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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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to to see so donates with confidence, donates without calf foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the well one hot that's time the . ready ready the fill on several venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from bill coming up in the program today. president joe biden calls for an immediate cease fire and gaza during a phone call with his really prime minister. benjamin met him. yeah. he is really military strikes. the city of ruffled, again, that's the number of palestinians killed since october of cost is $33000.00 beaten, and vassar, we hear accounts of torture from us. tell us sitting in prison are detained by
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israel and somalia. expels, meet the opium basset, or as tensions escalates over of port deal with the break away region of somalis and on piece a statement with you a sports north loan to go now and so will kick off between level cool and sheffield, united as you can talk side, to return to the top of the premium, the front is presidents, a manual. mack on says he has no doubt russia will target the power. so lympics making the strongest comments case one will equals russians aggressive posture. the so we begin this use our with the us presidents call for an immediate cease fire in guns that during a phone call with is really prime minister benjamin no bite and told his is really counterpart that a ceasefire is essential and urged him to reach a deal without delay. he also said that us policy depends on immediate action by israel to protect civilians. the this is the 1st time the 2 liters i've spoken
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since there's really air strikes, killed 7 world central kitchen aid workers in gaza on monday. i'll just see what the white house correspondent, kimberly how could joins us now. kimberly, we're going to 1st run through the language here. what biden is reported to have told netanyahu. and after that, you'll tell us how new it is and put some context around it. first, what did he say exactly is yeah, a very strongly worded, read out much stronger than we typically see from the white house. it was very clear. and by that that word specifically the president made clear, was used at least 3 times. we knew this was going to be a tense phone call and it's clear that the president as promised dress down prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president emphasized that the strikes on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation was unacceptable. he
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made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to address civilian harm you mandatory is suffering and the safety of aid workers. he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific and concrete and measurable steps to address civilian harm. and he made clear that the us policy with respect to gaza will be determined by the assessment of israel's immediate action on the steps. in other words, despite all the steps that israel has taken to allow a aid into gaza, what the united states feels is that the results on the ground are unacceptable. in other words, the feeling is by the united states that 100 percent of the population is in need of assistance. and the feeling of the united states is that even as a workers are trying to help and get that assistance in their lives are in peril.
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kimberly, this all just cross. so we're just learning this at the very 1st look. it looks to me like this is by quite a significant margin, the strongest language bite and has used against netanyahu in 6 months. is that fair or is the strongest language we've seen publicly? that is fair. we've never had a window into some of these private conversations. we know that there has been a lot of frustration on the part of the us president. and we have heard leaks that the president has had some very frank discussions, if you will. we knew this was going to be a colorful conversation and well, we didn't get any of that color in the read out. this is what is the strongest and most strongly worded. read out that we have ever seen from the white house in terms of how this has been communicated in the message to the is really prime minister.
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okay. that is, that's an interesting distinction because you're telling us there's been strong language in private, but this time they are deliberately making it public. kimberly how get reporting from the white house. thank you very much. we will talk to you again as go to honda . so who it's in occupied east jerusalem honda, what are you hearing on the is really side about this call as well. we do know that us president joe biden is expressing that it's unacceptable to the united states and it comes on the heels of a lot of pressure that the americans and the rest of the international community has been putting on these really is when it comes to the number of civilians that have been killed inside of gaza. the strikes on the aid workers that a lot of the world have simply said is unacceptable. and additionally that the amount of humanitarian aid going in is simply not enough, but these really prime minister speaking at a security cabinet meeting did say that israel is quote, going to defend itself against it on in the read out with the white house memo with
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the call with the us president. it did end by saying that joe biden did express that the americans would support these really is with that. but when it comes to the strikes on the workers we are hearing from these realize that there is going to be an investigation into the matter. they were not so quick really, to say that it was them who attacked and targeted the 7 aid workers. initially we heard from the army in the morning who called it an incident, and then we heard hours later from these really prime minister, who said it was unintentional. the army says that their investigation will be wrapping up soon, but it's not really known what that timeline looks like, but they did say the public. the findings would be public. honda, the us has criticized israel and more specifically these really prime minister mister netanyahu in the, in the past. right. but this is, this criticism is a lot stronger,
