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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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with all the gods and not from the house of the story, one and 3, its children is suffering from acute malnutrition and health officials are saying around 60000 of pregnant women are suffering of the high ration. the . they were target systematically, carbide car, the founder of wells central kitchen says israel deliberately targeted the aid, confined up to 7 of his work is on monday. the i'm carry johnston. this is out just here on the i from the also coming up as well as minute tree close up. it's a defensive service days off to an attack on the advanced concepts in damascus. oh so how many deborah?
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he and i'm going to be telling you how one under covers radio units has been infiltrating the occupied west bank. and we'll get to a live uptake from taiwan as rescue a search for survivors trapped and collapsed buildings of the wednesdays us click the the founder of the 8 group. well, central kitchen says israel's canning of 7 workers in gauze. it was not a mistake. thought the systematic targeting all the convoy, 3 consecutive strikes, attack the workers, vehicles on monday. the spot is randall being told where they were going. the ports also suggest is where the officers and soldiers routinely violates the 2 regulations by acting on that and is rarely newspaper quoted is very ami sources saying in gaza. everyone does as he pleases or 6 or the victims with foreign nationals. the other was palestinian un says it suspending the movement of age at
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night in gauze and because of security concerns or, or the founder of the age group, such as a 100 is, has a tuesday sort of carrying out a war against humanity. they were target systematically, car by car. they attack the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar we. we have a feeling the way it looks to scape saves me because was an armor based on this list? on the day, the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to bring them in. but the 1st time we're break told was heats anatomy. and they were able to seems escape, we still don't know all the details on the events and some, some people in your people even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was get, they were able to move into sir one in the process. we know that we're trying to call them. but in the close of the moment, whatever happened,
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they rarely tried to beat the idea. that's why are they doing that? they were target the man's, you know, they conflict in sonya, in american. so my idea then knowing that was our teams moving on that route with 2 or more with 3 cards. and then they hit this or one and then we saw the consequences of that continuous started and that's 77 people that but they are 7 on top of police. so one that know they're 190, you money time worker that they've been to over the last 6 months. so these was not use of like the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb into from place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 meters with a very be fine. you might need the income boy that had signed seemed to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that is
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very clear who we are and what we do. often monday's attack, wells central kitchen suspended it. sa prices in gaza, displaced protestant insight, a fair, a tax lock. these will lead to for the food shortages. let's take a look at all the agencies and face some of the challenges american. the east refugee agency says it stopped operations and gaza altogether. the age group had provided an average of 150000 meals a day in pot, the shape of wealth, central kitchen. in february, the un agency for palestinian refugees suspended, it's a depression to northern gaza. this came off to what it called a collapse of civil order prevention of safe passage which trucks and other organizations like international medical co, which has one of the largest field hospitals in rafa is also rethinking it to monitoring work in gaza. honey, my mood has more now from rough uh, in the southern gaza. this is the latest we've heard from the organization that are
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intending to suspend operations across the southern part of the gaza strip and, and the central area. and the international medical props is better known among palestinians and the southern part of the gust with as the american field hospital . and it has, it may be, was setup about a 2 months ago. and it has been providing service for at least 400 patients on daily basis of various vertical supports and, and services that have definitely shown a significant at ease in, in, in the intervention and medical intervention provided for people and less than the pressure on the 2 hospitals across the rough city and mainly the kuwaiti hospital. that's a small size video facility and then the jar hospital. it's a mid sized health facility, but it already over whelmed and exhausted in terms of medical as staff and so
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vision medical the staff as well as the shortage of medical supplies and the fact that the hospital, both of them have turned into more of an evacuation center with hundreds of of displaced families is shouldering inside the facilities that outside of so the international medical across the board then uh hell if and field hospital in the ground providing services and also providing support for other hospitals across the southern part of the search. your secretary defense lloyd austin has spoken with is really administered, defense to i've got to know just as well to take concrete steps to protect the aid workers on palestinian civilians in garza. how did your castro has more on the us reaction from the state department? the, the us state department continues to voice outrage over those really military's killing of the 7 aid workers from world central kitchen state department spokesman, matt miller says, the strike never should have happened regardless of the circumstances surrounding
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what israel has called a case of mistaken identity it doesn't really matter how they made the mistake. at the end of the day, you have 7 dead aid workers who are there trying to deliver humanitarian assistance . so whatever the reason was that led to this tragedy, whatever the mistakes that happened inside the idea, it's not acceptable and they need to do better and they need to put measures in place to ensure that it doesn't happen. again. miller said the us is waiting for israel's full investigation and to the incident to conclude before passing judgment . he would not acknowledge that previous is really investigations into the killings of 8 workers and journalists has yielded no significant repercussions. miller said israel's offer to establish a situation, rooms to better coordinate the movements of 8 workers is much needed and long overdue world. central kitchens, 7 workers were leaving of food warehouse in gaza when their care of them was attacked by this really military. despite having coordinated movements and
