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tv   People Power Fighting for Space The Low Earth Satellite Race  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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us and i forced to rely on food aid out of my tests or reports from high rise. you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the mace crop is a right tool. the bodies government stays in these more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry and bobby haynes and president emerson. and then douglas to clear the state of this off the top. when our power priority is securing food 4. o, as in by means knows, but when must succumb to or die from honda. decrypt it is. this is, will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security, including fruit supplement that a grand impulse may if is a stay for food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families, families were told there was going to be a drought,
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but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain full so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something but then a dry smell, assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values and i'll wondering how's it going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that 80 go there is hung up. we usually get most of our maids from rural areas, but they also have nothing is just tongue to. this doc is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need in 4th grade if this drought pacific and millions across the region had been told to extend to police shortages and pricing, please. hold on with us out of their head. i start storms, i've read through the several us states leading many homes and businesses without power drive isn't a high a felt the full force of a strong winds and
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a heavy rain. a clean up is underway and kentucky and oklahoma. but a 46 year old homeless woman died while sheltering and a drainage pipe and flash floods in echoes capital of killed at least one person, many streets and peter was blocked by daybreak and a dozen of children from the nursery, or fried by police. similar floods 2 years ago killed 28 people. that's it from me down. jordan, for now you can find more information on our website out here at dot com. there it is. the news continues here of to people on our site. you, thanks so much in the every year, thousands of on peace to use for scientific research. activate conservation, a say the testings into main 11 east investigate, assuming the legal trade and the scientists hoping to keep them. i'm doing some
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lives beyond this on a tree. caught to you as a month for business on l g 0. the says 2019. the number of such a 2nd and has more than doubled the results of the new space, right? private companies and governments are competing to see you can gain the upper hand in the lucrative orbital space. while this talk to lights have become an integral plots of everyday life on a planet directed launch of thousands of new ones is deepening concerns about how to be used and the potential dangers of older crowd. of people in power investigate the
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the habits above has once again captured the mines and imaginations of those living below. the space industry is in a space renaissance on, like we've not seen, even during the apollo program. this renaissance is not just a competition between superpowers, but a race between billionaires and private companies is maybe the greatest opportunity in technology and communication. but there are plenty of risk involved in it as well. and this risk and reward is changing everything from the way the world connects, the way it wages war. the warren, your plan is really underlined that you know, the world space has changed and the world commercial space has changed. we sent out to investigate the vast cultural, political, and policy implications of this renaissance,
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exploring how the shifting space from public to private, changing nearly every aspect of life on earth, transforming the night sky. the at the smoky check observatory, unless this colorado, the alteration is already on display with the help of telescopes and amateur astronomers, steve mcallister. this star gazing outpost offers clear sight lights to the night. time was the constellations. the big dipper is actually the big beer, which is ursamajor. here's the back leg. so it's a night sky. mcallister know so well is changing. you can see la satellites tonight, maybe a satellite triangle come over. they do that fairly often. moving across the sky like flicks of sand. they are nearly 10000 satellites circling the earth, double the number since 2019. yeah, it's a little bit annoying for someone that i grew up with. very few satellites and b
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know, look up in the sky and rarely seen one and now their zip and across all the time. for astronomers, these bits of light aren't unwelcome distraction, but like it or not, they're not going anywhere. these orbiting specks markers of an entirely new era in space, 32. but none of this happens without the arrival of space x. private space company owned by billionaire evil and must win space ex, launched itself in 9 spacecraft in 2015. it became the 1st private re usable rocket to successfully go to space deploy satellites and come back this break through dramatically. cut the costs to carry and deliver satellites into orbit space. x was a catalyst and built into the whole industry. they did the audacious thing of actually saying we can lower the cost of, of launch met dash is the ceo of a medium founded during the reagan administration. the virginia based company is one of the oldest private satellite operators in the world. and they are currently
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the only company with a network of satellites that spanned the entire globe. last year, they completed an upgrade of their entire system. all 81 satellites carried into space. by musk spoken 9 rockets. they offered for less than 500000000 to launch all my satellites. the next best bit i had was like 1300000000. this cost reduction has opened the space market for years or reading and had few competitors. but now the field is growing. amazon off is launching their kiper network. one web is up there . many others. there's some, there's some networks that are being proposed right now with a $100000.00 satellites. people were alarmed when iridium launched in late nineties . 66 satellites in space. my god, that so many, i mean today, star link already has 4000 in space and they plan on many, many thousands more. this massive expansion, part of a broad effort to collect lease purcell nearly every aspect of the 21st century
