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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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these which are nice, like me, all the un refugee agency, built it for about $3000.00 now the room more than 5 times that it's not uh, you know, what we are receiving. we have lots of number of 20100. you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. the israel's minutes rate goes up. it's ad defense was this 2 days off for an attack on the ron's consulate, him, damascus. the alarm dire in jordan, this is all just here a life unto horrible. so coming up to children are among 3 people killed in israel . latest attack on gauze at this time targeting of building housing despise people in rough on the not to mention suspends 8 movements at nights and gaza, often on his radio strike, kill 78 workers on monday and rescue is and tie one tried to dig out,
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people trapped and collapsed buildings after a powerful escalate the these really minutes res, calling up. it's a defense reserve is for duty. that's of affairs of retaliation as a rom promises payback for and it's rarely strike that killed. several of it senior ministry officials is really media reporting the countries in the high a lot for a potential. it rang and response authorities in some regions are also considering opening public area and shelters on monday, as well as truck iran. consummate building in syria, getting a senior come on to his deputy and several others. a lot sooner roles have been held for the victims of that attack. mona's gathered up the site as they end up trying south of damascus on wednesday. crowds of people watched a procession of coffins for prayers were held up the shrine. i'll just say it was time to salute has more from occupied east jerusalem. a well after new assessments
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from israel's army. they are going to be bolstering air defenses as well as calling up a reserve as to those air bases. israel's air defense systems are 3 fold, the iron dough missile defense system, which is the most commonly used in israel, the david sling and the arrow. now all of this comes as israel is expecting some sort of retaliatory attack by need audience after is really air strikes in damascus attack. be it on the emission, killing several people among them. a senior i r g c commander. all of this comes additionally, as israel's defense minister, jo, i'll go on just a few days ago, said that israel is quote, turning from the defensive to pursue inches by law and other it on in back groups wherever they are, whether it be damascus made route and all across the middle east, and these rarely army chief of staff hurts. he, however, has also said that he approve new battle and attack plans for the continuation of attacks in southern lebanon. is really media reading into this as
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a wider and broader escalation throughout the middle east. and these rarely army has now raised its alert level to the maximum possible amount kind of central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. at least 3 people including 2 children, had been killed in a new is righty, strike on southern gaza. within the past few hours. a building housing, just based palestinians, west of rough. i was talking to a number of other people with injured in the attack and have been taken to hospital rescue is trying to search for any more survivors printing. but you incense it. suspending a movement at night in gauze because of security can sense the decision comes 2 days off. the israel killed 78 workers, but i'll just hear investigation is found. they were intentionally targeted is really monitoring north 3 consecutive s strikes against the world. central kitchen workers, despite being told of their location proposals that suggest is randy ministry
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officers and soldiers and guns routinely act on their own violating regulations. one is where the newspaper quoted is, randy armies always this thing and gaza. everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims were finding nationals. one was palestinian. it will often monday's attacked, wells central kitchen suspended this operations in gaza. the space palestinians say they feed attacks like these will lead to further food shortages. let's take a look at other agencies who faced similar challenges. the american nit east refugee agency says it stopped operations and gaza altogether. the 8 group had provided an average of a 150000 meals a day, and partnership with will central kitchen in february, but you an agency for palestinian refugees suspended it say the operations to northern gaza. this came off to what it called the collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks and other groups like international medical court, which was one of the largest field hospitals in a rough or is also re thinking it's humanitarian with in gaza. i'll just say it was
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honey. my food has more now from a rough are in southern golf. this is the latest we've heard from uh, organization that are intending to suspend operations across the southern part of the gauze, us ribbon. and the central area and the international medical of the crops is better known among palestinians in the southern part of the guster of as the american field hospital. and it has, it may be, was setup about a 2 months ago. and it has been a providing service for at least 400 patients on daily basis of various vertical supports and, and services that have definitely shown a significant at ease in, in, in the intervention and medical intervention provided for people and less than the pressure on the 2 hospitals across throughout the city and mainly the kuwaiti hospital. that's a small size video facility and then a jar hospital. it's
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a mid sized health facility that already over whelmed and exhausted in terms of medical staff and sufficient medical, the staff as well as the shortage of medical supplies and the fact that the hospital, both of them have turned into more of an evacuation center with hundreds of, of displays, families is shouldering inside the facilities that outside of so the international medical across the board then at hell if in the field hospital in the ground providing services and also providing support for other hospitals across the southern part of the search with joy such loony as general secretary of the american friends service committee, she says these randy ministry is deliberately targeting aid workers inside concepts . so we've been in got us since 1949. we were there to set up the 1st refugee camps after the napa, and our staff are actually telling us that they feel that they are still alive by chance. and that is what they're telling us so. so we are, you know,
