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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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of this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash before he is the the you're watching the news on our lives on the headquarters and i'm getting you navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next hour. starving palestinians and gaza spend to lose more desperately needed food as organizations to spend operations. following the killing of 7 aid work of the is really military councils all leave for combat units and calls us air defense
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reserve. this media report say that follows the wrong, vowing revenge for an air strike on the air range and consulate in syria to less than that uranium security forces are killed in 2 step process, the tax in the southeastern provinces to somebody's hassan also ahead. the marching in unity nato members considered funds for ukraine as they mark the alliances 75th anniversary in brussels. in sports also re take top spots in the premier league, but just one point separates the top 3 branches. this is, he kept up the pressure science was still fighting hattrick little pool can with tons of the top if they, when they to on thursday, the starving palestinians and gaza fear food shortages will worse than following the
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latest attack on aid workers. the founder of the aid referrals, central kitchen says israel's killing of 7, a fit, staffing gaza was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting of their calm voice, 3 consecutive airstrikes attack the workers vehicles on monday. despite this really is being told where they were going. the when says suspending the nighttime movement of 8 and gaza for 48 hours because of security concerns for the founder of world central kitchen. jose, on dress of accused israel, of carrying out a war against humanity. and they were target systematically, car by car. they attacked the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the information on what happened on the 1st bar we. we have a feeling the way it was to escape safely, that this was an armor. basically, this was the only day. the 3rd day we had that a more big. we've been 6 months trying to random mean. but the 1st time we're big
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code was heat and they were able to do the same escape. we still don't know all the details on the events and some, some people in your people even that they were able to move in just have a one. and again, these one was get, they were able to move in the 3rd one. in the process, we know that we're trying to call but in details of the moment, whatever happened, they tried to be telling idea that why are they doing that? they were target demons, you know their confidence on you know, eric on. so my idea then, knowing that was our team's moving on that route. we to are more with 3 cards, and then they hit this or one. and then we saw the consequences of that when tenure started. and that's 77 people that they are 7 on top of police. so went to another $190.00 few, many dining workers that they've been to over the last 6 months. so these was not
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use of like the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers with a very be fine. you might need the income boy that had signed seem to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that that is very clear who we are and what we do. a human rights watch is analyzed. one of the single worst is really airstrikes since the war began. its investigation says a $106.00 civilians were killed in october and then the parents were crime. at least 54 children were among the victims. when a residential building was hit near the no say that's refugee camp, no evidence of a military target was found in the vicinity. and the reports concluded that governments should suspend arms sales to israel. thought as soon as more details from what i found in southern gaza. indeed, the precise investigation that has been carries out by the human rights,
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which indicated clearly that to the use of any administrative hot target to the full story apartment building that was hosting hundreds of evac curious who are talking about 106000 units have been killed including $54.00 children, $1818.00 men, and around $34.00 women at the new school will have been killed so far in that attack. according to the investigation, the attack has been carried out by hitting the building with full strikes within 10 seconds without any prior warning. as investigators have been talking to a number of high witnesses the on the ground who have been, who has managed to survive from this uploaded on this strike. they have been saying that they did not receive or hear any warning from the east by the authorities regarding the evacuation of the area in order to hit that building. despite the fact that there was new evidence that the there was a military target on the vicinity of the building that has been attacked. and
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clearly this is a new thing relation to the list. less records of the is very uh, crimes that had been committed in this war since the beginning of the conflict as the majority of the areas that had been targeted, have not yet been warned. it's ongoing mounting attacks despite the international court of justice, who was to say you back their military bombardment entity ultimate measures in order to avoid the casualties among civilians. but not none of this had been in fact translated on the ground as palestinians have been hits for an hourly basis. um its more grunting concerns about the potential encouraging for rough i city here in the south which means that there's going to be much more legit and the more a higher rates of casualties expect it to be among civilians. me is really military is cancelling, leave for combat units and it's calling off the air a defense reserve us no official reasons been given. but is really media reports, say the mobilization is in response to iran,
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vowing revenge for an air strike on the iranian consulate in syria. hispanic revolutionary guard commanders were killed and not striking damascus. on monday, we have him on conway. joining us now live from the city of high saw him or on so tensions are rising along the borders. tell us more about the measure is the fee is really is are taking and what more we can read into the fact that they are calling out the reservists of the quote. as far as that question, let me just give you some background here. hold on until the 8th, when its engines broke out uh between all seventies right now between as below and israel. most of it was actually contained along the border between the 2 countries . impulse that disputed voted between the 2 countries. now that have been several strikes ongoing, most of them like as a, along the buddha had been strikes in israel against the last targets, although a roll rate, but it's always been contained. and that's really been something that these right,