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at least the criticism that they're making public is a lot stronger this time around. how has net yeah, who responded to biden's criticism in the past as well. there's been a lot of back and forth between american and his really officials specifically the president and these really prime minister. there's been a lot of back and forth, not just about this issue particularly, but also about israel's ground invasion into the ha. there's been a lot of disagreements with how israel has been conducting itself through out this war. and remember, there was supposed to be some sort of his really delegation that was heading to washington in the last week to go brief american counterparts. but that didn't happen. so the americans are growing increasingly frustrated with is really policy . and that hasn't necessarily been a secret, in fact, according to reports within his really media, there was a teleconference video type of meeting with american and his really officials to kind of brief them on the operators and. and reports indicated that it did not go
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well, and there was a lot of anger from both parties. so the americans have been frustrated with how israel has been carrying himself, how it's been prosecuting this war, specifically in gaza. but the policies of the americans, as we've seen have not yet changed and nothing y'all, himself has said that he's going to do whatever he sees, but until there's an absolute victory overcome us with or without american support . okay, that's really interesting. thanks for that reminder there. honda, so who reporting from occupied east jerusalem the spring in and actually was where he director of the gulf study center at the guitar university. what do you make of this language by, by? you know, it's, it's, uh, it's pretty interesting that this phone call, which there is now to none of that. it took less than 27 minutes. and now from the very side they took this down 45 minutes. that's very interesting about the time why it seemed when i, when i look at those are 80 reports. they talk about instruction given to them. you
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know, they don't say what the thing you know, who is that? and that's what he was. he was told the humanitarian thing should be, you know, this is a priority. this should be done, this should be done. and there is nothing said about what was the response on the thing. yeah, that was the 1st time in the last, i think 6 phone calls happened in the last 6 months or 5. i think uh, the reflection was always that the thing. yeah. who said that to the whole deflect, that's the 1st time i asked him the question, how does he normally react? because he already has it probably strongest. that's an excellent question. he normally the act after finishing the meeting to come to the social media on it. but it's conference and reflect what's happened and a phone call. and he was saying, i'm determined to do this. i'm going to do that. so this is, this is my plan. we want victory. this will not have that as is applying or was after the phone call. he goes to the media within a press conference associated media. and if you have to what topic by saying, i'm trying to engine what has been talked about. yeah, and he's always said we can't be dictated to, but the language coming out about whitehouse coming out to joe. but as far as the
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americans are giving us that language, they're saying that biden told him that yeah, we us policy on israel and us support for israel's war. and gaza will now depend on what is real does on the ground in terms of protecting civilians. yes, that's different. absolutely. and if you look to what those reports from london yesterday about considering what these are doing is actually, you know, above the law and may, may be defined as a robust state that is in your language we hear from london. and also from washington, i think the washington now has to be allies that you know nothing. yeah. in particular, he's taking washington to the quote amount of to where the united states con, defend itself. and administration now is losing in other states as wisconsin. i think he's losing 8580000 vote with actually, but i think i mean in the democratic primary some of the so there is a reflection on his political future as why that. but also that aspect,
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the founder of the world sense the kitchen is a very close to front to buy that very close. if he's a, he's also, by the way it's worth saying a very well known figure in the us. who do i, american voters, american toyota viewers are used to seeing him on their t correct means. every time there is a catastrophe, any higher. let me explain to us why by that is actually frustrated. i'm very upset because he believed that is that you shouldn't is doing a huge favor. yeah. but it helping not only for the student and other things as ways as well to move out of this him, it's an exercise of so now we can call them here. it's just the other day they made workers for work. yeah, absolutely. and also, i think 7, you know, of those work as well are, i'm sorry, so this white reflection is in europe is a huge. so, and that itself is more of question about why the united states is doing all of this uh android, and not looking at 300030043000 people to press the on that with list. so
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reflection. yeah. and then what does it say they're, they're white, i mean, they are there, one of them is also american. so israel israel killed the us, mash absolutely the bridge session and so kind of the nation. so that is, that is, i think, put more pressure on by then. and i think i would argue that this phone call will have an implications. can i be, can i ask you about perhaps i don't want to be a prisoner of the moment, right? so this language is stronger than we see, and in the past, we don't know if actions will actually change. we don't know how much pressure the white house will actually change because ultimately what we're hearing here, it's still words. i don't see if you see with the slits put them together. that is the data is a motor mandate to a given to that uh that edition a team. um basically that is a new thing. previously they would not do it a band with any kind of mandate. the 2nd thing there is a huge pressure on, on,
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on nothing you know, and they took about out of the elections. and there is a huge impact of what happened in damascus 2 days ago. and this basically now the situation inside is right, is very, very anxious. there is a lot of concern about the consequences simply because what they targeted is being part of southern to, to be and this is the 1st time inside of it. yes, i can set it on an embassy, which, politically, and diplomatically considered as some of the departments that went through the country. so that the, the pressure on, on, on the thing you know, is huge with this is tip was small between or not. but there is a lot of concern of the application on is it right? because one of the see not is of this that this time it on will not keep it. you know, i will not just keep silent. there wouldn't be an action and maybe a complicated action on his like, yeah. and, and his really mediocre speculating about a possible imminent retaliation by a re options where he thank you so much. we'll have to talk again,
