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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the whole story, so an international perspective to try to explain to global audience how this could impact the lives. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good the bringing the news to the world from here, the . ready ready on the you're watching it is our life from headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the is really military cancels or leave for combat units and calls up air defense. reservist reports say there's tyler's officer. iran vowed revenge for an attack on his consulates in damascus. beaten and battered, we hear accounts of sports or from the palestinian prisoner detains in gaza by
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israel, somalia, orders. if you, if you don't bounce that or to leave those tensions escalate over at you. snowfield support seal with the break away region. also, molly line the a. so if unity as nato marks it's 75th anniversary, but russia says it's now in a state of direct confrontation with the military alliance. in sport, fox, as president says, he has no doubts. russia will target the power send impacts. have the opening of the games venue. in the french capital, emanuel macro makes his strongest comments. yeah. so what he told russia's aggressive push to the, the is really military is counseling, leave for combat units and calling up. aaron, defense for a service. no official reason has been given is really media reports. say the mobilization is in response to iran,
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vowing revenge for an air strike on the iranian consulate in syria. atlantic revolutionary guard commanders were killed in damascus on monday. at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children, had been killed in his early stress strikes on southern gaza. funerals are being held for the victims west africa. this latest attack targeted a building, housing, displace, palestinians. another house was also head east of the city. more than 33000 people had not been killed by israel since the war began, including 14000 children. the next enough puts an end to this injustice. for 180 days, children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? whereas unison items, then i don't have a whole bunch of that. these are the goals of israel does not have any plans to end . this will. it's targets of children and women. there is no safe place at all.
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what safety there is no safety tolling cause up. there is no one meets a orange of land that is safe. they displace them to rough a think it was safe. it's even tense houses. everywhere i was being bumped. there is no safety. israel has released several palestinian detainees from gaza. some of them described being beaten by is really forces with some detainees, dying under torture, ultra 0 side as soon spoke to one of them. and i'm folks out of city and destiny is have been released from the east, very detention to have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout the car was telling me what was that as we have been talking to and them both deputies, they have been reporting about really distressing and human conditions they have been getting through the detention. they have been completely surprised to from having few access to food. and even they have been overtime beats and by the is very so just and have receiving different signs of talk to isaac,
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i gladly see right now here on the elderly man that had been arrested by the it's very forces in the loss of hospital. so as you know, the fuse ready soldiers still unnecessary hospital in conyers was treated for a broken leg. is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section the following day the some were transferred to them and bar it costs. so while the rest of us, me included, were detained, loaded onto trucks taken to another location or we would strip, searched and tortured, who would be to and all the way. yeah. and their location i was in, had more than 2000 palestinians civilian detainees. you know, we were hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to interrogation under torture, all forms of torch, and you can imagine including use of forensic dogs. we were crammed into cells with no cover in any one mail today. many of the detainees died, i'm to torture many of the detainees have chronic disease. those with severe injuries were treated without mass city. the chinese are going through how enough
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is that they have been reporting about in human violations that had been taken by these very men at 3 in detention as ne number established people and even being detained. it is been sales and some of them have been taken on disclose location. still now. target as do. oh, just a rough, rough southern human rights watch is analyzed. one of the single worst is really airstrikes since the war began. its investigation says a 106 civilians were killed in october in an a parent's war crime. at least 54 children were among the victims. one of residential building was hit near the status refugee camp. no evidence of a military target was phones in the vicinity. the report concluded that governments should suspend arms sales to israel. we're taking you back to our top story and that's is really military cancelling leave for combat units will bring it home. the assumption which is our correspondent joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so
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what could this mean and what, how should we read into this? of the full after fresh assessment by these really army. it was determined that they would bolster off the air defenses, meaning all of the missile systems and interceptors the iron dome, which is the most familiar and most commonly used in israel, the arrow and the david sling. additionally, we're looking at a mobilization of reservists and cancelling. we look for those soldiers. so there hasn't been any official comments from these really armies. these really media is reading into this as some sort of preparation for a retaliation that has been bound to by it on after israel struck about it on the admission in damascus several days ago. but it all comes as israel's defense minister has even said himself that israel will pursue enemy targets wherever they are, whether it's damascus loving on and throughout the entirety of the middle east. so
