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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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i am not alone on many as velvet resolution. on alex's era, the israel's miniature, it calls up its ad defense, was that as 2 days off to an attack on it runs consulates in damascus. the other ones are in jordan, this is out a 0 line from tow also coming up. they were target systematically, car by car. the found of wells central kitchen says israel deliberately targeted the 8 convoy that killed 7 of his work. cuz on monday full, somebody hit somebody the he and i'm going to be telling you how one under covers rate a unit has been infiltrating the occupied mustang. and we live in taiwan, does rescue a search for survivors, trucks and collapse,
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buildings pulling wednesdays. awful. that's great news . please wait a minute, raise cooling up. it's a defense was of his for duty. that's of affairs of retaliation as a ron and promises pay back full and his right strike that killed several of the senior ministry officials is really media reporting that the country is now on high alert for a potential it range and response authorities in some regions are also considering opening public air raid shelters on monday as well struck iran, consummate building in syria, getting a senior come on to his deputy and several others a well sooner olds have been helpful. the victims of that attack bonus gathered up the site as a map shined up south of damascus on wednesday. crowds of people watched a procession of coffins for prayers were held up the shrine. i'll just say what time the salute has moved from occupied east jerusalem. well, after new assessments from israel's army,
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they are going to be bolstering air defenses, as well as calling up the reserve as to those air bases. israel's air defense systems are 3 fold. the iron don't missile defense system, which is the most commonly used in israel. the david sling and the arrow. now all of this comes as israel is expecting some sort of retaliatory attack by need audience after is really air strikes in damascus. attack the it on the emission, killing several people among them. a senior i r g c commander. all of this comes additionally, as israel's defense minister jo, off the lawn just a few days ago, said that israel is quote, turning from the defensive to pursuing his butler and other it on in back groups wherever they are. whether it be damascus made route and all across the middle east . and these rarely army chief of staff hurts the however, he has also said that he approve new battle and attack plans for the continuation of attacks in southern lebanon. is really media reading into this as a wider and broader escalation throughout the middle east. as these rarely army has
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now raised its alert level to the maximum possible amount from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. at least 3 people, including 2 children, had been killed in a new is ready to strike on southern gaza. within the past few hours. a building, housing displaced, palestinians, west of rough or was it a number of other people were injured in the attack. have been taken to hospital rescue is trying to search for any most of mine was beneath the level for you and it says it suspending a movement at night in gauze because of security concerns. the decision comes 2 days after as well. killed 781, cuz i'll just say of investigation that's found. they were intentionally targeted. there's really ministry launched 3 consecutive s strikes against the wells central kitchen vehicles. despite being told of the movements. proposals that suggest is rarely offices and soldiers in gaza, routinely act on their own violating regulations. one is reading newspaper quote,
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that is very ami sources saying and gaza. everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims will find nationals, and one was palestinian. well, the founder of the world, central kitchen says, as well as killing of its 8 was, was not a mistake. but instead, a systematic targeting in an interview with the reuters news agency. i was a under, as accused as israel, of coming out to war against humanity. they were target systematically, car by car. they attacked the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar. we, we have a feeling, they were able to escape safely. this was an armor. basically, this was the only day the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to bring them in. but the 1st time or break the boys heat. and they were able to do the same to escape. we still don't know all the details on the events. and from some people in your people,
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even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was hit, they were able to move into a 3rd one in the process. we know they were trying to call. but in details of the moment, whatever happened, they tried to be telling idea that why are they doing that? they were target demons, you know, they conflict and so on, in an area on. so my idea then knowing that was our teams moving on that route with 2 or more with 3 cards. and then they hit this or one, and then we saw the consequences of that when daniel started. and that's 77 people that they are 7 on top of a lease of one to another 192 minute dining worker that they've been killed over the last 6 months. so these was not used by black. the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no,
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this was over 1.51.8 kilometers. with a battery be fine. you might need the income boy that had signed seem to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are and what we do well, despite the palestinians, say they fear attack, select the one on wells central kitchen, will lead to for the food shortages. so let's take a look at the other agencies who face similar challenges. the american near east refugee agency says it stopped operations and gaza altogether. the group had provided an average of a 150000 meals a day, and partnership with the will central kitchen. in february, the u. an agency for palestinian refugees unrra suspended its 8 operations to northern gauze. it came off to what it called the collapse of civil order and prevention of safe passage for its trucks and other groups like international medical coal, which has one of the largest field hospitals in a rough or is also rethinking it's human. it's here in the woods in the strip. i'll
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just say it was honey buckley wood has moved from rafa in southern gaza. this is the latest we've heard from the organization that are intending to suspend operations across the southern part of the gaza strip and, and the central area. and the international medical props is better known among palestinians in the southern part of the government as the american field hospital . and it has, it was set up about a 2 months ago. and it has been providing services for at least 400 patients on daily basis of various medical supports then and services that have definitely shown a significant at ease in, in, in the intervention and medical. and the vision provided for people and less than the pressure on the 2 hospitals across the rough city and mainly the kuwaiti hospital. that's a small size video facility. and then a jar hospital. it's a mid sized health facility that already over whelmed and exhausted in terms of