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these and hezbollah can deal with. but then on monday, the is right, these attacked the conflict, the running homes live in damascus. that made the around in stand up and take notice. and the iranians without saying they will strike iran at the time of the choosing. that's official, but that's the language that's coming out of the israel seems to be listening to those words. 3 key things have happened to especially fail cooling up as a result this, there already a number of reserve is that been pulling up since october the 7th. so they've cooling even more troops into action by canceling the leave of any sort of it's already 7. remember that there's a lot of fatigue here as well. they've been fighting for 6 months. so this is no popular decision amongst the soldiers themselves. and the is where the armies insisting their war and everybody needs to make the sacrifice. and the fed keeping a doing in haifa, introduce the intel
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a v. they've disrupted the g p. s signals. that's a warning to iran that they all prepared for any kind of attack on they. so we've not seen this kind of escalation of security measures by israel for very long time . that goes to show you the israel is taking this right from iran very service. okay, thank you so much. iran con, it runs reporting for us from hyphen. it will not be to let you out as a cato, he's an associate professor of golf politics with the go study center. i'd katara university. welcome back to elgin 0. so is our response by iran, all but guaranteed, whether it's a direct response or an in direct response. of course, the response will happen. i mean, every time the lead on was the targeted, they did something, but sometimes they are not doing it directly to avoid replacing the new and outside . just know that if they've targeted directly is riley. if they did this all the time, it goes, and these are the embassy or they try to, to should the me. so i was directed to the, to police. well,
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they wouldn't be talking about the united states because this is what, but what it, what it's going to happen to me if you start this, i'll talk by your friends united to say will, it will say that your site has the right to defend. and therefore, if you have to say, would enter into the death to fight again. so it's been a, it's going to do something, but that's they tried to do when and, and the 3rd so thought to, to place a few months ago, that the, like a place in, at a meeting that they were supposed to be used by most of the agents, so most probably, you know, we tried to target interest, so he's probably around the reason not doing it directly, even though this time how many was very clear that their own people will do. yeah, i mean, speaking of how many, this is what he said on the, on acts. he said that the iran has decided to respond against his release and design us will regret the crime if we're talking that ring and consulate in damascus. so what would be their political calculations today and have they changed?
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well, they've got the same if they do something, they would be targeted. and the problem is how far you done is going to go in terms of sacrificing their own people. i mean so far, eh, i mean, you don't use, have been killed in many places in the city. i mean, that you sort of have been fucking, you don't see this long time ago. there's a long term war that has been going on this thing. so, you know, troops as we are, be civil in that and you can just see us in 2015, once he's filed, get many assign this, the science is inside it. i am 3030. and so far you'd, i'm try to target him directly east where i'd love to be blamed for the confrontation and, and the problem is now even their own corporation is asking their own government to do something because they feel that they've, they're unsafe in front of what these riley is doing right, so most probably we would see something a little bit more a self they've done me only uh,
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sending troops or sending the boxes to to. that's like if i got a start, i mean, what do you think the is really is or what was behind not to get his motive to conduct such an attack on the iranian consulate in syria. what's he hoping to achieve is, is he trying to drag the us into this war and pro longest definitively a one of the objective is to drive united states. they're gonna have to say, well, at the beginning of the after the funding, the, unless it was the same, no, we didn't do anything. they communicated directly to it on since we didn't do it. and we didn't know about that. so you're not does, it doesn't, once we get the right into the war a but israel or, and then find the airplane. in this case, the heat was clear, things are very beginning. we're going to reach wherever we think that there's a threat coming to us. either inside the east 303030 or outside. so far, the rich cbs, the rich young supposedly a few months ago as well. and so they don't feel limited by any in terms of $33.00,
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in terms of any anything that they could do that the course in any red line that if it would be done by other country, the president could meet the amended, i did say who would have done something already, right? a but you sort of feels supported by united states so far by that is upset. you saying that he's going to talk by phone today with the veneer who but he's not going to take any mess or he would try to use the best on relation to say, okay, comes out, they'll do more of that. but that's it's the policy of, of the united state and got so we love change. okay, thank you so much, much on the car. thank you. well in the occupied westbank, at least one palestinian has been killed during the latest as really, rates is really military vehicles have been targeted in jeanine fighting is reported in several areas of pacific of the