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these really army has also raised their alert level to the maximum possible state in anticipation for some sort of a time and handle. we're also hearing that is really is, are now saying that their investigation into the gaza aids convoy in which 4 and workers were killed could take weeks. but their investigations never go very far. do they, as well as oftentimes these really are a says they are going to investigate things and then come back with some sort of deflection of the blame. in this particular case, they say, after a preliminary prob, they didn't acknowledge responsibility, but they are saying the thorough investigation will take weeks that be the investigation done by the is really army. but the chief of staff personally, however, he has also said there will be some sort of independent outside body who will conduct their own investigation. but how that will all work is not yet known, but the is rarely army, none the less will have a lot of questions to answer to,
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especially when it comes from countries like the united states, the united kingdom and australia. this is the 1st time these really is a really admitted to unlawful killings of people inside of gaza though it has never happened for palestinian. so they say this investigation will take weeks, but we're not exactly sure if we're going to receive those findings, but okay, thank you hon. this one who's a reporter from occupied eastern. so i'm, well, israel's defense minister says that his forces will pivot to targets has been not in love in on. there's been rising tension with the group. earlier, several rockets were launched from 11 on towards israel, and one hit the board, a town of slow me in wrong con is in slow me. with more to this is the village of a slow mean has been largely empty since october, the ape when hostilities broke out between has beloved and israel. let me just show you where i am. so you see that go to the d location between 11 east tire street and is really territory so far the tensions help and largely contained to the
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border between the 2 countries as bullet wants it. that way is ro, seemingly? was it that way? but on monday nights there was a, is really attack against and running console in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack is ro has now gone on a higher loads. then we've seen since october the 8th on this boat. and like i said, all of these villages are empty, but now as well is cooling up all me. air reserve is now there's already 287000 reserve is fighting for the is really all me since october, the 7th. that adding to that they've also canceled on leave for all of the soldiers were already fighting. that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time. but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal
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across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa, and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending a message to the iranians, but they are ready for any kind of attack that might take place. and wrong con, which is their slowed me as well in the u. k. more than 600 lawyers and academics assigned a letter to prime minister wishes to not voice and concerned about israel's war on gauze of their calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to israel, saying the u. k. as in breach of international law, they also call on the government to work actively towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and distress that position through the un security council. and they say that you k must urgently impose sanctions on senior members of the is really government who's made statements and citing genocide. we can now speak to a guy goodwin gail, he's one of the signatories in m,
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or it's as professor of international refugee law at the university of ox word. but you're joining us today from ottawa and canada. us are welcome to algebra 0 supposed 1st, most obvious question to you is why you signed this letter? i still, i need because i be involved in guys are issues so many years, but one particular i was moved by the 4th, right. and simple statement is statements issued in this, that's what we'd call upon the u. k. to live up to its obligations under the geneva convention on the genocide convention in particular. and those obligations are clear and straightforward, and states must do whatever they can to prevent the commission of genocide. so let me, i seems to me, yeah, go ahead, go ahead. go ahead. what i wanted to ask you is could, could thank you okay supports then to israel make the u. k itself completed. and this done aside a she has
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a good do if it doesn't commit to it does cancel on sales for example, it is risk at risk being completed in the act of genocide. there's a serious risk of genocide resumes and i shall go over just as found and is a u. k. with that knowledge to in mind. carriers on exporting arms to israel and as a risk of those hours will be used in the conduct of aggressive activities by his route. and the conduct of genocide is the risk that's important. and the risk must be factored into account taking into account now. and it almost as much sees direct arm sales. however, to israel from the u. k, they're pretty small compared to the u. s. so if the u. k. were to take this decision to stop selling arms sales. do you think it would be anything more than symbolic? i do think it would be more than spike. he would be sending to message to other states as well. this is something that needs to be done and shouldn't be done if states region not to be talking present in the active genocide. i think it is going
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to be models of bike is going to be a very important leave for other states to take into account when pressing on the united states and months of this to change that policy. what is your understanding as a signatory to this letter as to how serious me that you can government will be taking this? i think they will take it seriously. they have had under review the process so of supplying homes as well in the past weeks and months. i think this might be the additional spo that's needed to get them to take a decision to stop sales and, and talk to us about the significance of best. because not only has written, been signed by hundreds of signatories like yourself, but also by senior retired judges. who some say normally shy away from comments in publicly on such a political issues. and i think that's right that anyone should not underestimate the, the power of the lobby if you liked that they are moved by the situation down. moved by the new considerations that were lawyers, and we, as you said,