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medical staff and sufficient medical staff, as well as the shortage of medical supplies and the fact that the hospital, both of them have turned into more of an evacuation center with hundreds of of this weights, families is shouldering inside the facilities that outside of so the international medical across the board. then at the health of field hospital in the ground providing services and also providing support for other hospitals across the southern part of the search as well. the best of 3, but is edward because in those is randy ed strikes has provided widespread condemnation in the u. k. the but it's government has cool for a full investigation. and some politicians say, but you cation suspend um, sales to israel. somebody that has moved from london the shock and anger against the latest wave of his ready attacks in gaza. this time on the streets of london, medics and solidarity with palestinians located the headquarters of poland to the
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software company supplying technology to israel. submitted, treat, calling for an immediate end to its activities that the killing of humanitarian aid was received. international condemnation, as well as allies, including the u. k demanded offices, the situation is increasing the intolerable. and what we urgently need to say is a star a transpired investigation into what has happened, but also a dramatic increase in the amount of age getting into goals that the aid work has killed. james henderson, who'd set the 6 years in the royal marines. a john chaplin a full, a member of the butcher, special forces and ami veteran pul cubby, who was 47 years old. oh, we're providing security support for these cousins described to him. that's completely selfless. and you just want to help people. you knew that if he didn't
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go in and someone else to go and not with poverty play on his mind. so james was one of those people that would just sit back up to more than 5 months of conflict. public opinion on the soaring casualties is printing pressure on politicians to act . opinion polls have consistently shown that more people are in favor of a ceasefire. the not and the coming of age work has been in is really a strike. is now printing outraged. even in traditionally right wing papers of the british press, someone seeing this moment as a tipping point in the you case, previous the rock solid support for israel. the u. k. government has called the israel to follow international law. it continues to maintain what prime minister assumed that caused a very castle. so licensing arrangement, human rights group, say that has to end. we've been cooling on the pickup and for months to be
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suspending all of those licenses. as part of our international kohls for a full scale on and ball going all sides to the, to the current conflict. as the bodies of the victims are repatriated, the shadow of this strike weighs heavily on organizations work in to help region devastated by this conflict. sonya jago, i'll just sarah london, a palestinian assigned to is in the occupied westbank of confronted his writing forces during a raid in the city of geneva. is there any miniature vehicles in from the city have been target? they've done. there's been fighting in several areas as well as kept up rates since the war industrial began will stand and they'll provide westbank where these really minute treat has increased its use of the couple of units. members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians for conducting arrests and assassinations. and does need to abraham report. it often
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a risk the lives of palestinians going about that daily lives. minutes before people breaks in the lead on model on file, the owners of this class and shop with quickly taking orders. it was a regular d, as in he sort of fiji tempted this whole thing until this was in these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers really soldiers and it was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me too. i said leave him, but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go. we have the army. someone else soon came with the big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle of trust, and the arrested 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation. left to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured. in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved
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a he wrote arrest opperation. when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover, the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate the palestinian communities. how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered most and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out that operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the raids across the occupied with thing. lately, the under cover units has been targets in palestinians in refugee camps. there, however, the crowded areas and its activities are putting people a trust. but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the last or if you do come to the north of the occupied west bank. don't want to leave room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the county. had that how as these obstacles of poets, of vehicles, we don't recognize, count into the can we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and
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papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of which even those who detect the suspicious presence might be had the price in early october we met the mother of $15.00, you to was dropped for the how may say in did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome, do you run morning and shouting special forces. so these really soldiers standing over the saw him and he felt he done it. the army did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupt that. their plan with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's in the rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital, or even if i left to shop the day,
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but he manages ita the occupied west bank. the right hand state media is reporting is free. members of a security forces have been killed in single 10 years of tax on revolutionary don't bags in 2 separate cities. they've taken place and rock on shop ah, in the system below just done problems have been gun fights between on demand and security forces states affiliated media reporting, a separatist group is behind the attacks, which i've been foiled. authorities at a situation is now from the control stop and shop right here. and i'll just say right, when we come back courts into key over the side decision to overturn an election reserve that spot to protest rather than a. so did a lot of searching for a better life. we looked at a new report on the flight of migrants navigating the treacherous diarrhea and whatnot.
