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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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media being the other for foxley, on those are the that we are the ones traveling the extra mile there are the media, don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the, [000:00:00;00] the thoughts of robin, you're watching the, i'll just it renews our life or my headquarters here in de la, coming up in the next 60 minutes, protect civilians, all risk losing us. suppose a warning from president joe biden to israel as it cools for an immediate cease fire in calls, a beaten and fast as we have accounts of torture from
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a palestinian prisoner detains by israel also head some other expels that you see have you not about to do as tensions escalates avery port deal with the break away . we can have somebody land plus i'm to see a newman in a sense of, of ingle, in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country. the welcome to the news us present. joy by has cooled for an immediate cease firing garza during a cold with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he won't attend you all he us support is where i will depend on the steps taken to address civilian home and humanitarian suffering. whitehouse corresponding kimberly healthcare reports a days after as rarely airstrikes killed 7 worlds. central kitchen aid workers.
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us president joe biden spoke with. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president warned israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us support is a state he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to address separately and harm. you bet it turns a suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossing for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the bite and administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril. this we so risk attacks on the world central kitchen was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last miss biden's 30 minute phone call comes as the
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president said, to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left more than $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate cease fire to prove the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift. critics of press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel, but the white house says there's no plan to help military support. the white house decline to outline consequences if israel failed to protect civilians and aid workers. it also defended latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day that aid workers were killed, saying is real faces. multiple threats,
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including from murat, can really help get al jazeera, the white house. well, what's the view from israel out as it was having the flu has moved from occupied east jerusalem. the american officials tonight saying that there could be a change in policy when it comes to israel and support for this war after the stripe on 7 aid workers in the gallons of strips, 3 different vehicles that were targeted with employees of the world central kitchen . now in this call between these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and he was president joe biden. the americans have repeated that. what had happened was simply unacceptable, but there has been no comment from these ripleys on that part of the conversation. and these really prime minister has remained quite defiant when it comes to criticism from the americans. but this is the 1st time that they're indicating there could be a shift in american support for these really. but this is not the 1st issue between the americans and is really officials,
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most notably the ground invasion. instead of off that israel says is necessary in order to achieve an absolute victory in this war has been a point of contention between the 2 allies. israel says that it's absolutely necessary in order to win the war, while the american say it would be a deep mistake. but none the less. and that's in your remaining defiant, saying that he will do anything including this ground operation with or without american support from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. well, anyways, states images a heavy, he's the director of the gold studies sentra council university. and by asking him about whether nothing you all who will listen to us warnings to mix this phone, call different 3 elements. number one, we have not seen nothing of the whole coming out and, and, and spoke about anything of this interview. normally he does, he comes out and took in front of his social media or
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a press conference number to the the discussion now within um, it's very effective then there's a media different to the man, the lights and left when they talk about a severe depression. and harsh discussion between by the end and the video and, and they focused on the fact that it's in yahoo was receiving that the that and respond to number one, number 2, number 3. the top now is about immediate actions and immediate action, including caesar as he's by it, including actions from one site that's for the 1st time without hitting it from whitehouse biden is expecting but then yahoo to do something. even initiating himself for the gods with how much this. so basically these obviously elements make me believe that this phone call will have the consequence on the oddity isn't that off. can it be, was very clear. it wasn't to you that they want to see it will happen within days
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know, weeks and not months in he was continually prestone, they say in that press conference, he squirmed quite a bit. he was totally giving all the information. so i wonder whether there are the coffee upset or about the timeline because that's in the all whose line still is. i'm going to go into a rough or, you know, the, there was, there was a cabinet meeting this evening. i just didn't start to miss go. there was a talk about 2 things. one actions. basically, i made by the army, i guess the major made between major majors and the army who are basically involved in what's happened to the world advocate for the kitchen. and the 2nd, as they talk about getting water humanitarian inside. because that sooner than later this autumn you elements, i cannot ignore the, the link between this and what's happened in that form court. to me, it seems that the city
