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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the, the, the grease in southern gaza, the is really military strikes. the city of rasa again as the number of palestinians killed since october passed is $0.33 the spencer of any age. good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up, beating and boucher. we hear accounts of torture from a palestinian prison were detained by israel. how many that i brought here,
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and i'm going to be telling you how one under the covers rate a unit has been infiltrating the occupied westbank. the show of unity is may 2 marks. it's 75th anniversary, but russian says it is now in a state of direct confrontation with the military alliance. the . it's meant to be a safe zone, but attacks by israeli forces continue daily in the southern guys and city of rasa . the latest their strengths claim, the lives of at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children off to the building that they've been sheltering and took a direct hit. funerals had been held for the victims west of the city, rasa has become home to more than half of guns as population. so many of them were forced there from the north. more than 33000 palestinians have now been killed by israel since the war began,
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including 14000 children. and the next is enough, puts an end to this injustice. so 180 days, children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? wherever is eunice? i don't understand. i don't have a hold on to that the, these are the goals of israel does not have any plans to end. this will. it's targets of children and women. there is nice, safe place at all. what safety there is no safety. i told him because there was no one meets a orange of land that is safe. they displaced them to the roof of thinking it was safe, but even tents houses everywhere was being bumped. there is no safety honey, who does live for us and ross with us and southern gaza. honey. tell us about the latest strikes. there's been rough up that there had been more across the street. yeah, so just within the past hour,
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just minutes away from everybody breaking their fast here. a loud explosions could be heard along the border with each of them. we learned later on that was an attack on a farm land and a live of stock farm. that is just, it's about a mile away from the 1st target, just causing a great deal of panic on fear of mind. the population already. it's from the tie then display as for the past 6 months, then an overnight attack. so looking at the same exact pattern targeting civilians inside residential bed, the casualties are made of mostly women and children. but what's really tragic about these a tax is if the app for not that we're looking at the injuries are arriving to the hospital mainly here either the way to hospital later transferred to in a job hospital is the risk of losing their lives. given the fact that there are in many uh, medical supplies, an x ray afford you medical supplies. in fact, that is sufficient medical to stop at the hospital. and just the fact that the
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hospital turned into a vacuum as instance, are making it very difficult for the medical team to intervene and provide it for the proper a treatment. but also looking at the thought, the cause of further internal displacement. because the, the kind of bonds that are used not only destroying these residential homes, but also the, its vicinity, all the surrounding homes. at least you can easily count 4 to 5 residential homes of the surrounding area where it, which people are forced to evacuate and go somewhere else. seeking safety and shelter, just scattering any remaining sense of safety for and already once again, the traumatized, largely display of population in hon. you and is these really military continue to pound across the city with non stop constant? artillery still ain't got would that talks with the quad cab through these are a talk of drones, drones with guns that fire indiscriminately out people are trying to flee from one
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area to another. cleaning the unpredictable fall in bonds, them in a separate attack earlier today there's really a military targeted term, but it's who was a trying to save one the injuries in the part of the gospel, he ended up being injured and all the transferred to developed was one hospital that's in the northern part of the garza city of the gaza strip. sorry, honey, who reporting there from ross? i thank you very much. we're going to stay in rossa. where we've been hearing stories of puerto from palestinians returned from his really captivity a 100 and when detainees have been released back into the strip. also here is tory, a couple of them spoke to one of the out of city and destiny is have been released from the east by the defense and they have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout the farm. i was telling me, christine, what was that? as we have been talking to an impulse destiny as it happened, reporting about really distressing human condition. they have been getting through in the detention. they have been completely surprised from having few access to
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food. and even they have been overtime beaten by the is really so just and have receiving different signs of talk to isaac. i gladly see right now here on the elderly man that had been arrested by the as many forces in the loss of hospital or so as you know, the fuse ready soldiers still necessary hospitable in conyers. while i was treated for a broken leg is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section. the following day the some were transferred to the barrack hospital while the rest of us, me included, were detained, a loaded onto trucks taken to another location or we would strip, searched and tortured would be to and all the way. yeah. and then location. i was in, had more than 2000 palestinians civilian detainees. you know, we were hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to interrogation under torture, all forms of torture. you can imagine including use of forensic dogs. we would crammed into cells with no cover, and only one mail a day. many of the detainees died under torture. many of the detainees have chronic
