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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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as of world class programming on eligibility around the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on outages era, the these really military is accused of deploying on tested artificial intelligence systems in gaza that have led to mass casualties among civilians. the play you watching l g 0 live from bill. how with me for the back. people also coming up starving palestinians in guys a stand to lose more desperately needed food is organization suspend operations.
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following the killing of $78.00, where kids come to the right here and i'm going to be telling you how one under covers rate new unit has been infiltrating the occupied mustang and rescue. as in taiwan, search for survivors dropped in buildings, toppled by wednesdays, earthquake the we begin with the war on guys are way more than 33000 people have been killed in these really offensive since october, 7th, 70 percent of those killed women and children. it comes as reports the most that these really ami has been using an untested artificial intelligence tool for its bombing campaign. in garza, the online magazine plus 972 found the software known as lavender, had listed as many as $37000.00 palestinian men as targets. these really ami also
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judged it permissible to kill more than a 100 civilians in attacks. if the target was a top ranking a mazda official, the report says the army systematically attempting the visuals while they were in their homes with their families. and usually at night, or, let's bring in raleigh challenge unoccupied, easier was made for me on this. really a dining report, this attack on aid workers seems to have put more scrutiny on the tactics and tools used by these really military and guys that tell us more about the investigation and his findings. yeah. so there are 2 publications in israel that have been looking into this. the fast you mentioned is 97 to magazine. they were working together with the hebrew publication code like consults, they shed the findings with the u. k. newspaper, the got you and i had a public section. so altogether these 3 online newspapers,
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publications that i took this house, the central claim of the reports. a sense since the beginning of the cause of all these ready ministry has been using. there's a high powered data base with the improbable $911.00 the botanical night to basically draw kil, lists off calls, targets for at strikes. now they have as many as 37000 names that live on the has the highest that i'd say it's identified as b targets that fits the rad strikes. despite the fact that this uh k, i powered a space was known by the is ready admitted treat to have an error rates of some 10 percent. it was still use expensively. and that is why, according to the sol say, is that these complications to be talking to that happy. so many civilian deaths inside cause that's the live of the dice device would come up with
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a name and then the is ready made it tree and intelligence people would, would look at that list and perhaps give each name a cost 3 screens in the past 20 seconds before deciding whether or not to go for a strikes most and the humans actually just as a rubbish. then you kind of get the impression from this that it was a cold clinicals data base, machine drawing up list, but the humans were happy to defy tates. it made that jobs easier, essentially, and you also get the impression from the source, is that the collateral acceptable collateral damage full of these strikes with so wide that you would have as strikes flattening, cold buildings with everyone inside them. it's just to get to what make the saves to be one fairly low ranking. how much the operative now these riley's have said
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that the target saying is in accordance with international. ready proportionality and how does era hasn't yet been able to independently corroborate the reporting done by 97 to 11. so meanwhile, really these are in the military is calling up at defense reserve is no official reason has been given but is really media says the mobilization is in response to iran, vowing revenge for an as strike on the rainy and consulate in syria is that make revolutionary gone commanders were killed in damascus on monday. and really we just hearing now that these are in the military is canceled lee for all combat units. what's leading to these decisions? you think? ok, so these right, these have not officially confirms whether they was then behind that strike on damascus. that's normal for these kinds of things, but no one's theorist in dallas. so it was and so the not the is ready on names
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sources inside the military that are being sold into his writing, media or west to media. know the countries in the united nations that condemns that strikes because most pensively, this was a surprise to be protected. uh embassy complex. uh, i'm not the right and so you have vowed retribution, so it's the is ready to take you out of our retribution very seriously. and they are trying to prepare for whatever might be topic now. they have both states, the mining on defense, a res with reservists. so being cold backup suit stuff, those ad defense arrays at defense race would of course give some protection for any massage or drug and attacks that might be coming time. so that's the fact that many reports coming from across the country of gts jamming on december. the 6th of gps and satellite navigation, which many drives useful, located, saying and,
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and so can you tell you that the controllers so that's kind of all fits again. so this picture of the country that's increasing beyond a lot of wary about what might be coming next. the corner is going out, so the embassies and concepts around the wells is right, the embassies and concepts that they are under threat as well. and that needs to bolster securities. what, what the, the cancellation of leave for reserve is my main. well, that could be linked to this, that could be linked at all site. so it and pending astride on wrap up. so we'll have to get more information on that before i can, can 5 minutes anymore. and my little come back to you, of course, when a more information is available, really challenging occupied easter will spend. thank you. now early i spoke to anthony low in china, an independent journalist who wrote a book on israel's alms and surveillance industry called upon assigned the board tree. he says, israel is carrying out collective punishment with its indiscriminate bombing of gas . it goes into great depth about how essentially they was an attempt to kill she
