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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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the the they were target systematically, car by car, the founder of wells central kitchen says israel deliberately targeted the aid convoys that killed setting off his work. cuz on monday, the, on carrie johnson, this is alex, is there a life from day? also coming out to deborah he and i'm going to be telling you how one under covers rate a unit has been infiltrating the occupied. westbank is rouse minutes, recalls up. it's a defense for service. 2 days, often the tackle new runs concepts in damascus and rescue is in taiwan search for
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survivors, trucks and collapsed buildings. and wednesdays, powerful. that's quite the founder of the wealth. central kitchen says israel's kidding of its 8. what cause was not a mistake. but instead of a systematic targeting is rarely miniature in north 3 consecutive s strikes against the 8 agents. these vehicles, despite being told of the location 7 workers were killed in the strikes on monday, the 4th so, so i suggest is rarely offices and soldiers in gaza. between the act on their own validating regulations. one is reading newspaper quoted, this very obvious, also saying, gaza. everyone does as he pleases. 6 of the victims with foreign nationals and one was palestinian un says it's the spending 8 movement at nights in gauze because of security concerns is integrated with the right says use agency jose. and as
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a tuesday's relative carrying out a war against humanity, they were target systematically, car by car. they attack the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar. we have a feeling they were able to escape saves me because was an armor baker. this was the only day the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to bring them in. but the 1st time or breakdown was heat. and they were able to seem to escape, we still don't know all the details on the events and some, some people in your people even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was hit, they were able to move into sir, one in the process, we know that we're trying to call but indicators of the moment. whenever it happened, they tried to beat the idea that why are they doing that?
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they were target demons. you know, they confidence on narrate bunch of idea and then knowing that was our games moving on that route. we to our more which we cards and then they hit this or one and then we saw the consequences of that continuous started and that's 77 people that they are 7 on top of police. so what do i know there? $190.00 few money dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. so these was not used by black. the situation where oaks we dropped a bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers with a very be fine. you might need that income boy that had signed seemed to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are. and what we do now is this era investigation is also found that the 8 calling of why was intentionally targeted,
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our defense set us out of control us has more on the want investigation uncovered. now does the or investigation has found that these really military, intentionally targeted the world's central kitchen comb boy in 3 consecutive airstrikes, despite being called a tragic accident by his well, here's what the evidence shows to wealth. central kitchen says it's 3 vehicles left the warehouse here in the or above sometime around 10 30 pm local time. on monday, april 1st. come boy travel. just 4 kilometers. mickey to rashid street along the coast. witnesses say the 1st vehicle was hit by missile the just before 10 45 pm. the injured was seen being transferred from the 1st car to the 2nd on the vehicle. second call made it 800 meters self from the 1st attack. when it too was bolt killing everyone inside photos from the same clearly show it was hit straight through the roof by project tall from above. the 3rd vehicle into comb,
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fully made for the 1600 meters. turning off the main road in an attempt to avoid destruction before it was hit by 3rd and final strikes, also through its roof. the colors were clearly marked on the international. a group had told these really military of its teams whereabouts, giving them the coordinates, questions remain as to why these really military talking to this aid called boy, it's definitely a brutal but whether it's brutal as a matter of high level policy to discourage other a n g o's from a risking a repetition of this kind of disaster, or whether it was something that went somewhat wrong in its execution and authorization in
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an area deprived of fuel and petrol. there wouldn't be little traffic, mostly a trucks. and these really military vehicles in the area, the aide cause we're moving into 3 vehicle comb boy, clearly bought from above. the missiles use were of a type, the maximize destruction in a very small space, primarily used for targeted operations in urban areas. chris cope smith is an experience weapons expert who has worked and goes on the scene symbol of weapons used. i went and talked with some n g, a humanitarian, and just looking at potential well, crimes looking at potentially human rights violations and backs. and this is what setting, so years ago it began to child spot. there was a weapon system being used for our inside talk talk to assess nations, but to target very specific individuals, groups of buildings and then particular cause. and this weapon system produces just
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the sort of effect by saying all these um, boy stayed on these vehicles. among the dead was 3 security consultants hood by wealth central kitchen, whose job would have been to liaise with these really military on the whereabouts. the fact that the company was hit several times, each strike some distance in time. a part suggest that this act was intentional and that the company was deliberately destroyed. alex gets helpless to 0 of the mondays attack. well central kitchen suspended it. so patients in gaza displaced, palestinians say they fear attacks like these will lead to for the food shortages. let's take a look at all the agencies who face some of the challenges in american the east refugee agency says it stopped operations and gaza altogether. the 8 group had provided an average of 150000 meals a day in partnership with wealth central kitchen. in february, the u. an agency of,