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disease. those with severe injuries were treated without most of the detainees are going through how enough is off the bill. they have been reporting about in human violations that had been taken by these very men at 3 in detention as a number of the city of people and even being detained in it's been tales. and some of them have been taken to and disclose location to mount tar capacity. oh, just a rough, rough summaries on starving palestinians and gaza are afraid that food shortages will get worse. following the latest attack on aid workers, the founder of the a group world central kitchen says israel's killing of 7 of itself and gaza was not a mistake, but a systematic target, systematic targeting of their convoy and who are isn't necessarily in central gaza . and she explains what the latest attack on a workers means for palestinians desperately in need of food. i'm currently
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standing in front of the world central kitchens, main warehouse in the middle area of the gaza strip. as you see the warehouse closed its doors after that is ready, forces targeted 7 aid workers working in the world. central kitchen. this place was a place where all of the people who evacuated from the north to the south would come here. they would feed them, they would give them food parcels and they would offer them food assistance this case. and this organization used to work locally with more than 60 kitchens and provide hundreds of thousands of palestinians with hot me is every single day. at least 198 records have been killed since october 7. and israel's target on the world central kitchen is not only a target on age worker, but it's also helping more, simon and starvation in the cause of the trip. this is in the comedy i'll just data
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on the site. ok. this is really military is canceling leaves the combat units, but no official reason has been given is really media reports save the move is in response to iran, vowing revenge for an air strike on the ring and console its in syria is nomic revolution. regard commanders were killed in damascus on monday. a honda so hoot isn't occupied east jerusalem honda israel's taking a number of measures in preparation for what the media believe is going to be a retaliation by iran or iran backs groups. what is israel doing? can you run us through that? israel is 1st bolstering up its air defenses. that means we're punishing their air defense systems like the iron dome, the most commonly and frequently used in his role for short range projectiles. and they're also probably going to be replenishing the david sling and the arrow. these are for longer, more guided ballistic missiles and interceptors. so we're also hearing that these
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really army has called up reserve is it would be the 1st time since the war really that they have called up additional reserve as these really army spokesperson. daniel, how gaudy has spoken this evening and said that quote, fighter jets are pointed in every direction and that these really armies prepared for a wide variety of scenarios. and it comes as these really defense minister, you know, of the law just this evening, holding what the defense ministry called a multi front situation of assessment with other security and defense officials like the army chief of staff like the heads of mission bad. and the most uh, so these really armies saying that they are prepared for whatever type of scenario and they are taking the threats of any sort of it on the and retaliation very seriously. the honda, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is speaking today, over the phone with the us president joe biden. what do you know about that cold a
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we are just getting more in that that phone call has ended after around 45 minutes . and one of the main topics on the agenda was be, is really strikes a targeted 7 aid workers from the world central kitchen. the united states has expressed that they were quite upset and angry over the incident. we've heard this repeatedly from american officials. these really have said that it was, quote, unintentional and the mistake and are investigating the situation as have a lot of countries called for. not only these really are me to investigate, but for outside bodies, 3rd parties to investigate it as well. these really are me spokesperson in his briefing and press conference tonight, has said that these really army pro but will wrap up quote soon and of the findings would be made public. but as for the outside and independent investigation, it's not quite known when exactly that will be wrapped up. these really army said it could take weeks. but all of the countries like new west and u. k. and especially australia are looking for those findings. after this call,
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especially with nothing yahoo and bide in were waiting for read out from these really prime minister's office as to what exactly what discussed. but that issue was certainly on the agenda. honda. so who's reporting here from occupied east jerusalem? thank you very much. on to a funeral has been held for a palestinian killed during the latest is really rates on the occupied westbank confrontations between palestinian fighters and is really forces broke out community incursions. south jeanine is really military vehicles were also targeted . 40 palestinians were detained by as really forces overnight bringing the total number of palace to use, detain since october 7th, to more than $8000.00. these really military has increased its use of under cover units and the west bank members of its forces disguise themselves as civilians before conducting arrests and assassinations. and as did abraham reports, it also risk the lives of palestinians going about their daily activities. the
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minutes before people breaks in the lead on model on fast the owners of this class and so forth with you taking orders. it was a regular d. as in he sort of fiji tempted this whole thing until this was in these men pretending to be customers turned out to be under cover is really soldiers and it was that i was holding my brother and he was holding me to i said leave him. but then he pointed the gun to my head saying, let him go, we have the army unlike i like someone else soon came with a big rifle and started shooting in the air. i thought it was the scuffle interest of the rest that 22 year old laser locked us and took him for interrogation. a loss to the aftermath. the family says they're lucky. no one was injured in the place i was arrested and told the interrogator, if you need my son, i'll bring them to you. he said, no, they want to pretend that their forces had achieved
