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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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for the seller, i bet you didn't have the protect civilians or risk losing us support. president biden issues a warning to israel, the calls for an immediate cease on it and gone to the hello. i'm darn jordan. this is all just here a life from don't also coming up more is randy strikes and southern gospel. a number of palestinians killed since october pauses, 33000 people and battled. we hear accounts of torture, palestinian prisoner detained by his right. and some of the other expels,
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but if you open them back to the attentions escalate to a report deal breaker in region of some of the yes, president joe biden has cooled for an immediate cease fire and gaza during a cool with his rainy prime minister benjamin netanyahu the one that's in the yahoo that us support for israel will depend on steps taken to address to 1000000000 home on humanitarian suffering. a white house correspondent, company healthcare for quotes. days after is really air strikes, killed 7 worlds. central kitchen aid workers. us president joe biden spell booth. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president warned israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us support is a state he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific, a concrete and measurable steps to dressed as lily and harm humanitarians of
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suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossing for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the bite and administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril. this was a risk attack on the world. central kitchen was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last biden's 30 minute phone call comes as the president said to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left more than $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate cease fire to improve the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see
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changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift. critics of press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel, but the white house says there's no plan to help military support. the white house decline to outline consequences if israel failed to protect civilians and aid workers. it also defended latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day that aid workers were killed, saying is real faces. multiple threats, including from iran, can really help get al jazeera, the white house without 0 is mike kind of joins of live now from washington, dc. mike, so there seems to be a distinct change of tone, a hardening of the language and how president biden is dealing with these writing either. what can be read into this, mike? well, very much. so for the 1st time since israel began its war on gaza,
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the united states is now beginning, it appears to put its foot down. the language used to sit in the conversation between president biden and the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu included the words specific concrete and measurable steps for as well to take if it does not take so within hours or days as the white house puts it. then the us will be reconsidering its policy towards israel. now what this exact exactly means, that's not clear. the white house will not be drawn on what policy changes are being contemplated, but the national security spokesman in the white house, john could be made very clear that this switching attitude is directly connected to the kenning office 7 food aid workers. earlier this week he says very specifically that this is indeed the case. now there is
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a personal element to. busy a president biden is acquainted with the owner of the will central kitchen, jose, under it is and certainly this appears to have this the president intensely, including the fact as well that among those 7 food aid work is killed is an american citizen. so now you've got the us pushing into a totally different position in terms of dissuading as well to increase its protection of civilians. but more than that, president biden, in his phone call, called for an immediate cease fire to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in gaza. so this is a significant shift in the us position, whether it transforms into policy changes, whether it makes assistance to israel conditional. well, that's something that the white house will not comment on at this stage. all right, so my kind of life i stay in washington. mike, thank you. what a task buys, ready for us, is continuing in the southern city of rasa,
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despite the area of being declared, a safe light to strike. you left the 7 palace demands, including 3 children, funerals have been held for the victims. west of the city roof has become home to more than a half of gauze population of so many with forced air from the north. more than 33000 palestinians have not been killed by as well since the war began, including 14000 children. probably my next enough puts an end to this injustice. for 180 days, children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? wherever is unison. i don't understand. i don't have a hold on to that the, these are the goals of israel does not have any plans to end. this will. it's targets of children and women. there is nice, safe place at all. what safety there is no safety. i told him because there was no one meets a orange of land better safe. they displaced them to the roof of thinking it was safe. but even tents houses everywhere i was being bumped. there is no safety. oh
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just there is honey. my mood has moved now from a roof in southern gaza. is very consistent with what we have experience so far since the beginning of the genocide of where there is in fact, no saved zone across the gauze and from including the save goes the large they the designated by the is really military where everyone was ordered sharply to evacuate to, to avoid being bombs, but ended up being killed and bombed inside the areas that were designated saves on the, including a loss and safe area. and the western part of their bella, han honeywood, is then city of robot. but almost did we, what we see in the pattern of is really response after every resolution, reaction or demand by the united nations. that it's different agencies, including the international court of justice, is a more more research of the air strikes the an error rates carried out relentless to across the gauze. is sort of interesting to see what does this really respond to