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but thank you for your snap analysis of this this read out of the phone call between that. yeah, invited. thank. so let's go to what's happening on the ground in southern gaza is really strikes, continue to target rough on which was meant to be a safe zone. the latest the sold claimed the lives of at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children. that's after the building that they have been sheltering and took a direct hit rock that has become home to more than half of gauze as population of the many were forced there from the north. within 33000 palestinians have been killed since the war began. in october of this year as honey, my mood is joining us live from rasa, honey. i'm, i'm going to ask you what's happening on the ground. and i'm just going to practice this and remind her of yours, of what we just for the us president is totally as really prime minister. you have to take concrete steps to um, to avoid civilian casualties. and the way you conduct this war within that context, tell us what is actually happening on the ground and rough
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man. this will it, let's sir. let's also remind our viewers that the un security council resolution that was possible was 10 days ago, demanding at an immediate cease fire. just for the, the cott, this period of time for ronald on, at the remaining time was not, was not implemented on the ground. and in fact we're, we're seeing is the storage and the tax across the gaza strip. so one more time with being a prominent political leader at this time happened to be the us of for the demanding of this part, but on the ground within the past hour and overnight, a tox, we're seeing more of the air raids for lenses there is right targeting more residential homes here in rough estimate, the in hon. you and is more control demolitions of residential homes in days from part to city, the central part around the vicinity of public facilities, the jobs, not their hospital. and i don't hospital in the center of the area, an area larger designated as a safe area. it's been
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a side of major honey. my friend. sorry, i'm going to have to interrupt you, honey. respectfully, john kirby is a briefing reporters at the white house following that bite. and then you know, the phone call. you said several times here's just that change assessment. it's really willingness to reach us in the last several weeks. no, it is. it takes, it takes active participation and negotiation of both sides here and, and that's what the president is urging he. certainly in the call with that young urging that the prime minister empowered his team to the maximum extent possible to see if we can get this deal in place. and then just on the substance of the problem statement, there are different conditions. appreciate your support for the really yeah. the it's really operation and gaza. i'm fine. what is your that's 1st off state. what
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would be cut off from the israel race j 4. and 2nd, what di, what specifically to see from what to do to protect civilians and i'm not going to preview or any potential policy decisions coming forward. um, what we want to see are some real changes on the as really side. um and you know, if we don't see changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. but i won't preview what that could look like now. they talked about the what i'm sorry, that's the body counters in terms of concrete steps. what we are looking to see and hope to see here in coming hours in days is a dramatic increase and the humanitarian assistance getting in additional crossings opened up and a reduction in the violence against civilians and certainly aid workers. we wanna,
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we want to see that, that even as these relays work through their investigation that they are willing and able to take practical immediate steps to protect a workers on the ground and to demonstrate the day that they have that civilian harm mitigation in place. so again, those are broad brushes, all of these rarely speak to what they will, they won't do here. but again, in coming hours and days, we will be looking for concrete, tangible steps that are taken to go back to that point. we in your read out when you say the president made clear that the us that us policy with respect to god that will be determined by our assessment of immediate action. could you to code that for us? what exactly is the warning that's being issued here? i think it's very clear in the language itself and answer. we're going to put the we're looking for concrete steps to alleviate humanitarian suffering and gaza. again, i won't get ahead of what these realize will are wrong,
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say or announce. we're looking for concrete steps to be announced here soon, and it's not just about the announcement of concrete steps and changes in their policies, but it's the execution of those announcements and those decisions and implementing them. and so we're, we're obviously we'll, we'll watch closely and monitor how, how they do on the commitments that they make. and as a, as i said earlier, if there's no changes to their policy and their approaches, then there's going to have to be changes to ours. wants to understand is, is the white house warning that it may military? what exactly is the threat? i think i've, i've stated it pretty clearly and i'm not gonna, i'm not gonna, as i said earlier, i'm not going to preview steps. i'm not going to preview decisions that haven't been made yet, but there are things that need to be done. there are too many civilians being killed. the risk to aid workers is unacceptable that we have certain data
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organizations that are reconsidering, whether they're even going to be able to continue operations in gaza while fam, in the loops. so there has to be tangible steps. let's see what the announce. let's see what they direct. let's see what they do. but i'm not going to get out of that . i'm gonna try this one more time because the present seems to make these concrete changes. it's the or else that i want to make sure is the present and threatening to withhold age a israel is they do not make these changes. the president made it clear that our policies with respect to gaza will be dependent upon our assessment of how well these rallies make changes and implement changes to, to make the situation and does it better for the palestinian people and how much time we're going to make these changes to implement these concrete again we, we would hope to see some announcements of changes here and coming hours and days