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age numbers of low level home us operatives. and the question across was made, how is that decision being decide? is it being made by humans? is it being made by machine that report states that it many times huge numbers of thousands upon thousands of low level operative sense was saying how that operative is defined is not clear. and there are a lot of these really officials in that story that say that a times and the 20 seconds at best, was given to every circle target that was offered to the military. other words and massive numbers of people would deem to be expandable could be killed. and one of the key points to that story that i think is so damaging to israel. apart from the massive civilian desktop, which was seen in the last 6 months. is it? there's no proportionality in fact, these are the opposite of that international lawyers has said in the last 24 hours since this report came out. then in fact, this is the case problem. phase rel, hear that there was an attempt, as the story itself says,
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for revenge range is not international law. revenge is illegality. human rights watch investigation has on lies one of the singles douglas is really a strikes since the war began. it says a $106.00 civilians were killed in october and what appears to be a war crime among the victims were at least $54.00 children. israel hate a residential building south of the new state of rock refugee come on october 31st . but the report finds no evidence of a military target in the vicinity. it also concluded that governments should suspend arms, sales and deliveries to israel. let's speak to terry. capitalize on about this, he's not correspondents in process. southern guys have reminders, tarik office attack in new saturday, 18 october and the circumstances around it which led to this conclusion by human rights watch. yes, fully according to the investigation that has been carried out by the human rights
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watch, it has concluded that a 6 story apartment building has been completely destroyed and that the lease is ready as dry. cat kills at least 106 palestinians, including 54 children as this building has been hosted in factories and also the owners of this house that had been completely targeted as they were children's name on the, on the ground. the us post with are some residents are charging the phones in the house that belongs to one of the palestinian engineers that had been completely destroyed in and out. that's absolutely terrifying as the human rights which i had to have carried out multiple interviews with. and it says that with the ground who have been survived from the attack saying that the entire building has been destroyed and targets without any prior warnings ad. clearly the investigation has also finalized that there was new, any mandatory targets in the building in order to be disturb,
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destroyed as the is very minute, 310 now does not provide any justification regarding this deadly attack. and that's absolutely a pause of the ongoing military attacks that have been carried out since october. specifically that isabel has been attacking houses without warning. it isn't to a residence, to flee from in order to avoid casualties amongst civilians. despite the as many repeated statements and claims that they are taking ultimate precautions in order to avoid casualties amongst billions. and we, as everyone knows that as well as the long track records of a crime, owes in terms of who specifically that we have been observing since the outbreak of this complex multiple incidents in which is really had targeted civilians with high rates among with high rates of casualties this specifically that the latest was at the latest had been carried out and then the policy and to look away turned about for a seek is one of the also did the air strikes have been carried out earlier in the war in the art hospital time also remember clearly the strikes that had targeted
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devalue refuge account where the is the easily military has been widely increasing upside doing their mandatory up abutment. of course the goal is to stick with new we talk to them now fully and tie the full lot continues from the attack on the world, central kitchen aids where it goes, how is it affected a delivery and a distribution in gas yes. in fact, to the central kitchen, this charitable organization has been operating in garza since the outbreak of the all of the fighting here in the territory as they have been responsible for distributing aids for hundreds of thousands of palestinians. families as the, according to latest reports that they have managed to distribute around more than 40000000 meals on people in the south. and even in the another, it costs off to making various coordination with is really made it to the latest time. in fact has been carried out as easement has been justifying it to be uh,
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completely grave mistake. um that was completely acceptable from the uh, from the side of discharge of organization and back in 10th had to force the this organization to completely suspended. so patients in gaza, which i think it typically has impacted on the humanitarian situation, which was really aggravating as it has been a wide class of 2000 and community 2 now did not receive the latest shipments that had been transferred through out. did we simply establish mary towards colorado, which means that people would be able to receive their ave, and that happens in stocks off to the is by the minutes we had the noise, the deliveries of a to by d. like to mention to people in the other parts of the gaza strip, which means that it's systematic approach being adopted by the is when he met a treat in order to, to solving people in the, in other parts of the closet to push them forward to the south where people here know also receiving much needed humanitarian supplies. and the high rates of
