizations pulling back on what is already and incredibly di, situation on the golf, a strip of money. and exactly, i'm supp also that these had always age work has lost their lives and discharge equate deliberate attack on them. i know hundreds of thousands of students have to suffer because of this though, because 88 organizations are pointing out, no feeling safe to fit on stuff. so it's going to use and con, by design. i mean, we know that there are hundreds of trucks, a trucks, you know, messing with the exception border is on is not, is it as a preventing these truck from entering does a, at the same organization like the world center, the kitchen with the stablish will create or allowed to work into the set up
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because of it because it was starting to think owner was which is much better position to deliver besides the us. well scott, it's a one that was when system ethic this is by design and all of this the same agencies which, which, which would create that sort of late to replace one of the meetings target the unless the opinion that this is better than a bit of an it comes into very critical timing because we know that the, that there is that, you know, the, you, i'm dissolution that was passed lately. giving the couple of weeks for is that i need to prevent that from attacking it off off. i mean it's, it's coming to an end. i mean, so basically on the same time, we have these very and it's under us, some of the social, the negotiating on the next bullet off. the picnic kind of does a petition aspect of the invasion, almost the opinion that these are, you does have best interest to not see any international presence when they get the green light to go inside that effect. right. so they're kicking out everyone that's by this to provide this is because such
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a investigation will take probably weeks or i don't know more affordable so. so these organizations fell out in a very difficult position. i mean, they can attended the system, they don't stuff. but at the same time they want to have, but they cannot tell. so most appropriately, they will, the did use the process or even evacuating, regardless of the of the service is lens. and do you think this plan might backfire? i mean, do you think the fact that the, that many of these 8 workers that were killed with foreigners is going to change the stakes here for number of countries that have until now. steadfastly, been standing by israel? well, i hope so, but so far what i've been, i mean following the, the, the statements coming, especially from the us. i really, i don't see a sincere position on stopping is right. or even holding it accountable. i mean, we have been hitting the statements good to be talking today. i mean like, i'm kind of like, oh it's a mistake. i means you don't feel that the americans are usually specials americans because of the only one what lives, what is your, what is that not this. i mean in fact the hottest in,
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in discussion with these ladies own, but the one building it up. ok. so sadly, i mean, i hope i'm wrong, but i don't think it's going to happen because america's i've been texting is what i'm hoping to achieve. but it's fine of goals, which is for control of guys that have nothing come as and discuss things. i don't know the future at some future dismissal because of them do not involve, but a scene is or a 30 minute. and the some d is being in this complex, whatever. okay, time i've got to speak to you to america more a system professor of public policy, the don't institute for graduate studies. the ukraine's president has signed a know that brings down the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he aims to reinforce the fight against russia's invasion, loved him is lensky has won that an additional half
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a 1000000 recruits the needed to repel russian advances. ukraine has struggle to base troop numbers with a conflict now, and it's said, yeah. to limit balance ation comes as nato foreign ministers meet in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. it includes a proposal for a $107000000000.00 funding plan to roll out over the next 5 years. h. a sexy general un stilton bug said the minute she alliance will continue to support ukraine and they plan to step out for assistance. their credit is on running out of courage. they're running out of munition. we need to step up now unsure of support is built to last. so in our meeting today, we discussed how to put our support on the firm or a more enduring basis for the future. will allow us to agree on the need to support
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ukraine in this critical moment. there's a unity or purpose. today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on the to support now on for the long hold. tell stress it has moved from ukraine's capital. keith, on the night of the plan being discussed, involves potentially taking a great to a coordination role away from a group known as the ukraine defense concept group. now this was established in the immediate off to most of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. in february 2022, it's made up of 56 different countries, including little searching to members and as being pivotal in supplying ukraine with the weapons that it says it means there is
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a growing failure among certain dates or members. but because of potential domestic political pressures on various leaders in the coalition. but that kind of role needs now to be ruled on the move of a nato umbrella. and there were specific fish among certain dates, the members of, for example, the return of donald trump, the, to the white house in us selections next year. this is being described by psalm as a, a trump proof plan, because we know how uh, president trump has often criticized nato. and is a lot more isolationist, arguably than the current leadership in washington. the have been comments made by various foreign ministers on the back of today's meeting in brussels. hungry is 4 minutes. the 2nd hungry will not back any proposal. that major will be alliance, closer to will or shift from a defensive to on offensive coalition. but all the ministers a lot more candid and a lot more blunt, indeed one diplomat unnamed,