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the senior senior comm, a judges involved in this case in the inside, is that they to a move by the, the, the power of the arguments which have been raising the leisure. requiring commodity with the taking the, the sales b, b, 's east. if the u. k. is to avoid complicity in jet aside. all right, di goodwin dale, thank you so much for speaking to us from auto. now the occupied west bank at least one palestinian has been killed during the latest is really, rates is really military vehicles have been targeted in jeanine and fighting is reported in several areas of the city while the is really military has increased its use of undercover units in the occupied westbank, members, if its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting arrests as well as assassinations. and does need that, but he reports that often risk the lives of palestinians going about their daily
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activities. minutes before people break the the lead, i'm on the on fast, the owners of this fall off himself with with you taking orders. it was a regular d. as of he sort of fiji tempered this whole thing. until this wasn't these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers really soldiers on was that? i was holding my brother and he was holding me too. i said leave him. but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go. we have the ami, i'm like, i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle. interest. i know. they arrested 22 year old lady to look at us and took him for interrogation. a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no,
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they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover. the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate posted in communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered most and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with bang. nathan, even under cover units has been targeting palestinians in refugee camps their heavy crowded areas and its activities are putting people a true risk. but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put than most of the occupied west banks. don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the town. had that how as these obstacles of poets, of vehicles, we don't recognize,
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count into the can. we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to rule out any suspicion that sort of which even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price. in early october we met the mother of 15 . you may say in did you need refugee camp? laid off after awesome. do you run morning and shouting special forces. so he's really, sol, just standing over the salt here and he felt he done it for the army did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's under rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in
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a home, a hospital, or even if i left to shop the day, but he manages ita the occupied west bank. the consumer head on the house. is there a new software including an executive from a major crypto furnace exchange face has criminal charges and nigeria will have the details and a spec costs to learn goals coming up from just general details for the but 1st state media and iran say 18 gunman and 10 security force members have been killed and fighting in the south east of the country. the gunmen carried out simultaneous attacks on revolutionary guard bases and 2 cities and system police just on province. the government is blaming a separate test group seeking greater rights for the loose minority source and jabari has more from to,
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from one of the deadliest attacks carried out by the city. separate this group known as jayce as it was carried out in the system village of some province in south eastern part of or on in multiple locations. this is the 1st time the group has carried out such a big attack in that region. big government has stormed various security and military compounds simultaneously in the city of rusk at 12 the hart. and they also had suicide. best on them as well. the dispute between the security forces and the classes with the members of this group went on for many hours. and finally, we heard from the officials, insist on brothers has some problem and say that all the governments have been the apprehended and killed. and this security situation is now under control. this of course, comes at a very critical time later on where the tensions are high with the powers in the
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region as a result of the attack on the consulate. so it'd be raining consulate in c area which til 7 members of the revolutionary guard. and this will be seen as a major security breach for officials in that region. many questions will be asked about how this attack was be able to be carried out at this time. dorothy jabari algae 0. so malia has asked me if you, if you and bassett are to leave the country. somali officials say it's because of the port still in january between its break away region of so molly lined and e c o p a. and this will allow landlocked if you care to lease 20 kilometers of coastline . somalia also said that it's closing to if, if you, if you as consulates one in, so in all the lines and the other in the semi autonomous region of pump land. but the government and mortgage issue does not control these regions. we have catherine . so a following, the developments for us out and i, roby, so tensions between somalia and if you,
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if you all have been growing for months now, what specifically left to somalia expelling the if you open and bass that are this time? yes. yes, these 10 says have been escalating since these feud between the 2 countries started back in january and it started when you still tried to make an agreement, a deal with a somebody land which is uh the break away and redone um we ate and uh, somebody us so the government uh was very angry about that a thing that it was an infringement all the time. 1 all right, now we split 2 july problem. uh that has a 3 good uh, the explorer that's thousands of this, uh, a box of stuff is from portland and portland, um, you know, officials uh from uh, e c o p a. uh well, hosted uh to
