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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the grief in southern gaza. the is really military strikes, the city of ruffled, again as the number of palestinians killed since october. house is 33000 barrels of any age. good to have you with a specific houses your life from the also coming up beating and bastard. we hear accounts of torture from the palestinian prisoner detained by israel. knew the brand name, and i'm going to be telling you how one under covers radio units has been
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infiltrating the occupied mustang, the and a show of unity as nato marx, it's 75th anniversary. but russian says it's now in a state of direct confrontation with the military alliance. the it's meant to be a safe zone. but attacks bias really forces continue daily in the southern gauze and city of rasa. the latest the strikes claimed the lives of at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children after the building that they've been sheltering in, took a direct hit, funerals have been held for the victims west of the city. rafa has become home to more than half of gallons as population of the many were forced to flee there from the north. more than 33000 palestinians have now been killed by israel since the war began. and that includes $14000.00 children to the next is enough,
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puts an end to this injustice to $180.00 days. children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? wherever is eunice, the items that are hold on to that of these, all the goals of israel does not have any plans to end. this will. it's targets of children and women. there is no safe place at all. what safety there is no safety tolling cause up there is no one meets a orange of land, better safe. they displace them to rough of thinking. it was safe, but even tense houses everywhere was being pump. there is no safety elsewhere in rasa. we've been hearing stories of torture from palestinians returned from his really cafeteria to the 101. detainees have been released back into the strip officers. here is tara, a couple of zooms spoke to one of the, the outside of city and destiny is happened released from the east, very detention to have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout karma. was
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telling me, christine, what was that? as we have been talking to an impulse destiny as it happened, reporting about really distressing and human condition. they have been getting through the detention. they have been completely deprived from having few access to food. and even they have been all the time beaten by the is very soon we just have receiving different signs of talk to isaac. i clearly see right now here on the elderly bounce that had been arrested by the is very forces in the last of hospitals. so as you know, the se, ready soldiers still necessary hospital and con eunice while i was treated for a broken leg, is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section. the following day the some were transferred to embark hospital while the rest of us, me included, were detained, a loaded onto trucks taken to another location or we would strip searched and tortured, who would be to an old way. yeah. and their location i was in, had more than 2000 palestinians civilian detainees. you know, we would hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to
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interrogation under torture, all forms of torch. and you can imagine including use of forensic dogs, we will crammed into cells with no cover, and only one mail a day. many of the detainees died under torture. many of the detainees have chronic disease. others with severe injuries were treated without mercy. detainees are going through how enough is the bill they have been reporting about in human violations that had been taken by the is very mandatory in detention as me, number of the city of people and even being detained. it is been entails and some of them have been taken to and disclose location. so now target bassoon. oh, just a rough, rough i saw the reason i was starving palestinians in garza or afraid that food shortages will get worse. following the latest attack on aid workers, the founder of the a good world, central kitchen says israel killing a 7 of its staffing. gaza was not a mistake, but a systematic targeting of their convoy houses. there was white house correspondent,
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kimberly how it is with this. kimberly the world central kitchen put out today what is a very simple statement. they say they want an independent investigation and they want us to be involved. yeah, the reason for that is because they feel that the united states is the only nation that is really able to hold the nation of israel accountable. given the fact that the united states is the one that is supplying israel with the weapons, that assembly has allowed for the killing of the world. central kitchen workers. you have to remember the timing of the killing of these workers came the very same day. ironically that the united states approved another supply and delivery of weapons to israel. just very quickly that was approximately a 200 mark,
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84 bombs, 1000, mark, 82 bombs and fuses for mark 80 bombs and uh, also fighter jet. 2 so uh, that's a little bit of an aside, but uh, you know, that's the hand that feeds this real. so uh, this is the one that can also hold that accountable. but with regard to the investigation, uh the jose andreas is looking for a transparency. and when it comes to, historically, israel has often said it will investigate. but the problem is, is that when it investigates itself, it often size, but it has not been culpable. and so what the chef on dress is looking for is a 3rd party investigation who's calling on the governments of the victims to join in that and to have transparency. it's calling on israel to save the documents, the audio tapes, because he says that this was no accident. this was a systematic killing. it was done car by car, and as a result there needs to be
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a 3rd party investigation. kimberly, it's really interesting because you just detailed that list of, of, uh, ammunition that the us is going to be supplying to israel at the same time. you also told this last hour the joe biden is reportedly really angry at the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu over that recent attack. they're going to talk today. what do you expect from that phone call? as you keep wondering why the united states isn't maybe withholding those weapons to prevent these kinds of killings, that's the big question in the united states and around the world. and at some point, members of the presence on party or say, maybe there should be some conditions attached to these weapons. the president isn't there yet, even as there have been 33000 palestinians killed in israel's war and gaza. but he's under pressure to do so right now where the president is, and we understand that calls taking place right now is he's i rate,