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population being right now trapped in roughly this city, which is might be expected to be the next target for the is spend a minute to encourage and it's been a conversation. so regarding sci fi collapse, thank you for the updates that so i'll just here as time recap, was the invite 14, they live from rafa in a 7 guys in the occupied westbank. meanwhile, at least one palestinian has been killed during the latest. these really raids and these really military vehicles have been targeted in jeanine fighting is reported in several areas of the city is certainly military has increased its use of undercover units in the occupied westbank. members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting a race and assassinations. and as need avery reports that often risks the lives of palestinians going on about their daily activities. minutes before people break that the lead on hold on fast. the owners of this cut off himself with quickly taking orders. it was
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a regular z as he sort of fiji. tempted to solve for the occupied with things until this was of these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers really soldiers on was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me too. i said leave him. but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go, we have the ami, i'm like, i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle. interest. i know. they arrested 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation, a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring him to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these re, the armies under cover unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive
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training on how to infiltrate palestinian communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered moss and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with things lately. the under cover unit has been targeting palestinians in refugee camps. there have really crowded areas and it's like cities are putting people that's risk, but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the ballasa refugee camp to the north of the occupied west bank. don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the town. had that how as these obstacles of poets, of vehicles, we don't recognize, count into the can. we have volunteers who guide the can they take any ideas and papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of room which even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price. in early october we met the mother of 15,
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utah was dropped for time, a say in did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome. do you run morning and shouting special forces. so these really soldiers standing over the shot here and he felt he done it for the army did not come foot from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is ready for his disguise . this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room . and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's in the rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital, or even if i left to shop the day, but he manages the to the occupied westbank. the still ahead on alger zara. a
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treasurer, as journey through the jungles of central america, how migrants are risky at all in search of a better life the another day. and the floods want to continue in central problems. legacy. the magistrate in this folder the last few days, the last few weeks to be honest. and they're wanting to strong winds across germany . well, because it's very unsettled in those near, in contrast to old places for the south. and it will be the south that windsor, but not immediately for the rest of the state. you can see the blue is the rain. this note where we cover kids coming up gets cold and particularly in sweet. and so he's going to snow again. and also it's going to snow again in stock. it was already snowed in stock crow. this is alma drive, his stuff extensive, but i just remind you it's early april. now we should be getting to the end of the
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season. this is april snack, but this is more on the right. but we need to be the western wing, the running out through denmark here, coming up, it gets really cold and which stays in northern sweden. this minus 35 from yesterday called a safe wood, a since 1956. so there's still extremely cold air around. but as i said, this is the way that as we move the rain and the waiting for the north was and we alive with the skies to open and the temperatures will rise. for example, in vienna, we're up to 232425 degrees. the wrinkles 29, but the average is c t for know if i forget the story as to what the extreme heat including now you know jerry are getting close to the people most affected by those in power is often say inverse. but it's absolutely vital stories to be told we've pushed as far forward as we can to the front flowing now smells the power in a lot of the stories that we cover
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a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out your 0 reminder of our top stories. these really ami has been using artificial intelligence for its bombing campaign in guys a report 5 past 927 magazine has found these really ami drive ship permissible to
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kill more than a 100 civilians in attacks. if the target was a top ranking, tomas official, is there any military is holding only for combat units at defense reserve? it reserve is have also been called up. no official reason has been given, but he's really media say it's in response to iran, vowing revenge for an as try on a rainy and consulates in syria. and the human rights watch investigation has analyzed one of the single deadliest he's really s right. since the war on guys began, it says a $106.00 civilians were killed in the state of rock in october and what appears to be a will prime. the report found no evidence of a military target in the vicinity. and now the world news now the search for earthquake survivors is continuing in taiwan. 6 workers have been a liftgate to safety. after being trapped in a corey the magnitude 7.4 quake on wednesday was as strong as the hate the island in 25 years. at least 9 people were killed and
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a 1000 more have been injured. patrick phone cause the latest from wiley and but it's one of the roughly 70 people that would trust in class buildings have now been rescued before say that a woman uh 33 year old died wall retrieving pets. tragically, that's according to reports. but you know, there's a massive clean up job taking place to in while in now this 37 year olds, commercial building behind me, as you can see as be leading on a heavy to, since the us quite struck and work is now busy trying to demolish it what the trying to do as far as i understand is a build up this rubble in front so they can lay down gently as well. they've been folding up the sides. so it does look as though it could be coming down any moment now. but, you know, looking around here, what's remarkable is that this really is the exception, then most of the other buildings will that sort of varying degrees of damage to