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a meeting in is field where they discussed a different issue including uh by law, actual ties, again these on good um the federal government a very much it said that it is a publication and its because also because that is um, pensions, of between portland and the government about an ongoing constitutional review process where i'm going to, let's say that every dec, some of the proposals that have been made. and it's also select to me to withdraw for these of send these federal arrangement that has been in place in the country for so long. so there's a lot of pension and there's a letter, the fear as well. all right, thank you, catherine. so i thank you for that update from nairobi or in burkina faso when attacked by an armed group link to alto, has killed
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a police 73 people. they include $32.00 civilians. thousands of civilians have been killed and more than 2000000 displaced by fighting. there since 2015, the former speaker of south africa's parliament and former defense minister has appeared in court on corruption charges. she's been granted bill of about $2800.00 and i asked to surrender her passports. the member of the governing african national congress resigned 24 hours earlier. her corruption investigation coincides with campaigning for the general election next month. that's when the amc could lose power for the 1st time and executive from the crypto currency platform finance has appeared in court and nigeria on tax evasion and money laundering charges. the nigerian government alleges finance has manipulated exchange rates through currency speculation and rate fixing. and this apparently caused the local currency to draw nearly 70 percent. our correspondence, fidelis and ball has been at the court in
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a booster for the opening day of the trial. the head of finance, financial crime compliance. see grant done by and was supposed to face charges of money laundering on fox evasion on thursday when he was brought to court in the nation's capital about what he did and type the that he has not been properly solved by the prosecutors. and that he needed to be solved as an individual. i bet he will not hold for the, for his, for, and company violence. after arguments the judge did grant him that he needs to be able to go back to custody. i must be there monday been present, as was a, be a i raised by the prosecutors. so right now on monday, he will be rearranged west and refuse charges of 4 count charges of tax evasion and also of funded laundry. also, i waned along with some local companies with the needs to have connived with the company to add these thoughts didn't nation. so economic system,
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the nigerian government is demanding about $10000000.00 us dollars as company in session for these huge losses being killed. as a result of the activities of violence, the 2nd executive who fled custody. he's a right now on the wrong and the authorities have reached out to me into port. i know that's the case agencies across the world to be able to apprehend him. he was very fortunate to have fled using a kenyan passports because see who it's with the us and pinion of citizenship. and since he fled, that's what it is. i saying they're not going to respond to the getting back to the country 1st because we have seen that application because they believe that he's running away from the country with most, all of these persecution. so on monday to the, the, the executive whose presence will be arranged. and then that's when the judge's the judge. and also the lawyers would look at all the charges brought against them and be able to determine what the next about the case would be involving finance and
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the niger and governments fidelis and how to 0 a bu nigeria for the weather. now here's rob with more on the hesitant spring in north america. that spring in the us usually brings pretty nice see tonight is we've seen quite a few this week in the southern states. yes, disease happened in georgia. this is just southeast of the capital atlanta, a significant prologic activity was damaged and inevitably along the cold front. and usually these are along a line that you can trace, that cold front has gone off showing that it's just turning off through florida. wraps around a much bigger system, which is still bringing winter to many of the northeastern saves atlantic states. in fact, no risk to that was settled in new york. took the present as a cold wind brings with it usually rain, not a cloud. and if you were the unlucky snow as well, and that certainly has been the case for us. we landed wisconsin got several
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centimeters. and so as you can see just yesterday, and it may not finish that, we can get to drop the air. you guys which is prone to is right. wait time, almost to north carolina, but the width is might to be on the canadian side of the border. this is the picture to watch because it's not blue is sleet or right. and so it's still light, winter, traumatizing it for the rest of the state. the study improved for friday and saturday, big pictures as that goes off showed it will take a while. if you look further west throughout the 9th and this western states, there's most magic come a slide on the officer and who's our i'm john 100 in chicago. we're a surgeon, migraines is meant for one lines, petite pant. and the daughter, a $700000000.00 star, finally gets his 1st home run for his new team that's coming up with them out and support the
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unique perspective. everything is political. you can not stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there, and it's called us, it's right here. and right now, the stream announces era a level up your experience, this ramadan and say big, we'd be one of the enjoy up to 3 months, free subscription. a free being set top box that i'm more, i'm not more deals and what to exclusive from a dental family drama. chuck running on kid shows. cooking shows. you a for you right? 2020 full top european leads and much more. don't forget to use the promo code from it that
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, here's a reminder of the top stories on out to 0. this our, the is really military is voting all the for combat units. air defense reserve us. i've also been called up. no official reason has been given but is really media says it's a response to a potential iranian a time. israel has released a 101, palestinian detains from dogs. and they describe being beaten by is really forces and denied food and water somewhere for turns to death.
