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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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and still naturally released that trauma and creates explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is the era the the hello, i'm for the back to the this isn't use our on algebra 0 live from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. stopping palestinians in guys and then to news more desperately needed food as organizations suspend operations following the killing of 78. why? cuz the is ready military calls up at defense. reserve is softer. yvonne vows
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revenge for the bombing of it's consummate in syria. also this hour will be live in taiwan as rescue as search for survivors dropped in buildings toppled by wednesdays or quake plus riddles and los angeles. with a story on how many famous pop musicians feel that artificial intelligence might be coming for their live with the thank you for joining us. it's 9 g m t 7, g m t, sorry, 9 am in gaza and stopping palestinians via food shortages in guys i will worst and following the latest attacks on 8 workers, the founder of the 8 group wells central kitchen says, israel is kidding of 7 work as in gaza, was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting of back convoys, 3 consecutive as strikes attached to workers vehicles on monday despite these
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relays being told where they were going. reports also suggest is really offices and soldiers routinely violate military regulations by acting on their own. and a new investigation. bind is really use paper, has revealed the use of artificial intelligence by is really soldiers on the ground in gaza, to target suspects. now the united nation says it's the spending the night time movement of age and guys for 48 hours because of security concerns. following the killing of the aid workers, the founder of the a, to go per se, andreas has accused his right of carrying out a war against humanity. they were target systematically, car by car. they attack the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar we. we have a feeling the way it was to escape safely because was an armor basically this was the only day. the 3rd day we had that more big within 6 month trying to bring them
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in. but the 1st time we're break told was heat. and they were able to seem to escape. we still don't know all the details on the events in terms of the people in your people, even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was get, they were able to move into sir one in the process. we know that we're trying to call but in details of the moment, whatever happened, they tried to be telling idea that why are they doing that? they were target demons. you know they confidence on, you know eric on. so my idea then, knowing that was our deems moving on that drugs with to are more with 3 cards. and then they hit this or one. and then we saw the consequences of that when tenure started. and that's 77 people that they are 7 on top of police. so went to another $190.00 few,
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many dining workers that they've been killed over the last 6 months. so these was not use uh like the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers with a battery be fine. you might need the income boy that had signed seem to stop in the rules of very color for logo that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are and what we do. well, let's take a look at other agencies are face similar challenges in gaza at the american near east refugee agency has stopped operations in gaza altogether. it was in partnership with well central kitchen to provide around a 150000 meals the day. the un agency for palestinian refugees suspended his 8 operations to northern guys or in february that was off to what owner i called a collapse of civil order, which prevented safe passage towards a delivery trucks and other organizations such as ange national medical corps is
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also rethinking it c monetary and working gaza. it has one of the largest field hospitals in rossa in the south. and at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children, have been killed in east or in the strikes on the southern guys are the latest attack targeted a building, housing, this space, palestinians, west of rafa. another house was also head east of the city. almost 33000 people have now been killed by israel since the war began, including 14000 children. let's get an update on the situation in gaza and speak to our target camp was the one who was live for us from a raw find the south. so they start with the humanitarian situation tag for is how is the attack on the well central kitchen team affected a delivery and a distribution in gosh, yes, fully in fact, to the attack on the humanitarian chromeboys and also the latest,
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the type target to the what central kitchen has pro to negative impacts on the process of a distribution of insights because as we can clearly see, back to what central kitchen was. one of the main floor providers that has been providing palestinians with millions of meals on a monthly basis since last october. as they have been playing a very outstanding role and i live at 18 viagra of 18 humanitarian crisis. but the real facts on the ground is that israel has been at the out at the outset of this will deliberately, deliberately targeting not only 8 c kids, but only 8 was as under what before had been also would talk. it's a different school boys bring to the united nations, have been attacked. chargeable organizations can avoid being talking to them recently to central kitchen as a lease to g, being adopted by these many military to keep timeframe the deliveries of aids to the people who are in the very desperate need for in different parts and is specifically in the northern parts of the guns that were people that had been widely receiving aid from the world central kitchen and now they have been deprived
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from receiving such a because of the recent suspension of the what central kitchens, operations and guards are due to the collapse of security now the attack has been clearly understood amongst a work isn't also humanitarian organizations that they are no longer safe. in garza as there was new m p. impunity for 8 workers who are doing their charts a book humanitarian work on the ground in order to help desperate carson. so have been completely cut off for 8 as we can cuz i live in the, in the l. e. at months of this or the parents report, this step has it clearly seen among palestinians as series and dangerous? um its own going is very humph. bring up a deliveries outlined corey to us and depending on minor alternative to, to present it in a dropping and also mary talk on shipments that can not be easy enough to meet the admins. the months of the palestinians will have been completely traumatized and been going through difficult to humanitarian circumstances,