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but quoted by the voices and use agency saying basically that nato just doesn't have a budget for this. there isn't the money for this kind of plan to succeed. so that an example of the kind of factions that kind of different opinions inside nato and the kind of challenges that the, the lines faces in giving you crane long term support in the years ahead child strap. it all just arrow keys to take a as high as election authority has reversed a decision to block. a nearly elective may have from taking office in the city. yvonne supposes have been out on the streets celebrating the decision. local officials had said a previous conviction, many of the laws they done from the pro cottage d n policy was ineligible. so public office that spot lodge demonstrations and rest in several cities to them cause so you have these people or how
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to base testing. fair enough. the last day don f romero said, now they're off site again for the 3rd day, but this time celebrating the heart of the vision to withdraw the bed. they have been calling upside up the last day that is their honor and they believe well is not being recognized by the authorities in 2019 and these people, most of these people voted for the river. this mayoral candidates passed the mayor from his season and pointed twice. that's why they are very sensitive and they want to use well as the rest of the night as any other citizens in the country . to solve this center, to rescue, as in taiwan now, pulling as quick victims from the rubble of the homes,
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the strongest trying that to hit the island in 25 years, toppled buildings coming at least 9 people in injuring hundreds. the underwater magnitude $7.00, quake struck out around asia. yeah, it was also felt in southern japan, eastern china and the philippines. patrick saw cripples inside one worked up to the strongest of the great there in 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast, off the shots of wrapped in communities across the south, full diamonds, causing power cops and some buildings to collapse. text messages to coastal areas of this and ami threats. so human because it was very strong, it's felt as if the house was going to topple to you. we all tend behind. you were taking very violently older motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches, the, when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes. i got a drug,
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the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task breaks a hip, taiwan, an offshore islands since 1999. when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands, history goes an estimate of 2400 people. more than a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning. and so i won and authorities war and that that's a further time is could still come for me. if you don't. how do we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by falling rocks in the why the in area in the type pay area, the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry out a search and rescue work for the people to take the best care of injured people and take it emergency resettlement measures japan and the sort of peaceful so on. so
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now me a lot, depends national broadcaster wanting us to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended all flights. but this nami warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind points or magnitude. on this, the jones triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also caused to focus human nuclear power plant as, as to the most, a serious accident since june of at a $7.00 magnitude us great comedians davis here hit japan's notes or peninsula coming more than 230 people patrick talk how's 0 type a still head on out is there a crack down in the philippines on illegal online casinos? we talk to workers who say that were kidnapped and tortured into scanning customers
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. a record breaking nights of a cold got to night vitus and the indian premier need find out why amos olds coming up with the the, the 1st couple of days of april. so reco breaking both the se in here, but for most of the winter, rain has been the story, particularly for central and northern europe and to some it still is. these are pictures from more or less central from susan overflow river as best as banks because the excessive amount of rain. and the rain keeps coming from the rest of the states. like, you know, half of funds and increasing the gym. you'll see went whether that be some for the u. k as well. and then north of that it's still cold enough for snow for some parts of scandal they've and briefly,
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i think even for the both exchange. so got these. when we got slow, the 2nd, the forecasts for example, and also gives you temperatures well below the average on there it's transitional season. but you've got 0 degrees is best on thursday as it's nice and it's slightly improves as the account to was the weekend. that for the sake of the world to spreading and spreading up into voltage coming to your way to area was particularly gap through eastern. you will start at 14 degrees. this is pick will also apply to this room area and take you ahead. 3 days were up to $25.00 degrees. the average is 12. this being south of the day, in north africa, heat source of the story, particularly in this a hill. the if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk both safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly,
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the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to in the line the palestine hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay, foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you, okay. now let's also show you, we'll deliver it so donates with confidence, donates without calf foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine,
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we share the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. is there a mind to our top stories this our, israel's military is re cooling ad defense was of us to that basis is really media is reporting the move is in anticipation of a possible response from iran to days of israel attacked it's called slit in damascus. kenning, senior iranian ministry officials, united nations, has suspended movement of aid and gulf of nights for at least 2 days. the decision comes off to $78.00. what fears were killed? fine, is there any strike? well said charles kitchen convoy ms. thompson on monday. now is there investigation, has found that the a convoy was intentionally targeted?