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the fairly possibly have to season range has been seen. and as in the forecast, the southern china, these, the lower districts suggest it is quite heavy. that will be funding and that has been for the from that might weeks how return corner as well. hong kong should be all right, 6 degrees cooler mass at this time. do you see such a high temperature? it is a little unusual but it happens last year as well. and this line extends the goes off show from japan more or less days. i'm sure it might just come in a little bit. you see this line levels a bit, but this is persistent the chinese and then coming in from the higher ground to the human light. it's still cold enough air for a little bit of started here. and there, otherwise it's pretty fine looking weather and he jump size though it is still the rainy season that are concentrated. the air is a big dime pulse, and this is more or less mass from full body eastwards up through sooner ways the
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maybe to the some philippines where it looks west, east, sumatra students went once again where it's charlotte and i was drawing the coffee increasingly humid which is still the fate of the eastern side of india, particularly coal cancer, for if you want to not put, not quite a few minutes. on short, feels pretty hot. down in sri lanka, there are signs of shelves, and the same is true of caroline. not particularly big. mostly the, the unique perspective. everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here. and right now the stream announces era. it's
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the the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this uh, as well as minutes range, cooling up its and defense reservists, but due to local media, post the movies and anticipation of a possible response from iran. 2 days off to israel attacked. it's consummate in damascus, getting senior uranium ministry officials, they're not to nations have suspended movements of aiden guns at nights for at least 2 days. the decision comes up to $78.00 were because were killed by an is randy strikes. wells central kitchen company was targeted on monday. the rescue was in taiwan not putting
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a great victims on the rubble of their homes. wednesday's magnitude 7.4 quite was the strongest to hit the island in 25 years. at the top of the buildings, cutting off these 9 people and injuring more than a 1000. i'll just there was a patch of focus live for us in quality and on tie one's east coast. patrick. so just bring us up to date. been with the latest on these rescue efforts to get people out of old as collapse buildings there. what i can tell you, that's all, but it's one of the roughly 70 people that were trapped and collapsed. buildings have now been rescued before the se, but a woman, the 33 year old died wall retrieving pets. tragically, that's according to reports. but you know, there's a massive clean up job taking place to in while in now this 37 year old commercial building behind me, as you can see, is the leading on a heavy tilt since the us quite struck and work. isn't that busy trying to demolish
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it? what the trying to do as far as i understand is a build up this rubble and from so they can lay down gently as well. they've been boarding up the sides. so it does look as though it could be coming down any modem and that, but, you know, looking around here, what's remarkable is that this really is the exception and then most of the other buildings will that sort of bearing degrees of damage to abilities. most of them are intact and spending. so and again, as i say, this really is one that stands out and there are very few buildings. if you look across the landscape here that have been as bad be infected as this. so they're all questions being asked about the structural integrity of buildings that have been badly and questions about whether or not to any one is to blame. but as we know, so i want is prone to was wake. so buildings all built to withstand these sorts of dissolved those ends yesterday was
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a real test for buildings here. and so i want and patrick, how would people coping the with off the shelf, continuing over the past 24 hours. is that well, you know, speaking to people in here in wally on this morning, they were really shaken physically in the motion. the by the quick yesterday as you've heard already, this was the biggest quaker taiwan has seen in 25 years. but things with y'all getting back to normal by lodge and people are trying to pick up the pieces though . typically, there are a lot of crockery shops just out of here and there, there is a lot of business this morning because of all, obviously a lot of people have broken china as a result of what happened yesterday. but of course, there's still a lot of uncertainty about what slide ahead. authorities have the next 3 days. they could still be a big off the shop. so people are appraised for that. the military is just around the corner here on the hand to provide a support if necessary, as a say, you know,
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people are waiting and expecting that that could be a treatments to come in the hours and days ahead. all right, patrick, for apply for 7 holly and on the east coast of taiwan. patrick, frontier or not your kindness president assigned a low lowering the age of conscription from 27 to 25 because he came to reinforce the fight against russia. a lot of minutes and as he says, they need another half a 1000000 recruits to hold up the russian army advances. ukraine has troubled the booths troop numbers for the conflict now, and it's the 3rd year from the met life section comes as mater appointment. it says meet in brussels to discuss long term support for ukraine, that considering a $107000000000.00 funding plan, that would roll out of a 5 years savings. tron struck for it as more from the ukraine in capital p. the nights i plan being discussed, involves potentially taking a great to a coordination role away from a group known as the ukraine defense concept group. now this was established in the