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representative and clean money, attrition and the hydration, specifically a month children and bringing women fully as, as this humanitarian situation is worsening to eric. there's also no let up in the fighting, and these really strikes across the gaza strip. tell us about what's been happening in the last few hours. is that in fact, the place of reality that there's no need to talk with fighting, nor even in that strikes that had been sharing the entire garza's, took the course of the past 24 hours. but we have been seeing and observing please . so the minute your attacks and rough district as to residents of houses that are full of displaced people have been talked at least 7 palestinians have for reports of killed while 3 others being injured. and that's absolutely a part of what the safe zone is witnessing on a daily basis a pacific. yeah, nice as there is still an active military movement for the is really ministry surveillance of drugs. and also, quite to just that huge,
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but he did not leave this car if the goal is to main white. meanwhile, we can see that there is also moved from butler by the unit of these very forces that are stationed around the outskirts of the middle areas. where it has been balancing on the eastern pots, abundance of rock, a bridge. and my god is the end of the area with re simply because very minute tree has been deployed, that troops to be actively signs. it might be a potential mandatory inclusion for that area. where the is when the forces to know did not operate and alongside with rough i tie. thank you very much for that that challenges as terry capitalism. revolting deadline from or off i in 7 guys. in while the us secretary of defense lloyd austin has spoken with is really minister of defense. you. i've got lined in asia israel to take concrete steps to protect aid workers and civilians in gaza. heidi to castro has more on the us reaction from the state department. us state department continues to voice outrage over those
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railey military's killing of the 7 aid workers from world central kitchen state department spokesman, matt miller says, the strike never should have happened regardless of the circumstances surrounding what israel has called a case of mistaken identity. it doesn't really matter how they made the mistake. at the end of the day, you have 7th dead aid workers who are there trying to deliver humanitarian assistance. so whatever the reason was that led to this tragedy, whatever the mistake that happened inside the idea, it's not acceptable and they need to do better and they need to put measures in place to ensure that it doesn't happen again. miller, so the us is waiting for israel's full investigation into the incident to conclude before passing judgment. he would not acknowledge that previous is really investigations into the killings of 8 workers and journalists has yielded no significant repercussions. miller said israel's offer to establish a situation grands to better coordinate the movements of aid workers is much needed
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and long overdue world. central kitchens. 7 workers were leaving us food warehouse in gaza when their care of them was attacked by this really military. despite having coordinated movements and traveling and vehicles that were clearly marked with the n g o's logo, heidi jo castro, alger 0, the us state department. now these really military's calling up a defense reserve is no official reason has been given, but these really media says the mobilization is in response to yvonne vowing revenge for an a strike on a ring. and consulate in syria is on a car. pollution regard. commanders were killed in damascus on monday, live to raleigh chinese and occupied these tools land rover a. first. what more can you tell us about this decision to call up the ad defense present? select despite the is right, is known as specially claiming as
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a standard practice responsibility for that attack in, in damascus. no one serious doubts that it was them not be as ready ministry. so we'll say is that are being sold into is ready media and western media, not the countries that roundly condemned the attack in the us and the other day for a launching ass strikes on a supplies to be protected. diplomatic complex, uh, items. uh yeah, don't the is right. is themselves who are preparing for it, right. it radian reprisals. they are taking the french some around very, very seriously indeed. we know who that's it, reserve it. so being cold up to be 5. manning on aerial defense, the res. that is to protect the country against perhaps missile attacks or drug and attacks linked to that perhaps widespread reports that says the is ready, ministry has been jamming gps a across parts of the country,
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including metropolitan areas like to raise to them and lights out of the gps is a navigation so satellite navigation system that many drones use to get around. also, we understand that the cold is going out to is ray the diplomatic facilities across the wealth, embassies, and coincidence that they may be vulnerable to attacks while they are on highlights and the moments and secure things being based on that. so right, so also the attack rolly on the well central kitchen aid work as high as it seems, but more scrutiny on the, on the tactics and tools used by these really military and gaza. tell us more about this investigation on the use of artificial intelligence by these really ami to help identify bombing targets in gusts. yeah, so 2 reports coming out today in several publications. they originates from 2 is
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really media organizations, one called plus 972 magazines, and the other, a hebrew publication called like a cold. they have also shed that findings with the u. k. newspaper, the guardian that had a publication. the central accusation of the articles is this, that b is ready, minute treats, has been using since the beginning of the cause of conflict and a high powered data base koval happened to isolate and identify targets for strikes. and that data base is responsible for drawing up essentially kill list, solve as many as 37000 targets the on names is ready. intelligence officials have been talking to these publications say that lavender had an error rates of about 10 percent, but that didn't stop these raids using it uh to fast track the identification of often the lower level. how much the operatives in casa,
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i'm from them, and wherever they were. now this, that according to the publications, has led to many of the thousands and thousands of thousands of civilian deaths inside garza because the humans that were interacting with the my a i data bases were often just a rough a stamp they would scrutinize this kill list or these targets, but perhaps 20 seconds before deciding whether or not to get to go ahead full and ask strikes added on top of that. the fact that there were 5 to 10 acceptable civilian deaths ref reese, one of fights that was that the intended target. and so you can see why there were so many civilian deaths and in causal taking place and about not the is riley's upset, that that talks in practice are in accordance with proportionality rates of international law. and how does the arrest has an independence, yet corrupt rates?