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other new state media in iran say about 16 gunman and 11 security force members have been killed and fighting in the south east. the country gunmen carried out simultaneous attacks on revolution regard basis into cities and sis done. but let's just on province, the governments blaming a separate as groups seeking greater rights for the police minority. we have the rest of the bar, you know, who's running us from to around to tell us about what you're hearing about this developments or so the 3. and this is one of the deadliest attacks carried out by this separately screws known as josh also known as the army of justice. this is a separate issue that was formed in 2012 and they've carried out a number of attacks in the system by the interest on problems that are on. but this is the 1st time they've carried out a simultaneous attack on a number of the military at braces,
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including the revolutionary races of police station in the 2 cities solve the heart and russ in that province. this is been seen as a extremely dangerous situation because the government opened fire and they tried to store these uh military on pounds and stations. and then there was a hostage situation that ensued and the situation went on throughout and many hours . and just in the past hour, we've heard from the officials in the coffin saying that it is now in control of the areas that the government storms and that they are returning as a number of civilians to their homes. and prior to the attack, there was a warning issued by this group online urging citizens to remain home and not to come out and that they were going to carry out an operation in that area. and this is, of course, comes at a very important time in the wrong square as the tensions are very high as
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a result of the attack that was carried out on the revolutionary commanders in syria. so this breach of security in that province, yet again highlights the vulnerabilities that iran faces along its border with talk . a sense of course, is something officials will be looking at very closely. all right, thank you so much start center by any further update from tech on. as the search for earthquakes, survivors is continuing, and taiwan, 6 workers have been air lifted to safety officer, being trapped in a corey the magnitude 7.4 quake on wednesday was the strongest to hit the island in 25 years. at least 10 people were killed and at least a 1000 injured. jessica washington is in white land. with the latest. i'm here in raleigh, and you can see behind we want to see more severely damaged buildings in the city is collapsed almost entirely on 2 sides. workers are using excavators to try and
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off the building with soil and sand so that it doesn't entirely full. one woman did die off to the earthquake on wednesday, and so investigate who is an engineer is looking at this building to see if there were any structural problems prior to the earthquake, which led to such a severe damage. several buildings around 12 and all set to be demolished, some have already been demolished as a result of damage from this of quite a short while ago i spoke with a resident office building. she said that she is devastated to see her home in such a state. and she is one of many thing in an emergency shelter in elementary. now taiwan authorities say that they all working swishy and efficiently trying to ensure such areas all safe. but of course, to find the survivors in various locations around 20 and, and surrounding areas. now, the time ones where the agency has one that tend to prefer the authors show since
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the way they have been some 300 pounds to show people varying intensity. the weather agency says they're almost to come in the coming days and that they could be as strong as magnitude a 7. jessica washington out 0, quantity. nato for administers or a celebrating the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. the, the, that ceremony was on the 2nd day of their summit in brussels. the foreign ministers of the 32 members are considering funds to provide them loans for military, a package to ukraine. that's worth a $107000000000.00 over the next 5 years. the kremlin says relations machine, russia and nato have sung to the level of direct compensation. well, in ukraine at least 4 people have been killed and russian strikes on the eastern city of car keys. several rescue workers were among the dead after they were hit by repeating themselves on the site of the 1st attack. the city may or set at least 12
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people have also been injured. charles stratford is joining us from the ukrainian capital keeps. so 1st charles, what's, what are you hearing about the situation in car key visit stance as well, just in the last few minutes so, so we've got reports of more explosions being heard in the concave region following an elective heavy attacks. as you, as you mentioned the credit and it's already saying that they were 20 suicide, sorry, kind of causing drugs that were launched into the concave region overnight 11 of which were intercepted. and at least 4 people killed, as you say, including these 3 rescue work. cuz the attack seems to be a full and certainly on the residential area. but we also know. ready that a single power station, which is actually a gate and a previous attack was sort of hit again last night. and these kind of attacks by
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russia, we've seen escalating in recent weeks rush or is in fact deciding that these are what do you describe just revenge attacks for ukrainian attacks across the border in to the belgrade region, which is already around. so the come up which is from car keys, the currently the site and they have been trying to create, well they describe is a sign of trees in this area, blaming the ukrainians were tax and the crate in saying that. so what they describe is all the russian opposition groups also involved, but we have no way a tool of independently verifying that. but of course, this highlights the kind of problems that the ukrainians a they have because of this deficit in the defense systems. it's not just keep this being hit in recent weeks so heavily, but areas right the way across the country as far away to the west as leave. so it would in no way be inconceivable that we didn't see more tags in the hours and days ahead. i'm charles,
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are we're learning more details about nato's plans to support ukraine over the long term. will it bring some statements that i've been given in the last couple of hours in brussels? and she say on the 2nd day of this meeting of nato foreign ministers, ukraine is foreign minister, dimitra label has been speaking with an h or chief you in stoughton book until late . but basically stressing as i mentioned, this need for patriot missiles. now the patriot missile system, we are on show how many have been actually given to you try and so far in the world . but could i have it says that he's right in saying this analysts will tell you the same as the patriot missile system is very effective in dealing with ballistic miss. all the tax collect but selling stilton bugs and journalists that they have paid up to 90 full ballistic missile, all the tax on ukraine in mulch load and that's not including these ongoing suicide