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digital world. by connecting the nearly 3000000000 global citizens currently without access to broadband internet. the whole tribe olympic peninsula of washington, more than 3 hours away from seattle is one of the 1st pilot projects for starling. it's enabled them to engage in education. it's enabled them to engage in intel, a health mark. the scone is the director of the washington state broadband office. we're trying to fill in all of these white spaces and lighter colored spaces county's office is charged with expanding broadband internet access to the most rural households that remain unconnected. a task that will take years of interest structure, development from the standpoint of speed to deployment. satellite service can clearly fill in a gap. the people that i know who have utilized starling, have found it to be life changing, its enabled them to conduct businesses that they otherwise wouldn't be able to
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satellites or transforming little america. they're also transforming the battlefield in the days leading up to the complex. we are showing some images that the convoy that we were able to capture these clearly are military vehicles. tony frazier is the executive, vice president of macs are which provides satellite imagery to the us defense department and commercial clients. in february, 2020 to the companies for satellites provided a real time portrait of russia's military assembly around ukraine. they would document early evidence of russian attacks on civilians. we began to capture and chair, evidence of artillery being fired indiscreetly to civilian locations. and here is an image over dyed airport and hospitable ukraine. the surveillance capability was not lost and the russians when they 1st ran, they also did
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a cyber attack against bias that ground terminals because they wanted the disruption key training in communications. victoria simpson is the washington office director of the secure world foundation, a private organization that works to promote space sustainability and peaceful uses about our space. they also disrupt a lot of communications of a good chunk of europe. i took out tens of thousands of terminals, rushes vice out, attack me clear that the rules of engagement had changed. more now included private space companies. most notably beyond most space x in sterling just 2 days into the russian attack, ukraine's minister of digital transformation made a 140 character please. to e. one must writing. while your rocket successfully land from space, russian rockets attack ukrainian civilian people. we ask you to provide ukraine with starling stations that same day. musk responded, startling service is now active in ukraine. more than 42000 sterling
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terminals are now being used in ukraine for everything from communication for artillery teams to internet for hospitals. but there are concerns about sterling's outside impact on the war. most notably that a private company, controlled by the world's wealthiest person, holds so much power. the connection to star link to wage war has been limited in ukraine. the company publicly stated that it took steps to prevent sterling from being used for long range drones. drugs and ukrainian forces have reported some loss of sterling service during counter offensive into russian hill territory. this happening around the time space x was complaining about the estimated $400000000.00 a year. it cost to maintain the service and threatening to cut it off. if the pentagon didn't pick up the tab, there's also been report, you know, that mosque prevented his darling service from being used for a critical ukrainian drone attack on russia's black,
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safely claim. most recently confirmed as was kind of the successful on the rise of big stuff for so they really do to really proactively take part in a major export in june depending on announced a deal with space ext underwrite starling service to ukraine. the concerns remain. so countries like canada, like russia, they say, well, perhaps a company like star link, it's more of a us government entity than a commercial entity. in fact, the satellite space race is potentially giving private companies an unprecedented ability to shape military conflict in geo politics. we wanted to speak with most can space x about that, but they did not respond to our request for an interview with a there's a entered planing of commercial space of national security space. it just shows how much we're interwoven with each other and much as we try and say,
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well this is not my issue. is it not something that's relevant to me? it definitely affects all satellites are also playing in a trickery role in the ways in which those outside of the word zone are monitoring and documenting military actions that violates international law. the jo, because we go, we travel the ukraine every day and, and we, we do so and lower so or orbit that the annual raymond leads deal universities, humanitarian research lab, from sudan to ukraine and russia. ramon's team use a satellite imagery to monitor active conflicts. documenting as troops or militias, burn villages, bomb hospitals, and display civilians. we are basically a digital version of the crime scene investigator, but we're not doing it on the ground of plastic bags, we're doing it from space. in february, the team exposed and alleged russian operation illegally relocating and resettling thousands of ukrainian children. prussian officials were taking selfies in front of
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the buses with the kids and as they were going to the camps. and so from that, we were able to get many data about the gps location of those buses. so we started to use satellites at that point to identify and confirm precise gps locations of the re education camps, where many of the kids are being held and other facilities, including psychiatric hospital and what, what's called the family's centers. one months later, the international criminal court issued a warrant for the rest of the latter being put in. it accused the russian president and his subordinates of unlawfully deporting and transferring children. actually, the court says constitute a war crime. it is for bitten by international law for up to 5 powers to task for civility, assumed territory they lead in to all their territories. russia rejects the allegations especially privately on satellites and including some launched and recent years have helped gather evidence to back up these claims of this the