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at any of the obligations that are contained in those publications. okay, well we thank you for that role and challenges live there in occupied east jerusalem in the occupied westbank. meanwhile, at least one palestinian has been killed during the latest is really, rates is really me a military vehicles have also been targeted in jeanine fighting is reported in several areas of the city that spring in need of abraham in ramallah in the occupied westbank need. it is really rates increasing across the occupied westbank bring us up to speed with what's been happening as well. we've seen these really forces raising areas near the janine refugee camp as well as come off to city, a village in janine as well as part of pdf. those are to the north of the occupied west bank. and we've seen these really bulldozers ruining the infrastructure in virginia and refugee camp edit surrounding areas. you know,
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remember we're talking about these rays that are making palestinians feel unsafe, making palestinians feel that anyone could be a shot. anyone could be injured this any minute. and indeed, these really forces have not only rated those areas, but also in the low what they've arrested to sisters as well as other areas including have run and not bliss when they've arrested other palestinians. the tilted we're talking about $25.00 palestinians. the rest of the police in those is where the res, but let me tell you about what happened this morning in the yeah, but the village which is near do you need to know is that the occupied was back, special under cover is re new units rated the area they surrounded the house and we've heard from locals that there has been an exchange of fire between someone who has been inside the house believed to be. and these really forces they have exchanged fire leading to the injury of the man in 3 different areas. a 28 year old who has, according to witnesses,
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have not been allowed to seek medical assistance. the ambulance was only allowed to reach of 13 minutes later, which was too late, leading to him being killed. now, this use of under cover forces has been intensifying across the occupied westbank. and we've been visited in several areas across the west bank with these really forces have been entering. but in, under cover and in disguise. the minutes before people break that the lead on hold on fast. the owners of this fell off himself with quickly taking orders. it was a regular z as he sort of fiji tempted this whole thing until this was of these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers really soldiers on was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me too. i said leave him, but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go. we have the ami, i'm like, i like someone else soon came with
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a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle. interest. i know they arrested 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested until the interrogator. if you need my son, i'll bring him to you. he said no. they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest operation. when in fact, they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate palestinian communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered moss and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with thing. lately, the under cover unit has been targeting palestinians in refugee camps. there have
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really crowded areas and it's like cities are putting people that's risk, but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put the most of the occupied. westbank don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the county. had that how as these obstacles of parts of vehicles, we don't recognize count into the can. we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of what even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price. in early october we met the mother of 15, utah was dropped for time, a say in did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome. do you run morning and shouting special forces. so these really soldiers standing over the saw him and he felt he done it for the army did not come foot from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan. with another plan was
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carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is ready for his disguise . this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room . and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's in the rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital, or even if i left to shop the day, but he manages the to the occupied westbank that's out bring in news channels. a kyra who's an associate professor of golf politics with the coal study center at contact university to discuss all these latest developments and these are as well on guys. let's start with the continuing phone out unless you all know from the attack on the world central kitchenaid work is the us president has cities out wages do to hold a phone call later with that from it is nice. now in the u. k, they are growing calls for the u. k. told on sales to israel. do you think that