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driving attacks and other artillery strikes that have been happening in recent weeks. so can labour is meeting for ministers and very much stressing the need for ukraine to have these patriot missile systems, exceptionally expensive as well. around 400000000 of the system itself. each me, so i'll costs a $1000000.00 each most oldenburg game has said that he's been discussing how we can create how nato could create a robust, predictable, institutionalized framework for support to ukraine in the long term, the being messages of support as well. the german foreign minister and lena barrow bulk, she wounds that a defeat for ukraine. she said, would bring will to central europe, ukraine and cannot continue to defend itself. the russian war of aggression straighten this further to old. you are paying voters, right. our nato borders, and as you mentioned, just to, to briefly stress that has been reaction from the kremlin as well,
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the kremlin spokes person, dimitri pest golf says that yes they, so russian relations have slipped, slits to the level of direct compensation as the us slip blog is already involved in the conference in the plane and continues to expand close to our board is so right. increasing voltage of nate. so in this crisis in this will be just as you can imagine, increasing anger it most good. thank you so much, charles rep for thank you for that update from keith h u n watchdog responsible for monitoring sanctions violations in north korea. we'll see it's mandate expire at the end of this month. i'm not softer. russia vetoed and extension. i think un security council, as eunice can reports us raising concerns about potential breaches at a time when relations between moscow on p on yang are growing stronger. north korea was not in the room, but it was the votes. biggest winner. the draft is the russian has not to be
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adopted owning to that date, and they've got to vote over a permanent member over the phone. so if this last week its ally rush blocked the annual renewal of an experts panel responsible for investigating violations of sanctions against north korea. and it's nuclear and ballistic missile program must cuz you and envoy argue the panel which produces 2 reports each year for the security council had become weaponized to serve the west centrist, the china epstein, in a mark shift from its unanimous approval of the past 14 years washington vehemently condemned russia's move. it's vito today was a self interested effort to bury the petals, reporting on its own collision with the dpr k to secure weapons that it can use to further it's addressing against ukraine. this week north korea showed us a lighting solid fuel mid to long range, hypersonic ballistic missile carter to track and disable the latest gains of it's
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wider web things upgrade. as fast warming ties between come young and moscow since their leaders summit last year has led to reports of significant arms deals to fuel the clean war. south korea is taking its own action, sanctioning russian both suspected of transporting weapons from north korea. and companies to form ministry says, are facilitating jobs fun with creating a workers, earning foreign currency for their government. if any of those construct sula, or with emphasize the imposing of illegitimate sanctions will put the negative consequences in terms of relations with russia. it's a risk, so is increasingly willing to take alongside tokyo and washington, while the north koreans sanctions remain. analysts say their enforcement will become even more difficult, with no clear alternative to the un monitoring team unit skim. alda 0, so as a pro curtis politician in eastern sir
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t a has had his victory. this week's local elections restored. the city's elections board had refused to certify his mayor or when sparkling days of protests on dozens of arrests. some concerns with reports in the city, yvonne where supporters had been celebrating his reinstatement. is this the, this is the moment up the last day down learned the election board had to versed in earlier decision and recognize his victory in the race for may or of loans, a city in se, into kia he received 55.5 percent of the vote as the procured histone parties candidate and local elections last sunday. but the electoral body initially council has mended citing and legal technicality is awarded the race to the ruling of parties. candidates who received on the 27 percent of the vote. the names that we learned that a decision has been made in our favor,
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justice has been served. we would like to thank our friends who contributed and resisted for 3 days and the word spread quickly and hundreds of thousands of citizens flocked to his party headquarters. these 3 past 14 days, people are out celebrating their victory voters in vaughn and other se and provinces had protested the previous ruling and battled with police before the reverse. so we're very happy we didn't leave the streets. and finally we got what we deserve. others, no one can speak to the will of the kurdish people of the lives they done is the people sort of curtis voters say they want the political will to be recognized in the same way that other citizens of this country are today. it has been the non custodial down to 01 south as through care. still ahead on the all does it renews
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our an executive from a major crypto currency exchange spaces, criminal charges in nigeria to have the details after the break on this talk to our goal coming up from japan general will have the details in sports like the the another day and the sub joining is continue in central from the legacy of the magistrate in this folder in the last few days, the last few weeks to be honest. and they're wanting to strong winds across germany . well, because it's very unsettled in those near. in contrast to old places for the south, and it will be the south that windsor but not immediately. for the rest of the state, you can see the blues, the rain, the snow, where we cover kids coming up, it is cold,