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travelling in vehicles that were clearly marked with the angles logo, heidi jo castro, alger 0, the us state department. at least 4 people, including 2 children, have been killed and new is really strikes on the southern gaza. the latest attack, talking to the building of housing displaced, palestinians, west the rapids, and now the house was also, it's east of the city. several other people were interested in the attacks and has been taken to the hospital. is there any minute trace cooling off? it's a defense was this for duty? well, that's cyber physic, retaliation as around the promises to respond often is very striking, killed some of its senior ministry officials is really media report. seeing that the country is on higher goods for potential evading response authorities and some regions are also considering opening public air rates shelters on monday as well struck around concept building and syria killing a senior come onto his deputy and several others funerals have been held for the
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victims of that attack, mona is gather that this is on a shrine south of damascus on wednesday, crowds of people watched the procession of coffins before prayers were held at the shrine. i'm the soul who has more occupied these juice as well after new assessments from israel's army. they are going to be bolstering air defenses, as well as calling up a reserve is to those air bases. israel's air defense systems are 3 fold. the iron dough missile defense system, which is the most commonly used in israel, d, david sling and the arrow. now all of this comes as israel is expecting some sort of retaliatory attack by need audience after is really air strikes in damascus attack. be it on the emission killing several people among them, a senior i r g c commander. all of this comes additionally, as israel's defense minister jo, off the lawn just a few days ago. so that israel is, quote, turning from the defensive to pursue inches by law and other it on in back groups
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wherever they are, whether it be damascus made route and all across the middle east. and these rarely army chief of staff hurts. he, however, has also said that he approve new battle and attack plans for the continuation of attacks in southern lebanon is really media reading into this as a wider and broader escalation throughout the middle east. and these rarely army has now raised its alert level to the maximum possible amount kind of central jersey to occupied east jerusalem kind of thing and fights isn't occupied. westbank has confronted is ready forces during a rate. and a city of janine is ready ministry vehicles entering the city have been targeted and has been fighting in several areas. israel has stepped, operates, and all kinds west bank, since the world calls it began. when he's ready, ministry has increased its use of on the cover units and occupied westbank. members
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of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting arrests and assassinations. on his need, the abraham narrow thoughts, it often risks the knives of palestinians gathering about the dirty activities. the minutes before people break that the lead on model on fast, the owners of this fell off himself with, with the taking orders. it was a regular d. as in he sort of fiji tempted this whole thing until this was in these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers really soldiers and it was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me too. i said leave him. but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go, we have the army unlike i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle. interest. i know they arrested 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured
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in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover. the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate posted in communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered most and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with things. lately. the under cover unit has been targets in palestinians in refugee camps. there, however, the crowded areas and its activities are putting people a trust, but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put than most of the occupied west banks don't want any room for dell. they
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regularly should updates about new faces entering the town. had that how as these obstacles of poets, of vehicles, we don't recognize, count into the can. we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to rule out any suspicion that sort of which even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price. in early october we met the mother of 15 . you may say in, did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome, do you run morning and shouting special forces. so these really soldiers standing over the salt, haven't any fell he done in the army did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, this patients and doctors assassinated slee palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters,
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whether it's under rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital or even if i left to shop the day, but he manages ita the occupied westbank is ready selling into 11 and has killed around 57 in since october. well that includes children, medics and janice for the towns on both sides have been cleared out due to ongoing exchanges of fine. between has been a 100 and these really only have been visited. one board of it is to see the destruction left behind as we are on the center of the news war, the village of unlucky water. as you can see, lots of destruction. and this is no different from any or the village here on the border with this one. i'm not caught off with this separate is really a strikes over the past few months. and in general, over the border line between the board as here from look for
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a towards the board that the area off a ship off, which is like 120 kilometers. there are hundreds of destroyed houses. this is, for example, neighbor here in the one that's destroyed the people of the stones. i have already left thoughts say for every 105 and they moved in about 2 years. and this also applies to all that area such as i to shot. and that's almost how steve destroyed as it sounds like bleed. mesa is about 5 killer. that's all by becky on the borderline. also being fog. is it on a daily basis by as ready as twice know about the many civilians been killed over the past 6 months are over 50. then the situation here is a war situation despite the fact that the skirmishes dropped off taking place.
