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tv   Witness Skies Above Hebron  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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an anonymous deals like 800000 lives to perish with mass graves still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra the hello i am dire in jordan and dough home of the top stories here and i'll just say right, israel's minute tray is pulling up. it's a defense reserve is producing local media reports. the move in anticipation of a possible response from iran. 2 days after israel attacked it's conflict in damascus, getting senior irena and ministry officials. the united nations have suspended movements of aiden guns at nights for at least 2 days. the decision comes off to 7 aid workers from wells central kitchen were killed by his radio stripe on monday, for the founder of the wealth. central kitchen says israel king of its 8 was, was not a mistake. but instead,
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a systematic targeting in an interview with the reuters news agency because they unders accused as israel of counting out a will against to monitor. they were target systematically, car by car. they attack the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar we. we have a feeling, they were able to escape safely, that this was an armor based. this was the only day the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to random mean. but the 1st time or big total was heat and they were able to seem to escape. we still don't know all the details on the events and from some people in your people, even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was hit. they were able to move into sir one in the process. we know they were trying to call but in details of the moment, whatever happened,
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they tried to be telling idea that why are they doing that? they were target demons, you know, they confidence on, you know, network on. so my idea then, knowing that was our teams moving on that route with to armor, which we cards. and then they hit this or one. and then we saw the consequences of that when daniel started and that's 77 people that they are 7 on top of police of one to another 192 minute dining worker that they've been to over the last 6 months. so these was not use uh, black situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers with a very be fine human. you thought income boy that had signed seemed to stop in the rules of very color for logo that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are and what we do, or at least 3 people, including 2 children,
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have been killed in a new is ready strike on southern gaza. within the past few hours of building housing displays, palestinians, west of rafa was targeted. a number of other people were injured in the attack and have been taken to hospital palestinian fighters in the altar by the west bank that confronted his ready forces during the raid and the city of geneva is randy ministry vehicles entering the city have been targeted and has been fighting in several areas as well as tip top rates across the off by the west bank. since the war and government began to members of their own security forces have been killed in single 10 years of tax on revolutionary god. bases in ross until the end the system pollutants done problems . 7 gun fights between men and security forces states affiliated media reporting a separatist group is behind the attacks. authorities at a situation is now under control. rescue as in taiwan not pulling
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a great victim from the rubble of their homes. the strongest quite to hit the island and 25 years. couple of buildings getting at least 9 people and enjoying more than a 1000 corporate. lex, no authority has reversed a decision to block a newly elected math. i'm taking office supporters of incentive right and the city of the local officials have said a previous conviction meant that as well as they done from the pro cottage, d and potty should be ruled out a public office. it's on you as president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to lower health care costs, buttons, inflation reduction that place the $2000.00 cap on medicare prescriptions. it also attempts to crack down what it costs 1st became partners to try and increase competition. and lower health care costs, but those were the headlines and these continues here often wouldn't expect you and the
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of the car to clean today and then the content and the odds of it. and then we got in the can you read spirit must need to shut down the so the se, sort of c t medina are, these are the ones that are that you know, when asked us to die. never so can our side of the building, the shuttle collision of the most expensive shed and the so for and
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a half the beep beep beep. beep, beep, beep, beep. beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. beep the
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on the every year the the, the the
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the, the nothing that he hasn't done anything i was there. we were hoping to maybe show them today in the night. okay. the the brother,
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instead of the one shot at the boy that the most, i like the little bit the
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leading medina with the him. i see her in a sort of thing. so in math was spoken. this about alia, down on the bottom of the know, for the moment when the home, i know my, the, i don't wanna go on a shovel, but i do ask what, who do i have? i swear that little solar lenses. you have an album and a positive dease what it was, it has a little minimum and i left off to lindsey and she had the most opening it and a phone number for the the
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of the head, the so the, so the chair he meant to use the shuttle and the whole issue is and so when, for me and the good news jeff, good news in the got the large boxes, the
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the bus is the most of the new stuff like that. uh, yeah. when i pulled up the shows that you have them, so you have any hobbies, you, mcgee, and do you spell your po,
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befalls gotten apples? yes. the the issue with the sale. how long does your most we can so at the warrant due, the 1st one i showed you do would be the best on either cash. read the issue, but i
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the in stoughton is the field on humans in the us in the, in the so this is uninstalled the ends in the ms to this to let know how the message to the lady to sleep. and he looked in foster which yeah,
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my son is um stokes. and the dog would be good to do the home phone the she, cuz the, the, the, know, the know the
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how soon the the, the, the,
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put them in the now let them alone or this is good. so what i this is oh yeah, this is we're hoping to is this is the, the by the, the,
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the, the weather in the home in the,
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the hello. you said this is for the month, it was, oh, it should be in the
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the the issue, the x of issue. and then obviously you have to tell, go to the senior, choose a national. so let's move to the stage where i had to invest me to i had to use the the, the african narratives from african perspective. nature has always been there some way . my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the
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archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look for what is key is that it's part of our history that coupled from nigeria and re writing libraries from africa direct on, i'll just be around the group it for them to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time in the targets a. how does a suppose then you might think these are the other symptoms. wild elephants here have adapt hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites, joel, in the mass of the forest, and on to phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community to samuel imaging dry and take. so 2 distinct shapes, the elephants will adjust