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and particularly in sweden. so he's going just navigate and also it's gonna snow again. his doctor was already snowed and stuck crow. this is alma drive, his stuff extensive, but i just remind you it's early april. now we should be getting to the end of the season. this is april snack, but it's, this is more on the right, but we need to be the western wing, the running out through denmark here. tell me if it gets really cold and which stays in northern sweden, this minus 35 from yesterday. cold is a 4 day since 1956, so there's still extremely cold air, right? but as i said, this is the way that as we move the rain and the wind further north was and we alive with the skies to open. and the temperatures will rise. for example, to vienna or up 223-2425 degrees trickles 29, but the average is c t. for know if i forget the story as to why the extreme heat including 9 did not julia now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict
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zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out are getting close to the people, most affected by those in power is often dangerous, but it's absolutely vital. the story is to be told we've pushed as far forward as we can to the front line. now the smells upset. the power in a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do the
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the color within the top stories on the al jazeera news, our, the founder of the a group whirl central kitchen size, israel's killing of 7 walkers on monday was not a mistake. but a systematic targeting of their convoy, several 8 agencies have suspended operations due to safety concerns. the human rights watch investigation has analyzed. one of the single definitely is, is really or strikes since the war on goes up and down. it says a $106.00 civilians were killed in the mislead as refugee camp in october. what appears to be a war crime? the report found no evidence of the military target in the vicinity. iranian state media, as a government have killed 11 security force members and an attack on 2 vases. the
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government has blaming a separate, disapproved interest on the system and bringing a file. so an attack by an armed group link to al qaeda has killed at least $73.00 people and they include $32.00 civilians. thousands of civilians have been killed and more than 2000000 displaced by fighting there since 2015. as the former speaker of south africa's parliament on former defense minister has to render to police who are investigating corruption, not see the way it must be signed to cool out resign 24 hours earlier. the member of the governing african national congress said her departure in no way is a quote indication or admission of guilt. the corruption investigation coincides with campaigning for the general election next month. that's when the and see could lose power for the 1st time. farm is another, is running us from johannesburg. so tell us more about what led to this arrest.
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the reason these allegations go back to about 2016. between 201620. 19 way it does allege the former speaker of parliament had received bribes when she was the minister of defense full contracts for the ministry of defense. she has denied those claims and saying that they're politically motivated, but she's been under lots of pressure in the last several weeks in terms of having to hand this off over to police and being formally charged. she did try to go to quote, to prevent the charges, what is being arrested, but that was thrown out of court. she had claimed that an arrest would be, i know, full, but it appears to be no standing for that. and she had said that the case against a is weak, but these charges are very serious and those had mentioned they had also led to her resignation in the past 24 hours as the speaker of parliament and as a member of parliament ultimately allowing her part to the african national
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congress to potentially safe face. so what about the timing of all this findings out? what's the significance of this arrest happening so close to the elections? the timing is very difficult for the african national congress given that it is facing a difficult and election here. the amc has lost a significant amount of support since the last election and very much around the difficulty south africa's facing including corruption. high ranking members of the n c have faced corruption charges in recent years including the former president, jacob's duma. so for menu who vote this is nothing you for the and see, but it is the latest and a number of allegations of the party is facing. and it's one that seems to seems to be doing needs to be seen as doing something about the high levels of corruption and even with regard to the president. so remote points of himself as been
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criticized of full potential corruption allegations which have since been dismissed, at least in this particular case, the whole must speak of parliament has resigned. so it does allow the agency to focus on the elections rather than having to defend just months. they hadn't heard of going to the poll. all right, thank you so much from to miller, for that update from johannesburg. an executive from the crypto currency platform finance has appeared in court in nigeria on tax evasion charges. the nigerian government alleges that finance has manipulated exchange rates through currency speculation and rate fixing. and this apparently costs the local currency to drop by nearly 70 percent. let's bring in fidelis and bought in a boost for more on this story. so what happens in court's the today the executive was brought to court that stopped about ticket and got by. yeah . and he was supposed to be arranged to have subsidy charges of tax evasion. on
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some money laundry, but he's lawyers argue that he has actually not been properly solved by these. the prosecutors and that's he cannot onset 2 charges against is putting company he's put in company, which is fine is and that said he was just the asset individual. i guess the maintaining back to it a warranty and falls. he's a fundamental humor writes, we slaves. fuel has been in france. maybe that's his passport has been seized. he's a us citizen. so he's not allowed to travel that's of nigeria. and also he's been held in custody that he was brought to court today about officials of the anti corruption commission. and the judge actually granted him that the that's of he does should be a formal service from the prosecutors. and he will be a formerly a read on monday when, because the resumes at getting the bottom. so what are authority saying then about the finance executive who escaped from custody?
