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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the israel military, close up its ad defense reservists, 2 days off an attack on around consulate symptoms the following. darn jordan, this is i'll just say are a lie from tell. also coming up to children are among 3 people killed. and israel's latest attack on gaza. this time targeting a building housing displays, people can run they were target systematically, car my car, the found of wells central kitchen says israel deliberately targeted the aid
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convoys that killed 7 of his workers on monday. the rescue is in taiwan search for survivors trapped and collapsed buildings. after a popular of great news . these 20 minutes res, cooling up its defense reserve is for duty. that service is over totally ation as a wrong promises payback for these really strike that killed. several of it. senior ministry officials is really media reporting that the countries on high alert for a potential and reading and response authorities. and some regions are also considering opening public air raid shelters on monday as well struck iran, consummate building in syria, getting a senior come on to his deputy, and several others slush generals have been held for the victims of that attack. a bonus gathered up the site as a nap shrine south of damascus. on the wednesday, crowds of people watched
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a procession of coffins before pans were held at the shrine. i'll just say what sounds of fluid was, has moved from auto body through snow. well, after new assessments from israel's army, they are going to be bolstering air defenses, as well as calling up a reserve as to those air bases. israel's air defense systems are 3 fold, the iron dough missile defense system, which is the most commonly used in israel. the david sling and the arrow. now all of this comes as israel is expecting some sort of retaliatory attack by need audience after is really air strikes in damascus. attack the it on the emission, killing several people among them. a senior i r g c commander. all of this comes additionally, as israel's defense minister jo, up go on just a few days ago, said that israel is quote, turning from the defensive to pursuing his butler and other it on in back groups wherever they are. whether it be damascus made route and all across the middle east . and these rarely army chief of staff hurts. he, however,
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has also said that he approve new battle and attack plans for the continuation of attacks in southern lebanon. is really media reading into this as a wider and broader escalation throughout the middle east. and these rarely army has now raised its alert level to the maximum possible amount kind of central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. at least 3 people, including 2 children, have been killed in a new is rarely a strike on southern gaza. within the past few hours of building housing displays, palestinians, west of rafa was targeted. a number of other people who were injured in the attack had been taken to hospital rescue, was trying to search for any, most of us beneath the rumble for you and says it suspending a movement at night and gauze that because of security concerns, the decision comes 2 days of the israel killed $78.00 workers announces here investigation as found, they were intentionally targeted. there's really ministry, lawrence, 3 consecutive at strikes against the will of central kitchen vehicles. despite
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being told of the movements. the poets also suggest is randy officers and soldiers and gaza routinely act on their own. violating regulations. one is randy newspaper quoted as really ami source are saying and gaza. everyone does as he pleases with 6 of the victims were fined nationals on one palestinian. well, the founder of the well central kitchen says israel is coming up. it's a weird cause was not a mistake, but instead a systematic targeting and an interview with the reuters news agency was the address of chooses israel, of carrying out a war against humanity. they were target systematically, car by car. they attack the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar. we. we have a feeling they were able to escape saves me because was an armor based? this was the only day the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to bring them in. but the 1st time or breakdown was heat and they were able to seem to
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escape. we still don't know all the details on the events and from some people in your people, even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was get, they were able to move into sir one in the process. we know that we're trying to call them, but in the case of the moment, whatever happened they, i tried to beat the idea that why are they doing that? they were target demons, you know, they confidence on, you know, and everything. so my idea then, knowing that was our team moving on that route with 2 or more with 3 cards. and then they hit this or one, and then we saw the consequences of that continuous started and that's 77 people that but they are 7 on top of police. so one to another $190.00 you money died and workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. so these was
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not used by black. the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers. with a battery be fine. you might need, the income boy that had signed seemed to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are and what we do often monday's attack, well, central kitchen suspended a separation and gaza just based upon a study and say they say attacks like this will lead to further food shortages. let's take a look at other agencies who have face similar challenges. america. net east refugee 8 agency says it stopped operations and gaza altogether. a group had provided an average of a 150000 emails a day and partnership with wells central kitchen. in february, do you an agency for palestinian refugees unruh suspended its 8 operations to northern gaza. it came off to what it call the collapse of civil order and
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prevention of safe passage for its trucks and other groups like international medical quote which as one of the biggest frequent hospitals in the rafa is also rethinking its humanitarian work. in the strip hunting black mood has more now from a rough and southern gauze off. this is the latest we've heard from the organization that are intending to suspend operations across the southern part of the gaza strip and, and the central area and the international medical props. is better known among palestinians in the southern part of the gust with as the american field hospital. and it has, it may be, was setup about a 2 months ago. and it has been providing service for at least 400 patients on daily basis of various medical supports and run and services that have definitely shown a significant at ease in, in, in the intervention and medical intervention provided for people and less than the