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is there any minute she launched 3 consecutive strikes against the wells central kitchen where? cuz despite being told that movements a title as prime minister in the haven't been of the last 9 also on a has been meeting with the spanish prime minister pepito sanchez here in dough. ha . he renewed calls for an immediate cease fire in gaza. to lafayette, i sort of saw the man and the last i was we have seen them on hold a flying j, should this lady by the images of the optimize, the, the bottom left behind. but it is mainly probation forces off the image. and that will be seating and destroying the entire soup, a hospital for 2 weeks of this throwing all the medical equipment and medical supplies, in addition to setting the place on fire together with the surrounding areas it up . and then in addition to those skills masoud, you could nab of the for the day and the not. and those missing again with the new the code for an immediate cease fire as the lives of civilians today,
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10 not exec israel's plan to bind for a news networks including l. g 0 has been sharply criticized by governments around the world of tip domestic efforts to james base spoke with spanish prime minister during his visit to go ha, as our son just told us that freedom of the process is crucial for a democratic government. a more generous of died in gauze than anywhere else in the world. now, problem this and this and you know whose government is binding out as a result for patients in israel. is this quite literally a case of israel shooting the messenger who will offer free press is on the hallmark of any uh, i would say self respecting uh, a democratic government and the from my side on from the spanish type. what we do is to uh, to support to the, uh, the, the work uh, made by the majority of these across the world. and especially in gusta,
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in these very difficult circumstances. so many leaders, including yourself, a wound about the danger opposite of this war, spreading in that context. israel's recent attack on the rain in diplomatic building in the syrian capital, damascus. do you think killed top officials of the codes force? do you think that was acceptable or reckless active publications? acceptable? it's not acceptable. it needs to be clarified by you. so a government and of course these and goes into the direction that you mentioned before, which is we need to avoid an escalation of the conflict in the region and from a spain we have deployed many years ago, one of our largest, the u emissions on the ground, which is in leaving on the, on the of course we are trying to, to guarantee the peaceful coexistence between the leaving these people, the, on the east where the people in, that's a very difficult border between the,
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these 2 countries. and, and we are very concerned about the situation and that is why we ask, and we commend the each way to government to a, to try to avoid these. the said these regional escalation that we are witnessing for instance, with these an attack and in syria. and you can watch the full interview, a spanish prime minister pedro, a sanchez on thursday, april 4th at 1430 gmc on top challenges there with that's the 3 british a work is in the is riley strikes and wells central kitchen workers has provoked ne, universal condemnation in the united kingdom, british governments has called for a full investigation and some politicians say that the u. k. should suspend on sales to israel. so new gabriel has the shock and i'm the against the latest wave of his ready attacks in gaza. this time on the streets
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of london, medics and solidarity with palestinians located the headquarters of poland to the software company supplying technology to israel. submitted, treat, calling for an immediate end to its activities that the killing of humanitarian aid was received. international condemnation, as well as allies including the u. k demanded offices, the situation is increasingly intolerable. and what we urgently need to say is a star a transpired investigation into what has happened, but also a dramatic increase in the amount of age getting into goals that the aid work has killed. james henderson, who'd set the 6 years in the royal marines. a john chaplin, a full, a member of the porch of special forces. and um, a veteran pul cubby, who was 47 years old. oh,
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we're providing security support for these cousins described to him. that's completely selfless. and he just want to help people. he knew. if he didn't go in and someone else ago and that would probably play on his mind. so james was one of these people that would just sit back up to more than 5 months of conflict. public opinion on the soaring casualties, training pressure on politicians to act. opinion polls have consistently shown that more people are in favor of a ceasefire. the not and the killing of age work has been in is really a strike is now printing outrage. even in traditionally right wing papers of the british press. someone seeing this moment as a tipping point in the you case, previous the rock solid support for israel. the u. k. government has called israel to follow international law. it continues to maintain what prime minister soon that calls a very castle. so licensing, arrangement,
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human rights group say that has to end with the cooling on the government for months to be suspending all the players licenses as part of our international coal for a full scale on and ball going all sides to the, to the current conflict. as the bodies of the victims are repatriated, the shadow of this strike weighs heavily on organizations working to help region devastated by this conflict. so nearby ego, i'll just sarah london to you as president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to lower health care costs, buttons, inflation reduction. i placed a $2000.00 cap on medicare prescription drugs, those se attempts to crack down on what it costs falsely claimed patients trying to increase competition and low a health care costs. i was housed corresponding can they help it sent