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satellites combined with cloud computing combined with advancements and artificial intelligence analytics in the past we, we were playing one instrument in the orchestra, like the cello now were playing the orchestra. this all goes back to the 1st beeps from the russian sputnik satellite in 1957, but became more sophisticated in the early sixties during the 1st space race. the personal satisfaction to participate on august 12th, 1960 president dwight eisenhower, his words were transmitted from california and reflected off a mass of balloon called echo one to a laboratory station in hollandale, new jersey. taking off the satellite communications era. this experiment and communication judge by contemporary standards. the early days of satellite imagery
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wasn't even cruder exercise. before we had digital radio download, they literally had a canister film that had to be shot out of the satellite in, caught by a plane at high altitude. and it would come with a scoop net and they had to catch it. and then that in the 19 sixty's, the us air force operated a spice satellite program known as corona. using a panoramic camera, the satellite took the 1st detailed photographs from space. it was completely analog dave, catherine images and film dropped those canisters, and then it would take weeks to process the data to be able to provide insight. now or in a moment where we, we are downloading terabytes beyond all of the imagery that was collected in that era. every day, we're now at daily refresh where the surface of the earth can technically be painted every day. of these paintings largely from private satellites have not only
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opened our understanding of the earth, but introduced an array of ethical questions. you can type the make and model of a car very easily on very high resolution imagery. what if we're talking about domestic abuse or those wind to see if his or her former partner has a new romantic interest? you can now track that car. open data may be great if you're sitting in downtown san francisco and a blue bottle coffee shop, but for the most vulnerable people on the planet open data is a potential nightmare scenario in the sense that data is power. data is people this daily wage of open data is primarily the results of the increasing frequency and declining costs of a launch. pioneered by space ex. today, there was intense competition to drive down the costs even further. in the desert of new mexico spin lodge, a california based company is working on
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a way to take rockets out of the launch process altogether that we've been relying upon rockets as the only means of transporting payloads into earth orbit for the last 70 years. and rockets are very complicated, they are very expensive and they're very inefficient. c, e o. jonathan uni and his company have assembled what they call a sub orbital accelerator. and electrically powered kinetic launch system that spins a rocket like projectile at high velocity inside of the vacuum chamber to launch by greatly reducing the need for rocket fuel and allowing for bigger payloads. why do each launch for a few $100000.00? so we're talking orders of magnitude lower costs than any other launch system out there. danny says they are currently looking for a location to host their much larger and commercially ready orbital accelerator which will be capable of reaching space. we can launch in, you know, as little as
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a few days of notice what you have as a customer. there's a much more turnkey solution. you couple that with the low cost small satellites that the industry is now producing. what you have is really an overhaul of access to space. you know, these companies now instead of taking a decade and billions of dollars to deploy large scale satellite constellations in low earth orbit can now do so. you know, for single digit millions. but this drive to make access to space even more affordable is paving the way for a new telecommunications land rush that points to the potential for catastrophic collisions and space. in 2009, a defunct russian satellite collided within a reading and satellite, just as they were crossing over northern siberia. i got a call from my chief satellite officer at the time and he said, i have bad news and worse news, which do you want 1st. and i said, what's the bad news? and he said, we lost track of our satellite, se $33.00 somewhere over siberia. i sure what's the worst?
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that losing said it could have ran into something else. and i said, okay, i'm not like i'm not experienced with this. how often does that happen? and he said it's never happened in the history of space flights since, but next it, any 2 things in space inadvertently ran into each other. the collision destroyed both satellites, scattering $1800.00 pieces of debris into low earth orbit. that really did change the industry at the time because it was sort of a shock that the sort of thing could happen in that space wasn't so big that 2 things could inadvertently run into each other. and the reasons why they did it was because we couldn't, we could have easily moved the satellite, but we didn't have good information to move it before that after the collision, industry and government officials began to track and share information about the orbital path of satellites. then in 2020, the newly formed us space force began operating the space fence surveillance system,
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a $1500000000.00 radar system capable of tracking objects in space as small as a marble, even with the vastness of space without some sort of organization we're going to see more more issues. melanie strickland, a former air force officer, is a co founder of slingshot aerospace, a texas based company that provides navigational support for the public and private space industry. slingshot uses information from commercial satellites in their slingshot beacon surface, which acts as an air traffic control for space. helping to avoid collisions with another satellite or large piece of space. debris for very busy, very, very busy. we've got a 93 percent of satellites and lower for, but leveraging slingshot beacon today to the conflict, their space, flight operations, and ensure that they don't have any critical conjunctions. but slingshot is not working with the complete data set. the world satellite operators from the
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us to china as a currently not operating under cooperative and standardized space traffic management system. today, national and regional entities want into space activities with different sets of standards, best practices, definitions, languages, and modes of inter operability. for the past 5 years, the secure world foundation has gathered leaders from the private space sector and the world's governments in an attempt to foster coordination. last year they met new york, the under secretary general for policy at the united nations. guy ryder gave the opening keynote address if we cannot to agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk both the safety and the sustainability of space through accidents that will lead to the destruction of all bits and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. in outer space among last year, the attendees, richard del bell, i'm the director of the us office of space commerce,