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and i'll leave it at that. that's your hours and days. that's why today, why today what, why today, for the phone call, why, why, why is apparent shifting policy today? i think look the president wallace, particularly the president, was certainly shaken by the attack on the w. c. k. a conduit in the workers. as i said earlier, it wasn't the only event. there had been others like that humanitarian aid convoys coming under fire and losing people. and. and the president felt strongly that it was time to, to talk to prime minister netanyahu about his concerns characterize this cause i would characterize this call is very direct, very business like very professional on both sides. um and the president laid out his significant concerns about the direction and where things are going um and quite frankly, laid out as here. there we go. and that uh that uh we
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are willing to reconsider our own policy approaches here. um, depending upon what these rallies do or don't do, just tell us who i was on the call. well, it was, it was a bilateral call between the 2 leaders, a prime minister netanyahu and the present day with the only 2 speakers on the, on the call for the chairs, also dial vice president harrison did island. yes. secretary state out in jakes on . yes. i don't know who was also listening in on these really size, but the for the discussion was between the 2 leaders into his room. i gave you some of, of a broad sense of that. we want to see more crossings opened up. we want to see more trucks getting into, particularly from jordan. we want to see tangible steps at the mitigation of
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civilian home, of particularly to, to mandatory in aid workers, but obviously also the ends. but we want to see that they have this, they have moved forward on proper steps. the d conflict with a workers as they move around that the information flow is by language we've heard for weeks now you're not talking about sort of telling us how exactly you measure measurable stuff, right? what i said was we're going to, we're going to, we examine our policy approaches based on the, our assessment of the way the is rarely side of modifies. their behavior modifies their policy and decision making processes. and so 1st of all, let's see what they say. they're going to do and then what's watch and see how they execute to what they say and what i don't want to get ahead of them on what they
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and what they, what they plan to say about the changes they're going to make. but what will base our policy decisions based on the assessment of how they execute to their policy? you're not talking about what potential us policy changes are on the table. can you say whether the president share that with the prime minister on this, the president made clear that the, that absent changes in the protection of civilians on the ground, absent changes to the volume of monitoring systems, getting an absent, absent any movement on a a ceasefire that will allow hostages to get out and more a to get in absent, you know, coming down that he will have to reconsider his own policy choices with respect to, to god. and one of the 7 april 1st was obvious, visual american citizens in 5 minutes to offer the president of ology. i left the
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prime minister, speak to his side of the conversation. uh, the, the, i would note that the israeli defense forces and their southern command commander has made a public apology for the striking no mention of this lead out. talk to us about how is that did come up in this conversation was, was focused primarily on the need to get a temporary cease fire. place the need for there to be a pause and in the fighting so that we can get the boxes out to manager and assistance. the need to see that the steps are being taken to learn from the strike and to make changes in the way civilian harm is mitigated from an operational perspective. and they did spend time as the read out makes clear talking about the very public threats from, from iran to israel. and the president, as i said, made very clear to the prime minister that united states support for israel's ability to defend itself from a range of threats. not just from us,
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remains iron clad. good in just a couple of things to see how long did this last about 30 minutes or so. i'm just getting back to, i mean just pressure. you know why, why does it have change in time to be it? it'd be going frustration on the president bite in the previous messaging to prime minister netanyahu just doesn't seem to have gone through. yes, there's been going frustration. second thing is so much the one question on israel and another opened as well as we saw in the past 1st and to abide in pushing it to know how to protect civilians. but how much more really matters here when, when actions the same day of this happened to him in his own words. see what else was really marble? sweet file, the you, we are now 6 month is it or how much do s actions are action cards use? well to not do enough to for the activities scale. okay i'm, i'm kind of glad the question came up. uh, because i would tell you, when i've seen fresh reporting, you know, about the about the,
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the arm sales and that kind of thing. and i, i would just remind you that the, the us, with the exception of the immediate 2 months after the attack, we haven't really sent emergency aid in this military assistance to israel. and it was in the 1st couple of months. but what you're seeing here is the result of a process of foreign military sales to israel. that takes years. and a lot of this material that's been reported publicly was notified to congress many, many months if not years ago. and our in the trying to get to israel, i think it's important to remember, as i tried to mention in the last answer, that is, you still has a lot of threats at faces. i mean, we're all focused on her mazda and i understand that, but they still faced active threats throughout the region, including from iran, in the united states, still has an iron clad commitment to help or a israel with
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a self defense. and so a lot of these articles, including the 2000 pound bombs and the f 35. so that's, those are things that have been long in the train and not tied the sale. the foreign military sales process was not tied to this conflict because yesterday, and it allows them to do and that to the law, creating a being self in his reading, riana. and he choose the united states a few, the secret military bases and as a cable. so what is your reaction it needs to be with considering the, with the media surveys to support the vendor sovereignty parental plans for secret military base. and we've said many, many times that there's 1999 our which will we're rolling about the board between guy on venezuela and we want both sides to respect that ruling and to do it peacefully to see it announcement of changes. i'm wondering if that is just how or is it an expectation based on a commitment,