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i think about the decision of the world center kitchen and other agencies under the system to suspend their operations. and i can just imagine how difficult piece decisions were made because you know, our mandate as humanitarian organizations as the saved lives. but how can we continue to do that, while our own staff or the 80 workers are we're putting them in jeopardy, and we certainly don't want to do that. there is nothing we can do to keep our staff safe. and, and so we, we know that, and so it is your, you know, has been violating international law every year, every day, every hour in, by the minute and, and we know that, you know, this has been intentional when our step tell us they are still alive by chance they know that they are a target as well, and it is there, it has been not only, you know,
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they've been delaying the trucks. they're closing land crossings. they're attacking slower food, just distributions, making the case for the funding on or why not allowing for a workers in and now for those who manage to enter the bottom them. so the number of humanitarian workers that have been killed and got up to date, a un uh 8, especially from from wonder why exceeds other conflicts. we've never seen anything like that as well. the depths of 3, but his aid work as in these rarely as strikes, has prevent widespread condemnation in the u. k. the british government is cool for a full investigation, and some politicians say that u. k. should suspend um sales to israel. somebody has moved from london the shock against the latest wave of his ready attacks and gaza. this time on the streets of london, medics and solidarity with palestinians located the headquarters of highlands here
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the software company supplying technology to israel submitted, treat cooling for an immediate end to it. activities that the killing of humanitarian aid was received. international condemnation, as well as allies including the u. k demanded offices, the situation is increasingly intolerable. and what we urgently need to say is a star transpired investigation into what has happened, but also a dramatic increase in the amount of age getting into goals that the aid work has killed. james henderson, who'd set the 6 years in the royal marines, a john chaplin a full, a member of the porch of special forces. and um, a veteran pul cubby, who was 47 years old. all were providing security support for these cousins described to him. that's completely selfless and you just want to help people. he
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knew that if he didn't go in and someone else ago and that would probably play on his mind. so james was one of these people that would just sit back up to more than 5 months of conflict. public opinion on the soaring casualties, training pressure on politicians to act. opinion polls have consistently shown that more people are in favor of a ceasefire. the knots and the killing of age work has been in is really a strike is now printing outrage. even in traditionally right wing papers of the british press. someone seeing this moment as a tipping point in the you case, previous the rock solid support for israel. the u. k. government has called israel to follow international law. it continues to maintain what prime minister assumed that caused a very castle licensing arrangement. human rights group say that has to end with the cooling on the government for months to be suspending all the players licenses
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as part of our international coal for a full scale on and ball going all sides to the, to the current conflict. as the bodies of the victims are repatriated, the shadow of this strike weighs heavily on organizations working to help region devastated by this conflict. so nearby ego, i'll just sarah london, and us. my son joe biden said he was outraged in the hot, broken by the kings and american officials say the administration has repeatedly told israel, it must do more to protect all civilians in gaza. i'll just say, what is, how does your castro has more mistakes departments? us state department continues to voice outrage over those rarely military's killing of the 7 aid workers from world central kitchen state department spokesman, matt miller says, the strike never should have happened regardless of the circumstances surrounding what israel has called a case of mistaken identity. it doesn't really matter how they made the mistake. at
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the end of the day, you have 7 dead aid workers who are there trying to deliver humanitarian assistance . so whatever the reason was that led to this tragedy, whatever the mistakes that happened inside the idea, it's not acceptable and they need to do better and they need to put measures in place to ensure that it doesn't happen again. miller, so the us is waiting for israel's bull investigation into the incident to conclude before passing judgment. he would not acknowledge that previous is really investigations into the killings of 8 workers and journalists has yielded no significant rubber cautions. miller said israel's offer to establish a situation grands to better coordinate the movements of 8 workers is much needed and long overdue world. central kitchens. 7 workers were leaving us food warehouse in gaza when their care of them was attacked by this really military. despite having coordinated movements and traveling in vehicles that were clearly marked
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with the angles logo, heidi jo castro. alger 0, the us state department, kind of house department is the mom. its been up dropping out finally has a meeting. the spanish prime minister will sanchez in dough ha. the renewed calls for an immediate cease fire in gaza. today she had a slot, i saw the man. and the last i was we have seen modifying the issue. this lady, by the images of the officer might be difficult left behind, but it is mainly probation. false is often image of middle beseeching and destroying the entire ship, a hospital for 2 weeks of this throwing all the medical equipment and medical supplies. in addition to sitting the place so in size together with the surrounding areas it up and that there in addition to those skills mislead, you could nab of look forward detained or not. and those missing again with the new, with the code for an immediate cease fire. and as the lives of civilians are great and not restricted in the fraser as planned to band foreign news networks,