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austin contained too many 3 targets. hash him a joy 0. look what i saw, the iranian state need here was reporting a killing of 3 security force members when they died in single, tenuous attacks on the revolutionary god basses into cities, both in the eastern province of system. let's just start with battles between gunman and security forces were reported. states affinity, the media says a separate this group is behind the for the tax situation is under control or so my head on those is there on the election results with us and into 2 nights this on the controversy, the spot protests on the treacherous journey to the jungle of central america by migrant se, the, to search for the
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you may not call it spring transitional period in the middle east or in the radium plants or is visible quite often just because the amount of side, the survivors, sometimes it rains as well. they've been some big charles recently added back tried in the middle of saudi arabia, but you can see from the full costs, they're not really there anymore. there are some bigger shows in the south west of madison, this area and in the west, inside of human, the system, the full cost full 1st a similar to the on friday. you might see that. but for the rest is not actually quite the winds on particularly strong temperatures are on their way up, the some right into the eastern side of turkey. but the temperatures, for example, in cyprus, are about 10 degrees above where they should be compared with the average. so things are turning, i think, into what's bored as the, the sum of going through the spring season fairly rapidly. whereas the seasonal rains now becoming quite extensive in tropical after east africa,
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particularly dressing up to of if you, if you showing some signs of witness in some of the ranges anywhere from equitorial . kenny dine to i go to, in fact, the line from angola stretches through bought swans through the elk grove and go down towards the central part of south africa. now some of the shares today, tomorrow, all the next day could be pretty heavy with some feds. so it could be quite likely the, the is the end of the question why it happened like this is
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terry and when the foundation the watching on just a reminder about top stores is the founder of the wealth. central kitchen says israel systematically targeted his aid workers in garza, texas. com, i called southern workers was killed on 3 consecutive. is there any strikes on that vehicles? at least 3 people, including 2 children, have been killed in the news as registrar, icon, southern gaza, a building housing displaced, palestinians west, the rest of the toner. several officers with insurance as well as ministries cutting off its defense. we service for duty local media report site. the move is
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an existing patient and impossible response from the wrong 2 days off to sort of test its confidence in damascus. hitting a senior or mannion ministry officials to rescue is in taiwan a searching for dozens of people still out of contact for a wednesday's powerful as quick. the magnitude 7.4 tremor was the strongest to hit the island and 25 years. a couple of buildings killing at least 9 people are enjoying more than 1000 or patrick for cause life for us now in a while in taiwan, east coast, patrick, lot further development. has it been on the rescue efforts in taiwan? of the yeah. some positive developments on rescue efforts, in particular as being dramatic video release of a helicopter plucking mine is from a rock quarry. remember, there is
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a group of around 70 minus in 2 separate far is that have been trapped the since yesterday. so it seems as though that rescue effort is really getting on the way. we're also hearing local media reports telling that's a group of all the people that were trapped in a convoy of many buses. visa hotel work is that we are trapped on the way to work and found the way to safety and a presumably leading rescue as to the others. and so there were suggestions that they are all in good health that would, according to our understanding me, that old, the missing people now accounted for. but there are still concerns about off the shocks a heads. a big government is concerned in particular about rock slides, land slides we've said previously today is ching festival, here and so i one also name is known as to sweeping festival. and authorities have been wanting people not to go to mountainous areas where they might pose
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a risk themselves engaging any sort of a term sleeping activities about what it seems that taiwan has actually escaped relatively unscathed despite the scale of wednesdays. a great and how is it managed that the yeah, from everything that we've seen, that sunny does seem to be the case despite the scale of the quick the we so yes, today and experts have said that, so when it comes to us quakes, taiwan is among the most advance in the world, in terms of preparedness, of course, it is prone to us quakes being situated on the pacific rim of 5. but there are a lot of government benefits that have gone into it, including drills at schools and work places. we understand authorities also offer subsidies to businesses and buildings who have regular us quick preparedness checks in many ways. the quick that took place here 25 years ago was
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a real wake up over men. but more than 2400 people died in that disaster. and several people were punished heavily for negligence as a result of that. so in many ways, taiwan has been in a better place to deal with these sorts of situations. now, to give you an update on what's happening here as well, you, you might notice that since we last spoke that the building behind me there is on the heavier tools and then it was previously work is do seem to be making progress the on bringing it down they've something they want to do. so within the next couple of days because it could still pose a risk to people living and working around this area, positive organ hobby and for us with an update. thank you. pro kurdish politician the eastern to kit has had his victory in this week's local elections restored the city's elections board had refused to certify his mail when sparking days of protest and dozens of arrest significance only reports from the city of on let
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supporters have instead of writing his reinstatement, a yellow oh, this is the moment of the last day, the learned the election board had to versed in earlier decision and recognize his victory in the race for mayor of loans. a city in southwest and 2 kids. he received 55.5 percent of the vote as the procured system parties, candidates and local elections last sunday. but the electoral body initially cancel his mandate. site and good legal technicality is awarded the race to the ruling of parties. candidates who received on the 27 percent of the vote, the names that we learned that a decision has been made in our favor. justice has been served. we would like to thank our friends who contributed and resisted for 3 days and the word spread quickly and hundreds of thousands of citizens flocked to his party headquarters.