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a who wants to do something at least absorb the shock which he had with, with this phone call. so he kind of preferred his, his way of, of i talking actually i'm trying to respond to what he was any, something somebody to we also talked about the sort of the arm twisting of this phrase, policy change, which is going to reverberate and tell of these and he's going to worry is re the supporters within the politic of america. because i'll be wondering, walked, blinking, and biting the thinking here when it comes to policy change is something that has never happened for very long time. but so please remember there are 2 things can help us to understand it. when it comes, it comes up to the point. that's where both those like the, the night and state, the united kingdom is becoming exhausted of what happens and does become at this point because there is a huge pressure on the 2 days ago, sonata was talking about the 8 appreciate the notion of nope. and to the eyes, which we hit. and the 2nd one is that the attack when it on has touched,
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changed the, the, the game now because there is fixed but the on to this one. and that's may complicate the whole scene and that agent. so that is that he had a consent that's with them, with more to avoid with border, you know, if there's any, yahoo does not listen to motor pressure on those governments. let's conceptual correspondent, my kind of, he's in washington d, sending by for us. uh mike, it does seem that is where i've got his back up against the wall because it's going to change and change quickly to keep the us happy. and indeed, yes, hold of us as not using language that it has not used at any stage in as well as ongoing war against draws. and only 24 hours ago. the national security of the national, as the spokesman in the white house, was saying that there would be no change in us policy until israel had concluded its investigation into the feelings of the food aid worker. well, now you do have a contemplated change or being stated very specifically, that there could be
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a change in us policy. and it's instructive as well to look at the words that were reportedly used on the phone call between president biden and prime minister netanyahu. these words off specific concrete and measurable steps to address civilian hom. so this is something that has not been made public before. this is something that the us has not taken these strong steps before in terms of not only insisting that is well actually try and attempt to could tail palm against civilians. but the do it immediately. also, in that conversation, there was a call from president biden for an immediate cease fire, not to the time that would suit israel by an immediate cease, why? so it's ratcheting up the dialogue at another point that must be noticed as well. is that president biden was joined on his coal with prime minister netanyahu by his
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vice president by secretary of state and by his national security adviser. now this is just an indication of the us now providing a united front in terms of its policy on israel. now what would be the change and the policy, should israel not comply? that's something that the white house is not talking about at this stage. and so that thanks very much, i might kind of for us in washington dc. the whole it's meant to be a site sign, but the time expires where the forces continue daily and the southern goals and says the overall, the latest assault claimed the lives of at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children bounced off to the building. they being sheltering and took a direct hit. funerals have been helpful. the victims, west of the city, russell has become home to mold and halls of causes population. after many were full staff from the knolls. more than 33000 palestinians have not been killed by israel since the will began, including 14000 children. no,
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probably my next enough puts an end to this injustice. for 180 days, children have been bump that daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? wherever is eunice, the items that i don't have a hold on to that of these, all the goals of israel does not have any plans to end. this will. it's targets of children and women. there is no safe place at all. what safety there is no safety have told in gaza there is not one meets a orange of land better safe. they displaced them to the roof of thinking it was safe. but even tents houses everywhere i was being bumped. there is no safety. tell me about mood has moved from russell been very consistent with what we have experience so far since the beginning of the genocide of where there is in fact, no saved zone across the gauze and from including the save goes the large they the designated by the is really military where everyone was ordered sharply to evacuate, to, to avoid being bombed,
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but ended up being killed and bombed inside the areas that were designated saves on the, including a loss and safe area. and the western part of there is about a $100.00 and then city of rough, but almost did we, what we see in the pattern know is really response after every resolution, reaction or demand by the united nations. that it's different ages, including the international court of justice, is a more more research of the air strikes the an error rates carried out relentless to across the gauze. and there will be interesting to see what does this really respond to the demand by president biden. within, as ellen pointed out, within the coming of $24.00 or maybe $72.00 coming good hours, but so far in over, not a tox, these really a military occurred of relentless error strikes, targeting more residential homes, causing further civilian casualties. 7 people from one family and we're seeing the same exact kind of attacks on largest civilian population. civilian defense is