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including out to 0. it has been shot be criticized by governments around the world of diplomatic editor james base, spoke to the spanish prime minister during his visit though. but the sanchez told us that freedom of the press is crucial for democratic governments. a more generous of died in garza than anywhere else in the world. now problem this and this and you know whose government is binding out as a result for patients in israel. is this quite literally a case of israel shooting the messenger who will offer free press is on the hallmark of any uh, i would say self respecting uh, a democratic government and the from my side on from the spanish type. what we do is to uh, to support to the uh, the, the work uh, made by the majority of these across the world. and especially in gus that in these very difficult circumstances. so many leaders, including yourself, were warned about the danger opposite of this war. spreading in that context,
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israel's recent attack on me, reiney and diplomatic building and the syrian capital damascus. do you think killed top officials of the codes force? do you think that was acceptable or reckless active publications? acceptable? it's not acceptable. it needs to be clarified by israeli government, and of course these and goes into direction that you mentioned before, which is we need to avoid an escalation of the conflict in the region and from a spain we have deployed many years ago, one of our largest, the you emissions on the ground, which is in leaving on the, on the, of course we are trying to, to guarantee the peaceful coexistence between the leaving these people, the, i'm the east where the people in, that's a very difficult border between the, these 2 countries. and, and we are very concerned about the situation and that is why we ask,
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and we commend the sway to government to try to avoid these. the said these regional escalation that we are witnessing, for instance, with these an attack and in series of and you can watch the phone interview with the spanish department and stuff that will sanchez on thursday, april the 4th, at 1430 gmc on top. i'll just say right now um conflicts and places like gaza sedan and hate to you has led to renewed concerns about food security and how it's impacting the number of children being denied. humanitarian assistance. i'll just say it was the question. so me as may be on a security council has made it a point to label the denial of food or other assistance to children, an armed conflict, a grave violation of international humanitarian law. on wednesday, the special representative for children, an armed conflict, reported a shocking increase in such a violations. globally,
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virginia gamble told the counsel that violations and gaza and haiti are driving the numbers up some situations. you love how you live. i. so i be trying to even pay the month i'm or out right denied of shumate didn't access to children, including the situation such as in the okay part body seen in $3030.00. i mean, how do you the to name but to or part they should be held responsible and accountable when preventing children from receiving life saving systems, which today says that existence negatively affects the growth and development. with $1100000.00 garzon is experiencing catastrophic food and security and eminence found in, in the north of the gaza strip. some countries criticized a special representative for not calling out israel. the highly refined board and published by have 4 months deliberately, the my, you money, $30.00 of access leading to stable your money,
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stadium consequences probably closing to going to buy from malnutrition, the validation, the salvation and luck of healthcare. the annual report on children in our in conflict comes out in june and will include a list of countries committing the most serious offences. algeria and other countries have argued that denial of aid should be grounds to include israel on that list. christian salumi alger 0. the united nations shall break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back codes into key rebecca site decision to overturn an election result that splunk protest more in that state. the the
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it's snowing again or at least as a buyer to anywhere from ontario, right? right, so is a great lakes to the eastern states, the sweep and the way the stormy weather has been the story on the last couple of days, most of the home east to us. and that's, that was, it was slow to go off show, but it'll be persistent. i think it, i'm tired, toronto shows that. so it's like the snow by the end of this day. cold breeze persist in terms of slow, the rise. it's to really not particularly nice, you know, the costs, so that's how we get to assassinate, but 10 degrees, admittedly. and to the west. yeah, i know it's spring, but look at this most though, coming into over high drive the old west and states off the us. things haven't changed yet. nothing to spring at least. and here's the tail end of that frontal system. so active just recently, it's giving big shaft, bahamas to cuba. they back into of pots of mexico and guatemala. these big looking charles here. and there's also a fairly wet weather there,
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which is drawing out for the wind. would files of the camera being in south america is the most active. whether not that's on usual is this, here is big sandstone, front of government societies of brazil, i attribute across into power. go and look at the temperatures back knowles in brazil isn't as much as it was, but it's hardly dry of the if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security in outer space, people empowered investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to
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the the welcome back here watching out just a real quick reminder, not about top stories here. this what israel's military is pulling up in san defense was this is for duty. local media reports. the move is in anticipation of a possible response from iran. 2 days up to isabel attracted to conflict in damascus, getting senior uranium imagery. officials, united nations have suspended movements of aid and guns at nights for at least 2 days. the decision comes up to 7. a workers were killed by on his randy as pride. wells central kitchen come play was started on monday, and i'm just here investigation has found that the icons light was intentionally targeted is randy minute treat,
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launched 3 consecutive strikes against the world of central kitchen vehicles. despite being told of, the movers is there a new state media is supporting. 3 members of its security forces have been killed and single 10 years of tax on revolutionary god, bases in 2 separate cities. they have taken place in the cities of ross and try the house and the system village is done provence. 7 gun fights between men and security forces states affiliated media reporting, a separatist group is behind the attacks which have been foiled. forward. you said the situation is now under control. policy in the, in the fighters in the occupied westbank have confronted his riley forces during a raid and the city of jeanine is really military vehicles entering the city. i've been telling them is been fighting in 7 areas. is way less stuck regs across the occupied westbank since the war and