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immediate off to most of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. in february 2022 . it's made up of 56 different countries, including little searching to members and as being pivotal in supplying ukraine with the weapons that it says it needs. there is a growing failure among certain dates or members, but because of potential domestic political pressures on various leaders in the coalition. but that kind of role needs now to be ruled on the move of a nato umbrella, and there were specific fish among certain dates, the members of, for example, the return of donald trump, the, to the white house in us selections next year. this is being described by psalm as a, a trump proof plan, because we know how uh, president trump has often criticized nato. and is a lot more isolationist, arguably than the current leadership in washington. the hub being comments made by
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various foreign ministers on the back of today's meeting in brussels. hungry is 4 minutes. the 2nd hungry will not back any proposal. that major will be alliance, closer to will or shift from a defensive to on offensive co relation. but all the ministers a lot more candid and a lot more blunt, indeed one diplomat unnamed, but quoted by the voices. news agency saying basically that nato just doesn't have a budget for this. there isn't the money for this kind of plan to succeed. so that an example of the kind of fractions that kind of different opinions in size, nato and the kind of challenges that the, the alliance faces in giving you crane long term support in the years ahead child strap it onto 0 keys, a pro kurdish politician in the eastern took, he has had his victory and this week's local elections restored. the cities elections board had refused to certify his mail or when sparking days of protests
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and dozens of arrests after the rest of them cost. the only reports now from the city event, where supporters have incentive writing is reading statements. design yellow see this is the moment up, the ones they don't learned. the election board had to versed in earlier decision and recognize his victory in the race for may or of on a city and se, into kit. he received 55.5 percent of the vote as the procured the stem parties candidate and local elections last sunday. but the electoral body initially council has mended citing and legal technicality is awarded the race to the ruling of parties. candidates who received on the 27 percent of the vote. the name is we learned that a decision has been made in our favor. justice has been served. we would like to thank our friends who contributed and resisted for 3 days. word spread quickly and hundreds of thousands of citizens flocked to his party headquarters. these 3 square
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c for 2 days celebrating their victory voters in vaughn and other se and provinces had protested the previous ruling and battled with police before the reverse. so we're very happy, we didn't leave the streets. and finally we got what we deserve. others no one can speak to the will of the kurdish people of the lives they done is the people to though curtis motor say they want the political will to the recognize in the same way that other citizens of the country are today. it has been seen on because so the balance is 01 south is through can know a new human rights watch report says columbia and panama a failing to protect migraines. crossing the treacherous diary and got hundreds of thousands of people sleep through the natural divide between the 2 countries. every
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yeah. but as long as there was money, a raffle, their reports there were increasingly vulnerable to rubbers. and even the sexual bonus of more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the dairy and gap last year. the infamous jungle that connects columbia and to panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough drain. that's what we need us to just keep getting. those caught up the, the obligations that both the columbia and panamanian states have, in accordance with their international obligations, have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their territories, regardless of nationality. conditional investigators say panama and columbia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigators say migrant
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space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and nothing in the list. i think yet lot of one of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation in losing the ability to provide attention and border areas as lead to criminal groups being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. because the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to contain them. if someone's be in the coma math, but it's on us, it's done. we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous routes. what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain the
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recommendations published by human rights watch seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect the human rights of migrants across the americas. and move it up a little elgin's here. yes, president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to low a health care costs. 5 means inflation reduction. i placed a $2000.00 cap on medicare prescription drugs. those attempts to track down to what it calls full speed claims happens to try to increase competition and the health care costs a white house correspondent, kimberly how could sent this update at the white house us presidential by then is doing a bit of a victory laugh over legislation was passed back in 2022. the city feels many americans are still not giving him credit for. that's why he was with the senior senator from vermont, bernie sanders to talk about that legislation. the caps,
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the cost of many prescription drugs for americans who run a government health care program known as medicare. for years, people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pressure, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you're able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we've tried and tried and tried. and finally we burned his health. i finally got my inflation reduction act, which passed. bernard helped get a pass one republican in the entire congress. this is the surprise. may i have to admit you, not one single republican voted for one single want to give us a 3rd you to take on a big farm. now what is the big reasons that president is promoting this particular package has a lot to do with his poll numbers and then election year. he is.


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