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popularly inside residential home with these unpredictable fall in bonds. 7 people reported skilled and many other injuries and, and causing further internal displacement for people at the surroundings area. we've been hearing stories of torture from palestinians, or to and from is way to captivity. 101 detainees are released in garza observatory . a couple of c spoke to one of them to pass out a city in destiny as have been released from the east, very detention to have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout the car was telling me what was that? as we have been talking to an impulse destiny as it happened, reporting about really distressing and human conditions. they have been getting through the detention. they have been completely deprived from having few access to food. and even they have been overtime beats and by the is very so just and have receiving different signs of talk to as a can clearly see right now here on the elderly man that i'd be arrested by the is very forces in the most of hospital. so as you know,
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the fuse ready soldiers still mess the hospital in conyers, where i was treated for a broken leg. is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section the following day the some were transferred to them and bar it costs. so while the rest of us, me included, were detained, loaded onto trucks taken to another location or we would strip, searched and tortured would be to and all the way. yeah. and then location i was in, had more than 2000 palestinians civilian detainees. you know, we were hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to interrogation under torture, all forms of torch, and you can imagine including use of forensic dogs. we were crammed into cells with no cover in any one mail today. many of the detainees died, i'm to torture many of the detainees have chronic disease. those with severe injuries were treated without mass city. the chinese are going through how enough is that they have been reporting about in human violations that had been taken by
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the is very mandatory in detention as ne number established people and even being detained. it is been sales and some of them have been taken to and disclose location. so now target this is, oh, just a rough, rough southern guns. more than $600.00 petition lawyers of listening to the united kingdom government touching it to suspend on sales to israel. now the lots of rules, the u. k, could be complicit in genocide and other breaches of international law. sonya kind of a good husband story as a somebody that has become more common in london in recent months, another palestinian solidarity protest. this one outside the british department of business and trade, demanding that the u. k. government revoke alms export licenses to israel. it is one of the most contentious issues. the campaign is what part the u. k. plays and
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the catastrophe unfolding in gaza. and what it means for its own duties on the international law reminding the prime minister wishy soon ask of those obligations more than 600 lawyers. and dr. demick sporting that concern about israel's world goes up the calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to israel, saying the u. k. as in breach of international law. they also say that government must work towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stress about position through the un security council. the noise say the u. k, must urgent they impose sanctions on senior members. a v is really government who made statements in sizing genocide state adding to this revelation by a conservative m. p. sharing a parliamentary foreign, a fast committee that the government's own, lawyers issued advice, but israel had breached international law. the foreign secretary david cameron avoided on soaring. so you've never had a piece of paper in front of you by a, for an office lawyer. that says, is realism,
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breach of its international humanitarian commitments on jessica entangle. i like the reason for the officers with an account record, every single bit of paper has been put in front of me. and so i don't want to answer that question. one of the signatories of the letter says they're all serious legal issues at stake. the rules of war require as the civilians are protected as far as possible. but the, the death of a apparently over $30000.00 civilians in gunners is a pretty strong indication that israel has gone far beyond what is permitted in international rule. the killing of 78 workers, and it is really a tac may have the, the force, the issue of how israel is conducting itself in goss. i'm a personal tragedy for those affected and it is all stuff is relative, public perception. suspending trade licenses will be one way for the u. k. to
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balance its legal obligations. but the dilemma for the prime minister, how he can continue to remain firm as an ally of israel, as public support for the country continues to diminish. sonya guy, jago algebra, london, his roles, defense minister says his full says will pivot to target has below in level. the supervising tension would be raining and backed grief. earlier several rockets, a load from 11 onto olds as well. i won't hit show me, it won't come as more from the bold, a town in north and his ro. and this is the village of slimy, has been largely empty since october. the ape when hostilities broke out between has beloved and is ro, let me just show you where i am. so see that go to the d. location between 11 east tired street and is really territory. so far, the tensions help and largely contained to the border between the 2 countries as bullet wants it that way as well. seemingly, was it that way,
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but on monday nights there was a, is really attack against and running console in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack is ro has now gone on a higher loads. then we've seen since october the 8th on this boat. and like i said, all of these villages are empty. but now as well is cooling up all me air reserve is now there's already 287000 reserve is fighting for the is really all me since october the 7th that adding to that they've also canceled on leave for all of the soldiers already fight to that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time. but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa, and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending