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a yeah, this is vanessa executive were reportedly escape from the is safe house, which was supposed to be very, very safe. a secured facility on the flip, the country using your opinion, passport people do he hold it can us that passport. so he, he was reported me because he's supposed to be left the country using these, these k and fox sports as to the menu and go. but it's saying that they are collaborating with being supple, sweet, showed that she's really arrested whatever he has run to. so that he will be brought back to major at to see his charges. as you know, just i said he's all the colleagues because i didn't go much as demanding as much as $10000000000.00 in compensation. i mean, that's a big see, that's a big country. so find a huge financial loss as a result of the activities of buying those. and so the expecting that the company will pay that. and then product cases, office tax evasion by the officials and also the company would also come off for
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hearing on monday. so for now, the executive will flabby still at large. why the government is making it for us to ensure that he's brought back to prosecute it. and that bu, okay, for that us and boss. thank you so much for that update from others of voters in kuwait are casting ballots in the countries. forrest parliamentary election in as many years. so the new in mirror share some mission and i've done a football has warning, is warning the public against boycotting the vote. he dissolved parliaments in february, a foster, a member of the house, made a speech that was seen as insulting to the monarch. let's speak to by that and see if he's a history professor at 28 university. joining us from kuwait city, welcome to alger 0. so the solving parliament is not uncommon, and coates, but i know that you said this election is a crisis as well as an advantage. what do you mean by that? as like anything in life event, spring view, both crises and opportunities. this continues
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a stream of action that has characterized modern quality political life really in terms of having re election one after the other. and this is a backdrop of trying for us to find a formula. and that's where the opportunity part comes in. trying to find a formula in which the ruler and rules can come together and work out an agreement to move political life forward. now we're constrained in terms of what the constitution offers and ever since the duration of great and 91, the system has been held under check through the constitution. and this is in stark contrast to how it was before the invasion. so there are hard attempts to try and work out the system. the system requires a router to reset. there should be new rules of engagement that could allow us to move beyond this. but given the circumstances, we should look at both sides of the positive and negative. yes, there is
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a lot of tension. there's a lot of instability. there's the lot of inability to move forward with certain funds that require stability. but there is also that keen attention to trying to get us to the right moments. right? it's quite cyst. okay, hang on one second because just a moment you go, you said that the system requires a radical reset. what do you mean by that to what i mean is we've commemorated over 60 years of the constitution 2 years ago. so we've had this constitution since 1962 and we've seen over and over again that there are certain rules of engagement within the constitution that hasn't led to the most optimal collaboration between governments and parliament. so i think it's, it's time to read. i think that that's the formula. it's time to have us come together international dialogue to discussed the strength of the challenges of the system. and that will bring us closer together and meant to produce something that's well thought organic. and that reflects the challenges and the needs of
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today's time in court. at the beginning of the holy month of the year, they'll give a speech and he called for people to turn out to the elections. and he also called for a national identity. how do you think his speech went down and do expect a good turn out for the selection? this is the 1st election under the current immune who came to power a few months ago. and it's quite noticeable that there was a call for not only a training to vote and avoiding boycotting, which is a natural human inclination if you've had an election after another year after year . but there was also at the beginning of the speech an invitation to open a new chapter. and i think qu eighties are resilient. they've been over this more than once, and they're trying to find a mechanism to get things forward. now, mind you, this will only lead them to
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a certain point if you don't go to those radicals. reset the steps that i've alluded to earlier. okay, by that and say thank you for speaking to us from kuwait city as columbia, as military says, 9 members are for break away from the facts and of the former fark rebel group had been killed and fighting with the army of the of islands, kansas. 2 months after the saxon agreed to start peace talks with the government, which is trying to end 6 decades of conflicts with rubble forces and drug gains. while a new human rights watch report says columbia and panama are failing to protect migrants crossing the treacherous darien gas. hundreds of thousands of people flee through the natural divide between the 2 countries of the year every year. but as many well rough hello reports, they are increasingly vulnerable to robberies on sexual violence. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the dairy and gap last year. the incident is jungle that
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connects columbia and panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. that's what we need us to just kept in in task. one of the obligations that both the columbia and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals within their territories. regardless of nationality. conditional investigators say panama and colombia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigator, se migrant space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and this is nothing a list. i think you have a lot of one of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation and losing the ability to provide