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a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still a thing in the darkness as the volunteers showing lights that attend and they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, and the medicine never forgets the a hello am dire in jordan and doe have with the top stories here on the i'll just say era, israel's minutes res, quoting office and defense reserve is for duty. local media reports, the move is an anticipation of a possible response from iran. 2 days after israel attacked consulate in damascus, getting senior uranium military officials. united nations have suspended movements of aid in guns at night for at least 2 days. the decision comes off to 7, i'd work as from wells central kitchen were killed,
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find his ready strike on monday. well, the founder of the wealth central, if kitchen says israel's beginning of it's a work as wasn't a mistake. but instead a systematic targeting. and then interviewed with the reuters news agency because a andras choose israel of carrying out a war against humanity. humanitarians and civilians should never be paying the consequences of war. this is a basic principle of humanity. at the other time, this looks like is not the war against the resume anymore. seems this is a war against humanity itself. you cannot be destroyed in every building. you're gonna be destroying every hospital risk quote. you're gonna be targeting humanitarian. you're going to be targeting children. joe cannot be finding the basis of what you might need. he should be signing for. or at least 3 people, including 2 children, had been killed and a new is ready strike on southern gaza. within the past few hours of building housing just faced palestinians. west of rafa was it. a number of other people were
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injured in the attack and of been taken to a hospital. palestinian fighters in the occupied westbank up confronted his writing forces. doing a writing. janine is ready vehicles entering the city and targeted others and fighting in several areas. 3 members of their own security forces have been killed in single 10 years of tax on military bases in russ trouble. and these, this done, but it just done prevents step in gun fights between men and security forces states affiliated media or reporting a separatist group is behind the tax authorities set of situations now under control rescues and taiwan are putting a quick victims in the rubble of their homes, the strongest, great to hit the on and in 25 years, couple of buildings coming at least 9 people and in drink more than a 1000. well, those were the headlines. it's not about to witness. stay tuned. thanks for
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watching. bye. for now. on the, on the all the shoot me a call. i'm in the slow course of the,
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the general bed wondering what the dealership let me see. what the hell them shipped to you tomorrow, the shopkeeper. okay . the design, the with the not one of the, not all the ios i in the navy,
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todd is leah hit them. a lot of the bypass of set out
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a lot of fun. yeah. and then the the name. so who
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the of miss middleton this little bit of the the dish the dish to see on the see on the machine. those are still in i see the
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so the last one on the beach 3 the sauce sauce. the
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the, the reason the to oh i the only oh, how do we oh oh i don't know for sure. so go to the most of the most of you on your part. most of the most often there's
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about a minute. so to you on a sudden, on meetings, on the on account of that and i underscore lesson loans as a whole is ish. but the only few items you can give us say, i mean, no matter how them, what though is you dean for the month of the be i do the are by chevy and then for leading to the bedroom. selina venice. yes. yes. beautiful she. so i show them so the,
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the in the course section for sure. what was your quick question with the the the. ringback the
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the names of who was to hi
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action in the, in the the the let me know this issue. this is the law i remember that the one i should not let me share and have
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a simply shut off because the, the shuttle and the rushed in for sure. that'll be fine. okay. so the queen size a cushion the shooting trunk. they shouldn't have been able to validate the
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beat. let me try that. beautiful. i only have to do
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the uh
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the some a little boat is a mechanic at all or even that self driving train to be up or down towards today can be the are the human only robots like me, will be everywhere else. your 0 documentary, which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of little box, land think and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine origin of this, which is a boss or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024
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starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. it's spelling again released as a buyer to anywhere from ontario right through the great lakes to the eastern states. the sweep as the way the stormy weather has been the story of the last couple of days. most of the home east was that's the weather will slow to go off show, but it'll be persistent. i think it ontario toronto shows them. so it is lines the snow by the end of this day, cold breeze persist in terms of slow, the rise. it's to really not particularly nice, you know, the cost. so that's how we get to assassinate, but 10 degrees, admittedly. and to the west. yeah, i know it's spring, but look at this most coming into all the high drive the old west and states off the us. things haven't changed yet. nothing to spring at least. and here's the tail end of that frontal system. the so active just recently, it's giving big shaft,
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bahamas to cuba. they back into of pots and mexico and guatemala. these a big looking charles here. and there's also a fairly wet weather there, which is drawing out for the wind would files of the caribbean in south america is the most active. whether it is not that usual is this here is big sandstone fronting reference to the se. there's a i to view require i'm into panic, right? not going to temperatures back knolls and brazil isn't as much as it was, but it's hardly dry. and the searching is own from the rwandan genocide, the same of remembered school bone in honor of the, of 800000 lives to perished with mass graves still being from a many rwandan steward displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of
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the rwandan genocide on out to sierra in 2018. a john this led 40 days of civic action against the on the union government. i'm president sockets young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square and documentary photos. he's non violent campaign to bring down a car up through jean, tarnishing outcome with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media as velvet resolution. on the israel's miniature, it goes up. it's ad defense was that there's 2 days off to an attack on around the consulate in damascus. the other ones are in jordan, this is out to 0. 9 from tow. also coming up. they were target systematically,


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