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the demand by president biden within as all, and i have pointed out within the coming of 24 or 48 or so maybe 72 coming good hours, but so far in over, not a tox, these really a military occurred of relentless error strikes, targeting more residential homes, causing further civilian casualties. 7 people from one family and we're seeing the same exact kind of attacks on largest civilian population. civilian defense is popularly inside residential home, with these unpredictable fall in bonds. 7 people reported skilled and many other injuries and, and causing further internal displacement for people at the surroundings area. and we've been hearing stories of torture from palace to be honest, returned from his really captivity, a 101. and the chinese, or at least and gaza onto zeros target assumed spoke to one of the us out of city and destiny as have been released from the east. many detention to have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout the farm. i was telling the christine boys that as we have been talking to an impulse destiny as it happened,
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reporting about really distressing and human condition, they have been getting through in the detention. they have been completely surprised from having few access to food. and even they have been overtime beaten by the is really so just and have receiving different signs of talk to isaac, i gladly see right now here on the elderly man that had been arrested by the it's very forces in the loss of hospital or so as you know, the fuse ready soldiers still necessary. hospitable in conyers was treated for broken leg. okay. is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section the following day the some were transferred to the barrack hospital while the rest of us, me included, were detained, loaded onto trucks taken to another location or we would strip, searched and tortured, would be to an overlay, yeah, and then location i was in, had more than 2000 palestinians civilian detainees. you know, we were hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to interrogation and the torture all forms of torch. as you can imagine,
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including use of forensic dogs, we would crammed into cells with no cover in any one mail a day. many of the detainees died under torture. many of the detainees have chronic disease. those with severe injuries were treated without most of the detainees are going through how enough is off the bill. they have been reporting about in a human violations that had been taken by the is very mandatory in detention as a number of the people even being detained. in has been entails, and some of them have been taken to and disclose location to now. tar capacity. oh, just a rough, rough summaries on hold on $600.00. but his lawyer as i've written to the u. k. government urging it to suspend on sales to israel, and that's a ones the u. k. could be come present in genocide and other breaches of international law. some of the i got as little as somebody that has become more common in london in recent months,
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another palestinian solidarity protest. this one outside the british department of business in trade demanding that the u. k. government revoke arms export licenses to israel. it is one of the most contentious issues. the campaign is what part the u. k. plays and the catastrophe unfolding in gaza and what it means where its own due to use on the international law. reminding the prime minister, which you soon ask of those obligations more than 600 lawyers. and dr. demick sporting that concern about israel's world goes up the calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to israel saying the u. k. as in breach of international law, they also say the government must work towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stress about position through the un security council. the lawyer say the u. k . must urgency impose sanctions on senior members of the israeli government who
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made statements in sizing genocide? states adding to this revelation by a conservative m. p. sharing a parliamentary foreign, a fast committee that the government's own, lawyers issued advice, but israel had breached international law. the foreign secretary david cameron avoided on soaring. so you've never had a piece of paper in front of you by a, for an office lawyer that says is rose and breach of its international humanitarian commitments on jessica entangle. i like the reason for the officers with an account were cool. every single paper has been put in front of me. and so i don't want to answer that question. one of the signatories of the letter says they're all serious legal issues at stake. the rules of war require as the civilians are protected as far as possible. but the, the death of a apparently over $30000.00 civilians in gunners is a pretty strong indication that israel has gone far beyond what is permitted in
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international rule. the killing of 78 workers, and it is really a tac may have the force, the issue of how israel is conducting itself in goss. i'm a personal tragedy for those affected and it is all stuff is relevant. public perception, suspending trade licenses will be one way for the u. k. to balance its legal obligations. but the dilemma for the prime minister, how he can continue to remain firm as an ally of israel, as public support for the country continues to diminish. sonya jago algebra london, israel's defense minister says his forces will pivot to talk of hezbollah in 11 on that's been rising tension with your writing back group. earlier several rockets were launched from lebanon towards israel, and one of the town of fleming. i'll just say it was immune con has more from the board of town in northern israel. a. this is the village of slowed me, has been largely empty since october, the 8th,
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when hostilities broke out between has beloved and is ro let me just show you where i am. so see that go to the d. location between 11 east tired street and is really territory so far the tensions help and largely contained to the border between the 2 countries as bullet wants it that way. is ro, seemingly? was it that way? but on monday nights, there was a, is really attack against and running console in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack. israel has now gone on a higher or lower than we've seen since october the 8th, on this boat. and like i said, all of these villages are empty, but now as well is cooling up all me. air reserve is now there's already 287000 reserve is fighting for the is really all me since october, the 7th. that adding to that they've also canceled on leave for all of the soldiers