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a specific day? at the white house us president joe biden is doing a bit of a victory lap over legislation. was passed back in 2022, but that he feels many americans are still not giving him credit for. that's why he was the senior senator from vermont, bernie sanders to talk about that legislation. the caps, the cost of many prescription drugs for americans who run a government health care program don't as medicare for years. people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pricing, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you are able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we've tried and tried and tried, and finally, with bernie's health. i finally got my inflation reduction act, which i've passed, verity health care to pass one republican in the entire congress. this is the surprise may i have to admit you,
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not one single republican voted for not one single want to give us a sorry to take on and be pig farmer. now one of the big reasons that president is promoting this particular package has a lot to do with his poll numbers and then election year. he is tied or lagging behind his rival, former president, donald trump. most americans are blaming the president for high inflation on t goods, like food costs and heating bills, and are not giving the president credit for lower prescription costs. that's why he enlisted bernie sanders help to promote his health care passage. kimberly help it al jazeera, the white house, the politicians, and the philippines, and cooling for the complete shutdown of hundreds of an eagle, online casinos owned by chinese businessmen. as barnaby lo reports,
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workers in the multi $1000000000.00 industry have been telling police how they were kidnapped and tortured to scam customers. a cyber gaming hub in a small town north of manila operating under the radar. but when police descended on the facility in mid march, they found hundreds of workers and evidence their running scans. 7 middle managers were arrested, but the chinese owners remain at large. the operation was triggered bad to from, of getting these employees who managed to escape and contact authorities. they the retail me for the cooking, the gym. and that is not the chip. we just call the company though, and then we can deal in who's from the leisure says his friend, sold him to the company. i just want to be safe, but right. i mean, it has not allowed to do both of them say they were beat up when they couldn't make the monthly target of $40000.00, much like
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a workers of an online gambling site and many, let's say they were tortured in this room. it was also found to have been a prostitution then. the site now serves as a detention center, human trafficking victims and employees. a waiting deputation are housed here, a former online gaming compound, law enforcement officials rated it last year. it turned out to be the headquarters of a scamming enterprise. also run by chinese business meant the chinese online casino industry, locally known as the philippine offshore gaming operators or pulse grew exponentially during the term of former president would be good to try to authorize. chinese embassy says it's job is to protect it citizens, but it's also cooperating with philippine authorities. it's highly probable that the people rescued from 14 board, they just transferred to another fogel. so we're creating a localized in deep g nice scamming invested in the philippines. but it's
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a crisis of regional proportions. the united nation says more than 200000 and may be trapped in ski and operations in e and more encumbered, yet, the philippine government says hundreds are still illegally operating in the country. in an industry that's generating billions of dollars in revenue each year . barnaby low, alger 0 manila sites, imagine c has been declared in zimbabwe and do you take stream, drought, climate change and the new weather phenomenon happened, blame for the failure, new rains. that means the threatened with hunger and a force to rely on food aid harm a task, so reports from herrera. you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the maze crop is a right tool. the bodies government says, and he's more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry, and bobby haynes and president image and then douglas to create
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a state of this off the top on our power priority. g is the queueing food for oh, isn't by millions knows, but when must succumb to or die from honda. decrypt it is. this is will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security, including through supplement that a grand impulse. it may as, as a stay for food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families, farmers were told it was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain full. so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something. but then a dry smell, assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values and i'll wondering how's it going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that a good,