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a message to the iranians, but they are ready for any kind of attack that might take place. and wrong con, which is their slowed me the, the, the spring youth days of the news now is molly, is government is old. if you, if he's on baset of to leave the country. somali officials say it's because of a pull deal between his break away region of small the land, and d. p. a. now the agreement will allow land locked ethiopia to release 20 kilometers of co sign thought to be near the port of the data. somalia also said it's closing to various concepts, one in small the land on the other in the semi autonomous region of punk land. the government in mogadishu does not control these regions. conference solely is monitoring the story from 10 years capital library b. this is a big development and
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a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically since the feud between the 2 countries started that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, it's huge set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an agreement with salt somebody line, which is on a ton on the state of, of a fuel p a without passing by passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia say that it feels that it's totally real rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still
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has holstead another redoing of somebody at that point. like it is, i send me a toner or to watch uh, redone. uh, so a delegation went to issue a po where the discussing, whether discussing about, you know, you feel my teeth relations and call peroration again uh, issue of the federal government. um, also my, the emigrant issue, very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing, a constitutional or review process, a web portal and say that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made and it will reject those amendments and sofa. the in portland says that
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it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic indeed, cost. we saw you all to 0. now robi, missed international pose. good. as long as the dominican republic, i forget to stop mess. deportations of haitians and accusing the forward seas of racism. but many of the dominican republic said they cannot shoulder. they keep crisis in haiti just because they share an island out of. there was lots in america editor, lucy in human reports from santa domingo to the dominican republic and hastened share this caribbean island much more ways than one the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability, and now uncomfortable violence. on the other side of the
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border in the capital samples of legal life looks peaceful and prosperous. but looks or just see you and say, well, we're afraid, hate is close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like, you have a day just me, believe you next tool or you don't know if that will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 on documented ations arguing reasons of national security. we asked following minister roberto albert is to respond to charges by amnesty international racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been it within dominicans, a distinction as to race. that is completely false. no, no, but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked,
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why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it in, in v, as a lot of states looking cash dominicans, we met insist their country is doing its fair share already. they say hundreds of thousands of patients live here, everyone mix together. so most of us imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more royce, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being smothered by patients. with that i, you go to hospital ends. there are 10 haitians and to the minute comes that. com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed there are many, many patients here, many patient in children as well, but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have
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been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country, doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs and haitian children born in the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship back in b of why don't they? there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the pilots next door could spill over into this country, and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten. the silent you see and human al jazeera santo domingo still head hey, hold on. i'm john 100 in chicago. we're a surgeon, migraines is mental one, lines it food pantries. the, the rain's,
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been heavy in queens and down in new south road is just over the borders of south of the gold coast. byron by it is this clarity. so you see the potential for what you've seen, how wide spread that potential has probably already really been realized. is beth rep, friday and saturday running dr. new south wales given sydney don't expect very much . and i think a c t likewise. and that extends up to the queen's in k, so it's not particularly sunny but rather dismal things to improve comes half a day as the writing tends to go off show and head for the south and towards eastern victoria. the rest of australia for the nice ponds, enjoying boy me sunshine, tested at 52 in new zealand, a gentle breeze, or nothing dry. whom about temperatures are dying divided the average baby degree below. but hey, that's all right. it's a transitional season. big child recently, particularly in indonesia, they could be repeated, but i don't think so. but the orange top suggests where they all say bonia is at risk. maybe sort of ways the maybe sounds through monitoring malays is losey fine.
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i left and tied on to me and my time she was really too high. it's also true in the south west of china. but if you're in this part of china, southern china, including hong kong, but rain is unusually heavy for this time of year and has given to months with either day of the one, the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do we knew where the temperature was going to go? by leaders seeking the profits of industry? they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency air is which is here as new series died. last futures, families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. all the talking about you want to i'll just bear with me. so robin, in the hall, reminder of all the top stories. the west presidents has called for an immediate cease following garza and a phone conversation with these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j. pardon? told them, yahoo!