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this incident will be the one that changes western stance and western policy towards israel? will they be real pressure existed now on israel by its size? yeah, well, the width and the public opinion on the wisdom governments have been changed and the only ones that did not change so far as united states a i hoped the other day when i saw that one of the, the killed works. i'm ready. come see this sound like was going back with him. this works in the us as well. that you noticed it would be something but so far he didn't do anything. and there's a big discrepancy between what he says and why he does it by, by that, i mean a, i mean even that with that, that back in the indian must. i mean, there are 2 things i'll type in the same day that made the show that the straight across many a red line so far. and despite the fact that by then keeps saying that she's upset that he's asking for, restrain that, the different, the what's happened the other day with the word central, the kitchen is erasing the, the concern about the base on the meet the intervention in,
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proffer feel united states getting on do anything to, to, to or the change that applies to you. in any case you have is it keeps saying that the policy on gas. uh, it's the same that if i it has the right to defend on the have the rights to eliminate and how much i'm in terms of, uh, the investigation. they said that the bill needs, i mean they, that independent investigation that the trust in the military investigation that he started with. what we know, we've seen a previous investigations by israel, really not equal to any sort of accounts ability. of course, people say this is different this time because aid workers who were the victims, yet most of them were foreigners. you do see that having an impact on the outcome of the investigation so far? no. so far we don't see any. i mean, the way which are they struggle are meant reacting is the same, they way in the medical. the medical memory is the same. so what else we need to make the if i went on the session to make it
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a little bit the as months pushing estrella apart from know between the that resolution about the another they even unit they say itself said that the still binding. so therefore, who cares about the united nation similarly cause different let's, let's talk about another friend in this conflict. in the growing tensions with yvonne, we've seen israel call up. he said, defense reserve, his in anticipation of what they think will be an iranian response. due to the attack on, on the consulate in damascus, which killed a senior senior commanders of the revolutionary guard. yvonne sofa has managed to distance itself from the conflict. do you see that changing now? what do you think their response will be? what on, on, on one hand to eat on has been claiming that they have, they've received the right to respond to every attack of that before this has been doing so far, they need them to have trying to defend themselves. they don't want to engage. and in fact, more really strongly because they know that as soon as they do something united
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states will enter into the war again. so we will, i mean, even even after states with what's the added medicare to the dining room set for they have nothing to do and they didn't even know what was going on there. so nobody neither eat on knowing that since they want to engage and invited confrontation, however, we see that these are, it has been doing this for, for a long time. and they saw the 1st time, the easter that sucks. so you've got an interest insight on it, kitchens and scientists, you syria and other places as will fight on could not do anything because they'd be veterans. culpability of the start is much bigger than the dining room because they have the support of the mattresses. and this is increasing the, the, the in the, the range of israel. a auctions inside the augusta an outside east, around 3030 as well, because they see that there's no one in international reaction. there's no punishment. there is no accountability and no other states can do anything in
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a trip on the israel, apart from using proxies or using non state or the organization. but at the end of the day are difficult, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu? to stop or to even to place right. coming back to guys at the ceasefire talks is not much being said about these thoughts which were going on in egypt. what, what's the latest you're hearing about? that is there, is there any movement at all from either side on, on this cheating a ceasefire and the release of i mean, so, so far the only thing we have is, is how much is complaining? very slow to say no to every single time us us, which is 6 fire. and i mean allowing that they've, they've been referred you to go back to the north of, of dresser. so if there is no intention of you start to do anything in order to, to, to finish up that exist between the 2. it's very difficult a i'm because nobody else it's asking for if i to stop the war and nobody's been united say so a y e started would say yes to what one of the month from homicide in the world.