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we expect that that will be some, some announcements coming from israel in the coming hours in days, but i've want to respect their right to manage that process on their own. okay, and um, was there any update given by the prime minister on what exactly happened with the on when they didn't talk about the actual striking great detail that the prime minister did reiterate as his military has reiterated that this was on them. and that the investigation was, was concluding that he look forward to seeing it and that, you know, he would take appropriate actions to make sure something like that couldn't happen again. i mean they, they did, obviously, they talked about it of course. but did they go to point by point the investigations findings? no, because i think the prime minister's office is still evaluating the actual investigation results, trying to get a technical understanding. you've described
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a very long process of supply arms to israel. if this contingency isn't met and there is a change in your policy, how easy or hard would it be to slow down or change shipments to israel based on the current law and all of the requirements and all the things you just described? yeah, yeah, i don't want to get ahead of where we are. let's see what the these really side does and says and what they implement and where they go before we talk about actual policy decisions. i'm certainly not going to close down decisions based with the president united states. she gets to make those decisions. but i mean, obviously as commander in chief and a yes, the for military sales certainly is, is supported by legislation, but uh, but there are certain authorities that you can do to manage that. but again, let's not get ahead of where we are. this is really about seeing what these relays say they're going to do and then act on, on those,
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on those changes. you know, i keep getting his question about leverage to israel's an ally and a friend and a partner in the president police strongly and has for his entire public career. and the security of these rarely people and the in the longevity of the is really state. and that's not gonna change in the i can say on quickly. and i don't think the prime minister would mind me saying here in the call today, the prime minister reiterated his thanks to president by and then this and ministration for the support that then we have continued to provide as well. so longstanding, it was before the 7th of october and it is now and that supports that supports going to continue, but again, with respect to god. but we need to see certain changes. and if we don't, then we'll have to consider changes to our own policy. but it's not about, it's not about leverage, it's about the relationship and it's about the credibility. i won't even say the
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unique credibility that this particular president has in israel and with is really leadership based on his long public service of support to about his relationship. do you think the 5 minister is really list? it was i think it was evident in the phone call today. it was a good discussion direct. no question, but a good discussion and of time, i believe that the president made very clear his concerns and the prime minister knowledge this deserves in terms of the timing of this call. we are saying that this call was set up after the strikes on the world, the central kitchen workers. would you say this call? was a direct result? was that was that the reason behind the call? yes. one last thing response to jose address or shift address says that the possible way was to any response from the awesome again, i haven't seen is really investigation. they have said themselves publicly after
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preliminary investigation that there was no deliberate targeting of w. c. k. and, and, and shift andres, the, they're working their way through now an independent follow on investigation, which i understand is very, very close to complete a prime minister just to talk about it broadly and reiterated, today, dependents. to reiterate today that there was no deliberate targeting of, of that, that a convoy citizen, very close to the president said that we have reached the office restriction to as soon as the president. i think it's clear in the read out not yet, that the president has, has made it clear today that if we don't see the changes to the way the idea is treating the innocent civilians and
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a workers and throwing the manager assistance that he's going to have to reconsider on guys a policy. so i mean he was very direct with the prime minister about that. i'm not going to close down his decision space as satisfying as that may be for some of you . i can't do that, but he made it very clear that we need to see some changes on the as really side. very disturbing investigative reports by it says that it's a white house where opened a i programs was love in there. that's being used by that is really army to target offices in the, in what the where this program has on its way to such as with human supervision. i need to lead to the disco thousands of women and children. and you're saying, are you aware of is number one, i'm seconds as a way to leave that a i can be used in this way with that supervision. i'm not aware of it. you don't have to let me take that question. we'll get back to you. thanks so much john. i'm going to start with the trilateral some instead of the move on to rhonda. first of
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all, looking at the trilateral summit next week. what are some of the priorities and recent master students, us, japan and the philippines? are we to start? and stop trying to be very soon to confirm that and give us some details of the pack. i don't have more to say about that this afternoon or ok you has been listening to john kirby. he is the us national security council spokesman. he is the one who is often the face of the administration on many of the gaza slash israel questions by the media. and he was just briefing the white house press corps following the phone call between jo button and benjamin netanyahu. so this is kind of how these things work. let's bring in march. it was very director of the go study center at guitar university. i was saying is how these things work. usually is step one, you get to read, you get the headline right. what did the 2 leaders say? and then step 2, you get the media gets brief, then you kind of get the explanation just uh,