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so malia has asked to if the open and boss that are to leave margaret this to some of the official say it's because of the for sale in january between it's break away region of some of the land, you know, a pro curtis politician and eastern turkey year has had his victory and this week's local elections restored. the city's elections board had refused to certify his may or when sparking days of protests and dozens of arrests sent him. cuz of all the reports from the city of van were supporters of been celebrating his reinstatement, a design yellow. this is the moment up the last day, the learned the election board had to versed in earlier decision and recognize his victory in the race for mayor of on a city and se, into kit. he received 55.5 percent of the vote as the procured system parties, candidate and local elections last sunday. but the electoral body initially council
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has mended citing and legal technicality is awarded the race to the ruling of parties. candidates who received on the 27 percent of the vote, the names that we learned that a decision has been made in our favor. justice has been served. we would like to think of friends who contributed and resisted for 3 days in a word spread quickly and hundreds of thousands of citizens flocked to his party headquarters. these threes were saved for 2 days. people are out celebrating their victory voters in vaughn and others south of some provinces. have protested the previous ruling and battled with police before the reverse. so we are very happy. we didn't leave the streets. and finally we got what we deserve. no one can speak to the will of the kurdish people of the lives they done as the people throw curtis motor,
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say they want the political will to the recognize in the same way that other citizens of the country are today. it has been so you know, because so the balance is 01 south is through care voters in kuwait are casting ballots and the countries 4th parliamentary election in his many years. the new mirror shared from his swan and my son's football as warnings of public against boycotting dot votes. he dissolved parliaments in february after a member of the house made a speech that was seen as insulting to them on our a. despite and improving economy and slowing installation high food prices have let to record demand an increasing food in security across the u. s. a. now in major american cities, a surge of new migrants to the us now joins the chronic, poor and hungry and swelling food distribution. choose john 100 reports from
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chicago. as i say you all day with because because is the best way to share what comes to our community for more than 30 years . fatima of wide has devoted her life to helping each wave of newcomers to chicago . she immigrated to the us from palestine in the late 19 seventy's. now she's feeding refugees from across the globe who lined up at her door. that's your coffee, sir. i'm really hungry. i know how they feel. some of these hunger is our number. were any wish to meet the fight or i didn't need together to live in peace on a snowy day, the lines, it's an odd food pantry, stretch down the road for a 2nd or that might be for the things that they give us here, help us a lot, it is a great help, especially when you have a large family that are homeless. we work to make what we can and add to it with what we get here for one place or another. we get enough with 37000 new migrants
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bus to chicago alone from texas over the past 2 years. pantries, here and across the u. s. are straining to feel the grocery carts of the hungry was donated fruit. the chicago food pantries has always been busy, but as the margaret numbers have increased, so have the lines. typically this i would see about 50 people on a given day. now they're saying to $300.00 and the lines will continue until the food runs out. some pantries here have started to reduce the number of times, families can visit each month, others ration the food they give out. the migrant search is on the rice with crowd sometimes tearing down border fences and breaking through the lines of us agents. to ad came over here a long, long time ago, my people. and it's all good. you know, but we can do this plus, you can afford to support everybody when they arrive at her door for them is that she doesn't ask where they come from. whoever ask for help, help,
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and then look at the color, then they gave the customer the just look at them as a human being. and that's how i do, because i've been so a lot. when they come to me for something, i have the feeling, i know how they feel because i've been sort in each new wave of immigrants. pharmacy is she sees herself, john, 100 l, g 0, chicago. the nato foreign ministers are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. the the ceremony was on the 2nd day of the senate in brussels. the foreign ministers of the 32 members are considering funds to provide a long for a military aid package to ukraine. that's worth a $107000000000.00 over the next 5 years. the kremlin says relations between russia
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and they shall have sunk to the level of direct confrontation in a moment. we'll hear the latest on these developments from the goal. yeah, supp of oliver in moscow. but 1st let's talk to charles stratford. he's joining us from keith. so charles, what can we expect from nato going forward when it comes to supporting ukraine over the long term? well certainly according to some of the statements that are being made as this summit in brussels, comes through it and by various different foreign ministers, they are pledging long term support via this plan, but a lot more what needs to be done on and that's according to basically all the diplomats that have come on camera and made statements to the price. so i'll read you out a few of them. the nights are cheap, you installed some bug a set that discussing how we can create a more robust, predictable, institutionalized framework for nato support to ukraine is what they are really