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a heroic arrest opperation when in fact they just want to intimidate people. these read the armies under cover. the unit is as old as the occupation itself. its members receive training on how to infiltrate palestinian communities, how to dress and talk like palestinians. some even entered moss and pretended to perform prayers before carrying out their operations. since the world goes and started under cover, soldiers have intensified the rates across the occupied with bang. nathan, even under cover units has been targeting palestinians in refugee counts their heavy crowded areas and its activities are putting people a true risk. but it's also making them feel suspicious and on edge palestinians in the future you can put than most of the occupied west banks don't want any room for dell. they regularly should updates about new faces entering the cam. had that how as these obstacles of poets, of vehicles, we don't recognize, count into the can we have volunteers who got the can they take any ideas and
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papers to roll out any suspicion that sort of which even those who detect the suspicious presence might be heavy price in early october we met the mother of $15.00. you may say in, did you need refugee camp? laid off at that. awesome, do you run morning and shouting special forces. so these really soldiers standing over the salt, haven't any fellow he done in the army? did not come from mesa, but his mother says he could have disrupted their plan. with another plan was carried out smoothly in the same refugee camp in january. is really forces these guys, this patients and doctors assassinated 3 palestinian men inside the hospital room. and after they left the scene, they said the 3 men would wanted fighters, whether it's in the rest of the nation or an assassination. these really ministries under cover unit, often needs behind x ray of destruction. it could happen in a home, a hospital or even if i left to shop the day,
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but he manages ita the occupied westbank. still a head on alpha 0, somalia expels be opium, and baset are attentions escalate over the over the break away region of some riddles. in los angeles with a story on how many famous pop musicians deal, that artificial intelligence might be coming for their life. with the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god, and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here and right now the stream on out to the around now is the time to
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be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are as rama time is a time of mercy transformation. worship. reward for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nasty to the millions of people around the world. to us suffering, trumpets injury to conflict, devastating disasters, and abject poverty. donate use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives and transform communities the
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. the there watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines. at least 7 palestinians have been killed and this really strikes that residential buildings and rough within 33000 people have now been killed by israel since the war began. and includes $14000.00 children. israel has released a 101 palestinian detainees from gaza. they described being beaten by as really forces and denied food and water reports some more tortured to death, starving palestinians, and gaza. ca, or food shortages will worst following the latest attack on aid workers. the head of the world central kitchen is now demanding the vitamin ministration for for an independent investigation. the somalia government has ordered the c o. p, as in bassett, or to leave the country. some of the officials say this is because of
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a port deal between its breakaway region of somebody, land and ethiopia. that agreement will allow landlocked ethiopia, at least 20 kilometers of coastline, thought to be near the port to their bearer. somalia also said it is closing to a few few opiates, consulates, one in some of the land, the other in the sent me a ton of ms. region have put than the government in mogadishu does not control these regions. houses here as catherine soil reports from nairobi, and this is a big development and a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically. um, since the feud between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, is huge. set back. and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an
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agreement with salt, somebody land which is on a tunnel, the state of all is c o p a without passing, but passing through the d shoes. so um, the government of somalia says that it feels that uh it's tow tauriel rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still has holstead another redoing of somebody at that point line it is, i send me a told me to watch a region a so a delegation went to issue appeal where the discussing whether discussing about, you know, you feel my teeth relations and corporation again, issue of the federal government. um, also my, the emigrant issue, very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and
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it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing, a constitutional or review process, a web portal and says that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been inmates and it will reject those amendments and sofa that you know, portland says that it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic indeed, cost. we saw you all to 0, nairobi and working a fast. so now when attacked by an arm group, linked to al qaeda has killed at least 73 people. they include $32.00 civilians. a thousands of civilians have been killed in more than $2000000.00, displaced by fighting there since 2015 and executive from the crypto currency
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platform finance has appeared in court in nigeria on tax evasion and money laundering charges. luxury and government alleges the finance manipulated exchange rates through the currency speculation in rate fixing. and this apparently caused the local currency to drop nearly 70 percent. nato foreign ministers a celebrating the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. the ceremony was on the 2nd day of there's some missing brussels. foreign ministers of the 32 members are considering plans to provide a long term military aid package to ukraine. that's worth a $170000000000.00 over the next 5 years. at a kremlin, for its part, says relations between russia and nato assaults to the level of direct confrontation offices. 0 is charles stratford has more from keith. there are a lot of the lots of questions about this plan that needs to be discussed,