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the official version of the explanation behind the headlines. what do you make of everything we've just heard it previous phone calls? i mean, this kind of a press conference used to accept in what's happened and sometime this it's minimize the level of yeah, the statement or the discussion saying, you know, it wasn't as being reflected in the media. what i noticed that the language used by this book person is actually deflecting some extent, what's being basically leaked in the last 2 hours as we will talk. you know, the talk about change, those are a, these comments. and then, you know, there's what, you know, that's a, that's a word we heard a lot, there used to be changes to be changing. and i, that's, that's, that's something you previously, you know, in this book question though, i toss as personal as you know, secure joe or the thomas of states. they used to diffuse the little bit of the strings of that sequence. now we see it's actually consistent,
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at least now we are about the hours that the, the states was our motion for an article systems that itself totally. yeah, it's their way of, of, of, um, sort of nudging the, how the media is going to frame a certain event. and this time, as you say, sometimes they'll dial it back if they'll modulate what deadlines as this time they're saying, no, no, you read this, right? yes. the us president essentially excoriated the is really prime minister and he told him, you have got to change something. now he was asked on a timeline by when do these changes need to happen? yeah, he said, hours or days. correct. and, and to, to, to link to this that the reflection is what you need. yeah. they talk about west and it's an yeah, whole commitment to buy them in that phone call. it seems that they would list of things and then you know, how was aust me, he gave a promise that this would happen. and now is there any day talks about, you know,
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these try to predict what's out of these kinds of commitments or, you know, and, and on the same question you'll have set for how long when, when do we expect this to happen? yeah, it seems that i mean, looking at the language used by the white house. uh so far it seems things as these days and all of them maybe. yeah. and, and i think it's fair to say when the white house puts out messaging like this, then, then these really prime minister, the counterpart is going to have to give something. yeah. and there's another interesting thing is folks up talking about gimme deceased by that's also was was, was, was, was mentioned to improve the humanitarian. think that as a new language and immediacy, aspire to prove the humanitarian situation. okay. i have to run this. somebody needs to get to but thank you so much. my name is where, right? the joining us in the studio or the
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voters in kuwait are casting ballots in the 4th parliamentary election. and as many years the new and mir shake, michelle model sub dissolved parliament is february after lawmaker reportedly insulted him. 200 candidates or contesting 50 seats in the assembly and results are expected on friday. mohammed on the tower is the political and listen. he joins us live from kuwait city. so the 1st question i want to ask you is why have there been for parliamentary elections in 4 years? so thank you for telling me. so i think really, to answer that question a to give you some, a little bit of context on the read most recent elections. i believe this is the 4th election for years, but it's also we've had 3 part of the prime ministers. and 3 isn't 3 heads of state and that time as well. great. is going through the transformational period. currently, these are the 1st directions. since the ascension of his highness, she had to power back in, in december. and i believe the significance of,
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of these elections are meant to usher in a new era. berkeley, uh, probably turning a page on this 3rd balance and one more frequent elections of the past. okay, how should our viewers read these elections quite as a pretty unique system, right, where it says elected parliament, but then the cabinet, the government is actually handpicked by the mirror. that is correct. that is correct. i think the court is unique and it's, and it's a model with the and i like the parliament and a a pointed cabinet. uh by the mirror. uh, this has been um of a sticking point in our system where it has led to a victim of paralysis over the years. however, the sentiment is changing right now, especially after the appointment of the prime minister and the height is height is
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excellence issue. i'm having bits of what has started and i think there is a lot. i think there is more of optimism on dispute towards this relationship. it is a strenuous relationship between the 2. however. uh, i think there is, uh, the government show there's a lot of responsibility in terms of putting forward the program that is acceptable to, to, to voters and electric, elected officials as well. speaking of voters, what is the mood among the kuwaiti boating public? a well, i think that mode is i think the mode is a bit optimistic in terms of change. however, there is now, is there is some such, so i went into the frustration with be as a strong where it is. i think we, but like i said, we've been going to the falls at almost annually over the past 4 years. however, there is a sense of optimism under,
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under this new leadership. and this new cabinet has the prime minister came out and called for a new economic identity for the country. so uh, you know, as, as, as you are well aware of the, the middle east or the new uh, because countries are experiencing some sort of a economic pool for indirect investments are coming in a diversification into tourism into manufacturing. and this kind of change is as yet to come to great. how is that in the, in, in it's some indications from this new cabinet. and this new parliament are, are pointing in the direction that hopefully somebody can on the group. one could begin in this next there. okay. the election results expected tomorrow, friday. political analysts, mohammed, metallic, the pleasure of speaking with you today. thank you. pleasure. thank you for having me assembly. as government has ordered, if you'll be using bassett or to leave the country,