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he's furious. he's so angry and he's dressing down be is really prime minister. we're told because of the high civilian casualties because of the fact that the 78 workers have been killed out because of the fact that benjamin nothing yahoo! despite what the us president has cautioned him not to do so, if he is still planning that ground evasion interoffice something that the united states says is a mistake. the us present is trying to encourage him to pursue alternatives. we will watch for the read out to see if in fact he will do that. yeah. when that button yeah. who conversation does happen and you'll be letting us know. kimberly how kit reporting from the white house. thank you. of human rights watch has analyzed one of the single worst is really airstrikes since the war began. it's investigation says a $106.00 civilians were killed in october and what it calls an apparent or crime. at least 54 children were among the victims. when this residential building was hit near the new state after refugee camp,
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no evidence of the military target was found in or near the building. the report concluded that governments should suspend arms sales to israel. staying on this topic and a u. k. more than $600.00 lawyers and academics have signed a letter to prime minister wishes to enact voice and concerned about israel's war. on god, they are calling for the british government to suspend giving weapons to israel, saying that you case in breach of international law. they also want the government to work actively towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and to stress deposition through the united nations security council. the group says the u. k. must urgently impose sanctions on senior members of the israeli government who have made statements inciting genocide guide. good win. gail is one of the signatories of that letter and he explained to al jazeera what compelled him to weigh in on the matter. it was moved by the 4th ride and simple statement is statements issued in this that's what we'd call upon the u. k. to live up to its obligations under the geneva convention of the genocide convention in
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particular. and those obligations are clear and straightforward and states must do whatever they can to prevent the commission of genocide. it is risk and risk being completed in the active genocide. there's a serious risk of genocide disease national guard just as found and is a u. k. with that knowledge to in mind, carriers on exporting arms to israel and is the risk of those hours will be used in the conduct of aggressive activities by his route. and the conduct of genocide is the risk that's important. and the risk must be factored into account, taking into account now at the office, those must cease. they have had under review the process of a supply of israel in the past weeks and months. i think this might be the additional stuff that's needed to get them to take a decision to stop sales guy. you watch or not underestimate the, the power of the lobby, if you like, that they are moved by the situation down. moved by the new considerations that
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will lawyers. i mean, as you said, the serious senior form a judge is involved in this case. and the inside is the they to a move by the, the power of the arguments which would be raised in the less a. requiring commodity with the taking the, the, the opposite of b. b. 's east. if the you guys to avoid capacity in, in genocide, a funeral has been held for a palestinian until during the latest is really raids on the occupied westbank confrontations between palestinian fighters and is really forces broke out during the course. south of jeanine is really military vehicles were also targeted. 40 palestinians were detained by is really forces overnight bringing the total since october, 7th, to more than $8000.00 palestinians detained. of these really military has increased its use of undercover units in the occupied west banks. members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting arrests and or assassinations. and as l. just the reason that abraham reports,
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it often risk the lives of palestinians were going about their daily activities. minutes before people break that the lead on hold on fast. the owners of this class and shop with, with you taking orders. it was a regular d. s. and he sort of fiji tempted this whole thing until this was of these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under covers really soldiers on was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me too. i said leave him. but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go, we have the ami, i'm like, i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was a scuffle, interest to the rest that 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation. a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator,
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if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover. the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate palestinian communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered moss and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with bang. nathan, even under cover units has been targeting palestinians in refugee camps their heavy crowded areas and its activities are putting people a true risk. but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put than most of the occupied west banks don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the cam. had that how
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as these obstacles are poets of vehicles, we don't recognize count into the can we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of which even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price in early october we met the mother of $15.00. you may say in did you need refugee camp? laid off after awesome. do you run morning and shouting special forces. so he's really, sol, just standing over the salt. haven't any fell he done in the army did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan. with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's in the rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in
