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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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see how big a problem is going on? food insecurity, counting the cost. oh no, just the these really military councils all lead for combat units and calls up at defense. reserve is free for say, there's high and low top that you on vowed revenge for an s. why couldn't it's concentrates into us the play you're watching allergies here at my from bill. how with me for these back people also coming up a search of these really yes, like seeing a roth by way more than half the population of guys are the main displaced and on the verge of finding somebody, i espouse the opium boss, her attentions escalate over ethiopia is for deal with the break away region of somebody that and a rainy and st media, blaine set protest for
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a major attack on 2 military bases in the province of system. but of just on the thank you for joining us. these really military is cancelling only for combat units and calling up at defense reserve is no official reason has been given is really media every for say, the mobilization is in response to e. ron biling, revenge for an s right. on the radian consulate in syria islamic revolutionary god, commanders were killed in damascus on monday. let's bring in volley, collins, and occupied east jerusalem from on this. so really be is really military counseling. all the for combat units and calling up reserves. what could this mean? what could it signal like these, right, you still haven't claimed officially to evaluate behind the attack on the building
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the damascus, which killed eyes and writing and pass and else. nor should we really expect them to this a static practice. and these kind of circumstances fit into these rights, but no one serious really doubts that it was. and certainly not the, his writing ministry. so it's easy. beans leaking and briefing. so his reading, media and western media certainly not the arabians who have bows, retributions, and that retribution, those threats of it, is being taken very seriously israel and the monument. so there are a number of matches that are being taken to types and things of answer light preparations. one of them is that cooled off falls, reservists to add defense units at defense, the res day off the line of defense that basically would take on any missiles or drones that came from iran or perhaps pass for la and to the north and by roots or anywhere else for that matter is routes that resulted some jamming going on of gts
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signals inside as well as being reports, aids in tennessee, ventures and in other parts of the country as well. again, that would disrupt any drones coming into the country. that has been a warning put out. so use is variety, consultants and embassies around a well they have to tighten up that security. take this very, very serious be indeed. and of course better is that a cancellation, a whole home lee for any come back unit of the is ready minutes. right? and that's this isn't being specifically tied to the threat from the ramp. and that's how it's being perceived in israel at the moment set meets. this is a country that is on god at the moment because of that attack on the building in damascus. i just took it that day or 2 ago. and this is a country that is preparing for some sort of writing and response. probably. thank you. thank you very much for that. that's roll retirements, live there in occupied east jerusalem. this is where i was defense minister says
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his forces will pivot the target has well and 11 on there's been rising tension with the rainy and back to group him on con is in high for on these are 11 on border with more hold on to v 8, when it's inches broke out between possibilities while the average weight is below . and israel, most of it was actually contained along the border between the 2 countries imparts that disputed voted between the 2 countries. now that have been several strikes ongoing. most of them like as a, along the buddha had been strikes in israel against the last targets. how they owe a roll rate, but it's always been contained and that's really been something that these riley's and has bullet can deal with. but then on monday, the is riley is attacked the conflict through running colds less in the baskets that made the around in stand up and take notice. and the iranians without saying they will strike iran at the time of the choosing as an official. but as the
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language is coming out of that, israel seems to be listening to those words. 3 key things have happened to best buy . now pulling up a reserves there already a number of reserve is that been cooling up since october the 7th. so they've cooling even more troops into action. they kind of thing the leave of any soldiers already, 7 with them, if there's a lot of fatigue here as well. they've been fighting for 6 months. so this is an unpopular decision amongst the soldiers themselves in the is where the armies insisting their war and everybody needs to make the sacrifice understood. keeping doing in haifa, introduce the intel a v. they've disrupted the g p. s signals. that's a warning to iran that they all prepared for any kind of attack on there. so we've not seen this kind of escalation of security measures by israel for very long time . he goes to show you the israel is taking this threat from iran very seriously. this is really selling into 11 on has killed around 50 civilian since october. that
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includes children, medic send jealous border towns on both sides have been cleared out due to ongoing exchanges. are 5 between has been a lot and these really ami, i'll just here is. heidi ashen visited one board, a village to see the destruction next behind. we are on the center of the news, the village of and the for as you can see, lot of destruction. and this is no different from any or the village here on the border with these are and i'm not caught off with this. several is really a strikes over the past few months. and in general, over the border line between the board as here from low florida towards the border area off a ship off, which is like 120 kilometers. there are hundreds of destroyed houses. this is, for example, neighbor here and not for the that's destroyed the people of the stones have