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okay. thank you so much for your inside the chat as a camera from contact university. joining us on out you 0. thank you. and there's lots more ahead on this vouchers here and use our, including the election results reversal into key the latest on the controversy. the response protests, news, but for us to tie, one way to search for earthquake survivors is continuing, 6 workers has been lifted to safety after being tracking that for the magnitude $7.00, quake on wednesday was as strong as to hit the island in 25. years, at least 9 people were killed and at a 1000 in change the quite deep underwater was off. the east coast of the island and a city of wiley are reported. jessica washington is dead, joins us now live, talk to us about the expense of the destruction there at the,
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at the center. and what's the latest on rescue efforts to fully i'm here in the fall again and behind me can see one of the more severely damaged buildings. this is an apartment building that we're around 24 people evacuated from this building. we spoke earlier with a woman who actually was a resident of this building. she's now sheltering at an elementary schools. this building here behind me. now as you can see, it has basically collapse and it is on its side. as excavators are working to profit, the building up so that it does not suddenly collapse, their roles have been engineers and investigates is on the scene looking at this building and whether there were any structural problems that resulted in such a in such severe damage. the reason they are investigating this building is because of women died when this earthquake struck. now in terms of what we have been
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hearing from those who had to evacuate, many of them say they are still in shock that they still feel that hand shaking because they have of course, been more than 300 alter shots since the initial earthquakes on wednesday we have, of course, even had to stop interview sometimes because of these off trucks. we've also experienced them as well. but for the most part, we can see that the recovery effort is underway. certainly in an efficient manner. some buildings that have been severely structurally damaged. 5 is the brakes have already been demolished and they're all plants for further demolition. yeah. and it's a race against time to find survivors. now. jessica, where, where is that? that operation? the recovery operation, focusing on that's exactly right. and we do have to make a decision, sion between those who authorities regard as trach some 600 individuals. most of them had a hotels. now that means that the authorities know where they are, it's simply a natural evacuating them and to be individuals who are regarded as missing,
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meaning the authorities do not at this point in time, know their exact location, but these ease, of course, a dynamic situation. what we have seen from the authorities here in taiwan has been a very efficient response. so at this stage, we do have to see how that situation involved. but at this stage it is certainly there's no reason to be pessimistic about those waiting to be evacuated. but we have heard from experts they have commended high ones, just dissolves and mitigation responds repeatedly saying that's really what this does also on such a scale with such a strong as quite the, the damage and indeed the casualties have been in fact minimal. and that is a testament to how seriously taiwan takes its disaster mitigation methods with various methods, including a public training so that they know how to respond to disasters. and of course strictly monitoring building codes to ensure that buildings are safe for residents . here in cities like holly, jessica washington reporting
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a line from wiley in taiwan. thank you very much, jessica. and still ahead on this. so i'll just here and use our the is really military is accuse of deployed on tested onto official intelligence systems in gaza that i've met to mass casualties among civilians and of tried to address journey to the jungle of central america. we look at how my friends have risk at all in their search for a better life. the the, the 1st couple of days of april. so reco breaking both the se easier, but for most of the winter, rain has been the story, particularly for central and northern europe and to some it still is. these are pictures from more or less central from susan overflow river as best as banks
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because they exist as band of rain. and the rain keeps coming from the rest of the site. it's like, you know them half of fonts and increasing the gym. you'll see went whether they'd be sent to the u. k as well. and then north of that it's still cold enough for snow for some parts of scandal they've and briefly, i think even for the both x day. so that is warming up slowly. so the forecasts for example and also gives you temps is well below the average on there it's transitional season, but you've got 0 degrees is best on 50. as he knows it slightly improves as the account to was the weekend. the further side of the world, the spreading is pretty different to voltage coming to your way to area is particularly gap through eastern. you will sort 14 degrees. this is pick also up to this room area and take you ahead 3 days were up to 25 degrees. the average is 12. this being saturday in north africa. heat is also the story, particularly in this a hill. in the,
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at the one the average person to know what the truth was about, scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of the industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency air is which is here as new series died. last, futures in the line, the palestine hope is then we reach out to and let the giving begin with. okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you. ok. now let's also show you we'll deliver it so dominates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every packed of 19, with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine,
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we share sooner. the play you're watching out your 0 life from don't a reminder of our top stories on this news, our policy games in guys refuge, food shortages. well, worse than the after the latest attack on an age convoy the founder of the wealth, central kitchen says, israel's beginning of 7 work as was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting on the vehicles. several agencies that suspended operations because i've safety safety concerns. and is there any strike on 7 guys or has, can that need 7 people including 3 children, several others were injured in
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a building housing displaced by cnc around fi? and israel's military's calling up a defense re surveys for duty is really media said it's in response to yvonne vowing revenge for an s rank on the union cost with in syria. revolutionary don commanders were killed in damascus on monday now, and other developments and investigation has revealed these really ami has been using. i'm on tested a i base to avoid bombing campaign in gaza. the online magazine, prost 97 to found the software known as lavender had listed as many as 37000 palestinian men as targets. these are in the army, also judged, it permissible to kill more than a 100 civilians in a tax. if the target was a top ranking him ass official while i speak to and to the low interesting about this is an independent journalist who wrote a book on his ras, arms and surveillance industry call the palestine laboratories. joining us from
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sydney, anthony, you so much for being with us. so you wrote this book about is really ami tactics in arms. can i ask you 1st? how widespread is the use of artificial intelligence in his ras current, warren garza, and what effects it's having on the armies conduct on the ground? it's you because this is the short answer. it was used by israel before october 7 in previous was in gaza, bothered to message like celebrated students. and this being 2 reports by the also you just mentioned you fall, i behind his in his riley j unless he talks about the extensive use of a guy bias, riley and gaza since october 2nd and also matches some of the reporting and sources i've been speaking through the short version is that that story goes into great depth about how essentially they was an attempt to feel huge numbers of light level home us operatives. and the question of course was made, how is that decision being decide? is it being made by humans?