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let us suppose the israel will depend on the steps taken to dress civilian hall and she monetary and suffering. at least 7 palestinians have been killed. it is very strong smell residential buildings. and rafa golden searching. 3000 people have not been killed by israel since the will began including 14000 children. israel's defense minister says it's false as little pivot to target has the 11. that's the buzzing tension. the radium back group, fairly simple rockets below it from level and tools as well. a one, pitts baton of streaming solving palestinians in gauze are afraid that food shortages will get was following the latest attack on age. why? cuz the founder of the age group, wells central kitchen says israel's coming of 7 of it, staffing garza was not a mistake. but a systematic targeting of the convoy pin country is in miss wrapped in the central gauze. and she explains what the latest attack called aide work has means the
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palestinians desperately looking for food. i'm turnkey, standing in front of the world, central kitchens, main warehouse in the middle area of the gaza strip. as you see, the warehouse closed its doors after that is ready, forces targeted 7 aid workers working in the world. central kitchen. this place was a place where all of the people who evacuated from the north to the south would come here. they would feed them, they would give them food parcels and they would offer them food assistance this case and this organization used to work low, couldn't you? with more than 60 kitchens and provide hundreds of thousands of palestinians with hot me is every single day. at least 198 workers have been killed since october 7. and israel's target on the world central kitchen is not only a target on age worker,
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but it's also has been more fireman and starvation in the causes trip. this is in the city august data on the site on christopher look, here is the secretary general of doctors without borders. he says, as well as making it very difficult to 8 organizations to operate in gaza. of providing assistance in guns. a at the moment is a really critical objective about the needs that we are seeing, particularly the medical needs atrocious. we are seeing possibly ways of patients. we are seeing raising, writes of mouth raising rates of malnutrition. and yes, we want to stay in garza but, but since the thoughts of this complex we have been assessing the risk to our teams on a daily basis. this is an incredibly dangerous and difficult place to work. and there are no guarantees that we want to stay. there are many, many patients who need assistance, but the risk of extremely high we are used to working and conflicts,
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areas we walk in, companies are, is every day around the, around the world as well. what has been a complete set of years, we don't have contracts on the grounds with the idea of troops, but more than that, for me, this is a signal from lack of willingness to change. how the conflict just being forced on the respect, given 60 minutes, every work is protection of humanitarian workers is that is insurance and humanitarian international came out. i'm sorry, little clearly batches of a no big a here to. and so what we need is more than better to coordinate, should we be talking about the need for that to be approved for months now. but we need the political world to change the risk towards humanitarian work as i'm for the population as as a whole. cuz there's companies cannot continue and especially ultimately that is to be an immediate and sustained cease by the native form and
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a sense of being celebrating the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. the face of lee was on the 2nd day of the summits in brussels, the farm, and it says of the 32 members considering plans to provide the loan to military, a package to ukraine. that's with $107000000000.00 over the next 5 years. the kremlin says relations between russia and they say assigned to the level of direct confrontation. charles stratford has moved from keys. the nato secretary general young's sultan book gave a link to the press conference at the end of this to day meeting of nato foreign ministers in brussels. he had a lot to say he began by describing what he saves the situation to be on the battlefield of the moment. he described it as being serious. and he said that ukraine needed urgent. a defense ammunition and aid. the commended bilateral agreements made by individual native members,
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notably the one recently by the u. k. pledging to support ukraine with at least $10000.00 more drugs. but he says that nato allies needed to do more. they needed to put the support on a firm and more enduring basis, and he's talking about this long term plan alone. so i'm planned the structure of which has yet to be agreed upon. and the funding of which also has yet to be agreed upon. and he said that these things would be discussed in the months ahead ahead of sites july scheduled night. so somebody in washington dc. he was pushed by some g. busy lists on a defense and how he perceived ukraine was gonna gate, for example, these patriot missile systems that it says that it is so in need of any say that nato allies now would be going back to their respective countries and looking at their respective inventories. they weapons also those and looking to see what
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a defense systems they have available. i think it's also worth mentioning that he did actually respond to that statement made by the kremlin price office demitra pest golf early in the day with pest golf cit, the nate. so find russian relations, it slips to a point now of direct compensation. and this is what stilton bug had to say. may 30 small part to, to the conflict and they thought will not be parted through the conflict. but nato is provide things support to ukraine to help them them to defend themselves. we don't have any problems. so having a need to come by troops inside ukraine that me no, no, no requests. when i bought their credit is all looking for the equipment for munition, for, for, for weapons. and we are providing that to ukraine. that doesn't make it well as part of the conflict, but the support, okay. know,