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of palestinian refugees suspended its 8 operations to northern gaza. this came off of what it called a collapse of a civil then prevention of safe passage for trucks and other organizations like international medical call, which has one of the largest field hospitals in rafa is also re thinking it's my detailing work in the concept, honey. more fluid has more from rafa in the southern gospel. this is the latest we've heard from the organization that are intending to suspend operations across the southern part of the gauze, us ribbon. and the central area and the international medical props is better known among palestinians in the southern part of the guster that the american field hospital and it has, it was set up about a 2 months ago. and it has been a providing service for at least 400 patients on daily basis of various vertical supports and, and services that have definitely shown a significant at ease in,
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in, in the intervention and medical intervention provided for people and less than the pressure on the 2 hospitals across the rough city and mainly the kuwaiti hospital. that's a small size video facility and then the jar hospital. it's a mid sized health facility that already over whelmed and exhausted in terms of medical staff and sufficient medical, the staff as well as the shortage of medical supplies and the fact that the hospital, both of them have turned into more of an evacuation center with hundreds of, of displays, families is shouldering inside the facilities that outside of so the international medical across the board then at hell if in the field hospital in the ground providing services and also providing support for other hospitals across the southern part of the search at least 4 people including 2 children have been killed in new is really strikes on the southern guns that within the past few hours of
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building housing displaced. hottest deals, west of reference targeted number of other people were injured in the attack and taken to the hospital rescue is trying to search for any more supplies beneath. the hottest thing insights isn't occupied, westbank has confronted is very forces during the raid and the city of janine was raining minutes in vehicles entering the city. having targeted on there's been fighting in several, israel has stepped top rage and occupied westbank since the one goal is to be done . and then they'll keep out of westbank. these very ministry increases use of under cover units. members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting arrests and assassinations. i say the abraham reports is often the risk the lives of protestants giving about their daily activities. minutes before people break that the lead on model on file,
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the owners of this call off himself with quickly taking orders. it was a regular d as he sort of fiji. tempted to solve for the occupied listening. until this was of these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers, where the soldiers was holding my brother and he was holding me to i said, leave him. but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go. we have the ami, someone else soon came with the big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle at 1st. the rest that 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation. to do that, after mass to somebody says they're lucky, no one was injured. the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest operation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members
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receive training on how to infiltrate palestinian communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered most and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their authoration. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the reeds across the occupied with thing. lately, the under cover unit has been targets in palestinians in refugee counts there. however, the crowded areas and it's activities are putting people that's risk, but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the last or future capital than most of the occupied west bank. don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the town. had that how as these obstacles of poets, of vehicles, we don't recognize, count into the can. we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of what even those who detect the
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suspicious presence might be, had the price. in early october we met the mother of 15, utah was dropped for time, a say in did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome. do you run morning and shouting special forces. so these really soldiers standing over the saw him and he felt he done it. the army did not come foot from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan. with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is ready forces disguise this patients and doctors assassinated sweet palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's an arrest operation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital, or even if i left to shop the day, but he manages ita the occupied. westbank is ready minutes res quoting off. it's
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a defense for service for g t. i'd say that the as of retaliation is around it, promises to respond often it's very strive killed. several of its senior ministry officials is ready media reporting that the countries on high and the for potential arraignment response authorities in some regions are also considering opening of public a raid shelters on monday as well struck around concept building in syria. kidding . a senior come on to his deputy and several office funerals have been held for the victims on the back to attack. one is gather that there's a, there's a knob trying south of damascus on wednesday. crowds of people watched the procession of coffins before prayers were held at the shore. and this how, who has more from occupied these jews a well after new assessments from israel's army, they are going to be bolstering air defenses as well as calling up a reservist to those air bases. israel's air defense systems are 3 fold. the iron to missile defense system, which is the most commonly used in israel, d,