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focusing on in the weeks and months ahead. and he's referring effectively to the, the, the summit in july that is, expect you to be held in washington dc. there are a lot of on all of the questions about this plan that needs to be discussed, including the amount of money for this 5 year fund. and exactly how a, where that money is going to come from. we've already heard reservations by some diplomats as to how that is going to be possible. but what's of great encouragement, as i suppose you'd expect from the us secretary of state entity blinking again, speaking in the law style role. so he said that so support for ukraine from the nato alliance remain the rock solid. and he said again, the ukraine will become eventually a member of nato. so you said the purpose of the summit in july is to help build a bridge to that membership and a clear pulse way for ukraine moving forward with respect to ukraine's immediate
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needs though. and that's where we've seen so much emphasis coming from the ukranian foreign minister, demitra calais, but of course he's attending that. so i'm in, he's be meeting with some of his counterparts the in brussels. and he now says that he has had assurances from those nato members. they have agreed to identify and find a defense systems in the all schools that they can seems to me crazy. but schools, ukraine in recent weeks has come under the escalation of russian attacks using many ballistic missiles and these kind of calls the drones only one last like just one last night and car cable, we understand at least 4 people were killed in that attack. the label says that in march alone, russia use 90 full ballistic missiles in these attacks. so it's the immediate needs that a southern potent full, full ukraine as these room is speculation. certainly amongst members of the defense
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establishment k in ukraine and military analysts will say that they are expecting, potentially pushed by russia of most go to try and push explosives further into ukraine in a spring or summer offensive, right? the coming months. okay, let's find out the view from russia. thank you, charles, for the time being. that's so you, we are joining us from moscow. so russia has been speaking out on the 75th anniversary of night. so what they have to say of hey, exactly. we've had from the number of diplomats saying that the alliance played a key role in the confrontation with the us hassan during soviet times. and now it's aggressive behavior, a is directed against russia, and clement sparks best tend to be true. pest called cold nato, a destabilizing fox, they own the european conflict continents, and that's uh, that does not contribute to security and stability. and that's relations between russia and they so have
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a slips to the level of direct confrontation. now he knows that the alliance is directly involved and the conflicts and you crate and continues to advance to goals . they rush in bold as so obviously officially, there are no need to be, it's on the ground, but he, russia, we constantly, he about for him a series from nato countries. twice he on the ukrainian side, and recent tooks from emanuel met chrome to send french troops to ukraine, have been strongly condemned here in fonts, we've been hearing how dangerous nature is for decades here. a loan before to explain to you when brush action launched in special i'm in the shop ration the countries leadership was constantly saying that to crane was going to join nato, and that was a direct threat to russia's national security. that nature was sending that military instructors to train the ukrainian military personnel and supplied ukraine with weapons. but then it was russia who launched its invasion and you create and
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have to defend and still hostile defendants. london and fox will remember with what kind of weapons you creighton mets, the russian army, back in february twins prince to those with mainly soviet style weapons as well as defensive weapons such as the on to time driven leading systems as well as the and new tank system and only hopefully a late chain summit to expense to ukraine began receiving data weapons like all to reach how's times and vehicles and defense systems and the so on and and of course you crazy. yeah. it still waiting for the f. 16 fine to just, there's been a lot of talk about that, but what was his said and is that a number of you korean pilots aren't going training, learning how to pilot them. all right, thank you so much julia. the still ahead on the i was a 0 and who's our riddles and los angeles with a story on how many famous populations deals that artificial intelligence might be
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coming for their lives. manchester city to have the pressure on arsenal and river for and the english 10 year lease title res. gentle story, much more coming up and support
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the profit of sports insurance demo. thank you. during french president manuel macro says he has news out, so russia will target to the power slip picks they. so this year is comments on says a what his most explicit acknowledgment of farms threats to security or the smooth running of the games. my chrome was at an event in paris, the opening of the new olympics aquatic center. in the last few months,
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the french president and his government has taken a tough of stones against russia, who have banned from taking pos in the games. following the invasion of ukraine, when asked if he was worried, russia would target the caves macro gave this response. no can do it. i have no doubt. i have no doubts including an informational terms. every day, a fuse room is about the fact that we could not do this. will that so would be a risk. there's an increase in rushes, aggressive pasta, and it's not just happening with france. i invite you to look at what's being done in terms of leaking information about senior german military official law. this was done to germany, the united kingdom and the united states. a few days later, there was a succession of information that we know to be false, which corresponds to threatening positives who, what i liked today, the opening of the classic sense it didn't go to plan for one of the divers taking part in the survey. olympic divert alexi is on the, on the right to he represented from the take care games slip. so i'm,