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is it being made by machine that report states that at many times huge numbers of thousands upon thousands of low level operative sense. what saying how that operatives defined is not clear. and there are a lot of these really officials in that story that say the times and the 20 seconds at best, was given to every circle target that was offered to the military. other words and massive numbers of people would deem to be expandable could be killed. and one of the key points of that story that i think is so damaging to israel, apart from the message civilian desktop, which was seen in the last 6 months is it is not a proportionality. in fact, this is the opposite of that international lawyer. so sit in the last 24 hours since this report came out and in fact, this is the k 12 and phase ro, hey that there was an attempt, as the story itself says, for revenge ranges, not international law. revenge is guilt garrity interesting, i was going to ask you what you know international law says about the use of such
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tools uh in war and this specific tool but also the, the. busy human supervision aspect of it is, is this tool supervisors on the ground a little the showdown, surveys know, and that became very clear in that report that huge amounts of targets are generated and that information is coming from is riley sources, human sources. my suspicion is american intelligence sources potentially also australian because pine get, which is a major u. s. military base. and this engine with strategy results are used by the us to give information to israel. all this information fades into a system and it's fees had massive amounts of targets. and the problem is that the rules of engagement are so loose as this pace states that families, all of these are legit, middle of sense killed civilians, women, women, men, etc. even, you know, not in middle of the sense to drink, and that's
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a problem because the death told, particularly in the 1st mountains, was so staggering. i mean, i think 1520000 in the 1st few months. and there's no evidence. in fact, by the way, any of these people have any connection to terrorism, 0 and the same. the impact on god's arrives brain level right, of course has been the point as this report states. that was the most shocking aspect of the report for me, the amount of collateral damage is really military, was willing to accept when killing just one commander or 2 commanders. now coming back to some of the other reports in these really media following the killing of these aid workers, which have suggested that there's a lack of discipline within these really military that's operating in gaza right now. is it a lack of discipline, per se, where, where, you know, command is on the ground and not obeying orders, or is it more a case of the commanders on the ground setting the rules for themselves a it's a combination of bias. i mean, this sort of lack of real moral, ethical,
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legal barriers existed long before october 7, a huge amounts of examples in the last few years of these rel, essentially committing mess, slow sharing gals, and frankly, at times in the west bank and there's no accountability for these crimes, which of course is why they continue to happen. i think also it goes to a broad, a point about these really society, something i've written about for years having lived in for a quite a long time is that there is a culture of di, humanize ation of palestinians. so if you don't see postings is hate human beings or is equal if you kill 15203040000 who kids. it's justified in that mindset from the inside the legality of those orders. it's also was saying that after these reports about a i enabled rule fair in the last month in this ties into what i've written it down in my book. israel is currently trying to sell these tools to foreign entities, to governments that are looking to what these route is doing and goes and not with
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discuss, but actually with admiration. and then we'll find that in the coming months and use who they may be. but my sense is it's going to be countries that i currently saying they're opposed to what israel is doing, but in fact, they're looking to engage those tools in their own conflicts and was in their own countries. interesting, it'll be interesting to say what international law says about all of this as, as a i tools evolve. and so, and thank you very much for talking to us on to me only seeing uh, author of the book, the palestine, the board to read. joining us there from sydney was very interesting to talk to you . thank you. thank you. is really selling into 11 on a scale around 50 civilian since october. that includes children, medics, and during this border towns on both sides have been cleared out because of the ongoing exchanges of 5 between has a lot and these really ami i'll just near as heavy ashan visited, one board, a village to see that these destruction left behind the we are on the center of the
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news, more the village of and the florida. as you can see, lots of destruction and this is no different from any other village here on the border with this one. i'm not put on with this separate is really a strikes over the past few months. and in general, over the border line between the board as here from low florida towards the border area off a ship off, which is like 120 kilometers. there are hundreds of destroyed houses. this is, for example, neighbor here, and the one that's destroyed the people of the stones that have already left to let's say for every 105. and they moved in about 2 years. and this also applies to all that area such as i, the shock that's almost half they've destroyed as it sounds like bleed. mesa is about 5 killer that are directly on the borderline. also being targeted on
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a daily basis by as ready as twice know about that. many civilians been killed over the past 6 months. are over 50 for the and the situation here is a war situation despite the fact that the skirmishes the thought taking place, austin contained too many 3 targets hashim edges, 0. look what i saw, the state media and yvonne say 15 gunmen and 5 security force members has been killed and fighting in the southeast of the country. the gunmen carried a single, tenuous attacks on revolutionary gone bases into cities in says, dining baluchistan province. the government is bleeding as separate as groups seeking rates of rights for the balloon. each minority of the