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there is hunger. we usually get most of our moves from rural areas. but they also have nothing is just tongue to this rock is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need to import grain if this drought persists and millions across the region had been told to extend to police shortages and pricing places had on with us out of their head out in the case of instability and violence in central african republic have meant little economic growth. those feeling the lack of opportunities, the most, all full of child soldiers struggling to integrate into society. i live able to separate reports. carol lives the mother of 3, who escaped from a non group and central african republic. she says she joined the group in 2013 of to ripple competition called silica, killed her parents of to her escape. she was told to use
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a sewing machine to help them make a living. boss is making codes is more difficult than handling again. you are. you are me when i joined us by 4 years and the bushes being very so, so many bad things. i witnessed people being decapitated and all this scared me and made me want to leave. i'm asking the government to come and help us. we received so much training, but after the training, it's not easy to make money. the violence intensified of the silica rebels laid a cru taking power from president front. supp was easy. since then, thousands of people have been killed and more than a 1000000 have been displaced. the government says about $10000.00 child soldiers still fight alongside on groups. this fight to says it's because it's easier to make money with the groups. despite the data, the dangers. party to a to between but i've been part of the groups for more than 10 years. somebody at the beginning is making t for ribble, lita ali deresa, and then i got money and wanted to run away. so he shopped me. after that,
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i joined the group that chased out president francois buzz, easy. more than 5000 rebels have gone through the disarming and reintegration program in the past 10 years. it's an initiative supported by the united nations officials running the project, say it's difficult, convincing combatants to give up their guns in a country with little job opportunities. and also by letting go for some decisions group in the doctors as well. so this is chief hutchins hopkins is the gun we've got the fight, but you asked me to do this in news. they've been difficult to prove to prove that you for peace. the central african republic government estimates there about 15000 child soldiers who have escaped from ripple forces the you and says if it's to keep them from pretending to that life is proving to be challenging. my husband wants a bit older 0,
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a slow head on al jazeera. why many in mexico preventing the tabs from running dry by collecting rain and also one that matched but did not just assist caesar and nothing is against aston villa. find out the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash
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before he is the this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash football. he is the guys times of sports. he has pizza money. thank you. awesome lever to into the top of the english, pretty table thanks to a to know in other newton town behind. so i went in front midway through the 1st
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jocelyne captain molten, or the god method in the 26 minutes set aside with you, goes to the gate on the start, the power fund, tennessee of a day t i c o own go to node finish. mentions the city of tents up the type of pressure to with the full one victory against s, the rod reopened the scoring off the 11 minutes. hello chasing check into these folks. and john do ran equalize to silence the h. e had to be fine and depending holland to a surprising, he rested on the bench for this one. he stay for the food and others came close to making it to one. but sol furden been paid to school just before the break. the attitude completely, the 2nd half of the season. so he remained behind level who long ago difference a points behind such a little google go back from top is a beach if it was united on says a that true between says he had also on sunday allowed. you can top seem to move to
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points clear with a victory against brighton copies and interested in the title favorites sag. i don't know when i don't. okay. um no, i think i said last press conference. one of the most important things is to, to get through this period is test to ignore outside miss. so goes that goes up and on. and it's emotional and always kind of the things we have to be professional. have you have to be, you have to be emotional about in the right way. they have to be the best version of those as a piece to remain on coast for a 1st coup. the for on stifling 3 uses. babies ran in the semi finals and it was getting above a with the decisive strikes. the school is a goal of the cup and the 9th of all the season. so face via the, for the full, the president of the spanish football federation, luis, it will be all a says been detained by police as part of the corruption investigation. really, all this was questioned by police attitudes, april choti, author arriving home from the dominican republic. he was released
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a few hours later as part of the investigation with ortiz, were looking into the deal to move the spanish supercop to saudi arabia last month . one of really all his properties was rated as with the offices of the spanish football federation. which related to several arrests in a separate case, he is due to go on trial, full sexual assault and collusion for kissing play. a jenny hum also for the honors has denied any wrong doing. in both cases the call cuts and i tried as opposed to the 2nd highest. i feel totally in history, 272 in a crushing 1061. we never did the capitals. some of them are on the how much? 85 of the 39 deliveries as co council fell 5 run short of the rippled school assistance recently as just a week ago. very slow to 33 before and we're never going to challenge from may. even though richard ponds tried, he's basically been imprisoned. 55,