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goes up again now is really showing into lebanon, and that's killed around 50 civilians since october. i think has children, medics and journalists, buddha towns on both sides have been cleared out due to ongoing exchanges of fire, but the and has blah, i'm the is randy ami. i'll just say it was a hush. them visited one boat, a village to see the destruction left behind. as we are on the center of the news, more the village of unlucky water. as you can see, lots of destruction, and this is no different from any other village here on the border with this one. i'm not caught off with this. several is really a strikes over the past few months. and in general, over the border line between the board as here from low florida towards the border area off a ship off, which is like 120 kilometers. there are hundreds of destroyed houses. this is, for example, neighbor here,
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and the one that's destroyed the people of the stones that have already left to let's say for every 105 and they moved in about 2 years. and this also applies to all that area such as i, the shock that's almost healthy, destroyed as it sounds like bleed. uh mesa is about 5 killer that are directly on the borderline. also being targeted on a daily basis by as ready as twice know about that. many civilians been killed over the past 6 months. are over 50 for the and the situation here is a war situation despite the fact that the skirmishes the thought taking place, austin contained too many 3 targets. hash him a 0. look what i saw the, the
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rescue is in taiwan not pulling us quite victims from the rubble of the homes, the strongest quite to hit the island in 25 years, couple of buildings getting at least 9 people and injuring hundreds, the underwater magnitude $7.00 quake struck at around 8 and it was also felt in southern japan, eastern china, and the philippines, patrick, fault report, one worked up to the strongest of the great, there in 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast off the shops of wrapped in communities across the south, full diamonds, causing power cops and some buildings to collapse. text messages to coastal areas of this and ami threats. so human because it was very strong, it's felt as if the house was getting to topple to you. we all tend behind. it was shaking very violently, oldom motorcycles outside our house to pulled over. so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches, the, when i realized it was an earthquake,
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i quickly put on my clothes and shoes. i got a drug, the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task breaks the hips. i won an offshore islands since 1999 when a 7.6 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands. history goes with estimated to 2400 people. more than a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning inside one and authorities. one that says the time is could still come for me. if you don't. how do we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by falling rocks in the why the in area in the taipei area, the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry a search and rescue work for the people to take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures japan into philippines roles. so on synonymy
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a lot depends national broadcaster wanting us to evacuate that homes. okay, now was main airport temporarily suspended all flights. but this nami warnings have since been lifted. the region is no stranger to heidi destructive seismic events. in 2011 japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind points or magnitude. on this, the jones triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also cause to focus human nuclear power plant. this as to the most, a serious accident since june of at a 7.5, magnitude us great comedians davis here hit japan's notes of peninsula coming more than 230 people. patrick talk houses 0 type, a ukraine's president assigned to learning the age of conscription from 27 to 25 as the games to reinforce the fight against russia. but let me, as the landscape says,
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they need another half a 1000000 recruits to hold up russian army advances ukraine and struggle to boost truth numbers for the conflict now. and it said yes for the mobilization comes as nato 5 minutes does meet in brussels. to discuss long term support for ukraine, that considering a $107000000000.00 funding plan, that would roll out of a 5 years. turkey is top election off already has reversed a decision to block. a newly elected map from taking office support is up in celebrating in from local officials have said a previous conviction meant abdulla se, then, should be ruled out for public office, the coolest bach launch demonstrations are rest and several cities. so then cassandra has more to base band up the last say down f romero said, now they're off site again for the 3rd day. thoughts this time celebrating the heart of the vision to withdraw the bed. they have been calling up that up the last
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day that is their honor and they believe well is not being recognized by the authorities in 2009. most of these people voted for the river. this far mayoral candidates passed the mayor from his season and pointed twice. that's why they are very sensitive and they want. they are well as the rest of the night as any other citizens in the country. synopsis slow sauces center to the us. we have bad weather has ended salvage efforts at the collapse baltimore bridge conditions and the attempts go river have also limited rescue divers visibility on the water. the condo ship lost power and collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse. last tuesday, 6 workers died in the incident but so far and the 2 bodies had been recovered. as a state of emergency has been declared in zimbabwe due to extreme droughts,
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climate change on the nino weather effect have been blamed for the failure of annual reigns millions of threatened with hunger force to rely on food aid. however much as a report from iraq you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the mays crop is a rifle. the bodies government says it needs more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry and bobby haynes and president the image. and then douglas declared a state of this off the top on our power priority g is the q adding food 4 o is in by millions knows, bubbling, must succumb to or die from honda. decrypt it is. this is will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security including.


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