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somali officials say it's because of a port deal between its break away region of some of the land and ethiopia. the agreement will allow landlocked ethiopia to at least 20 kilometers of coastline, thought to be near the port to their bearer. somalia also said it is closing to of ethiopia as consulates, one in somali land and the other in the semi autonomy this region of portland. the government in mogadishu does not control these regions, houses, or as catherine solely has this report from the arab a. this is a big developmental and a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically. um, since the feud between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, is huge. set back. and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an
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agreement with salt, somebody land, which is on a ton on the state of, of c o. p a without passing, but passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia says that it feels that uh it's tauriel rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still has holstead another redone of some odd. yeah, that's point line it is, i send me a told me to watch a region a so a delegation went to issue appeal where the discussing whether discussing about, you know, you will not seek relations and call peroration again issue of the federal government . um, also my, the emigrant issue,
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very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 7 ongoing a constitutional or review process, a web portal and says that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made it and it will reject those amendments and sofa. the in portland says that it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system, which is going to be very problematic indeed, cost. we saw you all to 0, nairobi the still ahead on now says 0. hi, rob, riddles and los angeles. with a story on how many famous populations feel that artificial intelligence might be
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coming for their lives. and liverpool have just kicked off against sheffield united as they love to go top of the premier league. we'll have the latest on that with peter. stan. it's in just a moment. the business latest is brought to you while he peg. this is a line supply on one of your this makes model inflates. the
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business lakers, disney, do you believe? i guess is that an i my, on one of your just makes modern plates, the sport with peter semen as promised. who has joined us in the studio. peter. so thank you so much french presidency manual macro on size. he has no doubt that russia will to, i'll get the power. so lympics lights up this year. he's comments on thursday where he's most explicit acknowledgements so far and threats to security. all the smith
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running off the games back on was at, and events in paris will be opening of the new olympic aquatic center. in the last few months, the french presidents and he's governments have taken the top of stones against russia, who have banned from taking part in the games and following the invasion of ukraine . winowski, if he was worried that russia would target the games back on gave this response. well, you know, can't do it. i have no doubt, i have no doubt including an informational terms every day. a fuse room is about the fact that we could not do this. will that so would be a risk. there's an increase in the rest as aggressive pasta. and it's not just happening with fronts. i invite you to look at what's being done in terms of leaking information about senior german military official law. this was done to germany, the united kingdom and the united states. a few days later, there was a succession of information that we know to be false, which corresponds to threatening positives whose toner life, and that the opening of the aquatic center did not go to plan for one of the dive
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is taking part in the city or me and then the guy, the alexi john dod on the right to for he represents the front of the took care games. he slipped on. one of the boards fell on his back and plunged into the water general. it has some streets of that he's back is okay, but he's ego. that's a little pres, the levels match, again, it says united has kicked off as the side look to go to point scanner at the top of the premium league that are up against the leagues bottom side and drop points where you can flop. so i could prove costs me, doesn't look like you at the moment they all one little up and they did go into the same level on points with man. since you run off of the points ahead of the pool and go to the good by that because in looking in good shape as a closing on and historically egan cup doubled into many that beautiful teen. and this will do a full note to reach the gym and cut fine with the end of may without a sick and see if kaiser's slauson. that's now 40 games on beating such heavy alonzo side. there was a 13.2 in the one to speak. it was 7 games left to play. and how about this going
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in the japanese leads yaga sense all or replace or rabo raids squared for me at all for line and that's ready for for the image. again, safety took care of really the but unfortunately for them, if he took care of came from behind 2 into one, it's not good news. so wrapped on that l. fans, he's been forced to withdraw from the bones. he called a mazda is just of a 6 weeks now out from the start of the french open. it continues it frustrating to me, the 24 phone adult who was out for a year before making these come back at the prison international in january. that are in the last 3 matches before we suffer the muscles, a routing them out through the statements and said, these are very difficult moments will meet, my buddies simply won't allow me. it puts the 37 year olds, hopes of winning a 15th title abroad in general saying, doubts, he's also won a record of 11 times at monte caught it. he said previously that he expects to retire off at this season. casper route is on track to defend these as through open
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tide lives. he reached the quarter finals with victory against both take from his own scope. route is a 2 time friendship and find this. the end continues to show just why he enjoys playing on play. the pricing starts upon it twice before winning the food. so it's 61 top seed is in some fine form this year. and again, ex center has one, mo, matches on the to, into the 24. you wrapped up the magic just over an hour to progress to the quotes is in portugal. in women's tennis, saudi arabia will host the season ending w. c, a finals for the next 3 years. the show piece event is on the to a for the top. i singles players and top a double season will be held in riyadh until 2026. the prize money for this november's tournament is a wrinkled $15250000.00 left to 70 percent increase from 2023. did a already host the atp to is mixed in finals for best male players, age 21. and under in the idea of the punjab kings have pulled of a thrilling 3. we could victory against the goods at our types and say, nom de bad,