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these 3 words or 2, they were out celebrating their victory voters in vaughn and other se and provinces had protested the previous ruling and battled with police before the reverse. so we're very happy we didn't leave the streets. and finally we got what we deserve. no one can steal to the will of the kurdish people of the lives they. don is the people throw curtis, voters say they want the political will to the recognize in the same way that other citizens of this country are today. it has been the non custodial balance is 01 south is through care. as you crane's precedence assigned a little narrower and the age of conscription from 27 to 25. as he seems to reinforce the fight against russia for them as an excuse says they need another half
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a 1000000 recruits to hold off the russian army advances. ukraine has struggled to boost the trip numbers and the conflicts now and it's 3rd year. when the zation comes, as nato foreign ministers between brussels, they discuss long term support for you. kind of considering a $107000000000.00 funding plan that was thrown out of a 5 years drops, drops. so it has more from the ukrainian capital. keep on the night of the plan being discussed involves potentially taking a great to a coordination role away from a group known as the ukraine defense concept group. now this was established in the immediate off to most of russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. in february 2022, it's made up of 56 different countries, including little searching to members and as being pivotal in supplying ukraine with the weapons that it says it means there is a growing failure among certain dates or members. but because of potential domestic political pressures on various leaders in the coalition. but that kind of role
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needs now to be ruled on the move of a nato umbrella. and there were specific fish among certain dates, the members of, for example, the return of donald trump, the, to the white house in us selections next year. this is being described by psalm as a, a trump proof plan, because we know how uh, president trump has often criticized nato. and is a lot more isolationist, arguably than the current leadership in washington. the have been comments made by various foreign ministers on the back of today's meeting in brussels. hungry is 4 minutes. the 2nd hungry will not back any proposal. that major will be alliance, closer to will or shift from a defensive to on offensive coalition. but all the ministers a lot more candid and a lot more blunt, indeed one diplomat on name, but quoted by the voices and use agency saying basically that nato just doesn't
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have a budget for this. there isn't the money for this kind of plan to succeed. so that an example of the kind of factions that kind of different opinions inside nato and the kind of challenges that the, the lines faces in giving you crane long term support in the years ahead child strap it all just arrow keys slash slugs, an echo, as capital of killed at least one person in the streets in chico, locked by deputy with a dozen children trapped in the nursery. were free by the niece. similar flash wants to use it until the 28 people at least 3 states in the us. midwest have been left by tornadoes and storms. severe weather cost significant damage in parts of the higher pennsylvania and indiana. some properties in the streets have been flooded. authorities say under a small number of injuries have been reported about the weather in the us has
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hindered the salvage efforts at the collapse to baltimore bridge conditions in the top scope. the have also limited to rescue divers visibility on the will to accomplish shapes and those power and collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse. last tuesday. 6 work has died in the incident with the sofa and the 2 bodies have been with us. president joe biden has been highlighting his administration's efforts to know what health care costs. 5 is inflation reduction. i faced a $2000.00 cap on medicare, prescription drugs. it's also a times to crush down what it calls and falsely claims patients to try and increase competition in that way. health care costs. a new human rights watch report says columbia and panama failing to protect migraines. crossing the treacherous and gap, hundreds of thousands of people fleet through the natural divide between the 2 countries. every year says the reports they're increasingly vulnerable to bumper is
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on sexual violence. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the darian gap last year. the infant is jungle that connects columbia and panama, according to a new report by human rights watch. both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. that's what when you got to run a script in, in the spouse of the obligations that both the columbia and and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations, have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their territories, regardless of nationality, conditional investigators say panama and columbia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigators say.


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