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pressure on the 2 hospitals across the rough city and mainly the kuwaiti hospital. that's a small size video facility and then the jar hospital. it's a mid sized health facility, but it already over whelmed and exhausted in terms of medical as staff. and so vision medical, the staff as well as the shortage of medical supplies and the fact that the hospital, both of them have turned into more of an evacuation center with hundreds of of displays, families is shouldering inside the facilities that outside of so the international medical across the board then uh hell if in field hospital in the ground providing services and also providing support for other hospitals across the southern part of the search as well. the depth of 3 bunch of side work as in those, as randy strikes has prevent widespread condemnation in the u. k. the british government has cooled for a further investigation. and some politicians say that you cation suspend um, sales to israel. somebody i get has more from london. the shock
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against the latest wave of is really a taxing gaza. this time on the streets of london, medics and solidarity with palestinians brocaded the headquarters of poland to the software company supplying technology to israel. submitted, treat, calling for an immediate end to its activities that the killing of humanitarian aid was received. international condemnation, as well as allies including the u. k demanded offices, the situation is increasingly intolerable. and what we urgently need to say is a star a transpired investigation into what has happened, but also a dramatic increase in the amount of age getting into goals of the work is killed. james henderson, who'd set the 6 years and the royal marines, a john chaplin, a full, a member of the porch of special forces. and um, a veteran pul cubby,
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who was 47 years old. all we're providing security support for these cousins, described him as completely selfless and you just want to help people. he knew if he didn't go in and someone else ago and that would probably play on his mind. so james was one of these people that would just sit back up to more than 5 months of conflict. public opinion on the soaring casualties, training pressure on politicians to act. opinion polls have consistently shown that more people are in favor of a ceasefire. the knots and the killing of age work has been in is really a strike is now printing outrage. even in traditionally right wing papers of the british press. someone seeing this moment as a tipping point, in the case previously rock solid support for israel. the u. k. government has called israel to follow international law. it continues to maintain what prime
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minister soon that calls a very castle licensing arrangement, human rights group, say that has to end with the cooling on the government for months to be suspending all of those licenses. as part of our international kohls for a full scale on and ball going all sides to the, to the current conflict. as the bodies of the victims are repatriated, the shadow of this strike weighs heavily on organizations working to help a region devastated by this conflict. sonya jago, i'll just sarah london. capital is 5 minutes time. i haven't been on the roof, but i'll find a has been meeting the spanish parameters that federal sanchez in dough. ha. he renewed coals for an immediate see sign, gaza. i'll just say it was, rachel said i was at the press conference and sent this updates that there were a wide range of issues to be discussed between the spanish prime minister and the cuts are the prime minister here in the house. but gaza has been the main issue
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that dominated the whole poles. so during the precedence repressor, i, as the cut that a prime minister about she's take regarding the is right, the officials accusations to cut out and egypt that they are not exhorting their influence over. how much in the ongoing negotiations regarding the lease of the captives and also a possible ceasefire? who said that his come threes probably more the focus is to get the deal not to please. and the party at the is the media to and this process not the 40 to the conflict. so with a, a thought is, is doing its best to facilitate to bridge the gap and to make sure to provide an innovative solutions in order to get to i did between the parties. but the responsibility extra deal that a lawyer at the end and the end of the faulty is we are not the ones who are
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controlling the fact that all of these negotiations, yet we are trying our best to ensure that this new association stay on the right course as it pops is around the officials, including the prime minister, but yeah, i mean nothing. yeah, we'll see you in the they are committed to the plan for if it's a kale, envision or rough. i got a greeting, concerns that these could lead the fluid there. i mean it's heavy and cries. so i asked about the potentially publication or a full invasion of rafa regarding ongoing negotiations. this is what the prime minister of cuts. i have to say. we don't see any country, but there's a lot of supporting of that. so i can offer, you cannot, uh coordinate a, uh, the pizza on 50 percent of the population off of us in almost 10 percent of the of the split up and go there and attacking them. it's, it's won't happen without committing image of genocide beside the genocides. that's
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been committed. edlio and was, i don't think this is something would be acceptable for anyone. the spanish prime minister said too many lives were lost. and now what's the time to stop these war? and he has made a cool on is riley prime minister then you? i mean that then? yeah, she said that the resolutions of the united nations security council are binding. and now it is time that prime minister been yeah, i mean the thing yeah. will stops these war um the spanish prime minister also has a retreat of his company's position regarding political commission, or if they've had a scene in states, he said that his company is ready to recognize a unified palestinian state in july. that's who said that was a 0. the solid standing in the fight as in the occupied westbank half confronted his writing forces during a raid in the city of jeannette. is there