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a home, a hospital, or even if i left to shop the day, but he manages ita the occupied westbank. israel's defense minister says his forces will pivot to target has belie 11 on there's been rising tension with the ring and backs group. earlier several rockets were launched from lebanon towards israel, and one hitch slow me and run. com has more from the board, a town in northern israel to this is the village of slimy, has been largely empty since october. the ape when hostilities broke out between has beloved and israel. let me just show you where i am. so you see the voted wilcox v d vocation between 11 east tired street and is really territory so far the tensions have been largely contained to the border between the 2 countries as bullet wants it that way as well. seemingly, was it that way? but on monday night, there was a,
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is really attack against and running console in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack. is ro has now gone on a higher reloads than we've seen since october, the 8th, all along this boat. and like i say, all of these villages are empty. but now israel is cooling up. all mean air reserve is now. there's already $287000.00 reserve is fighting for the is riley army since october, the 7th. that adding to that they've also canceled on leave for all of the soldiers were already fighting. that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time. but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa. and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending a message to the iranians, but they already, but any kind of attack that might take place and wrong comment,
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which is their slowed me. the still ahead on alpha 0, somalia expels the ethiopian ambassador as tensions escalate over a port deal with the break away region of some of the rentals in los angeles with a story on how many famous populations feel that artificial intelligence might be coming for their live with the those still some very big charles around in the faltering end of the rainy season in southeast asia in today's has been the focus we've had so months within a day of quite typically a body was one example. well, for the next couple of days, maybe the focus is a little bit further science here. but look here, you've got something else coming in. so it's the potential still that i think you
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might realize things too much. or maybe bonia is jump through malaysia or mainland southeast i should. temperatures are on the rise, is really quite hot. took the entire land, to be honest. it has been throughout the winter. this is unusual. it's not really plum right and, but it is significant, right. and in any one place you could get amongst with it right now to the shell as well as a line, really stretches across the mine and japanese as in kite, over the water. now, with the exception of that, the weather is pretty much doable for the rest of the jar. and the dream plates are in japan with temperatures, they're rising fatty, certainly affinity rapidly. but this is a little, i'm usually i have to say this is normal that the temperatures in india and pakistan are on their way up there a bit higher. they should be when in comparison with the average is particularly she made up the east coast. but further west includes your wraps that are warning side for high temperatures as well. got cancer reflects it, the average is $34.00 and we're up to about $59.00 for friday. the
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why have american evangelicals become this real strongest factor? is us present, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. commer takes the bottom line, the showcase of the best documentary towns from across the new on the 0, the there watching else, a 0 reminder of our headlines this hour,
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at least 7 palestinians have been killed and is really strikes that residential buildings in rough on more than 33000 people know, been killed by israel since the war began. including 14000 children. israel has released a 101 listing and detainees from gaza. they described being beaten by it's really forces and denied food and water star reports some more tortured to death, starving palestinians, and guys, us fear that food shortages will worse and following the latest attack on aid workers, the boss of world central kitchen is down demanding the biting administration call for an independent investigation. christopher lock here is the secretary general of doctors without borders and he says the situation on the ground is very dangerous for 8 workers of providing assistance in guns. a at the moment is a really critical objective about the needs that we are seeing. particularly the medical needs atrocious. we are seeing possibly ways of patients. we are seeing
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raising writes of mouth raising rates of malnutrition. and yes, we want to stay in garza but, but since the thoughts of this complex we have been assessing the risk to our teams on a daily basis. this is an incredibly dangerous and difficult place to work. and there are no guarantees that we want to stay. there are many, many patients who need assistance, but the risk of extremely high we are used to watching and conflicts, areas we walk in, companies are, is every day around the, around the world as well. what has been a complete set of years, we don't have contracts on the grounds with the idea of troops, but more than that, for me, this is a signal of a lack of willingness to change how the conflict is being forced. on the respect, given 60 minutes, every work is protection of the monitoring work is, is uh, is uh, insurance and humanitarian international canada. sorry, little clearly batches of a no big a here too. and so what we need is more than better to coordinate,
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should we be talking about the need for that to be approved for months now. but we need the political world to change the risk towards humanitarian work as i'm for the population as as a whole. cuz there's companies cannot continue and especially ultimately that is to be an immediate, since expectancy spot, or nato foreign ministers is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. the ceremony was on the 2nd day of the nato summit in brussels of foreign ministers of the 32 members are considering plans to provide a long term military aid package to ukraine. that could be worth a $107000000000.00 over the next 5 years to kremlin, for, as part says, relations between russian nato have no sunk to the level of direct confrontation. charles stratford has more on this from keith. there are a lot of the questions about this plan that needs to be discussed,