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david sling and the arrow. now all of this comes as israel is expecting some sort of retaliatory attack by need audience after is really air strikes in damascus attack. be it on the emission killing several people among them, a senior i r g c commander. all of this comes additionally, as israel's defense minister jo, off the launch just a few days ago. so that israel is, quote, turning from the defensive to pursuing his butler and other it on in fact groups wherever they are, whether it be damascus made route and all across the middle east. and these rarely army chief of staff hurts. he, however, has also said that he approve new battle and attack plans for the continuation of attacks in southern lebanon is really media reading into this as a wider and broader escalation. so we're outing with at least as these rarely army has now raised its alert level to the maximum possible amount from the social is 00
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occupied east jerusalem. and rainy and state major was reporting 3 members of its security forces, having killed in single, tenuous attacks on revolutionary god, bases in 2 separate cities, both in the system it's just on provence, in the east 7 gun fights between men on security forces and states affiliated media reporting a separatist group is behind the attacks which have been filed far to say the situation is under control as well. so it's a come on out. is there a natural disasters declared in zimbabwe? the cause of droughts? millions across southern africa getting hungry on drums into sol suite while searching for back to the us. we look at the new reports on the plots of migrants. navigating the treacherous are going down the
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the, it spelling again, or at least as a buyer to anywhere from one of the heavier rights is a great lake to the eastern states. the sweep as of the way the stormy weather has been the story of the last couple of days, most of the home east to us. and that's the weather will slow to go off show, but it'll be persistent. i think it, ontario toronto, shows them. so slides is snow by the end of the stay. cold breeze persist in terms of slow, the rise. it's to really not particularly nice, you know, the cost. so that's how we get to assess the but 10 degrees, admittedly. and to the west. yeah, i know it's spring, but look at this most though coming into over high drive the old west and states of the us. things haven't changed yet. nothing to spring at least. and here's the tail end of that frontal system. so active just recently, it's giving big shaft, bahamas to cuba. they back into of pots and mexico and guatemala. these
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a big looking charles here. and there's also a fairly wet weather that which is drawing out for the winwood aisles of the caribbean in south america is the most active. whether it is not that usual is this here is big funded stone front happens to the southeast of brazil. i to view the car into power, go and look at the temperatures back. knowles and brazil isn't as much as it was, but it's hardly dry of the african narratives from africans perspective. nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look for what is key a is that is part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from africa direct on,
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i'll just be around the the, the without just here a mind uh, what main store is now the found of the wealth. central kitchen says israel system massively targeted is 8 workers in gauze. that's an attempt to come by cop 7 workers were killed on monday and 3 consecutive design strikes on the vehicles announced here, investigations also found that the a conflict was intentionally targeted. is there any minute training on 3 consecutive it strikes against wealth, central kitchen vehicles, desponding in full, then move. this is rose mid x rays. cooling off. it's
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a defense we service for duty, local media report, site, the movies, and not just a patient possible response on the wrong few days off as well. that tactics consists in damascus, treating senior rainy and ministry officials as well as parents of band the foreign use networks, including ultra 0, has been sharply criticized by governments around the world of different massachusetts or james base, sped to the spanish prime minister during his visit to the address sanchez told us that freedom of the press is crucial for the democratic government. the more jealous of died in garza than anywhere else in the world. now problem this and nothing, you know, whose government is binding out as a result for patients in israel. is this quite literally a case of israel shooting the messenger who will offer free press is on the hallmark or for any i would say self respecting the democratic government and the from my side on from the spanish type. what we do
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is to uh, to support to the uh, the, the work uh, made by the drawer and all these across the world. and especially in guest, not in these very difficult circumstances. so many leaders, including yourself, are warmed about the danger opposite of this more spreading. in that context. israel's recent attack on the rain in diplomatic building in the syrian capital, damascus. do you think killed top officials of the goods force? do you think that was acceptable or reckless act 2 publications. acceptable. it's not acceptable. it needs to be classified by israeli government. and of course, these ad goes into a direction that you mentioned before, which is we need to avoid an escalation of the conflict in the region and from a spain we have deployed many years ago, one of our largest, the you emissions on the ground, which is in leaving on the,
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on the of course we are trying to, to guarantee the peaceful, quick systems between the leaving these people on the east where the people in that's a very difficult border between the, these 2 countries and, and we are very concerned about the situation and that is why we ask, and we commend the each way the government to, to try to avoid these. these said these regional escalation that we are witnessing for instance, with these an attack in, in syria. so you can watch the full interview with spanish 5 minutes of pedro sanchez on thursday, april 4th at 1430 gmc, that's on the talk to our best codes in taiwan or putting us correct victims from the rubble of the homes. wednesdays magnitude 7.4, s quake was the strongest to hit the island and 25 years. a couple of buildings kidding. at least 9 people in entering the building. 1000 patrick volk has the