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one of the boards fell on his back. i'm plunged into the router. shonda has since twisted that, that his back is okay. but does he go? well, that's a little bit bruised in women's tennis, saudi arabia will heis the seas that ending w t a finals for the next 3 years. the short piece event on the tool is the top 8 singles last until 8 doubles teams and movie health and rehab until 2026. the prize money. so this they've and this torment is a record $15250000.00. that's a 70 percent increase. in 2023 jetta already. hi, c a c p to us next gen finals for the best middle class age 21 and on the the hey james to go. now it also a back on top of the premier league. they beat solution to notes, and these are point cliff livable. while mazda is the city also, you kept up the pressure and said, thanks with phil site and hattrick, david strikes rounds up the action. be kilo tested in a slight changes to the opposite side that drew it meant just the city and it paid
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off captain mountain duty. god opened the scoring 24 minutes in against linton 3 and the game was pretty much wrecked something by half the time after a ducky hush yoga and go off those 21st. when of the season puts them back on. so with a goal difference of plus $48.00 way ahead, if that rivals which could prove crucial at the end of the season go means that, that we have that we have really close. i mean it's showing out of consistency and quantity to, to be able to be find in, in the position that we are right now on to another state and to sleep. each prepared while i was pricing defending champions, manchester city were up against aston villa. the team right behind them in full place, the leech top score, adding holland was dropped to the bench by pet gaudy ella. but it was another of the stalls which led to the after you had all the same whites followed the game,
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looked at $11.00 till food and school trick to secure a vice, a win for city as they chase best. the title in a row being the mid field that now has 21 goals overall, the season, the and that's what i'm telling you. that is especially with the base with the work ethic is unbelievable enough to have a grow, a sense of go. you have to send what had to pull it back in. the last line is, oh, you're going to score is going to score you right. that feeling city, extend their own beat and run to $24.00 games. you know, competitions best, 3rd level on points with little pull who can read take top spot later on 1st day. if they beat sheffield, you know, to the m field savings folks, i'll just say around. sorry, just one point separates the top 3 teams and as we had that little pool can go back to hope again,
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lisa that manage it. young club says he's doing his best to ignore the height. i don't know when i don't. okay. um no, i think i said last press conference, one of the most important things is to, to get through this period is test to ignore outside miss. so goes that goes up and on and it's emotional, always kind of things. we have to be professional, have you have to be, you have to be emotional, but in the right way, they have to be the best selection of those as power session. i remain on calls for assessed, french cop tyson. and 3 is also they beat random. the semi finals and it was killing them by fe with the window is called his 8 goals, the competition. i'm such a 9th, april the season for 3 on the 5 by level keys in a closing in on, on historic league and comp, double in germany. they beat to 14 a digital photo to reach the german cup fine with the end of may while they will play a 2nd to cause a 1000. by then they could have secured the lead time as they currently sit. 13
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points clear with 7 games left by and is a last is a run is up here in tina have one such and the a tally and comp final, a beach after lunch at one minute highland sledges, the semi finals they're looking to list, the cuts assess tracy, since they want to come back in 2001 good people. and how about this gold and the japanese lake jago sometime that he plays for you? or reads the scoring from the hall? $49.00 and the 24th minutes of the month with se tycer really and asset that very david black and white wasn't it. but unfortunately for them, as the teacher came from behind, 2 went to one japanese and it'll be star show, hey, autonomy has hits his 1st time, runs to the villages since joining them this season. it came in that game against the san francisco giants tani, who signed a 700000000 dollars 10 year contract with the villages was playing his nice game to his me see when he hit this early drive in the 7th inning, tony's home runs the 172nd of his majorly career,
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but the daughters in front as they beat the giants, 5 full time working on swinging the way i want to without rushing things, i really want it to put up results. and i'm really glad i was able to hit home today. i definitely feel energized, being able to play in front of this chrome, support the line to hold fast supposedly ends guys play in 20 minutes for the when a good support system is sherland johnson go the fast triple sample of his career and the 121 to one question victory. petition. the pressure on throughout the game science slate, 50 points or colors for my a little that was a franchise record for the most point school to fly, or is it with just a week right now from the 1st major in men's golf? the mazda is, but they will goes to national calls, this hosting a women's i mentioned to him that right now. so there's been a performance worthy of of price 21 year old at scott's swimming. honda, dolling hits h buddies to finish the day at 6 on the ball. the university of south carolina student is
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a straight ahead of 3 other class going into round to on thursday. and do the edit child in new york rangers game with the new jersey is eval. started with a my school for me opening space so hence why is only ice coating falls? 8 of them. so from each team reject super for most of the funds, even settled into the seats, is wanted to make this arrive agrees in her case this time the rain just came off in talk when the game finally got on. do i winning it for 3? and so it will support for me that piece that will have another update like right there. my thank you so much. well, the new human rights spots report, says columbia and panama are failing to protect migrants crossing the treacherous, varying gap. hundreds of thousands of people sleep through the natural divide between the 2 countries every year. but as many well regular reports, they are increasingly vulnerable to robberies on sexual violence. more than half a 1000000 migrants cross the dairy and gap last year,