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already fight to. that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time. but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa, and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending a message to the iranians, but they are ready for any kind of attack that might take place. and wrong con, which is their slowed me. let's, let's, let's come here and i'll just air including i'm john, 100 in chicago, where a surgeon, migraines is meant one lines. if food pantries, the, as well, where spring, if you're in the northeast of the us or east and kind of do you think where is it
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coming? nor'easter is moving slowly. northwest. so to be nervous scotia and probably that eastern side of canada, that gets the worst of it, but you still got cold air were down towards the appalachians restore sheriff. the new england is equally slaves took throughout the rockies, the cascade mountains and even costume. california is looking disappointing, at least 40 degrees in the rain in the middle. it's nice and warm surprise me said that bolts will try and spread eastwood's, but it's a slight process. however, like most developing here in central plains, that line that extending down towards texas. that's potentially quite tornadic. but we're going to as of today, by that time. right back to the here and now or at least 24 hours, hence big child. so the bahamas, cuba and then down through the leaves and probably guatemala, maybe bit further south to home jersey. have you right in the basement. and it sees no, all the way from the north of brazil through something but its way to and into us columbia and equitable flooding. as a result, that seems quite likely. and as you know,
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we tend to get down slides with these big shows for the size. big childs that are currently around will fade away, additional bits and still that important luxury. otherwise, there's something has returned. the, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural view. rivelo rich and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical, and cultural beauties the the
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whole combat you're watching out as a right group of mind about top stories here. this our, the us precedent us for, for an immediate cease fire and gaza and a phone conversation with his right. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to abide and told him that in yahoo the us support. the israel will depend on steps taken to address somebody in the home and she monetary and suffering. at least 7 palestinians have been killed and is ready strikes on residential buildings and rough uh, more than 33000 people have not been killed by israel since the war began, including 14000 children. israel's defense minister says his forces move to the target pest below and level has been rising tension with your ranking impacts group area. separate rockets with loan from living in towards israel. one, get the town shown, some of the us government as old an easier because i'm baffled to leave the country
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. some of the officials say it's because of a poor deal between it's break away region of some money land. and if you help you, the agreement will allow landlocked, if you have here to at least 20 kilometers of coastline vote to be near the town above a small. and i also said it's causing 2 of you to if you have confidence, one in somebody lined on the other and the semi autonomous region of putting the land. the government in mogadishu does not control these regions of zeros. catherine swords. following the story from nairobi, this is a big development and a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically since the feud between the 2 countries started that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, it's huge set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started. when you made an
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agreement, we saw somebody line which is on a ton on the state of, of a fuel p, a without passing by passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia say that it feels that it's co tauriel rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where is fuel p a has holstead another redoing of somebody at that point like it is, i send me a toner or to watch a region a. so a delegation went to issue appeal where the discussing, whether discussing about, you know, you feel my teeth relations and call peroration again issue of the federal government . um, also my, the emigrant issue. very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow
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this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing, a constitutional or review process, a web portal and say that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made and it will reject those amendments and sofa. the in portland says that it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system, which is going to be very problematic indeed cost. we saw you all to 0 now robi, the former speaker. so that because parliament and former defense minister has appeared in court on corruption charges, no cd with a piece and a cooler has been granted to bail and told you surrender have possible they chose
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to resign from the governing african national congress. just 24 hours and you have corruption pro coincides with campaigning the general election next month. and amc could lose power for the 1st time. hundreds of off the sharks of shaking the eastern tie one following the devastating north quake on wednesday. the 7.2 magnitude quite close the desk of at least 10 people and injured more than a 1000. i'll just say was jessica washington reports from the other quakes epicenter at joomla elementary school in holly in 10th, provide temporary shelter for dozens of families after they homes were damaged by the earthquake on wednesday. oh sure no. hi. i'm still shaking. even though still tumbling. i'm very scared. i can't sleep to. she says she was devastated and she watched her home collapse. it was the strongest doing quake in taiwan for 25 years. security camera video showed nurses spring into action to protect
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a newborn babies as a hospital ward shoak. at least 48 residential buildings were damaged, some have already been demolished. some buildings, a tilted, and many buildings have been deemed attempts. structural issues by engine is follow those residents where hesitant of the state and buildings market. the noticeable can come to the show you the magnitude 7.2 quake damaged tunnels and roads and left some people stranded in remote mountainous areas. rescue is created and obstructed road and evacuated some hotel workers from a tunnel. all those remain on accounted for. now many and coming to terms with the damage about how the situation was chaotic. everyone was running and screaming, else the child was injured in their room. what's was the urgency? need a new play. don't chung runs a use center. she's on sure. when the children who lived the can return of quakes common in the sized, weekly active zone, known as the pacific ring of fire,