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war on ukraine now in russian joins have attacked homes in the city of khaki. the nice and ukraine rescue workers were among at least 4 people killed on wednesday. nights 5, others were injured. russian strikes repeatedly targeting ukrainian cities that attacked, coincides with these 75th anniversary of the founding of may to the nato allies foreign ministers, a meeting in brussels. and have agreed to stop planning for a greater role in coordinating military a to ukraine members, a considering a 107 b and donna funding signed for the next 5 years that speak to john stratford in ukraine's capital. keep a key for us, charlie. let's talk about what's happening in khaki, what more you hearing about the situation it as well just in the last 5 minutes so. so the man of khaki is reporting that another person save me like has died from the injuries incurred during this sizable attack by russian forces
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on the city of khaki last night. this is ukrainians, 2nd largest city, as you say, the suite rescue workers. also amongst the date, we understand that the person that they were trying to rescue from what seems to be a residential building and what was killed as well to the direct strike. we seen videos that have begun to a pair of mobile phone footage of some of the strikes happening and rescue workers struggling to get to those in need. now, car cave has been subjected to some of the heaviest bombardment symbol cannot really, really be described as a pretty serious escalation in shelling. in recent weeks, cock give sits around 30 kilometers from the russian border board. is the battle girl area, the belgrade region. now this is a region that just come on to repeat attack by certainly it same is the gradients of taking responsibility for some attacks in belgrade. but we also understand that this will be re,
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craniums described as russian or position groups operating in that area. so the criminal has said that it is going to try and clear that area or is describe what it wants as being a so called signtechs result in the bells or old car keep area. so yes, this is just the latest in, in an escalation of attacks. check foot times attacks if you like. but in this case, civilian ukrainian lives being lost and, and the, this is happening, the war rages own as nato's commemorating is 75th anniversary in brussels. the foreign minister has a meeting in the war, and ukraine has no dot for the alliance on this strain. charlie, what sort of of support can we expect from nature going forward when it comes to ukraine? of the well, certainly there was no consensus yesterday on the back of this meeting regarding these clients that gave nato a greater role in long term. so structural coordination in getting weapons through
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and taking over the control of this group called ukraine defense concept group sort of an ad hoc us late group involving 56 countries over 32 members. but that was pushed back against that certainly by the young carrion's the hon. gary and foreign minister said that he would not by any proposal, that withdrawal nights owing to potentially a wall moving it from a defensive to offensive alliance. now the insulting but the nature chief on the back of that meeting on the back of those statements being made by the hung, gary and foreign minister says that he has spoken to the hon, gary and prime minister victor over by and according to stalls and book he has said that he is confident that to these kind of quantities, these kind of questions about this proposal can be in and out in the week say have we. busy busy are expecting potentially more detail and possibly a signing of of some sold with respect your disagreement team july during the night
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. so summit that is due to be held in washington dc. charlie, thank you very much on site for life or say in cave into key in our pro carry sponsor station in the east has had his victory in this week's local elections. restored the city's election board had refused to certify his mail. when smoking days of protests and dozens of the rest, seen him go, sailed reports from the city, a vine waste of 4. is that been celebrating his re installment? a design yellow? oh, this is the moment up. the last day down learned the election board had to versed in earlier decision and recognize his victory in the race for mayor of loans, a city in se, into kia. he received 55.5 percent of the vote as the procured system parties, candidate and local elections last sunday. but the electoral body initially council has mended citing and legal technicality is awarded the race to the ruling of
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parties. candidates who received on the 27 percent of the vote, the names that we learned that a decision has been made in our favor. justice has been served. we would like to thank our friends who contributed and resisted for 3 days and the word spread quickly and hundreds of thousands of citizens flocked to his party headquarters. these 3 words or 2, they were out celebrating their victory voters in vaughn and other se and provinces had protested the previous ruling and battled with police before the reverse. so we're very happy we didn't leave the streets. and finally we got what we deserve. no one can steal to the will of the kurdish people of the lives they. don is the people sort of curtis motor, say they want the political will to the recognize in the same way that other
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citizens of the country are today. it has been the non custodial al jazeera vaughn south is through care and human rights watch report says columbia and panama are failing to protect migraines. crossing the treacherous diary and got hundreds of thousands of people free through the natural divide between the 2 countries. every year, but as my new arrival reports, they increasingly vulnerable to robberies and sexual fines. more than half a 1000000 migraines cross the dairy and gap last year. the instant his jungle that connects columbia and to panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. that's what we need us. you'll just keep getting those caught up. yeah, the obligations that both the columbia and and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations, have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their