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the infamous jungle that connects columbia and to panama. according to a new report by human rights watch, both countries have failed to do enough to protect migrants as the transit through rough terrain. and that's what we got your honest opinion. most of the obligations that both the colombian and panamanian states have in accordance with their international obligations, have to do with guaranteeing the life and integrity of individuals with in their territories, regardless of nationality. conditional investigators say panama and colombia should do a better job coordinating a response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the region. the most migrants are from venezuela, ecuador, and haiti, along with other nationalities from asia and africa. here investigators say migrant space, a litany of risk including sexual assault, kidnapping, and nothing in the list. i think you have a lot of the lack of a clear strategy with international cooperation and losing the ability to provide
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attention and border areas as lead to criminal groups being the ones to manage the dynamics of migration. both the, the new report also criticized both countries for failing to investigate and punish crimes committed against migrant. investigators say it's imperative that policies to protect migrants and asylum seekers take precedence over policies that seek to contain them. if someone's be in the coma math, but it's on us, if started school here we are witnessing how more people are choosing more dangerous routes. what we should do as a region is established regional strategies for the protection and assistance of migrants. recognizing that the migration phenomenon exists and will remain on the recommendations published by human rights watch, seek to address deficiencies and migrant protections, as well as enhanced multi lateral actions to protect the human rights of migrants across the americas. middle up a little l to 0,
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colombia is military says 9 members of a break away faction of a former fark rebel roof had been killed in fighting with the army. the violence comes as 2 months after the faction agreed to start peace talks with the government, which is trying to end 6 decades of conflict with rebel forces and drug things to the court in new york, as were adjusted and attend by donald trump. to delay his so called hush money trial due to state start later this month. the former us president is accused of falsifying his business records to cover up payments to an adult film star. trump's lawyers had asked for the trial to be delayed until the supreme court considers his claim for presidential immunity in a separate case. the us president joe biden has joined forces with a former political rival to highlight his administration's campaign to lower health care costs. in an event at the white house,
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biden's specifically singled out his fight to lower the costs of inhalers for tens of millions of americans rely on the devices to $3000.00 off of. rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence. have many workers wondering if their jobs may soon be made obsolete? until recently, the professions most likely to be replaced by a i have included office workers, accountants, and journalists. and now hundreds of leading musicians are banding together to defend their work. robert reynolds has the story. some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy english. all the good goes to nicky me. no, don't worry about this. i guess it's night in jon bon jovi,
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smokey robinson say advanced artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in all more than 200 living artists, as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, signed an online opened letter titled, stop the value when news of the artist say that while a has enormous potential to create exciting experiences for music lovers. when used irresponsibly, ai poses the norm. as threats concluding, this assault on human creativity must be stopped. we're risking really replacing the replacement of human creators and human artists by this
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a. i generated music and that has far reaching impacts both for the musicians and how much they get paid and their livelihoods and their careers. but also for society and our culture. sheryl crow also signed the letter summed up the artist's fears. it terrifies me that i can sing to you a song that had absolutely nothing to do it. and you believe it? it's happened already. last year i completely a i generated that is to say totally fake song by drake and the weekend went viral . it even appeared briefly on apple music in spite of 5. it's not the 1st time artist took a stand against joining the entertainment companies using a i to make big profits without compensation. a restrictions were a major sticking point in the last years, months long strikes by movie and tv actors and writers that hey, i'm strong,
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the industry for months. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles, that we're about to take a short break right here. and others are under bucks in just a moment. it is much more oftentimes news on all the latest. the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. government takes the bottom line. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as i said, i'm going or the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the
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security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, for addition to the highest level, they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera shouldn't have been the, shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated. they are how complex they are, and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking, that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university,
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i'm s place to understand the more cox. and so if we do continue with the animal experimentations, let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm. we don't touch we do. we exploit the grief in southern gaza. the is really military strikes the city of for the far as the number of palestinians killed some software for process 33000 the 0 my for my headquarters until 530 and navigate to also a heads beaten and battered. we hear accounts of torture from the palestinian prisoner the change in garza by israel plus. i'm deborah heath and i'm going to be
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telling you how one under covers rate a unit has been infiltrating the occupies westbank.


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