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including the amount of money for this 5 year fund. and exactly how a where that money is going to come from. we've already heard reservations by some diplomats as to how that is going to be possible, but was of great encouragement as i suppose you'd expect from the us secretary of state and to be blinking. he said that so support for ukraine from the nato alliance remain the rock solid. and he said again, the ukraine will become eventually a member of nato, is that the purpose of the summit in july is to help build a bridge to that membership. and a clear pulse like ukraine moving forward with respect to ukraine's immediate needs though. and that's where we've seen so much emphasis coming from the ukranian foreign minister, demitra calais. but of course he's attending that somebody. and he now says that he has had assurances from those nato members. they have agreed to identify and blind a different systems in the options that they can send to ukraine,
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which course ukraine in recent weeks has come under the escalation of russian attacks using many ballistic missiles. and these kind of calls the drones only one last the latest one last night. in car cable, we understand at least 4 people were killed in that attack. the label says that in march alone, russia use 90 full ballistic missiles in these attacks. so it's the immediate needs that is so important for full ukraine. hundreds of aftershocks of shaking eastern ty, ones following the devastating earthquake on wednesday. the 7.2 magnitude quake caused the depth of at least 10 people and entered more than a 1000. jessica washington reports from the city closest to the quakes epicenter at joomla elementary school in holly in 10th, provide temporary shelter for dozens of families after they homes were damaged by the earthquake on wednesday. oh sure no. hi. i'm still shaking even though still
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tumbling. i'm very scared. i can't sleep to. she says she was devastated and she watched her home collapse. it was the strongest doing squeak in taiwan for 25 years. security camera video showed ness is spring into action to protect a newborn babies as a hospital ward shoak. at least 48 residential buildings were damaged. some have already been demolished. some buildings, a tool to and many buildings have been deemed attempts, structural issues by engine is, follow those residents where hesitant of the state and buildings market. the noticeable can come to the show you the magnitude 7.2 quake damaged tunnels and roads and left some people stranded in remote mountainous areas. rescue is created and obstructed road and evacuated some hotel workers from a tunnel. all those remain on accounted for. now many and coming to terms with the
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damage about how the situation was chaotic. everyone was running and screaming, else the child was injured in their room. and what's the urgency? need a new place. i don't. chung, runs a use center. she's on sure. when the children who lived the can return of quakes common in the sized, weekly active zone, known as the pacific ring of fire, experts have commended taiwan disaster mitigation measures which include stringent construction requirements, says in more than $300.00 auto shocks since the nature of quake on wednesday, the way the agency wants that food off the shocks are expected, potentially a strong as magnitude 7. back in the emergency shelter to showing says she's unsure what she'll do next. her apartment is too dangerous to return to. she has no money with her and almost no possessions, but she says, all she wants to retrieve is the only photograph she has her late mother. jessica washington out 01 in somalia is government has ordered the c o. p, as in bassett,
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or to leave official say it's because of a dispute over a port deal between the break way region of some of the land and ethiopia. smalley, officials say it's because of the port deal in january between his break away region of some of the land, any field. yeah, the agreement will allow landlocked if the opiates, at least 20 kilometers of coastline thought to be near the port of their berra. somalia also said it's closing to the field is called sealants one. and so now the land, the other in the, sent me a ton of this region of pump land. the government in mogadishu does not control these regions. oh, earlier i spoke to mcbride and strategic advisor covering the horn of africa. he says somebody is provisional, constitution is to blame for most of the disputes between the economists territories. as the agreement between these yoga and some of the land isn't really the beginning of the story. some of the land declared independence with some of them more than 30 years ago, and has functioned as an independent state ever since,
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although it's not recognized in the international community. so this is not a new problem. what's new is the d c o p a which has long said that it would not be the 1st government to recognize somebody lends independence. it would be the 2nd seems to have adjusted the view and decided to take the, the next step, which is to say that they would deal with some other land as an independent state. they have long standing security, economic and political ties. so this is really just a step forward. i'll be a dramatic one that has irritated the government and will bishop, when they signed this memorandum of understanding, which was a kind of declaration of intent. ethiopia would recognize somebody then as an independent state in exchange for this lease of enabled, based on the gulf of age and coast. now, in theory, that should have taken one months to implement a now of where we're more than 3 months since the signing of the m o u. but all of
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the signs are the both add to sub about and how gay. so the capital of smaller that and remain committed to the deal. and it appears that it's essentially technical issues concerning the basing rights for a c o, p a. and what political recognition actually involves for some of the land. these are the big questions that seem to have delayed implementation of this memorandum of understanding what links this amount of land and portland issues is an ethiopian, has this m o you with some of the land. and yesterday, invite to the delegation from portland to add a sub of to discuss enhanced relations between e. c, o, b and woodland. and that seems to have pushed them on the issue or the smallest federal government to take this step of expelling easier organ. diplomats. rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence have many workers wondering if their jobs will soon be obsolete until recently to professions,
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most likely to be replaced by a. i have included office workers accountants, and even journalists. now hundreds of leading musicians are defending their work. as rob reynolds reports, some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy english. all the good goes to nicky me. no, don't worry about this. i guess it's night in jon bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in all more than 200 living artists as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, saw.


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