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already left towards say for the areas in fi and they moved in about 2 years. and this also applies to all that area such as i, the shock that's almost healthy, destroyed as it sounds like bleed. mesa is about 5 killer that are directly on the borderline. i'll also be targeted on daily basis by as ready as twice know about that. many civilians have been killed over the past 6 months. are over $55.00 the and the situation here is a war situation despite the fact that the skirmishes dropped off taking place. austin contained too many 3 targets, hardly hash him a 0. look what i saw the for at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children has been killed in is there any strikes on the southern gaza? she knows that being held for the victims west of rossa. the latest attack targeted
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a building housing display, spanish, simians, another house was also head east of a city. almost 33000 people have now been killed by israel since the war began. including 14000 children. probably my next enough puts an end to this injustice for 180 days. children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough . where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? wherever is eunice, the items that i don't have a hold on to that the, these are the goals of israel does not have any plans to end. this will. it's targets of children and women. there is nice, safe place it. oh yeah. what safety there is no safety, i told him cause there was no one meets a orange of land. that is safe. they displace them to the roof of thinking it was safe, but even tents houses everywhere was being pump. there was no safety, even why swatches analyze one of the single worst is really as strikes since the war began. its investigation says a $106.00 civilians were killed in october, in
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a power into a crime. at least 54 children were among the victims. when a residential building was hit me at the new se raj refugee camp. no evidence of a military target was found in the vicinity. the report concludes that governments should suspend on sale, so israel alger 0, sorry god was on, has details from rough. i in 7 does indeed the precise investigation that has been carried out by the human rights, which indicated clearly that to the use of any ministry had targeted full story apartment building that was hosting hundreds of evac curious who are talking about 106000 units have been killed, including 54 children 18 at 18 men and around 34 women at the new school will have been killed so far in fact attack according to the investigation. the attack has been carried out by hitting the building with full strikes within 10
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seconds without any prior warnings. as investigators have been talking to a number of 5 witnesses the on the ground who have been, who has managed to survive from this upload it on douglas like they have been saying that they did not receive or hear any warning from the us by the authorities . regarding the evacuation of the area in order to hit that building, despite the fact that there was new any evidence that the there was a military target on the vicinity of the building that has been attacked. and clearly this is a new thing, relation to the less less records of the is very, uh, crimes that had been committed in this war since the beginning of the conflicts, as the majority of the areas that had been targeted, have not yet been warned. it's ongoing mounting attacks despite the international court of justice, who was to say you back their military bombardment and to take ultimate measures in order to avoid casualties amongst civilians. but not none of this had been in fact
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translated on the ground as palestinians have been hit on an hourly basis. um its mold, growing concerns about may petune some encouraging for us to, to here in the south. which means that there's going to be much more legit and the more a higher rates of casualties expect it to be a month civilians to starving palestinians in guys, a few food shortages will worse and following the latest attack on aid workers, the founder of the group well, central kitchen says is ross kidding or 7 of its staffing guys? i was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting of the convoy 3 consecutive as strikes attacked the workers vehicles on monday despite these relays being told where they were going. the u. n says it suspending the night time movement of aidan guys i for 48 hours because of security concerns. the founder of world central kitchen. jose, andreas has accuse israel of carrying out a war against humanity. they were target systematically, car by car. they attacked the 1st car. we're still trying to get all the
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information on what happened on the 1st bar. we have a feeling they were able to escape safely because was an armor. basically. this was the only day the 3rd day we had that more big. within 6 month trying to random mean, but the 1st time or big code was heat the wherever to seems to escape. we still don't know all the details on the events and from some people in your people, even that they were able to move in december 1. and again, these one was get, they were able to move into a 3rd one. in the process, we know that we're trying to call but in details of the moment, whatever happened, they tried to be telling idea that why are they doing that? they were target demons, you know, they confidence on, you know, network on. so my idea then, knowing that was our team's moving on that route with 2 or more with 3 cards. and then they hit this or one,
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and then we saw the consequences of that when daniel started. and that's $77.00 people that they are 7 on top of a lease of one to another $192.00 money turning worker that they've been killed over the last 6 months. so these was not used by black in the situation where oaks we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or, or no, this was over 1.51.8 kilometers with a very be fine. you might need the income boy that had signed seemed to stop in the rules of very color for low or that we are obviously very proud of. but that is very clear who we are and what we do. state media in yvonne say 18 gunmen and 10 security force members have been killed in fighting in the southeast of the country . the gunmen carried out single 10 years of tax on revolutionary gone basis into cities in system baluchistan province. the government