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any minute trip vehicles in from the city have been targeted down? there's been fighting in several areas as well. i stepped up right across the off by the west bank some more and guns up again. they ran the instate media of supporting the 3 members of the security forces have been killed in single 10 years of tax on revolutionary gone bases in 2 separate cities. they've taken place in ross and trouble. huh. and the system below just on products then gun fights between men and security forces, states affiliated media reporting, a separatist group is behind the attacks which have been foiled. authorities of the situation is now under control for a short break here, and i'll just say about when we come back, a national disaster is declared in zimbabwe because of the drought of millions across southern africa going hungry plus wind guards, nation american pay, $645.00 and the same inhaler selling the united kingdom. $49.00 by the same of yes,
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president jeff barton teams up with his old rivals. sense of funny sound as to push a low a prescription drug costs more not stay with us. the in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch plays really forces at times shuts out an awesome arrested . a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place for even a child's imagination. discrepancy restricted the skies above, had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to critical debate. the ponies, farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports the whole while good because we money to buy
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informed athenians, the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessment school, in addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera reporting from the extra the 3 when i'm hearing the facts arabic content has been removed or restricted. i'll just say it was teams across the world. bring you closer to the hosp the the welcome back to watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here on out 0. israel's ministry is pulling up
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its ad defense was this for due to local media reports. the move is not dissipation, but possible response from iran to days of to israel attacked conflict in damascus, getting senior uranium military officer. the nation is not suspended. movements of aidan johnson nights for at least 2 days. the decision comes up to 7 a. well, that's what killed funds really s pride wells central kitchen company was targeted . but then i'll just say your investigation is found to be a part of why it was intentionally targeted. it's really ministry norms, 3 consecutive strikes against the will of central kitchen vehicles. despite being told the movements, the rescue was in taiwan, not putting us quite victims from the rubble of their homes. the strongest, quite to hit the island in 25 years, couple of buildings getting at least 9 people and enjoying hundreds the underwater . i'm not going to, it's 7.2 quite struck at around 8 am. was also felt in southern japan,
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eastern china, and the philippines. patrick for, for force one worked up to the strong, distorted great there in 25 years. the magnitude 7.2 quite struck off the east coast, off the shots of rotten communities across the south, full diamonds, causing power, causing some buildings to collapse. text messages moved on to coastal areas of the sonoma threats. so human cause, it was very strong. it's felt as if the house was getting to topple, to yelled hen behind. you was shaking very violently. all the motorcycles outside our house to pulled over, so i quickly switched off the gas and the electrical switches. the when i realized it was an earthquake, i quickly put on my clothes and shoes that i dropped the kid with me and run down the stairs. officials in the capital typeface that it was the strongest task quick, the hit taiwan, and offshore islands since 1999. when a $7.00 magnitude quake the worst natural disaster in the islands history goes. it
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estimated 2400 people. more than a 100 off the shocks recorded since that initial quake struck here this morning inside one and authorities. one that that's a further trim is could still come from a if you cut the audio. we have already seen reports of houses tilting roads damaged and many vehicles hit by folding rocks in the why the in area in the type pay area. the metro and high speed trains was suspended. i would like to request the relevant departments to grasp the golden time for rescue actively carry out a search and rescue work for the people will take the best care of injured people and take emergency resettlement measures japan and to set up these goals so on. so now me a lot depends national, broad costs are wanting us to evacuate. the homes. ok now was main airport temporarily suspended all flights. but does not mean warnings of students being lifted. the region is no stranger to highly destructive seismic events. in 2011
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japan subjects biggest task wake on record. a mess of mind point to magnitude on the see junk triggered a synonymy that left around 18500 people dead or missing. it also cause to focus human nuclear power plant as, as to the most a serious accident since june of at a $7.00, magnitude us great comedians davis, yes, hit japan's notes or peninsula coming more than 230 people. patrick talk houses 0 type, a ukraine's president assigned to lower learning the age of conscription. from 27 to 25. does. he aims to reinforce the fight against russia columbia, as the landscape says, they need another half a 1000000 recruits to hold of the russian army advances ukraine and struggle to boost truth numbers for the conflict now. and it's the 3rd yes. for the mobilization comes as nato foreign ministers, meeting brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine. that considering
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a $107000000000.00 funding plan that would roll out of a 5 years. nato 2nd to general says they've planned to step up assistance ukrainians on running out of courage. they're running out of, i'm a nation. we need to step up now unsure of support is built to last. so in our meeting today, we discussed how to the truth of support on the firm or a more enduring basis for the future will allow us to agree on the need to support ukraine. in this critical moment. there's a unity or purpose. as today, allies have agreed to move forward with planning for a great today to roll in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake. you crank and rely on the to support now. on for the long haul truck he has top