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including the amount of money for this 5 year fund. and exactly how a where that money is going to come from. we've already heard reservations by some diplomats as to how that is going to be possible, but was of great encouragement as i suppose you'd expect from the us secretary of state and to be blinking. he said that so support for ukraine from the nato alliance relating to rock solid. and he said again, the ukraine will become eventually a member of nato, is that the purpose of the somebody in july is to help build a bridge to that membership. and a clear pulse way for ukraine moving forward with respect to ukraine's immediate needs though. and that's where we've seen so much emphasis coming from the ukranian foreign minister, demitra calais. but of course he's attending that somebody. and he now says that he has had assurances from those nato members. they have agreed to identify and blind a different systems in the options that they can seems to ukraine,
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which course ukraine in recent weeks has come under the escalation of russian attacks using many ballistic missiles. and these kind of calls the drones only one last the latest one last night. in car cable, we understand at least 4 people were killed in that attack. the label says that in march alone, russia use 90 full ballistic missiles in these attacks. so it's the immediate needs that is so important for full ukraine to us state media rather in iran, say 18 gunmen and 10 security force members have been killed and fighting in the southeast of the country government and carried out single 10 years of tax on the revolution regard basses into cities and system of interest on province. the government is blaming a separate his groups seeking greater rights for the balloon minority. voters in
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kuwait are casting ballots in the countries 4th parliamentary election. and as many years, the new mirror shape michelle model sub is warning the public against boy costing the vote. he dissolved parliament in february after a member of the house made a speech that were seen as insulting for the month. are rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence. have many workers wondering if their jobs will soon be obsolete. the latest group, the voice concerns our musicians as well. bring those reports. some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy english. all the good, good school to nicky me no, don't worry about this, i guess is my and john bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced
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artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood. you know, more than $200.00 living artists, as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, signed an online opened letter titled stop the valley. news of the artist say that while a guy has enormous potential to create exciting experiences for music lovers, when used irresponsibly a, i pauses. enormous threats concluding this assault on human creativity must be stopped. we're risking really replacing the replacement of human creators and human artists by this a. i generated music and that has far reaching impacts both for the
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musicians and how much they get paid and their livelihoods and their careers. but also for society and our culture. sheryl crow also signed the letter, summed up the artist fears it terrifies me that i can sing to you a song that i had absolutely nothing to do with. and you'll believe it. it's happened already. last year, a completely day i generated that is to say totally fake song by drake and the weekend went viral. it even appeared briefly on apple music in spite of 5. it's not the 1st time artist took a stand against joining the entertainment companies using ai to make big profits without compensation. a restrictions were a major sticking point in last year's months long strike, bi movies and tv actors and writers that ham strong the industry for months. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. all right,
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that's it for me 0 then. yeah. so now whether is next on else is 0, then inside story task, if the was raging in gaza and ukraine are taking the world's attention away from the climate change to that the entire plan is facing the whole, the hard drive into the kia united since particularly in east all still covered in snow was a bit more to come, maybe in the fall, ne. otherwise it's a bit of rain, but generally the thing things are improving. an attempt is rising cypress and they can see the temperature is well above average. and that's was an advantage sunshine in the sky, with temperatures on the way up. and this is true throughout the valley across into was around the pot for one or 2 shelves. there's still a potential, but it's snow tajikistan and maybe, and i've got this done. otherwise,
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as you might expect, this time of year, we expect the winds to be occasionally strong, but mostly not the time just to come up. study in that during their house 29. we have study that happens to very big sandstone, admittedly, and savvy writers and the focus, and then the 2 more fund storms in the mountains and the science or the western human. otherwise, it looks quite quiet for the next couple of days. that's not entirely true in victoria, alaska, and nor should it be that one is out of heavy right in terms of the the have been recently and can you as well, you can see the blue bring trey never including in somalia, at a cost for the west in, for example, if i recovered congo and i'm going to, so the sides, the significant share activity, big sandstone anywhere from maybe a time towards south africa. the, a c o knows the load balancing from the parallel processing. and so do it's why we,
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he was with bill cuz he'll make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the challenges the state of emergency in zimbabwe, extreme drought, putting millions of people in danger as wars, rage and jobs and ukraine to battle against climate change continues. but arguably, makes fewer headlines. is the world paying enough attention to the threats the entire planet facing? this is inside the .


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