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attention in border areas as lead to criminal groups. being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. because the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to contain them. if someone's be in the coma math, but it's on us, if started school, we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous routes. what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain the recommendations published by human rights watch seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect the human rights of migrants across the americas. and move it up
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a little elders here. here's what's coming up after the break. the dogs are is $700000000.00. star. finally gets his 1st home run for his new team that's coming up with jermel intimate. the the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the hello again time for the sports interest demo. thank you. during 8 games to go out austin, to look back on top of the premier league, they beat loose and to nail to be the point declared believable while much as to assist you will. so i kept up the pressure and said, thanks whitfield fight. and patrick david stakes rounds up the action because
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a lot of tests, i'm a side changes to the off the side that drew it meant just the city and it paid off pepsi mountain duty. god opened the scoring 24 minutes in against linton street, and the game was pretty much wrecked something by half the time after a donkey how she woke up and go of the hospitals 21st. when did the season puts them back on? so with a goal difference of plus $48.00 way ahead of the rivals, which could prove crucial the end of the season. go means that, that we have that we have really close that we have showing out of consistency and quantity to, to be able to refine, to mean in the position that we are right now on to another state and to sleep, eat prepared well, and i was pricing, defending champions. manchester city were up against aston villa. the team right behind them in full place. the leech top score adding holland was dropped to the
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bench by pet gaudy ella. but it was another of the stalls which led to the after you had all the same whites for the game, looked at 112 food in school trick to secure a bite to win for city as they chased best. the title in a row being the mid field that now has $21.00 goals overall, the season, the net to telling me that this is special for the base with the work ethic is unbelievable enough to have a grow, a sense of go. you have central, it had to pull it back in. the lifeline is oh, you're going to score is going to score you right. that feeling city, extend their own beat and run to $24.00 games. you know? competitions, beth, 3rd level on points with little pull. who can read take top spot later on 1st day. if they beat sheffield, you know, to the m field savings folks, i'll just say
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a rest of them. so just one point separates the top 3 teams and as we had that little pool can go back, talk again later. the manager, young and top, says he's doing his best to ignore the height. and i don't know when i don't care. um no, i think i said last press conference, one of the most important things is to, to get through this period is test to ignore outside miss. so goes that goes up and on and it's emotional, always kind of things. we have to be professional, have you have to be, we have to be emotional, but in the right way, they have to be the best version of those as a power 1000 mile remain on cost for us. thus french got sizes and 3 is also they be rented the semi finals, and it was cain him by with the when a is called his 8 goals. the competition them says 9th avery, this season. if i feel in the fine way that the keys in a closing in on our historic lead and doubling germany,
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they beat for to do it just little full nail it to reach the german cut fine with the end of may by they will fight 2nd to yet cause a 1000 by the end they could have secured the lead title as they 6. 13 point is clear with 7 games to play. the part of the ad and it's the last is run is up here in tina have one. so this one is highly and cut final phase, each task the last one, that highland assess, elizabeth semi final, they're looking to list the cubs assess tracy since they want me to come back in 2001. and how about this goal in the japanese, late to all great santana, who plays foot or reads, scoring from the half way line. and the 24th minutes the match with actually takes you is a really an assets. sorry david back i'm ask. i think you find but unfortunately for them as to take a, came from behind 2 into one japanese and that'll be start show, hey, autonomy has said his 1st time run to the la dodgers since joining them this season . it came in that game against the san francisco giants, or you tani, who signed
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a 700000000 dollar 10 year contract with the judges, was playing his 9th games his new team. when he hit the solar drive. in the 7th inning, it's on his home on the 117 seconds of his majorly trip to the doctor's in front. as they beat the giant's faithful. i'm working on swimming the way i want to without rushing things. i really want it to put up results and i'm really glad i was able to hit home today. i definitely feel energized being able to play in front of this chrome steel blackboard, the atlanta hawks have plans. this falls to me and the eyes play, and thomas for the winning detroit pistons training. johnson got the 1st of the triple a couple of his career and the 121 for one second victory fan efficiency kept the pressure on throughout the game. i switched 50 point performance from out of high spin. that was a franchise record for the most points, for the wire was up with just a week away from the 1st major in men's goals, the mazda is, but they will guess the national courses hasting