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bad thing. first, the sizes posted a decent score, $199.00 for for within the range of moody stadium. opening batsman and captain shipman deal especially 18 mind not out of any full today. pools kings for 74 full wind shutting singing arrived at the crease, sinking handed and beaten 61 from 29 deliveries as good. you executed victory as the sick and last to our feelings. call assigned says he hopes to find a new team sooner rather than later. with the saudi old spaniel i beg your pardon, leaving for all the next season. build up to the japanese growing pre starts with the 1st practice session on friday, local favorite yuki to know the mapping of the supposed episodes. you can circuits funds will hope to continue to embrace. so if the winning the last race in australia and talks around going to sold out a new seat for next season with the newest hamilton replacing him. but they're going to pretty much, one of them is just
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a matter of obviously going more into detail and i'm seeing the more realistic options and on, on what are the, the best options for me. i'm for my future is time now to to, to speed up. i beat everything and, and hopefully we can get it started sooner rather than later. the japanese m l b still show, hey o tony is 80. so it's home run for the la dodgers. it came in the game against the san francisco giants, tony who signed a $700000000.00 a year contract with the judges was things month game for his new team when he hit the solo drive in the same thing i, tony's home run is the 100 and 72nd of these major, the korea and put the judges in front says they beat the giants. 54. i'm working on swimming the way i want to without rushing things. i really want it to put up results. and i'm really glad i was able to hit home today. i definitely feel energized, being able to play in front of this chrome, a house where the atlanta home seems discussing. india is playing tournament with
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the wind over the detroit systems. jen and johnson got the 1st couple of couple of these 2 in the 121113 victory systems hit the pressure on throughout the game. thanks to a 50 point performance for malik high slim, was a franchise wrinkled for the most points, schooled by a reserves. and we're just a week away from the 1st major a means golf. the mazda is but the augusta national coast is hosting a women's image of 2 of them. it dropped out with as being a performance with the on the pro 21 year old scott's swimming. hannah darling, it h birdies to finish the day at 6 on depaul. university of south carolina students is a stroke ahead of 3 of the play is going into round to on thursday. and in the n h l, the new york rangers game with the new jersey devils started with a mass rule before the opening phases. fulton play is on the ice, got involved. each of them from each team were rejected to people. most of the fans even safely into the seats. it's one of the best of rivalries in hockey. this time
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the ranges came out on top when the game finally started and they one full 3 will leave it they for now multiple things for me, a bit late, and so. all right, peter, summit there. thank you very much. we look forward to your next guest star appearance. thank you very much. you know, some of the biggest names in music are taking on artificial intelligence. rapid advances in the field has many workers wondering if their jobs may soon become obsolete. and as rob rentals reports these issues are among those who are concern to some of the brightest stars in the music world. are sounding the alarm from billy english. all the good, good school to nicky me? no, don't worry about this, i guess is night. and john, bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced
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artificial intelligence poses a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in all more than 200 living artists, as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, signed an online opened letter titled stop the valley when news of the artist say that while a i has enormous potential to create exciting experiences for music lovers. when used irresponsibly a, i pauses. enormous threats concluding this assault on human creativity must be stopped. we're risking really replacing the replacement of human creators and human artists by this a. i generated music and that has far reaching impacts both for the musicians and how much they get paid and their livelihoods and their careers. but
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also for society and our culture. sheryl crow also signed the letter, summed up the artist fears it terrifies me, that i can sing to you a song that had absolutely nothing to do with. and you believe it. it's happened already. last year, a completely a i generated that is to say totally fake song by drake and the weekend went viral . it even appeared briefly on apple music in spite of 5. it's not the 1st time artist took a stand against joining the entertainment companies using ai to make big profits without compensation. a restrictions were a major sticking point in last year's months. long strike, by movies and tv actors and writers that ham strong the industry for months. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. and that does it from me several venue if it's day. i colleagues,
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so here romano is in next with more of the days. stay without the the devastating strikes followed by here real weak, risky. because us 1st responders know the mission could be their loss. but until then, the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis, solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing
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life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. this is the 1st genocide that we see and there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have been used as come now scientists say prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research. the but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. this female recess,
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mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given a new form at lot. and yet the the present good by then calls for an immediate cease firing dogs during a phone call with his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the console rahman, you're watching out of their life. well, headquarters here in the hall coming up more grief in southern garza and more is really as strikes the number of palestinians killed since october passes. associate 3000 beaten and back to the we here.


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