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territories. regardless of nationality. initial investigators say panama and colombia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigator, se migrant space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and there's nothing in the list. i think you have a lot of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation and losing the ability to provide attention and border areas as lead to criminal groups being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. that's not because the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to
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contain them. if someone's be in the coma math, but it's on us, if started school, we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous routes. what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain. the recommendations published by human rights watch seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect of the human rights of migrants across the americas. and move it up a little l to 0. colombia is military says, 9 members of a break away faction of before my soc rebel who has been killed in fighting with the army, the violins, guns just 2 months after the faction agreed to san peace talks with a government which is trying to end 6 decades of conflicts with rebel forces and drug gangs, munition and communication equipment was seized in the operation,
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is now rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence. have many workers wondering if their jobs may soon be obsolete until recently, the professions most likely to be replaced by a i have included office workers accountants and jen. this. now hundreds of leading musicians of banding together to defend network. rob rentals has a story. some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy. i wish all the good good school to nicky me. no, don't worry about this. i guess it's night in jon bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in
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all more than 200 living artists, as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, signed an online opened letter titled, stop the valley when news of the artist say that while a i has enormous potential to create exciting experiences for music lovers. when used irresponsibly, ai poses the norm, as threats concluding this assault on human creative. it, he must be stopped, were risking really replacing the replacement of human creators and human artists by this a. i generated music and that has far reaching impacts both for the musicians and how much they get paid and their livelihoods and their careers. but also for society and our culture. sheryl crow also signed the letter,
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summed up the artist's fears. it terrifies me that i can sing to you a song that had absolutely nothing to do it. and you believe it, it's happened already. last year, a completely a i generated that is to say totally fake song by drake and the weekend went viral . it even appeared briefly on apple music in spite of 5. it's not the 1st time artist 2 can stand against joining the entertainment companies using ai to make big profits without compensation. a restrictions were a major sticking point in last year is months long strikes by movie and t v actors and writers that hey, i'm strong, the industry for months. rob reynolds, l g 0. los angeles does involve way now where x treme drought has caused the president to declare a state of emergency. millions facing food shortages are being forced to rely on
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aid as lounges. here is how room latasha reports from the capital harry, the failure of annual range being blamed on climate change and the new weather restrict. you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the maze crop is a rifles. the bobbies government says it needs more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry and bobby haynes and president the image. and then god was to create a state of this off the top on our power priority. g is the queueing food for o as in, but we ins knows and bubbling must succumb to or die from honda. decrypt it is. this is will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security, including through supplementary grand impulse. the maze is
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a stay for food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families, farmers were told it was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain full. so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something but then a dry smell, assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values. and i'll wondering how the go to survive now. and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that a good, there is hunger. we usually get most of our moves from rural areas, but they also have nothing is just tongue to this drought is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need to import grain if this drought persists and millions across the region have been told to accept, we sort of just and pricing places. how do we toss out? is there?
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how about if i stay with us on algae 0, i'll have another round up of the world news coming up after the shall bring the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line of the
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of the hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times. 12 thoughts an awesome arrested . a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place for even a child's imagination separately. restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on a jersey to examining the headlines. is there any, is hopefully today for the forms of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create wealth for women, come and feel niche. it relates to trauma and creates explore an abundance of world
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class programming on eligibility, around the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on outages era. the these really military is accused of deploying on tested artificial intelligence systems in gaza that have led to mass casualties among civilians. the play and watching l g 0 live from bill. how with me for the back people also coming up starving palestinians in guys a stand to lose more desperately needed food is organization suspend operations.
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