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latest from on the school bus. one of the roughly 70 people that were trapped and collapsed buildings have now been rescued report say that a woman uh 33 year old died wall retrieving pets. tragically, that's according to reports. but you know, there's a massive clean up job taking place to in while in now this 37 year olds, commercial building behind me, as you can see as be leading on a heavy to, since the us quite struck and work is now busy trying to demolish it what the trying to do as far as i understand is a build up this rubble in front so they can lay down gently as well. they've been folding up the side. so it does look as though it could be coming down any modem and that. but, you know, looking around here, what's remarkable is that this really is the exception, then most of the other buildings will that sort of varying degrees of damage to
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buildings. most of them are intact and standing. so and again, as i say this really is one that stands out and there are very few buildings. if you look across the landscape here that have been as bad, the infected as this. so they're all questions being asked about the structural integrity of buildings that have been badly and questions about whether or not to any want us to blame. but as we know, so i want is prone to us wake. so buildings all built to withstand these sorts of dissolved ends yesterday was a real test for buildings here. and so i want to say to the emergency has been declared in st. bob way due to a stream, droughts, climate change on the el nino weather effect. i mean, blamed for the failure of new rains. millions are threatened with hunger force to rely on food. a higher latasha reports from this in, baldwin capital here, right? as you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea,
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and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the mace crop is a right tool. the bodies government says, and he's more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry, and bobby haynes and president emerson. and then douglas to clear the state of this off the top. when our power priority is securing food for o. as in by means knows, bubbling, must succumb to or die from honda. 5, the good it is, this is will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security. including fruit supplement that a grand impulse may is a stay for food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families. farmers were told there was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february there was some rain full. so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something but then a dry smell,
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assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values. and i'll wondering how's it going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that a good, there is hunger. we usually get most of our maids from rural areas, but they also have nothing is just tongue to. this doc is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need in 4th grade. if this drought persists and millions across the region have been told to extend to police shortages and pricing places, harden with us out of their head. i slash slugs in ecuador, his capital have killed at least one person on the streets in quito, but don't fight devry. building a dozen children trapped to in this room a 3 by these similar flash floods 2 years ago. 2 into these
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3 states in the us. midwest have been left by tornadoes and storms, severe weather cost significance damage and parts of a higher pennsylvania and indiana. some properties and the streets have been flooded. far as you say, only a small number of injuries have been reported about the weather in the us has ended the salvage efforts that the collapse to baltimore bridge conditions and attempts to go with that have also limited the rescue. divers visibility on the wall to call the shape lost power and collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse off tuesday. 6 work has died in the instance. what so far, the 2 parties have been recovered. us president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to low a health care costs items inflation reduction as opposed to $2000.00 cap on the medicare prescription drugs also attempts to crack down on it. goals full sleep, think patients to try to increase competition low at health care costs. how much
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house corresponded to kimberly, how could sent this update at the white house? us president joe biden is doing a bit of a victory laugh over legislation was passed back in 2022, but that he feels many americans are still not giving him credit for. that's why he was with his senior senator from vermont, bernie sanders to talk about that legislation. the caps, the cost of many prescription drugs for americans who run a government health care program don't as medicare for years. people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pricing, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you're able to negotiate medicines and, and needs for the veterans. we've tried and tried and tried. and finally, with bernie's health, i finally got my inflation reduction act,
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which i've passed bernie to help get a pass one republican in the entire congress. this is, this is surprised. may i have to admit you not one single republican voted for not one single want to give us a 30 to take on and the big farm. now, what is the big reasons that president is promoting this particular package? has a lot to do with his poll numbers and then election year. he is tied or lagging behind his rival, former president, donald trump. most americans are blaming the president for high inflation on t goods, like food costs and heating bills, and are not giving the president credit for lower prescription costs. that's why he enlisted bernie sanders help to promote his health care passage. kimberly help it al jazeera, the white house, no new human rights watch report says columbia and panama failing to protect
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migrants crossing a treacherous or in gap. hundreds of thousands of people flee through the natural divide between the 2 countries. every yeah, i thought was my level that report 7, kristen is valuable to rubber is and sexual wants. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the darian gap last year. the instant his jungle that connects columbia and panama, according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. that's what we need us. you'll just get the name of the spouse. the obligations that both the columbia and and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individual.


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