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holding the right for supplements and you and watch drug responsible for monitoring sanctions violations in north korea. we'll see it's monday to expire at the end of this month. and also have to rush a veto to extension of the un security council because he just came to polls most raising concerns about potential breaches as relations between mosca and fuel yang become place a north korea was not in the room, but it was the votes. biggest winner, the draft is what lucian has not to be adopted owning to that date, and they've got to vote over a permanent member over that process. this last week its ally rush blocked the annual renewal of an experts panel responsible for investigating violations of sanctions against north korea. and it's nuclear and ballistic missile program must cuz you and envoy argue the panel which produces 2 reports each year for the security council had become weaponized to serve the west centrist, the china epstein, in
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a mark shift from its unanimous approval of the past 14 years washington vehemently condemned russia's move. it's vito today was a self interested effort to bury the petals, reporting on its own collision with the dpr k to secure weapons that it can use to further it's aggression against ukraine. this week north korea showed us a lighting solid fuel mid to long range, hypersonic ballistic missile carter to track and disable the latest gains of its wider weather upgrade. as fast warming ties between come young and moscow since their leader summit last year has led to reports of significant arms deals to fuel the clean war. south korea is taking its own action, sanctioning russian both suspected of transporting weapons from north korea and companies. the foreign ministry says, are facilitating jobs finally creating a worker's earning foreign currency for their government. if any of those construct sula or with emphasize the imposing of illegitimate functions will put the negative
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consequences in terms of relations with russia. it's a risk, so is increasingly willing to take alongside tokyo and washington while the north koreans sanctions remain. analysts say their enforcement will become even more difficult with no clear alternative to the un monitoring team unit skim, alda 0, so to in. meanwhile, the military says it shut down, searching terrorist drains over the capital city of naperville. the military ended that some of the dragons were carrying explosives. the mazda opposition has claimed responsibility for the attack. but let me be fighting me and ma, the united nations says 18 point. 6000000 people in the country will need to come by the tiring assistance if you the minute she's efforts to restrict access for humanitarian aid is worsening. the harrowing situation on the ground and the minute
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trays reported forced closure of hospitals and rec kind state is preventing access to a central health care. we reiterate this councils cool for full, safe, unhindered humanitarian access. the hundreds of after shops of shaken eastern time on the following the devastating quake on wednesday. the 7.2 magnitude quite calls the depths of at least 10 people. and then just move in a 1000. jessica washington repulsed uh from near the quakes at the center at joomla elementary school in holly in 10th provide temporary shelter for dozens of families after they homes were damaged by the earthquake on wednesday. oh sure no. hi. i'm still shaking even though still tumbling. i'm very scared. i can't sleep to the. she says she was devastated and she watched her home collapse. it was the strongest doing the quick in taiwan for 25 years. security camera video showed
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ness is spring into action to protect a newborn babies as a hospital award. shoak. at least 48 residential buildings were damaged. some have already been demolished. some buildings, a tool to, and many buildings have been deemed attempts. structural issues by engine is follow those residents where hesitant of the state and buildings market there is noticeable can come to the show you the magnitude 7.2, quake damaged tunnels and roads and left. some people stranded in remote mountainous areas. rescue is created and obstructed. road and evacuated, some hotel workers from a tunnel. all those remain on accounted for now, many and coming to terms with the damage about how the situation was chaotic. everyone was running and screaming, else the child was injured in their room. and what's the urgency? need a new place, i don't. chung, runs a use center. she's on sure. when the children who lived the can return of quakes common in the sized, weekly active zone,
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known as the pacific ring of fire. experts have commended taiwan disaster mitigation measures which include stringent construction requirements, says in more than $300.00 auto shocks since the nature of quake on wednesday. the way the agency wants that food off the shocks are expected. potentially a strong as magnitude 7. back in the emergency shown to tim showing says she's unsure what she'll do next. her apartment is too dangerous to return to. she has no money with her and almost no possessions, but she says all she wants to retrieve the only photograph she has her late mother . jessica washington out to 01 in the us presence i bought will meet families of the victims of the collapse to baltimore bridge. on friday, the congress ship lost power and collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse. last week, 6 work has died in the incident, but so far as the 2 bodies have been recovered,