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i think they are really interesting stubs at 54, but in the, in the capitals would have to just 100. 8066. it's over the 50, the smells of the full race on this useful me to one canada is max for stuff and mix the bounce back of the japanese growing pre of to re retirement at the last race in australia, stuff and was looking to make it 10 wins in a row in melbourne before break issues both and and so he's race, which is one by for raleigh's call of signs the 3 time defending will champions still leaves the drive, the standings and email hits to the says you can. so it gets looking to win back for the 3rd time in a row. i come here of course to try when the race spits. uh, well let's see. um, you know, we had a quite a good start to the year. unfortunately, we had a retirement in australia, so yeah, we want to to come here and show that we, we are quick again, you know, the last 3 years, but especially last year i think and you know, for me since it was a great place, so yeah, hopefully we can do something similar and that's all the supposed to be useful
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tonight. money. thank you. pizza. now, a shortage of drinking wars and mexico is forcing many just don't collecting rain more so to get them through the dry season. supposed to say rain harvesting can transform communities threaten by drought to, to carry on their explains from mexico city. it hasn't rained in nearly 6 months, but that up here they need, this is water reserves are going strong. he's confident what he has stored will get him through the rest of the dry season until he can start this year's rain harvest in 2 months. when i say that i can harvest more than 25000 leaders in one season. for kaylee, one more time, the numbers in between all that i give away to my neighbors. and what i can, i mean receive most i catch between 25 and 30000 leaders on my 90 square meter roof
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. that's to bring me to think they may need enough clean water for his small family to cover all their needs. the need is among a growing number of mexico city residents resorting to rain harvesting as a way to mitigate the cities water crisis. the system installed by an n g o cold is lowered by now works by collecting rainfall from roof, sending it through filters and into storage for all kinds of personal use. organizations that promote rainwater collection sake and transform communities such as this one by bringing otherwise wasted water to some of the people that need it most. but for it to really have a wide impact, it needs political will. and large scale investment. despite a sharp decrease in rain for the climate change, mexico city still gets more precipitation than cities like london, but with no organic way for the water to filter into the underground aquifers that supply much of the city's water. most of it is lost. this,
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along with aging infrastructure and exponential population growth have led to a serious motor shortage in the mexican capital. enter architect loaded that gas bill. we're looking at how water enters from the street, carrying all the run off. she designed this part in the area of the city most prone to flooding where rain water is redirected from the street to natural filtering systems that replenish the aquifers. and that i know that that is a big believer in public spaces becoming natural water rest of wars. so we live in this paradox of star city of drinking water and excess of rain water. and what we're trying to do with this type of projects is to have a way of keeping that rain water into the city and manage it through smaller landscape infrastructure. old projects, slow brain harvesting,
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may not be the 60 solution to mexico's water problems. experts agree, it is a promising start worth investing in value. i know i'll just euro mexico city. okay, that's it for me. not inside destiny's out. i'll be back there in just a moment. the phone, the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all right here. and right now the stream announces era in 5 months of continue responding. israel has destroyed nearly all of causes higher education
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system. 12 of 19 universities completely destroy 95 professors and ph. d holders, 231 teachers and administrators for palestinians describe witnessing apparel and systematic more on education designed to wipe out gaza schools and universe. how it is an attempt to annihilate the policy and influence on the academic work, obvious attempts administrators and students say to silence peaceful protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for freak. all the campuses and activism go head to here and rumble like it's no different. this is exactly what kind of stay discharge israel's motives are clear. read campuses suppress students. fresh hopes for a better future by trying to deplete palace times greatest resource. it's people, a rama. time is
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a time of messy translation worship. reward for every good deed is multiplied by 7. it's also brings nice due to the millions of people around the world to us suffering traps, injury to conflict, devastating disasters, and abject poverty. to make use a cat to human appeal now to help save lives, transform communities the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm my insights is a news life from coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's ministry recalls and defense was of as 2 days, often attack on
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a wrong consulate in damascus. you know it's a nation suspends aid and events at nice and gall so often is riley strike kills 7


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