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is blaming a separate his groups seeking greater rights for the balloon. each minority dosage or body has more from de la or one of the deadliest attacks carried out by the city. separate this group known as chase as it was carried out in the system village of some provinces, south eastern, part of wrong in multiple locations. this is the 1st time the group has carried out such a big a task in that region. big government has stormed various security and military confound simultaneously in the city of russ catch all the heart. and they also had suicide. best on them as well. the dispute between the security forces and the classes with the members of this group went on for many hours. and finally, we heard from officials insist on brothers has some problems, say that all the government has been the apprehended and killed. and this security
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situation is now under control. this, of course, comes at a very critical time later on where the tensions are high with the powers in the region. as a result of the attack on the consulate, it'd be raining consulate in syria, which killed 7 members of the revolutionary guard at this will be seen as a major security breach for officials in that region. many questions will be asked about how this attack was be able to be carried out at this time. doors that jabari ultra 0 head on alger 0 rescue is in taiwan search for survivors shopped in building, stopping by wednesday. it's awful nice. plus the marching any, any t, nato members discuss plans for ukraine as a mock. the alliance is 75th anniversary. and from the
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a unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god, and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all right here. and right now the stream announces era a political, the bank, pony. farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me come out to him. and course the arrival inside story on al
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jazeera, the colleges here with the you're watching out you 0 life from. don't a reminder about top stories. these really military's whole team only for combat units and defense, 3 service, i've also been called up. no official reason has been given bodies really media say it's a response to e,
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ron vowing revenge for an s right. on the radian constellation syria, a human rights watch investigation has analyzed one of the single databases really s like since the one gas at the gas. it says a $160.00 billions would kill the new say rock in october, and what appears to be a will crime report finds no evidence of a military target in the vicinity. and a rainy and state media says gunmen have killed 10 security force members in an attack on 2 basis. the government is bailing as separate to school, been system, but it's just a not was used. somalia has expelled d. c o. p. as in bassett or somebody official say it's because of a dispute over a port d o between the breakaway region of somebody, not any field. yeah. somebody a also close to a v p o. p is consulates wanting. somebody 9 and the other a nissan semi autonomy was region of portland. if you hope you have reached a preliminary agreement, which somebody lined in january, to lease 20 kilometers of coastline in return for possible recognition of the
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region that spring in, catherine soil from all on this story, she has life from nairobi. guthrie intentions between somebody i need fuel. yeah. over somebody that have been growing for months now. what specifically led to somebody expelling? ethiopian invested. yes. and those tensions are continuing to escalate this distribution was made by cabinet in mogadishu. and you know, somebody is very angry about some of the issues that is spacing between um, so malia and. 7 7 is still the staci. uh we use uh a few between uh so mind. yeah. if you will. uh and so my, the land, which is a break away. redone also my the uh, when it comes to uh, the seas. um and you know, somebody is say uh that. 9 is still yeah,
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has been infringing in the territory or right um of somebody. uh, so there are tasks that have been going on. uh so this current issue is about a portland as well. that's another redone all. so maria, its a, send me to a tunnel. most we done and uh, the reason why the, uh government is angry is because it's still p r. i invited um, or homestead and a delegation from portland to that country to dis, cost by law, actual ties to this cost corporation as well. now the context of this because it's ok to have those meetings. but the context of this is that there is a lot of internally attentions between somalia and point line,
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especially when it comes to an ongoing constitutional process that is going on. and pulled line is upsets about some of the amendments of proposals that have been introduced us money as the point like i say that there was no consultation. and the portland now is also saying that it has reject those amendments and it is uh it saying that it will uh, withdrawal from the federal system. he's very problematic and it's thank you, catherine, for that kept us catherine. so i lived there in may, will be kenya in booking of fossil in a time, find alms, group link to al qaeda has killed at least $73.00 people bank, looted $32.00 civilians, and 16 security force personnel. thousands of civilians have been killed and more than 2000000 displaced by fighting since 2015. as the former speaker of south
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africa's follow maintained for my defense minister has to vendor to police who are investigating corruption. no cvb might be sick. carlo resigned 24 hours ago, the member of the governing african national congress said departure in no way is an indication or admission of guilt. the corruption investigation coincides with campaigning for the general election next month. when the african national congress governing party could lose power for the 1st time to die one hour the search for earthquake survivors is continuing. 6 workers have been lifted to safety after being tried to mcquerry the maggie to 7.4 quake on wednesday was as strong as the hit the island in 25 years. at least 10 people were killed in a 1000 injured. jessica washington is inquiring. the epi cent of the quake with the latest. i'm here in raleigh, and you can see behind me, one of the more severely damaged buildings in the city,