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election, no authority has reversed a decision to block and duty elected mad from taking office. supporters of incentive writing and the city of from local officials has had a previous conviction, meant that up dollars a time from the pro code is the potty should be ruled out. so public office correspond launch demonstrations and arrests. and 7 cities. a state of emergency has been declared in zimbabwe due to extreme droughts. climate change on the on nino have both been blamed for failure of annual reins. millions of threatened with hunger force to rely on food a how much as a report from the capitol zimbabwe. you can see how drive a soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the maze crop is 8 rifles. the bobbies government says, and he's more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry and bobby haynes and president the image. and then god was to clear the state of this off the top one. 0,
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power priority g is the queueing food for o. as in but we ins knows, but we must succumb to or die from honda. decrypt it is. this is will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security including fruit, supplementary grand impulse. it may is, is a stay for food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families, farmers were told it was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain full. so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something. but then a dry smell, assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values and i'll wondering how's it going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that a good, there is hunger. we usually get most of our moves from rural areas,
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but they also have nothing is just tongue to this drought is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need in 4th grade if this drought to assist and millions across the region had been told to accept, we sort of just and pricing places. how do i toss out? is there any storms that route through several of us states leaving many homes and businesses without power drivers in a higher felt the full force of the strong winds and heavy rain. a clean up is underway in kentucky in oklahoma, where a 46 year old homeless woman died while sheltering in a drainage pipes. yes, president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to low a health care costs biden's inflation reduction at the place of $2000.00 cap on medicare prescription drugs. those attempts to crack down and what it calls for the
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claims hutton's to try and increase competition on the health care costs. a white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare centers update at the white house. us president joe biden is doing a bit of a victory lap over legislation. was passed back in 2022. but that he feels many americans are still not giving him credit for. that's why he was the senior senator from vermont, bernie sanders to talk about that legislation. the caps, the cost of many prescription drugs for americans who run a government health care program don't as medicare for years. people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pricing, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you are able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we tried and tried and tried, and finally,
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with bernie's health. i finally got my inflation reduction act, which i've passed, verity health care to pass one republican in the entire congress. this surprised me . i have to admit one single republican voted for not one single want to give a safari to take on and be pig farmer. now one of the big reasons that president is promoting this particular package has a lot to do with his poll numbers and then election year. he is tied or lagging behind his rival, former president, donald trump. most americans are blaming the president for high inflation on t goods, like food costs and heating bills, and are not giving the president credit for lower prescription costs. that's why he enlisted bernie sanders help to promote his health care passage. kimberly help it al jazeera, the white house or well,
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that's it from me down jordan. so now doug got way that you can find more information on our website down to 0 dot com. the weather is next and inside story looks good with israel's attack against the well central kitchen workers is a deliberate strategy to locate the fairly possibly have to season right. has been seen. and as in the forecast, the stuff in china, the lower district suggested he's quite heavy. that will be something that has been for the family that might weeks how return corner as well. hong kong should be all right, 6 degrees, cooler mass at this time. do you see such a high temperature? it is a little unusual but it happened last year as well. and this line extends the it goes off show of from japan more or less days. i'm sure it might just come in
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a little bit. you see this line levels of it, but this is persistence, the chinese and then coming in from the higher ground to the human light is to cold enough air for a little bit. it started here and there. otherwise it's pretty fine looking weather and he jump size though it is still the rainy season that are concentrated. the air is a big dime pulse. and this is more or less natural or body eastwards up through sooner ways the maybe to some philippines relative witnessed. sumatra. students went once a game where it's tyler and i was dry, of course, increasingly humid, which is still the fate of the eastern side of india. particularly coal cancer. 4th, you want to not put not quite a few minutes. on short, feels pretty hot. down in sri lanka, there are signs of shelves and the same is true of caroline. not particularly big. mostly the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and
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everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here and right now, the stream on us president joe biden says he's all traced by is well killing of international aid workers in gaza . the southern victims joining the nearly 200 fathers, sending relief workers killed by his riley forces is attacking 8 supplies. one of the tactics is whilst genocide, the war. this is inside story, the .


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