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the agency responsible for commercial space policy in the united states. it's very difficult to compare to separately, completely separately derived solutions. so you get into a, what is truth problem? as we've recently had examples for a very concrete example with china, where china had alleged that certain us satellite operators were flying too close to their space station. our data indicated that it was not true. and so without worrying about who is right or who is wrong, this is the kind of confusion that i'm, that i'm talking about where 2 operators, maybe both with the very best of intentions. come to a disagreement because they don't understand how they're each of their systems works. it last year, some new york, a main point of discussion was the need for a more to rims on the testing of anti satellite missiles are so called a set tests in 2021 rush,
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it became the latest country to test into satellite weapons firing a missile into a long defunct sleet era satellite, sending more than 1500 new pieces of debris into orbit. well, 1st of all, the make knowledge of the us has done a set of tests in the past, decided that this is not an advisable course. because the russians did one very recently, the chinese and the indians also did a set of tests, whatever the port politics are between countries, this is just potentially destroying an environment for a test. i know who to vote in december of last year, 155 nations voted in favor of a un resolution encouraging nations not to conduct an anti satellite test. 9, oppose the measure, including russia. china has india epstein, but even with an agreed upon moratorium, an anti satellite testing, a mess may be coming by way of what is known as the counselor central. the
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counselor syndrome is like what you saw in the movie gravity. it's a debris on debris. event is catastrophic. and object causes debris that debris splatters in space hitting other objects, causing more and debris and more debris to get a waterfall. depending on the altitude those debris could stay up there for hundreds of years or tens of years. and this would not only increase the possibility of collisions, but could prevent human access to space entirely. in the early days, we had a cold war mentality with very limited objects in space. but now we're to uh, fundamentally different came with dental trogie is the chief scientist to comstock a company that predicts the paths of optics in orbit comstock has created a number of models of what the earth orbit will look like. as the satellite population continues to grow, those videos give you an appreciation for just how many objects could be launched
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and active in space. and the problem with these fragmentation advances, it continues to introduce more and more of these fragments that we now have to track. and if you think of sort of running to your car and it's just barely sprinkling, you can kind of run almost between the drops. if you go really fast, if it's raining a lot, you can't, you're just gonna get hit by something. melanie strickland says the scenario can be avoided, but only if efforts are made to organize space traffic instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail um, you know, a catastrophic debris on debris event. most human beings on the surface are enabled by the sunlight. keep abilities. well, there's the blue dot on your phone, the navigation systems that you use, transportation, global transportation, whether disaster response and so a day without space would be catastrophic to the human race. we'd see ourselves go
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back in time to the fifty's or before a good finding consensus in space will require a dramatic shift and consensus on the ground. it will also require getting a handle on the new power of private satellite operators and how to regulate them. historically, space was dominated by nation states. and if i had a concern about other activities and space, you would take it to the united nations. but now, you know, one of the biggest actors in space is not a national government. it's a commercial actor. and so if you have concerns about what space x is doing, do you take it to the us government, you take it to the united nation, where do you take the sort of concerns and how do you discussing sort of things? the implications of the new satellite space race are far reaching, not only in space on, but here on the ground. for naked eye, we're supposed to be able to see about a 1000 stars. so now if you add another, let's just say $60000.00 satellites. so suddenly youth increased to star count 60
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full, right? so 6000 is going 260000 is could be a different sky. the the latest news as it breaks during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city. they have very good data on the grounds. the grapes pulled over gauze and now from the heart of the story, one in 3, it's children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to for the hydration. as the sun sets individuals within the occupied westbank,
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the bed of multi family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together ended. but lucy was the rest of the week before the start of his re do officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during at 8 of the home . if you could help me, if there's a way in there, i'm going to look at the house on his not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank. at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one at the start table. after a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march. first 2 may 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash
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e m. the israel's military, close up its ad defense reservists, 2 days off for an attack on the roms consulate in domestic the hello i'm darn jordan. this is i'll just say are a lie from tell. also coming up to children are among 3 people killed in israel, latest attack on gaza. this time targeting a building housing displays, people can run, they were target systematically, car my car, the found of wealth. central kitchen says israel deliberately targeted the aid convoys that killed 7 of his workers on monday and rescue isn't taiwan search for survivors. traction comes.


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