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is collapsed almost entirely on 2 sides. workers are using excavators to try and off the building with soil and sand so that it doesn't entirely full. one woman did die off of the earthquake on wednesday, and so investigators and engineers are looking at this building to see if there were any structural problems prior to the earthquake, which led to such a severe damage. several buildings around 12 and all set to be demolished, some have already been demolished as a result of damage from this of quite a short while ago i spoke with a resident office building. she said that she is devastated to see her home in such a state. and she is one of many thing in an emergency shelter in elementary. now taiwan authorities say that they all working sweet, sweet, and efficiently trying to ensure such areas all safe. but of course, to find the survivors in various locations around $12000000.00 and so on,
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things areas. now tiny ones where the agency has one set of attention to the author shock since the way they have been some 300 off the shops of varying intensity. the weather agency says they're almost to come in the coming days and that they could be as strong as magnitude 7. jessica, washington, l 0. quantity. nato, a foreign ministers, a celebrating the 75th down of a 3 of the military lines. this alimony was on the 2nd day of the sunrise in brussels before and ministers of the 32 members are considering funds to provide a long term military aid package to ukraine. that's worth a $170000000000.00. over the next 5 years. the kremlin says relations between russia and nature assigned to the level of direct confrontation in ukraine. meanwhile, at least 4 people have been killed in russian strikes on the eastern city of khaki . several rescue workers were among the dead after they were hit by repeat mist
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size on the side of the 1st attack, the city's mer says at least 12 people have been injured. correspondent charles software has more from another large scale attack by russian forces a game on the train, 2nd largest city car k, which is around 30 kilometers from the russian border. the calculus or to say at least 4 people were killed in these attacks, including what we understand to be 3 rescue workers. they also saying that they, what's quincy can because the russian drones launched into the khaki of region overnight. and they saying that the training air force managed to intercept 11 of them that call keepers being repeatedly targeted in this escalation of attacks in recent weeks by russian forces. because the kremlin says that it is trying to create what it describes as a sign of trees around the belle grove road. the city of belgrade, the region of bell road, which folders that area close to cock have the russians accusing the ukrainians of
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repeatedly targeting energy infrastructure and targets in the side. russia. basic game highlights the need for a defense is that's what the trainings say more. a defense is on the 2nd day of the nato meeting in brussels. we expect to see the ukrainian foreign minister demitra calais by appealing to a fellow foreign ministers in the lines full. these a defend cease as this intensification of russian attacks across you, dr. continues child stuff without your 0 keith motors into way to casting ballots in the countries for quantum entry election in as many years. then you it may show me shout out loud outside bye is urging the public to vote. it is all tournament in february after a member of the house made a speech at was seen as insulting to them on columbia, as military says,
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9 members of a break away faction of the former funk rebels who has been killed in fighting with the army. the, the violence comes just 2 months after the faction agreed to san p. thoughts with the government, which is trying to end 6 decades of conflict with rebel forces and drunk guns. a quote in new york has rejected an attempt to buy donald trump to delay his so called cash money trying to, to stop me to this month. the former us president is accused of falsifying his business records to come up payments to an adult film. star drums, lawyers had to ask for the child to be delayed until the supreme court considers his claim for presidential immunity in a separate case. as always, much more on these stories and others on our website that algae 0 dot com. that's it for me for the back to for the weather is next. then on inside story, we'll look at hot weather as well as talk against the wealth. central kitchen workers is a deliberate strategy to long aging casa,
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to stay with us on entre 0. thank you for watching the the size of the i can see the recent writing has been particularly heavy and extend the forecasts. now this is laurie to give somebody like a month's worth it, right? any city you choose in southern china, in the band today. pretty significant the be funding from that every now again, the funds don't reach hong kong, which is home. it should be animal human, but that writing there, it stretches across just an over taiwan isn't heavy here. know or is it reaching the major are into japan and for the rest of east asia, it's generally a fine looking picture with temperatures rising. quite nice thing. i, a spring comes in pretty hot 30 in parts of india house and it should be good for us just one example where the shimmer of the heat can be seen,
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the lights on the traffic junction. so i'll just flashing as so you the right of way. if there's nothing coming robin having to wait. it's hot enough to distribute water to everybody says you didn't even see any so it didn't matter. but if you come to the next port, 42 and 4100, but you can see the heats you add some humidity, particularly the east coast, and it feels very unpleasant. it's like just feel pretty similar in karachi, but the on shore breezy is quite strong. and there was just a t 8 just in line. you might think that's hot for of the april. oh no, it's not. this is a very hot city and it's going to get hotter along with the rest of the practice. done this week of the in 2018, a john listed for 2 days of civic action against the on the union government. i'm president soccer group on power. i'm going to live with this where and documentary follows he's non violent campaign to bring down a car off cream,
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tarnishing out with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media as velvet revolution. on alex's era, the us president joe biden says he's all traced by is well killing of international aid workers in gaza. the 7 victims joining the nail is 200 fathers sending relief workers killed by his riley forces is attacking 8 supplies, one of the tactics as well as genocide the war. this is inside story, the .


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