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plans to clear the wreckage. andrea opened the port to commercial shipping around picking up. now the government says davis and i using by the teens to navigate the twisted debris, the collapse so the bridge is sort of thing and so severe with the metal that is so this configured and so brought together in pancake, that it continues to make this mission extraordinarily complicated and dangerous for those who are conducting it. and so every single diary that goes into the into the water has been paired with an operator who uses a mix of 3 d renderings and drawings and pictures to be able to guide their partner . severe stones continue to recap the call in the us states of west virginia, flooding and land slides were reported on the leading islands where the ohio river has reached its highest levels in 20 years from the stones and donators slipping, sweeping through the states since tuesday, dining trees and closing power outages and right blocks,
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the government has defied the state of emergency in multiple counties. despite and improving economy and sliding inflation high food prices of lead to increasing food and security across the us. now in major american cities, a search of new migrants is swelling, food, distribution, cues, 1200 polls from chicago. as i say you all day with me cause and because is the best way to say what comes back to me for more than 30 years, fatima. otherwise has devoted her life to helping each wave of newcomers to chicago . she immigrated to the us from palestine in the late 19 seventy's. now she's feeding refugees from across the globe who lined up at her door. that's your coffee, sir. i wouldn't be hungry. i know how they feel that the hunger is our number. were any rush to meet the fight or i didn't need together to live in peace
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on a snowy day, the lines, it's an odd food pantry, stretch down the road for a 2nd. all that might be for the things that they give us here help us a lot. it is a great help, especially when you have a large family that are homeless. we look to make what we can and add to it with what we get here for one place or another. we get, you know, with 37000 new migrants bus to chicago alone from texas over the past 2 years, pantries, here and across the us are straining to feel the grocery carts of the hungry with donated fruit. chicago, food pantries has always been busy. but as the margaret numbers have increased, so have the lines. typically this i would see about 50 people on a given day. now they're saying to $300.00 and the lines will continue until the food runs out. some pantries here have started to reduce the number of times, families can visit each month, others ration the food they give out. the migrant search is on the rice with crowd
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sometimes tearing down border fences and breaking through the lines of us agents to add pain while we are a long, long time go my people and it is so good, you know, but we can do this plus you can afford to support everybody when they arrive at her door for them is that she doesn't ask where they come from. and whoever asked for help, help looked at the color, then they just cut them. they just looked at them as a human being. and that's how i do, because i've been so a lot when they come to me for something, i have the feeling i know how they feel because i've been fluid in each new wave of immigrants, fundament says she sees herself, john henry, l g 0, chicago. it was in team of the government work as the last, the jobs of join, the latest protest that we're going to be coming with homes imposed by president. how the emulate critics say the cutbacks, a full poverty level,
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so sold to almost 60 percent will some dissolved reports. some of the many state employees in argentina who have lost their job is following deep cuts and government spend. the cutbacks are part of the president's planned and triple digit inflation in protest. they've occupied the ministry of labor in the capital one. 0, sorry. i imagine there are enough reasons for the central unions to discuss a national strike and demand a change to this government. president heavier malay took office in december with a plan to take a chainsaw to government expenditure but the overturning of decades of economic policy. and i am a spill outs has resulted in rising levels of poverty. now up to 60 percent, for the funding that we have some containers in the back where the rubbish is disposed of. when we go the, with the rubbish been about 20 people approaches to see what they can take. they're
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looking for something to take home. this is very tough and sad because it's a lot of people, especially older people. government statistics show inflation slowing month by month. but prices are still 270 percent higher than they were last year. with such high prices, unemployment often guarantees poverty, right? they proficient, so they really, the social safety net is weakening in terms of food. there's a recession of this stag nation, and there's no longer enough work to compensate for the price increases. it's leading to a loss of poverty. a bucker malay says that severe hardship is an unavoidable part of his plan. to remedy government waste that contributed to inflation and public sector employees can find new jobs and a private sector, he says, will be revitalized by his policies. but it's unclear how long it will be before those jobs are created. wilson dies or elders here, still head here on out, is there an executive from
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a major trip to come and see exchange faces criminal charges in by jim, you will have all of those details plus rob rentals and los angeles with a story on how many famous pop musicians deals that artificial intelligence might be coming for their live with the, the,
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the the welcome back to the former speaker of south africa's parliament and form it defense minister hesitating cause on corruption charges. she's been granted fail of around $2800.00 in us to surrender pounds,
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support the member of the governing african national congress resigned 24 hours earlier. the corruption investigation coincides with campaigning for the general election next month. when the amc could lose power for the 1st time to meet them, it has moved and john, his book to the homeless people of parliament. most of you will not be sent the hula as in recent days, try to restore being arrested and appearing in court on corruption charges. now these charges go back to when she was a minister of defense. she's accused of soliciting and taking bribes of about $250000.00. the equivalent. there are 4 defense contracts between 20162019. now she's handed this off over to police early on thursday. she appeared in a pictorial quote, late in the days. she's been released on sale of just under $3000.00 and is likely to attend to court in june. and the state has indicated that another accused could