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a women's amateur to him and right now as being a performance worthy of a price 21 year old scott's swimming had a darling hit. 8 buddies just finished the day at 6 on depaul, university of south carolina student is a stroke ahead of the 3 of the class going into around 2 on thursday. and did the edit tell the new york rangers game with the lead jersey devil started with a muscle from the opening space of food and apply is on the ice. got involved. ace of them for police team rejects is before most of the funds even settled into the city. is one of the most this arrival region, hopefully. and this time around the ranges came out on top when the game finally got underway, winning it for 3. that is what you'll sports now. i will have another update license, duplicate gemma. thank you so much for that. well, so molly, yes, cabinet is decided to expel the if you open ambassador this follows rising tension over port deal. that if you, if you're struck with the break away region off, so molly land,
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let's find out what this is about bringing catherine story and she's joining us from nairobi. so give us context to all of this, catherine well, this is a very big escalation considering that dispute that started last the has a, has been quiet for a while because that has been told between the 2 countries mediated by president william who so, so now it appears with what is going on. it's going to be a very huge set, help set back. and what has been happening is that the seo um and so molly line that's a breaker with region of somalia made this deal uh full issue appear to use uh the fees and condone because purposes and uh, because of that uh somalia, the federal depot, the government also my dad in will the dish you oh well that was very angry because
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it appears that uh you still p. uh uh, bypass the issue. uh so well that issue felt like i said and said that. 9 this is an in french horn in britain infringement. uh, all the countries terry tardy. all right. and then now um, even as the trucks going on beach between the 2 countries, we have another incident. where is still the, has invited a portland, that's another region in so mind. yeah. it's, um it's, it's, it's on the semi autonomous regions. so that like delegation went to is still the a to discussed by the actual relations and cooperation. again, the, i'm the government also my, the a very angry about that, saying that it is a provocative and you know, uh, in kind of the, the, our tension between portland,
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um and uh, so molly, uh, because of an ongoing, a constitutional review process in which a total and save it, reject some of the proposals that have been made food lunch, went ahead to say that it could break away from the federal system. so this again becomes very problematic in the country. all right, thank you. catherine. sorry for the update from nairobi accord in new york has rejected an attempt by donald trump to delay his so called hush money trial due to start later this month. the former us president is accused of falsifying his business records to cover up payments to an adult film star. trump lawyers had asked for the trial to be delayed until the supreme court considers his claim for presidential immunity. in a separate case, us president joe biden has joined forces with a former political arrival to highlight his administration's campaign to lower
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health care costs. in an event at the white house, biden's specifically singled out his fights to lower the cost of inhalers for tens of millions of americans for rely on the devices to treat asthma. kimberly hawk it has this updates at the white house us president joe biden is doing a bit of a victory lap over legislation. was passed back in 2022, but that he feels many americans are still not giving him credit for. that's why he was the senior senator from vermont, bernie sanders to talk about that legislation. the caps, the cost of many prescription drugs for americans who run a government health care program don't as medicare for years. people have talked about how medicare has the power to negotiate for lower drug pressure, the prescription drug prices. the government pays for just like to be a does one that you are able to negotiate medicines and,
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and needs for the veterans. we tried and tried and tried. and finally with bernie's health. i finally got my inflation reduction act, which i've passed, verity health care to pass one republican in the entire congress. this surprised me . i have to admit one single republican voted for not one single want to give a safari to take on and be big pharma. now one of the big reasons that president is promoting this particular package has a lot to do with his poll numbers and then election year. he is tied or lagging behind his rival, former president, donald trump. most americans are blaming the president for high inflation on t goods, like food costs and heating bills, and are not giving the president credit for lower prescription costs. that's why he enlisted bernie sanders help to promote his health care passage. kimberly help it
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al jazeera, the white house. thanks for watching the news. our own i was a 0. i call the folly about to those with you in just a moment. she'll have much more of the days news, and all the latest headlines. thanks for watching. bye. bye for now. the the
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mission of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is this christmas helen sort of female surgery and not a weekend. and because the spirits in the face of it, this is the time to get a can so me the a we look at the world's top business stores, how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and
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economies of small businesses have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects on they design. how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just the, these really military cancels all lead for combat units and calls up at defense. reserve is 3 for say, there's high and low top that you on vowed revenge for an s y kind. it's concentrates into us the play you're watching allergies here at my from don't how with me for the back. people also coming up as i drove these really yes, strikes in a rock by way more than half the population of guys are the main displaced and on the verge of.


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