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buildings. most of them are intact and standing. so and again, as i say this really is one that stands out and there are very few buildings. if you look across the landscape here that have been as bad be infected as this. so they're all questions being asked about the structural integrity of buildings that have been badly and questions about whether or not to any want us to blame. but as we know, so i want is prone to us wake. so buildings all built to withstand these sorts of dissolved ends yesterday was a real test for buildings here. and so i want state media, any ron se, 16 gunmen and 5 security force members had been killed in fighting in the southeast of the country. gunmen carried that single, tenuous attacks on revolutionary god basis into cities insist on in baluchistan province. the government is blaming
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a separatist group seeking greater rights for the bible, which minority in ukraine, russian drones of a tide homes in the city of khaki. even the east rescue workers were among at least 4 people killed on wednesday night 5 others were injured. russian strikes repeatedly targeting ukrainian cities. it coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the nato alliance. foreign ministers are meeting in brussels and it agreed to stop signing for a greater role in coordinating military a to ukraine members, a considering a $107000000000.00 funding plan over the next 5 years. does involve way now where x treme drought has caused the president to declare a state of emergency. millions facing food shortages are being forced to rely on aid. i'll just here is how room, what types of reports from the capital. harry, you can see how dry the soil is crops of the sea and they are struggling in many parts of the country. the mace crop is
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a right tool. the bodies government stays in these more than $2000000000.00 in a to feed hungry. and bobby haynes and president emerson, and then douglas to clear the state of this off the top. when our power priority is securing food for o, as in by means knows, bubbling, must succumb to or die from honda. decrypt it is. this is, will therefore be mobilized and read, directed towards national food security including fruit, supplementary grand impulse. it may is, is a stay for food in zimbabwe, a necessity for many families, farmers were told it was going to be a drought, but then in january, late january, early february, there was some rain full. so some people gambled, hoping to solve it, something. but then a dry smell, assisted and perhaps was affected by the heat values and i'll wondering how's it
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going to survive now? and in the coming months from now, when things are expected to get with that 80 go there is hung up. we usually get most of our mays from rural areas, but they also have nothing is just tongue to. this rock is also affecting other countries in southern africa, zambia and malawi have also declared a state of disaster and south africa is being reported may need to import grain if this drought pacific and millions across the region had been told to extend to police shortages and pricing, please hold on with us out of there, at a to columbia. as military stays, 9 members of a break away, a function of the full, my funk, rebel who has been killed and fighting with the army. the violence comes just 2 months after the faction agreed to stop peace, thoughts with a government which is trying to end 6 decades of conflict with rebel forces and
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drug guns. and a new human rights watch report says columbia and panama are failing to protect migraines. crossing the treacherous barry and gap, hundreds of thousands of people faith or the natural divide between the 2 countries every year. but as manual rivalry force, they are increasingly vulnerable to robberies and sexual violence. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the dairy and gap last year, the infant is jungle that connects columbia and panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. that's what we need us to just keep going in both of the obligations that both the columbia and and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations, have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their territories. regardless of nationality. conditional investigators say panama and
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colombia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigator, se migrant space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and this is nothing a list. i think you have a lot of one of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation and losing the ability to provide attention in border areas as lead to criminal groups. being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. because the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to contain them. if someone's be in the coma math, but it's on us, if spanish school we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous
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routes, what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain the recommendations published by human rights watch seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect the human rights of migrants across the americas. and move it up a little elders here. at gordon new york has rejected an attempt by donald trump to delay his so called cash money trial because which is due to start later this month . the former us present is a key, is a falsifying his business records to cover up payments to an adult film star farms . lawyers had asked for the trying to be delayed until the supreme court considers his painful presidential immunity. in a separate case is now rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence. have
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many workers wondering if the jobs may soon be obsolete until recently, the profession is most likely to be replaced by a. i have included office workers, accountants, and journalists. now hundreds of leading musicians are banding together to defend their work from rentals has the story. some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy english. all the good goes to nicky me. no, don't worry about this. i guess it's nice and john, bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in all more than 200 living artists as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae


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