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be charged that's off the present. the colors home was just last month. the charge's come at an awkward time for the governing african national congress. it's an election. yeah. and the party and some high ranking members already facing allegations of food and corruption which is likely to a fixed support at the polls. given the amc is seen in support drops since the last election, somebody the ultra 0, john is book executive from the crypt a courtesy platform buying a site as appeared in gold in nigeria on tax evasion and money laundering charges. now the non shipping government does the keys buying lots of manipulate the exchange rates through coming to the speculation and rate fixing. this apparently calls the local currency to drop nearly 70 percent of correspondence. fidelis amber has been of the colt and a boucher for the opening day on the head of buying those financial crime
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compliance. see grand diane was supposed to face charges of money laundering on fox evasion on thursday when he was brought to court in the nation's capital about to what you need and type key that he has not been properly solved by the prosecutors . and that he needed to be solved as an individual and that he would not hold forth false. he's for, and company finance. after arguments the judge, the granting that he needs to be able to go back to custody, i must be there monday being present as was area i rage by the prosecutors. so right now, on monday, he will be rearranged where he will face charges of 4 count charges of tax evasion, and also have funded laundry. also, i waned along with some local companies where be needs to have connived with the company. to add these thoughts didn't nation so they couldn't make system. the nigerian government is demanding about $10000000.00 us dollars as compensation for these huge losses being killed as a result of the activities of violence for them. it's about how to 0,
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about my dear, rapid advances in the field of all the facial intelligence of many workers wondering if the jobs may soon become obsolete. until recently, the professions most likely to be replaced by a i have included office workers accountants, and i say it journalists now hundreds of leading musicians banding together to defend the works rentals. how's the story of some of the brightest stars in the music world are sounding the alarm from billy english. all the good, good school to nicky me no, don't worry about this. i guess is my john. bon jovi, smokey robinson say advanced artificial intelligence poses
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a threat to their artistic integrity and their livelihood in all more than $200.00 living artists, as well as the estates of frank sinatra and reggae legend bob marley, signed an online opened letter titled stop the valley news of the artist say that while a i has enormous potential to create exciting experiences for music lovers. when used irresponsibly, a, i pauses. enormous threats concluding this assault on human creativity must be stopped. we're risking really replacing the replacement of human creators and human artists by this a. i generated music and that has far reaching impacts both for the musicians and how much they get paid and their livelihoods and their careers. but
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also for society and our culture. sheryl crow also signed the letter, summed up the artist fears it terrifies me that i can sing to you a song that had absolutely nothing to do it. and you believe it. it's happened already. last year, a completely a i generated that is to say totally fake song by drake and the weekend went viral . it's even appeared briefly on apple music in spite of 5. it's not the 1st time artist took a stand against jointed entertainment companies using ai to make big profits without compensation. a restrictions were a major sticking point in last year's months, long strikes by movies and tv actors and writers that ham strong the industry for months. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. and you can follow that story and almost always recovering by looking onto the website's elders ever. don't come,
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you'll be watching the news on time. and jordan will be here with another 4 reviews on the other side of the break. but it's a live problem needs the whole rahman and the whole team here with the center in the off. thanks for your time. i checked on the every news, thousands of one piece. they used to scientific percent activate and conservation. a say the testings in may 21 east investigate. you mean the legal trade and the scientists likes be on the tree cocked to you of mine to dismiss on out to 0. the latest news as it breaks the wall and the message, they say they're going to carry on the 2 coverage, these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off. despite criticisms from allied from the heart of the story.
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everyone is terrified. thank you. shelter in the hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is place and kind of seeing these are targeted. but we do look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses? we have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just the the
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the seller i bet is due to the project civilians or risk losing us support. president biden issues a warning to israel, the cool so an immediate cease fire and gone to the hello. i'm darn jordan. this is all just here a life and don't also coming up more is randy strikes and southern gospel. a number of palestinians killed since october pauses, 33000 people and battled. we hear accounts of torture,


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