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experts have commended taiwan disaster mitigation measures which include stringent construction requirements, says in more than $300.00 auto shocks since the nature of quake on wednesday, the way the agency wants that food off the shocks are expected, potentially as strong as magnitude 7. back in the emergency shown to tim showing says she's unsure what she'll do next. her apartment is too dangerous to return to . she has no money with her and almost no possessions, but she says all she wants to retrieve the only photograph she has her late mother . jessica washington out 0 plan to me in law now where the ministry says it shut down 13 terrace drones over the capital city of nature to the ministry added that some of the drugs were carrying explosives. the mazda position has trained responsibility for the attacks. what i meant to find to get to be and mom, the united nation says 18 point. 6000000 people in the country will need humanitarian health this year. the minute she's efforts to restrict access for
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humanitarian aid is worsening. the harrowing situation on the ground. and the minute trays reported forced closure of hospitals in rough kind state is preventing access to a central health care. or we reiterate this councils cool for full, safe, unhindered, humanitarian access nato. a foreign minister sub, instead of writing the 75th anniversary of the military alliance. the ceremony was on the 2nd day of the summits in brussels. foreign ministers of the 32 members considering plans to provide a long time military aid package to ukraine. that's worth a $170000000000.00 over the next 5 years. the crime in those says relations between russia and they to have some level of direct confrontation. i'll just say it was
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the child stratford has moved from keith nato secretary general young's sultan, but gave a link to the press conference at the end of this today, meeting of nato foreign ministers in brussels. and he had a lots to say he began by describing what he saves the situation to be on the battlefield of the mode when he described it as being serious. and he said that ukraine needed urgent. a defense ammunition and aid. the commended bilateral agreements made by individual native members, notably the one recently by the u. k. pledging to support ukraine with at least $10000.00 more drones. but he says that nato allies needed to do more. they needed to put the support on a firm and more enduring basis, and he's talking about this long term plan, a long term plan, the structure of which has yet to be agreed upon. and the funding of which also has
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yet to be agreed upon. he said that these things will be discussed in the months ahead ahead of sites july scheduled. nate, so somebody in washington dc. he was pushed by some journalists on a defense and how he perceived ukraine was gonna gate, for example, these patriot missile systems that it says that it is so in need. albany said that nato allies now would be going back to their respective countries and looking at their respective inventors, they weapons also those and looking to see what a defense systems they have available. i think it's also worth mentioning that he did actually respond to that statement made by the kremlin price office demitra pest golf early in the day with pest golf shit that nate. so find russian relations . it slips to a point now of direct compensation. and this is what stilton bug had to say. they thoughtful potted to the conflict,
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and they thought will be parted to the conflict. but nato is providing support to ukraine to help them them to defend themselves. we don't have any problem. so having a need to come by troops inside your brain that mean no, no, no requests. when i bought their credit is all scheme for the equipment for munition, for, for, for weapons. and we are providing that to ukraine. that doesn't make as well as part of the conflict, but the support, okay. know, holding the right for supplements. voting has entered into weights for parliamentary elections. the new mirror shift michelle, i lost my doubts about dissolved parliament in february, off a member of the house made a speech that was seen as insulting to the amount of 200 candidates. so contesting 50 states in the assembly federal court in the us has refused to throw out charges of mishandling classified documents, in that case against former president donald trump. as low as tried to argue that he was protected by presidential records, no, prosecute to disagree. it's saying that no relevance trump face has 40 charges,
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but keeping top see top secret files that his personal residence, the f. b i rated his florida home in 2022 and confiscated more than a 100 classified files to. yes, i sent you a box and it will meet families of the victims of the collapse baltimore bridge on friday. a condo ship last hour and hit the bridge, causing it to collapse. 6 workers died in the incident, but so far, only 2 bodies have been found plants to fear the wreckage and rear from the port to commercial shipping or something else. so based on the continued to cause havoc in the usa to west virginia, funding on line slides were reported on the waiting island whether your high river has reached its highest level and 20 is thunder. storms and tornadoes have been sweeping through the states since tuesday, dunning trees enclosing final outages. the governor has declared a state of emergency multiple counties. now, despite them improving the economy and slowing inflation high food prices have led to increasing student security across the us. now with major american cities,
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a surge of new migrants is swimming food distribution cues. it's on the engine as more from chicago as i say you all day with me coughing because it's the best way to say what comes back to me. for more than 30 years, find him, i'll be wide. his devoted her life to helping each wave of newcomers to chicago. she immigrated to the us from palestine in the late 19 seventy's. now she's feeding refugees from across the globe who line up at her door. that's your coffee, sir, really hungry. i know how they feel that the hunger is our number. we're any rush to meet the fight or i didn't need to gather to live in peace. on a snowy day, the lines, it's an odd food pantry, stretch down the road for a 2nd or that might be for the things that they give us here help us a lot. and i think it is a great help, especially when you have a large fan.


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